Page 1: Hacker - Hardball
Page 2: Hard Drivin' - Hawk Storm
Page 3: Head Over Heels - Heroes of the Lance
Page 4: Hero of the Golden Talisman - The Hit Squad
Page 5: HKM - Hopper Copper
Page 6: Hoppin' Mad - Hudson Hawk
Page 7: Humphrey - Hydrofool
Page 8: Hyperbowl - Hypsys
Screenshot of Head Over Heels
Head Over Heels (Advert)
(Ocean, 1987)

Head and Heels are trying to steal the crowns from the five worlds of the Blacktooth Empire. The two characters have different attributes; Head can jump but not run, whereas Heels can zoom about, but can only jump short distances. There are many puzzles to solve, but you'll have to work out who should carry them out! A lot of people think this is the best CPC game of all time, and I can see why. It's a large game with hundreds of rooms and all sorts of ingenious tricks, and involves both exploration and lateral thinking. The graphics are beautiful and the sound effects are cute, too.

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Screenshot of Heartland
Heartland (Advert)
(Odin, 1986)

You were searching your grandmother's attic when you discovered an old book. Upon reading it, you become part of the tale that the book tells. The Heartland is now ruled by the warlock Midan, and the people live in misery and fear. But the last chapter of the book is missing, and if the six pages which make up the last chapter are not found, Midan will rule forever. This is a nice exploration game with plenty of shoot-'em-up action as well. You must find the pages, but there are also six dark pages which must be destroyed. When you have found the pages, you can go to the bed and on to the next level. The graphics and sound effects are lovely and make the game enjoyable – although you'll definitely need to make a map.

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Screenshot of Heavy on the Magick
Heavy on the Magick (AA) (Advert)
(Gargoyle, 1986)

Axil the Able has ended up in a dungeon for incurring the wrath of the wizard Therion, and obviously, he must find some way of escaping. This is an excellent, and perhaps unique, adventure game. Axil isn't much of a fighter, so he has to use spells throughout his search. Many of the doors in the dungeon are also magical and can only be opened by entering a password – but how is he going to find out what the passwords are? Fortunately, there is a very helpful ogre called Apex who he can ask for information about things, but his answers are rather cryptic... At first I didn't like this game much; it takes time to understand what you need to do and how to do it. Once you've managed this, things become clearer and you'll discover a clever and challenging game which will tax your brains for a long time.

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Screenshot of Helichopper
(Firebird, 1986)
Reviewed by Pug

An old and odd game idea here. You place stranded clones found on the right-hand side of the screen into pockets on the far left. To do this, you must navigate a series of sprites that hinder your journey; collision results in instant death. You carry an infinite supply of bombs that ease this burden, but it's still a tricky deal. There are 24 levels here, where the only difference you encounter is the formation of the wacky sprites that are out to stop you. Fun for a few minutes, but beyond this, there's nothing to keep you hooked. Simple graphics and sound sum up this Spectrum port.

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Screenshot of Help Inc.
Help Inc.
(WoW, 1993)

Help Inc. is a secret organisation that can be relied on to get you out of trouble – unless they send Agent 57, their most incompetent member. During one assignment, you have ended up inside a prison cell with another prisoner for company. Your immediate priority is to escape, but Help Inc. have another mission lined up for you if you succeed... This is a text adventure written using GAC which starts off quite promisingly. However, the area you can explore is rather small compared with most adventures, and the puzzles and locations seem to have been added haphazardly, with little thought for how they fit together as a whole.

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Screenshot of Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter
(Audiogenic, 1991)

This is a slightly strange game in which you control a bouncing ball and must kill monsters by bouncing on them. On each level, there are several monsters which you need to destroy in the right order; an arrow shows you which monster you need to kill. If you touch the wrong monster, it will divide into two monsters. You have only 30 seconds to complete each level, so you can't afford to waste any time. It sounds like an interesting game but it's seriously flawed. The animation of the ball is ridiculously jerky, and the ball itself is very hard to control. The graphics are poor as well, which is quite a contrast to the gorgeous loading screen and the cute and catchy music.

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Screenshot of Hercules: Slayer of the Damned
Hercules: Slayer of the Damned (AA)
(Gremlin, 1988)

In Greek mythology, Hercules (or Heracles) was punished by Eurystheus and made to carry out twelve labours. However, you don't actually perform twelve tasks in this game. Instead, you fight against a seemingly immortal skeleton in a terminally boring, single screen beat-'em-up. The twelve labours are each represented by an icon that occasionally appears on the screen; if you hit it, it will move into an urn on the left of the screen. However, watch out for the large spider, which will steal the labours you've collected, unless you can reach it in time and hit it. The background graphics are OK, but the music is terrible, the gameplay is very repetitive, and you really have very few, if any, clues as to how well you are doing.

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Screenshot of Herobotix
(Rack It, 1988)

The Z-ray particle destroyer gun, which is able to destroy entire planets, has been stolen from its location in a secret laboratory and divided into six pieces. Herobotix the droid has entered the alien ship where the pieces are now hidden, and must find and reassemble them. The ship is massive, although it has a network of teleporters to jump to different parts. There are also computers which can switch off the conveyor belts for a while or show a small section of the ship on a map, and switches which turn off force fields – and touching them results in instant death. The graphics are rather average, and while the gameplay is reasonably good, you won't enjoy it much unless you're willing to make a map of the ship.

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Screenshot of Heroes of Karn
Heroes of Karn
(Interceptor, 1984)

Karn has been ravaged by evil, and four of its mightiest citizens – Beren the king, Istar the wizard, Haldir the elf-lord, and Khadim the dwarf, known as the Heroes of Karn – are trapped under four different spells. Only a fearless adventurer such as you can set them free. The atmosphere of this adventure is complemented by the awesome graphics that are shown when you enter a new location, and it's easy to get into the game, although it becomes harder after you've rescued Beren. However, the limited vocabulary and primitive parser ruin what is otherwise a fine adventure.

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Screenshot of Heroes of the Lance
Heroes of the Lance
(US Gold, 1988)
Reviewed by John Beckett

Closely based on characters and events from the Dragonlance book Dragons of Autumn Twilight, the aim of this game is to take your party of eight brave warriors deep into the ruins of the temple of Xak Tsaroth and retrieve the Disks of Mishakal from the huge dragon guarding them, thus saving the world or something. The storyline is a bit lame, but the graphics make up for that; the characters and monsters move fluidly and there is a lot of detail in the backgrounds. Also, the loading screens of the game's warriors are pretty nice too. Alas, the sound effects aren't on the same level, and also the game is too hard; when you first play, all eight of your characters will be dead before they know what hit them – which is a shame, because the game has got potential.

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