IBM System Storage™ DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.16 for AIX. Note: The AIX host attachment to the IBM 1722-all models (DS4300), the 1724-all models (DS4100), the 1742-models 90U/90X (DS4500), the 1814-all models and the 1815-all models (DS4800) requires the additional purchase of an IBM DS4100/DS4300/DS4500/DS4700/DS4800 AIX Host Kit Option. The IBM AIX Host Kit options contain the required IBM licensing to attach an AIX Host System to the DS4800, DS4700, DS4500, DS4300 or DS4100. Please contact your IBM service representative or IBM resellers for purchasing information. NOTE TO SERVICE – Reference RETAIN # N/A (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in section 6.0 "Trademarks and Notices” in this document. Refer to the IBM System Storage™ Support Web Site or CD for the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9 Installation and Support Guides for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Linux on POWER. This guide along with the DS4000 Storage Manager program Online Help provide the installation and support information. Last Update: 05/24/2006 Please refer to corresponding Change History document for more information on new features and modifications. Products Supported ----------------------------------------------------------------- | New Model | Old Model | Machine Type | Model | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS4800 | N/A | 1815 | 80A, 82A, 84A, 88A, 80H,| | | | | 82H, 84H, 88H | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS4700 | N/A | 1814 | 70A, 72A, 70H, 72H | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS4500 | FAStT 900 | 1742 | 90X, 90U | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS4400 | FAStT 700 | 1742 | 1RX, 1RU | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS4300 | FAStT 600 | 1722 | 6LX, 6LU, 6LJ, 60X | | | | | 60U, 60J, 60K, 60L | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | DS4100 | FAStT 100 | 1724 | 100, 1SC | |----------- |-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | N/A | FAStT 500 | 3552 | 1RX, 1RU | |------------|-----------|--------------|-------------------------| | N/A | FAStT 200 | 3542 | 1RX, 1RU, 2RX and 2RU | ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- Note: 1. AIX hosts IO support with single controller version of the DS4300 requires the upgrade to standard (dual-controller) model or Turbo(dual controller) option model. 2. The DS4100 with single controller option must be upgraded to the standard (dual-controller) model for it to be host IO supported by AIX hosts. 3. The DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware version 05.40.xx.xx and earlier along with its associated NVSRAM files should not be loaded into DS4000 storage subsystems connected to DS4000 EXP100 drive expansion enclosures. 4. For the DS4300 with Standard(dual-controller) or Turbo options, the DS4400 and the DS4500 storage subsystems connected to the DS4000 EXP100 drive expansion enclosures, the latest controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. In addition, the DS4100 storage server - all models (Standard/dual-controller and Single Controller) are now supporting the controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx. 5. For the DS4300 storage subsystems with Single Controller option, the controller firmware version 05.34.xx.xx and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. Do not attempt to download the controller firmware version 06.1x.xx.xx into these DS4300 storage subsystem models with single controller option. 6. For the FAStT200 (M/T 3542-all models) and FAStT500 (M/T 3552-all models) storage subsystems, the controller firmware version 05.30.xx.xx and its associated NVSRAM file must be used. Do not attempt to download the controller firmware version 06.1x.xx.xx into these DS4000 storage subsystems. ============================================================================== CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 3.0 Configuration Information and Usage Notes - AIX Platforms 4.0 Unattended Mode 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 7.0 Disclaimer ============================================================================== 1.0 Overview ------------ 1.1 Overview ------------ This IBM Storage Manager package includes the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager host software version 9.16 for AIX™. It is required for the newly released DS4700-all models and DS4800-models 80A/80H with controller firmware version 6.16.8x.xx and the DS4800-models 82x, 84x, and 88x (x is either A or H) with controller firmware version 06.15.xx.xx and 06.16.xx.xx. It is also required for managing the following DS4000 storage subsystems - the DS4100-all models, the DS4300- standard (dual controller) or Turbo models, the DS4400-all models and the DS4500-all models - with controller firmware version 06.12.1x.xx or higher installed. NOTE: The controller firmware version 06.16.xx.xx is required to support EXP810 drive expansion enclosures. Whereas the controller firmware version 6.12.xx.xx or 06.15.20.xx is required to support EXP100 SATA drive expansion enclosures. IMPORTANT: IBM does not support host IO attachment from a DS4000 subsystem with single controller option to an AIX host. The IBM Storage Manager host software version 9.16 new features and changes are described in the corresponding Change History document. Please refer to this document for more information on new features and modifications. AIX host attachment to the IBM Machine Types 1724-all models (DS4100), 1722-all models (DS4300), 1742-models 90U/90X (DS4500), 1814-all models and 1815-all models (DS4800) requires the additional purchase of an IBM DS4100/DS4300/DS4500/DS4700/DS4800 Host Kit Option. The IBM AIX Host Kit options contain the required IBM licensing to attach an AIX Host System to the DS4100, DS4300, DS4500, DS4700 or DS4800. Please contact your IBM service representative or IBM resellers for purchasing information. The AIX CD-ROM directory contains the files necessary for installing the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9.16. The DS4000 storage subsystem controller Firmware and NVSRAM files are located in the FIRMWARE and NVSRAM CD-ROM directories. These host software and DS4000 storage subsystem firmware files are also available for download from the IBM System Storage™ DS4000 Support web site - The IBM DS4000 System Storage Manager Version 9 Installation and Support Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Linux on POWER is also available on IBM's Support web site as a downloadable Portable Document format (PDF) file. This guide along with the DS4000 Storage Manager program Online Help provide the installation and support information. In addition, the Docs directory in the DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9.16 Support for AIX CD-ROM also contains others DS4000 publications that provide helpful information. The latest versions of these files are available on IBM System Storage™ DS4000 Support web site as PDF files. Also, please read the DS4000 EXP100 Storage Expansion Unit Release Notes before using Storage Manager version 9.16 on DS4000 storage subsystem connecting to EXP100 enclosures. IMPORTANT: This release of IBM DS4000 Storage Manager host software for AIX supports all DS4000 storage subsystems with general released firmware versions from 05.3x.xx up to 06.16.xx.xx. Refer to the IBM DS4000 Support Web Site for latest DS4000 controller firmware and NVSRAM files for IBM machine types 1722, 1724, 1742, 1814, 1815, 3542 and 3552. The following table shows the first four digits of the latest controller firmware versions that are currently available for various models of the DS4000 storage subsystems. --------------------------------------------------- | | Controller firmware version | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4000 | | | storage subsystem| | | Model | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4800 (1815) | 06.15.xx.xx and 6.16.xx.xx | | | (See note below) | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4700 (1814) | 06.16.8x.xx (See note below) | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4500 (1742) | 06.12.2x.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4400 (1742) | 06.12.2x.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4300 Turbo | 06.12.2x.xx | | Option (1722) | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4300 | 06.12.2x.xx | | Standard Option | | | (1722) | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4300 Single | 05.34.xx.xx | | Controller Opt. | (for DS4300 SCU | | (1722) | only) | |------------------|--------------------------------| | DS4100 (1724) | 06.12.2x.xx | | (standard dual | | | controller Opt.)| | | | | |------------------|--------------------------------| | FAStT500 (3552) | 05.30.xx.xx | |------------------|--------------------------------| | FAStT200 (3542) | 05.30.xx.xx | --------------------------------------------------- Note: 1. Controller firmware 06.16.xx.xx does not support EXP100 storage expansion enclosures. Do not download it into DS4000 storage subsystems that have EXP100 enclosures attached. For the DS4800 storage subsystems with EXP100 enclosures attached, use the controller firmware version 6.15.xx.xx instead. 2. Controller firmware 06.16.4x.xx and higher is required for the DS4700-all models and the DS4800-model 80A/80H. These models do not support older 06.16.xx.xx versions of controller firmware. New features that are introduced with the controller firmware version 06.16.xx.xx or later will not be available for any DS4000 storage server controllers without the controller firmware version 06.16.xx.xx installed. 1.2 Limitations (not all are AIX limitations, but DS4000 Storage Manager limitations) ----------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: The listed limitations are cumulative. However, they are listed by the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware and Storage Manager host software releases to indicate which controller firmware and Storage Manager host software release that they were first seen and documented. New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 09.16.xx.44 release for the DS4000 controller firmware version 6.12.27.xx and 6.16.8x.xx 1. When installing the individual DS4000 host software packages for AIX such as SMclient-AIX-09.16.G5.41.bff on any version of AIX operating system environment, do not use /usr/SMclient as the install directory. The software installer cannot handle the source directory being the same as the target directory and the installation will fail. The workaround is to use another directory such as /tmp. (cmvc 325667). 2. SAN boot (or root boot) is not supported with AIX operating system version 5.1. There is not any SAN boot restrictions with AIX operating system version 5.2 or 5.3. (cmvc 547281). New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 09.16.xx.09 release for the DS4000 controller firmware version 6.16.24.xx None New limitations with Storage Manager Installer (SMIA) package version 09.16.xx.08 release for the DS4000 controller firmware version 6.16.24.xx 1. Controller firmware 06.16.xx.xx does not support EXP100 storage expansion enclosures. Do not download it into DS4000 storage subsystems that have EXP100 enclosures attached. After the 06.16.xx.xx controller firmware is activated, the DS4000 storage subsystem will not recognize the drives in EXP100 enclosures, causing loss of data availability to the RAID arrays and logical drives that are defined in those drives. 2. The storage subsystem might not recognize the drives or drive expansion enclosure correctly which results in the displaying of error messages or the inability to perform storage subsystem management operations, such as creating logical drives or arrays or initializing arrays from the storage management software. This behavior could be caused by powering up a DS4000 storage subsystem without any drive expansion enclosures attached and then connecting one or more drive expansion enclosures to the storage subsystem after it completes boot process. The workaround is to make sure that the drive expansion enclosure(s) with at least two drives are connected to the DS4000 storage subsystem before you turn on the storage subsystem power. 3. If cables are disconnected from a host port and then reconnected to a different host port, the AIX host will not be able to access the DS4800 storage subsystem. The AIX operating system requires that the controller retain World Wide Name (WWN) information after a logout, which includes a disconnected cable. This condition can cause two ports to present the same port ID information to the host if the cables are pulled and moved to a different AIX host port. The workaround is to reboot the controllers after the cables are disconnected and moved to different host ports. 4. The host software installer wizard incorrectly displays the required disk space that is needed for the installation of the host software packages (ie. 99M.) The required disk space should be at least 150M. 5. Remove the drive(s) while the storage subsystem is online and then wait until the storage subsystem is going the boot process following a storage subsystem reboot event to reinsert the (new) drive(s) might cause the drives to be marked as failed after the storage subsystem completes the boot process. The workaround is to wait until the storage subsystem is back online before reinserting the drives. If the storage subsystem still does not recognize the drives, reconstruct the drives by using the Advanced -> Recovery -> Reconstruct menu function in the storage subsystem management window. 6. Uninstalling the storage manager host software package might leave the JAVA JRE directory behind. This problem might occur if you uninstall a copy of the SANtricity Storage Manager software that has been upgraded from a previous release. The newer installation package could not delete the JRE directory created with an older installation package. The workaround is to manually delete any directories left behind after uninstalling the software. 7. When creating remote logical drive mirrors through the SMCli script engine in the DS4000 Storage Manager client program, the following error might display during execution, stopping the remote logical drive mirror creation process: Error 173 - The operation cannot complete because the configuration number on the remote storage array is invalid. Some remote logical drive mirrors might have already been created. Rerun only the portion of the script that should be run to finish creating the rest of the remote logical drive mirrors. 8. A JavaScript error might cause the Glossary pop-up window to stay open when the help contents on the storage management software GUI are closed and reopened. Workaround None. This is a SUN JAVA defect. New limitations with SMIA package version 09.15.xx.06 release for the DS4000 controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx and 06.15.xx.xx 1. The following error message may be encountered under certain conditions when attempting to create a 2 TB LUN using the Create Logical drive wizard in the Subsystem Management window: "Error 4 - The operation cannot complete because of an incorrect parameter in the command sent to the controller." To avoid this error message, you must take certain steps while using the Create Logical Drive wizard to create a 2 TB LUN. Within the Specify Capacity/Name window within the create logical drive wizard, you must not manually specify the numeric value '2' in the New logical drive capacity field in tandem with the "TB" Units designator. If you do this, the Error 4 message will be issued and you will be unable to create the 2 TB LUN. Click on the up or down arrows next to the input field to select the desire capacity instead. When using the arrows, the program will display the correct maximum logical drive capacity value that can be specified for a given capacity unit (TB, GB, or MB). New limitations with SMIA package version 9.15.xx.xx and DS4000 controller firmware version release NONE. The previous release restriction of "no support for concurrent controller firmware download" in the DS4800 storage subsystem from version 06.14.xx.xx to version 06.15.xx.xx is removed when the following AIX revision levels or later are installed prior to performing concurrent download operations: AIX 5.1 ------- Required Maintenance Level - 5100-9 devices.fcp.disk.array - - devices.pci.df1000f7.rte - devices.pci.df1000f9.rte - devices.pci.df1000fa.rte - Not Supported AIX 5.2 ------- Required Maintenance Level - 5200-7 devices.fcp.disk.array - - devices.pci.df1000f7.rte - devices.pci.df1000f9.rte - devices.pci.df1000fa.rte - AIX 5.3 ------- Required Maintenance Level - 5300-3 devices.fcp.disk.array - - devices.pci.df1000f7.rte - devices.pci.df1000f9.rte - devices.pci.df1000fa.rte - * VIO Server platforms do not support Conccurent Download with this release of Storage Manger 9.15. New limitations with SMIA package version 9.15.xx.xx and DS4000 controller firmware version release 1. Concurrent firmware download (downloading firmware and NVSRAM with IOs) is not supported when upgrading the DS4800 storage subsystem controller firmware or NVSRAM from 06.14.xx.xx version to 06.15.xx.xx version. ALL IOs must be stopped during the upgrading of the DS4800 controller firmware and NVSRAM from 06.14.xx.xx version to version 06.15.xx.xx. New limitations with SMIA package version 9.14.xx.05 and DS4000 controller firmware version 06.14.xx.xx release None New limitations with SMIA package version 9.12.xx.08 and DS4000 controller firmware version 06.12.03.xx release 1. Do not cut and paste the information in the DS4000 Storage Manager online help into the DS4000 Storage Manager script command window or into the text file that will be used as input for the SMcli script engine. Extra space may be inserted in the required parameter names which will cause error(s) during the script command execution. (267873) 2. In the configuration that have both SATA-technology drives (EXP100) and Fibre-Channel technology drives (EXP700/EXP710/DS4100) behind the same DS4000 storage subsystem, do not download drives firmware to both SATA-technology drives and Fibre-Channel(FC) technology drives at the same time. Download the drive firmware to drives of a single drive technology (either SATA or FC) at a time. 3. Currently, IBM does not support Gold key Premium Feature as a chargeable upgrade. The Gold key Premium Feature is enable or disable depending on the DS4000 storage subsystem models. 4. The Asynchronous Remote Mirroring utility, asyncRVMUtil, is not supported. This utility is used to automatically synchronize the logical drives in the Remote Mirroring pairs. Please contact IBM representatives or resellers for the support of this utility in the future. 5. Do not add drive expansion enclosure(s) to the DS4000 storage subsystem drive loops/channels during the ESM firmware download. The ESM firmware download process might fail due to a disconnected FC loop. Either add the drive expansion enclosure(s) before initiating the ESM firmware download or wait until the ESM firmware download is completed before adding additional drive expansion enclosures to the drive loop/channel. (added 2/10/2006) 6. Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) hardware that is removed and then reinserted within 10 seconds might not be recognized by the controller. Device polling is done at 10-second intervals. Any device that is removed and replaced within the 10-second window will not be recognized. After removing SFP hardware, ALWAYS wait at least 20 seconds before replacing or reinserting it. (added 2/10/2006) 7. When connected through the DS4000 Storage Manager Agent and mapped volumes using Storage Partitioning on an in-band managed storage subsystem, the following error message might appear after a successful volume-to-LUN mapping operation: Error 62 - The operation cannot complete because the logical unit number (LUN) is already in use. Please enter another LUN. Verify that the volume-to-LUN mapping was created correctly. If it was, this error is erroneous and can be ignored. (added 2/10/2006) 8. After you disable a premium feature, the Disable Premium Feature dialog might go blank and no longer show any other enabled premium features to select. The workaround is to close and then re-open the dialog. (added 2/10/2006) 9. Changing the AIX host cache settings while the storage array is accepting I/O requests can cause I/O errors or loss of access to data. The workaround is to stop all I/O activity to the storage array, and then change the host cache setting. After the host cache settings have been changed, restart I/O activity. (added 2/10/2006) Limitations with Storage Manager version 9.10.xx.05 and DS4000 controller firmware version 06.10.11.xx release 1. Do not update the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware to version 06.1x.xx.xx from versions 05.4x.xx.xx or earlier if the EXP700 ESM firmware of the attached EXP700 was not at 9326 or higher. If the EXP700 ESM firmware is earlier than the 9326 versions, the EXP700 enclosure and the installed drives may not be displayed in the DS4000 subsystem management window after the controller firmware is upgraded to 06.1x.xx.xx version. The work around is to update the EXP700 ESM firmware to the version 9326 or higher first before upgrading the controller firmware to version 06.1x.xx.xx. (260160 - 82841) 2. When connecting the EXP100 drive expansion enclosures, one must set the single digit (X1) of the enclosure ID to unique values. This is to prevent the possibility that one of the drives in the EXP100 enclosures be assigned the same ALPA as the DS4000 controller blade under certain DS4000 storage subsystem reboot scenarios. (261188) Limitations with version Storage Manager version 9.10.xx.02 and DS4000 controller firmware version 06.10.06.xx release 1. The DS4000 Copy Service RVM is not supported at this time for the DS4100 and the DS4300 storage subsystem with Standard or Single Controller options. (Note: With the release of the controller firmware version or higher, the DS4100 with standard option is now supported Copy Service Remote Mirroring and VolumeCopy premium features.) 2. In the Storage Manager version 9 client Subsystem Management window, the preferred owner of a defined logical drive can not be changed if the logical drive is not managed by the preferred owner/controller. The Storage Manager client will grey-out (not allowing one to select) the controller that is currently managing the logical drive in the selection list of the new preferred owner/controller. One is allowed to only select the controller that is not managing the logical to be the new preferred owner. There is no work-around. 3. Concurrent firmware download (downloading firmware with IOs) are not supported when upgrading the controller firmware from 05.xx.xx.xx version to 06.1x.xx.xx version. ALL IOs must be stopped during the 06.1x.xx.xx firmware upgrade from a 05.xx.xx.xx version. 4. Do not pull or insert drives during the drive firmware download. In addition, ALL IOs must also be stopped during the drive firmware download. Otherwise, drives may be shown as missing, unavailable or failed. 5. Controller diagnostics will not run in a DS4000 storage subsystem with single controller. 6. When instructed to remove and reinsert or to replace a hard drive, wait at least 70 seconds before inserting either the removed existing drive or the new drive into the drive slot. Then, wait up to 3 minutes for the drive to be spun up, recognized by the DS4000 storage subsystem and displayed in the Subsystem Management window before repeating the process for another hard drive. There is no work-around. Similarly, wait at least 70 seconds before reinserting either the removed existing ESM module or the new ESM module into the empty ESM slot in the EXP drive expansion enclosure. Then, wait up to 3 minutes for the ESM CRU to be recognized by the DS4000 storage subsystem and displayed in the Subsystem Management window before repeating the process for another ESM. There is no work-around. 7. SMdevices program does not return any information if the Access logical drive is not mapped to the AIX host connected to the DS4000 storage server. Map the Access logical drive to the AIX host and retry the command. 8. Dynamic Volume Expansion for AIX 5.3 must have PTF U499974 installed before expanding any file systems. 9. Staged firmware and NVSRAM download function is not available on the DS4400 (machine type 1742) models with firmware 06.1x.00.00 in conjunction with IBM Storage Manager 09.1x.xx.xx. Limitations with Storage Manager version 8.4x.xx.xx (and earlier) and DS4000 controller firmware version 05.4x.xx.xx (and earlier) releases 1. If the ESM firmware is 953A or earlier, no IOs are allowed during the duration that the EXP100 ESMs are being updated with new firmware, including clustering reservation checking IOs. 2. The DS4000 storage subsystem when configured with the DS4000 EXP100 SATA Drive Expansion Unit is currently reporting a higher frequency of informational events such as Destination Driver Events (DDEs) and Fibre Channel link up/down events ... in the DS4000 Controller event log compared to the DS4000 storage subsystem configured with Fibre Channel drives. Slower response times of SATA disk drives compared to Fibre Channel disk drives cause higher I/O retries from the DS4000 storage subsystem controllers, resulting in a greater number of informational events logged. In addition, the number of information events reported in the DS4000 storage subsystem event log will also grow in proportion to the increase in I/Os to the Logical Drives. In all cases, the DS4000 storage subsystem controller will always successfully service the timeout I/O on the subsequent retries. 3. After you replace a controller with a new controller in the single controller models of DS4000 storage subsystems, the premium features become unauthorized and are out of compliance. Any premium features not supported by the firmware of the new controller are unavailable. The work-around is to upgrade the firmware in the new controller to the same level as the removed controller and re-enable the premium features using the key files that you were provided when the premium feature was originally enabled. 4. When migrating drive Customer Replaceable Units (CRUs) from multiple DS4000 storage subsystems into a single destination DS4000 storage servers, all of the drive CRUs from the same DS4000 storage subsystem should be moved as a ‘set’ into the new destination DS4000 storage server. Before moving the next ‘set’ of drive CRUs, ensure that all of the drive CRUs for a single ‘set’ have been moved to the destination DS4000 storage subsystem. If drive CRUs are not moved as a ‘set’ to the destination DS4000 storage subsystems, the newly relocated array may not appear in the Subsystem Management window. 5. Enclosure IDs may be listed incorrectly in the Subsystem Management window, even if the Enclosure ID switch settings appear to be correct. This is because of the physical design and movement of the Enclosure ID switch, it is possible to leave the switch in a “dead zone” between ID numbers, which will return an incorrect Enclosure ID (this value is 0 in most cases) to the storage management software. When setting the Enclosure ID, ensure that the switch has actuated completely and has settled where the value is clearly visible in the viewing window. 6. To download controller firmware, you must select the drive where the firmware is located. If the drive you select does not respond, the File Selection dialog box will revert to the A: drive and display an error message that drive A: is not ready if there are no media in drive A:. 7. When saving the DS4000 storage subsystem event log entries, it may take up to several minutes to save all entries in the event log depending on the DS4000 management workstation resources. However, the DS4000 Storage Manager client GUI will show the completion of the event log saving almost instantly. The work around is to check the file size of the file that the event log entries are saved periodically; if the file size does not change, the event log saving is completed. 8. Do not perform other storage management tasks, such as creating or deleting logical drives, reconstructing arrays, and so on, while downloading the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware and DS4000 EXP ESM firmware. It is recommended that you close all storage management sessions (other than the session that you use to upgrade the firmware) to the DS4000 storage subsystem that you plan to update. 1.3 Enhancements ---------------- * The DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.16 host software for AIX operating systems in conjunction with the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware 06.16.8x.xx provides support for - New DS4700 Storage Subsystem models 70A/H and 72A/H, which support the attachment of DS4000 EXP710 and EXP810 Storage Expansion Enclosures. - New DS4800 Storage Subsystem Model 80A/H, which provides the same functionality as the DS4500 Storage Subsystem, with better performance. - New 4Gbps Fibre Channel drives in the DS4000 EXP810 Storage Expansion Enclosure. In addition, the latest release of the DS4000 controller fimware version 06.12.2x.xx provides maintenance updates for the DS4100-all models, the DS4300-standard (dual controller) or Turbo models, the DS4400-all models and the DS4500-all models. Please refer to the New Features section of the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9 Installation and Support Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Linux on POWER for additional information about the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9 enhancements. 1.4 Fixes ----------------- N/A 1.5 Level Recommendation and Prerequisites for the update ------------------------------------------------------------ Note: The IBM Storage Manager host software version 9.16 for AIX OS new features and changes are described in the corresponding Change History document. Please refer to this document for more information on new features and modifications. The following pSeries & RS/6000 Hardware Platforms are supported for attachment to the DS4300 Turbo, DS4400 and DS4500 with DS4000 Storage Manager host software version 9.15.xx.xx and controller firmware version 06.14.xx.xx and 06.15.xx.xx. Machine Type Model# pSeries Name ------------------------------------------------------------ 7013 S70 7013 S7A 7015 S70 7015 S7A 7017 S70 7017 S7A 7017 S80 7017 S85 pSeries 680 7025 6F0 pSeries 620 7025 6F1 pSeries 620 7025 F50 7025 F80 7026 6H0 pSeries 660 7026 6H1 pSeries 660 7026 6M1 pSeries 660 7026 H50 7026 H70 7026 H80 7026 B80 pSeries 640 7026 M80 7028 6C4 pSeries 630 7028 6E4 pSeries 630 7028 6C1 pSeries 610 7028 6E1 pSeries 610 7029 6C3 pSeries 615 7029 6C4 pSeries 615 7038 6M2 pSeries 650 7039 651 pSeries 655 7043 270 7040 671 pSeries 670 7040 681 pSeries 690 7044 170 7044 270 9076 PCI Nodes: FC 2050 332 Mhz SMP Thin Node FC 2051 332 Mhz SMP Wide Node FC 2052 POWER3 SMP Thin Node FC 2053 POWER3 SMP Wide Node FC 2054 POWER3 SMP HIGH Node FC 2055 SP Expansion I/O Unit FC 2056 375 Mhz POWER3 SMP Thin Node FC 2057 375 Mhz POWER3 SMP Wide Node FC 2058 375 Mhz POWER3 SMP High Node 9111 520 pSeries 520 9113 550 pSeries 550 9117 570 pSeries 570 9119 590 pSeries 590 9119 595 pSeries 595 Platform: pSeries/AIX Recommended OS Levels: AIX 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 Multipath Driver: IBM AIX RDAC Driver (fcp.disk.array) and FC Protocol DD PTFs. AIX 5.1 ------- Required Maintenance Level - 5100-9 devices.fcp.disk.array.rte - - devices.pci.df1000f7.rte - devices.pci.df1000f9.rte - devices.pci.df1000fa.rte - Not supported In addition, after completing the installation of the latest devices.fcp.disk.array.rte driver, check the AIX support web site for the latest fcp.disk.array (RDAC) APAR that has the fixes for the persistent reservations and Universal access LUNs (UTMs) problems (cmvc 543740). AIX 5.2 ------- Required Maintenance Level - 5200-8 devices.fcp.disk.array.rte - - devices.pci.df1000f7.rte - devices.pci.df1000f9.rte - devices.pci.df1000fa.rte - In addition, after completing the installation of the latest devices.fcp.disk.array.rte (RDAC) driver, the following APAR IY84267 must be applied to fix persistent reservations and Universal access LUNs (UTMs) problems (cmvc 543740). AIX 5.3 ------- Required Maintenance Level - 5300-4 devices.fcp.disk.array.rte - - devices.pci.df1000f7.rte - devices.pci.df1000f9.rte - devices.pci.df1000fa.rte - In addition, after completing the installation of the latest devices.fcp.disk.array.rte (RDAC) driver, the following APAR IY84264 must be applied to fix persistent reservations and Universal access LUNs (UTMs) problems (cmvc 543740). * AIX 4.3 contains no support for features beyond Storage Manager 8.3. * AIX PTF/APARs can be downloaded from: * Host Bus Adapter(s): IBM Feature Code 6227, 6228, 6239 or 5716 HBA Firmware Levels: FC 6227 - 3.30X1 FC 6228 - 3.91A1 FC 6239 - 1.81X1 FC 5716 - 1.90A4 * pSeries and RS/6000 adapter code can be downloaded from: * The DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.12, 9.14 or higher host software installer wizard requires the installation of a graphics adapter in the AIX server for it to run. In addition, there must be at least 300MB of free space in the /opt directory for the installer wizard to install the host software packages. For AIX servers without the graphics adapter, individual host software installation packages are provided in the DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9.1x (where x is an appropriate release version like 9.14, 9.15, ... ) Support for AIX OSes CD under the directory named "/AIX/Individual packages". These individual host software installation packages can also be downloaded at the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: Code levels at time of release are as follows ----------------------------------------------- Note: The web-download Storage Manager version 9.16 host software package must be first unpacked (tar -xvz) into a user-defined directory. Then, go to this directory, locate the AIX directory to access the Storage Manager version 9.16 host software installation file(s). Starting with the DS4000 storage manager version 9.12, all of the host software packages are included in a single DS4000 Storage Manager host software installer wizard. During the execution of the wizard, the user will have a choice to install all or only certain software packages depending the need for a given server. The version of the host-software installer wizard for this release is SMIA-AIX- IMPORTANT: The DS4000 Storage Manager host software installer wizard requires the installation of a graphics adapter in the AIX server for it to run. In addition, there must be at least 300MB of free space in the /opt directory for the installer wizard to install the host software packages. This installer wizard will install the following version of the host- software packages SMruntime: SMclient: 09.16.G5.41 SMagent: SMutil: For AIX servers without the graphics adapter, individual host software installation packages are provided in the DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9.16 Support for AIX OSes CD under the directory named "/AIX/Individual packages". These individual host software installation packages can also be downloaded at the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site. Refer to the IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site for information on the latest supported switches and the released code levels. 1.6 Dependencies ------------------ ATTENTION: 1. DS4000 STORAGE SUBSYSTEM CONTROLLER FIRMWARE VERSION 06.1X.XX.XX REQUIRES THAT THE FIRMWARE VERSION OF AN ATTACHED EXP700 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE MODULE (ESM) BE AT VERSION 9326 OR HIGHER. IF THE EXP700 ESM FIRMWARE IS EARLIER THAN THE 9326 VERSIONS, THE EXP700 ENCLOSURE AND THE INSTALLED DRIVES MAY NOT BE DISPLAYED IN THE DS4000 SUBSYSTEM MANAGEMENT WINDOW AFTER THE CONTROLLER FIRMWARE IS UPGRADED. 2. DS4000 STORAGE SUBSYSTEM CONTROLLER FIRMWARE VERSION 06.1X.XX.XX REQUIRES THAT THE FIRMWARE VERSION OF AN ATTACHED EXP100 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE MODULE (ESM) BE AT VERSION 955X OR HIGHER. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO UPGRADE EXP100 ESM FIRMWARE VERSIONS THROUGH 953X TO VERSION 955X WHEN THE CONTROLLER FIRMWARE IS AT 06.1X.XX.XX. TO DETERMINE THE FIRMWARE LEVEL OF AN EXP100 ESM, IDENTIFY THE PRODUCT LABEL LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE EXP100 ENCLOSURE. ONLY LABELS ON WHICH THE FIELD REPLACEABLE UNIT (FRU) PART NUMBER READS 25R0156 POSITIVELY INDICATE THAT AN ESM MODULE IS RUNNING FIRMWARE VERSION 955X OR HIGHER. IF THERE IS NO LABEL OR THE PART NUMBER ON THE LABEL DOES NOT READ 25R0156, THE ESM MAY STILL HAVE THE FIRMWARE VERSION 955X OR HIGHER IF IT HAD BEEN PREVIOUSLY UPGRADED. IF NECESSARY, CONTACT YOUR IBM REPRESENTATIVE, SUPPORT, OR RESELLERS FOR ASSISTANCE. IN ADDITION, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO UPGRADE THE ESM FIRMWARE FROM VERSION 953X TO VERSION 956X OR LATER DIRECTLY. THE 953X ESM MUST BE UPGRADED TO VERSION 9554 FIRST BEFORE IT CAN BE UPGRADED TO VERSION 956X. 3. CURRENTLY, THE ONLY DS4000 STORAGE SUBSYSTEMS THAT ARE SUPPORTED BY THE 06.12.XX.XX CONTROLLER FIRMWARE VERSION ARE THE DS4100 - ALL MODELS, THE DS4300 WITH STANDARD (DUAL CONTROLLER) OR TURBO OPTIONS, THE DS4400 AND THE DS4500. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS CONTROLLER FIRMWARE ON ANY OTHER DS4000 STORAGE SUBSYSTEM. THERE IS NOT ANY CHECKING FOR THIS RESTRICTION INSIDE THE STORAGE MANAGER CLIENT PROGRAM. 4. The only DS4000 storage subsystems that are supported by the 06.14.xx.xx, 06.15.xx.xx or 06.16.xx.xx controller firmware version are the DS4800 storage subsystems. Currently, there are not any controller firmware packages version 06.14.xx.xx and higher for other DS4000 storage subsystems besides the DS4800 subsystems. Do not download this controller firmware on any other DS4000 storage subsystems. 5. Always check the README files (especially the Dependencies section) that are packaged together with the firmware files for any required minimum firmware level requirements and the firmware download sequence for the DS4000 drive expansion enclosure ESM, the DS4000 storage subsystem controller and the hard drive firmware. 6. If the managed DS4000 storage subsystem had the FC/SATA intermix premium feature enable, do not upgrade the controller firmware from version 06.10.xx.xx to version 06.12.xx.xx until a FC/SATA intermix premium feature key file is generated and available. Once the controller firmware is upgraded to version 06.12.xx.xx, the FC/SATA intermix premium feature will be shown as out-of-compliance and the FC/SATA intermix premium feature key file is required to re-enable the feature. When the FC/SATA intermix premium feature is in out-of- compliance state, LUNs management functions like creations, deletions and modifications will not be operational. Please refer to the FC/SATA intermix premium feature activation card that was shipped with the FC/SATA intermix premium feature kit for instructions to generate the required premium key file. 7. The DS4800 storage subsystems do not support the attachment of the DS4000 EXP700 drive expansion enclosures. The EXP700 enclosure must be upgraded into DS4000 EXP710 enclosure using the DS4000 EXP700 Models 1RU/1RX Switched-ESM Option Upgrade Kit before it can be attached to the DS4800 storage subsystems. 8. THE DS4000 STORAGE SERVER WITH CONTROLER FIRMWARE VERSION 05.41.1X.XX MUST BE UPGRADED TO CONTROLLER FIRMWARE VERSION 05.41.5X.XX FIRST BEFORE IT CAN BE UPGRADED TO CONTROLLER FIRMWARE VERSON 06.1X.XX.XX OR LATER. OTHERWISE, THE ERROR 231-FIRMWARE INCOMPATIBLE WILL BE DISPLAYED. 9. DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware versions 6.12.16.xx or higher and EXP100 storage expansion enclosure ESM firmware version 9563 or higher are required to provide support for the new 400G SATA drive options and CRUs (P/Ns 39M4570 and 39M4575, respectively) in addition to the new 250G SATA drive CRUs (P/N 40K6837.) This new 250G SATA drive CRU is functionally equivalent to the previously-released CRUs (P/N 90P1349). 10. This version 06.16.xx.xx of the DS4800 controller firmware is not compatible with the EXP100 SATA drive expansion enclosures. DO NOT download it into the DS4800 storage subsystems that have EXP100 drive expansion enclosures attached. After the 06.16.xx.xx controller firmware is activated, the DS4800 storage subsystem will not recognize the drives in EXP100 enclosures, causing loss of data availability to the raid arrays and logical drives that are defined in those drives. The controller firmware version 6.15.xx.xx and earlier must be installed in the DS4000 storage subsystems that have EXP100 SATA drive expansion enclosure attached instead. 11. Controller firmware 06.16.xx.xx is required to support EXP810 storage expansion enclosures. 12. Controller firmware 06.16.4x.xx and higher is required for the DS4700-all models and the DS4800-model 80A/80H. These models do not support older 06.16.xx.xx versions of controller firmware. The attachment of EXP100 enclosures is not supported for these models. 13. The latest fcp.disk.array (RDAC) APAR as stated in the section 1.5 "Level Recommendation and Prerequisites for the update" must be installed after installing the latest devices.fcp.disk.array (RDAC) driver. IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.1x host software requires the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware be at version 05.30.XX.XX or higher. The only IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 09.1x.xx.xx for AIX management functions supported on DS4000 storage subsystems with controller firmware version 04.xx.xx.xx up to 05.2x.xx.xx is controller firmware and NVSRAM download. ============================================================================== 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions ------------------------------------------ The IBM DS4000 System Storage Manager Version 9 Installation and Support Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Linux on POWER is also available on IBM's Support web site as a downloadable Portable Document format (PDF) file. This guide along with the DS4000 Storage Manager program Online Help provide the installation and support information. Note: The web-download Storage Manager version 9.16 host software package must be first unpacked (tar -xvz) into a user-defined directory. Then, go to this directory, locate the AIX directory to access the Storage Manager version 9.16 host software installation file(s). ======================================================================= 3.0 Configuration Information and Usage Notes - AIX Platforms --------------------------------------------------------------- * It is important to set the queue depth to a correct size for AIX hosts. Having too large of a queue depth can result in lost file systems and host panics. Please refer to the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9 for UNIX and AIX Environments Installation and Support Guide for details. * Disabling Cache mirroring while the write-cache is permitted, but not recommended for most environments and applications. Loss of data could occur in the event of a controller failure (data in cache, but not written to disk). Refer to the Installation and Support Guide for further information. * SCSI-3 Persistent Reservation is supported on AIX with DS4000 Storage Systems. * Each AIX host (server) can support 1 or 2 DS4000 Partitions (or Host Groups), each with a maximum of 256 Logical Drives on AIX 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. * For most applications, AIX host attaches to DS4000 storage subsystems using pairs of Fibre Channel adapters (HBA). For each adapter pair, one HBA must be configured to connect to controller "A" and the other to controller "B". Each HBA pair must be configured to connect to a single partition in a DS4000 storage subsystem or multiple DS4000 storage subsystems (fanout). To attach an AIX host to a single or multiple DS4000 with two partitions, 2 HBA pairs must be used. * SAN Switch Zoning Rules: Each HBA within a host must be configured in a separate zone from other HBAs within that same host, when connected to the same DS4000 controller port. In other words, only 1 HBA within a host can be configured in the same zone with given DS4000 controller port. * For most Direct-attach applications, the connections of DS4000 storage arrays on AIX should be configured with two HBAs for complete path availability. As such, dual-path configurations are restricted to the following: DS4800 - Up to four servers configurations (2, 4, 6 or 8 HBAs) Each HBA pair must be connected to both A & B host-side controller ports. DS4100/DS4300 - one or two server configurations only (2 or 4 HBAs) Each HBA pair must be connected to both A & B host-side controller ports. DS4400/DS4500 - one or two server configurations only (2 or 4 HBAs) Each HBA pair must be connected to both A & B controllers. Only 1 connection on each host-side mini-hub can be used. * Single HBA configurations are allowed, but each single HBA configuration requires that both controllers in the DS4000 be connected to the host. In a switch environment, both controllers must be connected to the switch within the same SAN zone as the HBA. In a direct-attach configurations, both controllers must be "daisy- chained" together. This can only be done on the DS4400/DS4500 storage servers. * Multiple host attachment to a host-side mini-hub is not supported. * Storage Partitions and the Default Host Group DS4000 offers a premium feature called "Storage Partitioning" which enables users to associate a set of logical drives on a DS4000 Storage Server that can only be accessed by specified hosts and host ports. This association of logical drives to a set of hosts and host ports is called a Storage Partition. The benefit of defining Storage Partitions is to allow controlled access to the logical drives on the DS4000 storage subsystem to only those hosts also defined in the Storage Partition. Without the use of Storage Partitioning, all logical drives appear within what is called the Default Host Group, and they can be accessed by any fibre channel initiator that has access to the DS4000 host port. When homogeneous host servers are directly attached to the DS4000 storage subsystem, access to all logical drives may be satisfactory, or when attached to a SAN, zoning within the fabric can be used to limit access to the DS4000 host ports to specific set of hosts. The DS4300 standard product (without the Turbo feature) provides the Default Host Group. Premium features are available to support four, eight, or sixteen Storage Partitions. If logical drive access control is required for your configuration, particularly in a SAN or multiple server environments, then it is recommended that you add the option for Storage Partitions. On other DS4000 storage subsystems which include a minimum number of Storage Partitions, Storage Partitioning should be used when configuring logical drives and hosts. * Booting from a DS4000 subsystem utilizing SATA drives for the boot image is supported but not recommended due to performance reasons. * Boot images can be located on a volume in DS4000 partitions that have greater than 32 LUNs per partition if utilizing AIX release CD's 5.2 ml-4 (5.2H) and 5.3.0 ml-0 or above. These CD's contain DS4000 drivers that support greater than 32 LUNS per partition. If older CD's are being used the boot image must reside in a partition with 32 LUNS or less. AIX 5.1 needs to retain the boot image on a volume that resided in a partition with less than 32 LUNs. * Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) is only supported on AIX 5.2 and 5.3. AIX 5.3 must have PTF U499974 installed before using DVE. * When booting from a DS4000 device, both paths to the boot device must be up and operational. Single HBA configurations are supported, but must have both controllers connected, as described above. * Path fail-over is not supported during the AIX boot process. Once the AIX host has booted, fail-over operates normally. * Interoperability with tape devices is supported on separate HBA and switch zones. * Interoperability with IBM 2105 and SDD Software is supported on separate HBA and switch zones. * Online concurrent firmware and NVSRAM upgrades of FC arrays are only supported when upgrading from 06.10.06.XX to another version of 06.1X.XX.XX. APAR_aix_51 = IY64463 APAR_aix_52 = IY64585 APAR_aix_53 = IY64475 It is highly recommended that Online FW upgrades be scheduled during low I/O loads. Upgrading firmware from 05.xx.xx.xx to version 06.xx.xx.xx must be performed with no IOs. There is no work-around. * When using FlashCopy, the Repository Volume failure policy must be set to "Fail FlashCopy logical drive", which is the default setting. The "Fail writes to base logical drive" policy is not supported on AIX, as data could be lost to the base logical drive. * VolumeCopy must be used in conjunction with Flashcopy. The VolumeCopy source volume must be a FlashCopy copy. Refer to the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.1x Installation and Support Guides for AIX, HP-UX and Solaris for more information. * AIX Clustering (HACMP, PSSP, GPFS) is now supported with Storage Manager version 9.1x on FC systems. Please see one of the following Configuration Information documents for specific support information. These are located in the "Important notices and readmes" section on the DS4000 support web site. HACMP configuration information for DS4000 on pSeries/AIX Servers PSSP/GPFS configuration information for DS4000 on pSeries/AIX Servers * Do not perform other storage management tasks, such as creating or deleting logical drives, reconstructing arrays, and so on, while downloading the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware and DS4000 EXP100 ESM firmware. It is recommended that you close all storage management sessions (other than the session that you use to upgrade the firmware) to the DS4000 storage subsystem that you plan to update. * All drive enclosures on any given loop should have complete unique ID's assigned to them. For example, in a maximum configured DS4500 storage server, enclosures on one redundant drive loop should be assigned with id's 10-17 and enclosures on the second drive loop should be assigned with id's 20-27. It is not recommended to set the Enclosures ID to 00 because the enclosure ID of the DS4000 storage subsystem models with integrated drives and controllers is normally set to 0 at the factory. Note: The EXP810 drive enclosures behind a drive loop will automatically adjust their enclosure IDs to ensure unique enclosure IDs in the drive loop. * If there is previous version (8.x or 9.1x) of the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager host software (ie. SMRuntime, SMClient, RDAC, SMUtil and SMAgent packages) installed in the system, you have to uninstall it first before installing the new version of the storage manager software. Refer to the IBM System Storage™ DS4000 Storage Manager version 9 Installation and Support Guide for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Linux on POWER for instructions. 3.1 Helpful Hints ------------------------------- 1. The DS4500 storage subsystem has a new recommended drive-side cabling instruction. The instructions are documented in the IBM System Storage DS4500 Storage Subsystem Fibre Channel Cabling Guide (GC26-7813-00 or IBM P/N 39M6031.) Please follow the cabling instructions in this publication to cable the new DS4500 setup. If you have an existing DS4500 setup with four drive side minuhub installed that was cabled according to the previously recommended cabling instructions, please schedule down time as soon as possible to make changes to the drive side FC cabling. Refer to the IBM System Storage DS4500 Storage Subsystem Fibre Channel Cabling Guide for more information. 2. The ideal configuration for SATA drives is one drive in each EXP per array, one logical drive per array and one OS disk partition per logical drive. This configuration minimizes the random head movements that increase stress on the SATA drives. As the number of drive locations to which the heads have to move increases, application performance and drive reliability may be impacted. If more logical drives are configured, but not all of them used simultaneously, some of the randomness can be avoided. SATA drives are best used for long sequential reads and writes. 3. IBM recommends at least one hot spare per EXP100 drive expansion enclosure. A total of 15 hot-spares can be defined per DS4000 storage subsystem configuration 4. If you are unable to see the maximum number of drives during Automatic Configuration, you should be able to use Manual Configuration to select individual drives and select the maximum number of drives allowed. 5. The DS4000 controller host ports or the Fibre Channel HBA ports can not be connected to a Cisco FC switch ports with "trunking" enable. You might encounter failover and failback problems if you do not change the Cisco FC switch port to "non-trunking" using the following procedure: a. Launch the Cicso FC switch Device Manager GUI. b. Select one or more ports by a single click. c. Right click the port(s) and select Configure, a new window pops up d. Select the "Trunk Config" tab from this window, a new window opens e. In this window under Admin, select the "non-trunk" radio button, it is set to auto by default. f. Refresh the entire fabric. 6. Serial connections to the DS4000 storage controller must be set to a baud rate of either 38200 or 57600. Do not make any connections to the DS4000 storage subsystem serial ports unless it is instructed by IBM Support. Incorrect use of the serial port might result in lost of configuration, and possibly, data. 7. Starting with the DS4000 Storage Manager (SM) host software version 9.12 or later, the Storage Manager client script window looks for the files with the file type of ".script" as the possible script command files. In the previous versions of the DS4000 Storage Manager host software, the script window looks for the file type ".scr" instead. (i.e. enableAVT.script for SM 9.12 or later vs. enableAVT.scr for pre-SM 9.12) 3.2 Configuration settings ------------------------------ 1. By default the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager 9.1x firmware does not automatically map logical drives. This means that the logical drives are not automatically presented to host systems. a. For a new installation, after creating new arrays and logical drives, create a storage partition with the host type of AIX and map the logical drives to this partition or change the default host type to AIX if the Storage Partitioning premium feature is not enable. b. If you are upgrading the NVSRAM with Storage Partitions, you may have to change the default host type to match the host system OS. After upgrading the NVSRAM, the default host type is reset to Windows 2000/Server 2003 non-clustered for DS4000 storage server with controller firmware version 06.14.xx.xx or later. For DS4000 storage server with controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx or earlier, it is reset to Windows non-clustered (SP5 or higher), instead. Refer to the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager online help to learn more about creating storage partitions and changing host types. ======================================================================= 4.0 Unattended Mode ------------------------ N/A ======================================================================= 5.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number -------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 IBM System Storage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: 5.2 IBM System Storage™ Marketing Web Site: 5.3 You can receive hardware service through IBM Services or through your IBM reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. See for support telephone numbers, or in the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426- 7378). IMPORTANT: You should download the latest version of the DS4000 Storage Manager host software, the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware, the DS4000 drive expansion enclosure ESM firmware and the drive firmware at the time of the initial installation and when product updates become available. To be notified of important product updates, you must first register at the IBM Support and Download Web site: Perform the following steps to register at the IBM Support and Download Web site: 1. Click on My Support in the Additional Support box in the right side of the DS4000 Support web page. 2. The Sign In window displays. Either enter your IBM ID and Password in the sign in area to sign in and proceed to step 6 or, if you are not currently registered with the site, click Register Now. 3. The My IBM Registration window Step 1 of 2 opens. Enter the appropriate information and click Continue to get to the second My IBM Registration window. 4. In the My IBM Registration window Step 2 of 2, enter the appropriate information and click Submit to register. 5. The My IBM Registration windows opens with the following message, “Thank you for registering with Continue to explore as a registered user.” Click Edit Profile in the My IBM box on the right side of the window. 6. The My Support window opens. Click Add Products to add products to your profile. 7. Use the pull-down menus to choose the appropriate DS4000 storage server and expansion enclosures that you want to add to your profile. To add the product to your profile, select the appropriate box or boxes next to the product names and click Add Product. 8. Once the product or products are added to your profile, click Subscribe to Email folder tab 9. Select Storage in the pull down menu. Select Please send these documents by weekly email and select Downloads and drivers and Flashes to receive important information about product updates. Click Updates. 10. Click Sign Out to log out of My Support. ======================================================================= 6.0 Trademarks and Notices -------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM AIX System Storage the e-business logo xSeries, pSeries HelpCenter UNIX is a registered of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ======================================================================= 7.0 Disclaimer -------------- 7.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. es HelpCenter UNIX is a registered of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. 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BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. ntract with IBM Corporation.