IBM HHLTO Gen1 Service part(39m5635) device driver **************************************************************** | | | | | Build ID: | | Revision: a | | | | (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation | | 2004. All rights reserved. | | | | US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication | | or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with | | IBM Corp. | | | | Note: Before using this information and the product it | | supports, read the general information under "NOTICES AND | | TRADEMARKS" in this document. | | | | Updated: 4/25/2006 | | | **************************************************************** CONTENTS: 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 3.0 Configuration Information 4.0 HBA Restrictions 5.0 Web sites and phone support 5.1 Web sites 5.2 Software service and support 5.3 Hardware service and support 6.0 Notices and trademarks 7.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview: The IBM HHLTO Gen1 device driver download contains a level of the device driver with its associated resource files and utilities. 2.0 Installation and setup: This section describes a procedure for installing or updating a Windows 2000, Server 2003 tape device driver for the IBM DAT tape drive. The procedure assumes previous tape drive hardware installation. That is, the tape drive is connected to a controller appropriate for the tape drive model. In addition, the drive must be powered. Login with administrator privilege. For Windows 2000/2003, the 'Found New Hardware Wizard' may appear on the first boot after tape drive hardware is connected. In this case, skip directly to either the 'Windows 2000 Hardware Wizard' or 'Windows 2003 Hardware Wizard' section below. Otherwise -- 1. Right click on 'My Computer', then select 'Properties'. 2. In 'System Properties', click the 'Hardware' tab. 3. In 'System Properties', click the 'Driver Signing' button. 4. In 'Driver Signing Options', select either the 'Warn' or 'Ignore' radio button. (The driver may not install if 'Block' is selected.) 5. Click 'OK' to close the 'Driver Signing Options' dialog. 6. In 'System Properties', click the 'Device Manager' button. 7. In 'Device Manager', open one of these tree branches -- 'Other devices' (the driver is not yet installed), or 'Tape drives' (the driver was previously installed), and find the IBM LTO Tape identifier. For example: 'IBM ULTRIUM-TD1 SCSI Sequential Device'. Right click the above identifier, then select Properties. Note. If the tape drive identifier is not present, Windows likely did not detect the drive during boot. Power down the system and verify the power and data cables are correctly oriented and securely connected. Also if two or more devices are attached to the SCSI bus ribbon cable, verify that the device's SCSI IDs do not conflict (see SCSI Hardware Configuration). You may be able to verify whether the BIOS is detecting the tape drive by enabling and observing the BIOS's hardware detection display during system boot. 8. In 'IBM ULTRIUM-TD1 SCSI Sequential Device Properties', select the 'Driver' tab, then click the 'Update Driver...' button. Proceed to either the 'Windows 2000 Hardware Wizard' or 'Windows 2003 Hardware Wizard' section below as appropriate. Windows 2000 Hardware Wizard ---------------------------- 9. In 'Found New Hardware Wizard' or 'Upgrade Device Driver Wizard', 'Welcome' ..., click 'Next'. 10. In 'Install Hardware Device Drivers', select the top radio button -- (x) Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended), then click 'Next' 11. In 'Locate Device Drivers', check the appropriate box -- [ ] Floppy disk drives -- if the IBM driver files are on floppy, then insert the driver floppy, or [ ] CD-ROM drives -- if the IBM driver files are on CD, then insert the driver CD, or [ ] Specify a location -- if the IBM driver files are on your hard disc or a network server. then click 'Next'. 12. If you see a sub-dialog with the prompt -- 'Copy manufacturer's files from:', type the full pathname of the folder containing magtape.inf, then click 'OK'. Note: One way to locate the folder containing the file magtape.inf, is to right click 'Start', select 'Search...' then 'Look in: My Computer' for the file 'magtape.inf'. 13. In 'Driver Files Search Results'... If you see the following check box at the bottom of the dialog, '[x] Install one of the other drivers' then check it, then click 'Next'. Otherwise, if no check box appears, you should see 'Windows found a driver for this device...' \magtape.inf', then click 'Next', and skip to step 15. 14. In 'Driver Files Found', select (click to highlight) the driver -- 'IBM LTO (magtape.sys)' then click 'Next'. 15. In 'Completing the Found New/Upgrade Device Driver Wizard', you should see 'The wizard has finished installing the software for: IBM LTO (magtape.sys)', then click 'Finish'. Windows 2003 Hardware Wizard ------------------------------- 9. In 'Found New Hardware Wizard' or 'Hardware Update Wizard': 'Welcome ...', select BOTTOM radio button -- (x) Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) then click 'Next' 10. In 'Please choose your search and installation options.' select the BOTTOM radio button -- (x) Don't search. I will chose the driver to install. then click 'Next'. 11. If the 'Hardware Type.' dialog appears, select 'Tape drives' near the end of the list, then click 'Next'. 12. In 'Select the device driver you want to install for this hardware', click the 'Have Disk...' button. 13. In 'Install From Disk' 'Copy manufacturer's files from:', type the floppy disk drive letter (e.g., A:\), or the full pathname of the folder containing magtape.inf, then click 'OK'. Note: Optionally, 'Browse' can be used to select the folder containing the file magtape.inf. One way to locate the folder containing magtape.inf, is to right click 'Start', select 'Search...' then 'Look in: My Computer' for the file magtape.inf. 14. Now back in 'Select the device driver you want to install ...' select (click to highlight) the driver -- 'IBM LTO (magtape.sys)', then click 'Next'. 15. If you see the dialog -- 'Hardware Installation ! The software you are installing for this hardware IBM LTO (magtape.sys) has not passed Windows Logo testing ...' click 'Continue Anyway'. 16. The wizard then shows 'Please wait while the wizard installs the software ...' and proceeds to install the driver. 17. In 'Completing the Found New/Update Hardware Wizard', you should see 'The wizard has completed installing the software for: IBM LTO (magtape.sys)' then click 'Finish'. 3.0 Configuration Information: If the driver is being re-installed or updated you may be asked to reboot for the driver to take effect. Otherwise no reboot should be needed. The IBM HHLTO tape drive is now installed and ready to use. Windows 2000 and Server 2003 uses two programs to manage tape backups -- 'Removable Storage Manager' and 'Backup'. Note: Windows XP Home does not currently supply a tape backup application. Removable Storage Manager, at a lower level, recognizes removable storage devices (such as tape drives) and their media (such as tapes). Removable Storage Manager maintains a data base of tapes which is organized by 'allocating' tapes to various media 'pools'. The Backup program, at a higher level, backs up and restore system files. Backup uses services of Removable Storage Manager to gain access to tapes. To verify that Removable Storage Manager has recognized the tape drive -- Right click 'My Computer' and select 'Manage'. In 'Computer Management', follow the tree Computer Management (local) - Storage - Removable Storage -> - Physical Locations [for Windows 2000], - Libraries [for Windows XP, Server 2003], In this tree, you should see an entry similar to: 'IBM DDS Gen5 SCSI Sequential Device'. For help on on Removable Storage, click the help icon and open the 'Removable Storage' book. For Windows 2000, XP Professional (not XP Home), or Server 2003, you can use the Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Backup applet to verify correct tape drive operation. 4.0 HBA Restrictions: 1) Use of Adaptec 39160 Host Bus Adapters with IBM Ultrium Generation I Tape drives. The Adaptec 39160 HBA is a dual-ported SCSI host bus adapter. The maximum number of IBM tape devices that are supported for this HBA are two IBM tape devices daisy-chained to one port of the HBA and one IBM tape device attached to the other port of the HBA. 2) Use of Adaptec 29160/39160 Host Bus Adapters with IBM Ultrium Generation 2 Tape Drives If you are using microcode level 34X0 or later on your IBM Ultrium Gen II tape drive, you are not affected by this problem, and you do not need to read any further into this notice. If you are running earlier microcode than level 34X0 on your IBM Ultrium Gen II tape drive, please update to microcode level 34X0 or later to avoid this problem. If you are running a level of microcode less than 34X0 on your IBM Ultrium Gen II tape drive and cannot upgrade to level 34X0 or greater, you may be affected by a problem. Due to problems encountered with Adaptec 29160 and 39160 SCSI LVD Host Bus Adapters, the IBM Ultrium Generation 2 tape drives (with microcode level less than 34X0) are only supported when the transfer rate for the Ultra 160 Adaptec adapters is reduced from the standard 160 MB/sec. to 80 MB/sec. Use the following procedure to update your system BIOS SCSI Device Configuration to limit the transfer rate to 80 MB/sec: (Note: these instructions are for BIOS update and are independent of the specific operating system(s), Windows and/or Linux, running on your system.) 1. Terminate all User applications and reboot the host system. 2. Monitor the system console as the system boots and press 'Control A' on the keyboard when messages appear for the Adaptec card(s). This will enter you into the BIOS configuration mode. 3. Choose the Adaptec HBA that you want to reconfigure. 4. Choose "Configure/View SCSI Controller Setting" 5. Under "Additional Options", choose "SCSI Device Configuration" 6. Change "Sync Transfer Rate (MB/sec)" from 160 to 80 under the SCSI ID for your attached tape device. 7. Press the 'escape key', save the changes and reboot your system again. ------------------------------- Information and assistance is available through the IBM Web site and by phone. 5.1 Web sites IBM Support Web Site: IBM eServer Web site: IBM IntelliStation Web site: 5.2 Software service and support -------------------------------- Through IBM Support Line, you can get telephone assistance, for a fee, with usage, configuration, and software problems with xSeries servers, IntelliStation workstations, and appliances. For information about which products are supported by Support Line in your country or region, go to For more information about Support Line and other IBM services, go to, or go to for support telephone numbers. In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378). 5.3 Hardware service and support -------------------------------- You can receive hardware service through IBM Services or through your IBM reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. Go to for support telephone numbers, or in the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378). In the U.S. and Canada, hardware service and support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the U.K., these services are available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 6.0 NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. 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