This README file contains the latest information about firmware version and firmware update procedure for IBM® eServer(TM) BladeCenter(TM) 2pt Fibre Channel Switch module. Last update: 2/25/2004 Refer to the IBM Support Website listed in "WEB SITES AND SUPPORT" section in this README document for the latest information and updated README file. ============================================ CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 OVERVIEW 2.0 SWITCH FIRMWARE HISTORY AND NEW FEATURES 3.0 SWITCH DOCUMENTATION 4.0 INSTALLING SWITCH FIRMWARE 5.0 KNOWN FIRMWARE ISSUES 6.0 SWITCH INTEROPERABILITY 7.0 WEB SITES AND SUPPORT 8.0 TRADEMARKS 9.0 NOTICES ============================================ 1.0 OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This README describes current firmware version for the IBM BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel (FC) Switch Module and procedure for updating firmware on the switch. IMPORTANT: The BladeCenter Management Module must have firmware version BRET34A (or greater) to operate properly with the BladeCenter Fibre Channel switch module. This firmware version is contained in the Management Module FW update package 1.01 found on the IBM Support website. Refer to BladeCenter documentation located on the BladeCenter Documentation CD provided with each switch module for procedure to verify/update Management Module firmware. IMPORTANT: If the BladeCenter Management Module firmware is build ID BRET34A and you are installing only one Fibre Channel switch module in the BladeCenter server, for proper operation, you must install the Fibre Channel switch module in switch-module bay 3. ============================================ 2.0 SWITCH FIRMWARE HISTORY AND NEW FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changed From to 2/25/2004 UPDATES - Send port RSCN instead of domain RSCN if SCSI probe is enabled or I/O streamguard is changed. - If the switch receives an online RSCN with a status of "unknown", change the status to "online" before forwarding it to the rest of the fabric. Changes From to 12/18/2003 Update Version UPDATES - Port fault LEDs stay on after a switch reset initiated from telnet or the GUI. - Snmpwalk no longer shows the WWN of the device connected to the switch, rather shows the WWN of the switch for each connected port. - Snmpmain signal 11 crash caused by SanNavigator. - When doing many SNMP gets, this causes the SNMP agent on the SwitchBlade to lock up. - The fcQxPortPhysAdminStatus is not reporting the correct value with a SNMP read after doing an SNMP set. - When doing SNMP Get/Sets to a multi-switch fabric, there are intermittent failures with the switch not responding. There are also slow response times when sending multiple SET commands. 9/29/2003 Update Version Due to upcoming changes in GS-4 for hard zones, VPF hard zoning will be removed from the 4.0 release. Any existing VPF zones will be automatically converted to soft zones at that time. NEW FEATURES 1.) SCSI Probe Enable/Disable – Enables or disables nameserver device probe for FC4 descriptors. This can be configured on a per-port basis in CLIsh via the DeviceScanEnable parameter in “set config port” from “config edit” mode. 2.) Force Offline RSCNs Immediately – Allows configuration of RSCN delivery for port offlines. Default behavior is to delay a minimum of 200msec before a RSCN is sent when a port goes offline. To configure this to send that RSCN immediately when a port goes offline, set ForceOfflineRSCN to True in the CLIsh “set config port” from “config edit” mode. 3.) SNMP V1 Trap Support – Prior releases support V2 traps. This release adds support for V1 traps as well. The trap version is specified for each trap address. To select the version, set trapVersion in the CLIsh “set setup snmp” command. 4.) SNMP Proxy Disable – This release adds the ability to turn off in-band SNMP proxy via the ProxyEnabled parameter in the CLIsh “set setup snmp” command. 5.) Ping from Command Line Interface (CLI) – Added the ability to send an ICMP ECHO request to another host or switch. From CLIsh, run “ping ”. 6.) Date/Time without Reset – In previous releases, you would have to reset the switch after changing the date. With this release, the switch reads the hardware clock automatically after a date change. 7.) IP Configuration – Change the order the IP info is entered for “set setup system”. Don’t prompt for IP address, netmask, or gateway if the discovery method isn’t “Static”. Disable some of the static IP fields depending on the network discovery protocol selected. 8.) Non-Disruptive Code Load and Activation (NDCLA) – With this release, support has been added to allow for future downloading and activation of a new firmware image without fabric disruption. For example, you will be able to NDCLA from 2.0 to 3.0. 9.) User Account Expiration – The command line interface now provides the ability to specify the number of days a specific account is valid. The default is to never expire. To use this feature, specify the “expires” parameter for the CLIsh “user add” command. 10.) Command Line Completion in CLIsh – In CLIsh, the key will now complete the command phrase. If there is not a unique command phrase, hitting the key a second time will display all options for the current word. In addition, A will now move the cursor to the beginning of the command line and E will move the cursor to the end of the command line. The Up/down arrow keys will move to the last/next command issued. 11.) Enhanced “show fabric” command – Two new columns were added to the CLIsh “show fabric” command output to display the symbolic switch name and the fibre channel IP address. In order for this feature to work, all switches must have the port config “MSEnabled” parameter set to “True”, in-band management must be enabled (“InBandEnabled” set to “True” via CLIsh “set config switch” command) and remote switches must support the GS-3 GIELN and GMAL commands. 12.) New ELS support –Support was added for the FC-FS Rev. 1.70 Read Port List (RPL), Read Port Status block (RPS) and Scan Remote Loop (SCL) ELS commands. 13.) POST without power cycle – We now provide the ability to reset the switch and force POST to run without cycling power via CLIsh “hardreset” command. UPDATES 1. Use of BladeCenter "Reset to Default Config" command on Fibre Channel Switch will also reset username and password to USERID/PASSW0RD (note the zero in PASSW0RD). The current configuration on the BladeCenter Fibre Channel switch will be lost when using "Reset to Default Config" 2. There are some situations where multiple SNMP change traps are being sent when their values have not changed. ============================================ 3.0 SWITCH DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation, setup and management of the IBM BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel switch module can be found in the following documents: o IBM eServer BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel Switch Installation Guide o IBM eServer BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel Switch Management User’s Guide The hardcopy of the switch module’s Installation Guide is provided with each switch module. The switch module’s Management guide is located on the BladeCenter Documentation CD provided with each switch module. These manuals are also available from IBM’s BladeCenter support website; refer to “Web Sites and Support” section of this document. ============================================ 4.0 INSTALLING SWITCH FIRMWARE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: The BladeCenter Management Module must have firmware version BRET34A (or greater) to operate properly with the BladeCenter Fibre Channel switch module. This firmware version is contained in the Management Module FW update package 1.01 found on the IBM Support website. Refer to BladeCenter documentation located on the BladeCenter Documentation CD provided with each switch module for procedure to verify/update Management Module firmware. IMPORTANT: If the BladeCenter Management Module firmware is build ID BRET34A and you are installing only one Fibre Channel switch module in the BladeCenter server, for proper operation, you must install the Fibre Channel switch module in switch-module bay 3. NOTE: Prior to downloading the firmware to the Fibre Channel switch module, ensure that the advanced management option "Preserve IP Address across all resets" is set to 'enabled' via the Management Module interface. This will ensure that your currently configured IP Address will remain available after the switch firmware is upgraded. NOTE: This version of firmware requires SANUtility 1.02.25 or higher. Refer to the IBM Support website for download information for the 1.02.25 version of SANUtility. NOTE: Refer to BladeCenter FC Switch Management User’s guide for detailed instructions. NOTE: Capitalization of command, password, and username is important - must use as shown in procedures below. 1. Download new firmware file ("fullimage.") from IBM support website - refer to Support section of this document for URL. 2. Open command prompt window/console. 3. Change directory in window/console to the directory where the new switch firmware file is located. 4. Ftp to the switch using command: "ftp" where represents IP address of FC switch. 5. To log in to FC switch: o At prompt "username", type "images" and press enter key o At prompt "password", type "images"and press enter key 6. After logged in, enter the following commands: o At prompt, type "bin" and press enter key o At prompt, type "put fullimage." and press enter key o At prompt, type "quit" and press enter key 7. Telnet to the switch using command: "telnet" where represents IP address of FC switch. 8. To log in to FC switch: o At prompt "username", type "USERID" and press enter key o At prompt "password", type "PASSW0RD" and press enter key NOTE: Zero is 6th character in password, not capital O. 9. After logged in, enter the following commands: o At prompt, type "admin start" and press enter key o At prompt, type "image list" and press enter key NOTE: "image list" command should display firmware file "fullimage." resident on switch. 10. Now enter following commands: o At prompt, type "image unpack fullimage." and press enter key. 11. Wait for confirmation that the switch firmware has successfully updated 12. After receiving confirmation, type "reset" and press enter key NOTE: This last command resets the switch and activates new firmware; this reset will disrupt any data traffic on switch. ============================================ 5.0 KNOWN FIRMWARE ISSUES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. After activating a large zoneset, the CLIsh “zoning list” command did not list all zoning information. This is a Windows only issue with the default telnet application. A 3rd party telnet application is recommended on a Windows platform. If you use the default telnet and it appears hung when you first open the session, “set term vt100” at the telnet prompt will resolve this issue. 2. In a BladeCenter FC Switch Module/Brocade/Mcdata mesh configuration, if you have a JNI initiator in loop mode and assign the same domain ID to all switches and bring all of them online, the JNI initiator does not log back into the same port on BladeCenter FC Switch Module. This is not a switch problem. If you do not set the JNI to loop only mode, this problem is avoided. 3. There are some situations where multiple SNMP change traps are being sent when their values have not changed. 4. Session timeouts are set to 5 minutes. In cases where max (or near max) sessions is reached, and resets occur in the fabric, the sessions no longer being used may prevent users from performing other operations for 5 minutes until these sessions time out. 5. If the IP Address of the switch is changed through the CLI, the IP address will not be accessible until an IP address change has also occurred through the Management Module. ============================================ 6.0 SWITCH INTEROPERABILITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refer to IBM BladeCenter Fibre Channel Switch Interoperability guide located on the BladeCenter Documentation CD or IBM Support Website. ============================================ 7.0 WEB SITES AND SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Support Web Site: IBM eServer xSeries BladeCenter Marketing Web Site: If you have any questions or problems about this package go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: ============================================ 8.0 TRADEMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM BladeCenter eServer Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ============================================ 9.0 NOTICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2003. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.