File Name: rh71readme.txt This README file contains the latest information about installing IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 for RedHat 7.1 Linux. Refer to the IBM Support Web Site or CD for the installation and support guide. For other related publications (refer to Related Publications in the installation and support guide, part number 25P2578) and the latest information and updated readme file (See Section 6.1 below). Last Update: 09/11/01 CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 5.0 Unattended Mode 6.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 7.0 Trademarks and Notices 8.0 Disclaimer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1.0 Overview ---------------------- 1.1 Overview This IBM Storage Manager release includes the IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 for RedHat 7.1 Linux. The Redhat71 CD-ROM directory contains the documentation and files necessary for installing the IBM FAStT Storage Manager Software version 7.10 for RedHat 7.1 Linux. The IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 Installation and Support Guide is also available on IBM's Support Web Site as a downloadable Portable Document Format (PDF) file. (see Section 6.1 below). In addition, controller firmware version 04.01.02.xx and the latest NVSRAM files for IBM machine types 3526, 3542, and 3552 are available on IBM's Support Web Site. 1.2 Limitations: 1. In the Storage Manager 7.10 Client, Storage Partitioning must be enabled with the host type of 'linux' selected and the UTM must be removed from the 'Linux' storage partition. Otherwise the correct drive information is not presented to the Linux operating system. 2. With sequential LUN numbering, if one LUN is missing due to a controller failure the system associates the wrong SCSI device entry with the LUNs after the failed LUN. The result could be that the wrong LUN could be mounted to an incorrect mount point. You should always be aware of this because it can also be caused by adding a LUN out of sequence. You should ensure that the LUNs are number in sequence starting from 0 in storage partitioning. If there is a gap (for example LUN 0, LUN1, LUN3) Linux will quit probing at the gap where LUN 2 should be and all of the following LUNs will be missing. 3. When updating Firmware or NVSRAM with high disk activity a controller may become unresponsive during the update. IBM recommends that disk I/O be stopped during these code updates. 4. When adding logical drives to the storage subsystem with the Storage Manager 7.10 client you will need to unload the qla2x00 device driver and then modprobe the driver, on the host system, to scan the new logical drives. You will then need to reconfigure using FAStT_MSJ and the qlremote agent so these disks will be available for the OS to utilize. After the driver is reconfigured with FAStT_MSJ you will need to refer to the RedHat 7.1 device driver version 5.23 readme.txt for the steps required to rebuild your boot image with the new option string created by FAStT_MSJ. 5. Upgrading FAStT500 with 512MB Cache. If you are upgrading from IBM FAStT Storage Manager Version 7.02 ( firmware level 04.00.02 or 04.00.03) to IBM FAStT Storage Manager Version 7.10 (firmware level 04.01.02) on a FAStT500 (machine type 3552) with 512MB of cache, you will need to stop I/O and reboot the controller before upgrading firmware followed by NVSRAM. To determine Storage Controller cache level, perform the following: a. On a storage management station start the client software and select a storage subsystem. b. Select Tools -> Manage Device to open the Subsystem Management Window. c. Highlight the Storage Subsystem that you are upgrading and then select Storage Subsystem -> Profile. It may take a little time for it to create the Storage Subsystem profile. d. Under the Controllers heading is an entry that displays information similar to the following example: Cache/processor size (MB): 256/32 If this setting is listed as 512/32 you will need to arrange to perform this upgrade procedure at a time that you can stop I/O to the Storage Subsystem in order to ensure a successful firmware download and installation. 6. Upgrading to 16 storage partitions on machine type 3542. Upgrading to Storage Manager 7.10 firmware version 04.01.02 and NVSRAM will enable 16 storage partitions on machine type 3542.However, the Storage Manager Client will indicate that the storage controller premium features are Out of Compliance. To clear this message, contact IBM Support and provide your feature enable Identifier. You can obtain your Feature Enable Identifier from the Subsystem Management window of Storage Manager 7. Use the following procedure to obtain your Feature Enabler Identifier: Click storage subsystem -> premium features -> list Contact IBM Support to obtain a feature key file for enabling the 16 partition premium feature. Refer to the Storage Manager 7 online help for more information. 7. Storage Manager prompts you for a password if all hard disk drives are removed from the storage subsystem. After removing all drives from a storage subsystem (or not powering on drives and only the controller), the IBM FAStT Storage Manager software will prompt you for a password when trying to start the software or trying to perform protected operations. Any password entered will fail. Password information is stored on a reserved area of each hard disk drive on the storage subsystem. Each drive stores a mirrored copy of the password data. When there are no drives in the storage subsystem, the storage management software does not find the password data when you attempt password protected operations. Add one drive to the storage subsystem and retry the operation. 8. Auto LUN/Array Transfer is not supported. If a controller fails over arrays to the alternate controller and the failed controller is replaced and brought back online, the arrays do not automatically transfer to the preferred controller. This must be done manually by redistributing arrays. 9. Display issues when using 256 color settings. A brownish hash pattern is displayed on the windows and in online help when running in 256 color mode. Run the Storage Manager 7 application in a higher display mode. 10. Error message Service Error 100 after installing Storage Manager 7.10 host-agent software. Causes of this include the following: a. The host-agent software does not find any controllers at firmware version 4.x. b. Controllers at firmware version 4.x have the access volume disabled with NVSRAM configuration settings. c. NVSRAM on a controller in a storage subsystem that you are attempting to manage has the access volume logical unit number (LUN) set to a number that is already in use by another logical drive. d. NVSRAM on controllers in a storage subsystem that you are attempting to manage contains an access volume LUN that is not supported by operating systems and installed patches (for example, the access volume is configured as LUN 31, but the operating system and service packs only support 8 LUNs). 11. Redundancy check on machine type 3542 can take up to 10 times longer than on other controller platforms. A redundancy check (parity scan) uses the VERIFY operation which is not implemented in hardware on this platform. Parity checking will take a longer on 3542 based arrays. 1.3 Enhancements: N/A 1.4 Prerequisites: N/A 1.5 Dependencies: IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 requires IBM machine type 3526, 3542,or 3552 storage controllers that have at least firmware version 04.x. If the user is installing IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 onto a host with 3526 controllers that are at firmware 3.x, refer to the IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7 Migrate package located on the IBM Web site at for instructions on upgrading the controllers to firmware 4.x. This process requires a Windows NT 4.0 Client with a direct network connection. 2.0 Change History ----------------------------- This is the latest release of IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 for RedHat 7.1 Linux. 2.1 Key Features of IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10. 1. Heterogeneous Hosts. The machine type 3526, 3542, or 3552 Storage Subsystem supports attaching Hosts types with different operating systems. 2. Enhanced Storage Partition Supported (128 logical drives, 16 partitions). 3. Auto logical drive transfer is activated by the I/O down an alternate controller path. 4. Storage controller enhanced diagnostics. Drive side loopback. 5. Persistent event monitoring. SNMP notification persists through the closure of Storage Manager 7 Client. 6. Configuration replication. Storage Manager 7 provides capture and replay of a configuration. 7. The command line interface automates storage management through the use of scripts. 2.2 Code levels at time of release are as follows: 1. Storage Controller Firmware versions: a. For machine types 3526, 3542, and 3552: Package b. For machine types 3526 and 3552: Bootware c. For machine types 3526 and 3552: Appware d. For machine type 3542: Snapware 2. Storage Controller NVSRAM versions: a. For machine type 3526: NV3526R710NT005 b. For machine type 3542, model -1RX or 1RU: NV3542R710NT011 c. For machine type 3542, model 2RX or 2RU: NV3542R710NT012 d. For machine type 3552: NV3552R710NT008 3. IBM FAStT Storage Manager Client version 07.10.G5.06 Refer to the http:/ IBM web page for the latest released code levels. 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions -------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Step-by-step instructions for this code update are as follows: 1. Install and update the driver for the IBM FAStT Host Adapter. a. Install the hardware by using the instructions that come with the adapter. b. Install the IBM FAStT Host Adapter driver by using the instructions provided in the readme.txt file located in the Host_Adapter directory on this installation CD. 2. Install the new Storage Manager version 7.10 software. Refer to the IBM FAStT Storage Manager version 7.10 for Novell NetWare and Linux Installation and Support Guide for detailed installation instructions. 3.2 Refer to the Host_Adapter directory on this installation CD for the applicable drivers. Also, refer to the IBM Support Web Site for the latest supported host adapters, device drivers, and updated readme (See Section 6.1). At this time, the supported drivers are as follows: 1. IBM FAStT Host Adapter device driver version 5.23 for RedHat 7.1 kernel 2.4.3-12. 3.3 Helpful Hints 1. The IBM FAStT Storage Manager will prompt you for a password if an attempt is made to manage a storage subsystem where the FAStT RAID Controller Unit does not have access to any hard disk drives. This will occur even if no password has been setup. The automatic discovery will discover each storage subsystem as two separate storage subsystems. To prevent this from occurring, ensure that at least one FAStT EXP500 Expansion Unit with at least one drive is properly attached to the FAStT500 RAID Controller Unit in each storage subsystem that is being managed. Since the RAID controller unit should not be powered on until the expansion units are attached and powered on, this should be done by powering off the RAID controller unit, properly attaching all expansion units (with drives installed), to the RAID controller unit and powering them on, and then powering the RAID controller unit back on. At this point the storage subsystems can be re-discovered and managed using the IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7.10 software. 2. If you are unable to see the maximum number of drives during Automatic Configuration, you should be able to use Manual Configuration to select individual drives and select the maximum number of drives allowed. 4.0 Configuration Information ------------------------------------------- 4.1 Configuration Settings: 1. By default the IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7.10 firmware release 04.01.02.xx does not automatically map logical drives. This means that the logical drives are not automatically presented to host systems. For a new installation, after creating new arrays and logical drives; a. If your host type is not Windows NT, create a partition with your host type and map the logical drives to this partition. b. If your host type is Windows NT, you can map your logical drives to the "Default Host Group" or create a partition with a NT host type. Refer to the IBM FAStT Storage Manager online help to learn more about creating storage partitions and changing host types. 2. Running script files for specific configurations. Apply the appropriate scripts to your subsystem based on the instructions you have read in the publications or any instructions in the operating system readme file. A description of each script is shown below. - SameWWN.scr: Setup RAID controllers to have the same World Wide Names. The World Wide Names (node) will be the same for each controller pair. The NVSRAM default sets the RAID controllers to have the same World Wide Names. - DifferentWWN.scr: Setup RAID controllers to have different World Wide Names. The World Wide Names (node) will be different for each controller pair. The NVSRAM default sets the RAID controllers to have the same World Wide Names. - EnableDriveMigration.scr: The Enable drive migration script scans the drives for configurations when they are added to a storage system and will also attempt to use configurations found on the newly added drives. The NVSRAM default will enable drive migration. - DisableDriveMigration.scr: The disable drive migration script allows the addition of disk drives while the system is running. in addition, it identifies the drives as unused capacity regardless of past drive configuration. The NVSRAM default will enable drive migration. - 3526CTLdual.scr: Enables the detection and error reporting for missing or unresponsive controllers in a 3526 Dual RAID controller configuration. If either RAID controller is removed or not responding, it is detected and reported through the IBM FAStT Storage Manager software. The 3526 NVSRAM default is enabled to detect a missing or unresponsive alternate controller. - 3526CTLsingle.scr: This script disables the detection and error reporting of the missing alternate controller in a 3526 single RAID controller configuration. After executing this script, the IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7.10 software will not report the missing alternate RAID Controller. The machine type 3526 NVSRAM default is enabled to detect a missing alternate controller. - 3526EXPdualPS.scr: This script enables the detection and error reporting of a missing or unresponsive alternate power supply in an IBM Storage Expansion Unit configured with dual power supplies while attached to the 3526. If either Storage Expansion Unit power supply is removed or not responding, it is detected and reported through the IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7.10 software. Machine type 3526 NVSRAM default is enabled to detect a missing or unresponsive alternate power supply in an IBM Storage Expansion Unit. - 3526EXPsinglePS.scr: This script disables the detection and error reporting of a missing alternate power supply in an IBM Storage Expansion Unit configured with a single power supply and attached to the 3526. After executing this script, the IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7.10 software will not report the missing alternate power supply in an IBM Storage Expansion Unit. The 3526 NVSRAM default is enabled to detect a missing alternate power supply in an IBM Storage Expansion Unit. 4.2 Hardware status and information New installations for IBM Machine types 3526, 3542, and 3552 should be installed with the IBM FAStT Host Adapter and Device Driver version 5.23. For more information, refer to the IBM Support Web site. 4.3 Unsupported configurations The following lists configurations that are currently not being supported with IBM FAStT Storage Manager 7.10. 1. Fibre Channel loop environments with the IBM Fibre Channel Hub, machine type 3523, in conjunction with the IBM Fibre Channel Switch, machine types 2109-S16 or 2109-S8. In this configuration, the hub is connected between the switch and the IBM Fibre Channel RAID Controllers. 2. The IBM Fibre Channel Hub, machine type 3523, connected to IBM machine type 3542 and 3552. 5.0 Unattended Mode --------------------- N/A 6.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number ---------------------------------------- 6.1 IBM Support Web Site: 6.2 IBM eServer xSeries Marketing Web Site: 6.3 If you have any questions about this update, or problem applying the update go to the following HelpCenter World Telephone Numbers URL: 7.0 Trademarks and Notices ---------------------------- 7.1 The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM the e-business logo xSeries HelpCenter Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United states, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 8.0 Disclaimer ----------------------- 8.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 8.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.