This README file contains the latest information about upgrading the IBM FAStT Host Adapter BIOS to Version 1.81. Refer to the IBM Support Website for the latest information and updated readme file. Last Update: 04/06/2004 (09/06/02) CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 5.0 Unattended Mode 6.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 7.0 Trademarks and Notices 8.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview -------------- 1.1 Overview: This README file contains instructions for upgrading the IBM FAStT Host Adapter BIOS to Version 1.81. The new features are described below in the change history section. Please refer to this section for information on new features and modifications to the BIOS. 1.2 Limitations: Some IBM servers do not contain enough system resources for multiple adapters to have the BIOS enabled. The System RAM space allocated to PCI adapters' BIOS routines is a fixed amount based on PC Architecture, for example, 128K bytes of memory. See RETAIN TIPs 174991 and 164081. 1.3 Enhancements: None. 1.4 Prerequisites: : None. 1.5 Dependencies: None. 2.0 Change History ---------------------------- This is an update of the IBM FAStT Host Adapter BIOS. The previous release BIOS version for the IBM FAStT Host Adapter was 1.76. Rev 1.76 gh Oct. 12,2001 Changed way we allocate memory for fastutil to be compatable with IBM raid card that does not follow EBDA spec. New version of risc code 2.01.36. Rev 1.77 gh Oct. 12,2001 Removed check of subsystem device ID in 'Find_device' routine. New version of risc code 2.02.00. New version of fastutil (1.85) to fix format drive issue and allow scanning devices when lun0 nonexistent. * Rev 1.78 gh Feb. 13,2002 New version of fastutil (1.86) updated with changes made to v1.15 of QLA23xx fasttuil. Added changes to bios to support multiple boot devices and spin-up delay. Added check to see how EBDA memory is initialized so we'll know how to allocate EBDA memory. * Fixed hole in hooking interrupts where we could lose old interrupt vector if we are all using the same interrupt. New version of risc code 2.02.02. Added code to make sure we load risc code from the BIOS that is executing. Changed code to use portname instead of nodename for selectable boot device. Added code to read block 0 to get drive geometry if not using extended translation. Rev 1.79 gh Jun. 07,2002 Fixed bug where we configure non-disk device when primary boot entry is zero. Added code to reset ISP before loading risc code if ISP is not first ISP when there are multiple ISP's in system. Added code to retry login if device logs out during auto_configure processs. Removed test in 'allocate memory' routine that could cause us to think that EBDA is not initialized. New version of Fastutil (1.87) to add 1 retry if no devices found when scanning for devices on fabric. Added code to check if device supports target commands. Rev 1.81 gh Jul. 12,2002 New version of fastutil (1.89) to do inquiry command to all luns reported by 'report Luns' command. April 06, 2004 Make web link modifications in the README 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions ---------------------------------------------------- The 1.81 BIOS is available in two versions - the Windows 9x/NT4/W2K self-extractable file and the diskette image file. To extract the bootable BIOS update diskette from the self-extractable file, insert a blank diskette in the diskette drive, open the command prompt window, type the name of the self-extractable file - 2200_181 - and press Enter. Follow the instructions to create the bootable BIOS diskette. To extract the bootable BIOS update diskette from the EMT image file, you need a EMT program file. The program is in the tools directory of the IBM FAStT Host Adapter CD that was shipped with your adapter. To extract the BIOS diskette, type the following command at the command prompt. d:\tools\dsk4w32 ...\Host_adapter\2200\Bios\2200_181.img a: where d: is the CD-ROM directory, ... the starting directory where you have the EMT image file and a: is the diskette drive. Perform the following steps for setting the IBM FAStT Host Adapter BIOS to version 1.81. This procedure assumes that you do not have the IBM FAStT FC Host Adapters in the same server with the newer IBM FAStT FC-2 Host Adapters. 1. Insert the bootable diskette that was created from one of the above steps into the diskette drive. Restart the server. 2. The Intel-based server will boot to a RAM disk "c:\" prompt. The BIOS and NOVRAM setting files were copied from either the diskette to this drive. 3. From a command line, type: "flasutil /l /f" This will update the BIOS and NOVRAM for all of the 2200 adapters in the system. Note: Your current NOVRAM settings in the adapter will be overwritten with the default NOVRAM settings that comes with this BIOS diskette. If you had changed any of the settings as required by your BM FAStT FC Host Adapter operating system device driver, you must reapply the changes after executing this command. 4. After the BIOS and NOVRAM had been program to the HOST Adapter, type: "flasutil /u" This will set the default region of the 2200 adapter so that if 'Restore Default Settings' option is selected in Fast!Util program, the new NOVRAM settings will be applied. 5. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive and restart the server. 6. While the system boots up, press CNTL-Q keys together to get into the adapter's Fast!Util program when the adapter is initialized. The information on the screen will look similar to the example shown below: QLogic Corporation QLA2200 PCI Fibre Channel ROM BIOS Version 1.81 Copyright (C) QLogic Corporation 2000 All rights reserved. Press for Fast!UTIL Note: You will have only a few seconds to press CNTL-Q keys, so be ready. Otherwise, you will have to restart the server again to get to the same prompt. 7. Once the CNTL-Q keys are pressed, the system will either boot to the Fast!Util Select Options menu (if you had only one adapter in the system) or to the Select Host Adapter menu, which requires you to select an adapter and press Enter (if you have multiple adapters in the system.) In the Fast!Util Select Options menu, perform Restore Default Settings option and verify that the NOVRAM settings are set to IBM defaults (Configuration settings->Restore Default Settings). NOTE: Press Esc key to quit the current menu and go back to the previous menu. For more information on the Fast!Util program and the IBM NOVRAM settings defaults, see the IBM FAStT Host Adapter Installation guide and the change history section in this Readme file. 8. If your operating system requires specific modifications to the NOVRAM (ie. Linux and Netware), make those modification now and save the settings when you exit the Configuration Settings menu. Please refer to the Readme.txt files that are included with the IBM FAStT Host Adapter Operating System specific drivers for information on which NOVRAM modifications are needed and how to modify the NOVRAM settings for a given operating system environment. 9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for all of the IBM FAStT Host Adapters in the same server and restart the server when you are done. For more information on the flasutil program, either type "flashutil /?" at the command prompt or read the IBM FAStT Host Adapter Installation guide. If you do have the IBM FAStT Host Adapters in the same server with the newer IBM FAStT FC-2 Host Adapter, you must manually program each adapter at a time. Type 'flasutil" without any options to get to the list of adapters that you can select to update BIOS and NOVRAM settings. The NOVRAM settings in the Host Adapter are optimized, tested and supported for use in IBM supported SAN configurations. Please refer to the Readme.txt files that are included with the IBM FAStT Operating System specific drivers for information on how to modify the NOVRAM settings for a given operating system environment. 4.0 Configuration Information: ------------------------------------------ None. 5.0 Unattended Mode: ------------------------------- None. 6.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number ---------------------------------------- 6.1 IBM TotalStorage™ Disk Storage Systems Technical Support web site: 6.2 IBM TotalStorage™ Marketing Web Site: 6.3 If you have any questions about this update, or problems applying the update go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 800-IBM-SERV (800-426-7378) 7.0 Trademarks and Notices ----------------------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM FAStT TotalStorage™ the e-business logo xSeries HelpCenter Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United states, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 8.0 Disclaimer ---------------------------- 8.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 8.2 Note to Government Users Include the following note after the disclaimer paragraph. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.