IBM(tm) xSeries(tm) 455 System Firmware Update Version 1.00 README File Contents: 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change history 3.0 Updating the xSeries 455 firmware when using Windows Server 2003 3.1 Creating an update directory when using Windows Server 2003 3.2 Creating an update CD when using Windows Server 2003 4.0 Updating the xSeries 455 firmware when using Linux 4.1 Creating an update CD when using Linux 4.2 Creating an update directory when using Linux 5.0 Notices 1.0 Overview The method you use to update the xSeries 455 firmware depends on the operating system in use. o If you are using the Microsoft (tm) Windows(tm) Server 2003 operating system, use the instructions in section 3.0 of this readme file. o If you are using the Linux operating system, use the instructions provided in section 4.0 of this readme file. 2.0 Change history Version 1.00, December 16, 2003 Initial Release o SAL/EFI 1.00 o SP/DMC 1.03 o DIAGS 2.00 3.0 Updating the xSeries 455 firmware when using Windows Server 2003 There are two different methods that you can use to update the xSeries 455 firmware when using the Windows Server 2003 operating system: o Create an update directory on the system partition; then, install the updated files from the system partition. See section 3.1 for instructions. o Create an update CD using a CD creation program; then, install the updated files from the CD. See section 3.2 for instructions. 3.1 Creating an update directory when using Windows Server 2003 If you are using the Windows Server 2003 operating system, use the instructions in this section to create an update directory on the system partition; then, refer to the readme.txt file in the root, under EFI. Complete the following steps to create the update directory: 1. Log on to the server with administrative privileges. 2. Type the following command to gain access to the EFI system partition: mountvol x: /s where x is any available drive letter. You now can access the system partition like you would any other system drive. 3. Create a directory on the system-partition drive (x:) to store the firmware update files. 4. Go to the IBM support site at on the World Wide Web; then, download the update package for the xSeries 455 to the directory you created on the system-partition drive. 5. Extract the xSeries 455 update package into the directory you created on the system-partition drive. Notes: a.) When you extract the files, be sure to maintain the folder structure. b.) Detailed instructions for updating the firmware are provided in the readme files in each code-specific folder. 6. Shutdown the operating system; then, reboot the system to the EFI shell. 7. Switch to the file system (fsx:) that corresponds to the system partition; then, change directories to the update directory. 8. Use the instructions provided in the package readme.txt files to install the firmware updates. 3.2 Creating an update CD when using Windows Server 2003 If you are using the Windows Server 2003 operating system and you have the Adaptec Easy CD Creator program installed, use the instructions in this section to create a firmware update CD from the ISO image; then, refer to the readme.txt file in the root of the firmware update CD, under EFI. Note: Detailed instructions for using the CD to update the firmware are provided with the code in each code-specific subdirectory. Complete the following steps to create the update CD: 1. Go to the IBM support site at on the World Wide Web; then, download the firmware update file (.iso) to a directory on your local hard disk drive. 2. Start the Adaptec Easy CD Creator program. 3. Select the choice to create a Data CD. 4. Insert a blank, writable CD into the DVD/CD-RW drive. 5. Select File; then, select Create CD from CD Image .... The Open File dialog box will display. 6. Change Files of Type to ISO Image Files (*.iso). 7. Select the filename and location of the .iso update file you downloaded; then, select Open. The CD Creation Setup box will display. 8. Select the Advanced tab; then, select Close Disc. 9. Select OK from the CD Creation Setup box to record (burn) the CD. A message will display to notify you that the CD recording is complete. 4.0 Updating the xSeries 455 firmware when using Linux There are two different methods that you can use to update the xSeries 455 firmware when using the Linux operating system: o Create an update CD; then, install the updated files from the CD. See section 4.1 for instructions. o Create an update directory on the system partition; then, install the updated files from the system partition. See section 4.2 for instructions. 4.1 Creating an update CD when using Linux If you are using the Linux operating system, use the instructions in this section to create a firmware update CD from the ISO image; then, refer to the readme.txt file in the root of the firmware update CD, under EFI. Note: Detailed instructions for using the CD to update the firmware are provided with the code in each code-specific subdirectory. Complete the following steps to create the update CD: 1. The Linux IDE ATAPI CD-ROM driver uses SCSI emulation for CD-ROM Read and Write operations. If a boot option to enable IDE-SCSI emulation was not included during the initial install process, you will need to add the boot option manually to the elilo.conf file. In most cases, the IDE DVD/CD-RW in the xSeries 455 will be the first IDE device. To enable the IDE-SCSI emulation, add the following boot option to the stanza for the kernel you are booting: append="hda=ide-scsi" For example, if your stanza were as follows: image=/vmlinuz label=linux root=802 initrd=/initrd append="console=ttyS0,115200n8, console=tty0" Once modified, your stanza would appear as follows: image=/vmlinuz label=linux root=802 initrd=/initrd append="console=ttyS0,115200n8, console=tty0 hda=ide-scsi" 2. Restart the system. 3. Run the following command to verify that the ide-scsi driver is loaded; then, review the list of modules currently loaded and look for 'ide-scsi'. # lsmod 4. If the ide-scsi driver is in the list, go to step 5. If the ide-scsi driver is not in the list, run the following command to manually load the ide-scsi driver: # insmod ide-scsi 5. Run the following command to determine the SCSI bus (b), target (t), and lun (l) parameters for the DVD/CD-RW drive in the xSeries 455: # cdrecord -scanbus Data similar to the following will appear: scsibus0: 0,0,0 0) 'IBM-ESXS' 'ST318305LC !#' 'B244' Disk 0,1,0 1) 'IBM-ESXS' 'ST318305LC !#' 'B244' Disk 0,2,0 2) * 0,3,0 3) * 0,4,0 4) * 0,5,0 5) * 0,6,0 6) * 0,7,0 7) * 0,8,0 8) 'IBM ' '25P3495a S320 1' '1 ' Processor scsibus2: 2,0,0 200) 'HL-DT-ST' 'RW/DVD GCC-4160N' '0012' Removable CD-ROM 2,1,0 201) * 2,2,0 202) * 2,3,0 203) * 2,4,0 204) * 2,5,0 205) * 2,6,0 206) * 2,7,0 207) * 6. Insert a blank, writable CD into the DVD/CD-RW drive; then, run the following command to burn the firmware update CD from the xSeries 455 ISO image: # cdrecord -v dev=b,t,l where 'ISO-image-file' is the name of the downloaded xSeries 455 ISO image, 'b' is the SCSI bus, 't' is the SCSI target, and 'l' is the SCSI lun for your DVD/CD-RW device. 7. Use the instructions provided in the readme.txt files to install the firmware updates. 4.2 Creating an update directory when using Linux If you are using the Linux operating system, use the instructions in this section to create an update directory on the system partition; then, refer to the readme.txt file in the root, under EFI. Complete the following steps to create the update directory: 1. Log on to the server as the "root" user. IMPORTANT: The EFI system partition is mounted by default. For SuSE SLES, the EFI system partition is mounted at the /boot directory. For Red Hat Advanced Server, the EFI system partition is mounted at the /boot/efi directory. 2. Create a directory under the system partition mount point to store the firmware update files. 3. Go to the IBM support site at on the World Wide Web; then, download the update package for the xSeries 455 to the directory you created on the system-partition drive. 4. Extract the xSeries 455 update package into the directory you created on the system-partition drive. Notes: a.) When you extract the files, be sure to maintain the folder structure. b.) Detailed instructions for updating the firmware are provided in the readme files in each code-specific folder. 5. Shutdown the operating system; then, reboot the system to the EFI shell. 6. Switch to the file system (fsx:) that corresponds to the system partition; then, change directories to the update directory. 7. Use the instructions provided in the package readme.txt files to install the firmware updates. 4.0 Web sites and support phone number 4.1 IBM Support Web Site: 4.2 IBM Marketing Web Site: 4.3 If you have any questions about this update, go to: 5.0 Notices INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -------------------------------------------------------------- Trademarks IBM and xSeries are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Itanium is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States, other Countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.