IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Update Diskette Version 2.11 This README file contains information pertaining to the IBM Advanced System Management PCI Adapter. CONTENTS ________ 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 Installing and Setup Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 7.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview ____________ 1.1 About this diskette This diskette will update the IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management software only. It will not affect any device drivers. The utility on this diskette can also be used to configure many settings on your IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management Processor and/or IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter. To use this diskette, perform the following steps: 1) Insert this diskette into the diskette drive and restart the system. If your system does not boot from the diskette, use POST/BIOS setup to configure the diskette drive as a boot device. Please refer to the Server Library that was included with your system for additional information. 2) After your system boots, the main option menu will appear on the screen. The main option menu contains 4 options. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options. Online help is available for each option by pressing F1 while the option is highlighted. General help is available by pressing F1 from one of the help windows. To select an option, highlight it and then press Enter. See "4.0 Using the Configuration Utility," below, for more information. 3) When you are finished using the utility, select Exit Utility from the main menu and then press Enter. 4) When prompted, remove the diskette from the diskette drive and then press Enter to restart your system. 1.2 Limitations If there is an error in loading the IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter software, retry loading the software by repeating the instructions in section 2.0. 2.0 Change History __________________ IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Update Diskette Version 2.10 to version 2.11 - Discontinue logging of frequent IP information messages that filled up the system event log - Improve Telnet operation to eliminate dropped connections IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Update Diskette Version 2.01 to version 2.10 - Add Secondary Device support (available only on systems that have an Advanced System Management PCI Adapter installed) - Add Configuration Utility support for all commands - Add support for ST M29F040 flash memory to Boot ROM code IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Update Diskette Version 2.01 -Oriinal release for the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions ___________________________________________ To install the firmware on this diskette, perform the following steps: 1) From the main option menu, select Update System Management firmware. 2) Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the update. To access online help, press F1. See "3.0 Using the Configuration Utility," below, for more information. 4.0 Using the Configuration Utility ____________________________________ This diskette includes a configuration utility that enables you to configure your Advanced System Management (ASM) hardware without using Netfinity Manager and the Advanced System Management service. With the configuration utility, you can: o Set Alert Settings to enable or disable alert functions o Configure Dial In/Out settings o Set General Settings, including the Name and Number that identifies this Advanced System Management hardware, the date and time reported by the ASM hardware, assorted time-out values, and schedule a time for the system to be powered up. o Configure Modem Settings o Configure Network Settings (configure all network settings; available only on systems that have an Advanced System Management PCI Adapter installed) o Configure SNMP Settings (available only on systems that have an Advanced System Management PCI Adapter installed) Information on all values that can be set using this utility can be found in the "Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Software User's Guide," included with your Advanced System Management PCI Adapter option. This information can also be found in the "Advanced System Management" section of your server library. To use the configuration utility: 1) Insert this diskette into the diskette drive and restart the system. If your system does not boot from the diskette, use POST/BIOS setup to configure the diskette drive as a boot device. Please refer to the Server Library that was included with your system for additional information. 2) After your system boots, the main option menu will appear on the screen. The main menu contains the following selections: o Hardware Status and Information o Configuration Settings o Update System Management firmware o Exit Utility Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options. Online help is available for each option by pressing F1 while the option is highlighted. General help is available by pressing F1 from one of the help windows. To select an option, highlight it and then press Enter. 3) Highlight and option and then press Enter. A. Hardware Status and Information Select Hardware Status and Information for information on the current state of your Advanced System Management hardware. When you are finished viewing this information, press Esc to return to the main option menu. B. Configuration Settings Select Configuration Settings to view or change the configuration settings of your Advanced System Management hardware. The options that appear after you select Configuration Settings depend on the Advanced System Management hardware that is included in your system. o If your system has an Advanced System Management processor, you will be able to configure Alert Settings, Dial In/Dial Out Settings, General Settings, and Modem Settings. See "5.0 Configuration Interface Descriptions," below, for more information. o If your system has an Advanced System Management PCI adapter, you will be able to configure Alert Settings, Dial In/Dial Out Settings, General Settings, Modem Settings, Network Settings, and SNMP Settings. See "5.0 Configuration Interface Descriptions," below, for more information. o If your system has both an Advanced System Management processor and an Advanced System Management PCI Adapter you will first have to choose which Advanced System Management hardware you will configure. If you choose System Management processor, you will be able to configure Alert Settings, Dial In/Dial Out Settings, General Settings, and Modem Settings. If you choose System Management Adapter, you will be able to configure Alert Settings, Dial In/Dial Out Settings, General Settings, Modem Settings, Network Settings, and SNMP Settings. See "5.0 Configuration Interface Descriptions," below, for more information. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options and press Enter to select an option. 4.1 Configuration Interface Descriptions _________________________________________ A total of six ASM configuration interfaces are available. Regardless of which type of ASM hardware you are configuring, the following interfaces are available: - Alert Settings - Dial In/Out Settings - General Settings - Modem Settings In addition to these, if you are configuring an Advanced System Management PCI Adapter the following interfaces are also available. - Network Settings - SNMP Settings Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options and press Enter to select an option. A description of the contents of each of the Advanced System Management Utility configuration interfaces follows. 4.1.1 Alert Settings ___________________ Use this interface to enable or disable all Critical, Non-Critical, and System alerts supported by your ASM hardware. For a description of each of these alerts and the effect enabling them has, please see "Remote Alert Settings" in the "Advanced System Management" section of your server library or in the "Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Software User's Guide." Use the arrow keys and the Tab key to move between the fields. Use the left and right arrow keys to enable or disable each of the alerts. For online help, press F1. When you have finished, press F6 to save and return to the main option menu. To return to the main option menu without saving, press Esc. 4.1.2 Dial In/Out Settings _________________________ This window is divided into two sections: Dial In (used to configure dial in settings) and Dial Out (used to configure dial out settings). To use the Dial In portion of this window, use the Tab key or the arrow keys to move the cursor to User Profile to Configure. Then use the left and right arrow keys to select a User Profile. Once you have selected a User Profile, you can set the following values: Login ID Password Dialback (enable or disable) Number (used for dialback only) Read Only Access (enable or disable) Dial In (enable or disable) Dial In Delay (minutes) For a description of each of these values, please see "The Dial In Settings Group" and "The Dialing Settings Group" in the "Advanced System Management" section of your server library or in the "Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Software User's Guide." When you have finished, press F6 to save and return to the main option menu. To return to the main option menu without saving, press Esc. To use the Dial Out portion of this window, use the Tab key or the arrow keys to move the cursor to User Profile to Configure. Then use the left and right arrow keys to select a User Profile. Once you have selected a User Profile, you can set the following values: Login ID Password Enable or disable the currently selected entry Number PIN Connection Type (numeric, alphanumeric, serial, TCPIP, SNMP) Description Dialout Retry Limit Dialout Number Spacing Dialout Retry Delay For a description of each of these values, please see "The Dial In Settings Group" and "The Dialing Settings Group" in the "Advanced System Management" section of your server library or in the "Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Software User's Guide." When you have finished, press F6 to save and return to the main option menu. To return to the main option menu without saving, press Esc. 4.1.3 General Settings _____________________ Use the General Settings configuration window to set the identifying Name and Number for this Advanced System Management hardware; set the time and date of the ASM clock; schedule a time and date for the system to be automatically powered on; and to specify POST, Loader, and O/S Timeout values or the Power Off Delay value. The Name and Number are for your use, and are to help you identify these systems on your network. The Name and Number values can be up to 15 characters in length. Use the arrow keys and the Tab key to move between the fields. For online help, press F1. When you have finished entering the values, press F6 to save the values and return to the main option menu. To return to the main option menu without saving, press Esc. 4.1.4 Modem Settings ___________________ Use the Modem Settings window to configure the modem that is used by your ASM hardware. For descriptions of each of the Modem Settings values, please see please see "Modem Settings" in the "Advanced System Management" section of your server library or in the "Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Software User's Guide." 4.1.5 Network Settings (available only with the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter) _______________________________________________ Use the Network Settings configuration window to set the network interface settings of the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter. Use this window to set or change the following values: o Network Interface: Select interface 1 or 2. o Enable (or Disable) the network interface. Available values are ENABLED and DISABLED. NOTE: Only one network interface can be enabled at any time. o Host Name: Enter the host name to be used by the network interface. o IP Address: Enter the IP address to be used by the network interface. o Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask to be used by the network interface. o Gateway: Enter the IP address of the gateway to be used by the network interface. o Line Type: Select the line type to be used by the network interface. Available values are ETHERNET and TOKEN RING. o Routing: Enable or disable routing. Available values are ENABLED and DISABLED. o Data Rate: Set the data rate to be used. Available values depend on which Line Type is selected. - If you have selected ETHERNET, available values are 4M, 16M, and AUTO. - If you have selected TOKEN RING, available values are 10M, 100M, and AUTO. o Duplex: set the duplex mode to be used by the network interface. Available values are FULL, HALF, and AUTO. o MTU Size: Specify the MTU size to be used by the network interface. o MAC Address: Specify the MAC address of the network interface. Use the arrow keys and the Tab key to move between the fields. For online help, press F1. When you have finished entering the Network Settings values, press F6 to save the values and then press F9 to reset the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter. To return to the main option menu without saving, press Esc. NOTE: The Advanced System Management PCI Adapter MUST be reset before changes to the Network Settings will take effect. Be sure to press F9 after you have changed Network Settings. 4.1.6 SNMP Settings (available only with the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter) _______________________________________________ Use the SNMP Settings window to configure the SNMP settings used by the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter. Use this window to set or change the following values: o SNMP Agent Enabled/Disabled Enable/Disable Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter to forward alerts to SNMP managers on your network. o Traps Disable Check this checkbox to prevent SNMP traps from being sent. o System Contact Type in this field the name of the SNMP System Contact. o System Location Type in this field information regarding your system's location. o Community Use the left and right arrow keys to select and define one of up to three SNMP communities. o Community Name Type in this field the name of the selected SNMP community. o Community IP Address 1, 2, and 3 Type in these fields the IP addresses for the selected SNMP community. Use the arrow keys and the Tab key to move between the fields. For online help, press F1. When you have finished entering the SNMP Settings values, press F6 to save the values and then press F9 to reset the Advanced System Management PCI Adapter. To return to the main option menu without saving, press Esc. NOTE: The Advanced System Management PCI Adapter MUST be reset before changes to the SNMP Settings will take effect. Be sure to press F9 after you have changed SNMP Settings. 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number _______________________________________ 5.1 IBM Support Web Site: 5.2 IBM Marketing Netfinity Web Site: 5.3 If you have any questions regarding this update, or problems applying this update, call 1-800-772-2227. 6.0 Trademarks and Notices ___________________________ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management 7.0 Disclaimer _______________ 7.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.