This README file contains the latest information about setting the BIOS of the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card and the IBM eServer BladeCenter SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card to version 1.43. Refer to the IBM Support Website listed in "Web Sites and Support" section in this ReadMe document for the latest information and updated README file. Products supported: IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card (IBM Option P/N 13N2203) IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card (IBM Option P/N 48P7061) IBM eServer BladeCenter SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card (IBM Option P/N 26K4841) Last Update: 12/3/2004 CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 BIOS Update Procedure for IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card using FastTMSJ 4.0 BIOS Update Procedure for IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card using IBMUtil 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Notices and Trademarks 7.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview -------------- 1.1 Overview: -This README file contains instructions for updating the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channnel Expansion Card and the IBM eServer BladeCenter SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card BIOS to version 1.43. -For more information refer to the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card Installation and User's Guide. -Refer to the 23xxBiosReadme.txt and 23xxReleaseNotes.txt files within the 1.43 BIOS package for more information 1.2 Supported Adapter Part Numbers: 13N2203 -- IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card 48P7061 -- IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card 26K4841 -- IBM eServer BladeCenter SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card 2.0 Change History -------------------- Changes from BIOS 1.38 to 1.43 ------------------------------ Rev 1.43 gh Apr. 5,2004 New version of risc code 3.02.28. Rev 1.42 gh Feb. 27,2004 Changed code to GAN command instead of GETID3 command to locate first LUN0 boot device. Rev 1.41 gh Feb. 19,2004 Fix bug where we could corrupt our drive block New version of risc code 3.02.24. Rev 1.40 gh Jan. 29,2004 New version of fasutil (1.27) to add Max Lun count to device block structure. Changed code to use extended interface risc code. Changed code to allow configuring a drive when selectable boot disabled and connected to switch. New version of risc code 3.02.22. Rev 1.39 gh Dec. 5,2003 Changed code to use a common file for ISP2300/2312 bios (ql23rom.bin). This requires using Flasutil v1.35 or higher flash the BIOS correctly. New version of fasutil (1.26) to support common BIOS. New version of risc code 3.02.20. Changes from BIOS 1.35 to 1.38 ------------------------------ Rev 1.38 gh Nov. 14,2003 Fixed bug where we were overwriting the first word of the INT15H interrupt handler. New version of risc code 3.02.18. New version of fasutil (1.25) to fix potential bug in displaying some screens correctly. Rev 1.37 gh Oct. 23,2003 Changed code to not configure selectable boot drive when Start command fails. Rev 1.36 gh Oct. 14,2003 Changed code to only allocate 14kb instead of 32kb of of EBDA to use for decompressing RISC code. New version of risc code 3.02.17. Removed code to reset ISP when exiting BIOS Init routine and BIOS not loaded. (not needed) Changed code to retry login when 4007h status returned* during login_isp_database routine. Disable IOCB timeout for SCSI format (04h) command to keep format command from being timed out before format complete. 3.0 BIOS Update Procedure for IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card using FastTMSJ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: See the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card Installation and User's Guide that can be found in the Docs folder of this Utility CD for additional information. Perform the following to update the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card BIOS to version 1.43. 1. To associate the CD-ROM or diskette drive with the blade server, press the CD/diskette/USB select button on the blade server. The LED on the button flashes while the request is being processed, then is steady when the ownership of the CD-ROM or diskette drive is transferred to the blade server. Refer to BladeCenter User's Manual on BladeCenter Documentation CD or website. 2. To associate the keyboard port, mouse port, and video port with the blade server, press the keyboard/mouse/video select button. The LED on this button flashes while the request is processed, then is steady when the ownership of the keyboard, mouse, and video is transferred to the blade server. 3. Download and extract the 1.43 BIOS update to a directory on the blade server. 4. Start the FastTMSJ utility. The FastTMSJ management utility can be downloaded from This level of BIOS requires FastTMSJ version 2.0.29 Build 39 or later. 5. When the FastTMSJ utility starts, click the "Connect" button, and select "Localhost". Click "Connect" to continue. 6. In the left frame of the FastTMSJ application, there will be 2 HBA ports (port 0 and port 1) that represent the two ports of the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card. 7. Click on the Port 0 icon in the left frame 8. In the right frame of the FastTMSJ Application, a "Utilities" tab will be displayed. Click on the "Utilities" tab. 9. Click on "Update Flash" to begin the installation of the 1.43 BIOS 10. Select "Yes" to proceed with the operation. Ensure that no Fibre Channel traffic is occuring on the expansion card that is being upgraded. All active I/Os will fail during the upgrade. 11. Navigate to the directory where the BIOS package is located and select the "QL23ROM.BIN" file. 12. A securtiy check window opens. The default password is "config". If the password had been changed previously, then the new password will need to be enter. 13. The BIOS is downloaded to the card, and a popup window will confirm that the proceedure was successful. Click OK to continue. NOTE: The BIOS download to port 0 of the expansion card will also upgrade port 1, so there is no need to install the BIOS upgrade on port 1. 14. Exit the FastTMSJ utility, and reboot the blade server for the changes to take effect. 4.0 BIOS Update Procedure for IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card using IBMUtil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: See the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card Installation and User's Guide that can be found in the Docs folder of this Utility CD for additional information. Perform the following to update the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card BIOS to version 1.43. 1. To associate the CD-ROM or diskette drive with the blade server, press the CD/diskette/USB select button on the blade server. The LED on the button flashes while the request is being processed, then is steady when the ownership of the CD-ROM or diskette drive is transferred to the blade server. Refer to BladeCenter User's Manual on BladeCenter Documentation CD or website. 2. To associate the keyboard port, mouse port, and video port with the blade server, press the keyboard/mouse/video select button. The LED on this button flashes while the request is processed, then is steady when the ownership of the keyboard, mouse, and video is transferred to the blade server. 3. Create a bootable floppy disk and copy the contents of the BIOS 1.43 package to the floppy disk. 4. Insert the BIOS Update floppy diskette into diskette drive. 4. Power on HS20/HS40 blade server. 5. The HS20/HS40 blade server will boot to a "a:\" prompt. 6. From the command line, type: "ibmutil /f /i /o QL23ROM.BIN" This will update the BIOS for both channels of the expansion card in the system. NOTE: DURING THE INSTALLATION OF THE 1.43 BIOS, THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED "Error erasing flash at I/O Address 2600" THIS MESSAGE IS NORMAL AND DOES NOT INDICATE AN ISSUE 7. Remove the BIOS update diskette and restart the HS20/HS40 blade server. For more information on the IBMUTIL program, either type "ibmutil /?" at the command prompt or read the IBM eServer BladeCenter Fibre Channel Expansion Card Installation and User's guide. The NVRAM settings in the expansion card are optimized, tested and supported for use in IBM supported SAN configurations. Please refer to the Readme.txt files that are included with the IBM HS20/HS40 blade server Operating System specific drivers for information on how to modify the NVRAM settings for a given Operating System environment. 5.0 WEB SITES AND SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER ---------------------------------------- 5.1 IBM Support Web Site: 5.2 IBM eServer xSeries BladeCenter Marketing Web Site: 5.3 If you have any questions or problems about this package go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 6.0 NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS ----------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. IBM, the e-business logo, eServer, IntelliStation, BladeCenter, and xSeries are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. ****************************************************************** The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: e-business logo eServer IBM IntelliStation BladeCenter xSeries ****************************************************************** Intel, MMX, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. 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IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.