IBM Auto 16/4 Token Ring Adapter Driver v2.0.0a - Installation Diskette ======================================================================== This diskette contains the Device Driver for the IBM Auto 16/4 Token Ring Adapter, along with all the files required by SCO installation tools, custom(ADM) and netconfig(ADM). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Diskette Creation ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The binary file you have downloaded is in a UNIX tar format. You must transfer the file to your UNIX system, extract the directory tree and create the custom installable diskette. The following steps transfer the binary file from a 1.44MB DOS formatted diskette to your UNIX system (NOTE: There may be other methods for transferring the binary file from a DOS system to an UNIX system). 1) Copy the tok_dist.tar file to a 1.44MB DOS formatted diskette. 2) Place the diskette containing the tok_dist.tar file in your UNIX system 1.44MB diskette drive. 3) Create a subdirectory called 'dist' on your root tree. 4) Using UNIX "doscp" command, copy the TOK_DIST.TAR file from the diskette to the /dist directory in your UNIX system. The file name must be tok_dist.tar (NOTE: UNIX is case sensitive). Type the following: doscp a:TOK_DIST.TAR /dist/tok_dist.tar 5) Inside the /dist directory, use the tar command to extract the distribution files from the tok_dist.tar file: tar xvf tok_dist.tar 6) Erase the original file, insert a UNIX format diskette on the default diskette driver and generate the Token Ring Driver custom instalable diskette, using the following commands: rm tok_dist.tar tar cv . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Diskette Installation ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of the diskette must be installed with the custom(ADM) command. Refer to the "System Administrator's Reference" Manual for information about custom(ADM). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Contents of the Diskette ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diskette built should have the following files: ./tmp/_lbl/prd=tok/typ=ku386/rel=2.0.0a/vol=01 ./tmp/perms/tok ./etc/copyrights/ ./usr/include/sys/sr.h ./usr/lib/netconfig/reconf/tok0 ./usr/lib/netconfig/remove/tok0 ./usr/lib/netconfig/info/tok0 ./usr/lib/netconfig/init/tok0 ./usr/lib/lli/tok/Space.c ./usr/lib/lli/tok/Driver.o ./usr/lib/lli/tok/System ./usr/lib/lli/tok/Node ./usr/lib/lli/tok/Master Restricted Rights Legend: IBM is trademark of International Business Machine Corporation. SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. UNIX is registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.