====================================================================== Date: October 23, 1996 Author: Matthew Fry Subject: OS/2 Dialer Script for SpryNet Access Revision: 1st revision... fixes Netscape DNS problems Setting up the OS/2 PPP Dialer for SpryNet Access... Hello there fellow OS/2 user. Most of you already know the power of OS/2 so I will only say that I have trusted it since version 1.3 and have never looked back. Anyway, that little shameless plug out of the way, I am here to help you OS/2 Internet users with a problem that I encountered. This problem is the lack of OS/2 support at many Internet Service Providers. Well, I am trying to put together a FAQ on as many major service providers that I can dig up and will hopefully be posting it on Pete Norloff's OS/2 Shareware BBS (www.os2bbs.com) as soon as I have something to offer. Meanwhile, I have my first offering available for your consumption right now... A SPRYNET DIALER SCRIPT AND SETUP GUIDE. First, you'll need a couple of things: -A SpryNet PPP Account -the "passwd.txt" file found in the "C:\SPRY\DATA" directory this file contains the PPP Host Name, UserID, and Password information -your local SpryNet dialup number (if you can't find this, visit www.sprynet.com and search for a local access number with their online search tool. this can be found on the sprynet.com "sitemap") -OS/2 Warp v3.0 (all flavors) or OS/2 Warp v4.0 w/the TCP/IP v2.0 (rev 1.16 or later) -An OS/2 compatible modem -the settings for the modem (such as com port, init strings, etc.) OK. Now that you have collected all of these things (you probably already had them right there, didn't you? thought so. how else would you have found this file...) we will proceed with setting up your SpryNet access in the OS/2 PPP Dialer. Step 1. Turn on your machine. When OS/2 is up and running, start the OS/2 PPP Dialer (if you don't know where it is, open the "IBM Information Superhighway" folder, then the "IBM Internet Connection for OS/2" folder, then the "Internet Utilities" folder. double click on the "Dial Other Internet Providers" icon). Step 2. Add a new entry by pressing the "Add Entry" button. This will open the "Add Entries" notebook. There are 4 tabs of information that must be filled in. I'm only going to cover the necessary settings to get your PPP session up and running. Tab 1 - Login Info *Name: - Name this dialer entry (I use SPRYPPP here) Description: - Describe the entry (I use SpryNet here) Login ID: - This should be your UserID or UID from Sprynet. You can find this information in the "passwd.txt" file from your SpryNet directory. The format is usually something like "SPRY000000" (SPRY must be first, followed by the six numbers assigned to you) Password: - Again from your "passwd.txt" file. The format is usually "XXX0XXXX" and I recommend ALL-CAPS for this field. Also, check the "Required" checkbox. Phone Number: - If you don't already have this, visit the SpryNet website and search for a local acess number. Login Sequence: - OK. This is the IMPORTANT part. You must enter the information EXACTLY AS I SHOW IT HERE. One thing you may need to change is the "Host Name:" field. Mine is "SPRY01" and yours may be different. Be sure to enter the one from your "passwd.txt" file. Here is what your script should look like (I'll put it to the left so you can copy it to your clipboard and paste it into the field): \r \r SPRY01 UIC: [LOGINID] assword: [PASSWORD] There should'nt be anything else in the field. Connection Type - Select the PPP button. Inactivity Timeout Option - Set to any amount of time you like. I set mine to 30 minutes. Tab 2 - "Connect Info" Your IP Address: - Leave Blank (SpryNet will provide one dynamically) Destination IP Address: - Leave Blank Netmask: - Enter here. MRU Size: - Change this setting to 1500. VJ Compression - This checkbox should be checked. *Domain Nameserver: - Enter here. Your Host Name: - Leave Blank *Your Domain Name: - IMPORTANT! You will need to enter a false domain name here. If you don't, some winsock applications will not work on your OS/2 system (16 bit Netscape being the culprit here for me). I recommend using something like your first name with sprynet.com attached to it (e.g.- I use matt.sprynet.com). This will not only keep the PPP dialer from returning an error when saving this entry caused by leaving a required field blank, but it will make sure that your winsock applications in WinOS2 can find the DNS. Tab 3 - "Server Info" Leave the fields on this tab blank for now. The aren't necessary to gain a successful PPP connection and are irrelevant to you for right now. Tab 4 - "Modem Info" Set up the modem with the information you obtained earlier. Step 3. Press "Alt+F4" to save the settings of this new entry and select "Save" when prompted to do so. There, now you are all set to try it out. Step 4. Select the entry you just set up from the list you see on the PPP Dialer. Press the "Dial" button and watch the OS/2 dialer do it's stuff! There... You should be all set. If you experience problems connecting, follow these simple guidelines: -Check to make sure your modem is set up correctly. This is one of the most common problems in getting a dialer application to work. If you already have another dialup entry that works, copy the modem settings out of that and paste them into the SpryNet entry. -Make sure you entered your UserID and Password correctly. Remember, spelling counts here! -Make sure you have entered the correct "Host Name:" in the script. If you are supposed to be using "SPRY01" then use it, if not use the one assigned to you. -Make sure you copied the script above EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS! If not, it more than likely will not work. Well, I hope this has been helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me at chkrdcab@access.digex.net. Note: I'm a very busy person so you may have to wait for a while for a response (remember, I'm NOT the technical support department at SpryNet, I'm just another user helping out my fellow OS/2 users). I will be forwarding this to SpryNet and the OS/2 Shareware BBS and will send updates as necessary. Good luck and Happy OS/2'ing! -Matthew Fry Dedicated OS/2 Supporter chkrdcab@access.digex.net