Patch Name: PHSS_30128

Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV OB4.10 patch - CS packet

Creation Date: 04/01/20

Post Date: 04/01/26

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.20
	s800: 10.20

	OmniBackII A.04.10


Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Superseded

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_30128

	Id = HSLco44381  SR:H555011451
	    After tape import, Lotus Notes database restore cannot
	    be performed using the graphical user interface (GUI).

	Id = HSLco44850  SR:H555011685
	    While restarting a failed session, the following error
	    message appears:

	     "Error-Detail Unknown."

	Id = HSLco44880  SR:H555011708
	    After mount request, Backup Media Agent (BMA) exits
	    and Backup Session Manager (BSM) stops responding.

	Id = HSLco45008  SR:H555011784
	    Size values returned by the "omnidbutil -info"
	    and "ll" command are different.

	Id = HSLco45020  SR:H555011788
	    The "omnimm -catalog medium_id" command may end
	    abnormally on tapes with large number of files
	    and file versions.

	Id = HSLco33216  SR:H555007363
	    After the MC/ServiceGuard failover,
	    the MMD service fails to start.

	Id = HSLco40343  SR:H555009725
	    Insufficient information regarding the "MaxMAperSM"
	    global options variable in the Administrator's Guide
	    and Release Notes.

	Id = HSLco42498  SR:H555010638
	    When there are large numbers of backup specifications
	    holding lots of data in the backup specification
	    headers, some of them are not displayed in the
	    Graphical User Interface (GUI).

	Id = HSLco42700  SR:H555010730
	    CRS intermittently ends abnormally.

	Id = HSLco42792  SR:H555010787
	    Backup session with enabled debugs stops responding
	    when the Backup Session Manager (BSM) or the Backup
	    Media Agent (BMA) debug file reaches 2 GB in size.

	Id = HSLco42864  SR:H555010817
	    When drives do not become available,
	    session ends abnormally.

	Id = HSLco42946  SR:H555010850
	    Filename purge is not functioning.

	Id = HSLco42970  SR:H555010860
	    Scheduled backups do not start.

	Id = HSLco43090  SR:H555010910
	    Device unlocking is not functioning as expected for
	    the Informix backup when device that is used for
	    backing up Logical Logs "L" resource type is out of
	    DYNAMIC range.

	Id = HSLco43483  SR:H555011095
	    BSM ends abnormally when the "omniabort"
	    command is used.

	Id = HSLco43526  SR:H555011119
	    Linux Media Agent requests UNIX Single Drive license
	    instead of MS Windows NT Single license.

	Id = HSLco43840  SR:H555011230
	    When using Single Server Edition (SSE) of OmniBack II,
	    backup session fails with the following error:

	     "|Major| From BSM@<hostname> <object> Time: <time>
	     Device: <device> does not reside on the Cell Manager.
	     It cannot be used for backup under SSE license."

	Id = HSLco43926  SR:H555011264
	    Every SNMP trap message is received twice in SNMP
	    management station during library rescan.

	Id = HSLco44005  SR:H555011297
	    Purge session does not appear in the GUI purge report.

	Id = HSLco44008  SR:H555011298
	    When OmniBack II database (OBDB) backup flushes
	    hot file, the scheduled backups do not start.

	Id = HSLco44095  SR:H555011344
	    "omnidbutil -free_locked_devs" command does not unlock
	    the medium.

	Id = HSLco44179  SR:H555011379
	    The Media Agent (MA) fails when trying to do
	    a local backup with only SSE license available.

	Id = HSLco44403  SR:H555011460
	    No catalog information available for "WinFs" objects
	    when backing up drive or host. "Winfs" objects return
	    the following error message when "omnidb -session
	    <time> -winfs <hostname>:/G 'G:' -catalog" is run:

	     "No catalog available for WinFS <hostname>:/G 'G:'
	     within session <session_name>."

	Id = JAGae86535  SR:8606324070
	    Device lock timeout exceeds the time set with
	    the "SmWaitForDevice" global variable.

	Id = HSLco36890  SR:H555008723
	    Media copy operation completes successfully but at the
	    end Media Session Manager (MSM) reports that 0 media
	    out of 1 were successfully copied.

	Id = HSLco38298  SR:H555009054
	    Backup fails with an error:

	    "|Critical| From: BMA@<host> "<device>" Time:<time>
	     |90:30| SM/MA protocol error => aborting"

	Id = HSLco40877  SR:H555010030
	    During NDMP Backup Session Omniback II Database gets
	    corrupted, which can be detected by running a
	    "omnidbcheck -sibf" command .

	Id = HSLco41375  SR:H555010269
	    After OmniBack II A.03.50 tapes with Exchange
	    objects are imported to Omniback II A.04.10,
	    Internal DataBase (IDB) is corrupt.

	Id = HSLco41410  SR:H555010280
	    Command "omnidbutil -writedb" fails with error:

	    "|Critical| From: OMNIDBUTIL@<host> ""  Time:<time>
	     |12:1165| Database network communication error."

	Id = HSLco41436  SR:H555010285
	    Medium import operation fails with message:

	     "|Critical| From: MSM@<host> "datalist" Time:<time>
	      |65:99|Import failed with possible cause:
	       this media already has valid copy in DB."

	Id = HSLco41742  SR:H555010380
	    NDMP restore from multiple imported tapes fails with:

	     "|Major| From: RSM@<host> ""  Time:<time>
	             Unknown internal error."

	Id = HSLco41744  SR:H555010381
	    When media in free pool is used and becomes protected
	    it still remains in free pool.

	Id = HSLco41920  SR:H555010432
	    When performing omnisv -stop command crs dies with:

	      "Cannot stop "omniback_crs" service,
	       system error: |502|".

	Id = JAGae70592  SR:8606307557
	    If one of BMA fails in a load-balanced backup, then
	    all other available devices are started and the total
	    amount of started devices is greater than MAX number
	    of devices defined in datalist.

	Id = HSLco39134  SR:H555009289
	    Performing "omnisv -stop" command sometimes returns exit
	    code different then 0 and because of that crs dies with
	    error message:

	      "Cannot stop "omniback_crs" service
	      system error:|502|"

	Id = HSLco39169  SR:H555009297
	    After aborting host backup the object post-exec script
	    does not execute.

	Id = HSLco39260  SR:H555009322
	    "omnib" started from different scheduler completes
	    successfully,  but the following error is reported
	    to stderr:

	      "SystemErr: |10054| Connection reset by peer"

	Id = HSLco39447  SR:H555009381
	    Catalog import fails if "dcbf" file does not exist.

	Id = HSLco39448  SR:H555009382
	    Running backup on Cell Manager which is inhibited with
	    command: omniclus -clus host_name -inhibit "time"
	    produces default error report and abnormal end of

	Id = HSLco39878  SR:H555009560
	    Backup run twice when daylight saving time is changed.

	Id = HSLco39885  SR:H555009567
	    "debug.log" contains messages that Detail Catalog
	    Binary Files (DCBF) is corrupted, although "omnidbcheck"
	    does not report any error.

	Id = HSLco39976  SR:H555009593
	    When using the "omnimm -list_scratch_media 'pool_name'"
	    command, no NDMP media is listed .

	Id = HSLco40396  SR:H555009779
	    After installing SSPUX410_056, aborted Oracle
	    backup session hangs.

	Id = HSLco40471  SR:H555009833
	    When omnitrig is stopped and omnisv is started with
	    "omnisv -start_mon", all services stop.

	Id = HSLco40559  SR:H555009877
	    Backup specification does not reflect correct

	Id = HSLco40594  SR:H555009895
	    omnidbutil -cdbsync fails in a non-MOM environment.

	Id = HSLco40896  SR:H555010043
	    Message "EIPCALREADYINIT" is filling the debug.log file.

	Id = HSLco40964  SR:H555010075
	    When virtual name does not match the hostname of the
	    host currently running as the cell manager, all the
	    scripts are considered as remote exec script.

	Id = HSLco41021  SR:H555010103
	    Imported catalog from media has catalog protection
	    set to None.

	Id = HSLco41054  SR:H555010123
	    Restore session fails with error:

	      "|Critical| From: RSM ""  Time:<time>
	      Media Management daemon subsystem reports:
	                "Invalid slot specified."

	Id = HSLco41120  SR:H555010158
	    After aborting the backup session, new backup session
	    is started and it hangs for a SmMaIdleTimeout variable,
	    before it aborts.

	Id = HSLco41270  SR:H555010234
	    Integration restore hangs if SmWaitForNewClient
	    variable is not properly set.

	Id = JAGae52957  SR:8606289026
	    Device Flow Report is not working correctly.

	Id = JAGae62427  SR:8606298931
	    Instead of positioning the tape to the beginning of the
	    file, backint restore positions the tape to the
	    beginning of the whole object.

	Id = JAGae64291  SR:8606300821
	    Executing "crs -redebug" from command line displays
	    a usage summary.

	Id = HSLco36403  SR:H555008641
	    Whenever there is OmniBack II activity going on in
	    the Cell, the update of the NT clients fails.

	Id = HSLco36432  SR:H555008650
	    Restarting CS daemons using omnisv produces the
	    following entries in the debug.log:

	      "VELOCIS DB ERROR [0] internal error
	          [-2005] server unavailable"

	Id = HSLco36656  SR:H555008680
	    When Cartridge Memory Support is activated for drives
	    with the LTO-Ultrium media type, MSM (Media Session
	    Manager) goes into a loop when try to reformatting or
	    listing Cartridge Memory contents.

	Id = HSLco36721  SR:H555008690
	    If a Manager-of-Managers Server is also a
	    MC/ServiceGuard virtual node, then the command
	    "omnirpt -report list_sessions -timeframe
	     -multicell -no_multiple"
	    lists the matching sessions from this node twice.

	Id = HSLco36772  SR:H555008704
	    Format the original medium and purge the database
	    deletes Detail Catalog Binary Files (DCBF) files.

	Id = HSLco36803  SR:H555008716
	    Messages from pre/post exec scripts are not filtered.

	Id = HSLco36880  SR:H555008722
	    Reporting Email header does not contain device name.

	Id = HSLco37193  SR:H555008807
	    When backing up SAP integration with EMC split mirror
	    functionality, not all the SAP files are backed up.

	Id = HSLco37276  SR:H555008832
	    Filesystem backup fails with an error:

	    "[Major] From: BSM@<computer> "<object>"  Time: <time>
	     [61:3003] Lost connection to VBDA named <object>
	        on host <host>.
	        Ipc subsystem reports: "IPC Read Error
	        System error: [232] Connection reset by peer"

	Id = HSLco37704  SR:H555008887
	    The connection with the host running SSEA agent is

	Id = HSLco37783  SR:H555008908
	    When OmniBack II tries to backup non-existent SAP
	    redo logs, session is ended as failed.

	Id = HSLco37939  SR:H555008927
	    While configuring OmniBack II reports using GUI,
	    only datalists are listed (barlists are missing).

	Id = HSLco37977  SR:H555008950
	    After running "omnidbutil -cdbsync", the Catalog
	    Database is lost.

	Id = HSLco38084  SR:H555008998
	    When a host backup session is using WakeOnLan option,
	    it can not retry using specified value from the
	    SmMaxAgentStartupRetries option.

	Id = HSLco38099  SR:H555009008
	    Restore Graphical User Interface (GUI) does not
	    browse nested mountpoints.

	Id = HSLco38123  SR:H555009017
	    Load balancing does not work correctly in case
	    of mount request.

	Id = HSLco38291  SR:H555009053
	    In case when only Single Server Edition license
	    is applied, media agent fails during local backup.

	Id = HSLco38320  SR:H555009061
	    In Manager-of-Managers configuration with Central
	    Media Management Database request for pools list
	    report fails.

	Id = HSLco38383  SR:H555009083
	    In case that Detail Catalog Binary Files do not exist
	    in the OmniBack II database, catalog import fails.

	Id = HSLco38516  SR:H555009153
	    OmniBack II does not display data written in
	    Disk Agent (DA) context of the Graphical User
	    Interface (GUI) during NDMP restore.

	Id = HSLco38751  SR:H555009194
	    Total blocks and Used blocks of medium are reported as
	    negative numbers.

	Id = HSLco38804  SR:H555009209
	    a)During backup session using multiple devices, Cancel
	      Device options leaves device locked. Device is not
	      available to another session.

	    b)If connection to a Monitor is lost during backup
	      session the following message appears:

	      "[Major] From: BSM@<HOSTNAME> "<OBJECT>"  Time: <TIME>
	       [61:3003] Lost connection to Monitor named "noname"
	       on host <HOSTNAME>. Ipc subsystem reports: "IPC Read
	       Error System error: [232] Connection reset by peer."

	Id = HSLco39036  SR:H555009263
	    "omnidbutil" ends abnormally during "readascii" process.

	Id = HSLco39130  SR:H555009286
	    Catalog binary file is deleted if original medium with
	    copy is recycled or exported. Importing the catalog
	    from copy medium is not possible.

	Id = JAGae12418  SR:8606245960
	    Backup GUI displays selection, which is inconsistent
	    with datalist.

	Id = JAGae43999  SR:8606280024
	    Report "Extended report on used media" gives wrong info
	    about used media in selected timeframe.

	Id = HSLco33764  SR:H555007590
	    OmniBack II does not check into what slot mediums were
	    entered when mount request is confirmed.

	Id = HSLco34131  SR:H555007736
	    Report "Backup Error" does not properly display the
	    number of errors of the backup session.

	Id = HSLco34708  SR:H555008063
	    Restore is started even in case that drive is

	Id = HSLco34785  SR:H555008105
	    Although the number of devices specified in the
	    backup specification is greater than minimum value
	    specified in load balancing options, the following
	    message is displayed:

	    "Number of devices specified in backup
	     specification is smaller than MIN value of load

	Id = HSLco34911  SR:H555008180
	    DailyMaintenance backup deletes DCBF files of
	    currently running backups.

	Id = HSLco35035  SR:H555008242
	    During backup of NDMP integration Backup Media Agent
	    session completes with failures.

	Id = HSLco35076  SR:H555008261
	    Backup fails with an error:

	    "Internal error. Allocation form library failed.
	     The Media Management daemon reports:
	     "Internal error: DbaXXXX functions.""

	Id = HSLco35515  SR:H555008452
	    Backup Session Manager does not terminate after
	    the time specified in the SmDaIdleTimeout variable
	    when connection to Disk Agent and Media Agent is lost.

	Id = HSLco35873  SR:H555008549
	    The following warning message is displayed:
	    "[Warning] From: <hostname> "<datalist or barlist name>"
	     Time: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
	     License not available
	     "Split Mirror Extension for ONE EMC Symmetrix""

	Id = HSLco36132  SR:H555008606
	    SAP offline backup using the VA integration reports
	    the following errors:

	    "[Major] From: BSM@<CM_hostname>
	     "<datalist_or_barlist_name>"  Time: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
	     [61:1002]   The Snapshot Agent named ""
	     on host <hostname>
	        reached its inactivity timeout of 7200 seconds.
	        The agent on host will be shutdown."

	Id = JAGae27169  SR:8606262839
	    Configuration Report creates an incorrect list of
	    scheduled backups.

	Id = HSLco32101  SR: H555006969
	    The OmniBack II database backup fails with 'Session
	    Aborted' if the global variable 'RecoveryIndexDir='
	    refers to a directory that either does not exist or
	    is not accessible. (This variable indicates the
	    location of a copy of the RecoverIndex file.)

	Id = HSLco32736  SR:H555007177
	    If ".util HOSTNAME" returns nothing with "omnicc
	    -import_host", crs ends abnormally.

	Id = HSLco32873  SR:H555007218
	    If you try to restore files in interval that does not
	    include full backup the following error appears:

	      "DB unknown error".

	Id = HSLco33215  SR:H555007362
	    Devices are locked after the end of media session.

	Id = HSLco33217  SR: H555007364
	    After OmniBack II services are stopped during backup
	    and the remaining OmniBack II processes are killed,
	    mmd and crs fail to start afterwards.

	Id = HSLco33266  SR:H555007383
	    "Restore by query" loops forever.

	Id = HSLco33360  SR:H555007428
	    Backup fails with error:

	      "[Major] From: BMA@<HOST>  Time:<TIME>
	       [90:64] Can not unload exchanger medium
	             (Storage slot is occupied.)".

	Id = HSLco33437  SR:H555007455
	    When source tape protection expires and the catalog is
	    still protected, the tape is reused although a copy is
	    attached to it. Transporting the catalog then results
	    is protection set to "None" for the objects from
	    original tape.

	Id = HSLco33515  SR:H555007485
	    Purgeadvisor reports that filename purge is needed
	    even after the purge is done.

	Id = HSLco33593  SR:H555007524
	    Although the number of devices specified in the
	    backup specification is greater then minimum value
	    specified in load balancing options, the following
	    message is displayed:

	    "Number of devices specified in backup
	    specification is smaller than minimum value of load

	Id = HSLco34050  SR:H555007700
	    Backup fails with error:

	    "[Critical] From: BMA@<HOST> "<DEVICE>" Time:<TIME>
	     [90:30] SM/MA protocol error => aborting"

	Id = HSLco34429  SR:H555007901
	    After applying CS patch (PHSS_25962/PHSS_25963),
	    the OB2PORTRANGE variable is ignored.

	Id = JAGae14881  SR:8606248483
	    Address of a Cell Console client is incorrectly

	Id = HSLco31142  SR: H555006771
	    Load balancing is not working properly.

	Id = HSLco31145  SR: H555006772
	    Omniback database suddenly stops reporting any
	    details about sessions.

	Id = HSLco31265  SR: H555006788
	    After the execution of a session with load balacing
	    used, devices remain locked and cannot be used for
	    later sessions.

	Id = HSLco31359  SR: H555006819
	    Forced ownership in datalist does not function

	Id = HSLco31475  SR: H555006843
	    Backup Session Manager abnormally ends.

	Id = HSLco31629  SR: H555006868
	    Vault reporting does not work properly.

	Id = JAGad98695  SR: 8606229643
	    Changing any option for a DCBF directory resets
	    all other values to default.

	Id = HSLco31067  SR: H555006757
	    "End of Session" e-mail notification does not specify
	    datalist name for which it was created.

	Id = HSLco31942  SR: H555006939
	    Restore of Oracle 8 objects hangs.

	Id = HSLco31981  SR: H555006948
	    Cell Request Server abnormally ends periodically.

	Id = HSLco32089  SR: H555006968
	    The 'omnidbrestore -autorecover' fails with error:

	     "Current medium is refused for restore. Aborting!"

	Id = HSLco32276  SR: H555006998
	    Using a "\" sign when setting RecoveryIndexDir option
	    in global options file sometimes causes Backup Session
	    Manager failure.

	Id = HSLco32499  SR: H555007081
	    "omnisv -start_mon" is inactive for 1 second between

	Id = HSLco32614  SR: H555007115
	    Executing "omnidbutil -purge -filenames <hostname>"
	    fails with an error:

	      "[Major] From: OMNIDBUTIL@<host> ""  Time: <time>
	       Functionality not (yet) supported."

	Id = JAGad90905  SR: 8606221771
	    Case sensitive search does not work.

	Id = JAGae05208  SR: 8606236143
	    Not all session manager processes are correctly stopped
	    using csfailover.ksh script.

	Id = HSLco32902  SR: H555007234
	    Some objects are missing from the OmniBack internal
	    database after upgrading OmniBack II A.03.xx to
	    OmniBack II A.04.10.

Defect Description:
	Id = HSLco44381  SR:H555011451
	    Info about the type of session is not written on tape
	    during a backup, while OBDB is correctly updated. After
	    the tape import, information about the type of session
	    does not enter OBDB, therefore the object version is
	    not displayed in restore GUI for Lotus Notes

	    Problem fixed in BSM and Media Session Manager (MSM).

	Id = HSLco44850  SR:H555011685
	    After restarting the failed session, the following
	    dialog window appears:

	     "Changes in the database detected. Would you like to
	     refresh database objects."

	    When the dialog is closed, the following error can be
	    seen in the session report window:

	     "Restart of Backup: <SESSION_ID> Error-Detail

	    Backup Session Manager (BSM) is fixed to allow
	    a successfully restart of the failed session.

	Id = HSLco44880  SR:H555011708
	    If there are no appendable media available for backup,
	    a mount request is issued and 10 minutes later, the BMA
	    exits without reporting any errors. After this, the BSM
	    stops responding until the session is manually aborted.

	    BMA is not aborted when it is in the mount request

	Id = HSLco45008  SR:H555011784
	    Calculated sizes are not properly rounded up.

	    Size calculation of the OmniBack II database (OBDB)
	    is improved by rounding up the size.

	Id = HSLco45020  SR:H555011788
	    "omnimm" consumes the 1 GB process address space
	    and ends abnormally.

	    "omnimm" and "dbsm" are build as "EXEC_MAGIC" to
	    enlarge the maximum process memory consumption
	    up to 1.75 GB.

	Id = HSLco33216  SR:H555007363
	    After MC/ServiceGuard failover, semaphore locking
	    problem and problem with cleaning shared memory
	    occur. Since semaphore lock and shared memory
	    are not cleaned after failover, all licenses are
	    taken and there is no free license available for use.

	    Semaphores and shared memory are properly cleaned.

	Id = HSLco40343  SR:H555009725
	    Insufficient information regarding the "MaxMAperSM"
	    global options variable in the Administrator's Guide
	    and Release Notes.

	    Complemented the definition of the "MaxMAperSM"
	    variable in the Administrator's Guide and Release

	Id = HSLco42498  SR:H555010638
	    OmniBack II limitation of 80 KB, reserved for
	    the list of backup specifications, is exceeded.

	    Backup specification description data which is passed
	    to the GUI twice, also at querying every single backup
	    specification, has been left out to secure more space
	    in the message.

	Id = HSLco42700  SR:H555010730
	    CRS intermittently ends abnormally
	    on the HP-UX 11.x systems.

	    CRS is functioning correctly.

	Id = HSLco42792  SR:H555010787
	    Binaries are not properly build.

	    Binaries are properly build.

	Id = HSLco42864  SR:H555010817
	    With particular configurations of load balancing,
	    waiting sessions do not obtain freed-up drives
	    and they abort.

	    Session waits when there are no HP-UX or Windows
	    drive licenses available.

	Id = HSLco42946  SR:H555010850
	    Bad option ("-- number") in the internal database (IDB)
	    causes filename not to run.

	    During readdb/writedb process, bad options are skipped.

	Id = HSLco42970  SR:H555010860
	    Omnitrig process does not start any backup at all if
	    the "holidays" file includes a syntax error. The
	    "holidays" file is read at the beginning, before
	    omnitrig starts the scheduled backups. In case of
	    a syntax error, omnitrig aborts execution, which
	    prevents omnitrig to read the scheduler files
	    and to execute backups at scheduled times.

	    Omnitrig behavior in case of syntax errors in the
	    "holidays" file is changed. Now omnitrig continues
	    with an execution in such cases, which means that
	    the syntax errors are skipped, logged to the
	    "debug.log" file and most important scheduled backups
	    are started.

	Id = HSLco43090  SR:H555010910
	    When all devices are locked and device used for backing
	    up Logical Logs resource type is not included in the
	    DYNAMIC range, the backup session will stop responding
	    and the backup will not complete successfully.

	    Unused device will be unlocked when the global options
	    variable "BackupDeviceIdle" times out. The new device
	    will be locked then and used for a backup session.

	    Part of SSPUX410_077.

	Id = HSLco43483  SR:H555011095
	    When a mount script is configured to issue an
	    "omniabort" command, anytime a mount request is issued
	    and not responded to by the time mount script is
	    called, BSM ends abnormally after the mount script
	    calls the "omniabort" command.

	    BSM functions properly when the "omniabort"
	    command is used.

	Id = HSLco43526  SR:H555011119
	    OmniBack II recognizes i686 as non-Intel
	    architecture, hence required license is the UNIX
	    type license.

	    Added i686 as possible Linux architecture.

	Id = HSLco43840  SR:H555011230
	    OmniBack II does not compare hostnames correctly.

	    When OmniBack II checks for SSE license,
	    hostnames are compared with case insensitive function.

	Id = HSLco43926  SR:H555011264
	    BSM checking for NULL message is not functioning

	    BSM checking for NULL message is functioning correctly.
	    Checking for existence of Media Session Manager (MSM)
	    session is added. If MSM session exists, BSM does not
	    send SNMP messages.

	Id = HSLco44005  SR:H555011297
	    Report is not generated during a purge.

	    Purge report is generated.

	Id = HSLco44008  SR:H555011298
	    Functions "d_open" and "d_iopen" were denied while
	    flushing hot files in the database. No other agent
	    can connect at this time.

	    Defect in the libraries is corrected.

	Id = HSLco44095  SR:H555011344
	    MMD is checking for lock owner.

	    Checking for lock owner is disabled when unlock
	    is called using "omnidbutil" command.

	Id = HSLco44179  SR:H555011379
	    BSM abnormally ends a session with only the SSE
	    license available before checking whether there
	    is an attempt to put the locked device in a queue.

	    BSM first checks whether there is an attempt to put
	    the locked device in a queue. If it is, then it checks
	    for the SSE license. If only the SSE license is
	    present, then the session is ended abnormally.

	Id = HSLco44403  SR:H555011460
	    "-tree" option is missing in the IDB.

	    "-tree" option is added to the IDB.

	Id = JAGae86535  SR:8606324070
	    Each time a needed device is released by concurrent
	    session, timeout is reset. If session does not get the
	    device because it is outran by another session, session
	    waits for another "SmWaitForDevice". Theoretically,
	    session can wait for the unlimited amount of time.

	    Timeout is reset only at the beginning of the
	    DEVLOCKQUEUE-DEVLOCK state. This is forced by
	    initializing timeout only at the beginning of
	    session and when all needed devices are locked.

	    Part of SSPUX410_082.

	Id = HSLco36890
	    MSM ignores status reported by the agents.

	    When waiting for Cell Manager update answer MSG_OPEN
	    is swallowed. Cell Manager update result is now
	    received asynchronically.

	    Part of SSPUX410_071.

	Id = HSLco38298
	    In case that reconnect option is used for backup,
	    it is possible that Media Agent fails due to a
	    protocol error.

	    Protocol between Session Manager and Media Agent is
	    changed in order not to acknowledge normal formatted

	Id = HSLco40877
	    Meta files are removed although there are still object
	    versions in the Omniback II database with reference to
	    those meta files.

	    Meta files are no longer removed if there are object
	    versions in the Omniback II database with references
	    to them.

	Id = HSLco41375
	    OmniBack II A.03.50 IDB records for Exchange objects
	    are not properly re-formatted during tape import

	    Tape import procedure reformats Exchange objects
	    to Omniback II A.04.10 format during import phase.

	Id = HSLco41410
	    If Omniback II database contains a lot of object
	    versions, a 'Stack Frame OverFlow Violation' error is
	    reported in RDS.log and RDS ends abnormally.

	    Failing "WriteASCIIOVerTre" function is split into
	    two separate functions.

	Id = HSLco41436
	    It can happen that media positions remain in
	    database. When you try to import the medium
	    an error occurs.

	    New "DbForceImportIfPositionsExist" variable is
	    introduced in global file. When set to 1 it forces
	    medium import even if medium positions exist.

	Id = HSLco41742
	    Meta files are linked to the last medium used by NDMP
	    backup. When importing first (other than last) medium
	    to Omniback II database, object versions are
	    entered into the database. Since they already exist
	    in the database it is assumed that the database
	    reference to the meta file also exists while
	    importing the last tape, but that is not the case.

	    Only when the old object versions already contain
	    reference to the meta-file is the old object version
	    copied over the newer and the reference to the meta
	    file is assumed to be already existing. By default
	    reference to meta-file is reestablished.

	Id = HSLco41744
	    When "omnidbutil -free_pool_update" is started during
	    the backup, protected medium is moved back to free pool.

	    The option for disabling automatic deallocation of media
	    is put in global file.

	Id = HSLco41920  SR:H555010432
	    Omnisv does not wait long enough before stopping crs

	    Global variable OmnisvStatusSleep is not correctly
	    set and exported.

	    Part of SSPUX410_074.

	Id = JAGae70592
	    Currently locked and running devices are not taken
	    into account by the algorithm.

	    The parameters passed to algorithm are changed.

	    Part of SSPUX410_070.

	Id = HSLco39134
	    Omnisv does not wait long enough for crs service to be

	    New global option variable "OmnisvStatusSleep" is
	    introduced. Add this new variable into global options
	    file: OmnisvStatusSleep=X; where x should be in range
	    2<X<60. This will enable omnisv to wait for X seconds
	    to successfully stop crs service.

	Id = HSLco39169
	    Before executing the object post-exec script,
	    OmniBack II checks if session is aborting. If
	    it is, then script does not execute.

	    Global variable PostExecOnAbortHostBackup was added.
	    If this global variable is set to 1, the post-exec
	    script will execute even if the session is aborting.

	Id = HSLco39260
	    Backup Session Manager (BSM) is going down too fast
	    after sending "MSG_CLOSE" to connected monitors.

	    "OB2BSMSLEEPBEFORECLOSE" environment variable is added
	    in order to wait few seconds before going down.

	Id = HSLco39447  SR:H555009381
	    During catalog import OmniBack II tries to remove the
	    original "dcbf" file. If this file does not exist,
	    catalog import fails.

	    Catalog import is improved in order not to abort in
	    case if "dcbf" file does not exist.

	Id = HSLco39448
	    Crs tries to receive messages by inhibited Cell Manager.

	    If Cell Manager is inhibited, Data Protector does not
	    send or receive any messages, but exits with message:

	      "|12:1602| Cannot access the Cell Manager system".

	Id = HSLco39878
	    The algorithm, that handles the daylight saving time
	    changes is uncomplete.

	    The algorithm is changed for both time changes:
	    02h->03h and 03h->02h.

	Id = HSLco39885
	    "omnidbcheck" does not correctly report corruption in
	    Detail Catalog Binary Files (DCBF).

	    "omnidbcheck" is improved in order to correctly report
	    errors on the Detail Catalog Binary Files (DCBF).

	Id = HSLco39976
	    NDMP media data format is not marked as OmniBack II
	    data format. Command "omnimm -list_scratch_media
	    'pool_name'" lists only OmniBack data format.

	    Command "omnimm -list_scratch_media 'pool_name'" is
	    changed; now it also lists NDMP data format media.

	Id = HSLco40396
	    When Oracle integration backup issues a mount request
	    and an attempt to abort backup is made, the omniabort
	    will hang and the session will not shut down. This
	    happens with SSPUX410_056 installed.

	    Backup Session Manager (BSM) is fixed.

	    Part of SSPUX410_061.

	Id = HSLco40471
	    "omnisv -start_mon" checks status of all services.

	    omnisv -start_mon checks status of all services
	    excluding omnitrig.

	Id = HSLco40559
	    Schedules with excluded days are interpreted

	    Schedules interpretation for excluded days is changed.

	Id = HSLco40594
	    After checking for mom_server file error is not cleared.

	    After checking for mom_server file error is cleared.

	Id = HSLco40896
	    Function IpcExit() is never called, so each time the
	    function IpcInit() is called, the error is written in
	    debug log.

	    Function IpcExit() is put to correct place in the code.

	Id = HSLco40964
	    When session is configured using post or pre exec
	    scripts on virtual machines no check is being made to
	    determine if IP is local. Only hostnames (strings) are

	    Additional checking is made to determine if IP is local.

	Id = HSLco41021
	    When importing catalog its protection is set to
	    None. When catalog is imported with None protection it
	    is purged out of database first time when purge is

	    Catalog's protection is changed to be set to Permanent
	    after importing it.

	Id = HSLco41054
	    OmniBack II does not lock tapes properly.

	    OmniBack II checks if tape is locked by any of the
	    owners before locking the tape.

	Id = HSLco41120
	    Omniback II aborts all OB2BAR connections which do
	    not make connection to object in time.

	    OB2BAR connections that do not make it to objects
	    in time are now aborted properly.

	Id = HSLco41270
	    When Media Agent is in stopping state Restore Session
	    Manager (RSM) can not handle restore request from the

	    Request list is reset after Media Agent gets MSG_STOP
	    from RSM.

	Id = JAGae52957
	    When backup is aborted OmniBack II does not enter "End
	    Time" variable in the database.

	    When session is aborted or mount request is issued
	    OmniBack enters "End time" variable in the database.

	Id = JAGae62427
	    Restore position for file is not calculated.

	    Calculation of file position within object is added.

	Id = JAgae64291
	    While parsing arguments passed to crs binary, missing
	    arguments after -redebug options are not expected
	    thus abort follows and help is written.

	    Parsing is changed. When arguments for redebug are not
	    passed on command line, trace file is examined. If trace
	    file does not include parameters, help is written.

	Id = HSLco36403
	    OmniBack II erroneously tries to unpack already
	    unpacked error message in "omnicc" and overwrites
	    another variable.

	    Error unpacking and variable name are changed.

	Id = HSLco36432
	    CRS service is trying to connect to Raima Database
	    Server while it is still in pending state.

	    CRS service waits for RDS to start listening.

	    Part of SSPUX410_043.

	Id = HSLco36656
	    Media Agent ends abnormally when listing all
	    Cartridge Memory contents for the specific medium or
	    reformatting Cartridge Memory of a specific medium.

	    MSM (Media Session Manager) is improved in order to
	    session finish successfully in case of reformatting
	    cartridge memory or listing cartridge memory contents.

	    Part of SSPUX410_039.

	Id = HSLco36721
	    When running "omnirpt" command all the cell servers from
	    the "mom_info" and the local Cell Server are queried for
	    matching sessions. The virtual node and the local host
	    are actually the same machine, so the matching sessions
	    are listed twice.

	    The function gethostname() is not used any more to
	    determine if the inspected host is also the local host,
	    cause in case of a Manager-of-Managers/ServiceGuard
	    environment it returns the physical node hostname and
	    not the virtual node hostname, making the virtual
	    hostname being seen as a non-local host. In this way
	    the virtual hostname is not queried for matching
	    sessions any more.

	Id = HSLco36772
	    Purge operation purges catalogs even if copied tape
	    still exist in the database. Tape format removes
	    catalog from the database even if the copy tape is
	    still protected.

	    The Detail Catalog Binary Files (DCBF) files are not
	    deleted if the copy tape has valid protection.

	Id = HSLco36803
	    Non OmniBack II format messages from pre/post exec
	    script are not filtered.

	    The Backup Session Manager is changed in order to
	    filter non OmniBack II format messages from pre/post
	    exec script.

	Id = HSLco36880
	    Device name is not exported in EVENTOBJECT environment

	    Device name is exported in to EVENTOBJECT environment

	Id = HSLco37193
	    In split mirror environment with huge SAP databases
	    it can happen that the size of the message buffer
	    OmniBack II uses is too small to receive complete list
	    of SAP files to be backed up.

	    Setting the OB2IPCBUFSIZE environment variable in the
	    /opt/omni/.omnirc file on Cell Server, R1 and R2 hosts,
	    specifying the desired amount of memory to be used for
	    the buffer solves the described problem.
	    Please read the following instructions and make sure
	    that the patches listed in "Other Dependencies" section
	    (see below) are installed and the environment
	    variable is set on Cell Server, R1 and R2 systems before
	    running the backup!

	    How to determine the buffer size?

	    N_obj:       number of objects (files)
	    N_fs:        number of file systems
	    N_lvmvg:     number of volume groups
	    N_dg:        number of disk groups
	    N_rdsk:      number of rawdisks
	    Obj:         Object Name
	    ObjBack:     Object Backup Name
	    MntPathLen:  Path name on backup (R2) host
	                 (example: /var/opt/omni/tmp/App_host)
	    fsmnt:       File System Mount Point
	    fsdev:       File System Device File
	                 (example: /dev/dsk/[c0t1d1,lvol1])
	    vg:          Volume group
	                 (ex: /dev/vg01)
	    dg:          Disk group (VxVM) - dependence on mapfile
	                 which is required for creating disk group
	    rdsk:        Raw disk file name
	                 (example: /dev/rdsk/c1t1d1)
	    AvgLen_<xxx> average length of <xxx>

	    There are two different buffers used:

	    1. BSM <-> R1
	    2. R1 <-> R2

	    Calculating the BSM <-> R1 buffer size
	    MsgSize_BSM_R1 = N_obj * (AvgLen_Obj + 1 + MntPathLen)

	    Calculating the R1 <-> R2 buffer size
	    MsgSize_R1_R2 =
	      N_obj*(AvgLen_Obj+1+AvgLen_ObjBack) +
	      N_fs*(AvgLen_fsmnt*2 + MntPathLen + AvgLen_fsdev*2)+
	      N_lvmvg*(AvgLen_vg*2) + N_dg*(AvgLen_dg*2) +

	    Calculating the OB2IPCBUFSIZE value
	    OB2IPCBUFSIZE > max (MsgSize_BSM_R1, MsgSize_R1_R2)

	    If restore is started using the sapbda utility,
	    the variable OB2IPCBUFSIZE must be exported to
	    environment prior to starting sapbda.

	    Known problems:
	    If the calculated variable OB2IPCBUFSIZE is correctly
	    set, but is still too small for the file list to fit
	    into the message buffer, the session will fail with
	    the following error seen in the report:

	    BR295I Splitting mirror disks...
	    BR280I Time stamp <time>
	    BR279E Return code from '/opt/omni/lbin/ob2smbsplit
	       /<sap_homedir_path>/.<filename>.lst': 2
	    BR299E Split/resynchronization of mirror disks failed

	    In this case the variable OB2IPCBUFSIZE must be
	    recalculated to appropriate value. See above how to
	    determine it.

	    Part of SSPUX410_033.

	Id = HSLco37276
	    Last message from Disk Agent is sometimes lost. This
	    causes Disk Agent's status reported as "Failed".

	    New environment variable:
	    is introduced.
	    Its default value is 0. Setting it to a positive
	    number, in /<OMNIBACK_HOME>/.omnirc file, it specifies
	    number of seconds to pass before Disk Agent completes
	    after sending the last block of data.
	    Sleep time insignificantly influences backup

	Id = HSLco37704
	    In environments where the firewall between Cell Server
	    and client(s) with firewall idle timeout of <x>
	    minutes is present, it can happen that an agent is in
	    idle state for the amount of time longer than mentioned
	    timeout. In such cases, firewall breaks the connection
	    between Cell Server and the client(s).

	    New environment variable OB2IPCKEEPALIVE is introduced.
	    Setting its value to any of YES, TRUE, ON or 1 in
	    /opt/omni/.omnirc file on Cell Server causes sending a
	    dummy package from time to time in order to keep the
	    connection open.

	    Part of SSPUX410_046.

	Id = HSLco37783
	    By design, whenever there are no objects backed up,
	    OmniBack II ends session as failed.

	    Two new global variables have been introduced:

	    a) SessSucessfullWhenNoObjectsBackedUp
	       Setting this variable to 1 user can change the
	       OmniBack II behavior in order to end the session
	       as successful when there are no objects backed up.

	    b) TreatScriptReturnAsNormal
	       Setting this variable to a certain number instructs
	       OmniBack II to treat all the script returns equal
	       to the specified number as normal.

	Id = HSLco37939
	    Barlists are members of a group which is not displayed
	    under reporting group in GUI Reporting.

	    Barlists are moved to a group that is displayed in GUI.

	Id = HSLco37977
	    If "omnidbutil -cdbsync" is started on the
	    Manager-of-Managers client, local Media Management
	    Database (MMDB) is used for database synchronization.

	    If "omnidbutil -cdbsync" is running on a
	    Manager-of-Managers client, it issues an
	    error message and stops the operation.

	Id = HSLco38084
	    When a host backup session is using WakeOnLan option,
	    it can not retry using specified value from the
	    SmMaxAgentStartupRetries option and there are no
	    mechanism to specify the timeout between retries.

	    When a host backup session is using WakeOnLine option,
	    it can retry using specified value from the
	    SmMaxAgentStartupRetries option and specified timeout
	    value from MinDelayForConnectionRetry option.

	Id = HSLco38099
	    Tree options are not entered into OmniBack II database
	    during host backup of nested mountpoints.

	    Tree options are entered in to OmniBack II database.

	Id = HSLco38123
	    In case that mount request appears at the beginning
	    of the backup, load balancing does not work correctly.
	    After the confirmation of mount request, filesystem
	    which is supposed to be started as the first one,
	    is started as the last one.

	    Load balancing is improved in order to work correctly
	    in case of mount request.

	Id = HSLco38291
	    In case when only Single Server Edition license
	    is applied, Backup Session Manger aborts the session
	    before checking if there was an attempt to put the
	    locked device in a queue.

	    Backup Session Manger checks if there is an attempt
	    to put the locked device in a queue. If this is the
	    case it check for the Single Server Edition license.

	    Part of SSPUX410_052.

	Id = HSLco38320
	    In Manager-of-Managers configuration where Database
	    Session Manager acts as a gateway for direct access to
	    Media Management Database, main Database Session
	    Manager is not aware of pools list report and cannot
	    get report information from the Media Management

	    Database Session Manager can get pools list report
	    information from the Media Management Database.

	Id = HSLco38383
	    During catalog import OmniBack II tries to remove
	    the old binary files and create new ones. In case
	    that old files do not exist, catalog import fails.

	    Catalog import is improved in order not to abort,
	    in case that Detail Catalog Binary Files do not

	Id = HSLco38516
	    Restore Session Manager (RSM) does not include
	    the information about data written when updating
	    Graphical User Interface (GUI) Disk Agent (DA)

	    The information about data written is added to
	    Restore Session Manager (RSM) messages sent to
	    Graphical User Interface (GUI).

	Id = HSLco38751
	    Data type 'Long' does not allow numbers bigger than 2TB.

	    Reported Total blocks and Used blocks of medium are
	    limited to 2TB.

	Id = HSLco38804
	    a)Device that was locked during backup session,
	      can not be unlocked using Cancel Device option and
	      it is not available for another session.

	    b)If backup is started with reconnect option, in case
	      that Monitor is closed, OmniBack II reports Error that
	      connection to Monitor was lost. Session continues and
	      completes successfully.

	    a)Device is unlocked for another session.

	    b)Only lost connections with Disk Agent (DA) or Media
	      Agent (MA) are reported as error.

	    Part of SSPUX410_056.

	Id = HSLco39036
	    Files names with new line are not handled correctly.

	    "readdb" and "writedb" was changed so that file names
	    with new line are handled correctly.

	Id = HSLco39130
	    When Recycling or exporting original medium from
	    OmniBack II database purge deletes Detail Catalog
	    Binary Files (DCBF) even if the copy medium is still
	    protected in the OmniBack II database. In addition
	    importing catalog from copy is not possible.

	    Catalog import from copy medium is possible.

	    Part of SSPUX410_053.

	Id = JAGae12418
	    GUI is not able to handle nested mount points.
	    When GUI receives excluded directory from datalist
	    file it assumes that the part of the string between
	    first and second slash represents mount point.
	    Besides this, mount point is shown in GUI as a
	    mountpoint and as directory.

	    GUI is aware of nested mountpoints.

	Id = JAGae43999
	    OmniBack II does not properly create list of sessions
	    for used media in selected timeframe.

	    "Extended report on used media" report is removed from

	Id = HSLco33764
	    Before loading medium on mount request confirmation
	    database is not checked properly.

	    On mount request confirmation database is checked

	Id = HSLco34131
	    Errors that were sent by Disk Agent are doubled.

	    OmniBack II reports right number of errors for
	    the backup session.

	Id = HSLco34708
	    In case that integration restore session is started,
	    restore session manager does not check if the device
	    is disabled.

	    Restore Session Manager is changed so that the restore
	    will not be started if the device is disabled.

	Id = HSLco34785
	    Backup Session Manager uses incorrect variable when
	    calculating the number of devices used for backup.

	    Session Manager uses proper variable.

	    Part of SSPUX410_021.

	Id = HSLco34911
	    If backup protection is specified in a time interval
	    (-days, -weeks) and backup spans over multiple media,
	    "omnidbutil -purge -daily" command which is started by
	    DailyMaintenance process deletes DCBF files for the
	    media used in backup which ran at the same time as
	    the DailyMaintenance.

	    "omnidbutil -purge -daily" is improved in order not to
	    remove DCBF files for currently running backups.

	    Part of SSPUX410_022.

	Id = HSLco35035
	    In case that NDMP backup contains large number of
	    files, Backup Media Agent uses large amount of memory.

	    Backup Media Agent memory usage is improved so it can
	    backup up to 5 million files.

	Id = HSLco35076
	    In case of a Media Management Database corruption
	    backup can fail due to problems with the media

	    Media allocation is improved.

	Id = HSLco35515
	    In some cases because of incorrect agent exit code
	    Backup Session Manager does not terminate other agents
	    in correct order, which results in Backup Session
	    Manager does not terminate.

	    The exit code was changed.

	Id = HSLco35873
	    OmniBack II never looks for the new TB EMC license
	    (B6959CA), but always looks for the old EMC standard
	    license (B6959BA). The same is with the new TB XP

	    The Backup Session Manager agent looks also for the new
	    TB EMC and TB XP licenses.

	    Part of SSPUX410_030.

	Id = HSLco36132
	    Backup Session Manager does not set the timeout of
	    infinitive seconds for the SNAPA agent, but leaves
	    the timeout set to the value of SmDaIdleTimeout.

	    Backup Session Manager sets the timeout of infinitive
	    seconds for the SNAPA agent.

	Id = JAGae27169
	    Database session manager compares days, not taking
	    into account 15 minute units. Therefore report shows
	    some additional backups that are scheduled past
	    the specified time frame.

	    Beside days Database Session Manager compares 15
	    minute units.

	Id = HSLco32101
	    If RecoveryIndex path is incorrect, the file can
	    not be created. OmniBack II then shows a 'Major'
	    error and aborts the session.

	    Messages are changed to 'Warning' and the session is
	    not aborted if the RecoveryIndex path is invalid.

	Id = HSLco32736
	    OmniBack II returns wrong exit code when the client
	    does not return any information.

	    The exit code is changed.

	Id = HSLco32873
	    Selecting files for restore within interval that does
	    not include the full backup will trigger an error in
	    the list_full_rest_chain function.

	    The function marks an error and sends it to GUI, which
	    will show a message:

	      "You have chosen an interval which does not include
	       all the sessions needed to compose a full restore
	       chain. Please reconnect to the Cell Server".

	Id = HSLco33215
	    Devices are locked with device lock, which can differ
	    from device name. When devices are unlocked, device
	    name is always used. If device name and device lock
	    are not equal, device unlock fails.

	    Device lock/unlock policy is synchronized.

	Id = HSLco33217
	    When all the OmniBack II services are up and running,
	    backup is started. If during backup OmniBack II services
	    are stopped due to some reason and all the OmniBack II
	    processes are killed, mmd and crs from OmniBack II
	    services will be unable to start.

	    There were some problems with licenses, which were not
	    released properly. Licenses are now released properly.
	    After fix installation, reboot of Cell Server host is
	    highly recommended!

	    Part of SSPUX410_013

	Id = HSLco33266
	    Database file search performance is poor.

	    Database search performance is improved.

	Id = HSLco33360
	    Executing an "enter" operation for the slot being
	    used for backup results in backup failure.

	    New global option EnterEjectCheckLocking is
	    introduced. If this option is set, Media Management
	    operation checks if slot is locked and does not
	    use it.

	    Part of SSPUX410_012.

	Id = HSLco33437
	    Object protection on the copied medium is set to
	    "None" after original tape protection expires.

	    The catalog is now transposed from the source.
	    The object protection for the copied medium is set
	    on the same level as medium protection the catalog
	    is transported from the source.

	Id = HSLco33515
	    Purge advisor incorrectly interprets the growth of
	    the database and reports daily needed purges.

	    Purge advisor correctly recognizes the database
	    when purge of the database is needed.

	Id = HSLco33593
	    Backup Session Manager uses incorrect variable when
	    calculating the number of devices used for backup.

	    Session Manager uses proper variable.

	Id = HSLco34050
	    In case in which reconnect option is used for backup,
	    it is possible that Media Agent fails due to a protocol

	    Protocol between Session Manager and Media Agent is
	    changed in order not to acknowledge normal formatted

	    Complete functionality of fix will be available
	    when Media Agent patch PHSS_26357/PHSS_26358 is
	    installed - or successors of it.

	    Part of SSPUX410_017.

	ID = HSLco34429
	    The OB2PORTRANGE variable is not exported.

	    The OB2PORTRANGE variable is exported.

	Id = JAGae14881
	    When a Cell Console client connects to the server,
	    user name, system name and domain are parsed correctly,
	    but IP address is not.

	    A new environment variable


	    is introduced. Setting its value to 1 is to enforce
	    the use of hostnames obtained from IP address.

	Id = HSLco31142  SR: H555006771
	    There is no warning reported when one creates a datalist
	    or a barlist with load balancing enabled and minimum
	    number of devices greater than number of configured
	    logical devices.

	    Comparison of minimum and configured devices number
	    is implemented.

	Id = HSLco31145  SR: H555006772
	    Aborting an import session corrupts Omniback internal

	    Aborting an import session is properly handled and it
	    does not corrupt internal database.

	    If a database corruption has been experienced because
	    of this defect, then after installation of this patch,
	    the corruption can be removed and the import of
	    OmniBack II 3.x tapes be enabled as follows:

	    1. step:
	    Import the problematic tape. The import itself will
	    fail, complaining about catalog and media management
	    database not being in sync. But internally it will
	    remove the suspective media position from the database
	    which makes second step possible.

	    2. step:
	    Import the problematic tape again. This succeeds and
	    results in imported medium and fixed database.

	    Part of SSPUX410_007.

	Id = HSLco31265  SR: H555006788
	    Device lock counter is not working correctly.

	    Device lock counter is working properly and the
	    devices are unlocked after the session ends.

	    Part of SSPUX410_006.

	Id = HSLco31359  SR: H555006819
	    Object ownership is incorrectly set if it is specified
	    in the datalist.

	    Object ownership is correctly set.

	    Part of SSPUX410_015.

	Id = HSLco31475  SR: H555006843
	    Backup Session Manager abnormally ends in cases when
	    there are more than 100 objects within one data segment.

	    Backup Session Manager works properly with unlimited
	    number of objects within one data segment.

	Id = HSLco31629  SR: H555006868
	    Omniback incorrectly compares selected libraries
	    versus all libraries when creating "List of Media"

	    "List of Media" is created properly.

	Id = JAGad98695  SR: 8606229643
	    Omniback does not check whether options have been
	    passed from the command line.

	    Additional checking of options is implemented for
	    the case that options have been sent from command

	Id = HSLco31067  SR: H555006757
	    Datalist name is not exported into environment.

	    Datalist name is exported into environment.

	Id = HSLco31942  SR: H555006939
	    When delay between two connections for different
	    Oracle 8 objects is bigger that the value of
	    SmWaitForNewClient global variable, restore hangs.

	    Omniback deletes barlist from memory and starts new
	    restore session in case that Restore Session Manager
	    timed out and new connection for restore was accepted.

	Id = HSLco31981  SR: H555006948
	    Command "omnicc -query" causes memory leaks in
	    Cell Request Server.

	    Memory leaks are removed.

	    Part of SSPUX410_001.

	Id = HSLco32089
	    The '-autorecover' option in 'omnidbrestore' command
	    does not set the correct block size for the device.

	    The code for setting the block size was corrected.

	Id = HSLco32276
	    If "\" sign is the last character when setting
	    RecoveryIndexDir value, Backup Session Manager fails
	    because of incorrect parsing of the value.

	    Any "\" sign that appears at the end of an argument
	    is cut off during the parsing.

	Id = HSLco32499
	    With 1 second inactivity between loops,
	    "omnisv -start_mon" is executed too often.


	    New option "-timeout" is added for omnisv. Usage:

	      "omnisv -start_mon -timeout N"

	    where N is time in seconds.

	Id = HSLco32614
	    omnidbutil is not able to connect to Administration
	    Session Manager (ASM).

	    Missing fuctionality is added to ASM.

	Id = JAGad90905
	    Flag for case sensitivity is not checked before
	    search session is executed.

	    Case sensitivity flag is always checked.

	Id = JAGae05208
	    The regular expression that is parsed by the awk script
	    does not return the process ID (PID) which should be

	    Regular expression string in awk parse command is

	Id = HSLco32902
	    Objects whose protection has expired are purged from
	    OmniBack internal database during the upgrade.

	    New environment variable OB2UPGRADEIGNOREEXPIREDOBJECTS
	    is introduced. Setting its value to 1 in
	    /opt/omni/.omnirc file will purge objects with expired
	    protection during the upgrade. Otherwise, unprotected
	    objects are left intact.

	    Part of the SSPUX410_008.

	H555011788 H555011708 H555011451 H555011784 H555011685
	8606324070 H555011230 H555010730 H555010910 H555011460
	H555011119 H555011344 H555010850 H555011264 H555010860
	H555011095 H555010817 H555010638 H555007363 H555011297
	H555011298 H555011379 H555010787 H555009725 H555009054
	H555010269 H555010432 H555010280 H555008723 H555010030
	H555010380 H555010381 H555010285 8606307557 H555010234
	H555009593 8606300821 H555009567 H555009297 H555009289
	H555010075 8606298931 H555010158 H555009895 H555009877
	H555009779 H555009322 H555009721 H555009560 H555010103
	H555009381 H555009382 H555010123 H555009833 8606289026
	H555010043 H555009286 H555008908 H555008891 H555008927
	8606280024 H555008958 H555008887 H555008998 8606245960
	H555009061 H555009053 H555009017 H555009008 H555009153
	H555008722 H555008704 H555008650 H555008641 H555009209
	H555009083 H555009263 H555008651 H555008832 H555008913
	H555008716 H555008680 H555008950 H555009194 H555008807
	H555008690 H555008754 H555008549 8606262839 H555008105
	H555008242 H555008063 H555008180 H555008261 H555008452
	H555008606 H555007590 H555007736 8606248483 H555007700
	H555006969 H555007524 H555007218 H555007362 H555007903
	H555007364 H555007383 H555007428 H555007455 H555007177
	H555007485 H555006757 H555006948 H555006939 H555006868
	H555006968 H555006788 H555007115 H555007234 8606236143
	H555007081 H555006998 8606221771 H555006771 H555006843
	H555006772 8606229643 H555006819

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_30128/PHSS_30129, built on Wed Jan 14 16:20
			:19 2004
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:14
			:23 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_30128/PHSS_30129, built on Wed Jan 14 16:17
			:21 2004
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:20
			:31 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:19
			:46 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:16
			:28 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_30128/PHSS_30129, built on Wed Jan 14 16:22
			:08 2004
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:15
			:29 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:09
			:50 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:08
			:04 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:05
			:27 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:06
			:20 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_30128/PHSS_30129, built on Wed Jan 14 16:16
			:49 2004
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:16
			:56 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:17
			:27 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:16
			:46 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:21
			:32 2003
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.04.10; internal build PHSS
			_29865/PHSS_29866, built on Thu Nov 20 17:10
			:27 2003

cksum(1) Output:
	1898453061 1552446 /opt/omni/lbin/bsm
	387619523 1310290 /opt/omni/lbin/rsm
	1353358506 1543550 /opt/omni/lbin/dbsm
	1001962861 809437 /opt/omni/lbin/crs
	2023156276 736141 /opt/omni/lbin/dbbda
	1363728389 801250 /opt/omni/lbin/asm
	1184785365 908111 /opt/omni/lbin/msm
	1582408860 608483 /opt/omni/lbin/mmd
	580900931 897879 /opt/omni/lib/
	3013400687 914246 /opt/omni/lib/
	351926047 931552 /opt/omni/lib/
	4215315021 750239 /opt/omni/lib/
	1057310634 747217 /opt/omni/lib/
	2564537576 920041 /opt/omni/sbin/omnidbutil
	4095712355 571355 /opt/omni/sbin/omnitrig
	1670052680 550548 /opt/omni/sbin/omnidbrestore
	1420691591 419493 /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv
	870777921 446464 /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv11
	1200002667 817496 /opt/omni/sbin/omnidbcheck
	60206861 11133 /opt/omni/.CII_CS
	1522663409 30114 /opt/omni/newconfig/etc/opt/omni/options/
	4109013506 2408 /opt/omni/newconfig/etc/opt/omni/sg/

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies: None

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies:
	In order to completely resolve the problem,
	some of the defect fixes contained in this
	patch depend on the following other patches
	or their successors:

	Cell Console (CC) packet patch,
	release date: Available
	Id = HSLco40343  SR:H555009725
	Id = HSLco40559  SR:H555009877
	Id = HSLco39130  SR:H555009286
	Id = HSLco37939  SR:H555008927
	Id = HSLco37193  SR:H555008807
	Id = HSLco33515  SR:H555007485
	Id = JAGae12418  SR:8606245960
	Id = JAGae43999  SR:8606280024
	PHSS_29419 is required for these defect fixes.

	SAP packet patch,
	release date: Available
	Id = HSLco37783  SR:H555008908
	Id = HSLco37193  SR:H555008807
	PHSS_29405 is required for these defect fixes.

	EMC packet patch,
	release date: Available
	Id = HSLco37193  SR:H555008807
	PHSS_28341 is required for this defect fix.

	Core packet patch,
	release date: Available
	Id = HSLco37977  SR:H555008950
	Id = HSLco37193  SR:H555008807
	Id = HSLco33764  SR:H555007590
	Id = HSLco31142  SR:H555006771
	Bad catalog access messages are displayed without

	SureStore Agent (SSEA) packet patch,
	release date: Available
	Id = HSLco37704  SR:H555008887
	PHSS_28338 is required for this defect fix.

	Media Agent (MA) packet patch,
	release date: Available
	Id = HSLco42792  SR:H555010787
	Id = HSLco36656  SR:H555008680
	Id = HSLco35035  SR:H555008242
	Id = HSLco34050  SR:H555007700
	Id = HSLco38298  SR:H555009054
	Id = HSLco40877  SR:H555010030
	PHSS_29861 is required for these defect fixes.

	PHSS_25962 PHSS_26353 PHSS_27454 PHSS_27602 PHSS_28731 PHSS_28740

Equivalent Patches:
	s700: 11.00 11.11
	s800: 11.00 11.11

Patch Package Size: 4570 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_30128

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_30128.depot

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_30128.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_30128.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_30128.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:
	This Patch has to be installed on the Cell Manager host.
	OmniBack II server must be shutdown before installing
	the patch. Use the following command for shutting down
	the server:

	   "/opt/omni/sbin/ stop".

	After the installation is complete, restart OmniBack II
	server using "/opt/omni/sbin/ start".

	In some cases, when machine is rebooted, "omnidbutil -clear"
	is executed before rds service is up and running. As a
	result, this command  is  not  executed  and  error is
	reported to rc.log. In such cases delay in environment


	in global file should be set. Default value is set to 0.

	Patch includes the following Site Specific Patches:

	A Site Specific Patch is a temporary hotfix that
	you might have received from HP Support if you
	have encountered a problem with Data Protector
	for which no General Release patch was or is
	available yet.

	If any newer Site Specific Patch - that is
	one with a higher number - for the Cell Manager
	is installed on your system, then you
	must re-apply this SSP after installing
	this Cell Manager patch.