Patch Name: PHSS_28347 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV NNM6.2 xnmcollect exits Creation Date: 02/12/02 Post Date: 02/12/04 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: OpenView Network Node Manager 6.2 Filesets: OVNNMgr.OVMIB-CONTRIB,B.06.20.00 OVNNMgr.OVNNM-RUN,B.06.20.00 OVNNMgr.OVNNMGR-JPN,B.06.20.00 OVNNMgr.OVRPT-RUN,B.06.20.00 OVNNMgr.OVWWW-JPN,B.06.20.00 OVNNMgrMan.OVNNM-RUN-MAN,B.06.20.00 OVPlatform.OVEVENT-MIN,B.06.20.00 OVPlatform.OVMIN,B.06.20.00 OVPlatform.OVSNMP-MIN,B.06.20.00 OVPlatform.OVWIN,B.06.20.00 OVPlatform.OVWWW-FW,B.06.20.00 OVPlatform.OVWWW-SRV,B.06.20.00 OVPlatformDevKit.OVWIN-PRG,B.06.20.00 OVPlatformMan.OVEVENTMIN-MAN,B.06.20.00 OVPlatformMan.OVWIN-MAN,B.06.20.00 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_28347 Symptoms: PHSS_28347: 8606285207: "Test SNMP" operation from xnmcollect GUI fails when it is done on a node supporting large number of interfaces. PHSS_28257: 8606280632: A wrong trace message is displayed when the API OVwDbUnsetFieldValues() is invoked. 8606278320: Windows Event Viewer fills up with message "Unable to delete interface: network submap not found." 8606239849: netmon manual page for the pickSnmpAddrPolls option is not clear. 8606280620: Map filter gives wrong result when applied to existing maps when the Internet Submap contains serial networks that are unmanaged. 8606279382: Performance Reports configured with long Collection Group Names are not generated. 8606279896: Hanging ovw session causes ovuispmd to block infinitely. When ovuispmd blocks, it doesn't allow new ovw session to register with it. 8606282042: ovw -pollXServer does not work as resource option through OVw resource file. 8606276940: Date and time do not show up properly in Xnmevents with Simplified Chinese locale. 8606276955: Date and time do not show up properly in the pop-up window of Xnmevents with Simplified Chinese locale. PHSS_28094: 8606259527: ovsessionmgr is using excessive number of threads. 8606254134: The Japanese symbol labels in the Network Presenter are garbled while using JPI 1.3.1_02 as the default JRE for the supported browsers. 8606272882: The Network Presenter was not handling meta- connection symbols on the root submap not having a label. This caused it to hang at 40%. 8606281430: The environment variable, SHLIB_PATH, used by the reporting script was incorrect. 8606277916: ovstart does not start httpd daemon after a system reboot. 8606276415: Incorrect explanation for the xnmtopoconf '- delete' option. 8606276337: The '-imp' option of xnmsnmpconf is clearing the snmpnolookupconf cache. 8606213125: Incorrect behavior of the filter 'isCollectionStationNode'. 8606276323: Trace option is not available in ovtrapd to log the HEX and ASCII packet dump. 8606284782: ipmap leaks memory during synchronization. PHSS_28091: 8606249457: netmon can loop when performing config check on a node which has some interfaces configured with ifAlias and interface IP address configuration changes are detected by netmon. Further netmon has useIfAlias set to true. 8606248180: When IP addresses are changed on devices, netmon does not reflect the latest configuration even after performing config check. 8606273023: ipmap does not delete some symbols and connections correctly. PHSS_28072: 8606249222: MIB file for OV Events is not available. PHSS_27916: 8606270618: ovw manual page is not updated with the information for the new command line option -pollXServer. 8606275431: ovuispmd exits on ovstatus while an ovw -mapcount is active. 8606271492: For some of the events, the information regarding their second varbind is not properly documented in trapd.conf. 8606271049: Description for the event OV_DataColl_Agent_Restart is not correct in trapd.conf. 8606266330: Netmon core dumps when started with -S and -R options. 8606228341: Expression Guru of snmpCollect does not check all the variables in an expression when calculating the direct expression for a given category of indirect expression. 8606249375: xnmevents displays traps whose BER encoding does not fully conform to X.209 standard. 8606276676: netmon man page shows garbage character "10". 8606241507: Level 2 status is not displayed as described in the netmon manual page. 8606274196: netmon dumps core in the routine fixSegProlifForNet. 8606276402: Searching symbols using ovw menu item "Find -> Object by Attribute" with Pattern Matching enabled returns "No symbols representing objects found" if the chosen attribute is not a name field. This problem is observed only when ovwdb is started with the "-n" option. 8606270823: SMS integration problem with NNM6.2. 8606268260: Incorrect handling of timestamp. 8606272237: NNM report templates in the patch NNM_00852 and its equivalent patches, were not being generated when copied to the OVreporter directories. PHSS_27866: ovw, xnmevents, xnmgraph do not display Asian characters correctly. PHSS_27835: 8606274432: mmonitor daemon of NNM Multicast was not starting after applying the patch PSOV_03184 or its equivalents. 8606276721: The NNM ECS engine exits abnormally when using ECS circuits provided by LOGEC. 8606276687: xnmgraph fails to start if the filename option of the -mibFile parameter is not specified. PHSS_27746: 8606266737: 100% CPU utilization by pmd on WinNT. 8606266915: ovlauncher fails to display Chinese or Korean characters in the launcher window. 8606264074: Double clicking an alarm in the Alarm Browser does not display the correct submap if the source of the alarm appears in more than one submap in the IP Map submap hierarchy. This problem is seen after the source is moved to a Location submap. 8606272817: Netmon exits on receipt of an invalid SNMP response. 8606266361: ipmap puts out messages like "ipmap : Could not delete interface, network submap not found" 8606267983: ovactiond crashes when an event is configured as , Don't log or display, and its additional action has a category as an argument. 8606254823: Display of the records in a generated report was limited to the top ten rows. 8606261353: Cut and paste or drag and drop of a device from the internet level submap into a location container causes loss of connections inside the location container. 8606269552: snmp-commands cannot build the correct SNMP packet when the length of the community name is greater than 127 bytes. 8606272791: ovtrapd manual page does not include the 64KB trap enhancement. 8606264870: snmpCollect logs misleading error messages even though the actual collection happens properly. 8606264777: In some cases, events do not match the source defined in trapd.conf. 8606270467: Scripts integrating ovbackup.ovpl were failing with error messages after installation of the patch containing the new option '-t'. 8606270556: When NNM daemons are running in a different locale other than C or Japanese, there is a possibility that a directory with the current locale name is created under $OV_WWW/htdocs. Under this circumstance the Release Notes and Online manual menu item can fail. 8606271466: The menu item "Help->NNM->Patches and updates" gives the incorrect information. 8606267361: xnmgraph exits, if the file provided as an option to -mibFile contains more than 150 entries to graph. 8606246340: netmon is unable to handle the filter name when a complete path name is provided for the discovery filter instead of just the filter name. PHSS_27643: Reports do not get generated, if double quotes exist in ifAlias value, for interfaces. PHSS_27640: The map database may contain invalid symbols and submaps. A symbol becomes invalid if its map object and corresponding object in the object database are not present. A submap becomes invalid if its parent map object and the associated object in the object database do not exist. Invalid symbols and submaps are not represented in maps by ovw, but they lie unused in the map database. PHSS_27638: http server process cannot handle bad HTTP request types correctly. PHSS_27625: 1.nodeView.ovpl is not displaying the created graphics if an interface label has the special and/or non-printable characters that must be escaped in XML. These characters include: & ' " < >. These special characters can come from the interface alias, name or description. 2.On the content pane of 'View Scheduled Reports', there is a table consisting of 'Report', 'Status', and 'Schedule'. Contents of the table look good when the window is opened. However, once the Reload,Stop or Pause button is clicked, the contents of 'Schedule' column('daily' or 'month-to-date') is garbled. PHSS_27623: A router is dragged and placed on a location symbol. Selecting an event in xnmevents corresponding to the same router leads to ovw core dump. PHSS_27616: Memory leak in xnmevents when it runs with filterByMap and filterByMapManaged options. PHSS_27614: ovactiond man page not clear. PHSS_27571: Incorrect behaviour of xnmloadmib when MIBs were loaded with the -trapType option , under the Japanese locale. Defect Description: PHSS_28347: 8606285207: The buffer sizes used were insufficient to handle large number of Interfaces. Resolution: 8606285207: The buffers are now dynamically allocated as required. PHSS_28257: 8606280632: Trace message in the API OVwDbUnsetFieldValues () is incorrect. 8606278320: Event viewer error message does not provide useful information and is very repetitive. 8606239849: The netmon manual page does not document clearly the implications of the different values for the pickSnmpAddrPolls option. 8606280620: IPMap re-collapses serial networks after properly un-collapsing serial networks that are unmanaged. 8606279382: The contents of the "title" field in snmp_trend_dataset table has a size of 40 characters. The "title" field is updated with a compound string formed from the MIB expression and Collection Group Name. During the export of trend data, this compound string is truncated if it is longer than 40 characters. As a result, the SELECT query for the scheduled report returns no records and so the report is not generated. 8606279896: ovuispmd does not allow new ovw connections if one or more ovw sessions hang. 8606282042: -pollXServer command line option of ovw was not available in the OVw resource file. 8606276940: Due to wrong font in resource file, date and time do not come properly in xnmevents. 8606276955: Due to wrong font in resource file, date and time do not come properly in the pop-up window of Xnmevents. Resolution: 8606280632: The trace message has been corrected to display the right information. 8606278320: Useful information has been added and the Event viewer message moved to trace, rather than log. 8606239849: netmon manual page has been modified to reflect the right explanation. 8606280620: IPMap has been modified to handle the case for unmanaged serial networks. 8606279382: The "NNM Analysis and Reporting" section of "HP OpenView Web Online Help" has been updated with the safe maximum length of Collection Group Names. This length is fixed at 10 characters. 8606279896: ovuispmd has been changed not to block when any ovw sessions hang. 8606282042: ovw has been modified to read pollXServer option from the OVw resource file. 8606276940: Suitable font for Simplified Chinese locale has been put in the resource file for Xnmevents. 8606276955: Suitable font for Simplified Chinese locale has been put in the resource file for Xnmevents. PHSS_28094: 8606259527: ovsessionmgr is not reusing the existing Session-ID for multiple logins from a system with the same user-id. This results in a new thread being created for each such login. Resolution: 8606259527: ovsessionmgr has been modified to reuse the existing Session-ID if the session already exists for the IP address and User-id pair. Otherwise a new session will be created. 8606254134: Failure to convert Bytes to Unicode format. Resolution: 8606254134: Code has been implemented to handle the conversion. 8606272882: The Network Presenter is throwing a Null Pointer Exception. Resolution: 8606272882: Network Presenter was modified to handle the meta-connection symbols existing on the root submap. 8606281430: The performance reports fail on the HPUX platforms. Resolution: 8606281430: The code has been modified to set the SHLIB_PATH variable. 8606277916: On a system reboot, if the pid existing in the apachectl pid file was in use, the startup script assumed that the httpd process was running. Resolution: 8606277916: The apachectl script has been modified to start the httpd process via ovstart after a system reboot. 8606276415: xnmtopoconf '-delete' option was defined in- correctly in the manual page. Resolution: 8606276415: Updated the '-delete' option in the xnmtopoconf manual page. 8606276337: Incorrect algorithm is used to open the SNMP configuration database for the '-imp' option of xnmsnmpconf. Resolution: 8606276337: The algorithm for opening the SNMP configuration database has been modified to ensure snmpnolookupconf cache is not truncated for the option '-imp' of xnmsnmpconf. 8606213125: Non-availability of the field 'isCollectionStationNode' in the filter library. Resolution: 8606213125: Code has been modified to update the library with the field. 8606276323: Tracing option not available for ovtrapd. Resolution: 8606276323: Tracing option has been added for ovtrapd to log the HEX and ASCII packet dump in the $OV_LOG/ovtrapd.log file. Refer the ovtrapd manual page for further details. 8606284782: memory not released after allocation. Resolution: 8606284782: ipmap was modified to release memory after allocation/use. PHSS_28091: 8606249457: netmon merged a node into itself when some interface IP address configuration changes were detected on interfaces with ifAlias. Resolution: 8606249457: netmon was modified to handle changes to interface IP address configurations on interfaces with or without alias. 8606248180: netmon was not able to handle changes to IP addresses. The changes to IP addresses would hence not be reflected even after a config check. Resolution: 8606248180: netmon was modified to handle changes to IP addresses and reflect them in the database. 8606273023:ipmap does not remove gateway symbols and their connections from the Network and Segment submaps, if the interface connecting the gateway to the network is removed (loses its IP address) or changed (gets a new IP address). Resolution: 8606273023: ipmap was modified to perform the cleanup. PHSS_28072: 8606249222: OV Events are the internal events for communication between the OV NNM daemons. The definition for these events could change between NNM versions and hence the corresponding MIB file was not included in the HP proprietary MIBs directory. Resolution: 8606249222: The script "$OV_CONTRIB/NNM/event/genTrapdEventsMIB.ovpl" has been provided to read the "trapd.conf" file, extract the OV Events and create the MIB file. PHSS_27916: 8606270618: The ovw manual page was not updated for the introduced command line option -pollXServer. Resolution: 8606270618: Manual page of ovw is modified to reflect the new ovw command line option -pollXServer. 8606275431: ovw executing in command line mode does not unregister on an exit. Incorrect handling of exit by ovuispmd for an unregistered ovw client. Resolution: 8606275431: ovuispmd has been modified to handle the exit of unregistered ovw clients. 8606271492: Some of the events contain the hostname of the node in the second varbind.This was not documented in the trapd.conf file. Resolution: 8606271492: The information for events which contain hostname of node in the second varbind is now updated in the trapd.conf file. 8606271049: Incorrect description of the OV_DataColl_Agent_Restart event for snmpCollect. Resolution: 8606271049: Description for the event OV_DataColl_Agent_Restart in trapd.conf has been corrected. 8606266330: The '-S' and '-R' options of netmon are mutually exclusive. Resolution: 8606266330: The '-S' option was introduced for some specific Cisco routers which are now obsolete. Hence, the option has been deprecated. 8606228341: Expression Guru of snmpCollect was not querying all the variables on the agent and hence not verifying before deciding the direct expressions. Resolution: 8606228341: Code has been added to expression guru of snmpCollect to query and verify all the related mib variables in the percenterrors category before deciding the direct expressions. 8606249375: One of the decoding routines in libovsnmp did not handle a particular case. Resolution: 8606249375: The decoding routine in libovsnmp is corrected. 8606276676: netmon man page had formatting errors. Resolution: 8606276676: netmon man page has been corrected with the right formatting. 8606241507: Incorrect description of Level 2 status in the netmon manual page. Resolution: 8606241507: netmon man page has been changed to provide the right explanation for Level2 status. 8606274196: Incorrect handling of segment reduction by netmon. Resolution: 8606274196: netmon has been modified to handle secondary version of network objects. 8606276402: When ovwdb is started with the "-n" option, only a subset of the objects as specified with the "-n" option is cached in memory. When a search is made on an attribute only the cached objects were checked. If there were objects in the database with that attribute value but which were not present in the cache, ovwdb never returned these objects to ovw. Resolution: 8606276402: ovwdb has been modified to search the database for non-cached objects. 8606270823: NNM is displaying incorrect error message text when integrated with SMS. Resolution: 8606270823: Error message text has been modified. 8606268260: Incorrect behavior of NNM , when integrated with OVO, on Windows. Resolution: 8606268260: Code has been modified to handle timestamp. 8606272237: NNM database and the table owner name were being prefixed to the table name in all the generated reports, leading to OVreporter not locating the tables. This led to error in report generation. Resolution: 8606272237: Report templates have been modified to remove the database and the table owner name prefixes from the table name. PHSS_27866: ovw, xnmevents or any gui application needs locale specific resource file to show correct fonts. For Chinese, Korean or any Asian character display, these locale specific resource files are missing. Resolution: Locale specific resource files have been provided in the patch. These files will get installed into $OV_NEW_CONF directory and then later they will be copied under directory /usr/lib/X11/$LANG/app-defaults/, where the GUI applications look for it. $LANG refers to locale name in which GUI applications are running. This patch provides the resource files for ko_KR.eucKR, zh_CN.hp15CN, and zh_TW.big5 locales. PHSS_27835: 8606274432: The thread's stack limitation was causing the mmonitor to incorrectly handle the local buffers defined in libovsnmp. Resolution: 8606274432: libovsnmp has been modified to allocate the local buffers from the heap memory. 8606276721: A problem with the usage of the dictionary resulted in the abnormal exit of the ECS engine. Resolution: 8606276721: Code was modified to fix the problem in the dictionary. 8606276687: An assumption was made as to the existence of the file that has to be provided with the -mibFile option. Resolution: 8606276687: Validated the existence of the file before processing it. PHSS_27746: 8606266737: A libovsnmp function was not handling improper length values while receiving packets. Resolution: 8606266737: The libovsnmp function was modified to handle improper length values correctly. 8606266915: ovlauncher failed to convert non-C and non-Japanese strings to UTF8. Resoluion: 8606266915 : Code has been implemented to convert non-C and non-Japanese strings to UTF8. 8606264074: The logic in ovw that determines the highest submap in the IP Map hierarchy given a source object did not handle Location submaps. Resolution: 8606264074 : Code is added to handle Location Submaps when an object appears in a Location Submap. 8606272817: SNMP response packet contained invalid error_index value. Resolution: 8606272817: Modified netmon to handle invalid SNMP responses. 8606266361: No useful information provided in the message for problem isolation. Resolution: 8606266361: Useful information, to assist in problem isolation provided as a part of the message. 8606267983: A function call returns incorrect value for the event belonging to category IGNORE (Don't log or Display), which further causes ovactiond to crash. Resolution: 8606267983: Defective function was modified to return a proper value for events belonging to IGNORE category. 8606254823: The number of records to be provided in a configured report was being limited to a pre-configured value of ten. Resolution: 8606254823: Code has been modified to accept the value set for the variable 'topn_count' in the file $OV_ANALYSIS_CONF/global.conf and/or the value set for the variable 'REPORT_TOPN' in the file ( nested in the $OV_REQUESTD_MAIN_PATH/requests subdirectories ) associated with the configured report. 8606261353: The connections between the device and the other end points of the connections are not preserved inside the location container. Resolution: 8606261353: ipmap's logic of handling deletion of objects from a map was modified to preserve the connections inside the location container. 8606269552: When building the SNMP packet header, the length of the community name is assumed to be less than 128 bytes. Resolution: 8606269552: Encoding the length of the community name in the SNMP packet header has been modified to accept upto 255 bytes. 8606272791: ovtrapd man page was not updated for 64KB trap enhancement. Resolution: 8606272791: ovtrapd man page has been updated to include the 64KB trap enhancement. 8606264870: snmpCollect did not handle certain cases during collection check which resulted in misleading error messages. Resolution: 8606264870: Code has been modified to handle those cases which resulted in misleading error messages. 8606264777: The comparison routine was case sensitive. Resolution: 8606264777: The comparison routine is modified to be case insensitive. 8606270467: ovbackup.ovpl accepts a timeout value for ovresume. This value is passed to all the scripts that execute ovresume. There could be certain scripts nested in the $OV_CONF/ovbackup directory that may fail to recognise the timeout value passed as a parameter, leading to the failure of that script. Resolution: 8606270467: In the ovbackup.ovpl script, the script nnm_checkpoint.ovpl has been isolated to receive the ovresume timeout value, while the other scripts or binaries placed in the subdirectories of $OV_CONF/ovbackup ( if any ) do not receive the value. 8606270556: Cannot find Release Notes or Manuals for non-C and non-Japanese locales. Resolution: 8606270556: Code has been modified to display the Release Notes and Manuals in C locale on non-availability of the requested locale. 8606271466: The menu item "Help->NNM->Patches and updates" gives the erroneous product version information. Resolution: 8606271466: Product version information file has been updated. 8606267361: The buffer used to copy the entries in the file was hardcoded to hold upto 150 entries. Resolution: 8606267361: Allocated the buffer to hold all the entries in the file. 8606246340: Insufficient buffer allocation for holding the error message caused netmon to dump core instead of printing the error message. Resolution: 8606246340: The buffer was allocated suitably for holding the error message. Hence netmon would now print the error message. PHSS_27643: Double quotes in the ifAlias value for interfaces were not handled in the report generation code. Resolution: The code has been modified to handle double quotes in the ifAlias value. PHSS_27640: The deletion of a symbol (or a submap) involves removing the symbol (or submap) information, the map object and the object in the object database. These three operations do not happen as one single atomic operation. Invalid symbols and submaps are left behind if ovw aborts after the deletion of the map object and the object in the object database, but before the removal of the symbol (or submap) information. Resolution: The verbose option of ovw -mapcount is enhanced to do a listing of invalid symbols and submaps. A new option '-c' is provided with ovw -mapcount to clean such invalid symbols and submaps. PHSS_27638: http server process was not handling the bad requests properly. Resolution: Code has been added for handling the bad requests properly. PHSS_27625: was failing to encode XML-special characters: <>'&". This was causing XML parsing errors. 2.This problem occurs when the server and the browser are running in different locales. Resolution: 1.Code has been changed in to encode XML special and non-printable characters. 2.Code is implemented for the server and the browser to communicate with the UTF8 codeset. PHSS_27623: submap is not removed from the router symbol's submap list. Selecting an event in xnmevents corresponding to the same router causes NULL pointer access when previous submap is dereferenced for the router symbol. Resolution: ovw is modified to check for NULL pointer dereferencing before accessing any submap for the symbol's submap list. PHSS_27616: Memory allocated to a particular pointer was not freed properly. Resolution: The allocated memory is now freed properly, at appropriate position. PHSS_27614: ovactiond man page does not clearly explain what happens in the case of multiple events occuring simultaneously. Resolution: The man page is updated with the information about ovactiond behaviour in the case of multiple events occuring simultaneously. PHSS_27571: Loading of MIBs with the -trapType option was incorrectly handled by xnmloadmib under the Japanese locale. Resolution: Modified xnmloadmib to load the MIBs with the -trapType option under the Japanese locale. SR: 8606285207 8606276955 8606279896 8606282042 8606239849 8606280620 8606276940 8606278320 8606280632 8606279382 8606272882 8606254134 8606259527 8606276323 8606213125 8606281430 8606276415 8606284782 8606276337 8606277916 8606249457 8606273023 8606248180 8606249222 8606249375 8606266330 8606271492 8606271049 8606276402 8606275431 8606228341 8606241507 8606272237 8606274196 8606270618 8606268260 8606276676 8606270823 8606267276 8606276687 8606276721 8606274432 8606271466 8606267983 8606254823 8606272817 8606266361 8606267361 8606272791 8606264870 8606261353 8606264777 8606266737 8606266915 8606269552 8606246340 8606264074 8606270467 8606270556 8606235169 8606261776 8606270796 8606237706 8606224612 8606255233 8606258006 8606265952 8606264678 Patch Files: /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/stacks/pmd/ /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/ repload_NNM.SRP /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/ integration.pdf /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_evtCatTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ g_evtNode1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ g_evtSev1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ g_evtSevTrend1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ g_evtSevTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ g_evtCatTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_evtNode1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_evtSev1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_evtSevTrend1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_evtSevTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_topoDMIDetail1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_topoNetDetail1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/ a_topoSum1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ repload_NNM.SRP /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ integration.pdf /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_evtCatTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_evtNode1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_evtSev1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_evtSevTrend1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_evtSevTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_topoDMIDetail1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_topoNetDetail1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/a_topoSum1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/g_evtCatTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/g_evtNode1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/g_evtSev1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/g_evtSevTrend1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/SQLServer/ nnm/g_evtSevTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/ repload_NNM.SRP /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/ integration.pdf /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ a_evtCatTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ a_evtNode1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ a_evtSev1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ a_evtSevTrend1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ a_evtSevTrend7day.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ a_topoDMIDetail1.rpt /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/reportTemplates/Solid/nnm/ 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/opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNMGR-JPN/app-defaults/ja_JP.eucJP/ XNmtrap: HP OpenView Resources for event configurator /opt/OV/newconfig/OVWIN/app-defaults/zh_TW.big5/OVw: HP OpenView OVw Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVWIN/app-defaults/zh_CN.hp15CN/OVw: HP OpenView OVw Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVWIN/app-defaults/ko_KR.eucKR/OVw: HP OpenView OVw Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVWIN/app-defaults/C/OVw: HP OpenView OVw Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/C/XNm: XNm Resources HP OpenView NNM Release B.06.20 Dec 02 2002 Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Company /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/C/XNmappmon: XNmappmon Resources HP OpenView NNM Release B.06.20 Dec 02 2002 Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Company /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/C/XNmgraph: XNmgraph Resources HP OpenView NNM Release B.06.20 Dec 02 2002 Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Company /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/zh_TW.big5/XNm: HP OpenView XNm Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/zh_TW.big5/ XNmappmon: HP OpenView XNmappmon Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/zh_TW.big5/ XNmgraph: HP OpenView XNm Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/zh_CN.hp15CN/XNm: HP OpenView XNm Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/zh_CN.hp15CN/ XNmappmon: HP OpenView XNmappmon Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/zh_CN.hp15CN/ XNmgraph: HP OpenView XNm Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/ko_KR.eucKR/XNm: HP OpenView XNm Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/ko_KR.eucKR/ XNmappmon: HP OpenView XNmappmon Resources /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/ko_KR.eucKR/ XNmgraph: HP OpenView XNm Resources /opt/OV/lib/libovfilter.2: libovfilter HP OpenView Filter library (HP Internal only) NNM Re lease B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/lib/libovtopm.2: findroute HP OpenView Topology NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/lib/libovw.2: HP OpenView Windows NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/lib/libovutil.2: HP OpenView ov utility library (HP Internal only) NN M Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/lib/libovsnmp.2: libovsnmp rnetstat HP OpenView SNMP Dev Kit NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/lib/libov.2: HP OpenView ov library NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/xnmcollect: xnmcollect HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ipmap: ipmap HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/netmon: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version netmon Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version annoio.c $Revision: 1.45 $ $Date: 1998/04/01 06:27:2 6 $ sockstack.c $Revision: 1.68 $ $Date: 1998/06/09 01:1 6:51 $ value.c $Revision$ $Date$ ECS.c $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 1998/04/22 23:30:06 $ ECS 3.0 (STABLE_3_x_980808) ECS REV: 980808.1708(opt) HP-UX B.10.10 Server A.05. 03 trace.c $Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 1998/03/12 04:48:38 $ fatal.c $Revision: 1.13 $ $Date: 1998/05/07 02:26:33 $ log.c $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 1997/07/04 07:34:11 $ mesgbuf.c $Revision: 1.18 $ $Date: 1998/05/07 00:28: 35 $ sequence.c $Revision: 1.17 $ $Date: 1998/01/28 03:39 :17 $ vstring.c $Revision$ $Date$ /opt/OV/bin/xnmgraph: xnmgraph HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/snmpCollect: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ snmpCollect HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovweb: ovweb HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovwdb: ovwdb HP OpenView Windows NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovuispmd: HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovw: HP OpenView Windows NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. HP IL EFS v 2.1 bl03; Image EFS Library for HP-UX 8 .07+ & MPower '' ovw /opt/OV/bin/ovmapcount: None /opt/OV/bin/ovcwd: HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. ovcwd /opt/OV/bin/ovreppublish: HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovspmd: ovspmd HP OpenView ICVT NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovbackup.ovpl: None /opt/OV/bin/ovtrapd: ovtrapd HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/xnmevents: xnmevents HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/ovsessionmgr: ovsessionmgr HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/xnmsnmpconf: HP OpenView Network Node Manager NNM Release B.06.20 PATCH PHSS_28347, 12022002 HP Precision Architecture HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. xnmsnmpconf /opt/OV/bin/Perl/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ HP OpenView NNM Release B.06.20 Dec 02 2002 Copyright (c) 1990-2002 Hewlett-Packard Company /opt/OV/bin/Perl/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ cksum(1) Output: 245550901 168411 /opt/OV/bin/xnmcollect 2271410934 605093 /opt/OV/bin/ipmap 1753109715 2726824 /opt/OV/bin/netmon 1237343513 262757 /opt/OV/bin/xnmgraph 2528252515 99617 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/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_evtNode1.rpt 1212727103 114176 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_evtSev1.rpt 976493754 71680 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_evtSevTrend1.rpt 1171055173 70144 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_evtSevTrend7day.rpt 127321140 69120 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_topoDMIDetail1.rpt 2945265162 68096 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_topoNetDetail1.rpt 1884823727 64512 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/a_topoSum1.rpt 1317071364 71680 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/g_evtCatTrend7day.rpt 638360670 94720 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/g_evtNode1.rpt 3868056312 71168 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/g_evtSev1.rpt 3199640658 70144 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/g_evtSevTrend1.rpt 3510542913 69632 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/nnm/g_evtSevTrend7day.rpt 4283155739 3743 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/repload_NNM.SRP 3962357977 38893 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/SQLServer/integration.pdf 3297368721 73728 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_evtCatTrend7day.rpt 667396789 96256 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/g_evtNode1.rpt 238003369 71168 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/g_evtSev1.rpt 14703758 71680 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/g_evtSevTrend1.rpt 2293564579 71680 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/g_evtSevTrend7day.rpt 2005834784 73728 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/g_evtCatTrend7day.rpt 654654074 103936 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_evtNode1.rpt 1926921180 114176 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_evtSev1.rpt 1688160632 72192 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_evtSevTrend1.rpt 142931847 71680 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_evtSevTrend7day.rpt 552464332 72192 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_topoDMIDetail1.rpt 1852033649 71680 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_topoNetDetail1.rpt 1545762609 62976 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/nnm/a_topoSum1.rpt 1813173129 3753 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/repload_NNM.SRP 3962357977 38893 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/analysis/ reportTemplates/Oracle/integration.pdf 2329651170 2577139 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/stacks/pmd/ Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: s700: 10.20: PHSS_27332 s800: 10.20: PHSS_27332 Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_27571 PHSS_27614 PHSS_27616 PHSS_27623 PHSS_27625 PHSS_27638 PHSS_27640 PHSS_27643 PHSS_27746 PHSS_27835 PHSS_27866 PHSS_27916 PHSS_28072 PHSS_28091 PHSS_28094 PHSS_28257 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_28348: s700: 11.00 11.11 s800: 11.00 11.11 PSOV_03239: sparcSOL: 2.6 2.7 2.8 NNM_00974: intelNT: 4.00 4.01 intelWIN2000: 1.00 Patch Package Size: 31570 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_28347 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_28347.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_28347. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_28347.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_28347.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: WARNING: This patch should not be loaded unless the last consolidated patch PHSS_27332 has been loaded. To check if this patch is on your system use the following command: swlist -l product -l fileset PHSS_27332 If swlist cannot find the patch, then you will need to obtain the PHSS_27332 patch and load it before loading this patch. If there are any ovw sessions running on either the Management Station or on any Management Consoles, these sessions need to be closed. The "ovstop" command should then be executed. WARNING: the patch will not install if any Network Node Manager processes are detected. NOTE: ovstart is NOT executed after the patch is loaded You will need to manually run ovstart. Also, in order to keep a history of the patches installed on your system the post-install script will attempt to copy this <patch_name>.text file to /usr/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches (or /opt/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches). Please make sure this file is in /tmp before installation. ======================================================== PHSS_27916: This patch deliver changes to the file $OV_CONF/ $LANG/trapd.conf. As the $OV_CONF/$LANG/trapd.conf file may have been customized, this patch installs the new copy of trapd.conf under the $OV_NEW_CONF directory. This ensures that the active copy of trapd.conf under $OV_CONF directory is not overwritten. If the $OV_CONF/$LANG/trapd.conf file was not customized, the $OV_CONF/$LANG/trapd.conf file can be overwritten with the trapd.conf file under the $OV_NEW_CONF/OVEVENT- MIN/conf/$LANG directory. However any customizations done to the $OV_CONF/ $LANG/trapd.conf file will need to be merged with the trapd.conf file under the $OV_NEW_CONF/OVEVENT-MIN/conf/ $LANG directory before a new copy can be installed as $OV_CONF/$LANG/trapd.conf. PHSS_27866: Since $OV_CONF/$LANG/trapd.conf is a user modifiable resource file, patch installation will not over write it. So after the patch installation, user has to copy or merge the $OV_NEW_CONF/OVEVENT-MIN/app-defaults/$LANG/trapd.conf to $OV_CONF/$LANG/trapd.conf.