Patch Name: PHSS_28333 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV OB4.10 patch - MA packet Creation Date: 03/03/18 Post Date: 03/03/19 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: OmniBackII A.04.10 Filesets: OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-ACS-P,A.04.10 OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-DAS-P,A.04.10 OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-HPUX-P,A.04.10 OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-OTHUX-P,A.04.10 OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-FXMA-P,A.04.10 OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-NDMP-P,A.04.10 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_28333 Symptoms: PHSS_28333: Id = HSLco31403 SR: H555006826 Tape is not marked poor after append fails. Id = HSLco37256 SR: H555008826 Restore of incrementally backed up objects fails. Id = HSLco37582 SR: H555008870 "" script fails with error: "/opt/omni/acs/|17|: grep: not found. Starting ACS daemons... /opt/omni/acs/|4|: ps: not found. /opt/omni/acs/|4|: grep: not found. Problems starting ACS Event Logger Unsuccessful in starting ACS daemons". Id = HSLco38124 SR: H555009018 OmniBack II is not gathering tape I/O operation statistics. Id = HSLco38160 SR: H555009027 OmniBack II does not show the copy progress of tapes in the GUI/CLI session report. Id = HSLco38372 SR: H555009078 Autoconfiguration of Mammoth2 device fails. Id = HSLco38412 SR: H555009095 When running backup and "omnimm -silo_query" command at the same time, status of tapes that are used for backup is set to "non resident". Id = HSLco38420 SR: H555009101 Initialization of Magneto Optical (MO) medium fails with error: "|Major| From: MMA@<host> "device" Time: <time> |90:129| Medium has no capacity." Id = HSLco38492 SR: H555009139 Media Agent reports errors: "|Minor| From: BMA@<host> "<device>" Time: <time> |90:197| Could not read data (attribute ID=AUX_OMNIBACK_MEDIA_HEADER) from cartridge memory (). |Minor| From: BMA@<host> "<device>" Time:<time> |90:198| Could not write data (attribute ID=<Host attributes>) from cartridge memory ()." Id = HSLco39232 SR: H555009315 Backup fails with error: "|Major| From: BMA@<host> "<device>" Time: <time> |90:51| |16| Device busy Cannot write to device ((NULL))" Id = HSLco39489 SR: H555009407 OmniBack II is performing unnecessary cleanings on DLT drives. Id = HSLco40523 SR: H555009859 Even if "OB2ACS_VOLUMEDRIVE_POOR=1" option is enabled in ".omnirc" file, OmniBack II does not mark tape as "Poor" in case tape mount operation fails with ACS error: "STATUS_VOLUME_IN_DRIVE". PHSS_27458: Id = HSLco30962, HSLco35407 SR: H555006734, H555008421 When testing the drive cleaning configuration using OmniBack II dirty drive simulation method on DDS4 autoloader DAT40x6i/e the tape unload fails with the following error message: "[12:5] Internal error in ("/src/ma/pol/polmax.c /main/r31_split/3":565) => process aborted This is an unexpected condition and is likely due to a combination of circumstances involving both this product and the operating system. Report this error to your post-sales OmniBack II Support Representative." Id = HSLco34581 SR: H555007993 devbra is not working properly with devices in environments where "st_san_safe" kernel parameter is enabled. Id = HSLco34684 SR: H555008050 Backup on LTO device on AIX platform fails with error: "Cannot close after write problem. ([5] There is an input or output error.)" Id = HSLco34910 SR: H555008179 New inquiry strings are needed for Compaq devices. Id = HSLco35035 SR: H555008242 During backup of NDMP integration Backup Media Agent session completes with failures. Id = HSLco35178 SR: H555008328 Backup fails with error: "[90:135] Can not eject medium. ([5] I/O error)" Id = HSLco35450 SR: H555008428 Auto configuration of Overland Data Neo Series LXN2000 and Neo Series LXN4000 with Quantum SDLT220 tape drives does not work. Id = HSLco35670 SR: H555008496 OmniBack II displays incorrect message in Graphical User Interface (GUI) when Medium header check verification is performed: "Medium verification completed, 0 errors found" Id = HSLco35704 SR: H555008504 Bulk eject functionality does not work after installing patch PHSS_26357/PHSS_26358. Id = HSLco36329 SR: H555008634 OmniBack II does not unload tape at the end of the backup. Id = HSLco36526 SR: B555014660 Sanconf does not distinguish between tape devices having serial numbers longer than 10 digits. Id = HSLco36656 SR: H555008680 Cell Manager list and reformat does not work on UNIX platforms. Id = HSLco35925 SR: H555008555 Backup to multihost device fails in case that reconnect option is used. Id = HSLco36147 SR: H555008610 When during the backup end of tape is reached BMA ends abnormally. Id = HSLco36472 SR: H555008655 Backup to file device fails with error: "[Major] From: BMA@<host_name> "<device_name>" Time: < hh:mm:ss> [90:51] /FileDevice Cannot write to device ([27] File too large)" Id = HSLco37281 SR: H555008834 Backup to tape device on AIX platform fails with error: "[Major] From: MMA@<host_name> "<device_name>" Time: < hh:mm:ss> [90:173] REQUEST SENSE call failed. Possible cleanme signal detection failure. ([14] Bad address)" "[Critical] From: MMA@<host_name> "device_name" Time: < hh:mm:ss> [90:43] /dev/rmt0.1 Invalid physical device type => aborting" Id = HSLco36985, HSLco36532 SR: H555008753, H555008662 Incremental backup of big Net App filer volumes fails if there are a lot of exclude parameters specified. Id = HSLco36901 SR: H555008728 Backup to direct access media fails with error: "Cannot write to device ([6] No such device or address)" Id = HSLco36135 SR: H555008608 ACS Media Agent does not retry on errors. Id = HSLco36960 SR: H555008747 Backup to 9840 device fails with error: "Invalid physical device type => aborting." Id = JAGae28035 SR: 8606263710 Backup to tape drive fails if cleaning tape is loaded. PHSS_26357: Id = HSLco33017 SR:H555007269 Library robotic mechanism is not released after tape eject. Id = HSLco33264 SR:H555007381 After failed backup session due to an I/O drive status error, important information about the error in debug.log file is missing. Id = HSLco33563 SR:H555007513 Medium verification error is reported after successfully completed backup: "Medium verification completed, 1 errors found". Id = HSLco33982 SR:H555007663 ACSLS query fails for STK 9940 media. Id = HSLco34050 SR:H555007700 Backup fails with an error: "[Critical] From: BMA@<HOST> "<DEVICE>" Time:<TIME> [90:30] SM/MA protocol error => aborting" Id = HSLco34139 SR:H555007739 After OmniBack II detects dirty drive and loads a cleaning tape, option for medium header check aborts the backup session. Id = HSLco34266 SR:H555007798 If 'InitOnLoosePolicy' is set to 0 and foreign tape is loaded OmniBack II aborts backup session instead of issuing a mount request. Id = NSMbb44407 SR:B555013119 Sony DTF device does not work correctly. PHSS_26219: Id = HSLco30584 SR: H555006666 Omniback does not check if the medium is corrupted at the end of the backup. Id = HSLco31274 SR: H555006790 DAS Media Agent cannot handle more than 15 drives. Id = HSLco31293 SR: H555006798 Querying GRAU libraries hangs. Id = HSLco31696 SR: H555006885 ACS Media Agent does not recognize LTO drives. Id = NSMbb44086 SR: B555012905 NDMP Media Agent packages do not contain devbra. Id = HSLco30326 SR: H555006608 OmniBackII A.04.10 does not support HP VS80 and Benchmark VS640 libraries. Id = HSLco32416 SR: H555007051 During backup following messages are reported: [Normal] From: BSM@HostName "Datalist" Time: <time> [61:1011] Received reconnect request from BMA@HostName "Device". [Normal] From: BSM@HostName "Datalist" Time: <time> BMA@HostName "Device" reconnected successfully. Defect Description: PHSS_28333: Id = HSLco31403 If append fails during positioning, the tape is not marked poor. Resolution: Error handling is improved. Id = HSLco37256 Because of drive problems, Media Agent does not position the tape to the right location. Resolution: The way Restore Media Agent finds the right position on the tape has been changed. If you receive error message: "|Major|From RMA@<host> "<device>" time:<time> |90:184| Cannot forward block. |Details unknown.|" then set new environment variable OB2NOBLOCKSEEK in .omnirc file to 1 . Id = HSLco37582 When started during the system startup, "" script fails because environment variable PATH is not set. Resolution: PATH is set in the "" script and works correctly during the system startup. Part of SSPUX410_045. Id = HSLco38124 Tape I/O operation statistics functionality is not implemented in OmniBack II. Resolution: Tape I/O operation statistics functionality was added. To enable it, add the new environment variable "OB2TAPESTATISTICS" to the ".omnirc" file and switch it on (OB2TAPESTATISTICS=1). Tape I/O operation statistics is then logged in "/var/opt/omni/log/tapestatistics.log" file. The statistics consist of: 1. Errors corrected without substantial delay 2. Errors corrected with possible delays 3. Total rewrites or rereads 4. Total errors corrected 5. Total times correction algorithm processed 6. Total bytes processed 7. Total uncorrected errors Part of SSPUX410_049. Id = HSLco38160 OmniBack II does not include 'show tape copy progress' functionality. Resolution: This functionality is added. To enable it, add the new environment variable "OB2COPYTAPEMSG=k" in ".omnirc" file. OmniBack II then for every k-th segment shows a message: "|Normal| From: CMA-ACS@<hostname> "<device>" Time: <time> Copying segment k" Id = HSLco38372 The device autoconfiguration fails, because the drive is not recognized. Resolution: Autoconfiguration "Product ID" string in scsitab file is changed from "Mammoth2" to "MAMMOTH2". Id = HSLco38412 OmniBack II does not properly handle mounted tapes. Resolution: Tapes in home position and mounted tapes are handled the same way. They are both considered 'resident'. Id = HSLco38420 In case that Media Agent host uses the old NIO SCSI bus, OmniBack II is not able to get the capacity of a mounted Magneto Optical (MO) medium. Resolution: Media Agent is improved to correctly get the capacity of the MO medium. Id = HSLco38492 Read/write of Cartridge Memory on LTO devices does not work properly. Resolution: Media Agent is improved to work correctly with Cartridge Memory on LTO devices. Id = HSLco39232 In AIX SAN environment it is possible that a device is not available for a couple of seconds due to other activities in SAN environment. In such cases the "write()" command fails with EBUSY error. Resolution: Retry is added in case of EBUSY error. Retry can be configured with environment variables OB2SPTRETRY (default 10 retries) and OB2SPTSLEEP (default 10 seconds) in ".omnirc" file. Part of SSPUX410_057. Id = HSLco39489 OmniBack II is performing cleaning of DLT drives in case that cleaning light is on. But in some cases this light is still on even after drive is cleaned and OmniBack II repeats cleaning cycle. Resolution: New environment variable, "OB2DLTCLEANINGLIGHTCHECK" is added in ".omnirc" file. By default it is set to "0" and cleaning is not performed when cleaning light is on. If variable is set to "1", cleaning is performed. Id = HSLco40523 OmniBack II is not designed to mark tape as occupied when tape mounting fails with "STATUS_VOLUME_IN_DRIVE". Resolution: OmniBack II properly marks tape as "Poor" in case when mount operation fails with ACS error: "STATUS_VOLUME_IN_DRIVE". Part of SSPUX410_058. PHSS_27458: Id = HSLco30962, HSLco35407 When the devices automatically unloads, OmniBack II tries to unload but fails since the device already unloaded tape. Resolution: New environment variable OB2NOEJECTCLEANINGTAPE which has to be set to 1 in omnirc file, was implemented in order to prevent OmniBack II to unload the cleaning tape. Id = HSLco34581 Enabled "st_san_safe" parameter causes incorrect system handling for the devices with "rewind on close" implemented. This causes devbra to return unusable devices. Resolution: devbra is adapted in order to work properly when "st_san_safe" kernel parameter is enabled. Id = HSLco34684 Media Agent on AIX platform does not handle End of Medium correctly for LTO devices. Resolution: End of Medium handling is improved for LTO devices on AIX platform. Id = HSLco34910 New inquiry strings are needed for Compaq devices. Resolution: New inquiry strings are added for Compaq devices. Id = HSLco35035 In case that NDMP backup contains large number of files, Backup Media Agent uses large amount of memory. Resolution: Backup Media Agent memory usage is improved so it can backup up to 5 million files. Id = HSLco35178 Sometimes it is possible that eject operation fails after the medium header verification. Resolution: Additional medium rewind operation is added before the offline operation. Id = HSLco35450 Auto configuration of Overland Data Neo Series LXN2000 and Neo Series LXN4000with Quantum SDLT220 tape drives does not work because of inquiry strings missing. Resolution: Inquiry strings are added for auto configuration. Id = HSLco35670 Message is implying that medium verification has been done although only the medium header sanity check has been performed. Resolution: Message is changed to: "Medium header verification completed". Part of SSPUX410_028. Id = HSLco35704 When performing bulk eject media agent aborts session. Resolution: Ejecting tape from mailslot works properly. Id = HSLco36329 If during the backup connection between BMA and UMA is broken and no IPC error is reported, BMA terminates when it fails to instruct UMA to unload the tape. Resolution: New instance of UMA is started. Id = HSLco36526 Devbra and sanconf are limited to 10 character serial numbers only. When there are devices with 12 digit SN detected, devbra truncates the last two digits. As a result, several physical devices are then treated as one and the same device. Resolution: Devbra is using all digits of the device SN to distinguish between devices. Part of SSPUX410_040. Id = HSLco36656 Reading and accessing the Cell Manager info resulted in xma ending abnormally. Resolution: Source code for updating Cell Manager info has been modified slightly. Id = HSLco35925 Media Agent protocol is incorrect for the devices with multi-host connection. Resolution: Media Agent protocol is improved for the devices using multi-host connections. Part of SSPUX41_031. Id = HSLco36147 Solaris Media Agent is not capable of handling SCSI sense information bigger than 144 bytes. Problem typically occurs in combination with certain types of SAN FC switches/drivers. Resolution: Buffer receiving SCSI sense information is increased. Part of SSPUX410_035. Id = HSLco36472 Media Agent is not able to write beyond 2GB limitation on file devices. Resolution: The 2Gb limitation on file devices is increased. Part of SSPUX410_037. Id = HSLco37281 OmniBack II does not support FC devices on AIX platform. Resolution: Support for FC devices on AIX platform is added. Part of SSPUX410_038. Id = HSLco36985, HSLco36532 Ascii to Unicode conversions of large number of filenames generate stack overflow while transferring the catalog information. Resolution: Function for Ascii to Unicode conversion is replaced. Part of SSPUX410_042. Id = HSLco36901 In case that backup to direct access devices contains large number of small files, it is possible that catalog size is bigger than space available on medium. Because of this backup fails to write complete catalog to the medium. Resolution: Calculation of space needed for catalog is improved in order not to exceed available space. Id = HSLco36135 New values are returned by SN6000. Resolution: New returned values for SN6000 are supported. Id = HSLco36960 OmniBack II does not work correctly with 9840 device which product ID starts with "T9840". Resolution: Media Agent is improved in order to support 9840 devices which product ID starts with "T9840". Id = JAGae28035 Automatic cleaning does not work if library does not have barcode support. Resolution: New OmniBack II environment variable is added: OB2CLNSLOT. Variable has to be set on Media Agent host and has to contain number of Cleaning slot configured for the library. PHSS_26357: Id = HSLco33017 When split library in SAN environment is assigned to 2 systems and "omnimm -eject" is run on host B, host A can no longer access the changer. Resolution: Library robotic mechanism is released after tape eject. Id = HSLco33264 Not all information is written to the debug.log after I/O drive status error occurs. Resolution: Information is added to the debug.log file. Id = HSLco33563 With OmniBack II A.04.00 release verification of DA block part is introduced. In case that data length for the data record is "0", verify reports an error. Resolution: Verify is changed in order to ignore "0" data length for data record, because this does not influence data restore. Part of SSPUX410_016. Id = HSLco33982 In case that STK 9940 drives are configured as T9840, query does not work correctly because OB2 expects that those drives are configured as type 3590. Resolution: Configuration for STK 9940 is changed in order to be recognized as T9840 media type. Id = HSLco34050 In case in which reconnect option is used for backup, it is possible that Media Agent fails due to a protocol error. Resolution: Protocol between Session Manager and Media Agent is changed in order not to acknowledge normal formatted messages. Complete functionality of this fix will be available when Cell Server patch PHSS_26353/PHSS_26354 is installed - or successors of it. Part of SSPUX410_017. Id = HSLco34139 Header verification can not handle a dirty drive situation. Resolution: If OmniBack II detects cleaning tape medium header is not checked before unloading. Id = HSLco34266 When loading a tape medium header check is run. If the medium is foreign or blank OmniBack II aborts backup session. Resolution: If loaded tape is foreign or blank OmniBack II does not check medium header when closing device. Id = NSMbb44407 In order for Sony DTF device to work correctly, "OB2DBD=1" entry has to be added to omnirc file. Resolution: Entry for Sony DTF drive is updated in order to make the device work correctly without omnirc entry. PHSS_26219: Id = HSLco30584 SR: H555006666 Medium header verification is not implemeted. Resolution: Environment variable OB2DISABLEHEADERCHECK is introduced. Medium header is checked by default. Setting the variable to 1 in /opt/omni/.omnirc file turns the functionality off. Id = HSLco31274 DAS Media Agent is checking incorrect environment variable. Resolution: Setting environment variable OB2DASDRIVESTATUS2 to 1 in the /opt/omni/omnirc file makes usage of more than 15 drives possible. Id = HSLco31293 Query operation hangs when performed on GRAU libraries with more than 1000 tapes. Resolution: Query operation can handle more than 1000 tapes within GRAU library. Id = HSLco31696 LTO drives are not supported with Omniback ACS integration. Resolution: Omniback ACS integration supports LTO drives. Id = NSMbb44086 NDMP Media Agent packages do not contain devbra. Resolution: devbra is added to NDMP Media Agent packages. Id = HSLco30326 OmniBackII A.04.10 does not support HP VS80 and Benchmark VS640 libraries. Resolution: OmniBackII A.04.10 supports HP VS80 and Benchmark VS640 libraries on HP-UX, Linux and Sun Solaris systems. Part of SSPUX410_002. Id = HSLco32416 In case that reconnect option is used and OB2PORTRANGE environment variable is set, it is possible that reconnect occurs at the beginning of the session due to incorrectly set timeout. Resolution: Timeout is set to correct value. SR: H555009101 H555009859 H555009315 H555009018 H555009027 H555009407 H555009139 H555006826 H555008870 H555009095 H555008826 H555009078 H555008728 H555008179 H555008747 H555008496 H555007993 8606263710 B555014660 H555008050 H555008421 H555008610 H555008242 H555008504 H555006734 H555008328 H555008634 H555008608 H555008428 H555008662 H555008680 H555008834 H555008753 H555008555 H555008655 B555013119 H555007739 H555007700 H555007798 H555007513 H555007381 H555007663 H555007269 B555012905 H555006885 H555006608 H555007051 H555006798 H555006790 H555006666 Patch Files: /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/gpl/i386/linux-60/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sco/i386/sco_sv/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sequent/i386/dynix/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/siemens/r400/sinix/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sun/sparc/solaris-26/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/sun/sparc/solaris-26/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/sun/sparc/solaris-7/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/sun/sparc/solaris-26/ A.04.10/packet.Z what(1) Output: /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/gpl/i386/linux-60/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sco/i386/sco_sv/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sequent/i386/dynix/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/siemens/r400/sinix/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sun/sparc/solaris-26/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/sun/sparc/solaris-26/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/sun/sparc/solaris-7/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/hp/s800/hp-ux-11/A.04.10/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/sun/sparc/solaris-26/ A.04.10/packet.Z: None cksum(1) Output: 1486778762 2442893 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/hp/s800/ hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/packet.Z 4052295106 2443071 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/hp/s800/ hp-ux-11/A.04.10/packet.Z 3094311167 2055663 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/gpl/i386/ linux-60/A.04.10/packet.Z 1778647469 2138828 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/ibm/rs6000/ aix-42/A.04.10/packet.Z 2233245699 1868914 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sco/i386/ sco_sv/A.04.10/packet.Z 3178890692 2101773 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sequent/ i386/dynix/A.04.10/packet.Z 2522069662 2405669 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/siemens/ r400/sinix/A.04.10/packet.Z 3049575455 2396864 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/sun/sparc/ solaris-26/A.04.10/packet.Z 3613476845 3001827 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/hp/s800/ hp-ux-11/A.04.10/packet.Z 100167657 3001067 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/hp/s800/ hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/packet.Z 3489653480 3000611 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/sun/sparc/ solaris-26/A.04.10/packet.Z 3242408115 2685613 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/acs/ibm/ rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/packet.Z 1607133819 2560073 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/hp/s800/ hp-ux-11/A.04.10/packet.Z 3739291639 2567581 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/hp/s800/ hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/packet.Z 2695531049 2534099 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/das/ibm/ rs6000/aix-42/A.04.10/packet.Z 2388816155 2895342 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/hp/s800/ hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/packet.Z 155584380 2890980 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/hp/s800/ hp-ux-11/A.04.10/packet.Z 2225408463 2772759 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ndmp/sun/ sparc/solaris-7/A.04.10/packet.Z 2868937580 2880123 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/hp/s800/ hp-ux-1020/A.04.10/packet.Z 2193838621 2877571 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/hp/s800/ hp-ux-11/A.04.10/packet.Z 1186704692 2746508 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/fxma/sun/ sparc/solaris-26/A.04.10/packet.Z Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: If any newer SSP for the Media Agent is installed on your system, you must re-apply the SSP after installing this Media Agent patch. If the Cell Server is running on HP-UX, then the Cell Server patch PHSS_27454/PHSS_27455 (or later) for HP-UX must be installed before this Media Agent patch. If this is not done, the connection between Media Agents and Cell Server will no longer work. In a mixed environment, if the Cell Server is running on Windows NT/2000, then Cell Server patch OMNIBACK_00061 (or later) must be installed at the same time. PHSS_27602: Release Date: Available Id = HSLco36656 SR:H555008680 Id = HSLco35035 SR:H555008242 Id = HSLco34050 SR:H555007700 PHSS_27602 is required for these defect fixes. PHSS_27587: Release Date: Available Id = HSLco36526 SR: B555014660 PHSS_27587 is required for this defect fix. Supersedes: PHSS_26219 PHSS_26357 PHSS_27458 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_28334: s700: 11.00 11.11 11.20 s800: 11.00 11.11 11.20 Patch Package Size: 53080 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_28333 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_28333.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_28333. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_28333.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_28333.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: PHSS_28333: NOTE! This Patch has to be installed on the Installation Server host. The OB2 Media Agent must be redistributed to the Media Agent client system(s) after the installation of the patch in order to get the fixes into effect. For distribution of the Media Agent, refer to the OmniBackII Installation guide. Patch includes the following Site Specific Patches: SSPUX410_002 SSPUX410_016 SSPUX410_017 SSPUX410_028 SSPUX410_031 SSPUX410_035 SSPUX410_037 SSPUX410_038 SSPUX410_040 SSPUX410_042 SSPUX410_045 SSPUX410_049 SSPUX410_057 SSPUX410_058