Patch Name: PHSS_28059

Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 Fortran90 patch B.10.20.40 to B.10.20.55

Creation Date: 02/10/11

Post Date:  02/10/25

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.20
	s800: 10.20

	FORTRAN90 B.10.20.40
	FORTRAN90 B.10.20.42


Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Release

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_28059

	01)JAGae33043: Internal compiler error.

	01)JAGae30245: The compiler aborts when +i8 is used with
	               values greather than 2**31.
	02)JAGae30374: The compiler issues an internal error
	               message when the first argument to an
	               elemental procedure is not an array.

	01)JAGae21542: The compiler aborts at +O3 in
	02)JAGae22867: The compiler aborts during compiling
	03)JAGae22891: Segmentation fault when executing
	               subroutines with a large number of
	04)JAGae23557: The compiler issues Error 215, Dummy
	               argument of a private procedure cannot have
	               a type that is private.
	05)JAGae23902: Performance problem caused by extra
	               prefetches if using default cache line size.
	06)JAGae24654: Poor performance with multiple memory
	               moves on some allocatable array types.
	07)JAGae25135: Subscript range error not detected in I/O
	               implied DO.
	08)JAGae25225: The compiled program aborts when named
	               parameters are used in some calls.

	01)JAGae14855: The compiler generates an error message
	               for read(f(),*) when f is a character
	02)JAGae16233: The compiler generates an error message
	               for a labelled ENDDO statement.
	03)JAGae16582: Compiled programs encountered segmentation
	               violation in math intrinsic routines.
	04)JAGae18265: Traceback information not always output
	               when compiler aborts.
	05)JAGae18321: The compiler generates an error when a
	               statement function is used for a character
	               declared with a parameter.
	06)JAGae19609: The compiler processes C$PAR directives
	               even when Open MP is used.
	07)JAGae19504: The compiler aborts with interal error on
	               some codes at all optimization levels with
	               the -g option.

	01)JAGad31237: Inferior performance for automatic and
	               allocatable arrays.
	02)JAGae07707: Compiling at +O3 results in the compiler
	               running out of memory in codes which
	               accumulate a result from a large number of
	               min or max expressions.
	03)JAGae08269: f90 option -C - reports an error with
	               zero-sized array.
	04)JAGae09212: Implement +A alignment option for backward
	               f77 compatibility.
	05)JAGae09539: Wrong answers at +O2 +DA2.0W.
	06)JAGae09734: The compiler aborts with internal error
	07)JAGae09920: The compiler aborts with name table
	08)JAGae10093: The compiler gets wrong answers at +O3
	               with automatic arrays.
	09)JAGae10762: The compiler issues an error message when
	               MIN1 and MAX1 are called with integer
	10)JAGae12200: $HP$ALIAS directive on interfaces are
	               not honored.
	11)JAGae13356: The compiler was looking up constant
	               operands in the dictionary table.
	12)JAGae13388: The compiler aborts on use of a format
	               label with OpenMP, legal code is rejected.
	13)JAGae14315: The compiler gives wrong answers in 64
	               bit mode when using statement functions.
	14)JAGae14622: The comiler aborts for +A compilation of
	               2 byte aligned common item.

	01)JAGae01864: When using allocatable arrays embedded
	               in a F90 record type, the program will
	               bus error or seg fault during the program
	02)JAGae04245: Compiler aborts when -g is specified with
	               union map regions containing only one
	03)JAGae04558: The program gets wrong answers at +O2.
	04)JAGae05471: GDB cannot stop at the end of a program
	               due to missing SLT entry.
	05)JAGae05719: The executable gets wrong answers with
	               parmsoverlap at optimization level +O3.
	06)JAGae06390: Customer wants O'400' and Z'400' treated
	               as 2 bytes for intrinsic calls.
	07)JAGae07001: The compiler aborts when a PARAMETER
	               statement redefines a COMMON definition.
	08)JAGae07078: The compiler rejects IAND(I4,i2const)
	               with +i2.
	09)JAGae07262: IAND and IOR do not accept a mixture of
	               INTEGER*2 and INTEGER*4 arguments.
	10)JAGae07652: The compiler mishandles the ORDERED clause
	               within nested parallel directives.
	11)JAGae07658: The compiler does not honor f77 style
	               OPTIMIZE directives.
	12)JAGae07660: The compiler does not honor f77 style
	               SAVE_LOCALS directives.
	13)JAGae07707: Compiling at +O3 results in the compiler
	               running out of memory in codes which
	               accumulate a result from a large number of
	               min or max expressions.
	14)JAGae07710: The compiler aborts with when an undeclared
	               function reference is used in a call.
	15)JAGae07953: Intrinsic iint is not allowed with
	               type int.
	16)JAGae08246: The compiler aborts with +i8 on
	               SIZE(array,dim) intrinsic.
	17)JAGae08269: The compiler reports a subscript error when
	               using -C with a zero sized array.
	18)JAGae09734: The compiler aborts on NASTRAN code.
	19)JAGae09920: Compiler aborts on very large source file.

	01)JAGab70324: The compiler aborts with internal error
	               5172 with large real*8 arrays.
	02)JAGad96334: Inefficient code generated in 64-bit mode
	               for loop indices.
	03)JAGad97006: Wrong answer at optimization level +O2
	               due to use of EQUIVALENCE.
	04)JAGad97103: Wrong answer at optimization level +O2
	               when using the LOC intrinsic.
	05)JAGad98531: The compiler issues a bogus "No such entity
	               in module" error.
	06)JAGad99000: The compiler generates wrong answers in
	               wide mode at optimization level +O3 when
	               using integer*8 induction variables.
	07)JAGad99034: The debugger can't set breakpoints in
	               functions included via header files.
	08)JAGad99133: The present intrinsic returns the wrong
	               result when an optional parameter is not
	               passed by the calling program.
	09)JAGad99152: Incorrect code generated when an indirect
	               common block is used in a subroutine.
	10)JAGad99350: The compiler generated incorrect names
	               for complex types for use by the debugger.
	11)JAGae00880: F90 does not allow nnnnI and nnnJ notation
	               to express two byte and four byte integer
	               constants as f77 did.  This is an f77
	               compatibility issue.
	12)JAGae01113: The compiler generates an internal error
	               on call to getarg when using +getarg1.
	13)JAGae01135: The compiler aborts with "Assertion is
	               not true at user line 22:
	               BP_is_field_memeber_of_union --".
	14)JAGae01137: The compiler generated an error when values
	               greater than 127 were passed to the char
	               intrinsic in a PARAMETER statement.
	15)JAGae02602: The compiler aborts on fstream with
	               integer*2 result assignment.
	16)JAGae02631: Error compiling hollerith constants when
	               used with the IAND intrinsic.
	17)JAGae03581: The compiler ignores +Onolibcalls at
	               optimization level +O2.

	01)JAGad96301: The compiler aborts in a segmentation
	               fault when compiling an incomplete type
	               at +O3.
	02)JAGad96827: The compiler does not recognize the $SHORT
	               directive.  This is needed for f77 backward
	03)JAGad96964: The compiler aborts using +i8 when
	               compiling the index intrinsic.
	04)JAGad96969: The compiler aborts in wide mode with the
	               +i8 switch when compiling OMP intrinsics.
	05)JAGad97206: The compiler reports the wrong line number
	               in error messages when the -I include path
	               is used.
	06)JAGad97500: The compiler aborts compiling
	               set_num_threads call using +autodbl in
	               64-bit mode.
	07)JAGad97556: The compiler issues an error 300 message
	               when compiling a generic function.
	08)JAGad97884: The compiler issues an error message for
	               a character array argument whose length is
	               different that a specific formal parameter
	               character array argument.

	01)JAGad96323: The compiler aborts during handling of a
	               CRAY pointer object.
	02)JAGad96085: The compiler issues an error message when
	               defining a generic function using
	               an INTERFACE block when the function
	               specification contains a RESULT clause.
	03)JAGad95772: The compiler asserts with -g on a program
	               with a hollerith constant.
	04)JAGad95812: The compiler issues an error with +Oopenmp
	               and Sun's c$pragma directive.
	05)JAGad95935: Bad compile-time evaluation of math
	               function calls with constant arguments.
	06)JAGad93111: The compiler emits an "unable to privatize
	               compiler temp" warning for an OMP parallel
	07)JAGad95189: The compiler emits an f95resolve.c assert
	               on operator in INTERFACE definition.

	01)JAGab14095: Debugger does not stop at the right line
	02)JAGab76571: Compiler gets an internal error with array
	03)JAGad06371: The compiler aborts with segmentation fault
	               after correctly reporting errors.
	04)JAGad91856: Wrong answers for reentrant subroutines.
	05)JAGad92916: Data size over 2**31 bytes is incorrectly
	               promoted to 64 bit
	06)JAGad93080: Compiler issues error messages for
	               c$doacross, c$$, *$$ and !$$.
	07)JAGad93165: The compiler aborts when a module is 'use'd
	               multiple times within the same source file.
	08)JAGad93166: The compiler issues an error message for
	09)JAGad93470: Line number information is incorrect when
	               compiling .F files or when +cpp=yes.
	10)JAGad93578: The compiler generates an assertion
	               claiming "Missing LAB for label" on
	               Open MP code.
	11)JAGad94515: The F90 compiler limits initialized DATA
	               to 42 megabytes, much smaller than F77.

	01)JAGad87638: Intermittant wrong answers using at
	               high optimization levels.
	02)JAGad89871: Compiler error compiling a recursive
	               function, abnormal exit from bridge.
	03)JAGad92123: Use of 300 continuation lines causes
	               internal compiler error.
	04)JAGad92124: The label on a 'type' statement is lost.

	01)JAGad85737: The compiler does not correctly handle BOZ
	               constants in intrinsic function calls.
	02)JAGad90122: The compiler does not accept the incremental
	               linking options +ild and +ildrelink.
	03)JAGad90369: The compiler asserts on data statement which
	               uses rep and has another overlapping data
	04)JAGad90394: The compiler aborts with f90: Signal 6.
	05)JAGad90477: Use of the +Ofaster compile option causes
	               bus error.

	01)JAGab67472: A problem with strength reduction of 64
	               bit multiplication by unsigned consants
	               caused wrong answers.
	02)JAGac86637: The compiler errantly reports "invalid arc
	               calculation" warning.
	03)JAGad62170: The +U option needs to support multiple
	04)JAGad84653: The compiler does not accept 'type' as
	               a 'print' statement.
	05)JAGad85160: Reference to omp_memcpy is unresolved.
	06)JAGad85254: The compiler asserts on an OMP intrinsic.
	07)JAGad85371: Customer reports need to have more than 256
	               continuation lines.
	08)JAGad85372: Performance for guided scheduling does not
	               scale well beyond 2 threads.
	09)JAGad86385: The compiler aborts with interanl error on
	               the pack intrinsic.
	10)JAGad87340: Compiler aborts with TCG assertion in
	11)JAGad87380: The compiler does not recognize the
	               +Onoopenmp command-line switch.
	12)JAGad87416: Compiler aborts with TCG assertion.
	13)JAGad87513: Using $HP$SHARED_COMMON within second
	               subroutine in a file Is ignored, causing
	               wrong answers.
	14)JAGad88599: Bus error occurs when intrinsic function LOC
	               is called with a non-subscripted array.
	15)JAGad88762: OMP directive is ignored.
	16)JAGad89129: Error occurs when implicitly opening a file
	               with unit number greater than 99.

	01)JAGaa68246: Wrong answers with floating point
	               comparisons using +FPD.
	02)JAGab73429: The compiler does not allow the !$ALIAS
	03)JAGad03801: Compiler crashing on end do statements with
	               no matching do statements.
	04)JAGad08183: Run time error with assigned gotos in 64bit
	05)JAGad15689: Failure on entry statement that returns a
	               quadword result.
	06)JAGad62340: The +cat option at the end of the compile
	               line caused compile problems.
	07)JAGad73062: Compiler aborts when parallelizing a loop
	               with an inlined routine.
	08)JAGad73370: Wrong answers from libF90 cputime routine.
	09)JAGad73465: Code sometimes generated wrong answers at
	               optimization level +O3.
	10)JAGad73529: Garbled "Module not found" error messages.
	11)JAGad74647: Open MP parallelization causes segmentation
	12)JAGad77170: SAVE tags an automatic variable, a variable
	               type not eligible for SAVE causing bogus
	               compile-time errors.
	13)JAGad77176: Compiler abort when an Open MP PRIVATE
	               variable is from a USEd module.
	14)JAGad77883: Compiler abort on interface assignment.
	15)JAGad79146: Gdb unable to show the correct f90 source
	               lines when stepping.
	16)JAGad81039: Compiler aborts with "abnormal exit taken
	               from bridge" with nested routines and
	17)JAGad81737: OMP variable trip count loops not always
	               correctly parallelized.
	18)JAGad81738: Loops with induction variables of type
	               integer*8 were not transforming the
	               increment value to be an I*8 constant.
	19)JAGad82866: Compiler aborts while generating code for
	               an array initialization in wide mode.

Defect Description:
	01) JAGae33043: Semantic analyzer was not checking for a
	                derived type before accessing the
	                underlying type.

	01)JAGae30245: The compiler did not detect the overflow
	               and emit an appropriate error message.
	02)JAGae30374: The compiler did not look beyond the first
	               argument for the array.

	01)JAGae21542: There is an error in product tables
	02)JAGae22867: The compiler had an error in kind check
	               for extracting value prior to moving it to
	               a new kind, an integer*8 related problem.
	03)JAGae22891: The compiler prematurely evaluated stack
	               arguments, allowing them to be overwritten.
	04)JAGae23557: The compiler failed to check for the
	               private attribute before issuing an error
	05)JAGae23902: The default cache line size was
	               inefficient, changed to 64 bytes.
	06)JAGae24654: Multiple memory moves was causing cache
	07)JAGae25135: The compiler was turning the implied DO
	               into an array section, this can't be done
	               when bounds checking.
	08)JAGae25225: Default(private) processing erroneously
	               privatized the named parameters and thus
	               created a temporary.

	01)JAGae14855: The compiler did not allow character
	               function results to be used as unit numbers.
	02)JAGae16233: The compiler was generating a bogus error
	03)JAGae16582: The compiler failed to setup register
	               r29 correctly.
	04)JAGae18265: The compiler did not call routines to
	               print context during assert.
	05)JAGae18321: The compiler was performing an unnecessary
	               error check.
	06)JAGae19609: The compiler was not ignoring C$Par when
	               +Oopenmp is used.
	07)JAGae19504: The compiler was performing an illegal

	01)JAGad31237: Improved alias analysis for allocatable
	               and automatic arrays.
	02)JAGae07707: Fixed symbolic handling of min/max
	               expressions to avoid exponential expression
	03)JAGae08269: Suppressed check when the array is null.
	04)JAGae09212: Added implementation of +A option, aligning
	               to 2 byte boundary under +A.
	05)JAGae09539: Fixed branch->skip conversion in wide mode.
	06)JAGae09734: We needed a better check to autopromote
	07)JAGae09920: Increased the nametable size from 128
	               to 1024.
	08)JAGae10093: Prevent temporary copy of descriptor
	               base address.
	09)JAGae10762: MIN1 and MAX1 calls are now coverted
	               internally to MIN0 and MAX0 when integer
	               arguments are specified.
	10)JAGae12200: The compiler did not look for the alias
	               name for function and subroutine interfaces.
	11)JAGae13356: The compiler aborts with redefinition of
	               macro type.
	12)JAGae13388: Updated the compiler to accept label
	13)JAGae14315: The compiler maintained context beyond
	               the statement function context.
	14)JAGae14622: Emit subtype alignment of 16 bits for item.

	01)JAGae01864: The optimizer was hoisting a load without
	               hoisting the associated store instruction,
	               creating an uninitialized use of a
	02)JAGae04245: The compiler was incorrectly calculating
	               map region offsets.
	03)JAGae04558: The compiler was incorreclty optimizing
	               away a variable that was still in use.
	04)JAGae05471: The compiler did not correctly output the
	               SLT entry before the exit.
	05)JAGae05719: The compiler needed to extend array(1) to
	               the end of the commonblock for alias
	06)JAGae06390: The compiler did not default to the correct
	               type under the +i2 flag for BOZ constants.
	07)JAGae07001: The compiler should have issued a meaningul
	               error diagnostic message.
	08)JAGae07078: The compiler's type checking was too strict
	               and has been relaxed for IAND calls.
	09)JAGae07262: The compiler's type checking was too strict
	               and has been relaxed for intrinsic calls.
	10)JAGae07652: The mechanism for handling the Open MP
	               ORDERED directive needed to be enhanced.
	11)JAGae07658: The compiler has been changed to handle
	               OPTIMIZE directives.
	12)JAGae07660: The compiler has been changed to handle
	               SAVE_LOCALS directives.
	13)JAGae07707: Fixed symbolic handling of min/max
	               expressions to avoid exponential expression
	14)JAGae07710: The compiler did not issue a diagnostic
	               message for undeclared function reference
	               in a call.
	15)JAGae07953: The compiler did not allow iint to
	               translate to int2 and int4 as appropriate.
	16)JAGae08246: The compiler did not pass int4 dimension to
	17)JAGae08269: The compiler incorrectly flagged subscripts
	               to a zero-sized array as an error.
	18)JAGae09734: The compiler incorrectly determined that a
	               variable equivalenced within a common block
	               could be type-size promoted to match the
	               size of address.
	19)JAGae09920: The namespace table was not large enough to
	               handle the source file.

	01)JAGab70324: The compiler needed to check for valid
	               frame size before running with bad input.
	02)JAGad96334: The compiler assumed loop indices to be
	               integer*4 regardless of the compilation
	               mode, causing unnecessary conversions
	               during rutime.
	03)JAGad97006: An invalid but common idiom of
	               equivalencing length 1 array to the
	               beginning of a common block caused over
	04)JAGad97103: The compiler was incorrectly optimizing
	               addresses to the LOC function.
	05)JAGad98531: The compiler did not correctly handle a
	               boundary condition when writing a symbol
	               across heaps.
	06)JAGad99000: An error in optimization caused incorrect
	               code generation.
	07)JAGad99034: The compiler was not correctly generating
	               line number references.
	08)JAGad99133: The present intrinsic returned wrong
	09)JAGad99152: The compiler was not checking to see
	               if common blocks were indirect within
	               functions and subroutines.
	10)JAGad99350: The compiler generated names incorrectly
	               by using the kind precision instead of the
	               type precision.
	11)JAGae00880: The parser did not allow f77 notation for
	               2 byte and 4 byte integer constants.
	12)JAGae01113: Error handing getarg and getarg1.
	13)JAGae01135: The compiler generated an error on a valid
	               construct due to incorrect error checking.
	14)JAGae01137: An error in bounds checking prevented
	               valid values as parameters to char.
	15)JAGae02602: Needed to encode the fact that fstream on
	               typeint2 returns int4.
	16)JAGae02631: The compiler had a problem converting
	               Holleriths to integers when using a
	               bit or logical intrinsic.
	17)JAGae03581: The compiler turned on +Olibcalls even
	               though the user specified _Onolibcalls.

	01)JAGad96301: The compiler was stuck in an infinite
	               recursive call loop when compiling an
	               incomplete type.
	02)JAGad96827: The compiler needed to recognize and
	               correctly handle the $SHORT directive.
	03)JAGad96964: There was a bug coding the determination
	               of the index intrinsic parameter.
	04)JAGad96969: The +i8 switch was not compatible with
	               some of the OMP internal intrinsics.
	05)JAGad97206: The compiler incorrectly reported the hash
	               line number instead of the line number.
	06)JAGad97500: The compiler failed to convert some types.
	07)JAGad97556: The compiler did not allow dimension as
	               a function result attribute.
	08)JAGad97884: The compiler should issue a warning rather
	               than an error.

	01)JAGad96323: The CRAY target object was not being
	               handled properly by intrinsics.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	02)JAGad96085: The function result type attributes were
	               not being checked correctly.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	03)JAGad95772: The compiler recognized a hollerith
	               field as an unnamed variable and issued
	               invalid debug information.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	04)JAGad95812: C$pragma was not recognized, the compiler
	               has been changed to ignore it.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	05)JAGad95935: The compiler was constant folding divides
	               by zero.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	06)JAGad93111: The compiler created temporary variables
	               but failed to privatize them in the parallel
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	07)JAGad95189: A USE statement of a module which exported
	               an operator definition within a nested
	               scope caused an abort due to failure to
	               clear the pushed operator count.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.

	01)JAGab14095: Fixed problem with line number handling.
	   Resolution: Recompile with new compiler.
	02)JAGab76571: Fixed problem with type conversion on array
	   Resolution: Recompile with new compiler.
	03)JAGad06371: Fixed problem with graceful handling of
	               error situation.
	   Resolution: Recompile with new compiler.
	04)JAGad91856: Fixed problem with more than one thread
	               saving the result.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	05)JAGad92916: The compiler stored subspace lengths as
	               integers.  Changed them to use unsigned
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	06)JAGad93080: Changed the compiler to suppress errors for
	               c$doacross, c$$, *$$, and !$$.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	07)JAGad93165: Multiple use statements caused a name
	               collision.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	08)JAGad93166: Fixed the compiler to allow C$$$ to be a
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	09)JAGad93470: Fixed problem with #line directives throwing
	               off the line countin the original source
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	10)JAGad93578: Fixed problem with missing label from
	               replicated nodes resulting from
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	11)JAGad94515: The data limit was too small. Increased it
	               to 400 megabytes.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.

	01)JAGad87638: Fixed uninitialized register problem causing
	               intermitant wrong answers at high
	               optimization levels.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	02)JAGad89871: Code to determine where the character length
	               is stored is aborting.  Fixed this problem.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	03)JAGad92123: Over-writing memory due to overflow of 16
	               bit field describing debugger position.
	               Fixed field size.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	04)JAGad92124: Fixed handling of the 'type' form of the
	               print statement so that the label is
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.

	01)JAGad85737: The compiler did not correctly infer data
	               type for BOZ (typeless) constants from
	               context.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	02)JAGad90122: Implemented the +ild and +ildrelink compile
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	03)JAGad90369: Fixed bug in handling of the data statement.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	04)JAGad90394: Fixed the internal compiler assertion.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	05)JAGad90477: Fixed the bug in handling the +Ofaster
	               compile option.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.

	01)JAGab67472: Fixed a problem with strength reduction
	               of 64 bit multiplication by unsigned
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	02)JAGac86637: Removed an unused warning message
	               "invalid arc calculation".
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	03)JAGad62170: Added support for multiple arguments to
	               the +U option.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	04)JAGad84653: To be consistent with f77, updated the
	               compiler to accept 'type' as a synonym
	               for 'print' when not within a declaration.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	05)JAGad85160: Fixed the compiler to resolve the
	               omp_memcpy reference.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	06)JAGad85254: Fixed the OMP intrinsic assertion problem
	               resulting from parameter mismatch.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	07)JAGad85371: Enhanced the compiler to allow up to 300
	               continuation lines.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	08)JAGad85372: Error in algorithm was causing the
	               compiler to use workload/2 to guide
	               scheduling.  Changed this to use
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	09)JAGad86385: Fixed the internal compiler error
	               generated on a pack intrinsic.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	10)JAGad87340: Fixed the internal compiler error
	               resulting in TCG in_descriptor.c
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	11)JAGad87380: Implemented the +Onoopenmp
	               command-line switch.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	12)JAGad87416: Fixed the compiler internal error.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	13)JAGad87513: Placement of $HP$SHARED_COMMON
	               directive contrary to documentation
	               was permitted in F77.  Upgraded the
	              f90 compiler to allow the f77 placement.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	14)JAGad88599: Fixed problem with intrinsic handling
	               of dope vector array, resulting in bus
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	15)JAGad88762: Fixed problem so that OMP directives
	               are not lost.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	16)JAGad89129: Fixed bug in compiler for implicit
	               open of file with unit number greater
	               than 99.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.

	01)JAGaa68246: The compiler had a problem with using +FPD
	               combined with certain optimizations.  This
	               has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	02)JAGab73429: The compiler did not recognize the !$ALIAS
	               form of the $ALIAS directive. The compiler
	               has been changed to recognize !$ALIAS
	   Resolution: Recompile with new compiler.
	03)JAGad03801: Compiler expected each end do statement to
	               have matching do statements. This has been
	               fixed so that an error message is generated.
	   Resolution: Recompile with new compiler.
	04)JAGad08183: Compiler was incorrectly calculating the
	               destination address.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	05)JAGad15689: Problem with quadword results for entry
	               statements has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	06)JAGad62340: The compiler included the concatenated
	               file plus all of the individual files in
	               the compile and link.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	07)JAGad73062: The compiler asserted under some cases
	               when parallelizing a loop with an inlined
	               routine. This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	08)JAGad73370: The cputime routine did not return the
	               correct value.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	09)JAGad73465: The compiler incorrectly removed some code
	               assuming it was unreachable when it was in
	               fact needed. This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	10)JAGad73529: The compiler was built with the wrong version
	               of the error message file. This has been
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	11)JAGad74647: There was a problem with the variable step
	               transformation. This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	12)JAGad77170: The compiler generated SAVE tags for an
	               automatic variable.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	13)JAGad77176: The compiler did not clear the USEASSOCIATED
	               bit for use variables which were privatized.
	               This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	14)JAGad77883: An INTERFACE Assignment definition prevented
	               the compiler from resolving an operator. This
	               has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	15)JAGad79146: The compiler was using the incorrect variable
	               hashlinenumber which did not always track
	               line number.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	16)JAGad81039: When propagating type tags from uplevel
	               imported module to the nested routine,
	               the compiler was not checking to see if
	               the type tags had already been set.  This
	               has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	17)JAGad81737: The compiler inadvertantly modified loops
	               not directly attached to OMP DO directives.
	               This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	18)JAGad81738: The compiler was not correctly typing
	               I*8 induction variables.  This has been
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.
	19)JAGad82866: The compiler was incorrectly using the
	               address of the repetition count instead of
	               the repetition count.  This has been fixed.
	   Resolution: Recompile with the new compiler.

	1653237206 8606102064 8606105391 8606129091 8606134666
	8606138917 8606146346 8606192958 8606193128 8606203884
	8606204193 8606204286 8606204347 8606205472 8606207992
	8606207998 8606208696 8606209960 8606211851 8606212551
	8606212552 8606213675 8606215466 8606215988 8606216083
	8606216201 8606216202 8606216568 8606217231 8606218190
	8606218230 8606218266 8606218364 8606219457 8606219622
	8606219988 8606220986 8606221235 8606221260 8606221343
	8606218489 8606220735 8606223019 8606223020 8606106993
	8606137253 8606222745 8606223819 8606223985 8606224069
	8606224070 8606224378 8606224490 8606225428 8606224016
	8606226117 8606226118 8606226709 8606226750 8606226873
	8606227023 8606227262 8606227239 8606227765 8606227905
	8606227912 8606228148 8606228443 8606228499 8606228831
	8606229185 8606103499 8606225399 8606227273 8606227948
	8606228045 8606228284 8606229185 8606229479 8606229949
	8606229983 8606230082 8606230101 8606230298 8606230842
	8606231642 8606231877 8606231899 8606231901 8606232417
	8606233378 8606233407 8606234380 8606235463 8606232417
	8606232629 8606235065 8606235221 8606235396 8606235856
	8606236414 8606236666 8606237350 8606237956 8606237959
	8606238036 8606238235 8606238627 8606238634 8606238636
	8606238686 8606238932 8606239833 8606240317 8606239856
	8606242154 8606242484 8606242685 8606133368 8606161921
	8606218131 8606235531 8606238683 8606239856 8606241321
	8606241957 8606242154 8606242287 8606242402 8606242484
	8606242685 8606242858 8606243205 8606243236 8606244274
	8606244596 8606245741 8606246386 8606246913 8606246945
	8606247915 8606248024 8606248222 8606101202 8606247334
	8606248457 8606249847 8606250201 8606253933 8606253989
	8606255177 8606255282 8606257237 8606258567 8606258589
	8606259239 8606259584 8606260331 8606260813 8606260903
	8606265992 8606266122 8606268808

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		HP-UX f90 20021011 (135613)  B3907DB/B3909DB PHSS_28
			059 B.10.20.55
		HP F90 v2.5.16
		/usr/lib/libc: $Revision: 76.3 $
		HP F90 v2.5.16
		HP-UX SLLIC/OPTIMIZER UX.11.01.96 (ROSE): 11/16/98
		HP aC++ B3910B A.01.19.02 Classic Iostream Library
		HP aC++ B3910B A.01.19.02 Language Support Library
		Ucode Code Generator - UX11.01.04(GS IB4) (PACG - No
			vember 16, 1998)
		HP-UX f90com32 20021011 (132843)  B3907DB/B3909DB PH
			SS_28059 B.10.20.55
		Copyright (c) 1993-2001 HP. All Rights Reserved.
		HP Fortran-95 Version F95D4 HP:131200:080240
		Ucode-2 Version 2-6
		High Level Optimizer - 24-Jun-2002.16:10
		/usr/lib/libc: $Revision: 76.3 $
		HP F90 v2.5.16
		HP-UX SLLIC/OPTIMIZER UX.11.01.96 (ROSE): 11/16/98
		HP aC++ B3910B A.01.19.02 Classic Iostream Library
		HP aC++ B3910B A.01.19.02 Language Support Library
		Ucode Code Generator - UX11.01.04(GS IB4) (PACG - No
			vember 16, 1998)
		HP-UX f90com64 20021011 (134338)  B3907DB/B3909DB PH
			SS_28059 B.10.20.55
		Copyright (c) 1993-2001 HP. All Rights Reserved.
		HP Fortran-95 Version F95D4 HP:131200:080240
		Ucode-2 Version 2-6
		High Level Optimizer - 24-Jun-2002.16:10
		/usr/lib/libc: $Revision: 76.3 $
		libF90 HP HPUX [ Release B.10.20.14 pa1.1 32bit ]
		(hp700:hp/ux) Jun 24 2002
		Copyright (c) 2001 Hewlett Packard.
		libF90 HP HPUX [ Release B.10.20.14 pa2.0 32bit ]
		(hp700:hp/ux) Jun 24 2002
		Copyright (c) 2001 Hewlett Packard.

cksum(1) Output:
	2931087933 557056 /opt/fortran90/bin/f90
	82660376 12230656 /opt/fortran90/lbin/f90com32
	389171112 12304384 /opt/fortran90/lbin/f90com64
	2182998901 4115356 /opt/fortran90/lib/libF90.a
	1326858662 4391928 /opt/fortran90/lib/pa2.0/libF90.a
	2431138043 9677 /opt/fortran90/lib/nls/C/
	2727162549 17117 /opt/fortran90/lib/nls/msg/C/
	4059747583 115530 /opt/fortran90/lib/nls/msg/C/
	4119159773 28368 /opt/fortran90/share/man/man1.Z/f90.1
	3609711377 32477 /opt/fortran90/share/man/ja_JP.eucJP/
	833327979 32600 /opt/fortran90/share/man/ja_JP.SJIS/man1.Z/

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies:
	s700: 10.20: PHSS_27365
	s800: 10.20: PHSS_27365

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

	PHSS_27362 PHSS_27071 PHSS_26862 PHSS_26731 PHSS_26376 PHSS_26066
	PHSS_25858 PHSS_25771 PHSS_25616 PHSS_25520 PHSS_25413 PHSS_25175

Equivalent Patches: None

Patch Package Size: 33110 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_28059

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_28059.depot

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_28059.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_28059.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_28059.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:
	The baselines to which this patch applies are AR0901 or
	AR1201.  It will not install over patch PHSS_23952 or