Patch Name: PHSS_27857 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV EMANATE14.2 Agent Consolidated Patch Creation Date: 02/12/16 Post Date: 02/12/17 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: OpenView Emanate 14.2 Filesets: Networking.MASTER,B.10.20 Networking.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,B.10.20 Networking.SUBAGT-MIB2,B.10.20 OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,B.10.27.00 OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,B.10.26.00 OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,B.11.00.00 OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,B.11.01.00 OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,B.11.11.00 OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,B.10.27.00 OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,B.10.26.00 OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,B.11.00.00 OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,B.11.01.00 OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,B.11.11.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,B.10.27.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,B.10.26.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,B.11.00.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,B.11.01.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,B.11.11.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,B.10.27.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,B.10.26.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,B.11.00.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,B.11.01.00 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,B.11.11.00 OVSNMPAgentMan.AGENT-MAN,B.10.27.00 OVSNMPAgentMan.AGENT-MAN,B.10.26.00 OVSNMPAgentMan.AGENT-MAN,B.11.00.00 OVSNMPAgentMan.AGENT-MAN,B.11.01.00 OVSNMPAgentMan.AGENT-MAN,B.11.11.00 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Release Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_27857 Symptoms: PHSS_27857: Cumulative Consolidated Patch PHSS_27853: 1.PHSS_26138 generates ERROR during cold install(HP-UX only) 2.hp_unixagt was failing to start during the HP-UX ignite installations. 3.There are excessive warning and bad formatted messages from Emanate Agent patch installation (HP-UX only). 4.snmpdm in Emanate Agent consolidated patch PHSS_26138 calls wrong 'uname' during OS upgrades. PHSS_27849: 1.snmpdm implements an obsolete mib. 2.On 64-Bit HP-UX 11.X system, hp_unixagt returns wrong value for computerSystemMaxUserMem MIB variable. PHSS_27569: 1.In OV Emanate 14.2 SNMP agent, the snmpModules part of SNMPv2 MIB is not implemented properly. 2.PHSS_27182 does not define the superseding fileset(s). (HP-UX only) PHSS_27181: snmpdm does not handle subagent connection requests properly PHSS_26724: 1.snmpdm is not sending the ColdStart trap when naaagt registers for mib-2 OID, with mib2agt not started and COLDSTART_TIMEOUT environment variable is set to a non zero value. (Solaris only). 2.snmpdm is not re-reading its configuration file when a trap-dest entry is added by a SnmpSet operation. 3.snmpdm does not add and remove the trap-dest entries in its configuration file properly. (Solaris only). PHSS_26678: hp_unixagt returns Computer System Free Swap as greater than Enabled Swap which is not correct. Free swap should always be less than or equal to Enabled Swap. (HP-UX 10.20 only) PHSS_26399: snmpdm is dumping core in strncmp(). PHSS_26137: Consolidated Patch PHSS_26114: Subagents are sending the log message back to Master Agent which was originally sent from Master to subagent. This log message to Master is not necessary when subagent's logging is centralized with master agent. PHSS_25977: 1.snmpdm doesn't respond properly for large invalid packets 2.snmpdm doesn't respond properly in case of malformed PDUs 3.There is a memory leak associated in snmpdm with an improperly encoded packet. PHSS_25846: 1.hp_unixagt is not giving the process user names when queried on processUname with snmpwalk command. (HP-UX 11.X Only. Mib variable processUname problem). 2.hp_unixagt is returning wrong values for Enabled and Configured swap variables. (HP-UX 10.20 only). 3.hp_unixagt does not re-read the Configured swap value when requested. PHSS_25776: 1.Emanate Agent does not work with -P option. If the "snmpd -P <#>" is used on a Solaris system to start the HP Emanate agent on a new port, three of the subagents will fail to start. 2.Many timeout SetRequests in snmpdm Pdu-Queue blocks new SetRequests. If snmpdm has many SNMP SetRequests to a subagent and they get timeout situation, then new SetRequest is never sent to the subagent, though the GetRequests will work. PHSS_25669: snmpdm is not ready to respond to some SNMP queries by the time it sends the cold start trap . This causes network management software to delete the interfaces thinking they are not up. PHSS_24944: Consolidated Patch PHSS_24780: When querying the tcpConnTable, if a port number is larger than 32767, mib2agt returns negative values for the same. PHSS_23896: 1. snmpdm dumps core when using VIEW: in the snmpd.conf file 2. When a walk is made on the interfaces mib within the mib2agt self-polling period of its interfaces after a LAN link goes down, mib2agt does not send the trap. PHSS_23669: Consolidated Patch PHSS_22564: snmpdm dumps core. PHSS_21907: mib2agt not ready to respond to netmon poll after system reboot PHSS_21382: Snmp master agent doesn't handle SIGPIPE and aborts PHSS_21045: Consolidated Patch PHSS_21027: snmpd -sys option did not work fine PHSS_20543: Consolidated Patch PHSS_20474: EA 14.2: snmpdm dies if queried with a null string. checkinstall script fails for PHSS_17945 awk errors when loading PHSS_17945 on HP Unix 11 PHSS_18758: mib2agt hangs in getmsg() on solaris, when certain interfaces like x25netd are queried. HPUNIX MIB refers to authenticationFailure subtree (. which is no longer supported. naaagt leaks memory. Need to change communication between trapdestagt and snmpdm Slight memory leak in mib2agt with PHSS_17386 On HPUX11.00 64-bit machines, hp_unixagt does not report properly the process table. PHSS_17944: Consolidated Patch PHSS_17875: restarting snmpd will change permissions on /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf snmpdm fails to re-connect to TCP-subagent on restarting snmpdm. When snmpdm becomes a "subagent" to third party master agent then the unix domain sockets and port numbers on which snmpdm listens for subagent connection changes, but EMANATE subagents have no way of knowing them unless manually configured. PHSS_17386: Consolidated Patch PHSS_16845: IP restriction does not work in snmpd.conf, if more than 1 ipaddress follows IP: or if white space follows IP: . An SNMP community string that exists in HP OpenView may allow access to certain SNMP variables. PHSS_15681: The snmpdm process dies and creates a core file during a set operation. When snmpdm is started with "-m FACTORY_TRACE" option all the trace messages are logged into the log file ,making it to grow without bounds. The Mib variable snmpInBadCommunityNames always returns 0. Emanate mib2agt reports ifType as "other" for Sun's hme (100BT) interface Installation of Solaris Agent patches displays the following message - "/etc/snmpd: Command not found." /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf mysteriously becomes world-writable on HP-UX 10.30 and 11.00 PHSS_13979: Successive snmpsets on trapDestination object causes multiple traps to be sent to configured machines when an exception is noticed. snmpdm hangs with CPU utilization > 90%. snmpdm hangs in an infinite loop in solaris. At startup, /usr/sbin/snmpdm creates a file /tmp/snmpd.log. This file is not created safely. Emanate agents do not report the udp port 162 service through the mib. When there is an ipaddress after IP: in snmpd.conf,the first char is eaten up. hp_unixagt reports wrong swap if >2GB. When we try to get FCS MAC address from interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifPhysAddress, or at.atTable.atEntry.atPhysAddress in MIB-II via SNMP, It returns 3 bytes + undefined data(usually 4 byte). If we execute SNMP GetNext to under ifIndex, the next object of ifIndex.3 is incorrect. So the value of ifIndex.3 is returned endlessly. mib2agt on Solaris fails to correctly report the "quad enet" interface. It is reported as "other". PHSS_12658: Unresolvable Ip address cannot be deleted in the trap table. snmpd.conf file permissions always changes to 400 when trap destination entry's are deleted. PHSS_12354: Customer wants IP addr. (& community name) to be logged for SNMP messages that fail authentication. system.sysUpTime returns time since boot while it should return time since network mgmt portion last initialized, that is, time elapsed since SNMP agent start-up. hp.nm.icmp.icmpEchoReq a scalar MIB variable when queried does not return the pkt size, timeout and host ip addr back in the reply, instead the instance is identified by a '.0'. So, problems using data collector as response can't be matched with queries On SOLARIS the command "snmpdm -mask FACTORY_TRACE" dumps core. More generally (on SOLARIS and HP-UX), the command line option following the option '-mask <logmask>' is not recognized by the agent. For example, the following command snmpdm -mask FACTORY_WARN -sysDescr "Just a test run" makes snmpdm not recognize the '-sysDescr' option. PHSS_10833: If arp table is changed using the arp command the change is not reflected in the mib2 sub agent. Also, the ethernet traffic data is not cleared until every 30 seconds. PHSS_10715: Arp cache will not be updated properly. logging will be don on 10.x to /tmp/snmpd.log file. Can not add trapdests. Defect Description: PHSS_27857: Cumulative Consolidated Patch Resolution: Cumulative Consolidated Patch PHSS_27853: 1.Agent processes were started in postinstall script during the cold installation. 2.None of the Agent processes should be started during the ignite installations. 3.When the Agent processes were not stopped before the patch installation, it used to give the warning message thrice. 4.During OS upgrades, snmpdm process should not get started till the OS installation is complete. Resolution: 1.Patch control scripts are modified not to start the Agent processes during the OS updates and cold install. 2.Patch control scripts are modified to take care of the ignite installation problems. 3.Patch control scripts are modified to give the message only once and stop the processes before installation. 4.Control scripts are modified not to start snmpdm. PHSS_27849: 1.The obsolete mib was implemented in the Emanate 14.0 agent and maintained in 14.2. 2.System call used was not supported on 64-bit HPUX system. Resolution: 1.The obsolete mib support has been removed in snmpdm. 2.Added a new system call to handle return values on 64-bit HPUX 11.X system. PHSS_27569: 1.Some MIB objects under snmpModules were not implemented. 2.Patch PHSS_27182 was not updating the Installed Product's database after installation and de-installation. Resolution: 1.The MIB objects under snmpModules of SNMPv2 have been implemented. 2.Patch control scripts have been modified to update the Installed Product's database after the installation and de-installation PHSS_27181: Data was improperly being read from a disconnected subagent. Resolution: Code implemented to check the subagent disconnections properly. snmpdm has been given "-tcplocal" command line option, which can be used when the user does NOT want to accept the connection from subagents on remote systems. ( #/usr/sbin/snmpdm -tcplocal ). PHSS_26724: 1.This functionality was not implemented in the code. 2.The thread to read the configuratioin file was not started by the master agent on receiving an event from trapdestagt after a new trap-dest entry. 3.Addition & removal of trap-dest entries cause an interrupt to be incorrectly handled by snmpdm. Resolution: 1.Code implemented to check for mib-2 OID registration by naaagt and send a ColdStart trap when naaagt comes up. 2.Code implemented to re-read its configuration file when master agent gets the appropriate event from trapdestagt. 3.Interrupt handling has been implemented during an addtion & removal of trap-dest entries. PHSS_26678: The calculation of enabled swap was not done properly and was causing problem. Resolution: Code has been implemented for calculating the Enabled swap correctly and the final result is correct. PHSS_26399: There is a corner case in Master agent code when it receives the TimeOut event and if the TimeOut is not the PduTimeOut, then it has chances to core-dump in strncmp function since the pointer variable validity was not checked. Resolution: Code implemented to check the validity of pointer variable before passing to strncmp. PHSS_26137: Consolidated Patch PHSS_26114: In subagent's code for sending log-message to Master agent, there is no checking whether the log needs to go to master and whether it is originally from master or subagent. Resolution: Code is implemented in subagent's library to check whether the log message needs to go to master when subagent wants to send and also whether that message is originally from master OR subagent. PHSS_25977: 1.snmpdm doesn't handle the large packets properly. 2.snmpdm doesn't handle packets properly with malformed PDU 3.At some places, the allocated memory is not freed after usage of that allocated memory is over. Resolution: 1.Code implemented for handling the large packets properly. 2.Code implemented for handling the packets properly with malformed pdu. 3.Allocated memory is freed properly as and when necessary. PHSS_25846: 1.There is an argument and parameter mismatch in length of the datatype when the function to get the process user name is called. This length mismatch is corrupting the next parameter. 2.There is a possibility in agent's code to return incorrect values of the swap size for Configured and Enabled if the values get larger than ~0x300000. 3.Currently the hp_unixagt calculates the Configured swap value when it starts up and stores this value in a static location. Any request for this information is then answered using this static value, and it does not re-calculate the swap value. To force to update the value, the sub agent needs to be restarted. Resolution: 1.Code is modified to match the length of the datatype correctly in the arguments and parameters. 2.Code is implemented to give the correct values for SwapConfig and EnabledSwap of the device swap memory. 3.Code implemented to re-read the swap value whenever the configured swap is requested. PHSS_25776: 1.The environment variable SR_SNMP_TEST_PORT was exported with wrong value in the startup scripts in /sbin/init.d Resolution: The SR_SNMP_TEST_PORT variable exported as and when required with a right value in the startup scripts of corresponding subagents. 2.When a SetRequest which was sent to subagent times out, the corresponding Pdu in Pdu-Queue is not freed though the Pdu's thread is killed. Because of the presence of this Set-Pdu in Queue, new SetRequests are not serviced. Resolution: Code is implemented to free the timed out Pdu properly in Pdu-Queue as soon as the Pdu's thread is killed. PHSS_25669: snmpdm sends the cold start trap before some of the subagents registers themselves. Resolution: The COLDSTART_TIMEOUT environment variable can be used to control the behaviour of snmpdm with respect to sending the cold start trap. If the environment variable COLDSTART_TIMEOUT was set to a valid value > 0, then snmpdm would send the cold start trap either after mib2agt registers or after COLDSTART_TIMEOUT seconds expire, whichever is earlier. The variable latches at the maximum of 600 (10 minutes). PHSS_24944: Consolidated Patch PHSS_24780: The defect was due to the fact that the variables for receiving the port values were defined as signed shorts instead of unsigned shorts. Resolution: Code was implemented to typecast appropriately and receive the port values. PHSS_23896: 1. This is a corner case of solaris not handling null pointers effectively. Resolution: Code was implemented to handle null pointers appropriately. 2. The reason for the trap not being sent was because the code segment for sending traps was not exeucted in case a walk was made. The code segment was executed only in case of the mib2agt self-polling. Resolution: Code was implemented to send appropriate traps even during walk and not only during self-polling. PHSS_23669: Consolidated Patch PHSS_22564: The memory was getting freed twice when thread timed out. Resolution: The code was altered to handle memory correctly when threads timed out. PHSS_21907: mib2agt is not starting up fast because of the sleep timer of 10 sec in the SnmpMaster script Resolution: sleep timer reduced to 5 sec in SnmpMaster script PHSS_21382: SIGPIPE signal is not handled properly. Resolution: Code is changed to handle SIGPIPE properly. PHSS_21045: Consolidated Patch PHSS_21027: snmpd script passes null arguments to snmpdm, which doesn't handle null arguments properly. Resolution: snmpdm command line processing is modified to handle null arguments PHSS_20543: Consolidated Patch PHSS_20474: The problem was due to improper checking of boundary conditions. Resolution: snmpdm is fixed to handle null byte query. The install used to exit if agents were running and expected the user to kill the agents. Resolution: Changed the script to automatically kill the agents and log a warning message. Errors in an awk statement in the postinstall script. Resolution: The errors were rectified. PHSS_18758: getmsg() and putmsg() hang if the streams interface driver does not understand the query parameters. Resolution: if "HP_MIB2_NODELAY" environment variable is set, mib2agt opens the interface device in non-blocking mode. The hp unix mib was not updated for a long time. Resolution: hp-unix MIB is updated by removing authenticationFailure subtree and adding more explanation in DESCRIPTION clause. naaagt under certain circumstances does not free the in_pdu structure. Resolution: in_pdu structure is freed under all cases. When trapDestination list is modified through snmpset, trapdestagt sends a HP specific EMANATE event to snmpdm, so that snmpdm re-reads snmpd.conf file. SNMPR wants HP to change the indication to signal. Resolution: SIGHUP signal is used by trapdestagt to indicate snmpdm to re-read conf file whenever trapDestination table is modified through snmpsets. mib2agt was not freeing up an OID structure. Resolution: The OID structure is free()'ed in mib2agt. The 64-bit pstat() interface is different from the 32-bit one. Resolution: Binary is recompiled with _PSTAT64 defined. For more info refer the Notes section of pstat man page. PHSS_17944: Consolidated Patch PHSS_17875: The startup of snmpdm resets the access rights according to the umask the user (usually root) has set in his shell environment. Resolution: The access rights set by the user is preserved. snmpdm was blocking on the file descriptor on which it accepted the connection from the tcp subagent Resolution: The file descriptor on which the snmpdm accepts connection from the tcp subagent is set to non-blocking mode using fcntl() system call.So now snmpdm would not block indefinitely on the tcp subagent connection fd. The root cause of the problem is that Oracle SNMP must run the HP SNMP master agent (snmpdm) listening to a port other than 161/udp. This, in turn, changes the name of the Unix Domain socket (UDS) that is used for subagent communication. Subagents started independently of snmpd are unaware of the port renumbering; thus, they connect to the wrong UDS. Moreover, if snmpdm is restarted independently of Oracle's start_peer, it is unaware of the port renumbering; thus, it fails to start due to an "address in use" error because Oracle's master_peer has already bound to port 161/udp. Resolution: Ported the naaagt available for Solaris onto HPUX. PHSS_17386: Consolidated Patch PHSS_16845: One of the previous patches introduced a defect such that only the following line in snmpd.conf file will work : set-community-name: TEST IP: however further addresses on the line will not be recognised, and needs to be put on separate lines. Now the fix which introduced this problem is undone in this patch. Now a space is mandatory after IP:,and IP restriction is applied to multiple ipaddress. e.g. set-community-name: TEST IP: Resolution: Undone a fix which introduced this problem. An SNMP community string allows access to certain SNMP variables. This problem is fixed in this patch. Resolution: Fixed the defect which allows access to unauthorised users. PHSS_15681: snmpdm used to dump core as a NULL pointer was de-referenced. Resolution: Error Handling has been improved When the snmpdm is invoked with trace option, viz. snmpdm -m FACTORY_TRACE ,it keeps logging trace messages to snmpd.log causing it to grow without limits over a period of time. snmpdm was not checking for the size of log file. Resolution: If the size of snmpd.log exceeds the limit, its contents are moved to snmpd.log.old and snmpd.log is truncated to zero. snmpInBadCommunityNames was not supported. Resolution: supported snmpInBadCommunityNames. Sun's new hme (100BT) interface was not supported by mib2agt. Resolution: This new "hme" interface is now supported. The problem was in the patch creation script. Resolution: The patch tool has been modified. umask was not set properly. Resolution: Set umask accordingly. PHSS_13979: The authentication failure storm was caused due to trapdest-entry-buffer not being freedup before re-reading the snmpd.conf file. Resolution: The trapdest-entry-buffer was freedup before re-reading the snmpd.conf file. The problem was due to a # immediately after get-community-name: Resolution: File parsing (the snmpd.conf) is improved. The problem was due to uninitialised memory. Resolution: memory is initialised. The possibility that /tmp/snmpd.log could be a symbolic link was not checked. Resolution: Checked for the possibility that /tmp/snmpd.log could be a symbolic link. The agent does not report consecutive udp port numbers. Resolution: The lexicographically-next udp port is obtained by doing a proper search. This was because the char pointer was incremented by one. Resolution: Incremented a char pointer suitably. The total kb inswap was not calculated properly Resolution: Corrected the logic. o_length field in FCS device driver was not set. Resolution: Set the field in the driver mib2agt was not supporting FCS interfaces. Resolution: mib2agt now supports FCS interfaces. mib2agt was not supporting quad-enet interface. Resolution: mib2agt now supports quad-enet interface. PHSS_12658: Unresolvable Ip address cannot be deleted in the trap table. snmpd.conf file permissions always changes to 400 when trap destination entry's are deleted. Resolution: Corrected the file permissions. PHSS_12354: When SNMP messages fail authentication no information about the culprit, customer wants IP addr. (& community name used) to be logged. Resolution: The fields were logged. system.sysUpTime returns time since boot while it should return time since network mgmt portion last initialized, that is, time elapsed since SNMP agent start-up. Resolution: Returned time since network mgmt portion last initialized. Since it is a scalar MIB variable hp.nm.icmp.icmpEchoReq, when queried does not return the pkt size, timeout and host ip addr used in the query back in the reply, instead the instance is identified by a '.0'. So, problems using data collector as response can't be matched with queries. This MIB variable is designed this way. Resolution: Returned the proper values in the reply. On SOLARIS the command "snmpdm -mask FACTORY_TRACE" dumps core. More generally (on SOLARIS and HP-UX), the command line option following the option '-mask <logmask>' is not recognized by the agent. For example, the following command snmpdm -mask FACTORY_WARN -sysDescr "Just a test run" makes snmpdm not recognize the '-sysDescr' option. Resolution: Corrected to recognise options after -mask. PHSS_10833: If any change is made to an existing arp entry it is not reflected in the mib2agt. This happens only in Solaris. But if new arp entries are added that is reflected. Resolution: Made changes in arp entry to be reflected in mib2agt. In HPUX the mib2agt caches the ethernet traffic data for about 30 seconds. The cache gets cleared if interfaces traffic is queried. Resolution: Fixed the problem. PHSS_10715: All are new features provided to the customers. snmpd.log was occuring because of nonavailable check There is a new addition of subagent with this release. trapdest agt MAX entries problem had been fixed which was not available. Resolution: Trapdest is now available. SR: 8606278372 8606276229 8606252865 8606247082 8606254541 8606272790 8606265987 8606257676 8606258745 8606246372 8606241919 8606253688 8606237894 8606226214 8606232802 8606232347 8606230629 8606230631 8606218812 8606226041 8606227957 8606209171 8606224399 8606219849 8606198741 8606192494 8606163479 8606136390 8606139900 8606129603 8606108057 8606104165 8606103076 8606106823 5003458679 1653303537 4701427088 4701426379 1653302323 4701427203 5003448795 1653287201 4701417949 1653280057 5003409755 4701385229 1653249482 4701388413 4701389205 4000135343 4701380253 4701380261 1653237305 4701381483 5003401679 5003408153 Patch Files: /opt/OV/newconfig/SNMP-ENG-A-MAN/snmp_mibs/hp-unix /opt/OV/newconfig/AGENT-MAN/snmp_mibs/hp-unix /opt/OV/newconfig/MASTER/snmpd.conf /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix /usr/sbin/snmpdm /usr/sbin/trapdestagt /usr/sbin/naaagt /usr/sbin/mib2agt /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt what(1) Output: /opt/OV/newconfig/SNMP-ENG-A-MAN/snmp_mibs/hp-unix: hp-unix $Date: 1999/07/08 05:02 UTC $ $Revision: /ma in/PULSAR/HALLEY/1 $ /opt/OV/newconfig/AGENT-MAN/snmp_mibs/hp-unix: hp-unix $Date: 1999/07/08 05:02 UTC $ $Revision: /ma in/PULSAR/HALLEY/1 $ /opt/OV/newconfig/MASTER/snmpd.conf: None /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst: None /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster: None /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2: None /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix: None /usr/sbin/snmpdm: Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version PATCH PHSS_27857, 12162002 HP OpenView Emanate SNMP Agent. sys HPUX 10.X Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1996 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version HP OpenView SNMP Agent Release 3.0 Version: HPUX 10.0 s800 Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mon Mar 18 08:52:44 MST 1996 /usr/sbin/trapdestagt: SNMP TrapDest SubAgent PATCH PHSS_27857, 12162002 Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research 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SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Native Adapter Agent PATCH PHSS_27857, 12162002 Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version /usr/sbin/mib2agt: SNMP MIB2 subAgent PATCH PHSS_27857, 12162002 Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt: SNMP HpUnix SubAgent PATCH PHSS_27857, 12162002 Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version Copyright 1992-1997 SNMP Research, Incorporated SNMP Research Distribution version cksum(1) Output: 3964273694 609659 /usr/sbin/snmpdm 292541867 181300 /usr/sbin/trapdestagt 1435059464 238806 /usr/sbin/naaagt 564269193 275775 /usr/sbin/mib2agt 1455905728 222326 /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt 922258478 6631 /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst 552894988 4558 /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster 2234707860 6727 /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 260040472 6617 /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix 2682097425 6959 /opt/OV/newconfig/MASTER/snmpd.conf 3215303192 33798 /opt/OV/newconfig/AGENT-MAN/snmp_mibs/ hp-unix 3215303192 33798 /opt/OV/newconfig/SNMP-ENG-A-MAN/snmp_mibs/ hp-unix Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_10715 PHSS_10833 PHSS_12354 PHSS_12658 PHSS_13979 PHSS_15681 PHSS_16845 PHSS_17386 PHSS_17875 PHSS_17944 PHSS_18758 PHSS_20474 PHSS_20543 PHSS_21027 PHSS_21045 PHSS_21382 PHSS_21907 PHSS_22564 PHSS_23669 PHSS_23896 PHSS_24780 PHSS_24944 PHSS_25669 PHSS_25776 PHSS_25846 PHSS_25977 PHSS_26114 PHSS_26137 PHSS_26399 PHSS_26678 PHSS_26724 PHSS_27181 PHSS_27569 PHSS_27849 PHSS_27853 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_27858: s700: 11.00 11.11 s800: 11.00 11.11 PSOV_03213: sparcSOL: 2.5.1 2.6 2.7 2.8 Patch Package Size: 1670 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_27857 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_27857.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_27857. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_27857.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_27857.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: PHSS_27857: This patch delivers the new copy of the snmpd.conf file. This patch installs the new copy of snmpd.conf under the /opt/OV/newconfig/MASTER directory and ensures that the active copy of snmpd.conf under /etc/SnmpAgent.d directory is not overwritten. As the /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf file may have been customized, it is recommended to copy the new snmpd.conf file from the /opt/OV/newconfig/MASTER directory to /etc/SnmpAgent.d and customize the configuration in snmpd.conf. NOTE: Emanate 14.X SNMP Agent will not respond when there is no community name configured in snmpd.conf.