Patch Name: PHSS_26029

Patch Description: s700_800 10.24 (VVOS) CDE Runtime DEC2001 Periodic Patch

Creation Date: 02/01/29

Post Date:  02/02/15

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.24
	s800: 10.24

Products: N/A


Automatic Reboot?: Yes

Status: General Superseded

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_26029

	Repackage HP-UX patch PHSS_25786 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_25786:
	1. Buffer overflow in dtspcd.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_25192:
	1. kana_ME character cannot be entered into a CDE
	   workspace title.
	2. In non-HP servers (Sun, ReflectionX, etc),
	   screen blanking time is not retained if
	   it is > 30 minutes.
	3. When the ENV script has some output
	   statements, dtfile throws an error
	   dialog and doesn't come up.
	4. Multi-file move fails, when the number
	   of selected files is large ( greater
	   than 60).
	5. dtmail beep notification beeps only once when
	   the number of beeps is set to 10.
	6. When the keyholder list is fairly large
	   enough syslog.log contains a lot of
	   pam authenticate failure status.
	7. dtmail's date and time are missing in gb18030 and
	   there are garbage characters in other multi-byte
	   locales if the subject is long.
	8. This problem occurs under the following
	   conditions -
	   1. Value of Screen Lock time greater than
	      Screen Saver time.
	   2. A popup menu from an inactive window
	      existing on the screen.
	   3. If user moves mouse or presses any key
	      except ESC key.
	9. Parent dtlogin process size is growing
	   when dtgreet is killed repeatedly or in
	   case of resetting the login screen
	   because of the memory leaks.
	10.If you pass a file name containing more
	   than 1024 characters as an argument to
	   dtaction, dtaction will dump core.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_25137 for VVOS.

	Note: Printing services are not supported under VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_25137:
	1. Buffer overflow in rpc.ttdbserverd
	   causes core dump.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_23798:
	1. dtmail gets segmentation fault and core dump
	   when loading mail files having "=?" string at the
	   end of the header field.
	2. TT_AUTHFILE_ENTRY_MISSING error is not reported
	   correctly in syslog file.
	3. libtt.1 seems to have unresolved external
	4. When ttsession fails bind() and no port is available,
	   portmap goes cpu-bound.
	5. When Appointment List or Todo List is selected and
	   if 'Mail To' field has more than 100 characters,
	   dtcm dumps core.
	6. After disabling the authorization, X server runs
	   with "-auth" option and dtconfig -reset does not
	   work correctly.
	7. dtmail will not use mailcap files.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_23796 for VVOS.
	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_23796:
	1. dtfile consumes cpu/memory when it tries to
	   open a folder of large size.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_23516 for VVOS.
	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_23516:
	1. The file which is linked to $HOME/.dt/paminfo_<disp>
	   is overwritten with the login information regardless
	   of its permissions.
	2. Buffer overflow in rpc.cmsd.
	3. Buffer overflow in help search string causes core

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_22339:
	1.  dthello program can't handle some fonts in
	2.  dtsession unnecessarily logs the success status
	    of PAM into syslog.
	3.  Dtterm -tm to change a tty setting does not give
	    proper result, for invalid entries.
	4.  Invalid host in Xaccess prevents the valid hosts
	    which follow them from connecting.
	5.  dtsession fails to lock the screen while pull-down
	    menu is up.
	6.  Core dump selecting text from display of CDE help
	7.  dtfile does not accept the user defined name while
	    renaming files within the same folder.
	8.  dtsession dumps core when screen is unlocked after
	    timeout lock with popup.
	9.  dtfile fails on NFS mounted files with no read
	10. CDE dtfile will dump core when trying to drag and
	    drop a netscape attachment on it.
	11. dtaction -user <account_name> has problem in trusted
	    system if  <account_name> password is blank in
	    /etc/passwd file.
	12. dtterm man page does not specify the maximum number
	    of lines that can be saved using the savelines option.
	13. Since the delete option is enabled even if there is
	    only one workspace the user will try to click on it
	    even though he cannot delete the workspace.
	14. filemanager does not sort the files alphabetically
	    by case.
	15. The hpterm appears small and the cursor is not focussed
	    on the first field on password expiration.
	16. The user will not able to create a new file or folder
	    in dtfile.
	17. The "ASCII Convert" functionality does not work for
	    multibyte locales in dtcalc.
	18. Print manager does not display an icon for the status
	    of print jobs when given from standard input.
	19. Buffer overflow in dtlogin.
	20. dtfile-Icons are not restored in the workspace when
	    more than 9 icons are to be restored.
	21. PHSS_20860 does not cleanup PHSS_17566 or PHSS_17268.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_22319 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_22319:
	1. dtterm problem with -tn option.
	2. dtterm cannot handle more than 32k

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_20860:
	1.  dtcm_insert does not recognize command line options
	    like "today".
	2.  Format of information in mail reminders is default
	    and cannot be changed to user's format.
	3.  dtpad file open dialog box will not show hidden files.
	4.  CDE dtfile Find functionality does not search
	    contents from hidden files.
	5.  dtmail edit label in menu bar get wrong
	    Japanese character by PHCO_19181.
	6.  Front panel does not follow the Dtwm*iconPlacement
	    resource where as other clients are following
	7.  Setting home directory for a specific user may not
	    be appropriate.
	8.  This is an enhancement request. User wants to have
	    a confirmation dialog while deleting a workspace.
	9.  ER: dtlogin: Display location of logfile if Xserver
	    cannot be started.
	10. Trusted system: dtconfig -e doesn't work.
	11. using sleep(1) decreased dtlogin performance.
	12. When selecting an attachment of mail on dtmail and
	    clicking right mouse button on it, sometime the menu
	    items "Open" and "Print" are not displayed.
	13. dtmail does not create ~/sent.mail.
	14. dtmail deletes all the attachments , when we try to
	    delete a single selected attachment.
	15. dtcm_lookup with options -d and -v is not always
	16. dtmail does not recognize command 'discard' command
	    when it is used in $HOME/.mailrc file for suppressing
	    header fields.
	17. Xserver with "-audit 2" is always using date with
	    TZ=""(timezone) to log the entries in Xerrors file.
	18. While double-clicking during CDE logout,
	    dtsession does not save the current session.
	19. Dtterm writes incorrect information in  /etc/utmp,
	    hence "who -u" returns incorrect information.
	20. When page numbering is enabled, dtlp produces incorrect
	21. CDE Xconfig file cannot specify host specific resource
	22. Components with Default icon image show blank when they
	    are restarted after closing them.
	23. dtpad man page is out of date.
	24. dtstyle incorrectly sets enableBtn1Transfer in xrdb.
	25. Missing line feed("\n") while saving dtpad files.
	26. Problem with dtspcd.
	27. dtlogin consumes CPU after it reaches ~2000 open pipes.
	28. WS delete confirmation dialog should not come up while
	    deleting, if we have only one workspace.
	29. "who -R" shows improper hostname who logged from
	    dtterm, hpterm, xterm when the hostname is greater
	    than 16 chars.
	30. dtwm "MONITOR_TYPE mail" control not honoring
	    for user defined file.
	31. Incorrect unsuccessful login count for root in a
	    trusted system when the display is locked.
	32. dtcm doesn't malloc enough space for some character
	33. ACE6: PHSS_18425 postinstall puts messages in

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_20715:
	1. "dtterm -iconic -e shellscript" sometimes
	   did not terminate.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_19747 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_19747:
	1. Problem in ttsession.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_19482 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_19482:
	1. dtfile popup menu messages corrupt in C locale.
	2. Problem in rpc.cmsd.
	3. dtappgather ignores symbolic directory links.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_18425:
	1.  dtlogin greeting obscured if more than four lines.
	2.  CDE - trusted system does not give passwd expiration
	3.  Would like to add audible alert to CDE login for
	    incorrect logins.
	4.  "Deleted Messages" window has an English title
	     (in  japanese locales).
	5.  dtmail doesn't process attachments properly.
	6.  dtmail does not process attachment icons properly.
	7.  Cannot drag large messages from dtmail to dtfile.
	8.  dtmail does not read "signature" setting from
	    .mailrc with "-c" option.
	9.  CDE: "Occupy Workspace" re-appeared as moving
	    around the workspaces.
	10. DTWM leaks pixmap causing the Xserver memory to
	11. Dtwm is causing a pointer freeze when using
	    a system modal dialog.
	12. dtwm: problem with modal dialogs under
	    multi-screen configuration.
	13. Deleting CDE style manager from front panel
	    causes dtwm to abort.
	14. Problems unlocking session when Dtsession*keys
	    is set.
	15. dtcm print info dialog doesn't warn about
	    non-writable dirs.
	16. dtcm reports wrong day when deleting an
	    appointment on a leap year.
	17. dtcm support in iso8859-15.
	18. dtcm and transitionlinks.
	19. Style Manager (beep)'s window width is too
	    narrow to show the title.
	20. Permissions problem in /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather.
	21. dtpad file menu sensitivity problem.
	22. Can't display dtfile simultaneously on
	    2 screens in multiscreen display.
	23. Problem with root PATH.
	24. CDE's print manager doesn't show scheduled
	    printjobs for enabled printer.
	25. PHSS_17566 prepends iso8859-15 to fonts path.
	    Appending is better.
	26. Problem in rpc.ttdbserver.
	27. CDE - dtpad corrupts files without notice
	    if target filesystem is full.
	28. dtpad fails to open large (>~30Mb) files.
	29. Problem with dtspcd.
	30. Buffer overflow in libdthelp.
	31. Core dump bringing up index box with DtHelp.
	32. Permissions problem in /usr/dt/bin/dtterm.
	33. Wants dtterm to have an option to flush the
	    log on each write.
	34. ER: rpc.ttdbserver to exclude systems in
	    'tt_dbexclude' config file.
	35. EuDelta: dtmail: incorrect MIME charset
	    tag for ISO-885915 charset.
	36. dtlogin man page correct at "labelString"
	37. dtcm_insert allows ending time without
	    starting time.
	38. dtstyle(1) man page is a mess.
	39. dtcm_* man pages contain inconsistent
	40. Library Access problem in CDE.
	41. dtcm month view does not display
	    iso-15 fonts.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_17566:
	1) Change sys.resources to provide new input device

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_17329:
	1) Include iso_8859.15 related changes.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_17268:
	1) Unable to unlock screen when dtsession*keys resource
	   is set.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_16966:
	1) Memory leak in dtmail.
	2) dtmail changes GID  when using mailbox
	   other than /var/mail/ "user".
	3) dtmail doesn't handle inline attachment correctly.
	4) Problems with dtmail.
	5) dtmail permissions problem number 1.
	6) dtmail permissions problem number 2.
	7) dtmail permissions problem number 3.
	8) documentation of dtmail command line options.
	9) PHSS_15795 dtmail uses non-standard encoding at
	   Subject under ja_JP.SJIS.
	10) dtmail always saves settings in $HOME/.mailrc.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_15795:
	1) dtpad: cannot disable sensitivity of file menu option.
	2) CDE Trash Can is not emptied automatically at user
	3) dtlogin fails to set primary gid.
	4) Continuous unlock causes problem for CDE.
	5) dtscreen implements usleep incorrectly
	6) dtscreen cannot handle values for delay > 999999
	7) dtlogin core dump with large Xterminal environments
	8) dtlogin core dumps when trying to release memory.
	9) CDE instability in Rocklin 9804 FB2
	10) Help of resize icon in dticon's edit menu is incorrect.
	11) Can't set a different system-wide default palette for
	12) dtmail does not handle MIME-compliant filenames
	13) Xmdestroypixmap fails causing dtwm pixmap leaks
	14) CDE dtaction doesn't expand %name% properly
	15) "dtprintinfo - populate" will not work without
	    transition links
	16) File manager dumps core when "New Folder" dialog is
	17) resources added to restrict functionality of
	18) Fixed buffer overflow in DtSvc
	19) "DtTermDisplaySend" function can not handle a string
	    greater than 1024 bytes
	20) When uid is equal to zero,dtmail changes permissions on
	21) dtmail changes gid when /var/mail/username is a
	    symbolic link
	22) dtprintinfo aborts reporting jobs with more than
	    one file
	23) enhancement for dtfile copy dialog.
	24) Display does not auto lock when screen saver is blank
	    and exit dialog is displayed.
	25) Xauth filename forces Xterminal hostname to be
	    unique for first 5 char's
	26) /var/dt auth filenames don't differ enough
	27) dtmail log ($HOME/sent.mail) not in expected encoding
	28) dtmail has problems with blanks in additional
	    header fields.
	29) dtmailpr can not print messages sent from ccmail
	30) dtmail attachment name is corrupted in multibyte UTF-8
	31) dtmail  aborts when the "To:" field contains extended
	32) DCE and DFS will lead dtmail to change gid of user's
	    mail file
	33) binary files sent as " quoted - printable " lose data
	    in dtmail
	34) dtwm does not handle clients with shape extension
	    enabled in front panel
	35) Problem removing directories when transient links are
	    removed in dtfile.
	36) dthelpview cannot display utf8 characters correctly.
	37) Resources for customization of dtfile.
	38) CDE dtmailpr memory faults when subject line is more
	    than 2000 chars
	39) dtmail aborts when attempting to view attachment
	    after deleting previous message.
	40) dtmail to display the hourglass cursor when
	    attaching a file

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_16362:
	1) Buffer overflow in dtmail.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_16147 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_16147:
	1) Buffer overflow in dtmail.
	2) Buffer overflow in rpc.ttdbserverd.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_15933:
	1) Can not login to CDE when Dtstyle*PaletteDirectories
	   is set.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_14595:
	1) permissions problem with dtappgather.
	2) permissions problem with dtprintinfo.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_14002 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_14002:
	1) ER: wants dtpad to show results of a find in the middle
	   of the display.
	2) dtmail: single character aliases do not work.
	3) Dtmail has blank "Date and Time" field if TZ=GMT0.
	4) dtmail changes GID of mailboxes to mail.
	5) Dtspcdenv contains obsolete path element, "/bin".
	6) dtcm core dumps on 10.20 for utf8 locale(s).
	7) Action FPOnItemHelp not found in "On Item Help" on the
	   HELP subpanel.
	8) 11.00 dthelptag inserts HP-ROMAN8 as charset for C
	9) dtstyle aborts when "color" window is cancelled.
	10) SR 653169334 says doc. incomplete, but patch has no man
	    page updates.
	11) dtfile is unable to copy READ-ONLY

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_13724 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_13724:
	1) Re-release of 'dtappgather'

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_13403 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_13403:
	1) buffer overrun in dtaction.
	2) permissions problem with dtappgather.
	3) permissions problem with dtsearchpath.
	4) Memory leak in dtlogin.
	5) Race condition with xdm.
	6) Buffer overrun in dtlock.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12587:
	1)  dthelpview hangs when LANG = ja_JP.ecuJP
	2)  dtpad server hangs after opening and closing several
	    times in ja_JP.SJIS
	3)  dr_dt print unnecessary warning regarding hpterm
	4)  dtcm dies when mailing reminders to more than one
	5)  large calendar file,dtcm not being able to connect to
	    the daemon process.
	6)  rpc.ttdbserverd version mismatch caused by garbage
	7)  dthelpprint - &ohm does not show up when helpfile is
	8)  dthelp does not handle &sigspace correctly
	9)  default action for dtmail drop action can destroy
	10) dtfile: cntl+spacebar -> Object File Comp. - map page
	    says "spacebar".
	11) cde screen lock and DCE (SR 5003380758 with higher
	12) dtcm weekly hour grid is wrong in printed output.
	13) Appointments in week view grid sometimes disappear.
	14) dtaction (PHSS_12138) dumps core when no action is

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12536:
	1) cde action doesn't terminate processes well

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12449:
	1) Non-C locales have problems integrating multiple
	   dtwm.fp's (frontpanels)

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12294:
	1) CDE does not log bad login attempts to /var/adm/btmp.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_12138 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12138:
	1) Fix condition whereby a string copy of an environment
	   variable can overflow the stack buffer causing various
	   applications to core dump.
	2) dtwm may hang at reading $HOME/.dt/types/dt.dt under
	3) CDE does not log bad login attempts to /var/adm/btmp.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_11913:
	1) CDE does not report number of failed logins.
	2) The audit records written by system commends are not
	   being written to the audit logs.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_11348:
	1) 10.20 - passwd set so only root can change -> can't
	   login using CDE.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_11147 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_11147:
	1)  CDE appmanager, "The folder specification .. does not
	2)  CDE; dtksh; cannot trap SIGHUP, SIGINT signals when
	    using XtMainLoop.
	3)  Dtgreet hangs trying to display to xterminal without
	    CDE fonts.
	4)  CDE screen locker doesn't use DCE authentication to
	    unlock the screen
	5)  dtsearchpath:10.20: intermittent core dumps
	6)  CDE:trusted system:screen lock:display hangs after 3
	7)  CDE:Trusted system:root can't unlock screen lock
	8)  cde:trusted system:screenlock: unlock by root seen as
	    unsuccessful try
	9)  Possibility of disabling user accounts on trusted
	    system by screen lock
	10) dtmail die when a mail message with an attachment is
	    dropped to dtpad
	11) dtmail receipt of certain elm messages can corrupt
	12) CDE Helpviewer hangs on help volume for C++.
	13) dtfile doesn't handle well directories with suid bit
	14) dtstyle does not know how to correctly handle merged
	    input devices
	15) core dump as soon as help/contents asked to xsnapadmin,
	    or start
	16) HP CDE/VUE (newer version) adding 'newline' after
	    !!emphasized!! text.
	17) dthelpprint: Cannot print "Current and Subtopics."
	18) CDE /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0030.dttmpdir causes
	    error after patch

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_10995:
	1)  With large $PATH configurations, dtsearchpath may hang
	    and/or dump core.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_10876:
	1) Dtgreet hangs trying to display to xterminal without CDE
	2) cde:trusted system:screenlock: unlock by root seen as
	   unsuccessful try
	3) CDE:Trusted system:root can't unlock screen lock
	4) Possibility of disabling user accounts on trusted
	   system by screen lock
	5) CDE screen locker doesn't use DCE authentication to
	   unlock the screen
	6) CDE builtin screen lock may fail to display the password

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_10875:
	1) CDE builtin screen lock may fail to display the password

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_9803:
	1)  Duplicate symbol names in libDtSvc cause conflicts.
	2)  CDE Screen Lock problem with PAM enabled.
	3)  The Abbrev shows up in an xref.
	4)  dthelp parser checkdefault routine has logic flaws.
	5)  dthelptag errors in sdl file when no source errors
	6)  <term> doesn't allow splitting across line ending in
	    indented text.
	7)  dthelptag puts empty <entry> in index list.
	8)  link for xref in ex put in incorrect location..
	9)  Index does not redisplay topic after choosing a second
	    different topic.
	10) dthelpview can't view a help volume index when one is
	11) dthelpview -man doesn't manage the text widget
	    correctly if resize. ViewW.
	12) Dthelpprint uses obsolete option.
	13) When -subTopics used, dthelpprint does not print the
	    sub topics.
	14) Audit trail in CDE on trusted systems doesn't work
	15) dtpad hangs with large cad binary file.
	16) Account with large uid cannot perform drag and drop,
	17) dtfile hangs in ja_JP.SJIS locale when attempting to
	    edit filenames.
	18) CDE/dtmail cannot paste into the To, From,  Subject,
	    Bcc, Cc lines.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_9627:
	1) It is possible to bypass proper authentication
	2) Screen lock with integrated login fails at 10.20
	   on second unlock
	3) CDE Screen Lock problem with PAM

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_8667:
	1)  dthelpprint quits with memory fault in
	    fr_FR.sio88591 locale.
	2)  dtwm aborts when using lrom under certain conditions
	3)  dtwm aborts when deleting action from subpanel that
	    is also on front panel.
	4)  dtmail doesn't read MPower attachments correctly.
	    Dragging multiple messages from one mailbox to another
	    doesn't work.
	5)  dtmail will randomly abort when performing drag and
	6)  Document saved w/ all mime encoding intact in dtmail
	    if saved as text.
	7)  Dtmail locks the mail file - this can hang dtmail.
	8)  dtmail needs transition link: /usr/lib/sendmail ->
	9)  ttsession -p can fail to print data returned from
	10) ttsession hangs on pmap_getport() call.
	11) libDtHelp uses the Default Visual and Default Root
	    window to set up GC's and the visual information.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_7726:
	1) Resources appKeypadDefault & appCursorDefault have no
	   affect on dtterm.
	2) In EUC-2byte codesets, it takes 2 backspaces to erase 1
	   multi-byte character.
	3) Missing or duplicate mnemonics in French & German

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_7724:
	1) Missing multiple group info in id(1) command.
	2) xdmMode does not work for CDE.
	3) Default 2-user license doesn't count logins as it did
	   in Vue.
	4) CDE is vulnerable to denial of service attacks.

Defect Description:
	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_25786 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_25786:
	1. problem with dtspcd

	Buffer overflow problem is resolved by
	correcting the data size limit check.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_25192:
	1. kana_ME character cannot be entered into a CDE
	   workspace title.

	kana_ME character can be entered into a CDE
	workspace title.

	2. dtstyle cannot set screen blanking > 30 min
	   for non-HP Xservers.

	Any change in the screen blanking time
	would be retained.

	3. File Manager Error: Folder specification
	   does not exist.

	dtfile comes up with $HOME directory,
	even when the ENV script contains some
	output statements.

	4. Multi-file move fails, when the number
	   of selected files is large ( greater
	   than 60).

	Multi-file move will be successful and
	all the selected files will be moved
	to the destination folder.

	5. dtmail beep notification only beeps
	   once when number of beeps is set to 10.

	dtmail beeps for the number of times
	set by the Mail Options, when the new mail

	6. syslog.log contains a lot of Authentication
	   failures while unlocking the display.

	The pam authenticate failure status
	logged into syslog.log is restricted
	to a single message for failure and
	nothing for success.

	7. dtmail's date and time are missing if the subject is
	   long in gb.

	dtmail's date and time are correctly displayed
	in the locale gb18030 and there are no garbage
	characters in the subject in the multi-byte locales,
	if the subject is long.

	8. Display flashes under specific conditions.

	The following are implemented to warn the
	user about this defect -
	1. Documented this limitation in the manpages of
	   dtsession and dtstyle.
	2. Since the problem is reproducible with default
	   value itself, changed the default values.
	3. If the user is setting the value of start saver
	   time through dtstyle and if it is less than
	   lock time, a warning dialog message is popped
	   up to inform the user about this problem.
	4. If the user is setting these values through
	   resource files, the warning message is logged
	   into "$HOME/.dt/errorlog".

	9. dtlogin memory leak

	Removed memory leaks to make dtlogin
	process size stable when  dtgreet is
	killed repeatedly and in case of
	resetting the login screen.

	10.Problem with dtaction.

	The following are implemented to warn
	the user about this -
	1. Documented this limitation in the
	   manpages of dtaction.
	2. Restricted the user from passing a
	   file name containing more than 255
	   characters as an argument to dtaction.
	3. If ABSOLUTE FILE PATH exceeds 1023
	   characters, then we are exiting the
	   program after showing the error message.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_25137 for VVOS.

	Note: Printing services are not supported under VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_25137:
	1. Problem with rpc.ttdbserverd.

	Buffer overflow is checked in

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_23798:
	1. dtmail gets segmentation fault and core dump
	   when loading mail files.

	dtmail is corrected to handle mail files having
	"=?" string at the end of the header field.

	2. TT_AUTHFILE_ENTRY_MISSING error not reported

	Proper error message "TT_AUTHFILE_ENTRY_MISSING"
	is logged into syslog file, if TT_AUTHFILE is missing.

	3. libtt.1 seems to have unresolved external

	libtt.1 does not have any unresolved external

	4. When ttsession fails bind(), portmap goes cpu-bound.

	In case of non-availability of port, ttsession would
	log an error message in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log file,
	informing that no port is available.

	5. dtcm dumps core trying to open an event
	   w/dist. list > 100 chars.

	The user will be able to enter maximum of 200 characters
	in 'Mail To' field, when Appointment List or Todo List
	is selected.

	6. dtconfig -reset does not appear to work correctly.

	X will run without "-auth" option when the authorization
	is disabled, hence dtconfig -reset works correctly.

	7. dtmail will not use mailcap files.

	Man page for dtmail has been changed appropriately to
	document the information.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_23796 for VVOS:

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_23796:
	1. dtfile consumes cpu/memory when it tries to
	   open a folder of large size.

	dtfile will not consume cpu/memory when it opens
	folders of any size.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_23516 for VVOS:

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_23516:
	1. Problem in dtlogin.

	The file which is linked to $HOME/.dt/paminfo_<disp>
	won't get overwritten if the user doesn't have the
	necessary permissions.

	2. Another problem in rpc.cmsd.

	Buffer overflow is checked in rpc.cmsd.

	3. Problem in dtprintinfo.

	Buffer overflow is prevented in libDtHelp to
	avoid core dump.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_22339:
	1. dthello program can't handle some fonts in

	Fix has been provided to enable dthello run with default
	font if the char set does not support the given font.

	2. CDE: dtsession logs pam info to syslog after CDE
	   patch installed.

	The unnecessary logging of success status of PAM, into
	the syslog is prevented.

	3. Dtterm -tm to disable a tty setting does not work.

	Proper validation  has been added so that the -tm option
	in dtterm gives proper results for invalid entries.

	4. Invalid host in Xaccess prevents following hosts from

	dtlogin is corrected so that valid hosts following the
	invalid one can also connect to the server.

	5. dtsession failed to lock the screen while pull-down
	   menu is up.

	dtsession is modified such that it will lock the screen
	when the pull-down/pop-up menu is up and the timeout is

	6. Core dump selecting text from display of CDE help files.

	Fix was done to make dthelpview function properly when
	text is selected from display and scrolled down vertically.

	7. Rename functionality does not work in the CDE File

	dtfile is modified such that renaming will work within
	the same folder.

	8. dtsession cores when screen is unlocked after timeout
	   lock with popup.

	dtsession is modified such that it doesn't dump core when
	screen is unlocked after timeout lock with popup.

	9. dtfile fails on NFS mounted file with no read

	Fix has been made so that dtfile will display a NFS mounted
	file with no read permissions.

	10. dtfile fails to handle Netscape e-mail attachments

	This fix will avoid core dump in dtfile if a netscape
	attachment is dropped on it.

	11. dtaction -user <account_name> problem.

	dtaction -user <account_name> problem has been resolved
	if the system is converted to a trusted system.

	12. Man page information is insufficient in dtterm
	    savelines option.

	The man page for dtterm was updated to reflect the
	maximum number of lines that can be saved using the
	-sl option.

	13. The "Delete" option should be disabled, if we
	    have single workspace.

	dtwm has been fixed to disable the delete option if
	there is only one workspace.

	14. filemanager does not sort alphabetically by case.

	Fix has been made to allow dtfile sort files in
	alphabetical order as 'ls' command in UNIX.

	15. Bad human factors in dtlogin passwd expiration

	This fix will make the hpterm to occupy the entire
	screen and enable the user to enter the password
	without moving the cursor.

	16. File Manager experiences strange behaviour.

	dtfile will behave as expected and allow the
	user to create a new file or folder.

	17. "The "ASCII Convert" function not working
	    in dtcalc".

	"ASCII Convert" functionality works for multibyte
	locales and displays an error message if non-ASCII
	char is used as input.

	18. CDE print manager does not display standard
	    input jobs.

	The Print manager has been modified to display
	icons for print jobs given from standard input.

	19. Problem in dtlogin.

	Buffer overflow in dtlogin has been resolved.

	20. dtfile - does not restore desktop icons
	    under certain conditions.

	The dtfile-Icons are restored by setting the
	proper Display value during the Desktop

	21. PHSS_20860 does not cleanup PHSS_17566
	    or PHSS_17268.

	Code has been added in the postinstall script
	to fix this defect.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_22319 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_22319:
	1. dtterm problem.

	Error checking has been introduced to check the
	dtterm problem with the -tn option.

	2. dtterm cannot handle more than 32k saveLines.

	Fix has been made to handle dtterm savelines
	option properly.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_20860:
	1. dtcm_insert does not recognize command line
	   options like "today".

	Fix was made in dtcm_insert to support command line
	options like "today","tomorrow" correctly.

	2. Users defined formats in mail reminders of dtcm
	   appointments are incorrectly displayed.

	Users can choose desired format in mail reminders
	of dtcm appointments.

	3. dtpad file open dialog box will not show
	   hidden files.

	Documentation is added to text editor man page to
	view hidden files and folders in file open dialog

	4. dtfile: Cannot search contents from hidden files.

	The fix is made in File Manager and user would be
	able to search pattern in hidden files and folders

	5. dtmail edit label in menu bar get wrong
	   Japanese character by libc patch PHCO_19181.

	The fix is made to correct the appearance of wrong
	japanese character in Edit string of dtmail after
	installing libc patch PHCO_19181.

	6. dtwm has problems with initial placement of
	   icons on the desktop.

	The icon place resource of dtwm was properly
	initialized to place 0, so that it will follow
	the Dtwm*iconplacement resource. Icons will be
	placed properly in root window after the fix.

	7. Setting home directory for a specific user
	   may not be appropriate.

	After the fix, dtlogin will not add the home directory
	in searchpath for a specific user which causes
	performance problems.

	8. ER: wants dialog to confirm WorkSpace delete

	Fix provides a confirmation dialog popup while
	deleting a workspace.

	9. ER: dtlogin: Display location of logfile
	   if Xserver cannot be started.

	dtlogin message catalog has been modified
	to give the location of logfile if Xserver
	cannot be started after the fix.

	10. Trusted system: dtconfig -e doesn't work.

	The extra space has been removed before
	#if directive in dtconfig file to handle the "-e"
	option correctly in a trusted system.

	11. using sleep(1) decreased dtlogin performance.

	Fix made removes the sleep command in
	dtlogin which causes performance degradation.

	12. Sometime "Open"/"Print" are not shown on
	    menu on attachment.

	CDE Mailer would display menu items "Open" and
	"Print" always, when selecting an attachment of mail
	on dtmail and clicking right mouse button on it.

	13. dtmail does not create ~/sent.mail.

	CDE Mailer would log sent messages to $HOME/sent.mail
	if the filename field in "Message Filing" options is
	blank or set to default(~/sent.mail).

	14. dtmail - when multiple attachments added,
	    delete one will delete everyone.

	CDE Mailer would delete only the selected attachment
	at the time of composing a new message and not all
	the attachments.

	15. dtcm_lookup with options -d and -v is not
	    always correct.

	dtcm_lookup would be displaying appointments
	correctly when -d and -v options are used.

	16. dtmail does not recognize keyword 'discard'.

	Fix was made in CDE Mailer to recognize
	command 'discard' used in $HOME/.mailrc file.

	17. Xserver with "-audit 2" option: entries in
	    Xerrors use wrong timezone

	Fix was made so that Xserver when run with
	"-audit 2 " option logs entries in Xerrors with
	correct timezone and date .

	18. VUE/CDE - double-clicking during logout can
	    destroy current session.

	Fix was made in CDE Session Manager and user would
	be able to save CDE session during CDE logout.

	19. Dtterm writes incorrect information in  /etc/utmp,
	    hence "who -u" returns incorrect information.

	Fix has been made in dtterm to write correct information
	in /etc/utmp."who -u" returns correct values after the fix.

	20. When page numbering is enabled, dtlp produces
	    incorrect output.

	This fix would remove the formatting errors which
	occur while printing using dtlp with page numbering
	option enabled.

	21. CDE Xconfig cannot specify host specific
	    resource file.

	Dtlogin resources specified through host specific
	Xconfig file will be properly set after the fix.

	22. JAGaa40160 has side effects on icons using
	    default iconPixmap.

	Default icon image is shown for the applications
	when there is no user specified image for its

	23. dtpad man page is out of date.

	Text Editor man page was updated with additional

	24. dtstyle incorrectly sets enableBtn1Transfer.

	dtstyle was changed so that enableBtn1Transfer
	resource is set to True/False  and not a incorrect
	value like button2_transfer.

	25. Customer requesting dtpad add a line feed when
	    a file is saved.

	The line feed("\n") is added at the end of dtpad
	text file while saving.

	26. Problem with dtspcd.

	The problem in dtspcd is fixed.

	27. dtlogin consumes CPU after it reaches ~2000
	open pipes.

	The fix is made so that dtlogin does not
	consume CPU after reaching ~2000 open pipes.

	28. WS delete confirmation should not come up,
	if we have only one workspace.

	dtwm is corrected so that it would not display
	WS delete confirmation dialog, if single workspace
	is present.

	29. who -R shows improper hostname who logged
	from hpterm, xterm, dtterm.

	Fix was made so that "who -R" shows proper
	hostname for users using dtterm, hpterm,xterm
	when the hostname is greater than 16 chars.

	30. dtwm "MONITOR_TYPE mail" control not honoring

	Fix was made so that dtwm "MONITOR_TYPE mail"
	control honors user defined file.

	31. Improper handling of unsuccessful login
	count for root.

	Unsuccessful login count for root in trusted system
	will be correct when incorrect password is entered
	on a screen locked by any user after this fix.

	32. dtcm doesn't malloc enough space for some
	character strings (arpaPhrase)

	Defect was fixed by adding 1 byte during malloc
	to take care of the NULL character inserted.

	33. ACE6: PHSS_18425 postinstall puts messages
	in swagent.log file

	Modified the code in the Postinstall script
	so that the messages are not logged in "swagent.log"

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_20715:
	1. "dtterm -iconic -e shellscript" sometimes
	   did not terminate.

	The callback which terminates dtterm was
	called synchronously.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_19747 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_19747:
	1. Problem with ttsession.

	Problem in ttsession is fixed.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_19482 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_19482:
	1. dtfile popup menu messages corrupt in C locale.

	The fix removes the nls messages that were appearing
	in the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtfile.dt and eliminates
	the appearance of corrupt messages in folder pop-up
	menus of CDE file manager in C locale.

	2. Problem in rpc.cmsd.

	The fix increases the buffer size to avoid memory

	3. dtappgather ignores symbolic directory links.

	dtappgather was modified so that all the links
	referring to directories are also considered as

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_18425:
	1.  dtlogin greeting obscured if more than four lines.

	Resources have been changed to fix this defect.

	2.  CDE - trusted system does not give passwd expiration

	The defect is fixed by writing the message on
	dthello screen for password expiry notification on
	trusted system.

	3.  Would like to add audible alert to CDE login for
	    incorrect logins.

	Audible alert & slight delay before error dialog
	comes up is provided.

	4.  "Deleted Messages" window has an English title
	     (in  japanese locales).

	The fix was made for a localization problem.
	In Japanese locales, English messages were appearing
	in "Deleted Messages" window of dtmail.The fix
	was made to localize the message.

	5.  dtmail doesn't process attachments properly.

	The fix was made to avoid the growth of attachment
	actions in the Attachment pulldown menu when
	switching between mails in the mailbox.

	6.  dtmail does not process attachment icons properly.

	This fix is made to process the attachment icons
	properly based upon the newly added Content-Disposition

	7.  Cannot drag large messages from dtmail to dtfile.

	The fix was made to enable drag and drop of
	large mail messages between dtmail and file manager.

	8.  dtmail does not read "signature" setting from
	    .mailrc with "-c" option.

	The fix was made in dtmail to read the signature and
	add it in the compose window when -c option is used.

	9.  CDE: "Occupy Workspace" re-appeared as moving
	    around the workspaces.

	The fix was made to ensure proper functionality of
	"Occupy workspace" window.

	10. DTWM leaks pixmap causing the Xserver memory to

	The defect is fixed by freeing the icon pixmap of
	a client when the client is withdrawn from the
	workspace. This fix avoids  memory leak in dtwm and
	growth in Xserver memory size.

	11. Dtwm is causing a pointer freeze when using
	    a system modal dialog.

	The defect is fixed by checking if any menu is
	posted when the system modal is active and unpost
	it before preventing the events from being
	dispatched to toolkit.

	12. dtwm: problem with modal dialogs under
	    multi-screen configuration.

	This defect is fixed by adding an entry to the
	screen other than the one in which the system
	modal dialog comes up above the old clients on
	that screen. After this change lower windows
	raise properly when focused in multi screen

	13. Deleting CDE style manager from front panel
	    causes dtwm to abort.

	The defect is fixed by changing the initialization
	of a function which frees the string of the control
	element when it is deleted from the front panel.

	14. Problems unlocking session when Dtsession*keys
	    is set.

	Fix done to exit from loop when correct password
	is given without checking for other users in the
	Dtsession*keys resource.

	15. dtcm print info dialog doesn't warn about
	    non-writable dirs.

	This fix involves in providing an ERROR DIALOG for
	non writable Directories.

	16. dtcm reports wrong day when deleting an
	    appointment on a leap year.

	The fix was done to make dtcm capable to delete
	even the last appointment on leap days.

	17. dtcm support in iso8859-15.

	iso8859-15 locale name and date map are included
	for dtcm.

	18. dtcm and transition links.

	The fix has been done so that sendmail from
	/usr/sbin is used directly instead of the link
	i.e., .usr/lib/sendmail.

	19. Style Manager (beep)'s window width is too
	    narrow to show the title in Japanese.

	This fix is provided by increasing the width of
	"Beep" dialog box by 10 pixels to accommodate the
	full title in Japanese.

	20. Permissions problem in /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather.

	This defect is fixed by preventing creation of

	21. dtpad file menu sensitivity problem.

	This defect is fixed by disabling some of the
	file menu items of dtpad when dtpad is invoked
	with the -viewOnly option.

	22. Can't display dtfile simultaneously on
	    2 screens in multiscreen display.

	Added the capability to display dtfile on
	multi-screen environment.

	23. Problem with root PATH.

	Root path has been fixed.

	24. CDE's print manager doesn't show scheduled
	    printjobs for enabled printer.

	Checks for listing of all the information has
	been modified.

	25. PHSS_17566 prepends iso8859-15 to fonts path.
	    Appending is better.

	/etc/dt/config/XSetup file has been changed to
	append the font path.

	26. Problem in rpc.ttdbserver.

	Included error handling to avoid killing of the

	27. CDE - dtpad corrupts files without notice
	    if target filesystem is full.

	Checked the return status of the write calls
	to monitor the error condition.

	28. dtpad fails to open large (>~30Mb) files.

	Fix involves display of error dialog when large
	files opened through dtpad under low memory

	29. Problem with dtspcd.

	Error checking for limits has been added and
	error dialogs are displayed when limits are

	30. Buffer overflow in libdthelp.

	Included checks for boundary validations in

	31. Core dump brining up index box with DtHelp.

	Dthelp was corrected to avoid core dump while
	bringing up index box with a particular Font set.

	32. Permissions problem in /usr/dt/bin/dtterm.

	The fix was made to set correct uid for temporary
	files created.

	33. Wants dtterm to have an option to flush the
	    log on each write.

	The fix has been done to include the '-f' option
	to flush the buffer on to the log file as and
	when an entry is made on dtterm.

	34. ER: rpc.ttdbserver to exclude systems in
	    'tt_dbexclude' config file.

	Created capability for rpc.ttdbserver to exclude
	systems from the ttdb list. This was done by
	considering the list of hosts mentioned in
	/etc/tt/ttdb_exclude as hosts that are not to
	be contacted.

	35. EuDelta: dtmail: incorrect MIME charset
	    tag for ISO-885915 charset.

	The fix was made to correct the charset header
	in dtmail for iso885915 locales.

	36. dtlogin man page correct at "labelString"

	Source for the man page is modified to change the
	character \n with \\n in the labelString description
	so that the special character is displayed correctly.

	37. dtcm_insert allows ending time without
	    starting time.

	This defect is fixed by making current system time as
	default starting time.

	38. dtstyle(1) man page is a mess.

	This fix is done by providing the missing man page

	39. dtcm_* man pages contain inconsistent information.

	The man pages have been corrected.

	40. Library Access problem in CDE.

	Resolved by including localmacros to build cde.

	41.  dtcm month view does not display
	   iso-15 fonts.

	The fix is in the app-defaults file in few
	iso885915 locales. The applicationFontFamily
	has been changed for the fix.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_17566:
	1) Change sys.resources to provide new input device

	Changes were done in
	file provide support for USB mouse.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_17329:
	1) Include iso_8859.15 related changes.

	Introducing new files for euro related functionality.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_17268:
	1) Unable to unlock screen when dtsession*keys resource
	   is set

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_16966:
	1) Memory leak in dtmail.
	2) dtmail changes GID when using mailbox
	   other than /var/mail/ "user".
	3) dtmail doesn't handle inline attachment correctly.
	4) Problems with dtmail.
	5) dtmail permissions problem number 1.
	6) dtmail permissions problem number 2.
	7) dtmail permission problem number 3.
	8) Documentation of dtmail command line options.
	9) PHSS_15795 dtmail uses non-standard encoding at
	   Subject under ja_JP.SJIS.
	10) dtmail always saves settings in $HOME/.mailrc.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_15795:
	1) dtpad: cannot disable sensitivity of file menu option.
	2) CDE Trash Can is not emptied automatically at user
	3) dtlogin fails to set primary gid.
	4) Continuous unlock causes problem for CDE.
	5) dtscreen implements usleep incorrectly
	6) dtscreen cannot handle values for delay > 999999
	7) dtlogin core dump with large Xterminal environments
	8) dtlogin core dumps when trying to release memory.
	9) CDE instability in Rocklin 9804 FB2
	10) Help of resize icon in dticon's edit menu is incorrect.
	11) Can't set a different system-wide default palette for
	12) dtmail does not handle MIME-compliant filenames
	13) Xmdestroypixmap fails causing dtwm pixmap leaks
	14) CDE dtaction doesn't expand %name% properly
	15) "dtprintinfo - populate" will not work without
	    transition links
	16) File manager dumps core when "New Folder" dialog is
	17) resources added to restrict functionality of
	18) Fixed buffer overflow in DtSvc
	19) "DtTermDisplaySend" function can not handle a string
	    greater than 1024 bytes
	20) When uid is equal to zero,dtmail changes permissions on
	21) dtmail changes gid when /var/mail/username is a
	    symbolic link
	22) dtprintinfo aborts reporting jobs with more than
	    one file
	23) enhancement for dtfile copy dialog.
	24) Display does not auto lock when screen saver is blank
	    and exit dialog is displayed.
	25) Xauth filename forces Xterminal hostname to be
	    unique for first 5 char's
	26) /var/dt auth filenames don't differ enough
	27) dtmail log ($HOME/sent.mail) not in expected encoding
	28) dtmail has problems with blanks in additional
	    header fields.
	29) dtmailpr can not print messages sent from ccmail
	30) dtmail attachment name is corrupted in multibyte UTF-8
	31) dtmail  aborts when the "To:" field contains extended
	32) DCE and DFS will lead dtmail to change gid of user's
	    mail file
	33) binary files sent as " quoted - printable " lose data
	    in dtmail
	34) dtwm does not handle clients with shape extension
	    enabled in front panel
	35) Problem removing directories when transient links are
	    removed in dtfile.
	36) dthelpview cannot display utf8 characters correctly.
	37) Resources for customization of dtfile.
	38) CDE dtmailpr memory faults when subject line is more
	    than 2000 chars
	39) dtmail aborts when attempting to view attachment
	    after deleting previous message.
	40) dtmail to display the hourglass cursor when
	    attaching a file

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_16362:
	1) Buffer overflow in dtmail.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_16147 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_16147:
	1) Buffer overflow in dtmail.
	2) Buffer overflow in rpc.ttdbserverd.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_15933:
	1) Can not login to CDE when Dtstyle*PaletteDirectories
	   is set.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_14595:
	1) permissions problem with dtappgather.
	2) permissions problem with dtprintinfo.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_14002 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_14002:
	1) ER: wants dtpad to show results of a find in the middle
	   of the display.
	2) dtmail: single character aliases do not work.
	3) Dtmail has blank "Date and Time" field if TZ=GMT0.
	4) dtmail changes GID of mailboxes to mail.
	5) Dtspcdenv contains obsolete path element, "/bin".
	6) dtcm core dumps on 10.20 for utf8 locale(s).
	7) Action FPOnItemHelp not found in "On Item Help" on the
	   HELP subpanel.
	8) 11.00 dthelptag inserts HP-ROMAN8 as charset for C
	9) dtstyle aborts when "color" window is cancelled.
	10) SR 653169334 says doc. incomplete, but patch has no man
	    page updates.
	11) dtfile is unable to copy READ-ONLY

	Repackaged HP-UX patch 13724 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_13724:
	1) Re-release of 'dtappgather'

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_13403 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_13403:
	1) buffer overrun in dtaction.
	2) permissions problem with dtappgather.
	3) permissions problem with dtsearchpath.
	4) Memory leak in dtlogin.
	5) Race condition with xdm.
	6) Buffer overrun in dtlock.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12587:
	1)  dthelpview hangs when LANG = ja_JP.ecuJP
	2)  dtpad server hangs after opening and closing several
	    times in ja_JP.SJIS
	3)  dr_dt print unnecessary warning regarding hpterm
	4)  dtcm dies when mailing reminders to more than one
	5)  large calendar file,dtcm not being able to connect to
	    the daemon process.
	6)  rpc.ttdbserverd version mismatch caused by garbage
	7)  dthelpprint - &ohm does not show up when helpfile is
	8)  dthelp does not handle &sigspace correctly
	9)  default action for dtmail drop action can destroy
	10) dtfile: cntl+spacebar -> Object File Comp. - map page
	    says "spacebar".
	11) cde screen lock and DCE (SR 5003380758 with higher
	12) dtcm weekly hour grid is wrong in printed output.
	13) Appointments in week view grid sometimes disappear.
	14) dtaction (PHSS_12138) dumps core when no action is

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12536:
	1) cde action doesn't terminate processes well

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12449:
	1) Non-C locales have problems integrating multiple
	   dtwm.fp's (frontpanels)

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12294:
	1) CDE does not log bad login attempts to /var/adm/btmp.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_12138 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_12138:
	1) Fix condition whereby a string copy of an environment
	   variable can overflow the stack buffer causing various
	   applications to core dump.
	2) dtwm may hang at reading $HOME/.dt/types/dt.dt under
	3) CDE does not log bad login attempts to /var/adm/btmp.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_11913:
	1) CDE does not report number of failed logins.
	2) The audit records written by system commends are not
	   being written to the audit logs.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_11348:
	1) 10.20 - passwd set so only root can change -> can't
	   login using CDE.

	Repackaged HP-UX patch PHSS_11147 for VVOS.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_11147:
	1)  CDE appmanager, "The folder specification .. does not
	2)  CDE; dtksh; cannot trap SIGHUP, SIGINT signals when
	    using XtMainLoop.
	3)  Dtgreet hangs trying to display to xterminal without
	    CDE fonts.
	4)  CDE screen locker doesn't use DCE authentication to
	    unlock the screen
	5)  dtsearchpath:10.20: intermittent core dumps
	6)  CDE:trusted system:screen lock:display hangs after 3
	7)  CDE:Trusted system:root can't unlock screen lock
	8)  cde:trusted system:screenlock: unlock by root seen as
	    unsuccessful try
	9)  Possibility of disabling user accounts on trusted
	    system by screen lock
	10) dtmail die when a mail message with an attachment is
	    dropped to dtpad
	11) dtmail receipt of certain elm messages can corrupt
	12) CDE Helpviewer hangs on help volume for C++.
	13) dtfile doesn't handle well directories with suid bit
	14) dtstyle does not know how to correctly handle merged
	    input devices
	15) core dump as soon as help/contents asked to xsnapadmin,
	    or start
	16) HP CDE/VUE (newer version) adding 'newline' after
	    !!emphasized!! text.
	17) dthelpprint: Cannot print "Current and Subtopics."
	18) CDE /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0030.dttmpdir causes
	    error after patch

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_10995:
	1)  With large $PATH configurations, dtsearchpath may hang
	    and/or dump core.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_10876:
	1) Dtgreet hangs trying to display to xterminal without CDE
	2) cde:trusted system:screenlock: unlock by root seen as
	   unsuccessful try
	3) CDE:Trusted system:root can't unlock screen lock
	4) Possibility of disabling user accounts on trusted
	   system by screen lock
	5) CDE screen locker doesn't use DCE authentication to
	   unlock the screen
	6) CDE builtin screen lock may fail to display the password

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_10875:
	1) CDE builtin screen lock may fail to display the password

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_9803:
	1)  Duplicate symbol names in libDtSvc cause conflicts.
	2)  CDE Screen Lock problem with PAM enabled.
	3)  The Abbrev shows up in an xref.
	4)  dthelp parser checkdefault routine has logic flaws.
	5)  dthelptag errors in sdl file when no source errors
	6)  <term> doesn't allow splitting across line ending in
	    indented text.
	7)  dthelptag puts empty <entry> in index list.
	8)  link for xref in ex put in incorrect location..
	9)  Index does not redisplay topic after choosing a second
	    different topic.
	10) dthelpview can't view a help volume index when one is
	11) dthelpview -man doesn't manage the text widget
	    correctly if resize. ViewW.
	12) Dthelpprint uses obsolete option.
	13) When -subTopics used, dthelpprint does not print the
	    sub topics.
	14) Audit trail in CDE on trusted systems doesn't work
	15) dtpad hangs with large cad binary file.
	16) Account with large uid cannot perform drag and drop,
	17) dtfile hangs in ja_JP.SJIS locale when attempting to
	    edit filenames.
	18) CDE/dtmail cannot paste into the To, From,  Subject,
	    Bcc, Cc lines.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_9627:
	1) It is possible to bypass proper authentication
	2) Screen lock with integrated login fails at 10.20
	   on second unlock
	3) CDE Screen Lock problem with PAM

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_8667:
	1)  dthelpprint quits with memory fault in
	    fr_FR.sio88591 locale.
	2)  dtwm aborts when using lrom under certain conditions
	3)  dtwm aborts when deleting action from subpanel that
	    is also on front panel.
	4)  dtmail doesn't read MPower attachments correctly.
	    Dragging multiple messages from one mailbox to another
	    doesn't work.
	5)  dtmail will randomly abort when performing drag and
	6)  Document saved w/ all mime encoding intact in dtmail
	    if saved as text.
	7)  Dtmail locks the mail file - this can hang dtmail.
	8)  dtmail needs transition link: /usr/lib/sendmail ->
	9)  ttsession -p can fail to print data returned from
	10) ttsession hangs on pmap_getport() call.
	11) libDtHelp uses the Default Visual and Default Root
	    window to set up GC's and the visual information.

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_7726:
	1) Resources appKeypadDefault & appCursorDefault have no
	   affect on dtterm.
	2) In EUC-2byte codesets, it takes 2 backspaces to erase 1
	   multi-byte character.
	3) Missing or duplicate mnemonics in French & German

	Based on HP-UX patch PHSS_7724:
	1) Missing multiple group info in id(1) command.
	2) xdmMode does not work for CDE.
	3) Default 2-user license doesn't count logins as it did
	   in Vue.
	4) CDE is vulnerable to denial of service attacks.

	8606225329 8606181140 8606209802 8606165413 8606214133
	8606174669 8606218325 8606216081 8606209537 8606218570
	8606221993 8606215512 8606135246 8606144170 8606156317
	8606159144 8606159340 8606163670 8606175105 8606178908
	8606180620 8606177477 8606183236 5003335455 5003429910
	5003462663 1653304758 5003468157 8606108885 8606124659
	8606125672 8606126450 8606127270 8606129254 8606129455
	8606133511 8606135713 8606136673 8606139748 8606139749
	8606141262 8606145265 8606103659 8606136639 8606155712
	8606125281 1653299594 5003346098 8606108176 1653283838
	5003460428 5003462010 8606103063 8606103662 5003448555
	5003455022 5003461418 1653213488 1653233130 5003462903
	5003448829 8606108456 5003466318 8606104358 8606109149
	8606127648 8606102998 8606113630 8606126558 8606123932
	8606102447 8606102457 5003429449 5003428680 5003456095
	5003437418 5003437426 5003440248 5003435594 5003452920
	5003433433 1653283630 1653298117 5003453951 5003440891
	5003366054 5003433904 5003379826 4701401224 5003429902
	4701421503 1653290247 5003453845 4701409813 5003432401
	5003360545 4701421487 4701410621 5003459487 5003440891
	1653274985 5003436568 5003434944 4701408708 1653202879
	1653208140 5003407882 5003412619 5003376574 1653256040
	5003345181 5003408922 1653254227 5003405803 5003417055
	5003414920 1653248526 1653261115 1653256354 5003420265
	5003421032 1653268516 1653260554 1653245977 1653241109
	1653248286 5003372490 1653253179 1653243543 5003416529
	5003399220 1653258103 5003375931 5003356949 5003423152
	5003411843 5003418145 5003422980 1653252510 5003413831
	4701398297 4701398529 5003426635 4701386417 4701386425
	4701386433 5003386656 1653244939 5003402016 1653239194
	5003401075 1653236364 5003312785 1653169334 5003314740
	4701327726 5003323287 5003307769 5003321679 5003321943
	1653181099 5003334722 5003341420 5003342196 1653192187
	5003342246 5003352997 5003354209 5003345124 1653161489
	4701338103 4701343012 1653199927 1653205468 4701350314
	5003349738 5003352930 5003354811 5003356279 5003356287
	5003356295 5003356303 5003357632 5003358358 5003362095
	5003364083 5003369694 5003345140 5003339812 5003352989
	1653211110 4701364158 5003384859 1653209429 1653210344
	5003384859 5003379875 5003384412 5003363739 5003370296
	4701369611 4701369629 5003390484 5003384149 5003392720
	1653227199 4701373860 5003394981 5003393801 4701376855

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		**UNSUPPORTED** $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Sep 14 08:28:44 MDT 1998)
		tttrace: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 27 16:51:40 IST 2001)
		dtlogin: $Revision: 1.16 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Jun
			e 1999 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Aug  9 12:41:30 IST 1999)
		dtappgather: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			 1997 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 18 17:08:06 PDT 1997)
		dthelpprint: $Revision: 1.3 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Sep 11 17:11:55 IST 2001)
		dtmail: $Revision: 1.3 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			ember 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 21 23:17:03 IST 2000)
		dtwm: $Revision: 1.11 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 May
			 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Sat Apr  7 06:21:07 IST 2001)
		ttsession: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			tember 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Sep  4 11:24:48 IST 2001)
		rpc.ttdbserver: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Jan 23 12:36:57 PST 1998)
		dtfile_copy: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			 1997 Patch Release
		dthelptag: $Revision: 1.24 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Jan 23 11:47:06 PST 1998)
		dthelp_htag2: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Jan 23 11:31:25 PST 1998)
		dthelp_htag1: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			 1997 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 18 17:45:08 PDT 1997)
		dthelp_ctag1: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Sep 21 14:53:40 IST 2001)
		dtsession: $Revision: 2.0 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Dec
			ember 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Nov 22 14:17:05 IST 2001)
		dtspcd: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Jun
			e 1999 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon May 10 13:13:09 MDT 1999)
		dtpad: $Revision: 3.0 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Oct 18 18:17:10 IST 2001)
		dtaction: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Wed Feb 23 17:38:44 IST 2000)
		dtterm: $Revision: 1.4 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Sep 11 16:52:52 IST 2001)
		dtfile: $Revision: 2.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Sep 21 15:01:01 IST 2001)
		dtstyle: $Revision: 1.4 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Sep 14 14:05:37 MDT 1998)
		dticon: $Revision: 1.7 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			ember 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Sep 22 00:32:59 IST 2000)
		dtcalc: $Revision: 2.0 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Jul
			y 1997 Point Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Sep  8 12:44:26 PDT 1997)
		dtfplist: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 27 16:52:07 IST 2001)
		dtgreet: $Revision: 1.5 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			 1997_A Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Dec  9 19:33:36 PST 1997)
		dtsearchpath: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Jul
			y 1997 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri May 30 10:24:32 PDT 1997)
		Version 12/28/93
		Version M-12/28/93
		Version M-12/28/93d
		dtksh: $Revision: 1.3 $
		basename (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 03/01/94
		cat (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 05/09/95
		chmod (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 05/09/95
		cmp (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 07/17/94
		cut (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 04/01/93
		dirname (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 07/17/92
		getconf (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 05/09/95
		head (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 04/01/92
		logname (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 04/01/92
		mkdir (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 02/14/95
		uname (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 05/09/95
		wc (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 08/11/94
		ast (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 07/17/95
		hash (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 05/09/95
		getconf (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 07/17/95
		sfio (AT&T Bell Laboratories) 05/09/95
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			ember 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Sep 22 16:36:06 IST 2000)
		dtprintinfo: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Jul
			y 1997 Point Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 11 11:00:33 PDT 1997)
		dtexec: $Revision: 1.4 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 May
			 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Apr  9 22:56:51 IST 2001)
		dtcm: $Revision: 1.58 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			 1997 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 18 16:13:08 PDT 1997)
		dthelpgen: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Mar  2 15:03:05 IST 2001)
		rpc.cmsd: $Revision: 1.7 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Wed Feb 23 14:47:20 IST 2000)
		dtcm_admin: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Wed Feb 23 14:47:56 IST 2000)
		dtcm_editor: $Revision: 1.11 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Wed Feb 23 14:46:13 IST 2000)
		dtcm_delete: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Wed Feb 23 14:46:31 IST 2000)
		dtcm_insert: $Revision: 1.5 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Wed Feb 23 14:46:59 IST 2000)
		dtcm_lookup: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Sep 14 19:37:44 MDT 1998)
		dtscreen: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 May
			 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Apr  9 22:47:54 IST 2001)
		dtmailpr: $Revision: 1.2 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			 1998 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Sep 14 08:19:01 MDT 1998)
		tt_type_comp: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			tember 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Sep  4 11:24:10 IST 2001)
		ttdbck: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			tember 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Sep  4 11:24:52 IST 2001)
		tttar: $Revision: 1.1 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep
			 1999 CDE cumulative Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Sep 10 02:10:39 MDT 1999)
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 27 16:52:19 IST 2001)
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		dtconfig: $Revision: 1.8 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		dtlp: $Revision: 1.23 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			ember 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Thu Sep 21 23:39:29 IST 2000)
		dthello: $Revision: 1.5 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Jul
			y 1997 Patch Release
		0030.dttmpdir $Revision: 1.11 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.`date
			-u +%y%m%d` +O2
		dtfile.config: $Revision: 1.13 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.`date
			-u +%y%m%d` +O2
		sys.session: $Revision: 1.19 $
		libDtHelp: $Revision: 2.12 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Mar 16 13:38:04 IST 2001)
		libDtSvc: $Revision: 1.5 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Oct
			ober 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Tue Sep 11 14:29:50 IST 2001)
		libDtWidget: $Revision: 1.4 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Mar
			ch 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Mon Feb 21 18:36:42 IST 2000)
		_DtMessage catalog source $Revision: 1.83 $
		_DtMessage catalog source $Revision: 1.18 $
		_DtMessage catalog source $Revision: 1.24 $
		_DtMessage catalog source $Revision: 1.11 $
		DtTermPrimitiveWidget: $Revision: 1.196 $
		libDtTerm: $Revision: 1.172 $
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Nov
			ember 2000 Patch Release
		(build date: Fri Sep 22 14:28:20 IST 2000)
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 May
			 2001 Patch Release
		(build date: Sat Apr  7 06:14:06 IST 2001)
		dtmail.dt 1.32 10 Aug 1994
		Common Desktop Environment 1.0
		Dtmail 1.2 21 Oct 1994
		X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.970708
		(build date: Tue Jul  8 09:49:46 PDT 1997)

cksum(1) Output:
	1490834315 41265 /usr/contrib/bin/X11/dr_dt
	669586572 40960 /usr/contrib/bin/tttrace
	820402039 180224 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin
	1586928639 15399 /usr/dt/bin/Xsession
	3965112632 98304 /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather
	279665942 57344 /usr/dt/bin/dthelpprint
	491576861 995328 /usr/dt/bin/dtmail
	3708263977 569344 /usr/dt/bin/dtwm
	765397466 253952 /usr/dt/bin/ttsession
	2818906504 307200 /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserver
	4273634347 77824 /usr/dt/bin/dtfile_copy
	2833402398 12335 /usr/dt/bin/dthelptag
	589057322 286720 /usr/dt/bin/dthelp_htag2
	2274580896 389120 /usr/dt/bin/dthelp_htag1
	2895521848 352256 /usr/dt/bin/dthelp_ctag1
	3213904167 176128 /usr/dt/bin/dtsession
	823548630 163840 /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd
	2982449384 114688 /usr/dt/bin/dtpad
	3770867201 49152 /usr/dt/bin/dtaction
	3310854145 53248 /usr/dt/bin/dtterm
	1901874069 733184 /usr/dt/bin/dtfile
	1993986133 217088 /usr/dt/bin/dtstyle
	2027977187 188416 /usr/dt/bin/dticon
	2688763488 241664 /usr/dt/bin/dtcalc
	3038274570 65536 /usr/dt/bin/dtfplist
	3595128817 86016 /usr/dt/bin/dtgreet
	1177210807 139264 /usr/dt/bin/dtsearchpath
	1596220324 815104 /usr/dt/bin/dtksh
	187382252 503808 /usr/dt/bin/dtprintinfo
	4273433672 36864 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec
	1989941404 737280 /usr/dt/bin/dtcm
	2041267889 36864 /usr/dt/bin/dthelpgen
	232541100 376832 /usr/dt/bin/rpc.cmsd
	1760757466 278528 /usr/dt/bin/dtcm_admin
	3991559278 360448 /usr/dt/bin/dtcm_editor
	464163524 274432 /usr/dt/bin/dtcm_delete
	882406863 286720 /usr/dt/bin/dtcm_insert
	3835050221 274432 /usr/dt/bin/dtcm_lookup
	2194430980 77824 /usr/dt/bin/dtscreen
	3986559413 286720 /usr/dt/bin/dtmailpr
	3265818007 290816 /usr/dt/bin/tt_type_comp
	3038012386 393216 /usr/dt/bin/ttdbck
	3014712572 77824 /usr/dt/bin/tttar
	1942492886 40960 /usr/dt/bin/ttauth
	1559757507 94208 /usr/dt/bin/dtchooser
	271474207 3649 /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig
	403820846 25505 /usr/dt/bin/dtlp
	3687267298 49152 /usr/dt/bin/dthello
	475597394 3043 /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0030.dttmpdir
	2413991191 1211 /usr/dt/config/dtspcdenv
	3372527189 48953 /usr/dt/config/svc/HP-UX.lcx
	3968559430 8278 /usr/dt/config/C.iso885915/Xresources
	1167633645 3406 /usr/dt/config/C.iso885915/dtfile.config
	1879385389 4587 /usr/dt/config/C.iso885915/sys.dtwmrc
	3370099460 3574 /usr/dt/config/C.iso885915/sys.font
	582902659 5737 /usr/dt/config/C.iso885915/sys.resources
	2375633708 1059 /usr/dt/config/C.iso885915/sys.session
	3345971795 3434 /usr/dt/config/Xsetup
	3106618159 5727 /usr/dt/config/C/sys.resources
	1182184887 794624 /usr/dt/lib/libDtHelp.1
	427372970 602112 /usr/dt/lib/libDtSvc.1
	632800007 356352 /usr/dt/lib/libDtWidget.1
	1929978030 6149 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/fr_FR.iso88591/
	1767106441 6309 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/de_DE.iso88591/
	3903512807 47719 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1794577059 11902 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3913015086 8757 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1541747633 6887 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/C/
	683541278 6803 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3409963115 693 /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/C/
	399262282 417792 /usr/dt/lib/libDtTerm.1
	2991919930 1118208 /usr/dt/lib/libtt.1
	2478996542 36405 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtfile.1
	821287084 55580 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtlogin.1
	2898115232 79045 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtwm.1
	1715611750 13778 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtmail.1
	1189743479 7513 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtcm_insert.1
	1368589204 21392 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtstyle.1
	3624693258 9530 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtcm.1
	1332204039 1811 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtcm_editor.1
	465248746 24783 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtpad.1
	2236040608 37679 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtterm.1
	900448048 20625 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtsession.1
	1744133972 5371 /usr/dt/share/man/man1/dtaction.1
	4181762563 4335 /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtmail.dt
	1556838664 23280 /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtfile.dt
	1592123086 4453 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dt
	213382135 1302 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtcalc
	268155153 4693 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtcm
	4004141270 784 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtcreate
	530232447 6179 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtfile
	3760079415 553 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dthello
	4089197579 8200 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dthelpprint
	268724389 1347 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dthelpview
	2902486455 1608 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dticon
	1146824932 493 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtksh
	3774007267 491 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtlp
	3515539208 6253 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtmail
	3625695529 1775 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtpad
	2784910040 588 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtprintinfo
	1631156609 1467 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtscreen
	2443427225 697 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtsession
	4128898179 2897 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtstyle
	3022621494 3804 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtterm
	3801559283 6141 /usr/dt/app-defaults/C.iso885915/Dtwm
	3022621494 3804 /usr/dt/app-defaults/de_DE.iso885915/Dtterm
	3022621494 3804 /usr/dt/app-defaults/es_ES.iso885915/Dtterm
	3022621494 3804 /usr/dt/app-defaults/fr_FR.iso885915/Dtterm
	3022621494 3804 /usr/dt/app-defaults/it_IT.iso885915/Dtterm
	3022621494 3804 /usr/dt/app-defaults/sv_SE.iso885915/Dtterm
	341207565 90300 /usr/lib/security/libpam_unix.1

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies:
	s700: 10.24: PHSS_22545 PHSS_26251
	s800: 10.24: PHSS_22545 PHSS_26251

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

	PHSS_12103 PHSS_13046 PHSS_13657 PHSS_13772 PHSS_14875 PHSS_16197
	PHSS_19702 PHSS_19819 PHSS_22546 PHSS_23848 PHSS_24097 PHSS_25419

Equivalent Patches:
	s700: 11.00
	s800: 11.00

	s700: 11.04
	s800: 11.04

Patch Package Size: 15030 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_26029

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_26029.depot

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_26029.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_26029.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_26029.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions: None