Patch Name: PHSS_22305 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV ITO6.0X Service Navigator Patch A.06.01 Creation Date: 00/10/10 Post Date: 00/10/31 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: OpenView IT/Operations 6.0 Filesets: OVOPC-SVC.OVOPC-SVC-MGR OVOPC-SVC.OVOPC-SVC-ENG OVOPC-SVC.OVOPC-SVC-JPN Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_22305 Symptoms: PHSS_22305: - Wrong parameter checking in opcservice shell script leads to unhandled shell error messages. - the first assignment of a service to an operator which did not yet exist in the service engine was not performed - service engine core throws a CNotFound exception when the requested object is not known. - Service data in code sets other than ISO8859-1 leads to unreadable output of the opcservice command - Service Engine: replace removes association to common twice contained subservice - operator is not informed if there is a change in Service configuration and he has to reload config (in JavaUI) - Default propagation rules are not correctly written to the service engine's service repository if the propagation rule has both a default rule and severity specific rules. - Connection to service engine fails after 12 hours use - Improved thread handling and process termination - wrong include dependencies in results.dtd file - opcservice does not return errorcodes - When using multiple instances of the class ServiceEngine in a service API program, it core dumps when creating the second instance. - When a service for which logging has been enabled is removed and the service engine restarted, the engine crashes and is not able to restart. - Can not use service examples in /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services directory out of box - Opcservice and opcsvcterm coredump - The service navigator API starts a signal handler thread, thus applications using the SN-API cannot use signals at all. Defect Description: PHSS_22305: check the list of the symptoms Resolution: check the list of the symptoms SR: H555003286 H553000358 H553000348 H553000338 B555008494 B555008339 B555008271 B555008225 B555007848 B555007597 B555007588 B555007585 B555007584 B555007514 B555007448 B555007447 Patch Files: /opt/OV/lib/nls/C/ /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/action.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/banking.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/carsupply.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/cltsvr.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/cluster.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/diskless.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/email.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/factor.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/fileserv.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/georga.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/icons.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/inet.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/isp.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ito.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/local.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/lvm.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/outage.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/perf.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/redundant.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/res.xml /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/sap.xml /opt/OV/lib/nls/ja_JP.SJIS/ /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/opcservice.1m /opt/OV/www/htdocs/ito_man/opcservice.1m.html /opt/OV/lib/ /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/dtds/results.dtd /opt/OV/lib/ /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcservice /opt/OV/bin/OpC/ /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcconv /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcterm /opt/OV/lib/ /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcm /opt/OV/lib/ /opt/OV/lib/ /opt/OV/lib/ /opt/OV/lib/ what(1) Output: /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/opcservice.1m: None /opt/OV/www/htdocs/ito_man/opcservice.1m.html: None /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/dtds/results.dtd: None /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcservice: HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/bin/OpC/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 (10/04/00) /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcconv: HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 (10/04/00) /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcterm: HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcm: HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/lib/ HP OpenView VantagePoint A.06.01 PHSS_22305 (10/04/0 0) /opt/OV/lib/nls/C/ None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/action.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/banking.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/carsupply.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/cltsvr.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/cluster.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/diskless.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/email.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/factor.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/fileserv.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/georga.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/icons.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/inet.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/isp.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ito.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/local.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/lvm.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/outage.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/perf.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/redundant.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/res.xml: None /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/sap.xml: None /opt/OV/lib/nls/ja_JP.SJIS/ None cksum(1) Output: 3113515385 4804 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/opcservice.1m 3662295744 13887 /opt/OV/www/htdocs/ito_man/ opcservice.1m.html 987549284 1214394 /opt/OV/lib/ 3283155182 1637 /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/dtds/ results.dtd 528320733 1082808 /opt/OV/lib/ 1092420719 131313 /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcservice 2333011329 1352 /opt/OV/bin/OpC/ 2670111946 28882 /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcconv 2488743572 69762 /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcterm 4167494439 533324 /opt/OV/lib/ 1235417175 155977 /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcm 28679750 311752 /opt/OV/lib/ 1318724348 176410 /opt/OV/lib/ 3224342574 803883 /opt/OV/lib/ 3259798757 303635 /opt/OV/lib/ 202810839 5636 /opt/OV/lib/nls/C/ 107001399 3311 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/action.xml 2322032178 9919 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/banking.xml 1562479766 8086 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/carsupply.xml 1129971588 5394 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/cltsvr.xml 173274605 6590 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/cluster.xml 1287705731 3317 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/diskless.xml 2111682562 5670 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/email.xml 4248035457 1615 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/factor.xml 3185975603 8349 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/fileserv.xml 467569333 13204 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ 1955479293 5134 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ 249825497 4998 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/georga.xml 1080579723 8200 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/icons.xml 4070043959 10418 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/inet.xml 292674876 15385 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/isp.xml 3232631873 26403 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/ito.xml 2944081597 842 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/local.xml 3863707930 4870 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/lvm.xml 974559619 3097 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/outage.xml 3518895756 4777 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/perf.xml 2017571346 1900 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/redundant.xml 61262513 2403 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/res.xml 571892809 12507 /opt/OV/OpC/examples/services/sap.xml 1213720839 5489 /opt/OV/lib/nls/ja_JP.SJIS/ Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: s700: 10.20: PHSS_22014 s800: 10.20: PHSS_22014 Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: PHSS_22306: s700: 11.00 11.10 s800: 11.00 11.10 ITOSOL_00056: sparcSOL: 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Patch Package Size: 5000 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_22305 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_22305.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_22305. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_22305.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_22305.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: BEFORE LOADING THIS PATCH... o It provides bug fixes and enhancements for the VPO A.06.00 Management Server system. o DO NOT use this patch with older releases of ITO, for example versions A.05.00, A.05.11 or A.05.30 (A) Patch Installation Instructions ------------------------------- (A1) Stop all VPO processes on your Management Server; this includes manager processes, communication processes and user-interface processes on the machine. - Stop all the VPO GUIs that are running, by using the "File:Exit" menubar item - If you are running VPO in a MC/ServiceGuard installation, put the VPO MC/SG package into maintenance mode: # touch /tmp/maint_NNM - Stop the VPO Manager processes: # ovstop opc ovoacomm If any VPO process is still running, kill it manually: # kill -9 <pid-of-orphaned-process> If you are running VPO in a MC/ServiceGuard installation: - Apply this patch to all MC/SG cluster nodes (A2) Install the patch, following the standard installation instructions (see above). (A3) After installing PHSS_22305, restart the VPO processes on your Management Server system: - Restart the VPO Manager processes, and check that the processes are running: # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsv -start # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsv -status - If you are running VPO in a MC/ServiceGuard installation, remove the maintenance mode flag: # rm /tmp/maint_NNM (B) Patch Deinstallation Instructions --------------------------------- (B1) To deinstall the patch PHSS_22305 run swremove: NOTE: Before removing the patch, stop all VPO server processes, as described in the Patch Installation Instructions (A1). # swremove PHSS_22305