Patch Name: PHSS_21325 Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OV OB2.55 patch - DA packet Creation Date: 00/04/12 Post Date: 00/04/18 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20 s800: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20 Products: OmniBackII A.02.55 Filesets: OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-DA-P OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-NOV-P OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-OST-P Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Release Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_21325 Symptoms: PHSS_21325: Id = NSMex01756 Multi-volume backup made with NetWare BMA cannot be restored. Id = NSMex01793 Directory time stamps change during backup of a Netware client. Id = NSMex03278 Restore on Solaris client fails with the error message: "Got unexpected close message from Filesystem restore DA on <hostname>.". PHSS_20384: Id = HSLco17608, HSLco17609 User can obtain unauthorized access on an OmniBack II client host. Id = NSMbb21590 OmniBack reports a time-out when restoring a file with 16 or more ACL entries. Id = NSMbb21727 Append on Novell NetWare takes a lot of time. Id = NSMex02103 The file cell_server is not created after pushing the DA packet to HP-UX 10.20 client. Id = NSMex02324 Novell Netware Server abends during backup with various memory errors. Id = NSMex01537 Restore disk agent aborts with the error message: "Can not open mount table." Id = NSMex01470 Backup of open files fails on Novell. Id = NSMex01693 Restore disk agent dies on SGI system each time the restore is started. Id = NSMex01689 Media init causes ABEND on Novell systems. Id = NSMex01608 Memory allocation problems on Novell system. Id = NSMex01837 Backup of local Disk Agent on SINIX is aborted with the error message: "Can not allocate/attach shared memory (Invalid argument) => aborting." Id = NSMex01880 Directories with permission 755 are restored as 777. Id = NSMex01918 OmniStorage integration does not work with OmniStorage patch PHSS_15818 installed. Id = NSMex02079 Incremental backup of snapshot allways performs a full backup. Id = NSMex01948 Restore disk agent fails with the message "Duplicate data block number." Id = NSMex02169 Restore disk agent reports the error: "Can not find ACL list: ([0] Error 0)." Id = NSMex02224 Backup of Solaris client reports the error: "/etc/.syslog.door Object does not reside in current filesystem => not backed up." Id = NSMex02370 Modification time of Novell file changes during the backup. Id = NSMex02893 Disk agent aborts with an error on random file systems periodically: "Not a valid mount point". "Can not find ACL list: ([0] Error 0)." PHSS_16473: Id = HSLco10531 or Id = HSLco10922 A user could obtain unauthorized access on an OmniBack II client host. Id = HSLco10532 A user could gain unauthorized file access on an OmniBack II client host. PHSS_15791: Id = NSMex01138 Restore of files having a ' character in the pathname failed. Id = NSMex01142 OmniBack II restore of raw object failed with "Can not write: (Invalid argument)". Id = NSMex01247 Restore hung if the MA and DA were runing on the same machine while the hostnames for the agents were different. Id = NSMex01341 or Id = NSMex01262 Novell Netware 4.11 abended during backup of files locked by Novell, if SP5A and SP5B were installed. Id = NSMex01385 Restore failed if more than 150 files were specified. Id = NSMex01366 Backup of Novell object failed with "Cache memory allocator out of available memory." PHSS_14343: Id = NSMfc08250 OmniBack II did not backup Raw Devices properly on Digital Unix because of incorrectly determined Raw Device capacity. Id = NSMbb17288 Backup of NDS abended the server due to a lack of a stack space. Id = NSMex00850 OmniBack II Disk Agent after restore changed on the directory the space limit for the user. Id = NSMex01100 After running restore the permissions of directories in the path of any restored file changed to 777. Id = NSMex00983 Filesystem restore failed with coredump on Solaris and SunOS. Defect Description: PHSS_21325: Id = NSMex01756 Restore of a large object that spans over multiple media stops with a warning: "No more media for restore on device <Logical Device name>. Aborting running Disk Agents" Resolution: Restore media agent on Netware has been improved. Part of SSPUX255_114. Id = NSMex01793 Access time attribute of backed up directories is changed during the backup, even if the option 'do not preserve access time attributes' is unset, and there is no TOUCH statement in the datalist. Resolution: Netware disk agent attribute handling has been improved. Id = NSMex03278 Disk Agent tries to restore a file even if the file descriptor is not available yet. This causes Disk Agent to core dump. Resolution: Restore Disk Agent now checks that the file descriptor is available before restoring the file. Part of SSPUX255_152. PHSS_20384: Id = HSLco17608, HSLco17609 User can obtain unauthorized access on an OmniBack II client host. Resolution: The problem with unauthorized access has been fixed. Id = NSMbb21590 Omniback has a system-imposed limit on number of ACLs per file that is inadvertently copied from Digital UNIX definition (15) to HP-UX. The problem occurs for files with 16 ACLs. Resolution: Number of ACLs for HP-UX is now defined by using system-defined constant NACLENTRIES, which has a value of 16 on HP-UX. Id = NSMbb21727 Append to the end of media takes a long time beacuse it is jumping over the filemarks one-by-one, until the EOD is reached. Resolution: A jump over a milion filemarks is now used for posistioning to the end of data. Part of the SSP255_127. Id = NSMex02103 The file cell_server cannot be created on HP-UX 10.20 after DA packet is installed on a system with no OB2 clients installed before, due to a missing directory in the client push packet. This enables the same client to be imported into another cell, without knowing that it already belongs to one cell. Resolution: The missing directory has been added to the client push packet. Id = NSMex02324 The backup of Novell /CONFIGURATION abends with various memory errors. Resolution: Smaller amount of memory is needed for the backup of /CONFIGURATION after the design change. Id = NSMex01537 Due to automount locking os /etc/mnttab file, setmntent() fails with "Permission denied". Resolution: Time-out and retry for the setmntent() function call has been added. Id = NSMex01470 Open files cannot be backed up on Novell system, if some specific permissions have been set. Resolution: File opening changed. Id = NSMex01693 Restoring a HP-UX 10.20 filesystem backup to a SGI system fails. Resolution: vrda fixed. Part of the SSP255_96. Id = NSMex01689 After installing PHSS_15791, an attempt to initialize a medium on the Netware system causes an ABEND. Resolution: Freeing of nonallocated memory improved. Part of the SSP255_97. Id = NSMex01608 Backup fails with the following error in syslog: "Module did not release 976 resources. OMNIBACK VBDA cache memory allocator out of available memory." Resolution: Memory use is optimized for DA binaries. Part of the SSP255_105. Id = NSMex01837 Backup of local filesystem on SINIX 5.4.3. fails with the error message: "Cannot allocate/attach shared memory (Invalid argument) => aborting." Resolution: DA can attach to MA's shared memory when both processes are running on the local host. Part of the SSP255_111. Id = NSMex01880 Directories that were backed up with 755 permissions are restored with 777 permissions. Resolution: Permissions are restored correctly. Part of the SSP255_115. Id = NSMex01918 After installing OmniStorage patch PHSS_15818, NVBDA tries to close invalid file handle and therefore fails with an error: "Got unexpected close from NVBDA on <hostname>." Resolution: Closing file handles improved. Part of he SSP255_121. Id = NSMex02079 Incremental backup of JFS snapshot filesystems performs a full backup when inode changed time is modified. Resolution: Changed semantics for OB2CHECKCHANGETIME environment variable. See the Special Installation Instructions section for details. Part of the SSP255_123. Id = NSMex01948 Last block on the first tape is written again as the first block on the second tape which causes restore failure. Resolution: BMA fake writing of the last block implemented. Part of the SSP255_130. Id = NSMex02169 OmniBack II 2.55 destroys directory's AcessControlList, when the overwrite option is used. Resolution: Improved handling of ACL data blocks. Part of the SSP255_131. Id = NSMex02224 OmniBack II 2.55 can not handle door file type. Resolution: Support for door file type added for Solaris 2.6 and higher. See Special Installation Instructions for details. Id = NSMex02370 After the backup of the Novell filesystem the "Modification Time" of all files was changed by Omniback minus one hour on the Novell client. Resolution: Part of the SSP255_140. Id = NSMex02893 In some cases when machine has a lot of mount points, it can happen that the mount table is not updated fast enough. In such cases OB2 can not successfully resolve the mount point, so it fails. Resolution: Moutpoint resolving is now done on a timeout-retry basis, using newly introduced environemnt variables: OB2CHKMOUNTSLEEP = seconds OB2CHKMOUNTRETRY = nubmer od retries Part of the SSP255_149. PHSS_16473: Id = HSLco10531 or Id = HSLco10922 A user could obtain unauthorized access on an OmniBack II client host. Id = HSLco10532 A user could gain unauthorized file access on an OmniBack II client host. PHSS_15791: Id = NSMex01138 On Novell Netware it was not possible to restore files having a ' character in the pathname. Part of SSP255_31. Id = NSMex01142 Raw partitions with a block size other than multiples of 1024 bytes (for example 512 bytes) could not be restored to partitions with a block size of 1024 bytes. The restore failed with the message "Can not write: (Invalid argument)". Part of SSP255_34 Id = NSMex01247 Restore hung if the MA and DA were runing on the same machine while the hostnames for the agents were different. This has been observed in a ServiceGuard environment. Part of SSP255_49. Id = NSMex01341 or Id = NSMex01262 Novell Netware 4.11 abended during backup of files locked by Novell, if SP5A and SP5B were installed. Id = NSMex01385 Restore failed if more than 150 files were specified. The functionality of "-tree" option in /opt/omni/bin/omnir was enhanced to support input redirection: "-tree "<list_of_files"". The file "list_of_files" must be created manually on the Restore Disk Agent host. Part of SSP255_65. Id = NSMex01366 Backup of Novell object failed with "Cache memory allocator out of available memory." PHSS_14343: Id = NSMfc08250 OmniBack II did not calculate size of a Raw Device on Digital Unix properly. Part of SSP255_07. Id = NSMbb17288 Backup of NDS abended the server due to a lack of a stack space. Now the stack space is increased up to 8 MBytes. Part of SSP255_09. Id = NSMex00850 OmniBack II Disk Agent after restore changed on the directory the space limit for the user. Part of SSP255_16. Id = NSMex01100 During restore the OmniBack II changed permissions for directories to 777 if they were included in the pathname of any restored file. Part of SSP255_24. Id = NSMex00983 Filesystem restore on Solaris and SunOS failed with coredump during restore of a big sparse file if option "Restore sparse files" was used. Part of SSP255_27. SR: 1653281113 5003456988 Patch Files: /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/novell/intel/netware/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/novell/intel/netware-4/ A.02.55/packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/dec/alpha/osf1-4/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/hp-ux/A.02.55/packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/hp-ux-10/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/ibm/rs6000/aix/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sco/i386/sco_sv/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sgi/mips/irix/A.02.55/packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sgi/mips/irix-62/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/siemens/r400/sinix/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sun/sparc/solaris/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sun/sparc/sunos/A.02.55/ packet.Z /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ost/hp/s800/hp-ux-10/A.02.55/ packet.Z what(1) Output: /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/novell/intel/netware/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/novell/intel/netware-4/ A.02.55/packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/dec/alpha/osf1-4/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/hp-ux/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/hp-ux-10/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/hp-ux-1020/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/ibm/rs6000/aix/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/ibm/rs6000/aix-42/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sco/i386/sco_sv/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sgi/mips/irix/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sgi/mips/irix-62/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/siemens/r400/sinix/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sun/sparc/solaris/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sun/sparc/sunos/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ost/hp/s800/hp-ux-10/A.02.55/ packet.Z: None cksum(1) Output: 250690020 685635 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/novell/intel/ netware/A.02.55/packet.Z 2252086994 2118192 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/novell/ intel/netware-4/A.02.55/packet.Z 2741517738 1022255 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/dec/alpha/ osf1-4/A.02.55/packet.Z 417021706 1170288 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/ hp-ux/A.02.55/packet.Z 3068774965 1152963 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/ hp-ux-10/A.02.55/packet.Z 4289268906 1246685 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/hp/s800/ hp-ux-1020/A.02.55/packet.Z 1085112386 722164 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/ibm/rs6000/ aix/A.02.55/packet.Z 964228627 727879 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/ibm/rs6000/ aix-42/A.02.55/packet.Z 395659074 801459 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sco/i386/ sco_sv/A.02.55/packet.Z 1781137472 1015445 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sgi/mips/ irix/A.02.55/packet.Z 3801176466 1301421 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sgi/mips/ irix-62/A.02.55/packet.Z 641770760 1204296 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/siemens/ r400/sinix/A.02.55/packet.Z 4160138599 1320219 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sun/sparc/ solaris/A.02.55/packet.Z 1958188854 1960706 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/sun/sparc/ sunos/A.02.55/packet.Z 455966137 1238627 /opt/omni/databases/vendor/ost/hp/s800/ hp-ux-10/A.02.55/packet.Z Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_14343 PHSS_15791 PHSS_16473 PHSS_20384 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_21326: s700: 11.00 s800: 11.00 Patch Package Size: 17360 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_21325 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_21325.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_21325. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_21325.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_21325.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: PHSS_21325: NOTE! Patch has to be installed on the Cell Server host. The Disk Agent packet needs to be redistributed to the appropriate systems, where the Disk Agents are installed, from the "Cell Administration - Install" window of the OmnibackII graphical user interface before the patch modifications take effect. For distribution of the NOVELL client, refer to the OmnibackII integration guide. NOTE! Users experiencing the problem with "Stack segment overflow" on Novell Netware must copy the following modules manually after patch distribution: backup the following OmniBack II Modules: - SYS:\USR\OMNI\BIN\VBDA.BIG to SYS:\USR\OMNI\BIN\VBDA.NLM - SYS:\USR\OMNI\BIN\VRDA.BIG to SYS:\USR\OMNI\BIN\VRDA.NLM. NOTE! The behaviour of the disk agent environment variable OB2CHECKCHANGETIME has been changed in order to fix the problem NSMex02079. The default behaviour has not been changed. Here is the list of valid values: OB2CHECKCHANGETIME=[ 0 (default) | 1 | 2 ] 0: Never check ctime. 1: Default behaviour - do not check ctime for r/w FS, check for readonly FS or with "Do not preserve time attributes" selected. 2: Always check ctime. NOTE! This patch introduces support for door files on Sun Solaris 2.6 and later systems (NSMex02224). After distributing the disk agent client, some manual action be done in order for the door support to become effective. Run these commands on the Solaris 2.6 (or later) disk agent client: 1. Make sure no backup disk agent is running on the client system 2. Save original disk agent binaries and replace them by new .26 version: cd /usr/omni/bin for i in vbda vrda fsbrda; do mv $i $i.orig cp $i.26 $i done 3. The Solaris door support is now enabled. NOTE! Two new disk agent environment variables have been introduced in order to avoid problems described in NSMex02893. These variables represent timeout and number of retries for mountpoint resolving. The variables need to be set in the /opt/omni/.omnirc file on the DiskAgent host and they are: OB2CHKMOUNTRETRY=<n> OB2CHKMOUNTSLEEP=<seconds> NOTE! Be sure that no Filesystem or Raw backup or restore is running while you distribute the packet to the Disk Agent client. Patch includes the following SSP patches: SSPUX255_007 SSPUX255_009 SSPUX255_016 SSPUX255_024 SSPUX255_027 SSPUX255_031 SSPUX255_034 SSPUX255_049 SSPUX255_052 SSPUX255_065 SSPUX255_076 SSPUX255_089 SSPUX255_096 SSPUX255_097 SSPUX255_103 SSPUX255_105 SSPUX255_111 SSPUX255_114 SSPUX255_115 SSPUX255_121 SSPUX255_123 SSPUX255_127 SSPUX255_130 SSPUX255_131 SSPUX255_136 SSPUX255_140 SSPUX255_149 SSPUX255_152