Patch Name: PHSS_20476

Patch Description: s700_800 10.24 VirtualVault 3.50 TGP Patch

Creation Date: 99/11/18

Post Date:  99/12/08

Warning: 00/01/28 - This Non-Critical Warning has been issued by HP.

	- PHSS_20476 may introduce a problem with the VirtualVault
	  Trusted Gateway Proxy (TGP).  A 30 second delay may be
	  experienced when the listening endpoint is the localhost
	  and the connecting address is off the VirtualVault system.
	  When the problem occurs, messages similar to the following
	  are written to /tcb/files/tgp.log:
	    Error: Failed to get peer attributes.  error: 4 count XX
	      (where XX ranges from 1 to 31)
	- HP recommends that PHSS_20476 be removed from all
	  VirtualVault systems that are experiencing delays with the
	  TGP or observe the error messages in the tgp.log file.
	  PHSS_20476 should also be removed from all software depots
	  that may be used to install patches on these systems.
	- The problem is corrected in patch PHSS_20958, which was
	  released today.  PHSS_20958 should be installed after
	  PHSS_20476 is removed.
	- To prevent reverting back to PHSS_20476 if PHSS_20958 is
	  removed in the future, HP recommends that PHSS_20476 be
	  removed before PHSS_20958 is installed.  If you choose not to
	  remove PHSS_20476 before installing PHSS_20958, the system
	  will still function properly after PHSS_20958 is installed.

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.24
	s800: 10.24

	VirtualVault A.03.50 US/Canada Release;
	VirtualVault A.03.50 International Release


Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Superseded With Warnings

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_20476

	Programs running on the VirtualVault may be proxied by
	the TGP without having the proper access.

	There is no way to run an application server that requires
	a platform other than VVOS, including those that require
	HP-UX 11.0.  Currently there is a demand from customers
	for VirtualVault that will act as a front-end to provide
	security for such services, but the current implementation
	of the Trusted Gateway Proxy (TGP) prevents this type
	of configuration.  The TGP requires that a server be local
	to the VirtualVault.

Defect Description:
	TGP made the wrong assumptions about the sessions and
	requires more checking to validate privileges.

	The TGP does not adequately support communication between
	a secured plug-in for the Outside NES and a back end
	server on the Inside network.

	8606110533 4701417204

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		$Source: configuration.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5 $Da
			te: 99/11/16 14:14:14 $ $Revision: P
			ATCH_10.24 (PHSS_20476) $
		$Source: proxy.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5 $Date: 99/1
			1/16 14:14:14 $ $Revision: PATCH_10
			.24 (PHSS_20476) $
		$Source: security.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5 $Date: 9
			9/11/16 14:14:15 $ $Revision: PATCH_
			10.24 (PHSS_20476) $
		HP VirtualVault, tgpd, revision A.01.01
		$Source: src/lib/conf/gpent.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.
			5 $Date: 99/11/15 07:23:23 $ $Revision: 1.7
			PATCH_10.24 (PHSS_17692) $
		src/lib/conf/gpent.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5  1.7  0
		$Source: src/lib/conf/if_info.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_
			3.5 $Date: 99/11/15 07:23:23 $ $Revision: 1.
			6 PATCH_10.24 (PHSS_17692) $
		lib/libsecurity/identity.c, libsecurity_util, vvos_d
			avis, davis26 $Date: 97/10/01 15:16:15 $ $Re
			vision: 1.8 PATCH_10.24 (PHCO_11251) $
		lib/libsecurity/mandlib.c, libsecurity_macilb, vvos_
			davis, davis26 $Date: 97/10/01 15:16:16 $ $R
			evision: 1.17 PATCH_10.24 (PHCO_11251) $
		lib/libsecurity/privileges.c, libsecurity_util, vvos
			_davis, davis26 $Date: 97/10/01 15:16:17 $ $
			Revision: PATCH_10.24 (PHCO_11251)
		lib/libsecurity/authaudit.c, libsecurity_audit, vvos
			_davis, davis26 $Date: 97/10/01 15:16:11 $ $
			Revision: 1.21 PATCH_10.24 (PHCO_11251) $
		lib/libsecurity/sec_conf.c, libsecurity_util, vvos_d
			avis, davis26 $Date: 97/10/01 15:18:19 $ $Re
			vision: 1.5 PATCH_10.24 (PHCO_11251) $
		lib/libsecurity/sec_nls.c, libsecurity, vvos_davis,
			davis60 $Date: 97/10/01 16:00:20 $ $Revision
			: PATCH_10.24 (PHCO_12734) $
		Internal_Unsupported_Version libc.a_ID@@/main/r10dav
		Jul 18 1997 15:26:17
		$Source: tgp-edit.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5 $Date: 9
			9/11/16 14:14:58 $ $Revision: PATCH_
			10.24 (PHSS_20476) $
		HP VirtualVault, tgp-edit, revision A.01.00
		$Source: src/lib/conf/gpent.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.
			5 $Date: 99/11/15 07:23:23 $ $Revision: 1.7
			PATCH_10.24 (PHSS_17692) $
		src/lib/conf/gpent.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5  1.7  0
		$Source: src/lib/conf/if_info.c, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_
			3.5 $Date: 99/11/15 07:23:23 $ $Revision: 1.
			6 PATCH_10.24 (PHSS_17692) $
		src/admin/html/tgp-edit.html, vaultTGP, vaultTGP_3.5
			  1.6  03/03/99  --

cksum(1) Output:
	1070523210 533972 /tcb/lib/tgpd
	1676674989 65753 /var/opt/vaultTS/inside/vault/bin/tgp-edit
	2721264787 27159 /var/opt/vaultTS/inside/vault/loc/C/html/

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies: None

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None


Equivalent Patches: None

Patch Package Size: 680 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_20476

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_20476.depot

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_20476.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_20476.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_20476.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:
	The patch installation replaces the Trusted Gateway
	Proxy Daemon (tgad) as well the tgp-edit CGI program.
	The TGP Daemon processes may be stopped during patch