Patch Name: PHSS_20462

Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OV DM5.03 November 1999 Consolidated patch

Creation Date: 99/12/02

Post Date:  99/12/08

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.01 10.10 10.20
	s800: 10.01 10.10 10.20

	OpenView Distributed Management 5.03


Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Superseded

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_20462

	Cumulative Consolidated Patch

	4701-432336: ovlad  dumps core when an event  containing  no
		     eventTime field and with the eventInfo field as
		     an  attributeList  with  eleven  attributes  is

	NSMbg01407 : When the  database  version  of ovlad  is being
		     used,  a  change  in  the  maxlogsize  of a log
		     object results in a memory leak.

	4701-432930: ovpacgen   fails  with  the   following   error
		     message:  PACGEN:  yacc stack overflow

	4701-432948: OVA_print  does not print the OID labels,  when
		     the .per files are loaded individually.

	4701-432823: Child processes of ovlad do not die after their
		     operations are completed or even after ovstop.

	4701-432591: MOT1.11   dumps  core  when  library   libxmpV7
		     returns a MP_E_BAD_ERROR to it.

	4701-432831: The   local   environment   is   changed   when
		     mp_error_message  is  called  this  leads  to a
		     strange  behaviour  of  our   internationalized

	4701-432989: libxmpV7  does not  handle the  SIGUSR1  signal
		     appropriately.  If this signal  occurs during a
		     send() syscall the signal interrupts the send()
		     and returns with a error.

	4701-432963: The behaviour of out-going association requests
		     is  changed  in  DM5.03   affecting   the  easy
		     migration  of   applications   from  DM4.23  to

	4701-432955: PMD   dumps   core   trying   to  route  a  ALN
		     notification to the application which generated

	4701-432971: CMISE  requests in the unsent queue are dropped
		     by PMD even when it is receives a Reject on the
		     Release of that Association from the other end.

	Consolidated Patch

	4701-426098: The  man  page  of ovlad does not document the
	             role of ovetmp.

	4701-426601: When 'ovstop' is run, no ERROR/WARNING messages
	             are logged in the pmd.log file to indicate that
	             'ovstop'  was  run.  This  could  be  confusing
	             sometimes  as there can be other  ERROR/WARNING
	             messages  in  the  pmd.log   file  which  could
	             mislead someone to believe that PMD stopped due
	             to an  error  condition  and not  because  of a
	             normal shutdown.

	4701-425421: PMD dumps core if it receives an ABORT on a ACM
	             association  awaiting  confirmation  and if the
	             association  has some  requests  queued  in the
	             unsent queue.

	4701-427070: PMD dumps core trying to route notifications to
	             the back-up destination list.  This happens for
	             the same reason as  mentioned  earlier,  in the
	             SR 4701-425421.  Once  this is fixed, PMD leaks
		     memory in the same scenario.

	NSMbg00163 : When  two  EFDs  with discriminatorIds one of
	             type number with value 0 and the other of type
	             string are  created,  and  a delete request is
	             sent for  the EFD with discriminatorId of type
	             string, the  EFD  with discriminatorId of type
	             number wrongly gets deleted.

	NSMbg00188: OVA_print() prints enum values instead of enum
	            names for derived enum syntaxes.

	4701-426064: The  flatfile  version  of ovlad does not take
		     into account any changes in maxLogSize.

	4701-417287: PMD  dumps  core  when it receives an ASSOC IND
	             with a NULL (Wildcarded) calling NSAP.

	4701-417295: When  the  Agent system sends AARE(Reject), the
	             Manager sometimes  receives  ABRT.  This  is an
	             inconsistent problem  and  it happens only when
	             mp_ass_rsp() is  used  to  send  a  AARE  with

	4701-423145: When  multiple  EXTERNALS are sent as a part of
	             user-information of a AARQ PDU through RFC1006,
	             all EXTERNALS   except   the   first  EXTERNAL
	             (cmip-userinfo) are  dropped  when AARQ reaches
	             the other end.

	1653-288613: If  a  duplicate definition is found in the per
	             file, while  loading  a  per  file,  duplicate
	             definition is not notified to the user.

	4701-417451: The  MOT  manager  used  by  the customer had a
	             significant growth  in memory when the agent is
	             not running.

	4701-424028: The creation of an EFD without any destination,
	             after taking   into   account   the   default
	             destination also,  returns  an  improper  error

	4701-419671: The  database version of ovlad does not always
	             retrieve all logrecords which actually satisfy
	             the filter condition.

	4701-413930: ACSE encode  buffer is not large enough to hold
	             access control information.

	4701-413930: "pmd" logs an error  message  saying that it is
	             unable to load the ovtper persistence file.

	4701-413930: whenever there is an incoming association on an
	             RFC1006  connection  in Solaris  Machines,  the
	             connection gets established with a wrong remote
	             RFC address.

	4701-413930: The  ovlad.changedb  script doesn't migrate all
	             logs from flatfile to database.

	4701-411439 Inconsistent IMPLICIT encoding for IMPORT'ed

	Cumulative Consolidated Patch

	1653-283523: ovmdt error  reporting  is very poor. With the
	             current level   of  error  reporting,  it  is
	             difficult to figure out the error in the mib.

	1653-265553: Availability  status  value  is  not correctly
	             reflected in the create result.

	             Creating  EFDs/LOGs without starttime but with
	             stoptime, sets invalid value for the starttime

	             The   "X"   option   for  the  EVT_FWD  stack
	             documented in  the  evt_fwd  man page does not
	             work in this version.

	             The  eventstack  resets the timeout set in the
	             request by its own default value.

	             EMS  agents  does not retrieve correct objects
	             in the Service Guard environment.

	4701-404673: When  manager  bounds with reloc NSAP with CLNS
	             addressing and  initiates  an assoc request, on
	             the agent   side  the  src  address  of  assoc
	             indicate (manager   addresses)  is  still  the
	             primary NSAP of the remote node.

	4701-403543: If  the  mp_release result does not contain an
	             attribute of    type    MP_REASON   ,   then
	             mp_release_response core dumps on SEGV.

	1653-278945: If  we  give  as input to ovxomgen, a mib file
	             containing more  than  one  ASN.1 module which
	             redefine the  same  type  , the compilation of
	             marsh file gives an error.

	4701-404632: 'deathtrap', 'conftest' and 'ovela' core dump
	             due to unresolved symbols.

	Cumulative Consolidated Patch

	4701-399667: 'ovmdt' fails while running on HPUX11.x

	4701-397398: PMD  creates  only one listen endpoint, instead
	             it should  create 5 listen endpoints by default
	             or the user given value with option '-n'

	4701-398834: sgl_unmarshall_any  writes  past  buffer  when
	             SGL_BER_ENCODED string maps to a set of INTEGER
	             whose first member is 1.

	1653-265553: Availability  status  does  not  reflect  the
	             scheduler value.

	1653-271965: The   man   pages   for   OVeFilterAttr   and
	             OVeFilterString do  not  contain  Y2K relevant

	4701-398859: This SR is created for merging defects from old

	             memory  leak  in  xmp  library, while doing set
	             operations.  (  This  is  a  merge  from  5.01

	             cmip_abort  source a mandatory field is encoded
	             only   if   cmip_user_info   is   present  but
	             cmip_user_info  is an optional field. ( This is
	             a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-382507)

	             PMD  core dumps when arbitrary encoding is used
	             in  abort  argument.(user_info external) ( This
	             is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-389536)

	             Assoc  diagnostic  values  are  not  correct in
	             xmp_common.h.  Hence  getting  incorrect  diag
	             values  during  assoc reject. ( This is a merge
	             from 5.01 SR:4701-393215)

	             pmd  behaving  incorrectly  when it receives an
	             provider  assoc  reject. (This  is a merge from
	             4.21 SR:4701-386383 )

	             NNM  pmd(opi_proc) exits on recieving SIGALRM (
	             This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-390542 )

	             ems.mib  advertises intervalsOfDay, but is not
	             supported by the EMS subsystem. This defect is
	             merged from DM4.21 (SR:4000-131359)

	             Flatfile  version  of ovlad does not recognize
	             tenth of  second  in  Generalized  time string
	             attributes. This  defect is merged from DM4.21
	             (SR: 4701-396457)

	             Cancel   get   operation   does   not  return
	             CMISE-ERROR-OPERATION-CANCELLED before  Cancel
	             get confirmation.  This  defect is merged from
	             DM4.21 (SR: 1653-253500).

	             EventStack uses wrong source address and hence
	             does not  route  events. This defect is merged
	             from DM4.21 (SR: 1653-267146).

	             ovela does not display SNMP traps. This defect
	             is merged from DM4.21. (SR: 4701-381541).

	             EventStack  uses wrong EFD's for routing after
	             the platform  is  stopped  and restarted. This
	             defect is from DM5.01 (SR: 1653-255349).

	             "-h" in filespec  causes  error in ovpacgen,
	             ovgdmoparse, ovmetaload and ovxomgen. This is
	             a merge from 4.10 SR:4000-127118)

	4701-394114: aCC  C++ Compiler in HPUX generates errors when
	             including XMP and ovmd api headers.

	4701-390757: Ovela  does not handle 2 digits year properly.
	             It picks up the wrong century when two digits
	             are specified in the date.

	             Ovela  does  not  handle  the  default  dates
	             properly  if  the  start or stop years are not
	             specified by the user.

	             OVeFilterString() would fail beyond year 2000.

	             In  ACM enabled case, with full tracing on for
	             ACSE pmd dumps core.

	             Instant-on  license  for  pmd  does  not  work
	             beyond 2000.

	4701-387522: Whenver there appears comments  within OID
	             definition it gives ERROR. This has been filed
	             as SR 1653-212415 in DM4.21

	             When  the  ovpacgen  was invoked with -x option
	             the  generated  exports  file  didn't  contain
	             OM_EXPORT for OM_PKG. This has been filed as SR
	             1653-220129 in DM4.21

	             According X.208 the INTEGER type does not allow
	             a  SIZE  constraint.  This  is  well checked in
	             ovgdmoparse.  But  ovgdmoparse  does not detect
	             when a SIZE constraint for INTEGER is used with
	             'inner  subtyping'.  This  has been filed as SR
	             1653-200410 in DM4.21.

	             ovgdmoparse   rejects   all   OID   values  of
	             ccitt-recommendation  OIDs,  Whenever the third
	             element  is  specified  in  the  pure NameForm.
	             X.208  allows these identifiers to be used as a
	             Name Form, says clause C.4. This has been filed
	             as SR 1653-205195 in DM4.21.

	             ovmdt   goes   into   infinite  looping  while
	             resolving  some  DERIVED  FROM clauses. This is
	             observed  while creating a .per file from a .md
	             file.  This has been filed as SR 4000-121988 in

	             ovgdmoparse rejects some enumerated types. This
	             was identifed while resolving the ovmdt infinte
	             looping  problem.  This  has  been  filed as SR

	             Merges from 4.21 ( DFIX 6023, 6061, 6063, 6064,
	             6066  )  Merges  from  5.01 ( DFIX 7007, 7009 )
	             Other fixes done in 5.03 itself ( DFIX 9003 )

	1653-257923: Developers  Guide  refers  that  there  is  a
	             non-ISO standard conformant way of having both
	             ovead and  ovlad  to  do  the  scoping  of get
	             requests on  system  baseobject  by  suitably
	             modifying the  ovead and ovlad lrf files. When
	             scoped get  are  sent to EMS agents, with base
	             class as       system       and       the
	             systemava=systemid.ov?ad, EMS  agents sends an
	             empty reply.

	1653-257956: When   set   requests   are  sent  to  modify
	             attributes of  EFD  objects, it is not getting
	             updated in the EVENTSTACK.

	1653-255281: Customers are facing a problem where  the pmd
	             is not  detecting   the   end of  some  bound
	             processes. Because of this pmd is not forking
	             the  deathtrap  process  and hence leaves the
	             local EFDs uncleaned.

	4701-382473: The  customers  ran  in  to  a  situation where
	             pm_ipc_write()  from  inside  API  stack failed
	             returing   errno   ECHILD.   pm_ipc_write   is
	             basically  calling  send()  system call. So the
	             problem  is,  how  can  send system call return
	             ECHILD,  as  ECHILD is returned when you try to
	             wait  for a child process that doesn't exist or
	             has exited.

	4000-135715: pmd is not forwarding the ACSE service provider
	             abort  to  the  user  application. The provider
	             abort gets dropped inside XMPV7 stack

Defect Description:
	Cumulative Consolidated Patch

	Cumulative Consolidated Patch

	4701-432336:  When an event  containing  no eventTime  field
		    and with the eventInfo field as an attributeList
		    with eleven  attributes  is sent, ovlad tries to
		    decode it  incorrectly  and  hence  dumps  core.
		    This is merge from DFIX 6076 from DM4.23.

	Resolution :
	             The resolution is HP proprietary.

	NSMbg01407 : When the  maxlogsize of a log is to be changed,
		     a copy of the log  structure is made before the
		     size is changed.  The memory allocated for this
		     is not freed.

	Resolution :
	             The  memory  which  is  allocated   is  freed

	4701-432930: The stack used by yacc is allocated for a fixed
		     size determined by the YYSTACKSIZE  macro.  The
		     default  value for this macro is 500 for byacc.
		     We  can  change  this  macro  value  in  the  C
		     definitions section of the yacc source.

	Resolution :
	             The  default  value of the yacc  stack  size is
		     increased to 5000.

	4701-432948: ova  libary  does not  update  the  hash  table
		     entries for the registration  oids when the per
		     files  are  loaded  separately.  In the  normal
		     case, the labels  corresponding to the OIDs are
		     printed  as   comments,   after  the  OIDs  are
		     printed,  during  OVA_print.  These  labels are
		     not being printed when the per files are loaded

	            The resolution is HP proprietary.

	4701-432823: When a number  of ovlad  child  processes  have
		     been forked  off, after  their  operations  are
		     either  completed  or  cancelled,  they  do not
	             The resolution is HP proprietary.

	4701-432591: The  MOT1.11   considers  the  returned   error
		     MP_E_BAD_ERROR  as fatal  and  call the  system
		     abort.  As  the  library   libxmpV7   does  not
		     recognize  the   MP_E_MULTIPLE_REPLY_ERROR.  it
		     returns MP_E_BAD_ERROR to MOT.
	             Changes are made to libxmpV7  library to handle

	4701-432831: The   local   environment   is   changed   when
		     mp_error_message  is  called  this  leads  to a
		     strange  behaviour  of  our   internationalized
	            The   local   environment   is   STORED   when
		    mp_error_message  is called and is  replaced  at
		    the end of the call.

	4701-432989: libxmpV7  does not  handle the  SIGUSR1  signal
		     appropriately.  If this signal  occurs during a
		     send() syscall the signal interrupts the send()
		     and returns with a error.
	            The send() call tries sending the data again if
	            it fails because of EINTR.

	4701-432963: In DM5.03, the out-going  association  requests
		     are sent on a local NULL NSAP  allowing the OTS
		     to do the  routing as compared to DM4.23  where
		     the out-going associations are tried on all the
		     configured local NSAPS.
	             DM4.23's  behaviour is  incorporated  in DM5.03
		     also.  This behaviour can be achieved in DM5.03
		     by using the CMIP stack option "e" at start-up.

	4701-432955: when an application which has created an EFD to
		     route events to itself gets killed, then an ALN
		     notification   is   generated.  PMD   tries  to
		     forward   this   event   to   already   unbound
		     application.  This  fails and  causes  multiple
		     unbinds  of the  same  application  within  PMD
		     causing it to dump core.
	             This problem has been fixed by disallowing  the
		     routing of events to the application generating

	4701-432971: An Agent  application  initiates the Release of
		     the  association  and then waits for the Token.
		     At that time, it receives  some CMISE  requests
		     which  it  processes  and  tries  to  send  the
		     responses.  These  responses  don't  reach  the
		     Manager  even  after the  Manager  rejects  the
		     Association Release.

	             This has been fixed by  processing  the pending
		     requests/responses in PMD.

	Consolidated Patch

	4701-426098: The  directories  ovelog and ovetmp, which are
	             the flatfile  log  repository  and  scratchpad
	             respectively, are  not documented in the ovlad
	             man page.
		     The  documentation about ovetmp and ovelog are
	             added to the ovlad man page.

	4701-426601: No  ERROR/WARNING   messages  are  logged  into
	             pmd.log  file  when  'ovstop'  is  run  as  the
	             message  'PMD exiting  normally' is  logged  as
	             INFORM and not as a  ERROR/WARNING.
		     Changes  are  made  to  log  the  message  'PMD
	             exiting normally' as a WARNING.

	4701-425421: PMD dumps core for the following  reason - When
	             an  ABORT  is  received  on a  ACM  association
	             awaiting  confirmation,  then, the sent and the
	             unsent queues of the CCE are cleaned.  The sent
	             queue is cleaned before the unsent queue.  When
	             the  sent  queue is being  cleaned,  the  ASSOC
	             request  which is on the sent  queue of the CCE
	             gets  cleaned  and in  this  process,  the  CCE
	             representing the association gets freed.  After
	             clearing the sent queue, the CCE  elements  are
	             accessed  again to clean the  unsent  queue and
	             since the CCE is already freed, PMD dumps core.
		     The unsent  queue is  cleaned  before  the sent

	4701-427070: PMD leaks memory for the following  reason - If
	             there are any confirmed events on the CCE, then
	             PMD   routes   the   events   to  the   back-up
	             destination by initiating an  association.  But
	             when a response  is  received  for this  ASSOC,
	             then  PMD  fails to find CCE  corresponding  to
	             this Association.  This happens because the Old
	             CCE which is in the process of being cleaned is
	             over-written by the new CCE address in the Hash
	             Table when an "add_hash" is done.
		     In  "cmip_assoc_req"  function,  as  soon as an
	             end-point is created, a check is done to ensure
	             that  another  cce  with  the  same fd  doesn't
	             exist.  If it does, then another  end-point  is
	             created, and then the old end-point is closed.

	NSMbg00163 : If  the  EFD  being  compared  is  having  a
	             discriminatorId of   type  number,  then  the
	             string discriminatorId   of  the  EFD  to  be
	             deleted is converted to an integer using atol.
	             This returns   0   and   so   the   EFD  with
	             discriminatorId of  type  number  with value 0
	             wrongly gets deleted.
		     The conversion  of the string to integer using
	             atol is  avoided  and  a  string comparison is
	             used instead.

	NSMbg00188: Whenever the input mib  contains  derived  enum
		    types the OVA_print  routine does not print the
		    enum names if the  defintions  use the  derived
		    enum type.  Instead the enum value in  printed.
	           The  OVAM_description   routine  in  dtd.c  is
		   modified to recognise  'ENUMERATED'  type as one
		   of the basic  types.  Also _print entry point in
		   enum.c is  modified  to get the base enum type (
		   and it's  corresponding enum name list ) in case
		   of derived enum types.

	4701-426064: The  flatfile version of ovlad does not change
		     its maximum logging size even if a request for
	             the same is sent to it.
		     The resolution is HP confidential.

	4701-417287: PMD dumps core in case of an incoming ASSOC IND
	             with a NULL calling NSAP as PMD tries to access
	             the elements  of the structure 'rem_paddr.nsap'
	             using a  pointer  to  this  structure, which in
	             this case would be a NULL pointer.
	             Before   accessing   the   elements   of   the
	             'rem_paddr.nsap'  structure, a check is made to
	             ensure that a NULL pointer is not dereferenced.

	4701-417295: When    an   AARE(Reject)   is   sent   using
	             mp_ass_rsp(), the mp_assoc_rsp() function first
	             sends out  the  AARE(Reject)  on  the  Control
	             session and  then  immediately  sends  out  an
	             Unbind request   on  the  Partially  Connected
	             session. On  the PMD side, since pmd is waiting
	             on a  select loop, sometimes the Unbind request
	             reaches PMD  before  the AARE(Reject). Once the
	             PMD receives  the  Unbind request, it initiates
	             an ABRT on all the associations associated with
	             that session  and  because  of  this the remote
	             peer (Manager)  receives  an ABRT instead of an
	             ASSOC Response.
	             In  the  ACSE stack, if an unbind request comes
	             on  a Partially Connected Session when the peer
	             CCE state is CCE_WAIT_ASS_RSP, then ABRT is not
	             initiated by PMD.

	4701-423145: When a AARQ PDU with the destination address of
	             17 bytes  (rfc1277  format) is sent, the PDU is
	             not directly  sent  over  rfc1006.  It is first
	             sent over  the interface specified first in the
	             local_p_addr file  and  if it fails, it is sent
	             over rfc1006.  But,  the  PDU  constructed  is
	             deleted once   it   is  sent  over  the  first
	             interface (CLNS)  itself.  So,  when the PDU is
	             reconstructed to   be  sent  over  the  second
	             interface (rfc1006), the default cmip user-info
	             is the only EXTERNAL sent as a part of the AARQ
	             PDU.  Though  this  problem  was reported on DM
	             running  on  a non-OSI/OTS stack which supports
	             17-bytes  rfc1006  address, this may occur on a
	             OSI/OTS  pmd  with  more  than one presentation
	             The PDU pointer is deleted only after getting a
	             confirmation i.e. AARE PDU.

	1653-288613: While  loading  a  per  file, ova_metadata load
	             ignores the second definition, assuming that it
	             has already taken the definition into account.
	             Warning   is  generated  when  ever  a  second
	             definition  is encountered. This feature can be
	             turned  on  by setting the environment variable

	4701-417451: When  receiving a communications error, the MOT
	             manager grows   by   198   bytes   for   each
	             communications error    received.   This   is
	             detectable by  running  the  password  example
	             When ever the communication error occurs remove
	             the  Operation  cell on which the communication
	             error  occurs.  This  ensures  that there is no
	             memory leak for that operation cell.

	4701-424028: When  the  create  request  for an EFD does not
	             contain any destination attribute, and none can
	             be taken  as default, it returns the error code
	             noSuchAttribute instead   of  the  error  code

	             The definition for missingAttributeValue is not
	             present in the ems mib.
	             The   return   error  code  was  changed  from
	             noSuchAttribute  to  missingAttributeValue  and
	             the  definition  for  missingAttributeValue  is
	             added to the ems mib.

	4701-419671: During  a  retrieval  of  log records in a log
	             using database  version  of ovlad, log records
	             which pass  the filter but whose log record id
	             is one  number  less than a multiple of 25 are
	             not always retrieved.
	             The resolution is HP proprietary.

	4701-413930: When  the  access  control  information  is too
	             large in an AARQ pdu, the association  fails to
	             be established and an abort is initiated.
	             The encode buffer size was  increased to handle
	             large access control information.

	4701-413930: When "ovtper" file is absent under the $OV_CONF
	             path,  "pmd"  cannot  update  the   persistence
	             information available in the "ovtper" file.
	             The "ovtper" file is copied under $OV_CONF path
	             if it is missing.

	4701-413930: An RFC connection  between two Solaris Machines
	             gets formed with a wrong remote address because
	             of bad  conversion  of the  RFC  address  to IP
	             The bad  conversion  of the RFC  Address  to IP
	             address was because of  improrer  type-casting.
	             This is corrected.

	4701-413930: The  ovlad.changedb   script  is  not  able  to
	             migrate the flatfile  logs with names  starting
	             from a letter.
	             ovlad.changedb  script was  modified  to change
	             all logs from flatfile to database system.

	4701-411439 Encoding and Decoding of the imported type gets
	            affected whenver the tag is associated with
	            that type. The tagging information is not
	            consistent when the type is imported from a mib
	            which is in local file and when it is imported
	            from the other.

	Resolution: Resolution is HP Proprietary.

	Consolidated Patch

	1653-283523: ovmdt is  not  printing out the object name it
	             is looking for while trying to create the .per

	1653-265553: The  value  of  availability  status  remains
	             always ON_DUTY  in the create result even when
	             the time  of  creation  is  not in between the
	             time specified for object to be available.

	             When   the   EFDs/LOGs  are  created  without
	             starttime but  with  stoptime  specified,  the
	             default value  of  the  start  time  is always
	             specified as 19600807233500.

	             The  "X"  option for the EVT_FWD stack was not
	             supported on  5.03  even  though  the man page
	             specifies that this option is available.

	             The  eventstack  resets the timeout set in the
	             request to  the  stacks default value, when it
	             should use the value specified in the request.

	             EMS  agents  does not retrieve correct objects
	             in the  Service  Guard  environment,  when the
	             scoped get  request  is  sent  with the system
	             class and  the  instance information being one
	             of the other nodes in the cluster.

	4701-404673: When  sending  out  an assoc request, creates a
	             new endpoint.  In  case of CLNS subnet type the
	             nsap is  made  null  and  then  endpoints  are
	             created, hence the src addresses for this assoc
	             request will  always  be  chosen as the primary
	             nsap by ots.

	4701-403543: mp_release_response  tries  to  access  a NULL

	1653-278945: The xom suffixes are not generated properly.

	4701-404632: The executables 'deathtrap' and 'conftest' give
	             unresolved symbol "__nw__FUi" and 'ovela' gives
	             the unresolved  symbol  "XtAppAddActions"  when
	             the  NNM   consolidated   Patch  PHSS_16089  is
	             installed.   This   is   because   the   symbol
	             "__nw__FUi"  is  removed  from  libov  and  the
	             symbol   "XtAppAddActions"   is  removed   from

	Consolidated Patch

	4701-399667: 'ovmdt' executable fails on HPUX 11.X and this
	             is  because  it  internally  calls  a  script
	             /opt/OV/bin/ovmdprep and this script doesn't
	             take care of HPUX 11.X Platform.

	4701-397398: Addresses  provided  in  local_p_addr  file are
	             then loaded  into list maintained internally by
	             pmd, and then while creating end points for all
	             these address it just creates one end point for
	             each address  and  the  number of end points is
	             not kept  in  mind.  Hence pmd creates only one
	             end point.

	4701-398834: In  the  un_marshall of any structure, it looks
	             for sequence  tag  if  it  is  present, but the
	             condition which  checks  for sequence tag gives
	             positive result even if the tag value is not of
	             type sequence  tag.  Which  results  in  decode

	1653-265553: Availability status value does not change from
	             OFF_DUTY to ON_DUTY when the time for which it
	             should be  available  is reached. This happens
	             when weekly scheduling attributes are present.

	1653-271965: The  description  for the time string does not
	             specify that the year component is actually an
	             offset from the year 1900.

	4701-398859: This SR is created for merging defects from old

	             When  xmp receives data from ipc it creates and
	             allocates  a  set of descriptors and copies the
	             data received from ipc on these descriptors and
	             passes    the    pointer    to   the   user's
	             argument(mp_receive).       But       when
	             CAE_MODIFICATION_LIST  feature  is  negotiated,
	             while  handling  the  CMIP_SET_ARGUMENT  in set
	             indicate   uses   an   intermediate   set   of
	             descriptors and misses to free it out, which is
	             causing leaks.  (  This is a merge from   5.01
	             SR:4701-386805 )

	             cmip_abort  source a mandatory field is encoded
	             only   if   cmip_user_info   is   present  but
	             cmip_user_info is an optional field. ( This is
	             a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-382507 )

	             Arbitrary   encoding   has   value   of   type
	             BIT_STRING. The external data structure doesn't
	             have  a  bitstring  data  type  in  it. But has
	             individual  fields  of bitsstring, which can be
	             used for all types of encoding. When you try to
	             encode  this  arbitrary encoding need to pass a
	             bitstring parameter, instead function is called
	             with  integer  argument  which  causes the core
	             dump.   ( This  is   a   merge  from   5.01
	             SR:4701-389536 )

	             xmp_common.h   has   wrong   values  for  four
	             diagnostic  codes
	             compared with the ACSE standards. (This is a
	             merge from 5.01 SR:4701-393215 )

	             When  pmd  receives  a  provider  assoc  reject
	             either  it is PERM or TRANS it handles as if it
	             unknown result. ( This  is  a  merge from 4.21
	             SR:4701-386383 )

	             DM  PMD  uses SIGALRM for checking license, and
	             hence  initiates  SIGALRM at time intervals and
	             it  has  a  proper handler for SIGALRM. NNM pmd
	             does  not  have any special handler for SIGALRM
	             and  uses  default  handler  which  initates  a
	             shutdown  on  SIGALRM.  Hence NNM pmd(opi_proc)
	             exits on SIGALRM. ( This is a merge from 5.01
	             SR:4701-390542 )

	             Daily  scheduling  is not supported by the EMS
	             subsystem, but the daily scheduling attributes
	             are provided  in  the  ems.mib. This defect is
	             merged from DM4.21 (SR:4000-131359).

	             Flatfile  version  of ovlad stores Generalised
	             Time string  attribute  Values  as  character
	             strings. When  GET  requests are sent to ovlad
	             with additional   tenth   of  a  second,  the
	             substring comparison  fails and hence fails to
	             retrieve any  log  records.  This  defect  is
	             merged from DM4.21 (SR: 4701-396457).

	             ovlad  forks  off  a child for each of the get
	             requests. When  cancel  get requests are sent,
	             the parent  ovlad searches for the request for
	             which the  cancel  get  has  been sent. If the
	             search succeeds,  it  sends  a  signal  to the
	             child to  set  a  cancel get flag to true. The
	             parent then  immediately  sends  a  cancel get
	             confirmation. The  child  ovlad,  on the other
	             hand completes  the  processing  of  the  log
	             record before        sending        the
	             CMISE-ERROR-OPERATION-CANCELLED reply and thus
	             the manager receives a cancel get confirmation
	             before getting CMISE-ERROR-OPERATION-CANCELLED
	             reply. This  defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR:

	             EventStack  uses  the  source address from the
	             request if  it  arrives from another agent. If
	             there are    EFD's    on   this   node   for
	             discrimination, and  if  the  event passes the
	             filter, it  uses  the  source address from the
	             arrived request  before sending it to the next
	             manager and  hence would receive an error from
	             the ACSE   indicating   a   incorrect  source
	             address. This  defect  is  merged  from DM4.21
	             (SR: 1653-267146).

	             Changes  were  done  in  ovlad to convert SNMP
	             trap attributes as hpEventInfo. But no changes
	             were done  to  ovela  which fails to recognize
	             the new  format and hence fails to process and
	             display them.  This  defect  is  merged  from
	             DM4.21 (SR:4701-381541)

	             When  the  platform  is stopped and restarted,
	             the local  hpEFD's  created before platform is
	             stopped is  read by EventStack and is used for
	             routing purpose,  although  the  event  agent
	             which comes up later, deletes it when it comes
	             up. This   defect   is   merged  from  DM5.01

	             Whenever  a input  file  (*.mib  or *.md) is
	             specified   with  the  path   (absolute   or
	             relative)  which  has "-h"  string  then the
	             execution  of  scripts   breaks  giving  the
	             "Usage" information. This  defect  is merged
	             from DM4.10 (SR:4000-127118).

	4701-394114: This is a product enhancement. Header files are
	             now modified to enable aCC compilation.

	4701-390757: When   2  digit  years  were  entered,  ovela
	             converts it  into  4 digits. It didnot add the
	             proper century  to  the two digit year instead
	             by default  it  would  set  it  to the current
	             century to the which the system date is set.

	             If the start/end year is not specified, ovela
	             defaults to the complete year rather than
	             the offset from 1900 since the default start
	             and end years were not specified properly.

	             OVeFilterString()  would  not work beyond year
	             2000,  since it checked for valid offset range
	             of 0-99 from year 1900 only.

	             PMD   tries   to   log  message  "Association
	             Initiated  By  Architecture"  with assoc id as
	             parameter,   even  before  the  assoc  id  is
	             allocated. This caused the core dump.

	             Instant-on   licensing   strings   were  only
	             hardcoded till year 1999.

	4701-387522: The  parsing  of  the "comments" within the OID
	             defintion  was  not  proper.  This was fixed by
	             proper parsing the "\n" and then "--". This has
	             been filed as SR 1653-212415 in DM4.21

	             This problem was not there in earlier versions.
	             This  was because of some old fix. Now this was
	             accordingly  modified to generate the OM_EXPORT
	             for  the  OM_PKG  mentioned within the template
	             file.  This  was  found in gdmo2pac executable.
	             This  has  been  filed  as  SR  1653-220129  in

	             The problem occurs because ovgdmoparse does not
	             validate  the  semantics  of the subtyping used
	             with the component.

	             The ovgdmoparse parses and checks the semantics
	             as  successful  when  a  SIZE  constraint  for
	             INTEGER  is  used  with  "inner subtyping". The
	             requirement  is  this  has  to  be flagged as a
	             ERROR. This has been filed as SR 1653-200410 in

	             ovgdmoparse  does  not  accept  the NameForm of
	             some CCITT Object Identifiers and reports these
	             as undefined local references.

	             The  arcs below "recommendation" have the value
	             1  to  26  with  assigned identfiers of a to z.
	             Arcs  below  these  have  the  numbers of CCITT
	             Recommendations in the series identified by the
	             letter.  Arcs  below  this  are  determined  as
	             necessary  by  the  CCITT  Recommendation.  The
	             identfiers  a to z may be used as a "NameForm".
	             This  has  been  filed  as  SR  1653-205195  in

	             ovmdt   goes   into   infinite  looping  while
	             resolving  the  DERIVED  FROM clauses. This was
	             because of some bad initialization of variables
	             during  runtime.  This  has  been  filed  as SR
	             4000-121988 in DM4.21.

	             ovgdmoparse rejects some enumerated types. This
	             was observed whenever there are some references
	             to enumerated type from structured CHOICE type.
	             This has been filed as SR 1653-251348 in DM4.21

	             Making  the DM5.03 upto date with 4.21 and 5.01
	             and some fixes done for 5.03 itself. This SR is
	             dummy  SR  for creating this patch and contains
	             fixes for following SR

	1653-257923: The base object instance from the GET requests
	             are compared  with  the  EFD's  present in the
	             global list for an exact match. Since the base
	             object instance   in   the   GET  request  is
	             different from the base object instance of the
	             EFD present  in  the  Global  list,  the match
	             fails and hence the operation returns an empty

	1653-257956: ovead   sends   an  resynch  notification  to
	             EVENTSTACK before   updating  the  per  file.
	             Therefore, the EVENTSTACK reads the un-updated
	             per file  and  hence  does not get the updated

	1653-255281: When  a process forks and execs another process
	             the  set  of open fds of parent process is also
	             open  for  the  exec'd  process.  Hence even if
	             parent  process dies the fds will not be closed
	             by  the  system  as  exec'd  process still sees
	             them. In customers case this is what is causing
	             the  problem.  The DM application after binding
	             with  DM  forks  and  execs  other process. The
	             exec'd process now sees all the end points that
	             parent  process has opened with DM. So when the
	             parent process dies DM is not able to sense the
	             death as the fds are not closed by the kernel.

	4701-382473: pmd's signal handler doesn't bother to save the
	             errno  number  and  restore  it  back once it's
	             done.  Because  of  which the problem occurs in
	             the following sequence.

	             * pmd forks and execs deathtrap
	             * pmd calls send system call to send some data.
	             * In the meanwhile deathtrap exits and hence
	               SIGCHLD is sent to pmd.
	             * pmd's signal handler gets called once send
	               system call comes out.
	            * from inside signal handler waitpid() is called
	              which returns ECHILD overwritting errno set by
	             * send system call's error checking goes wrong
	               as errno is what returned by waitpid and not
	               by send.

	4000-135715: The  problem  occurs when Acse Service Provider
	             Abort  indication  comes. Acording to standards
	             the  provider  abort  has an optional attribute
	             called   provider   reason.   Since  the  only
	             attribute  is  optional,  it  can  have  a zero
	             length pdu. But independent of what is received
	             from  the OSI, DM (cmip stack) always truncates
	             the  provider  abort  pdu  to  zero  length. So
	             eventually  it  gets  dropped in XMPV7 stack as
	             the  problem  (inability  to handle zero length
	             abort  pdu) resides in XMPV7 stack. The problem
	             will   not   happen  when  normal  user  abort
	             indication  comes, as the user abort can't be a
	             zero  length  pdu.  It  should  have  the abort
	             source   attribute   (as   that  attribute  is

	4701432831 4701432930 4701432336 4701432823 4701432591
	4701432971 4701432963 4701432955 4701432948 4701432989
	4701426098 4701426601 4701427070 4701425421 4701426064
	4701419671 4701417287 4701417295 4701423145 1653288613
	4701417451 4701424028 4701413930 4701411439 1653283523
	4701403543 1653278945 1653265553 4701404673 4701398859
	4701399667 1653271965 4701398834 4701397398 4701387522
	1653257923 1653257956 4701390757 4000123123 4701394114

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199
		PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998
		HP OpenView Event Log Agent (ODBC Based) DM Release
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9027: acse_util.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017 acse_util.c  18Jun1999
		DFIX9012 acse_util.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: acse_assoc.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9027: acse_bind.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9015 acse_bind.c 15Apr1999
		DFIX9027: acse_mgr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: om_opi_stack.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9022: om_opi_stack.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9027: om_action_request.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: om_create_request.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9002: om_set_request.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9010: stx_check_obj.c  12Nov1998
		DFIX9003: stx_check_obj.c  24apr1998
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9029: om_process_attributeList.c Nov191999
		DFIX9015: om_process_attributeList.c 26Apr1999
		DFIX9010: om_process_attributeList.c 12Nov1998
		DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998
		DFIX9027: leh_reconf.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017: leh_reconf.c 20Jul1999
		DFIX9025 leh_log.c 15Nov1999
		DFIX9019: opi_sock.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock_util.c 25Aug99
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9012 pm_indicate.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: pm_init.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_17424, 990118
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_18957, DM5.03 Consolidated patch July1999
		PATCH PHSS_20462, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1999
		DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: inetaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: localaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: paddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: aconnect.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9025 maxsize.c  15Nov 1999
		PATCH PHSS_17905, 990311
		DFIX9013 rdbsql.c  11Mar1999
		DFIX9025 dbinsert.c 19Nov1999
		PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199
		PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998
		HP OpenView Event Log Agent (Flat File Based) DM Rel
			ease A.05.03
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9027: acse_util.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017 acse_util.c  18Jun1999
		DFIX9012 acse_util.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: acse_assoc.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9027: acse_bind.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9015 acse_bind.c 15Apr1999
		DFIX9027: acse_mgr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: om_opi_stack.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9022: om_opi_stack.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9027: om_action_request.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: om_create_request.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9002: om_set_request.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9010: stx_check_obj.c  12Nov1998
		DFIX9003: stx_check_obj.c  24apr1998
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9029: om_process_attributeList.c Nov191999
		DFIX9015: om_process_attributeList.c 26Apr1999
		DFIX9010: om_process_attributeList.c 12Nov1998
		DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998
		DFIX9027: leh_reconf.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017: leh_reconf.c 20Jul1999
		DFIX9025 leh_log.c 15Nov1999
		DFIX9019: opi_sock.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock_util.c 25Aug99
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9012 pm_indicate.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: pm_init.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_17424, 990118
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_18957, DM5.03 Consolidated patch July1999
		PATCH PHSS_20462, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1999
		DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: inetaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: localaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: paddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: connect.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: create_log.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9016 create_log.c 19May99
		DFIX9027: create_rec.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9016 create_rec.c 19May99
		PATCH PHSS_18618, 990518
		DFIX9016 status.c 19May99
		DFIX9027: connect.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: create_log.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9016 create_log.c 19May99
		DFIX9027: create_rec.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9016 create_rec.c 19May99
		PATCH PHSS_18618, 990518
		DFIX9016 status.c 19May99
		DFIX9027: aconnect.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_17905, 990311
		DFIX9013 rdbsql.c  11Mar1999
		DFIX9025 dbinsert.c 19Nov1999
		DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998
		DFIX9004: ela_util.C 15May1998
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_16654, 981013
		Event Log Administrator ver 4.1, (c) Hewlett-Packard
		DFIX9004: filters.C 15May1998
		OSF/Motif Version 1.2.5
		DM 5.03 FULL pmd Nov 19 1999 10:21:21
		Server A.05.03 MR
		PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199
		PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998
		HP OpenView PostMaster DM Release A.05.03
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9027: acse_util.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017 acse_util.c  18Jun1999
		DFIX9012 acse_util.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: acse_assoc.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9027: acse_bind.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9015 acse_bind.c 15Apr1999
		DFIX9027: acse_mgr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9028 cmip.c 19Nov1999
		DFIX9006 cmip.c 23Jul1998
		PATCH PHSS_17456, 990122
		DFIX9015 cmip_utils.c  15Apr1999
		DFIX9012 cmip_utils.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9028 cmip_ass.c  19Nov1999
		DFIX9027 cmip_ass.c  16Nov1999
		DFIX9017 cmip_ass.c  18Jun1999
		DFIX9015 cmip_ass.c  15Apr1999
		DFIX9012 cmip_ass.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9009 cmip_ass.c  12Nov1998
		OTS: C.05.02
		al_rcv.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_11875/PHNE_11876)
		al_utl.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_6722/PHNE_6723)
		al_atos.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_11875/PHNE_11876)
		al_ptrace.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_8825/PHNE_8826)
		OTS: C.05.02
		ro_func.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_6722/PHNE_6723)
		ro_encode.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_6722/PHNE_6723)
		ro_util.c PATCH C.05.02 (PHNE_8825/PHNE_8826)
		DFIX9010: evt_fwd.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9010: evt_fwd_req.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9028 xmpv7_close.c 19Nov1999
		DFIX9019: opi_sock.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock_util.c 25Aug99
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9017: eventstk_reconfig.c 18Jun1999
		DFIX9012 pm_indicate.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: pm_init.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_17424, 990118
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_18957, DM5.03 Consolidated patch July1999
		PATCH PHSS_20462, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1999
		DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9018: pm_license.c 28June1999
		DFIX9004: pm_license.c 12May1998
		DFIX9027: inetaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: localaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: paddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998
		DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998
		HP OpenView XMP Package Generation Utility DM Releas
			e A.05.03
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 2
			5 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617
		DFIX9005: x_comp_cla.c 17Jun1998
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9024: x_comp.yacc 12Nov1999
		DFIX9011: dec_fcts.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9011: enc_obj.c 04Jan1999
		PATCH PHSS_17290, 990104
		DFIX9011: dec_assAtt.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9027: create_paddr.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		$ PF3KDM JAN 98 $
		HP OpenView local_p_addr creation utility DM Release
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9020: gdmoout.c 13Aug1999
		DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		DFIX9020: main.c 13Aug1999
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9020: asn1out.c 13Aug1999
		DFIX9011: asn1out.c 04Jan1999
		PATCH PHSS_17290, 990104
		DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_16654, 981013
		HP OpenView Deathtrap, EFD cleanup agent DM Release
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		$Revision: /main/DM4.2PLUS/DM5.03/1 $
		$Revision: /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/DM5.0/DM5.03/1 $
		DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9020: asn1out.c 13Aug1999
		DFIX9020: gdmoout.c 13Aug1999
		PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199
		PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998
		HP OpenView Event Agent DM Release A.05.03
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9027: acse_util.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017 acse_util.c  18Jun1999
		DFIX9012 acse_util.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: acse_assoc.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9027: acse_bind.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9015 acse_bind.c 15Apr1999
		DFIX9027: acse_mgr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock_util.c 25Aug99
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9027: om_opi_stack.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9022: om_opi_stack.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9027: om_action_request.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: om_create_request.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9002: om_set_request.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9010: stx_check_obj.c  12Nov1998
		DFIX9003: stx_check_obj.c  24apr1998
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9029: om_process_attributeList.c Nov191999
		DFIX9015: om_process_attributeList.c 26Apr1999
		DFIX9010: om_process_attributeList.c 12Nov1998
		DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998
		DFIX9012 pm_indicate.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: pm_init.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_17424, 990118
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_18957, DM5.03 Consolidated patch July1999
		PATCH PHSS_20462, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1999
		DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: inetaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: localaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: paddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: overeg.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9027: ovedreg.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9010: asn1enter.c 13Nov98
		DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9020: asn1out.c 13Aug1999
		DFIX9020: gdmoout.c 13Aug1999
		DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998
		DFIX9026: mp_error_m.c 11Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9015: mp_receive.c 26Apr99
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		DFIX9019: cii_ent.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9011: dec_fcts.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9011: enc_obj.c 04Jan1999
		PATCH PHSS_17290, 990104
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9011: dec_assAtt.c 04Jan1999
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9024: x_comp.yacc 12Nov1999
		PATCH PHSS_16654, 981013
		HP OpenView License Manager NNM Release B.05.01
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x
		Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Hewlett-Packard Co.,  All Ri
			ghts Reserved.
		iFOR/LS Library Version 2.0.1 (GR1.3.2) HP-UX
		HP OpenView ov library NNM Release B.05.01
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x
		Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Hewlett-Packard Co.,  All Ri
			ghts Reserved.
		PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617
		DFIX9005: codegen.c 17Jun1998
		DFIX9010: marshall.c 12Nov98
		HP OpenView XOM Code Generator DM Release A.05.03
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		$Revision: /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/DM5.03/1 $
		DFIX9027: demo.C 16Nov99
		DIFX9017: dtd.c 22 June 1999
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9023: dict.c 12Nov1999
		DFIX9015: dict.c 22Apr1999
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9019: ber.c 10Sept1999
		DFIX9017 enum.c 22 June 1999
		libXOM 1.9 (BULL S.A) 7/1/92
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		DFIX9019: cii_ent.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9021: ch_get_rsp.c 20Sep99
		DFIX9026: mp_error_m.c 11Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9015: mp_receive.c 26Apr99
		DFIX9010: mp_rel_req.c 12Nov98
		DFIX9010: mp_rel_rsp.c 12Nov98
		DFIX9011: dec_assAtt.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9011: dec_fcts.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9011: enc_obj.c 04Jan1999
		PATCH PHSS_17290, 990104
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9024: x_comp.yacc 12Nov1999
		PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617
		DFIX9005: x_comp_cla.c 17Jun1998
		DFIX9027: iso_reg.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9027: iso_dreg.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: smf_defilt.c 12May1998
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DIFX9017: dtd.c 22 June 1999
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9019: ber.c 10Sept1999
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9023: dict.c 12Nov1999
		DFIX9015: dict.c 22Apr1999
		DFIX9017 enum.c 22 June 1999
		DIFX9017: dtd.c 22 June 1999
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9019: ber.c 10Sept1999
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9023: dict.c 12Nov1999
		DFIX9015: dict.c 22Apr1999
		DFIX9017 enum.c 22 June 1999
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		DFIX9019: cii_ent.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9021: ch_get_rsp.c 20Sep99
		DFIX9026: mp_error_m.c 11Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9015: mp_receive.c 26Apr99
		DFIX9010: mp_rel_req.c 12Nov98
		DFIX9010: mp_rel_rsp.c 12Nov98
		DFIX9011: dec_assAtt.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9011: dec_fcts.c 04Jan1999
		DFIX9011: enc_obj.c 04Jan1999
		PATCH PHSS_17290, 990104
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9024: x_comp.yacc 12Nov1999
		PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617
		DFIX9005: x_comp_cla.c 17Jun1998
		libXOM 1.9 (BULL S.A) 7/1/92
		DFIX9027: iso_reg.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		DFIX9027: iso_dreg.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: smf_defilt.c 12May1998
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9019: bmp.c  25aug99
		DFIX9000: bmp.c  02apr98
		DFIX9019: bmp_com.c  27Aug1999
		DFIX9019: bmp_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: bmp_ipc.c 24Apr98
		DFIX9019: bmp_com.c  27Aug1999
		DFIX9019: bmp_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: bmp_ipc.c 24Apr98
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9019: bmp.c  25aug99
		DFIX9000: bmp.c  02apr98
		DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9020: asn1out.c 13Aug1999
		DFIX9020: gdmoout.c 13Aug1999
		PATCH PHSS_16122, 980806
		DFIX9007 lib_marsh.c 10Aug1998
		HP OpenView OPI Process DM Release A.05.03
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version  Nov 1
			9 1999
		Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company
		DFIX9027: acse_util.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9017 acse_util.c  18Jun1999
		DFIX9012 acse_util.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: acse_assoc.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_18263, 990415
		DFIX9027: acse_bind.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9015 acse_bind.c 15Apr1999
		DFIX9027: acse_mgr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9019: opi_sock_util.c 25Aug99
		PATCH PHSS_20108, 991011
		PATCH PHSS_19638, 990825
		DFIX9022: pm_ipc.c 08Oct99
		DFIX9019: pm_ipc.c 25Aug99
		DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98
		DFIX9012 pm_indicate.c  28Jan1999
		DFIX9027: pm_init.c 16Nov99
		PATCH PHSS_20460, 991120
		PATCH PHSS_17424, 990118
		PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402
		PATCH PHSS_18957, DM5.03 Consolidated patch July1999
		PATCH PHSS_20462, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1999
		DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998
		DFIX9027: inetaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: localaddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9027: paddr.c 16Nov99
		DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998

cksum(1) Output:
	2016774655 1457100 /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb
	3931419209 1288864 /opt/OV/bin/ovladff
	4289493842 431508 /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate
	1844832451 8232 /opt/OV/bin/ovlad.changedb
	3546774182 3119225 /opt/OV/bin/ovela
	1982776835 2769408 /opt/OV/bin/pmd
	3131749163 406433 /opt/OV/bin/pacgen
	917562504 24630 /opt/OV/bin/create_paddr
	3980038694 385538 /opt/OV/bin/gdmop
	1436320621 225847 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac
	109196882 357594 /opt/OV/bin/deathtrap
	259793951 5335 /opt/OV/bin/ovgdmoparse
	3037204441 11425 /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen
	1794615138 225844 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp
	1862410339 891399 /opt/OV/bin/ovead
	451932416 28750 /opt/OV/bin/overegister
	2372608782 28748 /opt/OV/bin/ovederegister
	256554477 1146393 /opt/OV/bin/ovmdt
	3363904709 542482 /opt/OV/bin/conftest
	634208864 1431 /opt/OV/bin/ovmdprep
	2896749773 464282 /opt/OV/bin/ovlmd
	2684410093 266927 /opt/OV/bin/xomg
	2181160080 14922 /opt/OV/bin/ovxomgen
	1156715636 5482 /opt/OV/bin/ovmetaload
	3631372914 197704 /opt/OV/contrib/DM/bin/LR_reader
	4038728358 1584939 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.2
	2501074243 280000 /opt/OV/lib/libova.a
	3731163719 292221 /opt/OV/lib/libova.2
	3946019859 1573936 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a
	727175355 173108 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a
	2441708469 205583 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.2
	3378133598 282272 /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a
	1864333497 25944 /opt/OV/lib/libovxomg.a
	1477249466 255 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVCI-RUN/conf/ovtper
	1670861664 27013 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/
	4052991281 117063 /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib
	3334790334 14362 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h
	2951178574 10040 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h
	1526508 3505 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_snmp.h
	1081287048 14868 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/cii_pac.h
	2751705719 2970 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_cmis.h
	1112852275 2977 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_snmp.h
	2008704028 5573 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmd.h
	4065791482 38586 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdasn1.h
	3463471549 26779 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdgdmo.h
	1563136152 4403 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdnametr.h
	3191794095 6684 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdtree.h
	820042811 5842 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdunres.h
	4286665099 1731 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg.h
	3867054 6149 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_list.h
	384230054 10903 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_marsh.h
	4015746843 6951 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_types.h
	880740769 6395 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovlad.1m
	297987938 5494 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/OVeFilterAt.3
	297987938 5494 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/OVeFilterSt.3
	405548994 485032 /opt/OV/opi/opi_proc/opiproc

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies: None

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

	PHSS_14693 PHSS_15213 PHSS_15644 PHSS_15646 PHSS_16122 PHSS_16654
	PHSS_16857 PHSS_16859 PHSS_17290 PHSS_17456 PHSS_17905 PHSS_18263
	PHSS_18618 PHSS_18955 PHSS_18957 PHSS_20460

Equivalent Patches:
	s700: 11.00
	s800: 11.00

	sparcSOL: 2.4 2.5 2.6

Patch Package Size: 19200 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_20462

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_20462.depot

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_20462.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_20462.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_20462.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:

	If  there  are  any  OV  sessions  running  on  either  the
	Management  Station or on any  Management  Consoles,  these
	sessions  need to be closed.  The "ovstop"  command  should
	then be executed.

	WARNING : the patch will not  install if any  Network  Node
		  Manager processes or DM processes are detected.

	BACKUP ALL OpenView  DIRECTORIES TO TAPE.  This pre-caution
	ensures  that if you have  problems  after  installing  the
	patch, you will be able to restore your current  state from

	NOTE : ovstart  is NOT  executed  after the patch is loaded
	       You will  need to  manually  run  ovstart.  Also, in
	       order to keep a history of the patches  installed on
	       your system the post-install  script will attempt to
	       copy     this     <patch_name>.text      file     to
	       /usr/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches                     (or
	       /opt/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches).  Please   make   sure
	       this file is in /tmp before installation.

	This patch supersedes one or more previous patches.  If the
	superseded patches included special installation
	instructions those instructions can be found below.

	Consolidated Patch

	This Patch applies to DM5.01 also.

	4701-404632: Since   the   executables    'deathtrap'    and
	             'conftest'  are linked with libC and as libC is
	             a part of the C++ library, it is  necessary  to
	             have C++ compiler  installed  on the system for
	             the executables to work correctly.
	4701-390542: This  patch  contains  opi_proc  which  will be
	             installed in /opt/OV/opi/opiproc/opi_proc. This
	             needs   to  be  copied  manually  by  user  to
	             /opt/OV/bin  directory  renamed  as  pmd.

	             NOTE: This fix is done for NNM pmd, if you have
	             installed  just  NNM  alone  then  do this copy
	             else(if installed DM Platform) just leave it as
	             it is.

	NOTE :  OVELA online help would still indicate that both 2
	        digit as well as 4 digit year representation are
	        supported. Currently with this patch OVELA will only
	        support 4 digit year representations.

	        Issue regarding using Instant-on license beyond year
	        1999 for DM Manager Platform :-

	        NNM components in the DM Manager platform would not
	        work beyond year 1999 as it does not support
	        Instant-on licensing beyond 1999 at the time of
	        releasing this patch.

	        The following OTS9000/OTS-LITE Y2K patch and DM
	        patch were used prior to installing this patch. User
	        may wish to choose OTS9000 or OTS-LITE patches
	        depending on what OTS product you already have on
	        your system. The user should confirm the OTS9000
	        patches  listed below are the appropriate Y2k
	        Patches for OTS9000 product.

	        The user should also ensure that appropriate OS Y2K
	        patches are installed.

	        The following are the patches for 10.01 system:

	        OTS9000 patch for 700 series machine: PHNE_8826.
	        OTS9000 patch for 800 series machine: PHNE_8825.
	        The following is the OTS-LITE9000 patch.
	             PHSS_15401(OTS-LITE for both 700 and 800).

	        The following is the DM patch:

	        The following are the patches for 10.10 system:

	        OTS9000 patch for 700 series machine: PHNE_11878
	        OTS9000 patch for 800 series machine: PHNE_11877
	        The following is the OTSLITE patch:
	             PHSS_15407(OTS-LITE for both 700 and 800).

	        The following is the DM patch:

	        The following are the patches for 10.20 system:

	        OTS9000 patch for 700 series machine: PHNE_14567
	        OTS9000 patch for 800 series machine: PHNE_14566
	        The following is the OTSLITE patch:
	             PHSS_15403(OTS-LITE for both 700 and 800).

	        The following is the DM patch: