Patch Name: PHSS_20083

Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OV OB3.00 patch - CS packet

Creation Date: 99/10/08

Post Date:  99/10/20

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20
	s800: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20

	OmniBackII A.03.00


Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Superseded

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_20083

	Id = NSMex02773, HSLco17205
	    Option '-change_objname' is obsolete, but is still
	    explained in the usage and recognized by the
	    omnidbutil executable. If used, the omnidbutil
	    fails with the message:

	        "Invalid old object name specified!"
	        "Update failed!"

	    Two objects are listed in the restore GUI - one with
	    capital and one in small letters.

	Id = NSMbb20735
	    1. Backup pre-exec script for host object should be
	       executed once, before expanding the host into
	       filesystem objects, and post-exec script should be
	       executed once, after all the filesystem objects for
	       that host have completed. Instead, the pre/post-exec
	       script is started for each filesystem object
	       expanded out of a host.

	    2. In case the following general release patches are
	       installed on the Cell Manager system,

	         PHSS_18697, PHSS_19359 (10.x)
	         PHSS_18698, PHSS_19360 (11.x)

	       the pre/post-exec script for a host backup is not
	       executed at all.

	Id = NSMex02698
	    Backup of the OmniBack II internal database fails
	    with an error:

	        "Connection reset by peer."

	Id = HSLco15992
	    Backup of a file bigger than one tape segment (default
	    100 Mb) fails with Major error message:

	      Got unexpected close from BMA on <host.domain>
	      Got unexpected close from BMA on <host.domain>
	      Got unexpected close from BMA on <host.domain>

	Id = NSMex02413
	    OmniBack II requires '61-250 Slot Libraries Extension'
	    license if MO library with more than 30 slots is used.

	Id = NSMbb24210
	    Session pre-exec script fails, and then the post-exec
	    script is not executed.

	Id = NSMex01842
	    Writeascii always starts with the first host in the
	    cell when restarted, even if it has already completed
	    for some hosts. This is very time-consuming operation.

	Id = NSMex02098
	    OmniBack II internal database backup reports a
	    critical error message:

	       "Velocis server ob2:
		  (Change log cycle timeout)."

	Id = NSMex02330
	    Command ' start' reports error, if the file
	    mmd.ctx is not present, when trying to remove it.

	Id = NSMex02510
	    Host backup does not work correctly if name of one
	    specified mountpoint is subset of another specified

	Id = NSMbb22383
	    MC/SG configuration doesn't add the package hostname
	    into the cell_info file.

	Id = NSMex01965
	    "omnidbutil" return code is "0" even if it fails.

	Id = NSMbb22689
	    MMD daemon crashes with core-dump when GRAU with
	    two or more drives is used.

	Id = NSMex01889
	    All sessions are marked as 'Full' after the writeascii/
	    readascii operation.

	Id = NSMex01998
	    Informix restore of Logical Log reports the error

	       "Some of the backup devices are occupied.
		Session is waiting for all the devices to get free."

	Id = NSMex02146
	    MMD reports "Host for library DLT7000-Library not
	    found." if hostname where the library is configured
	    is longer than 32 characters.

	Id = NSMex02117
	    Licenses created for IP address that contains '0' are
	    not accepted.

	Id = NSMex02009
	    Cell Administration GUI hangs when installing or
	    uninstalling clients.

	Id = NSMex02242
	    Directories are backed up even if excluded in host

	Id = NSMex02303
	    If a host backup object cannot be contacted in a
	    multiple object backup specification, the backup exit
	    status is 10 (Completed/Errors) instead of 11

	Id = NSMex02218
	    Backup hangs if one of the client systems is

	Id = HSLco14785
	    Backup of an object fails with an error:

	       "Got unexpected close from Unknown on ."

	Id = NSMex02351
	    If 'UpgradeIncrToFull' global parameter is set to 0,
	    the backup of the client is still started.

	Id = NSMbb21666
	    If host backup uses the option '-tree <directory>'
	    for UNIX disk agent client, the specified directory
	    is not backed up unless it is a mount point.

	Id = NSMex01657
	    If restore of large number of files is started
	    via GUI, some files are not restored, although the
	    session completed successfully.

	Id = HSLco11971
	    'omnidbutil -chkdbspace' doesn't report dbspace low,
	    although space available is lower than the global
	    option DbFreeExtFileSpace specifies.

	Id = NSMex01913
	    omniforsg.ksh configuration script failing for primary

	    <defunct> processes remaining on the system, all with
	    the crs' pid as the parent process.

	Id = HSLco12167
	    omniforsg.ksh adding trash to
	    /etc/opt/omni/cell/cell_info file for secondary system

	Id = NSMbb22116
	    failover doesn't restart backup sessions although the
	    backup specification contains 'CLUS_RESTART FAILED' or
	    'CLUS_RESTART ALL' keywords. The package is halted.

	Id = NSMex01889
	    Omnidbutil -readascii fails with an error:
	    "bad id in file : "pos.txt", line#: <no>, field#: 2!"

	Id = HSLco12023
	    If several hosts are to be backed up and one or more of
	    them cannot be connected when the backup is running,
	    then the backup session exit status is 10

	Id = NSMex01884
	    The crs daemon dying.

	Id = HSLco11955
	    Restore doesn't work after "List From Media".

	Id = NSMex01965
	    The return value of "omnidbutil" is always "0".

Defect Description:
	Id = NSMex02773, HSLco17205
	    The option '-change_objname' for the command has
	    been introduced with the SSPUX300_013. It modifies
	    the object name in the OB2 internal database. This
	    results in restore from the GUI not being possible
	    for such object, but it can still be restored from
	    the CLI command 'omnir'. From the Cell Manager patch
	    PHSS_18697, the option has been considered obsolete,
	    but is still explained in the usage, and recognized
	    by the command 'omnidbutil', although it doesn't
	    change the object anymore, and fails instead.

	    OmniBack II A.03.00 resolves all hostnames to small
	    letters at the backup time, but old objects, backed
	    up with OmniBack II A.02.55 show up as capital
	    letter hostnames. The result is one object being listed
	    twice, although a detailed look into the objects shows
	    that the versions are different. The restore of
	    both objects is possible from the GUI, but from the
	    command line interface only the small letters
	    object can be restored.

	    The option '-change_objname' is removed from the
	    usage and is not recognized by the 'omnidbutil'
	    command anymore.

	Id = NSMbb20735
	    When a host object is expanded into filesystems at the
	    backup time, the pre/post-exec script is copied into
	    each filesystem startup parameters. This causes the
	    pre/post-exec script to be started for each filesystem
	    mounted to one host. This is a defective behaviour.

	    With the patches

	        PHSS_18697, PHSS_19359 (10.x),
	        PHSS_18698, PHSS_19360 (11.x),

	    the filesystem pre/post-exec scripts are initialized
	    to NULL string for host object, and no pre/post-exec
	    scripts are started, which is also a defective

	    The bsm now correctly expands host object into
	    filesystem objects, and starts one pre/post-exec
	    script per host.

	Id = NSMex02698
	    Filenames of OmniBack II internal database files get
	    corrupted in the db disk agent record, which causes
	    the db disk agent to core dump. This results the
	    backup session to fail with an error message:

	        "Connection reset by peer."

	    Part of SSPUX300_084
	    Db backup disk agent now handles the filenames

	Id = HSLco15992
	    Improper handling of empty catalog message, when one
	    file spans over 3 tape segments, causes backup session
	    manager to abort instead of continuing with the backup.

	    Backup session manager now correctly responds to an
	    empty catalog message from the media agent.

	Id = NSMex02413
	    If MO library is used, each side of a platter is
	    considered as one slot. This requires a slot extension
	    license, even if there are not more than 60 platters
	    inside the library.

	    Slots are taken per platter now, not per side as before.

	Id = NSMbb24210
	    The pre/post-exec scripts on a session basis are usualy
	    used for shutting down/starting up user's databases,
	    which are then backed up as a filesystem or rawdisk.
	    When a session pre-exec script fails, it is usualy
	    required that the post-exec is executed anyway in order
	    to get the user's database back alive.

	    Backup session manager now starts the post-exec script
	    even if pre-exec has failed.

	Id = NSMex01842
	    Writeascii and readascii operations are always done
	    on the complete set of hosts in a cell. This can take
	    a lot of time, if internal database is big, and not
	    all hosts need to be in writeascii/readascii process.

	    With this patch, a special functionality is
	    implemented for selecting a list of hosts to perform
	    the writeascii/readascii for.

	    See the Special Installation Instrcutions for more
	    details on how to select the list of hosts to be
	    processed by writeascii/readascii.

	ID = NSMex02098
	    OmniBack II internal database backup disk agent
	    gives up trying to backup the database, if it is
	    not accessible. See Special Installation Instructions
	    for more info on how to set the number of retries.

	    User configurable number of retries implemented.

	Id = NSMex02330
	    The script doesnt't check for the presence
	    of the file mmd.ctx before it tries to remove it.
	    If the file is not there (no MA started yet), a
	    system error will be reported.

	    Additional checking for the presence of the mmd.ctx
	    file implemented.

	Id = NSMex02510
	    If 2 directories, both mountpoints, are specified
	    for backup, and one mountpoint name is a subset
	    of the other, one of the mountpoints is not backed
	    up correctly.

	    Backup session manager now correctly handles nested
	    mountpoint in host backup.

	Id = NSMbb22383
	    Package hostname should be added into the cell_info
	    file in order to be able to backup shared objects on
	    the relocatable hostname. MC/SG configuration doesn't
	    add the relocatable hostname into the cell_info file,
	    and in order for OmniBack II to function properly, the
	    package hostname must be imported with 'additional
	    hostname' manually.

	    No fix in omnirforsg.ksh. Import must be done manually.
	    See Admin Guide for more info on configuring the
	    MS/SG integration.

	ID = NSMex01965
	    Due to invalid handling of "fork()" function,
	    omnidbutil return code is "0" even if an error occurs.

	    Part of SSPUX300_024.
	    Fork() handling improved.

	Id = NSMbb22689
	    Part of SSPUX300_029.

	Id = NSMex01889
	    Session backup mode is not exported during the
	    writeascii procedure.  Because of this all the session
	    modes are "Full" after the readascii.

	    Part of SSPUX300_030.
	    Session mode is exported during the writeascii, and
	    read back in during readascii.

	Id = NSMex01998
	    Wrong handling of device locking tables in bsm when
	    dynamic device allocation is used.

	    Part of SSPUX300_031.
	    Device locking handling improved.

	Id = NSMex02146
	    If the Library is configured for hostname longer than
	    32 characters, the error is reported:
		"Host for library LibraryName not found."

	    Part of SSPUX300_045.
	Resolution: Hostname handling implemented for names longer
	    than 32 characters.

	Id = NSMex02117
	    OmniBack II is not capable of decoding licenses
	    containing '0' in the Cell Manager IP address.

	    Part of SSPUX300_046.
	    Latest licensing API linked into crs daemon fixes
	    decoding licenses created for IP addresses with '0'
	    in it. Additionally, a change in license handling
	    algorithm enables OmniBack II recognize and use such
	    licenses correctly.

	Id = NSMex02009
	    Floating hostname in the mom_server file in MC/SG
	    environment causes Cell Administration GUI to hang
	    during installation of OB2 modules.

	    Part of SSPUX300_052.
	    Hostname resolution fixed.

	Id = NSMex02242
	    In host backup only Mount point directories can be
	    excluded. If a directory is not a mount point then it
	    cannot be excluded from the backup.

	    Part of SSPUX300_059.
	    The non-mountpoint directories can now be excluded.

	Id = NSMex02303
	    If a host backup object cannot be contacted in a
	    multiple object backup specification, the backup exit
	    status is 10 (Completed/Errors) instead of 11

	    Part of SSPUX300_059.
	    Exit code in this situation is now 11.

	Id = NSMex02218
	    The backup hangs if one of the client systems is under
	    heavy load and it can not send or receive the data

	    Part of SSPUX300_059.
	    New mechamism implemented for aborting the session
	    if the data are not sent or received within the timeout
	    defined with "SmSendReceiveTimeout" global option.

	Id = HSLco14785
	    If a client fails with the message:

	       "Could not connect to inet in order to start

	    then the object, started before the problematical one,
	     fails with the error:

	       "Got unexpected close from Unknown on."

	    Part of SSPUX300_071.
	    Fix is implemented in bsm.

	Id = NSMex02351
	    The global option 'UpgradeIncrToFull' is not set -
	    which means: 'Do not perform incremental backup if
	    there is no full backup of the object'. Backup
	    session manager claims the session will be aborted,
	    but the backup is performed instead.

	    Part of SSPUX300_071.
	    Bsm now handles UpgradeIncrToFull properly.

	Id = NSMbb21666
	    BSM doesn't handle unix disk agent '-tree <dir>' option
	    correctly if host backup is started, and the directory
	    <dir> is not mountpoint on the unix disk agent system.
	    As a result, the directory is not backed up.
	    Part of: SSP30_03

	    Fix in bsm.

	Id = NSMex01657
	    The restore session passes a large number of parameters
	    to the inet service. However only 1024 are accepted.
	    As a result, the Disk Agent restores less files than it
	    should. Because additional parameters are needed for
	    each file, the number of successfully restored files is
	    approximately 900 only.
	    Part of: N/A

	    Fix in bsm, rsm and inet.

	Id = HSLco11971
	    The global option DbFreeExtFileSpace is checked on Byte
	    basis instead of MByte. This causes omnidbutil to not
	    report the 'dbspace low' error when it should.
	    Part of: N/A

	    Correct checking of free space in omnidbutil.

	Id = NSMex01913
	    'omniforsg.ksh -primary' script stops all OB2 daemons
	    first, then it tries to run 'omnicc -import...' command
	    to add a host into cell_info file. This fails because
	    all the daemons are down at that time.
	    Part of SSP30_14

	    Fix in omniforsg.ksh script.

	   Forking processes in crs is not handled correctly if a
	   child process is started and not waited for conclusion.
	   When crs starts processes in cluster aware OmniBack II
	   installation, they remain as <defunct> and take up
	   space in process table. Eventually, this leads into
	   system not being able to start any process until crs is
	   shut down.
	   Part of SSP30_22

	   SIGCHLD set to SIG_DFL, if waitpid will be used
	   (we want to wait for child to finish), or to SIG_IGN if
	   we don't want to wait for the child. This makes sure no
	   <defunct> processes are left in the system.

	Id = HSLco12167
	    'omniforsg.ksh -secondary' script adds some trash into
	    the cell_info file.
	    Part of: N/A

	    Fix in omniforsg.ksh script.

	Id = NSMbb22116
	    At failover time the script csfailover.ksh starts OB2
	    daemons. After that, it starts the command 'omnidbutil
	    -change_cell_name', which needs exclusive lock of the
	    database, but it cannot be achieved, because crs has
	    already restarted the backup sessions on the secondary
	    system. The result is that the package is halted and
	    no backups are done and all OB2 daemons are stopped.
	    Part of SSP30_14.

	    Timeout added to enable cell name changing, and
	    restart the sessions after the name has been changed.

	Id = NSMex01889
	    OmniBack does not export all the data during omnidbutil
	    -writeascii. The data is not exported if sequence of
	    levels of incremental backup is not strictly in
	    ascending order.
	    NOTE: The problem never happens if only FULL-INCR
	    backup policy is used.
	    Part of SSP30_15

	    Fix in writeascii algorithm.

	Id = HSLco12023
	    Backup session exit status should be 11
	    (Completed/Failures) if one or more hosts are not
	    reachable during backup. Currently it is 10
	    Part of: N/A

	    Fix in backup session status.

	Id = NSMex01884
	    CRS crashed for 2 reasons: if 2.55 client connected
	    to it or due to malloc problem in stat function.
	    Part of SSP30_11

	    Fix in crs.

	Id = HSLco11955
	    Restore reports the message: "Medium not found." if it
	    is started after the "List From Media" action.

	    Fix in shared library.

	Id = NSMex01965
	    Due to invalid handling of "fork" call, omnidbutil
	    return code is "0" even if an error occured.
	    Part of SSP30_24

	    Fix in omnidbutil fork handling.

	5003450304 5003444786 5003461509 1653305110

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/lbin/bsm  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: BSM, internal build
			 1025, built on Fri Sep 17 16:10:50 1999
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/lbin/crs  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: CRS, internal build
			 1025, built on Wed Jun 23 12:26:55 1999
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/lbin/dbbda  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: DBBDA, internal bui
			ld 1025, built on Wed Aug 25 15:52:13 1999
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/lbin/dbsm  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: DBSM, internal buil
			d 1025, built on Wed Jun 23 10:24:33 1999
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/lbin/mmd  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: MMD, internal build
			 1025, built on Wed Jun 23 12:54:46 1999
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/lbin/rsm  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: RSM, internal build
			 1025, built on Thu Jul  1 14:43:22 1999
		[TZ=GMT0  /opt/omni/sbin/omnidbutil  -version]
		HP OpenView OmniBack II A.03.00: OMNIDBUTIL, interna
			l build 1025, built on Tue Oct  5 14:22:28 1

cksum(1) Output:
	3236234904 2494 /etc/opt/omni/sg/csfailover.ksh
	3461814734 1149863 /opt/omni/lbin/bsm
	780600382 703332 /opt/omni/lbin/crs
	4255105344 443724 /opt/omni/lbin/dbbda
	2117734258 1212284 /opt/omni/lbin/dbsm
	1567916083 522790 /opt/omni/lbin/mmd
	3168634050 855819 /opt/omni/lbin/rsm
	1947855315 651896 /opt/omni/lib/
	709106674 824689 /opt/omni/lib/
	2257432585 648010 /opt/omni/lib/
	3236234904 2494 /opt/omni/newconfig/etc/opt/omni/sg/
	1817396469 4794 /opt/omni/sbin/install/omniforsg.ksh
	2301647157 656901 /opt/omni/sbin/omnidbutil
	3863149994 11538 /opt/omni/sbin/

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies: None

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

	PHSS_17299 PHSS_18697 PHSS_19359 PHSS_19938

Equivalent Patches:
	s700: 11.00
	s800: 11.00

Patch Package Size: 7590 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_20083

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_20083.depot

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_20083.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	WARNING: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_20083.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_20083.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:
	Patch has to be installed on the Cell Server host.

	"/opt/omni/sbin/ stop" must be executed on the
	cell server before swinstall is run.  After the swinstall
	completes, restart OmniBackII using
	"/opt/omni/sbin/ start".

	In order to resolve defects with Id NSMex01657 and
	NSMex02773, OmniBack II A.03.00 CORE patch (PHSS_20085/
	PHSS_20086 or later) must also be installed and OmniBack
	II User Interface must be redistributed to the client

	A part of the NSMex02098 defect resolution is a
	new environment variable OB2DBRETRY. It is used to
	specify the number of retries before giving up
	to back up OB2 internal database. The variable
	should be set in the file /opt/omni/.omnirc on
	the Cell Manager system, using the following syntax:


	'n' is the number of retries before aborting the disk

	A selective write/readascii is introduced with the
	patch PHSS_18697/PHSS_18698. A list of hosts can
	be specified for which the processing should be
	done, instead of processing all the hosts in the
	cell. This is the procedure for enabling selective

	  Selective writeascii

	  1. Start writeascii using the command
	     'omnidbutil -writeascii -cdb <cdir> -mmdb <mdir>'
	  2. Stop the omnidbutil with Ctrl-C after it has
	     reported "exporting filenames and fileversions
	     for host <hostname>".
	  3. Edit the file hosts.txt, located in the directory
	     <cdir> from the omnidbutil command, and remove all
	     the hosts except the ones that the writeascii is
	     needed for.
	  4. Start the writeascii command again, with the
	     option '-read_hosts'.

	  Selective readascii

	  1. Edit the file hosts.txt and remove all the hosts
	     except the ones that you want to perform readascii
	     operation for.
	  2. Start readascii the usual way. It will read the
	     hosts.txt file, and perform the readascii operation
	     for the hosts listed there.

	Patch includes the following Site Specific Patches: