Patch Name: PHSS_17476 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV OST3.X cumulative A.03.00 patch Creation Date: 99/02/20 Post Date: 99/05/19 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: HP OpenView OmniStorage A.03.00.00 Filesets: OMS.f_server OMS.f_client OMS.common OMS.f_gui OMS.f_fs OMS.manpages OMS.documents Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_17476 Symptoms: PHSS_17476: 1 man page for ager : AGER_MAXSIZE is 1.000.000, should be 128.000.000 (ddts: NSMex02018) 2 hsm_session display format problem (ddts: NSMex02015, NSMex02016) 3 Bulk ager complains about wrong process id (ddts: NSMex02026) 4 Add detailed Info to iocfg for performance config (ddts: JOSqa00314) 5 Add detailed Info to brapicfg for performance config (ddts: JOSqa00313) 6 copyp does NOT work in OMS 3.0 (ddts: JOSqa00307, NSMex02253) 7 qrlog ERROR - no space available (ddts: JOSqa00298) 8 5.2 GB MO Jukebox not supported (ddts: JOSqa00309) 9 wrong mail format FREEPOOLVS_PROBLEM_MAIL (ddts: JOSqa00312) 10 hsm_admin -I additional information needed in installation guide (ddts: NSMex02038) 11 copyp - documentation change (ddts: JOSqa00308) 12 agerlog message logging is consuming disk space (ddts: NSMbb21706) 13 Lack of information when using vsadm -l (ddts: NSMex01976) 14 STK direct connect tape library, jmd core dump (ddts: NSMex02088, NSMex02177) 15 jmd: No drive number in jlog if media is set to error state (ddts: NSMex01992, NSMex01191) 16 Active mode ager continously submitted migout requests not stopping at ALWM (ddts: NSMex01975) 17 volsets not created if TMPDIR environment variable is set (ddts: NSMex01969) 18 Rebuild fails to rebuild (ddts: NSMex00837, NSMex00371, NSMex01141) 19 remigration of a file to a full platter fails (ddts: JOSqa00315) 20 Enhancement request to disable timeout on bulk ager (ddts: NSMex02031) 21 ager in bulk mode runs longer than expected. (ddts: NSMex02099) 22 creation of a<fsid>/b<fsid> file by ager needs redesign (ddts: JOSqa00320) 23 forever licenses will not be granted (ddts: JOSqa00318) 24 migout largefiles to sidf tape failed (ddts: JOSqa00316) 25 jmdrestore does not restore large number of bytes (ddts: JOSqa00319) 26 while performing an inventory jmd dies through segmentation violation (ddts: NSMex02190) 27 Abnormally stop sync_media leaves media in inconsistent state (ddts: NSMex02328) 28 Migout request remains in Qr queue although file has been migrated out (ddts: JOSqa00322) 29 Migration to 8x WORM media does not access next medium with available space (ddts: NSMex02349) Defect Description: PHSS_17476: 1 ager(1) and netcfg(4) man pages are inconsistent regarding an explanantion for the AGER_MAXSIZE parameter. Resolution: update ager(1) man page 2 o hsm_session output contains a message about a non decodable session. o the output is misaligned due to very long session names Resolution: fix session name length 3 Running the ager in bulk mode causes the following ERROR message in the agerlog file: ager ERROR (26557): 01/28/1999 08:49:11 pvro_inlines.h(35) wrong process id for session pid=67bd, created by 67bb This ERROR message occurs by calling a pv* service routine in an ager child process which doesn't have the pv* services initialized. Resolution: Initialize pv* services in ager child process 4 Make migration options IOS_TAPE_MAX_FILES_PER_FILESET and IOS_TAPE_MAX_DATA_PER_FILESET for better performance configuration. Resolution: add comments to iocfg file 5 The backup options IOS_BUFFER_SIZE and IOS_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE need more description for better performance configuration. Resolution: add comments to brapicfg file 6 The cause of the copyp failure is a "Large File" problem. The system command "lseek" now using the 64 bit type of off_t for the offset value goes wrong. Resolution: The solution is the right cast of the offset value. The concerned function which uses the lseek system call is retry_lseek(). 7 When migrating big files (>40% of disk cache) to tape all but the first chunk would fail because the jmd could not find space in the volume set although there is enough space in the volume set. Resolution: The qr now calls MigOutReqVS() instead of MigOutReq() which takes care of volumesets bound to a certain MFS to correctly determine available space for migration. 8 Trying to migrate a chunk bigger than 2 GB to a MO fails (the cache disk must be bigger than 5 GB for that to occur). Resolution: Inserted new check for maximum possible chunk size on nearline volume. This restricts chunk size to 2GB-8k on MO hfs formatted volumes. 9 If a freepool is specified , but does not exist the follwing mail appears: Bad format detected for FREEPOOLVS_PROBLEM_MAIL. Resolution: Now the correct mesage [CHSM410514] appears in the mail output. 10 When enabling migration with hsm_admin on an already existing file system, the manual should document the extra space used to do this, also that this can take several hours on large file systems. Resolution: Additional entries into the concerning man page and the Release Notes have been performed. 11 After using of copyp, the listp command shows the same size like before. So the customer could assume the copyp command didn't affect in any way. The right size for the mirror_volume will be shown after the first mount of the mirror_volume. The mirror_volume will be mounted during a full inventory, or if the mirror_volume is replaced with the source_volume. Resolution: An entry into the man page of copyp was made accordingly. 12 Every time the ager was started in active mode, but aging was disabled, the qrlog was filled with constantly repeated log messages like: qr WARNING (26410): 01/12/1999 14:07:03 [CHSM410544] The ager could not start in active mode for FS_ID(0xc100) because aging is disabled in the netcfg file. Please fix the netcfg file and restart the ager. Without (re)enabling aging this message occured every 30s which caused a space wasting log file. Resolution: Two flags, bAgerDisabledLogged and bAgerEnabledLogged, were added to control the logging to only write one log message for a corresponding switch from disabled to enabled or vice versa. 13 vsadm does not offer an option to print all volumesets along with their members in one step. Resolution: A new option -L was added. 14 Coredump of the jmd with STK9710 and BARCODE_NAMES The STK9710 uses a different length for barcodes in its SCSI-read-element-page. Resolution: STK9710 SCSI connection works now with barcodes. 15 If a media was set to state 'Error' due to access problems the corresponding ERROR log message only shows the volume ID, but no drive number. The drive number is helpful when searching the root cause of the problem, i.e. is either the media itself or the drive causing the problem. Resolution: The drive number was added to the log message. 16 The ager running in active mode did not stop to submit migout requests at the AGER_ALWM. Additionally the agerlog showed an error message like: ager WARNING ( 2329): 01/08/1999 18:46:55 [CHSM310090] The active mode ager was unable to move the file system /test down to the ALWM (76%). The current level is 5%. This was caused by a wrong calculation due to a data range overflow. Resolution: Use larger data types for calculation. 17 Defining TMPDIR env variable might cause the jmd to fail when reading the volume set database at startup. The jmd renames the orginal volsets file into a temporary name. The temporary file name is created using the tempnam() HP-UX library routine. Unlike tempnam(3S) man page this routine always uses TMPDIR env variable if it's defined and has a valid value. If the temporary name points to a volume different from /var renaming the original volsets file into a temporary name fails and all volumeset information is missing. Resolution: The tmpnam() library routine is used instead. 18 o rebuild dumps core on 21st volume o rebuild leaks memory o rebuild output doesn't reflect progress Resolution: A progress indicator was implemented and memory leaks removed. 19 If you have a file migrated out on MO and you change the file, you will get a partially resident file. If now the volume is full and you try to migrate out this file it will fail. Resolution: Now the request fails but is requeued to another volume. 20 Ager -bulk should have a no timeout option of zero the same as does the rebuild command. Resolution: Treat a given timeout of 0 as MAX_ALARM which is at least 31 days. 21 While the ager was running in bulk mode it didn't recognize the given timeout at the correct time. Resolution: Implement timeout handling based on SIGALRM. 22 The way the bulk mode ager filled a- and b<fsid> lists didn't fullfill the requirement of establishing lists containing migration candidates to allow the active ager to fast free space without walking the file tree to determine migration candidates. Resolution: Redesign and implement a- and b<fsid> list creation 23 Permanent license will not be granted by the jmd because it will not be checked if the expiration date as encrypted in the license key corresponds to the so called forever date. Resolution: Call OVLICisForever() to verify if a license never expires by handling license requests. 24 While migrating out files to sequential (SIDF-) media (tape, WORM) the free space would not be updated correctly. When the end of tape is reached (either because the free space was updated incorrectly or because the tape had been formatted with a too high capacity or both) the capacity of the tape would be set to a wrong value and the tape might even be set into error state. Resolution: The updating of used space was fixed and the treatment of I/O-errors (especially EOT) was changed completely. Due to the asynchronous handling of write requests the error condition 'end of tape' is not always detected at the same spot, so the finally detected size of a tape (after we hit EOT) might differ from each other and also from the capacity given by the manufacturer (but this may also result from the really different lengths of tapes). 25 jmdrestore does not restore large number of bytes for BlocksUsed and BlocksStale e.g. for DLT tapes 20GB Resolution: It now restores large numbers of bytes for BlocksUsed and BlocksStale int64 data type is used 26 During the inventory of a jukebox "odetics_acl_452" the jmd dies. Resolution: The jmd now uses a more flexible method to read the element status of library elements (slots). 27 Abnormally stop a running 'sync_media', e.g. by Ctrl-C, will leave platters in maintenance and the original media keep flagged as being sync'ed. Resolution: Improve sync_media's signal handling to ignore INT, QUIT and TERM signals, but receipt the received signal in an entry in synclog. 28 Migrating a chunk which has all of its blocks on nearline, but also some of its blocks modified on magnetic causes the qr migout child process to terminate abnormally with an assertion. This will leave a kdm_user_thread process in memory. The migout request will be requeued, but fails again for the same reason, leaving a kdm_user_thread in memory and so on until the system cannot fork further processes. The problem is caused by the wrong assumption that the whole chunk will always be migrated. In fact the reused space on nearline is smaller than the chunk which leads to a wrong calculation of the real used space on nearline before and after the migration. Resolution: Correct the number of bytes that will really be reused on nearline. 29 When hitting end of media while migrating a file to 8x WORM media the media capacity as well as the free space was wrongly calculated because the media dependent sector size of 2048 bytes was not noticed. This caused the qr parent to requeue the request always to the same, already full media. Resolution: Use the media dependent sector size to calculate the number of used media blocks when updating the jmd database. SR: 1653276659 1653276667 5003409540 Patch Files: /etc/opt/omnistorage/brapicfg /opt/omnistorage/bin/cleanp /opt/omnistorage/bin/consolidate /opt/omnistorage/bin/convert_media /opt/omnistorage/bin/copyp /opt/omnistorage/bin/getfsid /opt/omnistorage/bin/jmdbackup /opt/omnistorage/bin/jmdrestore /opt/omnistorage/bin/migin /opt/omnistorage/bin/migmv /opt/omnistorage/bin/migout /opt/omnistorage/bin/migsever /opt/omnistorage/bin/omslic /opt/omnistorage/bin/par /opt/omnistorage/bin/qqr /opt/omnistorage/bin/rebuild /opt/omnistorage/bin/resid /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_file /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsadm /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsbind /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsdbcheck /opt/omnistorage/bin/wt-check /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsm /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmbackup /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmmgr /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmmonitor /opt/omnistorage/bin/zb /opt/omnistorage/bin/zdf /opt/omnistorage/bin/zfind /opt/omnistorage/bin/zls /opt/omnistorage/bin/zmdump /opt/omnistorage/bin/zmrestore /opt/omnistorage/doc/ /opt/omnistorage/doc/ /opt/omnistorage/doc/ /opt/omnistorage/doc/ /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsclose /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vshdr /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsopen /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsread /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vswrite /opt/omnistorage/lib/Eng/agermsgs.Eng /opt/omnistorage/lib/ /opt/omnistorage/man/man1/ager.1 /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/copyp.1m /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/hsm_admin.1m /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/vsadm.1m /opt/omnistorage/newconfig/iocfg.proto /opt/omnistorage/newconfig/jmcaps.proto /opt/omnistorage/sbin/ager /opt/omnistorage/sbin/io_server /opt/omnistorage/sbin/jmd /opt/omnistorage/sbin/qr /opt/omnistorage/sbin/sync_media /sbin/ded what(1) Output: /etc/opt/omnistorage/brapicfg: None /opt/omnistorage/bin/cleanp: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/consolidate: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/bin/convert_media: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/copyp: HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/getfsid: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/jmdbackup: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/jmdrestore: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/migin: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/migmv: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/migout: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/migsever: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/omslic: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ /opt/omnistorage/bin/par: HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/qqr: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/rebuild: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/bin/resid: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_file: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsadm: HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsbind: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsdbcheck: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/wt-check: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsm: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmbackup: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ OSF/Motif Version 1.2.5 /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmmgr: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Id: gui/lib/widgets/cheytreeelem.c@@/main/oms_2.2_d ev_uid/1 97/08/12 14:57:38 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ OSF/Motif Version 1.2.5 /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmmonitor: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ OSF/Motif Version 1.2.5 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zb: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/bin/zdf: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/zfind: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Revision: 59.1 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/zls: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/bin/zmdump: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/bin/zmrestore: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/doc/ None /opt/omnistorage/doc/ None /opt/omnistorage/doc/ None /opt/omnistorage/doc/ None /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsclose: $Release: DB.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Release: st.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vshdr: $Release: DB.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Release: st.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsopen: $Release: DB.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Release: st.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsread: $Release: DB.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Release: st.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vswrite: $Release: DB.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Release: st.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ /opt/omnistorage/lib/Eng/agermsgs.Eng: None /opt/omnistorage/lib/ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ $Id: mm/lib/misc/portamap.c@@/main/oms_2.2_dev_uid/1 97/08/12 15:38:50 $ /opt/omnistorage/man/man1/ager.1: None /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/copyp.1m: None /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/hsm_admin.1m: None /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/vsadm.1m: None /opt/omnistorage/newconfig/iocfg.proto: None /opt/omnistorage/newconfig/jmcaps.proto: $Release: jmcaps.proto OMS.02.11.00$ /opt/omnistorage/sbin/ager: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Id: mm/lib/misc/portamap.c@@/main/oms_2.2_dev_uid/1 97/08/12 15:38:50 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/sbin/io_server: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/sbin/jmd: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Release: VSDB.x,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: VSDB.x,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:18:49 Cheyenne OmniSt orage_0210 $ %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % $Release: lm_acs.c,v: OMS_Silo - OMS.02.11.03$ $Id: lm/lib/port/lm_acs.c@@/main/1 97/11/13 14:44:30 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_eject/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_lock_dr/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_query_ac/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_query_ca/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_query_dr/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_query_mo/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_query_vo/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_response/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_status/2.0A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_set_access/2.1.1 % %rel ease: % %date_created: Mon Aug 1 10:03:45 1994 % (c) 1994 StorageTek %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_unlock_dr/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_get_resp/2.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acslm/cdk2.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_send_req/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acslm/cdk2.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_vary_res/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_query_res/2.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_resp_audf/2.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v2_v3/2.01A % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v2_v3/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acslm/cdk2.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v3_v4/2.01A % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v3_v4/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acslm/cdk2.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v4_v3/2.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v4_v3/2.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acslm/cdk2.1 % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v3_v2/2.01A % %full_name: acsutl/csrc/acs_cvt_v3_v2/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acslm/cdk2.1 % %full_name: acsapi/csrc/acs_get_pktver/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % acs_ipc_read.c 2.1.3 1/3/95 (c) 1994 STK %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsipc/csrc/acs_error/2.1 % %full_name: acsipc/csrc/acs_ipc_write/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsipc/csrc/acs_sel_input/2.1 % %full_name: acsipc/csrc/acs_verify_ssi/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % %full_name: acsipc/csrc/acs_get_sock/2.01A % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/apidef/2.1.2 % %full_name: h/incl/apipro/2.1.1 % %full_name: h/incl/acsapi_pvt/2.1.1 % cl_ipc_read.c 5.5 2/7/94 (c) 1994 STK cl_ipc_creat.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_ipc_write.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_defs.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK ml_api.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_status.c 1.2 1/13/94 (c) 1994 StorageTek cl_el_log_register.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_el_log.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_log.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1993-1994 StorageTek cl_trace.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_ipc_send.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_ipc_open.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_init.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_qcreat.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_qdelet.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK dv_api.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_inform.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_chk_input.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_ipc_xmit.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_macces.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_mcreat.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_mdelet.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_mlocat.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_data.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_type.c 1.2 1/11/94 (c) 1994 StorageTek cl_qm_create.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_qm_find.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK cl_select_in.c 1.1 1/10/94 (c) 1989-1994 STK /opt/omnistorage/sbin/qr: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu May 13 20:13:19 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /opt/omnistorage/sbin/sync_media: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Fri Apr 23 20:15:38 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp /sbin/ded: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ HP aC++ B3910B A.01.15 Classic Iostream Library HP aC++ B3910B A.01.15 Language Support Library HP OmniStorage $Release: A.03.00.01 PHSS_17476 $ HP OmniStorage $Date: Thu Apr 22 20:15:35 METDST 199 9$ libovsnmp PATCH/10.20:PHCO_8979 libc.a_ID@@/main/r10dav/libc_d av/libc_dav_cpe/5 /ux/core/libs/libc/archive_pa1/libc.a_ID Dec 6 1996 17:12:58 cksum(1) Output: 1493699325 1038 /etc/opt/omnistorage/brapicfg 2553197453 359734 /opt/omnistorage/bin/cleanp 3921121325 808215 /opt/omnistorage/bin/consolidate 1431816741 359478 /opt/omnistorage/bin/convert_media 3728354783 177978 /opt/omnistorage/bin/copyp 2872995170 173506 /opt/omnistorage/bin/getfsid 824500859 206808 /opt/omnistorage/bin/jmdbackup 2062657454 206796 /opt/omnistorage/bin/jmdrestore 1124908676 243795 /opt/omnistorage/bin/migin 3143248594 380356 /opt/omnistorage/bin/migmv 2143640567 417617 /opt/omnistorage/bin/migout 2190352788 235614 /opt/omnistorage/bin/migsever 2165200981 61779 /opt/omnistorage/bin/omslic 4141395500 177988 /opt/omnistorage/bin/par 3250467522 153252 /opt/omnistorage/bin/qqr 2774932741 887280 /opt/omnistorage/bin/rebuild 2009332773 185831 /opt/omnistorage/bin/resid 2863345605 754335 /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_file 3434266420 169511 /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsadm 841041318 384458 /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsbind 3257507855 376257 /opt/omnistorage/bin/vsdbcheck 347101473 185933 /opt/omnistorage/bin/wt-check 2913254740 512141 /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsm 1973136988 2749325 /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmbackup 1988935857 3564786 /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmmgr 19952250 2543098 /opt/omnistorage/bin/xhsmmonitor 4171013129 907050 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zb 1386057543 256406 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zdf 3544138277 442600 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zfind 1473414610 202394 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zls 4171013129 907050 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zmdump 4171013129 907050 /opt/omnistorage/bin/zmrestore 4244151977 2957668 /opt/omnistorage/doc/ 3615770989 2914189 /opt/omnistorage/doc/ 2712592377 529948 /opt/omnistorage/doc/ 111716362 514345 /opt/omnistorage/doc/ 1120946766 206850 /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsclose 3682500876 206851 /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vshdr 1330973770 210950 /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsopen 1770687031 206850 /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vsread 4233537106 206853 /opt/omnistorage/lbin/vswrite 1096517194 8581 /opt/omnistorage/lib/Eng/agermsgs.Eng 4165532404 1295767 /opt/omnistorage/lib/ 4079325854 13128 /opt/omnistorage/man/man1/ager.1 1931927133 4039 /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/copyp.1m 3331332419 3900 /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/hsm_admin.1m 2425086445 6784 /opt/omnistorage/man/man1m/vsadm.1m 3720023498 1611 /opt/omnistorage/newconfig/iocfg.proto 2111140909 6099 /opt/omnistorage/newconfig/jmcaps.proto 3726392966 719363 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/ager 1658067164 1106812 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/io_server 2846768922 1450288 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/jmd 3275008941 1361074 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/qr 3096533785 742308 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/sync_media 1424931770 958371 /sbin/ded Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: s700: 10.20: PHKL_18144 s800: 10.20: PHKL_18145 Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 33050 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_17476 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_17476.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_17476.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_17476. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_17476.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_17476.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: This patch includes the following Site Specific Patches: SSPOMS_29 SSPOMS_30 SSPOMS_32 SSPOMS_33 SSPOMS_34 This patch updates /etc/opt/omnistorage/iocfg and /etc/opt/omnistorage/jmcaps. This might fail due to merge conflicts. Please scan the log file /var/adm/sw/swagent.log for corresponding WARNING messages and follow the listed instructions. Installation Instructions: 1> Become root user 2> Install this patch by running swinstall. swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_17476.depot PHSS_17476