Patch Name: PHSS_14155 Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OV DM4.21 Feb 98 Consolidated Patch Creation Date: 98/02/19 Post Date: 98/03/03 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20 s800: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20 Products: OpenView Distributed Management 4.21 Filesets: OVPlatform.OVMIN OVPlatform.OVCI-RUN OVPlatform.OVEMS-RUN OVPlatform.OVEMS-LOG OVPlatform.OVDM-PATCH-OVERRIDE OVPlatform.OVDM-XMPv7-PRG OVPlatform.OVCI-MAN OVPlatform.OVDM-XMPv7-MAN OVPlatform.OVEMS-LOG-MAN OVPlatform.OVEMS-PRG OVPlatform.OVDM-PARSR-PRG Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_14155 Symptoms: PHSS_14155: Cumulative Consolidated Patch 4701-382473: The customers ran in to a situation where pm_ipc_write() from inside API stack failed returing errno ECHILD. pm_ipc_write calls send() system call. So the problem is, how can send system call return ECHILD, as ECHILD is returned when you try to wait for a child process that doesn't exist or has exited. 1653-239673: When Alarms with Additional Information are generated from an XMP/XOM based Agents, they are successfully sent to the destination and logged. But when M-GET's are sent to retrive that record, the alarm contents are decoded incorrectly. 1653-250043: ovlad fails to decode pdu with attributes of enumerated type having a value -1. 4701-382556: When multiple M-GET's are sent simultaneously to ovlad, it fails to retrieve log records. PHSS_13275: 4000-135608: With Agent and Manager both being ACM enabled, agent binding with entity name & manager with Form2 AE-Title, Manager creates a remote EFD with Form2 AE-Title. An EFD is created and an event is received by the manager as expected. Subsequent request fails with 'no such object class/instance'. 4000-135517: When the application doesn't specify any value for cmis-functional-units, which is a part of AARQ/AARE pdus, by default pmd assumes bit string e8 (11101000). This is true for ASSOC request/ASSOC indicate/ASSOC response/ASSOC confirmation. But this is the way pmd should work, as according to standards (X.711) responding/initiating entity should set the cmis-func-units in AARE/AARQ respectively to what it's actually capable of. Basically the responding/initiating entity should propose it's capability in cmis-func-units and the intersection of these two sets defines the final cmis-func-units for the association. In our case pmd is capable of all extra functional units except extendedServices and hence he proposes bit string value e8. Siemen's switch is not setting cmis-functional-unit attribute in the AARQ pdu which it sends to DM. Hence DM on receipt of ASSOC indication sees no cmis-func-units attribute and assumes e8. Since the remote switch tried to connect to pmd the ASSOC response sent back by pmd also contains e8. But the switch is not prepared to receive that value. It expects 00. So it aborts the association. This behaviour of switch is not correct but since there were some problems in changing the behaviour of switch they requested us to change the DM's behaviour. That's to assume 00 for cmis-func-units when that attribute is not set and send 00 in the ASSOC response also. 4000-135772: When dbnolog is executed, it stops the platform rather than stoping ovlad alone. Whenever ems.per is shipped with a patch, it is copied at the appropriate location. If a reconfiguration is done after installation of the patch, it copies back the original ems.per which was present before installation of the patch. 4000-135756: When a SNMP pdu is sent to a remote snmp agent , the request times out as the request didn't reach the remote peer. Analysis of network device traces reveals an spurious extra octet in the outgoing pdu. Traces from postmaster shows that the pdu has reached the SNMP stack as expected. Corruption of data must hence be below this point. PHSS_13257: 1653238063: libbmp copies additional externals incorrectly for AARQ and AARE. Further, there is no provision for user to specify CMIPUserInfo.userInfo during association setup PHSS_12913: 4000-135327 This is a product enhancement to DM4.21 to allow a Windown NT client program to attach to this platform. Previously this capability was only possible with the 5.X versions. PHSS_12613: 1653228940: When establishing association using bmp, and with no responding-title used, bmp_send returns BAD_TITLE error when no responding-AP-title is specified in the AARE 4000134692: While using Mult_PA feature, the user specifies an NSAP that is not configured with OTS. Because of this CMIP stack is unable to open an endpoint on OTS. But when the user tries to bind with this wrong NSAP in a loop he is seeing an increase in the file table size for pmd, which ultimately leads to file table overflow. PHSS_12502: EMS agents reject attempts to create logs or EFDs with name bindings other than X.721. PHSS_12211: Cumulative Consolidated Patch PHSS_12134: 1653-226191 bmp_bind allocates one or more sockets which are not released if the bmp_bind fails(e.g OV is shutdown). A subsequent call to bmp_bind allocates new sockets that are also not released. This leads to File Table overflow PHSS_11949: 1653-222489 When there are large number of log records in the log object, and if records in the beginning are removed from the log either through partial export action or delete action, invoking M-GET does not retrive records immediately. Instead there is a time delay in retrieving the first log record. Similarly, there is an appreciable delay between the last reply and end of reply while using range filters. PHSS_11394: 1653-218024 If an M-GET to retrieve log objects uses a substring on logId in the GET filter and there exist logs with numeric logId, ovlad dumps core; or may return a processing failure. 1653-218727 Sporadically, GET requests for attributes on all logs may return an error "ProcessingError: error 1 while deleting in the PERSISTENCE directory". A retry normally works. This can happen if multiple managers are simultaneously attempting to retrieve log objects. 1653-218735 ovlad trace sometimes shows entries "error 1 during fct. sch_update_availability_status". This happens only when there are EFDs or Logs with scheduling attributes. 1653-218743 The gdmop fixes made in PHSS_9538/9537 and PSOV_1353 were not available with the OVmd API. PHSS_11216: 1653-215459 Sometimes when a long GET request is sent and is followed up with a CANCEL-GET, CANCEL-GET is sometimes not processed until the GET is completed. 1653-215442 When a GET request is sent with attributeIds duplicated (replicated) in the attributeList, ovead/ovlad returns a GetListError with the attribute value for the duplicated attribute as well as an "invalid attribute" error for the same attribute. PHSS_11202: 5003-371468 When an acse service provider abort indication comes to pmd, pmd drops it saying "AbortArgument Decode Failer" in pmd.trc. PHSS_10998: Cumulative Consolidated Patch PHSS_10938: 4000-127183 If the pdu contains 5 octets to encode an integer because the integer value cannot be contained in 31 bits, a decode error occurs. 4000-125344 When the manager receives an SNMP trap through the XMPV3 library, the primitive returned is Delete indication instead of Event indication. 4000-128140 If an application calls snmp mp_get_reqs (in asynchronous mode) to a node which does not exist, the pmd size tends to grow. PHSS_10872: 1653-208389 With certain character combinations in an incoming CMIP pdu, pmd can core dump when apri tracing is on(enabling full CMIP stack tracing in pmd turns on apri tracing).One symptom that pmd core dumped is the last entry in trapd.log "Error -118 received from NM Server: No such error number (-1118) for the OVc API. (NM server error)". This means trapd can no longer communicate with pmd. PHSS_10835: 1653-206730 1653-208033 ovladff does not provide the export/import & backup actions. Because of this, ovlad will have to be stopped if the data is to be backed up or if any existing log object has to be emptied. ovladdb provides this functionality 4000-131821 When ovlad is terminated with an ovstop, the ovlad child processes which may have been forked to do GETs will not terminate.This is sometimes known to prevent ovlad from coming up when a subsequent ovstart is done. 1653-203125 The definition of the hpSNMPTrapLogRecord in ems.mib does not account for variable bindings which may have been a part of the original trap. However, these attributes become visible in the GET result, and can cause managers to fail decode. PHSS_10784: 4000-131342 XMPV7 API- In ACM-disabled association, when incoming request has same invoke-id as the synchronous request for which responses are awaited, the responses following this incoming request are not returned to the application; the incoming request is also not returned PHSS_10717: 4000-131573 pmd does not forward the snmp traps for some values of specific-trap. PHSS_10597: 1653-206862 Sending assoc req. w/larger than 768 byte AccessControl external causes abort to be returned. PHSS_10410: 1653-207225 If a pdu comes in with an EncodingString which is not to be decoded by XOM, and the EncodingString has indefinite length, the EOC octet is included inside the EncodingString which is passed on. PHSS_10402: 4000-130963 The preprocessor and gdmo2pac does not process the .md files created by the gdmop PHSS_10229: 4000-130690 When the ASSOC Response is sent out for an ASSOC Request, the Responder Title is not set in the out going PDU. The standards say that the Responder title is optional in ASSOC_RSP. But what our CMIP stack does is independent of whether the Responder title is set in the rqt or not, it is ignored. 4000-130740 When an ASSOC request contains bits set for cmipUserInformation.protocolVersion Version1 and Version2 the association request is aborted. It should be accepted and Version 2 only indicated in the response. PHSS_10213: 1653-202119 The developer would not know arguement to pass following the bmp primitive BMP_ROER_mistypedOperation. PHSS_10198: 4000-128108 When sending an ASSOC:ABORT the postmaster may core and no user-information was transmitted to the remote side. 4000-130294 Using the pmdmgr -Tnnn option has no effect on pmd.trc0 size, Also the trace file size defaults to 512Kbytes not 1MB as documented in the DM Administrators Reference. PHSS_10173: 1653-202119 while agent application is running, if a user does ovstop, the mp_receive call returns success instead of returning a communications error. PHSS_10129: 4000-130468 ovladdb still shows up some disabled logs even after installing PHSS_9538/PHSS_9537/PSOV1353 which contained fixes for one of the "disabled logs" problem. 4000-130476 ovead (and ovlad) do not startup if there are non-EFD (or non-Log) files in the EFD.per (or Log.per) directory. 4000-130518 ovladdb dumps core or sometimes hangs when events larger than 512 bytes are logged and there exist multiple log objects. It happens when ovladdb attempts to wrap (delete old records to add new ones). PHSS_9901: Consolidated Patch PHSS_9835: 4000-127969 If you create an EFD with an hpDestination or an hpEFD with a destination attribute,the EFD is created but the attribute is ignored. 4000-128835 ove.h incorrectly refers to obsolete ovstatus.mib file 4000-129874 pmd process will core dump if a -K option is used on the pmd command line. PHSS_9830: NSMbg00020 4000-129742 ovlad dumps core on Solaris when the database is unavailable for inserting a log record. 4000-129890 ovlad leaks memory at a fast rate and finally dumps core when it is unable to allocate any more memory. 4000-130021 ovlad fails to clean up half-done databases when it runs out of system resources like semaphores and file table entries. Because of this, the next time ovlad comes up, it fails with a stack initialization error. PHSS_9538: 4000-127944 4000-127936 ems.mib shows hpSNMPTrapLogRecord as inherited from eventLogRecord, but a retrieved SNMP trap doesn't have mandatory attributes like MOC, MOI etc because a trap doesn't contain them. This is an anomaly. 4000-129148 Three more hpSNMPTrapLogRecord defects - ovlad doesn't recognise hpSNMPTrapLogRecord as a valid MOC - ovlad retrieves hpSNMPTrapLogRecords when the baseMOC supplied is a hpCMISLogRecord and vice-versa. - ovlad returns ObjectClass attribute as hpSNMPTrapLogRecord even if the containing log is a log (ISO) or hpLog. 4000-128652 The "union" used in the HP-Address in ems.mib causes types.h generated by ovxomgen to fail c-compilation. 4000-128793 4000-128801 ovlad logs switch to disabled very often (presumably on lack of resources). They cannot be recovered even when events are sent. They cannot also be deleted, once they become disabled. 4000-128702 ovlad occasionally doesn't startup because the Per file(s) are truncated (0 bytes length). 4000-127472 If a scoped log export action fails, an extra actionReply is returned after the linked processing failures. Also, not enough info is returned with a successful linked actionReply to distinguish which object succeeded (only the MOC=log is returned). Finally, attempts to scope at the hplogRecord level didn't fail but acted the same as a scope to the hpLog level. 4000-128934 If a Form2 title is used that contains an aeQualifier greater than 32767 (0x7fff) the CMIP stack will not be able to decode the title and cause a "decode failure on XMPV7Form2 title" message to be logged. 4000-127779 NSMfc03144 ovgdmoparse does not allow for circular definitions of CHOICE vars. 4000-127852 NSMfc03145 ASN1 constants not being propagated through named value assignments in ovgdmoparse. 4000-127860 NSMfc03146 ovgdmoparse does not propagate constants into sets/sequences. 4000-127878 NSMfc03147 ovgdmoparse does not allow for a comment in the object identifier definition. 4000-127886 NSMfc03148 ovgdmoparse gives an error if a template name is the same as an ASN1 definition. 4000-125328 NSMfc03968 ovgdmoparse cannot handle CHOICE definitions defined without braces. PHSS_9444: 1653-188961 If a set request is sent to modify an EFD or Log persistence file, the change would be made to the file, but wouldn't take effect. PHSS_9281: 4000-128975 When repeated mp_assoc_req requests (called in synchronus mode) continue to fail due to MP_TIME_LIMIT_EXECEEDED then the pmd cpu utilization goes up. PHSS_9171: 4000-127928 ovlad does not currently optimize on range filters like: (logRecordID >= 5) and (logRecordID <= 20) DTD is used to evaluate the filter for every record in the database. This is slow because every record is retrieved in this case. 4000-127993 When an import is done, if a log object of that instance already exists, ovlad does recognize that it is a duplicate instance but also removes the existing database. PHSS_9131: Consolidated Patch PHSS_9052: 4000-128462 Mot 1.1 users require a capability to pass options to the gdmo_pp pre processor. Also the gdmo_pp preprocessor itself must handle enumerated types within sequences. PHSS_8925: Consolidated Patch PHSS_8898: 4000-127894 If the mib contains a value for a field exceeding 0x7fffffff, then gdmo2pac errors out with a message. PHSS_8881: 4000-128017 : When a Set argument is encoded and then decoded on a remote node the intermediate OIDs that are used on the wire are incorrect. 4000-128009 : If the postmaster fails to contact the license server or if the license is bad, no message is returned via the $OV_BIN/ovstatus command. Also no message except to the system console is produced if the postmaster is started by hand and the above license lookup fails. PHSS_8844: Consolidated Patch PHSS_8804: 4000-121350 If the package name in the template file starts with 'C' or 'c', then the ovpacgen makes a duplicate OM_EXPORT entry in the exports file. PHSS_8778: 4000-126722 omX_decode will not preserve the ANY syntax after decoding. PHSS_8742: 4000127464 : OM_STACK option to limit number of logs Enhancement to provide an OM_STACK option to limit number of logs allowable by ovlad. It is an enhancement and hence has no "symptoms". It is required because if logs are created beyond what the system has been configured for, it causes database corruption. 4000127456 : Can not specify empty MOI in XMP If the local DN is (in terms of ASN.1) an *empty* 'SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName', then the resulting XOM object would consist only of the OM_CLASS descriptor immediately followed by the NULL DESCRIPTOR. If an mp_get_req is done with an argument containing such an 'Object Instance' XOM object got the XMP library returns an error 'BAD_ARGUMENT'. 4000127654 : EVT_FWD option for ACM logging This is also an enhancement and so does not have any symptoms. In some cases, systems developers will wish to perform some operations on incoming events before the event reports are preprocessed by the EMS subsystem. The application then may wish perform some operation on the event and send it back into the pmd via an ACM enabled connection. Under this senario, it is desirable to only have the event processed by the logging system one time. PHSS_8690: If an application calls mpX_decode with MP_C_CMIS_GET_ARGUMENT as the grammer then the application will coredump if the MP_NAMED_NUMBERS descriptor (of the MP_SCOPE subobject) has a syntax of either OM_S_ENUMERATION or OM_S_INTEGER. PHSS_8682: 4000-126813 If maxfiles_lim is bumped up >2048 on an HP/UX 10.10 or higher system, pmd will not start (core dumps). PHSS_8623: Consolidated Patch PHSS_8547: 4000-127365 : Postmaster does not attempt to bind to more than one CONS endpoint if more than one is specified in the local_p_addr file. 4000-122036 : On Sun systems, the t-selector can not be changed from tp0 in the local_p_addr file. No matter what the user types for the t-selector in RFC 1006 address types, the t-selector of tp0 is used. PHSS_8531: 4000-127225 The application will core dump. PHSS_8519: 4000-125823 : When an association is requested to some devices that do not understand the OSI negotiated release option and the associated token, the remote will abort the connection. PHSS_8466: 4000-126698 : When using ovela to view Event History, the text for SNMP traps sometimes shows up with multiple "openview" strings instead of the correct address/info that should be there. PHSS_8413: 1653-181768 : When multiple external objects are sent in the ASSOC user info fields via the XMP API only the first passes through the CI 1653-178749 : When multiple external objects are sent in the ASSOC user info fields via the BMP API only the first passes through the CI PHSS_8255: 4000-126599 : In extended running of system under moderate load the file system was consumed and all process began to fail with file system write errors. 4000-125856 : If an action was sent to a managed object that did not support that action you would receive an invalid error return. CNDdm15034 : In the DM4.2 release there is unused code that was at one time used to limit the number of open database connections. This code is not used and should be removed. CNDdm15357 : In the following case availabilityStatus is not reset in the om_stack of ovald. Therefore, an m_get results in an erroneous get_result. LogfullAction = HALT Fill log get log, availabilityStatus=Unavailable. perform archive get log, availabilityStatus should be available, however, it is still unavailable. Log insertion works so this implies that leh stack has been updated. CNDdm15358 : On export action, the leh stack (controls persistant storage insertions) was not notified of the updated log status. Therefore, if the log was full and an export caused new space to be available, the insertion stack would not be aware of the new space avaiable. CNDdm15359 : On partial export the logid number of the active file gets reset and then the next entry in the log is started at zero. This is confusing, but no data is lost. CNDdm15360 : On event logs, the user can specifiy a set of thresholds that when crossed will create a threshold alarm and if the logFullAction is HALT will halt the log. If the threshold alarm is set to a presentage that is within 1 log record size of the maximum, and the log is set to logFullAction = WRAP then an endless log of alarm records being generated and wrapped will occur. CNDdm15362 : The managed object class and eventtype fields were not translated correctly for snmp trap records. CNDdm15364 : This defect was reported by customer Siemens. On extended running of system under moderate load the file system was consumed and all process began to fail with file system write errors. CNDdm15365 : When user applies long filenames (greater than 9 chars) to log creation, the names will be truncated to 9 chars for the internal representation. This will cause creations errors if the filenames do not differ within the first nine chars. Standards do not limit file name for logs. CNDdm15381 : In the case of an import failure, the ovlad did not properly clean up intermediate state files and thus would cause later problems on log creation and processing. CNDdm15382 : This was an enhancement request to support the functionality where if the "rename" failed on partial export that a "copy" operation would be attempted. PHSS_8117: 4000-126334 : Insertion rates for the DB version of EMS are too slow for high volume usage. Defect Description: PHSS_14155: Consolidated Patch 4701-382473: pmd's signal handler doesn't bother to save the errno number and restore it back once it's done. Because of which the problem occurs in the following sequence. * pmd forks and execs deathtrap * pmd calls send system call to send data. * In the meanwhile deathtrap exits and hence SIGCHLD is sent to pmd. * pmd's signal handler gets called once send system call comes out. * from inside signal handler waitpid() is called which returns ECHILD overwriting errno set by send. * send system call's error checking goes wrong as errno is what is returned by waitpid and not by send. 1653-239673: The ManagementExtension attribute of Additional Information contained in the alarm event, generated by XMP/XOM based Agent would carry IMPLICIT tag. Since ems.per does not specify it as IMPLICIT, it is therefore considered to be EXPLICIT and hence decoding the event during M-GET would fail. 1653-250043: The decoding routine checks for NOT-OK which is also defined as -1. Therefore when the attrib. carries a value of -1, it is considered as NOT-OK and hence returns false. Thus decoding would fail. 4701-382556: Before Log records are retrieved, the minimum and the maximum log record ids present in the log object are retrived in order to optimise the retrieval to limited extent. The retrieval of the min and max id's are done without Semaphore locking. The contents of Sql buffer, is overwritten by each ovlad child process and SQLExec fails, resulting in failure to retrieve any records. PHSS_13275: 4000-135608: Requests are serialised at one end of OPI_SOCK and are unserialized at the other end. Since ovead has its assoc id of its cce has the address 0x1001, which also gets serialised and thus passed as the src address. This now gets deserialized and is carried over to subsequent requests. When requests reach the CMIP_IN stack, finds the destination address to be already set and hence does not resolve. 4000-135517: when *pmd* responds to ASSOC indication it reuses the pdu that came in as ASSOC indication for ASSOC response. In this case since the ASSOC request sent by switch didn't contain cmis-func-units attribute the ASSOC response sent by ACSE stack back to architecture also didn't contain that. When this ASSOC response goes via CMIP stack down to network it takes the default value e8 as no cmis-func-units is set. This lead to the switch aborting the association. 4000-135772: dbnolog code was originally written to stop the platform. Since patches, by default, install ems.per only at the specified and not at $OV_NEW_CONF. Reconfiguration using swconfig after patch installation, picks up files from $OV_NEW_CONF and places it in appropriate locations, thus overriding what the patch did. 4000-135756: The problem was due to a bug in SNMP stack. Inside SNMP stack the code that calculates the number of octets required to encode length field is not handling boundary conditions correctly. Particularly if the pdu size is 255/64K bytes in length the code failes to calculate proper length. Since the pdu was exactly 255 bytes in length it hit the boundary condition leading to improper length calculation. This led to the addition of spurious extra octet in the outgoing pdu. PHSS_13257: 1653238063: libbmp copied the additional externals incorrectly when setting up Associate request and result arguments Also, no userInfo field is provided in the Context parameter PHSS_12913: 4000-135327 This is a product enhancement. PHSS_12613: 1653228940: Since bmp_send code assumes that responding title is mandatory for an AARE pdu, BAD_TITLE error is returned 4000134692: When an endpoint is opened, it is associated with many environmental variables. These environmental variables are set using ap_set_env. When an error occurs during the environmental setup the routine just returns -1 with out closing the opened endpoint. This leads to file table overflow over a period of time. PHSS_12502: EMS was designed to support X.721 naming. There are rigid naming checks within the log and EFD agents for the instance naming. PHSS_12211: Consolidated Patch PHSS_12134: 1653-226191 bmp_bind does not close 'fd' allocated for communication with XMPV7 stack if an error occurs later in the bind call. Also, pm_ipc_open functions do not close socket sd in case of an error later PHSS_11949: 1653-222489 With cache size being 25, search for log records are always start from log_record id being -1. Hence if records from the beginning are removed, there is a time delay in retrieving the first record. Secondly, the search continues until there are no more log records in the log even when the last record to be fetched, as specified in the range filter is of lesser value than the last record in the log. With cache size being 25, there is a time delay between the last reply and the end of reply. PHSS_11394: 1653-218024 ovlad did not examine the logId instance to check if it was of string or numeric type. It attempted to do a substring on it even if it was a number and thus caused the core dump. 1653-218727 ovlad forks off multiple children to do GETs. Each child may attempt to update the PER files in the $OV_STACKS/Log.per directory. This may cause contention amongst the children and return a processing failure in some of them. 1653-218735 When ovlad is restarted, the OM_STACK does not parse the scheduling information in the PER files and later GETs are unable to retrieve correct scheduling information. Scheduling functionality is however not lost because LEH and EVENT_STACK do the parse at startup. 1653-218743 libovmd.a should have been shipped in PHSS_9538 but wasn't. PHSS_11216: 1653-215459 Everytime ovlad does a fork to do a GET and the child process later terminates, the parent does not immediately decrement the count of forked processes. Thus it may end up having a count greater than the maximum number of configured forks. A next GET may be processed by the parent which will not process any more requests (including CANCEL-GETs) until the GET is completed. 1653-215442 Code designed to prevent duplicate attributes from adding duplicate values in the GetResult caused the attribute to be deleted from the list of valid attributes. Thus the duplicate attribute was processed as though it was an invalid one. PHSS_11202: 5003-371468 The problem is because of pmd's inability to handle zero length acse service provider abort indication. The XMPV7 stack attempts to decode the abort pdu even if the pdu is of zero length. So the decode fails and the pdu is dropped. NOTE: The cmip stack always truncates the acse service provider abort pdu to zero length, after receiving it from OSI. So acse service provider abort indication reaching the XMPV7 stack will always be of zero length. PHSS_10998: Consolidated Patch PHSS_10938: 4000-128140 Since the node to which mp_get_req is directed does not exist, the pmd retries get request. The retry time-period is 3 minutes(by default) between retries. For every mp_get_req, the pmd allocates a rqt structure and a pdu.If the application itself times out before the retry (by the pmd), and then does another mp_get_req this will again result in the pmd allocating another rqt structure and a pdu. mp_get_req called in this manner over a period of time will lead to number of pdus being allocated not being freed causing the pmd to grow in size. 4000-127183 Currently the XOM decoder checks the number of octets used to represent the integer. If its more than 4 octets, it errors out. 4000-125344 The API (XMPV3) stack was wrongly comparing "EVENT_STACK" string to "SNMP" or "CMIP" or "CMOT". On strings not matching, it set the protocol variable to PROTOCOL_local instead of PROTOCOL_snmp. PHSS_10872: 1653-208389 There was a bug inside the OTS ACSE/ROSE layer trace routines. If the characters "%?" were part of an incoming CMIP pdu, they were misinterpreted as printf formatting strings. This caused a segmentation violation which in turn caused pmd to core dump. PHSS_10835: 1653-206730 1653-208033 This feature was simply not provided. This patch provides the enhancement for the same. 4000-131821 ovlad does not maintain the list of pids for it's child processes. It never used to kill them when it got a termination message from ovspmd. 1653-203125 Each of the variable bindings are added to the list of attributes sent in the GET. This does not conform to the GDMO for the hpSNMPTrapLogRecord. PHSS_10784: 4000-131342 In ACM-disabled case, invoke-ids generated at one end are passed unchanged to the other. When waiting for a response to synchronous request, incoming request (having same invoke-id ) is also handled like a response PHSS_10717: 4000-131573 In the event stack always the fourth attribute in the attribute list is assumed as the event_type attribute. If the specific-trap value is 11 and if the specific-trap attribute comes as fourth attribute then the event stack mistakes it as "unforwarded event" and drops it. PHSS_10597: 1653-206862 The memory allocation for an assoc. pdu was hard coded to 1K in the CMIP stack. PHSS_10410: 1653-207225 This was caused by XOM incorrectly converting indefinite length EncodingString's to definite length and leaving the EOC octet as part of the length. PHSS_10402: 4000-130963 The gdmo_pp and gdmo2pac was not linked with the latest version of libovmd.a PHSS_10229: 4000-130690 This is an enhancement as the code was never in place to set these responder titles. 4000-130740 The code path for this condition included an error which caused the association to be aborted. PHSS_10213: 1653-204602 The include file bmp.h wrongly comments as INTEGER instead of absent after the primitive BMP_ROER_mistypedOperation. PHSS_10198: 4000-128108 The core was never duplicated throughout the investigation but the user-information which was causing the abort would never be transmitted to the remote user. This is an enhancement to the product as we never support user-information in an abort-request prior to this patch. 4000-130294 In 4.21 both the trace file size and the log file size were using the log file size variable. PHSS_10173: 1653-202119 One of the internal functions in the V7 library was returning MP_SUCCESS after reading a less than zero-length value from a pm_ipc_read call. PHSS_10129: 4000-130468 The problem is one different from what was fixed in PHSS_9538 etc. The problem occurs because sometimes ovladdb does not get sufficient time to write the log_cntl record before it is shutdown during an ovstop or system reboot. The next time ovladdb starts up, wrong control record values are read in, causing failure of further events, and hence disabled logs. 4000-130476 ovead (and ovlad) consider a failure to DTD_parse the EFD/Log Per files as fatal. Hence it exits if there are non-EFD or non-Log files in the directory. 4000-130518 The problem was because a bad pointer was being referenced in some cases. Though the problem could occur under a few circumstances, one common occurence is when large events are logged in multiple databases and the log goes into wrap mode. PHSS_9901: Consolidated Patch PHSS_9835: 4000-127969 Both the destination and hpDestination attributes are valid for EFD's or hpEFD's. Therefore, there was no error returned when the wrong combination was used. 4000-128835 The reference is obsolete. It refers to functionality in OVw 2.0. OVw 3.x and beyond uses a completely different API and implementation to handle object status. It does not use events at all. 4000-129874 When a -K option is used on the command line to limit the postmaster generated invoke ID's to 16 signed bits a log entry is generated. This log posting was coded to point to an invalid stack via an uninitalized stack ID field PHSS_9830: NSMbg00020 4000-129742 The core dump occurs when it attempts to log the error, it passes bad arguments to the function which finds out the error message. 4000-129890 The leak occurs only when SNMP traps are logged into a log record. When ovlad converts the trap information into a database record format, all memory allocated is not cleaned up. 4000-130021 ovlad does not check for errors in the database creation and remove the half-done database in such a case. PHSS_9538: 4000-127944 4000-127936 Described in symptoms. 4000-129148 The reasons for the described defects are: - The OM_STACK does not check for the baseMOC to be hpSNMPTrapLogRecord. - When ovlad retrieves Log Records, it doesn't compare the protocol type (SNMP/CMIP) with the requested base MOC. - ovlad doesn't look at the container class before sending back the Object Class attrib. 4000-128652 union is a reserved word in C. ovxomgen generates types.h which contains "union" as the name of an element in a structure for the HP-Address. 4000-128793 4000-128801 The external name in the log_cntl record can get corrupted, because of which ovlad cannot relate a PER file to the database (when it comes up after an ovstop). So, these PER files never get enabled again. Because of the same reason, a delete of the Per file does not find the database and hence it fails. SR #128801 asks for a management operation to delete these permanently disabled logs, but with the protection of the external name done in this patch, such an operation will not be required. Any logs with operational state temporarily disabled can be deleted with the current hpLogDeleteAction. 4000-128702 The PER file write opens the file in write mode, if a signal comes before the file is rewritten (possible if the system is shutting down), the PER file is corrupted. ovlad/ovead cannot read it the next time it comes up and startup fails. 4000-127472 The extra actionReply is a code error where it should be sending an empty actionReply after sending linked replies when an error occurs. The lack of info is a code error because not enough info is returned in the linked reply. The hplogRecord scope problem was a code error where scoping at that level was not blocked since it is not supported for these actions. 4000-128934 The asn1 definitions for Form2 aeQualifiers were defined as INTEGER which defaults to signed 16 bits in out internal decoder. The definition and parsing code should be defined as INTEGER(32) which conforms to what the xmp library uses. 4000-127779 NSMfc03144 The ASN1 module did not account for this condition. 4000-127852 NSMfc03145 The routine responsible for propagating constants was not correctly propagating in the case of default values being an asn1 value assignment. 4000-127860 NSMfc03146 The routine used to propagate constants was not descending into sets or seqences to memberwise propagate the constant values. 4000-127878 NSMfc03147 The regular expression describing the object id token did not allow for a comment. 4000-127886 NSMfc03148 The routine which checks for duplicate symbols does it against the global name space. ASN1 definitions are in the global space. 4000-125328 NSMfc03968 The shortened form of the CHOICE definition (without braces) was incorrectly handled by gdmop. PHSS_9444: 1653-188961 The om_stack code was incorrectly sending a notification of the change to the persistence file before the file was written. This caused the stack to update itself with the attributes from the old persistence file. PHSS_9281: 4000-128975 The mp_assoc_req call did not close the association socket if the function mpP_handle_replies returned an error. PHSS_9171: 4000-127928 The current ovlad implementation generates SQLs for only >= and = conditions on logRecordId, eventTime and loggingTime. For all other filters, all records are retrieved and passed to DTD for evaluation. 4000-127993 The instance is not validated during an import action to see if it is a duplicate. PHSS_9131: Consolidated Patch PHSS_9052: 4000-128462 This is a product enhancement PHSS_8925: Consolidated Patch PHSS_8898: 4000-127894 The 5th parameter to the call OVmdLoadFile was not ored with the constant OVMD_LARGE_INTS which enables handling 32 bit unsigned integers. PHSS_8881: 4000-128017 : There was an incomplete implementation of the new CAE internal behavior of the XMP library. This passed intermediate decode tach up to the user in place of the correct OID. 4000-128009 : The socket to OVSPAMD was not opened when the license checks are done. The code to report the error existed but the socket was not initalized. No stderr report existed. PHSS_8844: Consolidated Patch PHSS_8804: 4000-121350 The gdmo2pac pack wrongly makes an entry in the exports file for package id. The ovpacgen makes the second entry in the exports file dur to parsing error of the header file. PHSS_8778: 4000-126722 Function omP_G_decode_any wrongly called function omP_G_dec_decode_simple_syntax even though OM_DEC_FOR_SIMPLE pkg was not negotiated. PHSS_8742: 4000127464 : Each log object uses up system resources like semaphores and file table entries. If the more log objects are created than what the system can handle, it creates corrupted database files which have mismatches with persistence files, and ovlad sometimes dumps core. An OM_STACK option thus helps in limiting the number of log objects allowable by ovlad. 4000127456 : The grammer where a local DN can be empty is supported only in new CAE specs. This feature was not available in the earlier versions of the xmpV7 library. 4000127654 : In the pmd, all events that are processed are sent to the ovlad to be pre-processed for potential logging. This activity is not dependent on if the pdu arrives with ACM enabled or disable. Log preprocessing will occur in all cases. PHSS_8690: 1653-184226 The mpX_up_SCOPE function was trying to address an uninitiaiized field. PHSS_8682: 4000-126813 On HP/UX 10.10 and higher systems, the ability to use more than 2048 files per process is provided. Applications that use this must use a new compile flag "_USE_BIG_FDS" which allows up to 60000 open files per process. The pmd was not compiled with this new flag for various performance reasons. PHSS_8623: Consolidated Patch PHSS_8547: 4000-127365 : The postmaster was indeed seeing all CONS endpoints but was only initializing the first one in cmip_open(). 4000-122036 : The code for Sun systems is a special case. In that case the t-selector is hardcoded to tp0. PHSS_8531: 4000-127225 : The libbmp library was freeing a null pointer and was causing the application to core dump. PHSS_8519: 4000-125823 : This is an enhancemnt request. Using a '-g' option on the CMIP stack will force all postmaster OSI sessions to not negotiate the Negative Release token. PHSS_8466: 4000-126698 : The routine which searched the attribute list during the get request for the event log was incorrect. If there was more than 1 of the same attribute ID with different values, the first ID in the list's value was always retrieved. PHSS_8413: 1653-181768 This is a product enhancement. 1653-178749 This is a product enhancement. PHSS_8255: 4000-126599 : The internal database process was not correctly handling I/O being a child of a daemon processes. 4000-125856 : There was a coding error that sent the improper respones. CNDdm15034 : Remove unused code. CNDdm15357 : logfullAction=halt: fill log: archive: availabilityStatus not reset CNDdm15358 : On export action, leh stack is not notified on new log status. CNDdm15359 : Export/import logid numbers get out of sequence. CNDdm15360 : Threshold alarm at 100% causes endless alarm loop. CNDdm15362 : moc and eventtype not translated correctly for snmp traps. CNDdm15364 : Filesystem overflow on extended uptime. CNDdm15365 : Long file names get truncated. CNDdm15381 : Invalid entrys in log dir if import fails. CNDdm15382 : Attempt to copy on partial export if rename fails. PHSS_8117: 4000-126334 : Insertion rates for the DB version of EMS are too slow for high volume usage. As a result the postmaster queues will grow without bound if the average event log insertion rate is below the average event arrival rate. SR: 4000126334 1653178749 1653178768 4000999999 4000126599 4000125856 4000126698 4000125823 4000127225 1653181768 4000127365 4000122036 1653184226 4000126813 4000127464 4000127456 4000127654 4000126722 4000121350 4000128017 4000128009 4000127894 4000127787 4000128462 4000127928 4000127993 4000128975 1653188961 4000127936 4000127944 4000129148 4000128652 4000128793 4000128801 4000128702 4000127472 4000128934 4000127779 4000127852 4000127860 4000127878 4000127886 4000125328 4000127969 4000128835 4000129874 4000129742 4000129890 4000130021 4000130468 4000130476 4000130518 1653202119 4000128108 4000130294 1653204602 4000130690 4000130740 4000130963 1653207225 1653206862 4000131573 4000131342 1653206730 1653208033 4000131821 1653203125 4701349571 1653208389 4000127183 4000125344 4000128140 5003371468 1653215459 1653215442 1653218024 1653218727 1653218735 1653218743 4000133223 1653222489 1653226191 4000134874 1653228940 4000134692 4000135327 1653238063 4000135608 4000135517 4000135772 4000135756 Patch Files: /opt/OV/bin/pmd /opt/OV/bin/ovead /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb /opt/OV/bin/ovladff /etc/opt/OV/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per /opt/OV/bin/dbnolog /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.1 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/om_stack.5 /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.1 /opt/OV/bin/pacgen /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h /opt/OV/include/bmp.h /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/pmd.1m /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_bind.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_continue_send.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_kill.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_print.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_receive.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_select.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_send.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_sync_receive.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_unbind.3 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/mp_receive.3 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/cmip.5 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovlad.1m /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/evt_fwd.5 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp /opt/OV/bin/gdmop /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib /opt/OV/include/OV/ove.h /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a what(1) Output: /opt/OV/bin/pmd: PATCH PHSS_9835, 970115 PATCH PHSS_10998, DM 4.21 Consolidated Patch (May 19 97) PATCH PHSS_12211, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Aug 97) PATCH PHSS_14155, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Feb 199 8) DFIX6029: acse_abort.c 11feb97 PATCH PHSS_8547, 960913 PATCH PHSS_8519, 960911 DFIX6040: cmip.c 27mar97 DFIX6029: cmip.c 11feb97 DFIX6009: cmip.c 13sep96 DFIX6007: cmip.c 11sep96 PATCH PHSS_10597, 970327 DFIX6040: cmip_ass.c 27mar97 DFIX6036: cmip_ass.c 27feb97 DFIX6035: cmip_ass.c 26feb97 DFIX6029: cmip_ass.c 11feb97 DFIX6007: cmip_ass.c 11sep96 DFIX6007: cmip_req.c 11sep96 PATCH PHSS_12613, 970919 PATCH PHSS_10229, 970226 DFIX6060: cmip_utils.c 04Nov97 DFIX6058: cmip_utils.c 12Sep97 DFIX6040: cmip_utils.c 27mar97 DFIX6035: cmip_utils.c 26feb97 DFIX6024: cmip_utils.c 10dec96 DFIX6007: cmip_utils.c 11sep96 OTS: C.06.00 Instrumented libraries - 18/9/97 OTS: C.06.00 Instrumented libraries - 18/9/97 PATCH PHSS_10938, 970501 DFIX6060: si_snmp.c 19Nov1997 DFIX6047: si_snmp.c 1May1997 DFIX6012: evt_fwd.c 27Sep96 PATCH PHSS_8742, 960927 DFIX6012: evt_fwd_req.c 27Sep96 PATCH PHSS_10938, 970501 DFIX6046: api_oper.c 01May97 DFIX6059: xmpv7.c 16oct97 DFIX6030: xmpv7.c 11feb97 PATCH PHSS_10198, 970224 DFIX6059: xmpv7_open.c 16oct97 DFIX6030: xmpv7_open.c 11feb97 DFIX6030: xmpv7_close.c 11feb97 PATCH PHSS_11202, 970526 DFIX6049: xmpv7_oper.c 28may97 DFIX6030: xmpv7_oper.c 11feb97 DFIX6029: xmpv7_oper.c 11feb97 DFIX6024: xmpv7_oper.c 10dec96 DFIX6060: opi_sock_util.c 19Nov97 PATCH PHSS_13275, 971119 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 PATCH PHSS_10717, 970411 DFIX6042: eventstk_req.c 11Apr97 DFIX6022: eventstk_req.c 21Nov96 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 DFIX6022: eventstk_destinations.c 21Nov96 DFIX6027: pm_init.c 13jan96 PATCH PHSS_12913, 971016 PATCH PHSS_8881, 961009 PATCH PHSS_8682, 960925 DFIX6063: pm_main.c 17Feb98 DFIX6059: pm_main.c 16oct97 DFIX6015: pm_main.c 09oct96 DFIX6010: pm_main.c 25Sep96 DFIX6031: pm_trace.c 06feb97 Server A.04.21 MR 97/01/23 22:33:37 DFIX6041: translate.c 23Apr97 PATCH PHSS_10835, 970423 DFIX6063: enum.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6063: int.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6050: item.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6050: per.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6022: per.c 16dec1996 /opt/OV/bin/ovead: PATCH PHSS_10998, DM 4.21 Consolidated Patch (May 19 97) PATCH PHSS_12211, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Aug 97) PATCH PHSS_14155, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Feb 199 8) DFIX6029: acse_abort.c 11feb97 DFIX6060: opi_sock_util.c 19Nov97 PATCH PHSS_13275, 971119 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 DFIX6050: om_opi_stack.c 17Jun97 DFIX6048: om_opi_stack.c 29May97 DFIX6041: om_opi_stack.c 23Apr97 DFIX6032: om_opi_stack.c 14Feb97 DFIX6012: om_opi_stack.c 27Sep96 PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_10835, 970423 PATCH PHSS_10129, 970214 PATCH PHSS_8742, 960927 DFIX6021: om_action_request.c 20nov1996 DFIX6019: om_action_request.c 06nov1996 DFIX6012: om_action_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6004: om_action_request.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9171, 961107 DFIX6041: om_common.c 23Apr97 DFIX6022: om_common.c 21Nov96 DFIX6004: om_common.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9830, 970115 DFIX6028: om_create_request.c 16Jan97 DFIX6012: om_create_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6012: om_delete_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6022: om_event_request.c 21Nov96 DFIX6004: om_event_request.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9444, 961205 DFIX6023: om_set_request.c 02Dec96 PATCH PHSS_12502, 970909 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 DFIX6056: stx_check_obj.c 09sep1997 DFIX6022: stx_check_obj.c 16dec1996 DFIX6021: stx_check_obj.c 20nov1996 DFIX6019: stx_check_obj.c 06nov1996 PATCH PHSS_9835, 970115 DFIX6025: om_process_attributeList.c 24Dec96 PATCH PHSS_11216, 970529 PATCH PHSS_8466, 960904 DFIX6048: om_process_attributeIdList.c 29May97 DFIX6006: om_process_attributeIdList.c 04Sep96 DFIX6063: enum.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6063: int.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6050: item.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6050: per.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6022: per.c 16dec1996 DFIX6027: pm_init.c 13jan96 PATCH PHSS_12913, 971016 PATCH PHSS_8881, 961009 PATCH PHSS_8682, 960925 DFIX6063: pm_main.c 17Feb98 DFIX6059: pm_main.c 16oct97 DFIX6015: pm_main.c 09oct96 DFIX6010: pm_main.c 25Sep96 DFIX6031: pm_trace.c 06feb97 Server A.04.21 MR 97/01/23 22:33:37 /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ PATCH PHSS_10998, DM 4.21 Consolidated Patch (May 19 97) PATCH PHSS_12211, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Aug 97) PATCH PHSS_14155, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Feb 199 8) DFIX6029: acse_abort.c 11feb97 DFIX6050: om_opi_stack.c 17Jun97 DFIX6048: om_opi_stack.c 29May97 DFIX6041: om_opi_stack.c 23Apr97 DFIX6032: om_opi_stack.c 14Feb97 DFIX6012: om_opi_stack.c 27Sep96 PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_10129, 970214 PATCH PHSS_8742, 960927 DFIX6021: om_action_request.c 20nov1996 DFIX6019: om_action_request.c 06nov1996 DFIX6012: om_action_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6004: om_action_request.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9171, 961107 DFIX6041: om_common.c 23Apr97 DFIX6022: om_common.c 21Nov96 DFIX6004: om_common.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9830, 970115 DFIX6028: om_create_request.c 16Jan97 DFIX6012: om_create_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6012: om_delete_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6022: om_event_request.c 21Nov96 DFIX6004: om_event_request.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9444, 961205 DFIX6023: om_set_request.c 02Dec96 PATCH PHSS_12502, 970909 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 DFIX6056: stx_check_obj.c 09sep1997 DFIX6022: stx_check_obj.c 16dec1996 DFIX6021: stx_check_obj.c 20nov1996 DFIX6019: stx_check_obj.c 06nov1996 PATCH PHSS_9835, 970115 DFIX6025: om_process_attributeList.c 24Dec96 PATCH PHSS_11216, 970529 PATCH PHSS_8466, 960904 DFIX6048: om_process_attributeIdList.c 29May97 DFIX6006: om_process_attributeIdList.c 04Sep96 DFIX6041: translate.c 23Apr97 PATCH PHSS_10835, 970423 DFIX6063: enum.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6063: int.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6050: item.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6050: per.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6022: per.c 16dec1996 DFIX6004: leh_log.c 16Aug96 DFIX6032: leh_log.c 14Feb97 DFIX6060: opi_sock_util.c 19Nov97 PATCH PHSS_13275, 971119 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 DFIX6027: pm_init.c 13jan96 PATCH PHSS_12913, 971016 PATCH PHSS_8881, 961009 PATCH PHSS_8682, 960925 DFIX6063: pm_main.c 17Feb98 DFIX6059: pm_main.c 16oct97 DFIX6015: pm_main.c 09oct96 DFIX6010: pm_main.c 25Sep96 DFIX6031: pm_trace.c 06feb97 Server A.04.21 MR 97/01/23 22:33:37 DFIX6004: aconnect.c 16Aug96 DFIX6022: create_log.c 16dec1996 DFIX6012: create_log.c 11oct96 DFIX6004: create_rec.c 16Aug96 DFIX6003: create_rec.c 3aug96 DFIX6000: create_rec.c 96apr17 DFIX6063: sequent.c 17jan1998 DFIX6052: sequent.c 25jul1997 DFIX6019: sequent.c 06nov1996 DFIX6000: sequent.c /main/DM4.2PLUS/27 96apr15 PATCH PHSS_11949, 970725 DFIX6032: status.c 14Feb97 DFIX6032: util.c 14Feb97 DFIX6003: util.c 26jul96 PATCH PHSS_8117, 960726 DFIX6032: rdbcommon.c 14Feb97 DFIX6028: rdbcommon.c 15Jan97 DFIX6004: rdbcommon.c 09Sep96 DFIX6003: rdbcommon.c 3aug96 DFIX6032: arc.c 14Feb97 DFIX6022: arc.c 16dec1996 DFIX6012: arc.c 11oct96 DFIX6004: arc.c 16Aug96 DFIX6003: arc.c 3aug96 DFIX6052: rdbget.c 25jul1997 DFIX6019: rdbget.c 06nov1996 DFIX6022: rdbsetcntl.c 16dec1996 DFIX6019: rdbsql.c 06nov1996 PATCH PHSS_8255, 960809 DFIX6004: fileops.c 16Aug96 DFIX6003: fileops.c 3aug96 DFIX6028: dbinsert.c 15Jan97 DFIX6004: dbinsert.c 16Aug96 DFIX6019: filter.c 06nov1996 DFIX6019: rdbpreselect.c 06nov1996 /opt/OV/bin/ovladff: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ PATCH PHSS_10998, DM 4.21 Consolidated Patch (May 19 97) PATCH PHSS_12211, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Aug 97) PATCH PHSS_14155, DM4.21 Consolidated Patch (Feb 199 8) DFIX6029: acse_abort.c 11feb97 DFIX6050: om_opi_stack.c 17Jun97 DFIX6048: om_opi_stack.c 29May97 DFIX6041: om_opi_stack.c 23Apr97 DFIX6032: om_opi_stack.c 14Feb97 DFIX6012: om_opi_stack.c 27Sep96 PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_10129, 970214 PATCH PHSS_8742, 960927 DFIX6021: om_action_request.c 20nov1996 DFIX6019: om_action_request.c 06nov1996 DFIX6012: om_action_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6004: om_action_request.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9171, 961107 DFIX6041: om_common.c 23Apr97 DFIX6022: om_common.c 21Nov96 DFIX6004: om_common.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9830, 970115 DFIX6028: om_create_request.c 16Jan97 DFIX6012: om_create_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6012: om_delete_request.c 27Sep96 DFIX6022: om_event_request.c 21Nov96 DFIX6004: om_event_request.c 16Aug96 PATCH PHSS_9444, 961205 DFIX6023: om_set_request.c 02Dec96 PATCH PHSS_12502, 970909 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 DFIX6056: stx_check_obj.c 09sep1997 DFIX6022: stx_check_obj.c 16dec1996 DFIX6021: stx_check_obj.c 20nov1996 DFIX6019: stx_check_obj.c 06nov1996 PATCH PHSS_9835, 970115 DFIX6025: om_process_attributeList.c 24Dec96 PATCH PHSS_11216, 970529 PATCH PHSS_8466, 960904 DFIX6048: om_process_attributeIdList.c 29May97 DFIX6006: om_process_attributeIdList.c 04Sep96 DFIX6041: translate.c 23Apr97 PATCH PHSS_10835, 970423 DFIX6063: enum.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6063: int.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6050: item.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6050: per.c 17Jun1997 DFIX6022: per.c 16dec1996 DFIX6004: leh_log.c 16Aug96 DFIX6032: leh_log.c 14Feb97 DFIX6060: opi_sock_util.c 19Nov97 PATCH PHSS_13275, 971119 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 DFIX6027: pm_init.c 13jan96 PATCH PHSS_12913, 971016 PATCH PHSS_8881, 961009 PATCH PHSS_8682, 960925 DFIX6063: pm_main.c 17Feb98 DFIX6059: pm_main.c 16oct97 DFIX6015: pm_main.c 09oct96 DFIX6010: pm_main.c 25Sep96 DFIX6031: pm_trace.c 06feb97 Server A.04.21 MR 97/01/23 22:33:37 DFIX6041: connect.c 23Apr97 DFIX6000: create_rec.c /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/2 96apr 17 DFIX6041: arc.c 23Apr97 DFIX6041: fileops.c 23Apr97 /etc/opt/OV/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per: None. /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per: None. /opt/OV/bin/dbnolog: DFIX6003: dbnolog.c 3aug96 DFIX6004: dbnolog 16Aug96 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.1: PATCH PHSS_10213, 970225 bmp.h DFIX6034 25Feb97 PATCH PHSS_13257, 971117 PATCH PHSS_12613, 970919 PATCH PHSS_12134, 970816 PATCH PHSS_8531, 960912 bmp.c DFIX6061 17nov97 bmp.c DFIX6057 19sep97 bmp.c DFIX6055 16aug97 bmp.c DFIX6008 12sep96 bmp.c DFIX6001 .../30 11jun96 PATCH PHSS_10213, 970225 bmp.h DFIX6034 25Feb97 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a: PATCH PHSS_10213, 970225 bmp.h DFIX6034 25Feb97 PATCH PHSS_13257, 971117 PATCH PHSS_12613, 970919 PATCH PHSS_12134, 970816 PATCH PHSS_8531, 960912 bmp.c DFIX6061 17nov97 bmp.c DFIX6057 19sep97 bmp.c DFIX6055 16aug97 bmp.c DFIX6008 12sep96 bmp.c DFIX6001 .../30 11jun96 PATCH PHSS_10213, 970225 bmp.h DFIX6034 25Feb97 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/om_stack.5: None. /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate: DFIX6041: connect.c 23Apr97 DFIX6000: create_rec.c /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/2 96apr 17 DFIX6012: migrate.c 27Sep96 PATCH PHSS_8742, 960927 DFIX6000: migrate.c /main/DM4.2PLUS/8 96apr24 DFIX6004: aconnect.c 16Aug96 DFIX6022: create_log.c 16dec1996 DFIX6012: create_log.c 11oct96 DFIX6004: create_rec.c 16Aug96 DFIX6003: create_rec.c 3aug96 DFIX6000: create_rec.c 96apr17 DFIX6063: sequent.c 17jan1998 DFIX6052: sequent.c 25jul1997 DFIX6019: sequent.c 06nov1996 DFIX6000: sequent.c /main/DM4.2PLUS/27 96apr15 PATCH PHSS_11949, 970725 DFIX6032: util.c 14Feb97 DFIX6003: util.c 26jul96 PATCH PHSS_8117, 960726 DFIX6032: rdbcommon.c 14Feb97 DFIX6028: rdbcommon.c 15Jan97 DFIX6004: rdbcommon.c 09Sep96 DFIX6003: rdbcommon.c 3aug96 DFIX6052: rdbget.c 25jul1997 DFIX6019: rdbget.c 06nov1996 DFIX6022: rdbsetcntl.c 16dec1996 DFIX6019: rdbsql.c 06nov1996 PATCH PHSS_8255, 960809 DFIX6004: fileops.c 16Aug96 DFIX6003: fileops.c 3aug96 DFIX6019: filter.c 06nov1996 DFIX6032: status.c 14Feb97 DFIX6028: dbinsert.c 15Jan97 DFIX6004: dbinsert.c 16Aug96 DFIX6019: rdbpreselect.c 06nov1996 DFIX6063: enum.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6063: int.c 17Jan1998 DFIX6050: item.c 17Jun1997 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a: PATCH PHSS_10173, 970221 DFIX6033: cii_ent.c 20feb97 DFIX6030: cii_ent.c 11feb97 PATCH PHSS_8881, 961009 PATCH PHSS_8690, 960925 DFIX6015: cii_tra.c 08oct96 DFIX6011: cii_tra.c 25sep96 PATCH PHSS_10784, 970417 DFIX6043: cell.c 17Apr97 PATCH PHSS_9281, 961119 DFIX6020: mp_ass_req.c 19Nov96 PATCH PHSS_10173, 970221 DFIX6033: mp_wait.c 20feb97 PATCH PHSS_8778, 960930 DFIX6013: dec_attr.c 30Sep96 PATCH PHSS_10410, 970313 PATCH PHSS_10938, 970501 DFIX6045: dec_univ.c 29thApril97 DFIX6038: dec_univ.c 13mar1997 DFIX6005: x_gen_nego.c 28aug96 PATCH PHSS_8413, 960827 libXOM 1.9 (BULL S.A) 7/1/92 Server A.04.21 MR 97/01/23 22:33:37 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.1: libXOM 1.9 (BULL S.A) 7/1/92 Server A.04.21 MR 97/01/23 22:33:39 PATCH PHSS_10173, 970221 DFIX6033: cii_ent.c 20feb97 DFIX6030: cii_ent.c 11feb97 PATCH PHSS_8881, 961009 PATCH PHSS_8690, 960925 DFIX6015: cii_tra.c 08oct96 DFIX6011: cii_tra.c 25sep96 PATCH PHSS_10784, 970417 DFIX6043: cell.c 17Apr97 PATCH PHSS_9281, 961119 DFIX6020: mp_ass_req.c 19Nov96 PATCH PHSS_10173, 970221 DFIX6033: mp_wait.c 20feb97 PATCH PHSS_8778, 960930 DFIX6013: dec_attr.c 30Sep96 PATCH PHSS_10410, 970313 PATCH PHSS_10938, 970501 DFIX6045: dec_univ.c 29thApril97 DFIX6038: dec_univ.c 13mar1997 DFIX6005: x_gen_nego.c 28aug96 PATCH PHSS_8413, 960827 DFIX6055: pm_ipc.c 16aug97 DFIX6030: pm_ipc.c 11feb97 /opt/OV/bin/pacgen: DFIX6005: x_gen_nego.c 28aug96 PATCH PHSS_8413, 960827 PATCH PHSS_8778, 960930 DFIX6013: dec_attr.c 30Sep96 PATCH PHSS_10410, 970313 PATCH PHSS_10938, 970501 DFIX6045: dec_univ.c 29thApril97 DFIX6038: dec_univ.c 13mar1997 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h: None. /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h: None. /opt/OV/include/bmp.h: bmp.h DFIX6034 25Feb97 PATCH PHSS_10213, 970225 PATCH PHSS_10212, 970225 PATCH PSOV_1436, 970225 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/pmd.1m: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_bind.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_continue_send.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_kill.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_print.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_receive.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_select.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_send.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_sync_receive.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_unbind.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/mp_receive.3: None. /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/cmip.5: None. /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovlad.1m: None. /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/evt_fwd.5: None. /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac: PATCH PHSS_8898, 961010 PATCH PHSS_10402, 970312 DFIX6037: main.c 12Mar96 DFIX6017: main.c 10 October96 PATCH PHSS_8804, 961002 DFIX6014: asn1out.c 2October96 PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen: $Revision: /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/6 $ DFIX6018: ovpacgen 29oct96 DFIX6014: ovpacgen 02oct96 PATCH PHSS_8804, 961002 (HP 10.x) PATCH PHSS_8803, 961002 (HP 9.x) PATCH PSOV_1255, 961002 (Solaris) /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp: PATCH PHSS_10402, 970312 DFIX6037: main.c 12Mar96 DFIX6018: main.c 28oct96 PATCH PHSS_9052, 961028 DFIX6018: asn1flat.c 28oct96 PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 /opt/OV/bin/gdmop: PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ove.h: None. /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a: PATCH PHSS_11394, 970617 PATCH PHSS_9538, 961212 cksum(1) Output: 3300469009 4123516 /opt/OV/bin/pmd 2949791144 900097 /opt/OV/bin/ovead 3318605834 1382840 /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb 84152661 1210512 /opt/OV/bin/ovladff 347273636 60594 /etc/opt/OV/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per 347273636 60594 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/ems.mibs/ ems.per 3386220440 7015 /opt/OV/bin/dbnolog 2275186962 193306 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.1 2169019398 166612 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a 963178985 4216 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/om_stack.5 222582453 406808 /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate 3844023937 1552280 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a 2005295177 1519346 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.1 3435925791 410559 /opt/OV/bin/pacgen 204514811 9842 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h 2017414247 14104 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h 3676114737 9508 /opt/OV/include/bmp.h 1762574581 9180 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/pmd.1m 1084020079 1857 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_bind.3 560839678 2551 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_continue_send.3 3634474791 1154 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_kill.3 578907323 919 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_print.3 3475754860 3496 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_receive.3 1412534150 1927 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_select.3 2684736524 3589 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_send.3 1345808834 2864 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_sync_receive.3 3801056176 1360 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/bmp_unbind.3 178038550 4672 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/mp_receive.3 419402961 4585 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/cmip.5 1692444024 6211 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovlad.1m 2711482143 1813 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/evt_fwd.5 1890977010 258656 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac 3799456503 11795 /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen 3299926274 250447 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp 1312492274 414238 /opt/OV/bin/gdmop 3421792801 115296 /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib 1840142221 18868 /opt/OV/include/OV/ove.h 938113020 303756 /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_8117 PHSS_8255 PHSS_8413 PHSS_8466 PHSS_8519 PHSS_8531 PHSS_8547 PHSS_8623 PHSS_8682 PHSS_8690 PHSS_8742 PHSS_8778 PHSS_8804 PHSS_8844 PHSS_8881 PHSS_8898 PHSS_8925 PHSS_9052 PHSS_9131 PHSS_9171 PHSS_9281 PHSS_9444 PHSS_9538 PHSS_9830 PHSS_9835 PHSS_9901 PHSS_10129 PHSS_10173 PHSS_10198 PHSS_10213 PHSS_10229 PHSS_10402 PHSS_10410 PHSS_10597 PHSS_10717 PHSS_10784 PHSS_10835 PHSS_10872 PHSS_10938 PHSS_10998 PHSS_11202 PHSS_11216 PHSS_11394 PHSS_11949 PHSS_12134 PHSS_12211 PHSS_12502 PHSS_12613 PHSS_12913 PHSS_13257 PHSS_13275 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_14154: s700: 9.01 9.03 9.05 9.07 s800: 9.00 9.04 PSOV_01906: sparcSOL: 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Patch Package Size: 13250 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_14155 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_14155.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_14155.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_14155. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_14155.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_14155.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: BEFORE LOADING THIS PATCH... If there are any ovw sessions running on either the Management Station or on any Management Consoles, these sessions need to be closed. The "ovstop" command should then be executed. WARNING : the patch will not install if any Network Node Manager processes are detected. BACKUP ALL OpenView DIRECTORIES TO TAPE. This pre-caution ensures that if you have problems after installing the patch, you will be able to restore your current state from tape. NOTE : ovstart is NOT executed after the patch is loaded You will need to manually run ovstart. Also, in order to keep a history of the patches installed on your system the post-install script will attempt to copy this <patch_name>.text file to /usr/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches (or /opt/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches). Please make sure this file is in /tmp before installation. ========================================================== This is a cumulative consolidated patch. The following intermediate patches, which are contained in this patch, have special instructions. You will need to apply any instructions which have not been previously applied. NOTE : These instructions are generic for all supported platforms. Do not apply instructions unless there is a patch corresponding to your platform. ========================================================== Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_13275 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_13274 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_01840 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Configure EMS Subsystem using swconfig after installation. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_13257 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_13256 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_01838 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Applications using archive version of libbmp need to be relinked to use the newer version of the library available with this patch Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_12502 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_12501 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_01767 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ DM 4.21's EMS was designed and coded to support X.721 name bindings for logs and EFDs. With DFIX6056, the EMS agents of ovead and ovlad have been enhanced to allow the M.3100 (and other) name bindings for logs and EFDs. To support M.3100 name binding, the option "-SOM_STACK;xd" must be passed to ovead and ovlad at start-up. Add this option to the parameter section of the LRF files for ovead and ovlad. Refer to lrf(4) for more information on the parameter section. Also, the object information in the LRF's for ovead and ovlad must be enhanced to include the M.3100 (or whatever model you are using) naming information. For example, an LRF where object class is and object instance is* would provide routing information for an ISO EFD under the M.3100 containment where 'net1' is the networkId and 'element1' is the managedElementId. For more information, follow the example provided in the EMS LRF files for X.721 name binding. If the new routing information is not added, EMS will not receive the requests. M.3100 Name Binding Support Caveats ----------------------------------- EMS normally provides rigorous X.721 name binding checks. In order to support different name binding models, many/all of these checks have been relaxed. 1) We recommend that you use one name binding model per node. Mixing name binding models may cause unpredictable behavior with the EMS agents. 2) If you choose to ignore caveat #1, be aware that the logId and discriminatorId must be unique per node. While the log instance of /networkId=net1/managedElementId=element1/logId=0 is definitely different from the log instance of /systemId=host1/logId=0 the EMS log agent's internal implementation does not see them as unique. The attempt to create the second instance will fail with a duplicateManagedObjectInstance CMIP error. 3) Scoping on non-X.721 will not deliver intermediate objects in the middle of the reference instance because the EMS agents do not actually manage these object. Scoping will also, in some cases, behave as if the base instance were only one level above the log or EFD. For example, a wholeSubtree scoped get request with an instance of /networkId=net1 sent to the log agent would return all the logs and log records under /networkId=net1 /networkId=net1/managedElementId=element1/ and it would also return /networkId=net1 as part of the linked reply. But, it would not return, /networkId=net1/managedElementId=element1/ And as another example, a scoped get request for firstLevelOnly with base instance, /networkId=net1 will return all EFD or log objects under /networkId=net1 even though they are not really one level below /networkId. This is a result of retro-fitting new naming support into an agent that was designed to support a containment tree starting with /system and going no deeper than /system/log/log-record or /system/efd. 4) This item is a corollary of caveat #3: There is no real support for non-X.721 objects (e.g., M.3100's networkId and managedElementId objects) other than that they can be used in the FDN of logs and EFDs (ISO or HP varieties). A create will return a CMIS noSuchObjectClass error. A get will return the object instance sent in the get but no attributes. A set will return an error for the 'system' object class. A delete request will return a processingFailure that's associated with the the 'system' object. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_12134 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_12133 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_01721 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Applications using archive version of libbmp need to be relinked to use the newer version of the library available with this patch Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_11949 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_11948 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_01698 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ There are no Special instructions. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_11394 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_11393 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_01616 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ If you want the changes in libovmd.a to be visible in your application, you must relink it with the libovmd.a from the patch. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_11202 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_11201 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1573 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: According to standards the acse service provider abort can have an attribute called provider reason. But at present DM always truncates the pdu of acse service provider abort to zero length. So at present there is no way this provider reason can reach the application. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_10835 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_10834 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1518 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ The patch contains substantial modifications to ems.mib. If you are using hpSNMPTrapLogRecords, please look at the changes; you may need to modify your application and at the very least regenerate your packages. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_10784 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_10783 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1514 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Applications using the archive version of libxmpV7 need to be relinked to make use of the modified xmpV7 library available with this patch Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_10410 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_10409 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1458 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ This patch replaces the libxmpV7 on your system. In order to use the fix, you must recompile your applications which link in this library. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_9538 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_9537 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1353 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ If you use the definitions of hpSNMPTrapLogRecord or HP-Address in your applications, you may need to modify your application. In any case, you will need to use the new ems.mib shipped in the patch. You will need to run ovgdmoparse on your mibs if you want the gdmop fixes in this patch to be visible. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_9281 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_9280 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1324 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ This version of libxmpV7 is dependent on the consolidated patches of the following platform: PHSS_9130 HPUX 9.0 PHSS_9131 HPUX 10.0 PSOV_1302 Solaris Instructions for patch(es) : PSOV_1265 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ **************************************************** **************************************************** This note only applies if you use rfc1006 communications on the Solaris installation. If on a Solaris machine you process association indications and made decisions based on the remote presentation address. The remote addresses will be passed up in rfc1277 format after installation of this patch. This will effect ADDRAETITLE event routing entries. Prior to this patch the remote NSAP was recorded as a 4 octet representaiton of the remote machines IP address. After this patch is applied the remote NSAP will be a rfc1277 compliant format. **************************************************** **************************************************** Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8897 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8898 for HPUX 10.x PSOV_1267 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ The consolidated patch for the appropriate platform should be installed prior to this patch. The consolidated patches are PHSS_8843 HPUX 9.0 PHSS_8844 HPUX 10.0 PSOV_1259 Solaris Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8881 for HPUX 10.x PHSS_8880 for HPUX 9.x PSOV_1264 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ ************************* ************************ NOTE: Applications that use the _CAE_ additions to the XMP library and use the archive library versions must be re-linked after application of this patch. ************************* ************************ Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8803 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8804 for HPUX 10.x PSOV_1255 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Install the following consolidated patches depending upon the platform: PHSS_8622 (9.x) PHSS_8623 (10.x) PSOV_1229 (Sol) Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8741 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8742 for HPUX 10.x PSOV_1246 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Developers who wish to use the empty DN (libxmp) enhancement will need to negotiate a package called OMP_O_MP_CAE_OBJECT_INSTANCE in their applications for the change to take effect. This automatically means that they will need to also recompile and relink with either the archive lib or the shared library. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8777 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8778 for HPUX 10.x PSOV_1252 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ Install the consolidated patches PHSS_8622 (HPUX 9.0), PHSS_8623 (HPUX 10.0), PSOV_1229 (Solaris) depending upon the platform. Also install the intermediate patches: PHSS_8690 HPUX 10.0 PHSS_8689 HPUX 9.0 PSOV_1239 Solaris Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8689 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8690 for HPUX 10.x PSOV_1239 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ The consolidated patch PHSS_8622 (HPUX 9.0) PHSS_8623 (HPUX 10.0), PSOV_1229 (Solaris) must have been installed prior to installing this patch. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8412 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8413 for HPUX 10.x PSOV_1200 for Solaris 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------ ********************************************************* *** IMPORTANT NOTE ************************************* ********************************************************* After installation of this patch applications that require the multiple external enhancement must be re-compiled and re-linked. Instructions for patch(es) : PHSS_8116 for HPUX 9.x PHSS_8117 for HPUX 10.x ------------------------------------------------------------ After installing this patch, the user must run a script in the $OV_BIN directory. The script name is "dbnolog". EXAMPLE: $OV_BIN/dbnolog