Patch Name: PHSS_13866

Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OV NNM4.0x Consolidated Patch 1-22-98

Creation Date: 98/01/22

Post Date:  98/02/06

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20
	s800: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20

	OpenView Network Node Manager 4.00 & 4.01

	OVPlatformMan.OVMIN-MAN OVPlatform.OVWIN
	OVPlatformMan.OVWIN-MAN OVPlatformDevKit.OVWIN-PRG

Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Release

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_13866

	Cumulative Consolidated Patch.

	When symbols are hidden or unhidden using
	OVwModifySymbol, ovw's right status line
	is not updated.
	Should be able to set creating app on map
	symbol using OVwSetRegContext and

	X-Server would hang if a symbol had no context menu.  This
	occured under the condition that another symbol had two
	cascading menus in its context menu, and was picked first.

	1. xnmloadmib ignores comments in the VARIABLES section.
	2. Mib Parser expects either the entire set of "--#"
	   at the end of the trap-type macro statement or none at

	"Modify Object Attributes" - try ot modify a router's
	vendor and ovwdb core dumps.

	ovw uses 128 colors for symbol interior and background
	graphic images (too many). If it can't get that many,
	it defaults to 32-level grayscale; if it can't get that
	many, it uses 2 colors (monochrome).
	Also, when it displays images in monochrome, it displays
	them in reverse video.

	Using OVwSetMenuItem followed by OVwSaveRegUpdates to change
	either the label, mnemonic or accelerator on a Pulldown menu
	button or label/bitmap on a Toolbar menu button did not
	work.  Both functions returned non-error return codes, but
	the labels were not changed.

	When customer's app calls OVwGetSymbolInfo(), negative
	coordinates are returned.

	Rnetstat -i will not return all interfaces if there is a gap
	in the listing of the interfaces ( e.g. 1-5, 7 ).  A
	previous code change determined that such a gap was the end
	of the interface information.  Rnetstat returns only
	interfaces 1-5 in this case.

	Dates past the year 2000 are displayed incorrectly.

	Given a stack of symbols at the same x,y coordinates (put
	there either programmatically or interactively), any mouse
	click on the stack would act on with the symbol in the
	bottom of the stack rather than the top symbol whose label
	is visible.

	Netmon, in polling some devices, is having null packets
	returned.  The code for handling the SNMP packets is not
	removing the packet when it is found.

	Deeply cascaded menus, e.g.

	Misc->My Application->Menu Button 1
	                      Menu Button 2
	                      My Test Menu->Sub Item A
	                                    Sub Item B

	were not properly collapsed if Menu Button 1 and Menu
	Button 2 were removed dynamically via
	OVwRemoveMenuItemFunction().  The confusion resulted in
	losing widgets to Sub Item A and B, and the subsequent
	collapsed menu,

	Misc->My Application:My Test Menu

	would not display menu buttons for Sub Item A et al.  This
	problem also resulted in occasional core dumps of ovw and
	the application that called OVwRemoveMenuItemFunction().

	Double-clicking on a map symbol followed by an almost
	immedate right click caused X to hang on occasion,
	especially if the dialog box displayed itself on a portion
	of the popup menu.  The pointer would still be the popup
	menu cursor, but the X server is effectively hung.

	Customer has an app which updates fields in the object
	database.  The fields are updated from the add/describe
	dialog, but when one of the fields fails the verification
	step, changes to the other field are lost.

	The problem can be reproduced using the following steps:

	   1.  Add a couple fields w/editable attributes to
	       the database
	   2.  Write an app that registers for the
	       OVwVerifyDescribeChange() callback
	   3.  Checks at least the second field for validity
	   4.  Use the describe/modify dialog to change the
	       attribute values for these two fields--making the
	       second value invalid the first time and valid the
	       second time.
	   5.  The first field does not retain the new value

	If you open up a snapshot, and then close all remaining map
	windows, selecting Map->Map Snapshot->Close causes a zombie
	window without menus or buttons to remain.  ovw can then
	only be killed by a kill -2 .  With this patch,
	ovw exits when the snapshot is closed and no other map
	windows remain open.

	Customer had a huge number of apps trying to register for
	events from trapd simultaneously.  When the 101st app tried
	to connect, he sees a message like this:

	  Connection from sd:.... not added, reached max of 100

	This has been bumped up to 200 apps maximum.  This problem
	should not be occurring in 4.1x and later releases due to
	other code changes that result in no maximum limit at all.

	This patch fixes several instances where ovw core dumps due
	to a symbol deleted after a user initiates an action on it
	and before the user presses "OK".  These situations include
	creating a child submap for a symbol, changing the symbol
	type, and deleting it with the popup menu.  This patch also
	fixes a core dump when the user tries to delete a submap
	with the Map->Submap->Open/List dialog with nothing

	Basically, under certain conditions reinstallation of NNM
	reboots sending signals to ovspmd.
	ovspmd treats this as a request to shutdown.  However, there
	is no real request ( socket ) tied to ovspmd and it tries to
	close the socket.  This causes the coredump.  The coredump
	happens most on Solaris, but it can happen on any system.

	Lists of Integer32 field values were not displayed correctly
	in the View/Modify Attributes dialog box for an object.  As
	well, this mishandling caused intermittent core dumps

	Due to mishandling of bad symbols in map database, ovw would
	hang indefinitely during the "Opening Map" phase

	ovw hangs during "Opening Map" phase.

	When removing popup dynamic menus structures ovw would core
	dump.  When trying to a dynamic menus structure after
	removing a menu the add would fail.

	Certain OVw* and OVwDbFree* functions were using free()
	instead of delete to deallocate memory allocated with new.
	This would cause Purify FMM errors with the user's
	application as well as problems if the user redefined new
	and delete

	Customer is hitting the 200 MIB limit.  Does not want to do
	the workaround of splitting up his files into smaller
	pieces.  Limit is increased to 400.

	NT has entry . for NNM 4.0 / 4.1

	OVwRemoveMenuItem was core dumping on Solaris

	This patch allows the client filenames in the
	$OV_CONF/server directory to be case-insensitive, e.g.
	HOST1.CND.HP.COM is equivalent to

	trapd seems to hang for 30 sec or more at a time.  Then it
	gets "unstuck" and processes a large number of backlogged
	events all at once.  Process repeats.  Reason is that it
	is hanging on a DNS call that is trying to resolve the IP
	address in the incoming trap to a hostname.
	REAL FIX: Correct their DNS problems.
	THIS PATCH: Gives user a (for now) undocumented option that
	will cause the DNS call to be interrupted after a fixed
	number of seconds.

	Consolidated Patch

	If both $LANG &$OVwRegDir set, this potentially caused
	a signal 10 with ovw due to overwritten memory.  As well,
	setting $OVwRegDir on Solaris caused an incorrect error

	If a symbol has a very long selection name (>240 bytes),
	ovw would core dump when View/Modify Attributes dialog
	box from Object Description dialog box

	The value for NCS_DB did not get initialized in
	ov.envvars.csh.  This is due to the defined path not
	existing, which caused the code to leave the bad name of the
	variable to be replaced.

	Core dump occurs.  This can be at any time.  The problem
	lies in the management of the list of daemons being run.
	The problem can occur on any system, but Solaris is most
	prevalent.  The core dump usually occurs during an ovstatus
	request of ovspmd ( though ovstop can also cause core dump

	Rnetstat returns message "empty table" for those systems
	with SNMP A.14.  Two fields are missing, and request for
	information throws them away.

	Ksh reports message "not enough memory" if number of NFS
	      mounts is too large.

	Xnmgraph core dumps when the resource graphLineColors is
	respecified to a much shorter length.  The resource,
	multValues, based its memory allocation on graphLineColors
	when it should not have.

	trapd hangs forever.  It happened soon after an MVS system
	on the network had a "regen" that caused a bug in IBM/MVS
	"NetView" to occur.  This bug caused NetView to try to
	connect to trapd on our system via TCP on port 162, and
	trapd hung on the bad packet header.  (Only registered OV
	applications, and remote trapd's forwarding us events should
	be talking to port 162 via TCP on an OV Management Station).
	Other symptoms to look for:
	  -netstat -a | grep 162
	   and look in the output for a large # of bytes clogging
	   a socket connection.
	  -turn on "-T" and "-x" for trapd, and there will be errors
	   within the verbose trap hexdumps complaining about
	   select() and/or recvfrom() returning errors.  These will
	   generally occur at least a few times before the eventual
	   hang that requires a "kill" to fix.

	This patch is an enhancement that allows for the use of
	formatting messages with $>[+-]n.

	ovtopmd occasionally core dumps during checkObjTimes.

	ovobjprint core dumps when encountering NULL char

	Vertical resizing of the "Locate By" (i.e. Locate->Objects->
	By Selection Name) no longer works at NNM 4.0.  The fields
	within the window do not grow when the window is resized
	larger.  Specifically, the list of objects matching the
	locate does not grow when the window is resized larger.

	Any enviroment using xrdb (such as CDE) to set a
	labelFontList resource to a non-scalable font causes
	xnmgraph to fail with the message "Could not parse to
	create scaled font set from ...".

	SR 5003333237 - default behavior is to use the hostname to
	                identify a client.  This is unacceptable in
	                enviroments where the same hostname can
	                occur multiple times in different domains.
	SR 4000129296 - If the NFS links between client and server
	                become broken, without the use of
	                "ovwsetupclient -undo", the server thinks
	                a client exists and there is no command
	                to remove the now non-existent client.

	-appendSelectList option appears to be ignored in
	registration Action commands using -cmd.

	octetstringascii being sent as opaque.
	If an snmptrap is issue to the local mgmt system using
	octetstringascii trapd logs an error message about an
	incorrect varbind.  Using octetstring works fine.

	(1) If an application is written that tries to place
	    symbols based on position information returned from
	    GetSymbolInfo, the symbols will not appear where
	(2) When deleting meta-connections through the pop-up menu,
	    ovw will core dump.
	(3) ovw parses application and symbol registration files in
	    the wrong order.  Memory corruption (core dump) is
	    possible, but has not been observed.
	(4) Two select list change events are sent to an application
	    if there are already objects in the selection list and
	    the user changes the selection list.

	snmpset command sends opaque data types as octetstring.

	The snmp commands (snmpwalk, snmpget) fail with a timeout
	error after installing PSOV_1091 on SunOS.

	xnmgraph SOL2.3 / NNM4.01+PSOV_1092 : A mouse click in the
	graph area causes xnmgraph to exit, and this error message
	shows up in the term window you started it from:
	  Internal Error at ../util.c : 1958
	      Contact your Local HP Support Rep.

	Problems with accessing certain help windows.
	Help->Misc->Functions, the window pops up for a second and
	then disappears.  This is also true with Help->Misc->Tasks

	There are partial entries in the object database.
	Entries contain Selection Name and IP Address, but
	no other information.  There are no matching entries
	in the topology database for these objects.

	memory leak with locates

	The command line options -displayWidth, -mibFile, -title
	were documented in the XNmgraph resource file.

	In an empty Events Browser (xnmevents) window, if you click
	the mouse in the Ack or Severity panes, it coredumps.

	If you change the background color to white and the
	foreground color to black in the XNm X resource file, the
	date/time line does not appear.  This line is supposed to
	appear when you click on the graph.

	When trying to create a MIB application with the
	application builder (menu item
	Options->MIB Application Builder:SNMP) one gets the
	following error:

	INTERNAL ERROR at: ../mibab_add.C:4042
	Contact your HP Support representative

	OV Windows API Error: 58
	Cannot write registration file
	INTERNAL ERROR at: ../mibab_add.C:4151
	Contact your HP Support representative

	OV Windows API Error: 58
	Cannot write registration file

	When loading a MIB file using xnmloadmib (or the GUI), there
	are certain size limits that cause the parsing of the MIB
	(including the parsing of the TRAP-TYPEs within the MIB) to
	stop with an error due to the limit being exceeded.  The
	following 4 limits are now altered by this patch:
	 -MAX size for individual TRAP-TYPE definition 20K==>50K
	 -MAX # MIBs that TRAP-TYPE processing allows 100==>200
	 -Max # IMPORTS in MIB-parsing library upped 100==>500
	 No max on # IMPORTS the TRAP-TYPE will allow.

	trapd coredumps when a badly formatted trap from certain
	external SNMP agents comes in.  To date, this has only been
	seen coming from a "Lantronix print server", but potentially
	the fatal combination of bad packet syntaxes could come from
	other buggy agents as well.  This customer said that every
	time they turned on their printer (or print server??), trapd
	would immediately coredump

	If app calls OVwAddInput, then calls OVwRemoveInput and
	returns to MainLoop, app can crash

	If workstation is heavily loaded and user closes alot
	of submap windows quickly, ovw can core dump.

	End-user will see netmon core-dump with signal 11.

	This can happen either at start-up or during normal

	Database inconsistencies between the mapdb and ovwdb.  The
	mapdb often times has map objects without corresponding
	ovwdb objects.  Also, the map exists and maps managed fields
	will be set to zero but the object doesn't get removed.

	The second problem existed in the first patch (DFIX1370) of
	the enhanced ovmapcount which included the new options "rD".
	They sometimes would get an error when running "ruD" to
	run "u" first.

	Consolidated Patch

	Oracle environment variables not known
	in HPUX 10.x startup so NNM can not connect
	to Oracle database.

	memory leak originating in OVwGetSymbolsByObject().

	ovwperms commands (ovwchown, ovwls, ovwchgrp, ovwchmod)
	were referencing a temporary directory that may not
	exist, giving an error message similar to :
	ovwls[223]: /var/opt/OV/tmp/ovwls.1702: Cannot create the
	specified file.
	ovwls[301]: /var/opt/OV/tmp/ovwls.1702: Cannot find or open
	the file

	ovwchown changes the owner on map files but not the

	OVW core dumps when hiding/unhiding symbols.  This is
	particularly likely when combined with copying/pasting
	symbols.  The following steps will reliably demonstrate
	the problem:

	   1.  Start the hide application (uses the OVW API to
	       hide/unhide symbols on a submap)
	   2.  Add 5 objects to the map.
	   3.  Hit return to hide some of the symbols (toggle).
	   4.  Hit return to show the symbols (toggle).
	   5.  Select all the symbols on the map, and copy,
	       and paste them.
	   6.  Go back to step 1, (on the fourth try, it gets
	       in the broken state).  On Solaris this
	       core dumped on the first or second attempt.

	Map layout of RND devices J2980A J2410A J2414A incorrect

	Customer was putting interfaces into a seed file that
	had a subnet mask of 0xFFFFFFFF (  Netmon
	would be unable to add these to the topology database,
	and would generate errors about being unable to get
	subnet mask.

	Consolidated Patch

	Ipmap will not add interfaces to submaps which have
	been created by the user or an application.

	When starting OV in 10.x at startup only, user will get:
	ovdbcheck: ORA-12546  unable to open message file

	Extraneous segments may be created when migrating from
	NNM 3.X to NNM 4.0X.  The first, and most obvious
	symptom is longer sync times, especially when creating new
	maps.  This occurs only for networks which have HP hubs
	supporting the "legacy" icf mib.


	When NNM is accessing a Cisco router with a large number
	of secondary addresses, trapd.log shows:

	    Agent in distress.  Spinning in ip addr table.


	Data collector fails to collect on nodes
	matching a specified sysObjectID -- IP wildcard
	combination.  Also, multiple warnings of duplicate
	IP wildcard matches appear in snmpCol.trace.
	This occurs if two or more sysObjectID
	specifications are given in which the accompanying
	IP wildcards overlap.  E.g.,

	    IP Wildcard:  15.2.*.*
	    with sysObjectID: .

	    IP Wildcard:  15.2.112.*
	    with sysObjectID:  .

	snmpCollect will fail to collect on nodes matching
	the second wildcard/sysObjectID.

	When you try to do an SNMP set of an IP address with the
	MIB browser, it just sends a bogus value instead of the
	value entered.

	ovw replaces capabilities of an object when user adds a new
	symbol of a different type to an existing object.

	wrong error code when using OVwGetSelections on an object
	which does not have capability in selection rule.

	The snmp commands (i.e., snmpget, snmpwalk, etc) terminate
	prematurely with a "no response" condition.

	poor performance in xnmevents.

	When running on SunOS, locating symbols would core dump
	if the symbol type is NULL.

	Support for Ingres on HPUX 10.0.  Support for
	Ingres 6.4/05-02p.


	distributed consoles cannot connect to the database if
	server name(s) contain uppercase characters.

	Applications cannot send/receive events while running on
	a console.

	The OVwModifySymbol() API was not included in libovw.

	when add U to the oid_to_type file (DEFAULT_IP:::
	DEFAULT_SNMP:::) netmon continually dies.
	using sniffer and sees an "icmp packet unreachable"
	messages when using U or not using U, however if using U
	netmon dies (ovstatus says exit signal 11); netmon.trace
	says "snmp timeout"

	ipmap core-dumped on user add of an ip network.


	man pages formatted incorrectly

	snmpCollect coredumps with a stacktrace of:
	vsprintf->va->doprnt, or similar.

	xnmappmon on Solaris would hang if pinging a downed node.

	ipmap would not add interfaces to non-ipmap-added node

	When cutting/pasting symbols ovw would sometimes core
	dump, usually on signal 4 although it was actually a
	signal 11 segmentation violation.

	when a new map is opened and both ipmap and the
	customer's app is trying to create lots of submaps,
	ipmap fails to create I/F symbols in a large number of
	node submaps.

	data from agent that should be displayed as ascii is
	displayed as hex.

	MIB Browser sends bogus IP address as a value on Solaris.

	The nmdemandpoll is not able to open a socket because it
	tries to open it on an X.25 interface which is also
	installed in the system. It hangs until a timeout occurs.
	When the problem occurs, a netmon trace shows a huge
	number of 'UNEXPECTED ICMP MESSAGE... 3 code 3' messages.

	nmdemandpoll timeouts because OVsnmpGetMyAddress was
	returning an X.25 interface which netmon could not connect

Defect Description:
	Cumulative Consolidated Patch.

	ovw just wasn't doing that.

	In the case of an empty context menu, the code was not
	managing the child menu.  In this case, the code now just
	"ungrabs" the pointer.

	1. xnmloadmib does not parse comments in the VARIABLES
	2. Mib Parser expects all "--#" defnitions to be
	   they can be optional for traps to get loaded.

	*ManagementURL isn't set and the string ptr to it gets
	de-referenced -> core.

	The image library used by ovw was rigidly defined to
	use 128 colors. I made it iteratively halve the number
	of colors it tries to get until it succeeds. I made it
	do an 8-level instead of a 32-level grayscale, and I
	made it do monochrome correctly. I also added the
	"ncolors" option and X resource to deliberately make
	ovw use less than 128 colors.

	This was due to not properly updating the data structures
	for the menu buttons and toolbar buttons.

	In the previous patch, an offset was added to line up symbol
	positions without having to use a background graphic.
	However, to prevent breaking other applications another fix
	was added to the OVwGetSymbolInfo() which eliminated a
	submap offset.  Without the submap offset in
	OVwGetSymbolInfo() it is possible negative values would be
	returned.  In order to fix both problems, we had to back the
	previous two fixes out and add a new symbol position
	"ovwSubmapCoordPosition".  This new symbol position should
	be used in place of "ovwCoordPosition" to get symbols to
	line up without using a background graphic.

	This problem occurred in trying to handle SNMP agents that
	would return fewer fields than requested.  The code walked
	the interfaces pulling information.  The mechanism to
	determine that it was done was the case where the index for
	the interface was non-existent.

	For this release, rnetstat will get the list of interfaces
	prior to getting all the interface information.

	Dates past the year 2000 were not handled correctly.




	This is caused by an X server problem where a race condition
	cause the popup menu to grab the pointer, but the dialog box
	wants to do a saveunder on the portion of the popup menu it
	obscures.  Now, ovw checks to see if the popup menu is
	displayed and does not bring up the Submap dialog box.

	The verification code did not correctly track the state of
	the entire verification transaction.  It lost track of
	fields modified between presses of the Verify button.

	Last snap. window closed is zombie

	Raise max # connections to trapd

	ovw core dumps on deleted symbols

	Ovspmd coredumps at reboot

	Field List of Integer32 not shown

	Fixes ovw hang during map open

	Due to mishandling of bad symbols in map database, ovw
	would hang indefinitely during the "Opening Map" phase.

	Put in a check for null values when a menu item is deleted
	twice in a row.  Also, added some code for the
	AddMenuItemFunction to track the parent menu of the menuitem
	being added.


	4.01 had hardcoded limits for many things relating to the
	parsing of MIBs.  Note that these are mostly done away with
	in 4.1, though not entirely.  This particular problem won't
	happen in 4.1 at least.


	Customer was calling OVwRemoveMenuItem twice in
	a row with the same value, so the second call
	passed in a null value which cause solaris to
	core dump.



	Consolidated Patch




	This change fixes the problem of adding daemons after ovspmd
	is running.  The problem that exists is that the linked list
	that is being maintained is not correctly updated if the
	last daemon changes state ( stopped, error, etc. ).  The
	problem is that the code will continue to run for a period
	of time, but it will die ( usually from an ovstatus request
	) when it tries to use the list.  The code has been fixed to
	maintain the list appropriately.





	This is not a defect patch.  It is an enhancement request
	to port NNM 4.1 functionality back to NNM 4.0.

	Interfaces could be deleted from the topology but not
	removed from the node to which they are attached.

	SunOS and Solaris core dumps when printf prints NULL char

	The window did not resize properly because XmNskipAdjust
	had been set to True and XmNallowResize was set to False.
	These settings were in place to prevent a user from
	shrinking the window to the point where some fields were
	hidden.  The user would have no visual indication that these
	fields existed, but were hidden.  It seemed safer to prevent
	resizing and protect against hiding the fields.

	Resources set using xrdb override resources set in
	the program resource files in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/.
	Thus, the *labelFontList resource set using xrdb overrides
	the *labelFontList resource set in

	The fix is to have xnmgraph check for
	"xnmgraph*labelFontList" before the check for

	SR 5003333237 - add the -qualified option.  default
	                behavior remains the same.
	SR 4000129296 - add the -remove option.

	The -appendSelectList wasn't being ignored.  Code was
	trying to use an empty -selectList rather than retrieving
	the ovw selection list.

	typo in a string compare causing else condition (OPAQUE) to
	be executed.

	(1) The defect was that the SetSymbolPosition call was not
	    adequately adjusting the passed in position for the
	    coordinate space used.
	(2) Starting in the NNM3.31 thru NNM4.X code, if a
	    connection has a NULL label string and the user tries
	    to delete a meta-connection (or any connection) ovw
	    core dump because no error checking was implemented.
	    Now, if a label is NULL, it is set to "nolabel" to
	    avoid the core dump.
	(3) While running Purify on NT, a bug was found in ovw
	    where we were referencing memory that pointed to the
	    boonies.  The AppManager::getFileList() code which sorts
	    the names of the symbol files and registration files,
	    etc was passing the function 'strcoll' to qsort().
	    qsort() passes the address of the string pointers to
	    strcoll, not the string pointers themselves, as
	    strcoll() expects.  This made the strcoll() function
	    very confused, and purify rightfully pointed out that
	    we were referencing garbage data.
	    The fix adds a new function called 'compare()', which
	    took the two pointers, dereferenced them, and passed
	    the result to the strcoll().
	(4) OVw should only send one select list change event to an
	    application.  A side-effect of the 3.x patch, DFIX 1315,
	    causes two select list change events to be sent if
	    objects are already in the selection list and the user
	    changes the selection list.

	opaque is a derived type for octet string so processing is
	the same, however, type is not.

	Peculiarity with the recvfrom() call on SunOS.

	Most likely a Motif library bug on Solaris.

	Needed a default font that could be found.

	Netmon was allocating ovw object ids for interfaces
	that had not yet passed a series of checks to determine
	whether or not the interface was valid.  If the checks
	failed, the object id had already been allocated,
	resulting in a partial entry in the object database.

	internal list not freed after locate completed


	Empty list of events caused a "divide by zero" when clicking
	the mouse in the leftmost two (empty) panes.

	foreground color was being retrieved from widget where
	it was not set.

	If /etc and /var are on different filesystems the save
	would fail.

	Limits too low for some of our users.

	An internal library routine that parses SNMP packets did not
	properly detect an illegal syntax in the incoming packet.

	After calling OVwRemoveInput, libovw internally would
	still try and talk on this removed socket

	callbacks multiple times before the process can
	receive and react to the first callback.  ovw was
	ignoring a NULL pointer in one case where a second,
	unexpected callback call created the initial crash.


	Netmon can core-dump if it tries to schedule a
	poll on a deleted node.

	Also, netmon can core-dump if a merge fails.

	We have found several causes for many of the database
	inconsistencies, however, there maybe more.  The one cause
	we fixed resided in the deletion of lists of objects.  We
	found in the source that when we were processing the lists
	an problem was encountered.  The program would abort rather
	than exit from that particular object and keep processing
	the rest of the list.  This would then cause many of the
	fields to be inconsistent and would leave objects around
	that should have been deleted.  Another cause of database
	inconsistencies is the restoration of databases that are
	incomplete or are restored when the deamons are running.  We
	have also found that improper exits or aborts has a big
	affect on the data.   The new enhanced ovmapcount removes
	many of these inconsistencies.

	The second problem with the new enhanced ovmapcount giving
	an error when "ruD" wasn't checking the maps exists and
	maps managed correctly.

	Consolidated Patch

	Environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID
	are not known at boot time by "init".

	OVwFreeSymbolList() was not freeing memory associated with
	executable symbols.

	if OVW_TMP_DIR does not exist default to /tmp.
	add chown on map directories.

	The list which stores symbols to be hidden/unhidden is also
	used for symbols to be copied/pasted.  After a hide/unhide,
	the symbols were not being cleared from the list.  Prior to
	copying symbols to the list, OVW attempts to clear the list.

	In this case, hide/unhide symbols remained on the list and
	caused problems when OVW tried to remove them.

	These devices (J2980A J2410A J2414A) use the icf mib
	for their layout, and the icf mib wasn't implemented
	in this release.

	Netmon was unable to add an interface found in a seed
	file because the network IP address and the interface's
	IP address were the same.  IP addresses have to be
	unique in ovwdb, and this was not the case.

	Consolidated Patch

	Ipmap was building a list of application-created submaps
	and giving submap id's to the submaps.  However, while
	ipmap was doing this, the application could be adding
	more submaps.

	Oracle environment variables ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME
	are not known by the startup scripts.

	netmon was incorrectly processing the port count
	for HP hubs supporting the "legacy" icf mib.
	This would cause netmon to incorrectly determine
	the hub type.


	netmon had a hardcoded limit for the number of interfaces
	per device.  It was put in place to detect, and recover
	from, defective agents.  The limit, unfortunately, was
	200 -- less than the number of interfaces for some routers.

	snmpCollect was not including the sysObjectID in
	its check for duplicate wildcard matches.  It would
	think it had discovered a duplicate wildcard match
	(based only on the IP wildcard) and abort any further
	checks for that node / MIB variable combination.

	value stored in variable which was out of scope.

	capabilities of existing objects overwritten if new object
	is created with same selection name.

	wrong error code caused by the isApplicable function
	within Action.C was never setting OVwError when the result
	was false.

	The snmp library automatic retransmission logic would not
	wait the appropriate subsequent timeout periods if a
	response is not received for the original request w/in the
	initial timeout period.

	xnmevents generates unnecessary X traffic due to
	extra restoring of a non-busy cursor to a non-busy
	cursor.  The fix checks if the cursor is busy, then
	restores it.


	This is a complete replacement of the Ingres options for
	SNMP and DM to incorporate the latest and greatest Ingres


	OVServerName was not correctly handling server names
	containing uppercase characters.

	The snmp library OVsnmpTrapOpen() API has been fixed such
	that when an application is running on an NNM management
	console, the API call will connect to the trapd process
	running on the management server instead of the local host.

	A fix (else statement) was added to ovw.h to ensure the
	backward compatability option: -DOVwAPILevel=3, works with
	HP NNM3.3X applications running on HPNNM4.0 version of

	The api "OVwModifySymbol" was missing from libovw.a and  It has now been added to both of these
	libraries with this fix.

	Fixed a null-pointer dereference in checkLicManagedCount

	Fixed null pointer dereference in inetSub.C to handle this


	correct problem with man pages

	mismatch between format string and # of args passed.

	problem in Solaris Motif libraries.

	ipmap was modified to allow it to reuse these submaps.


	Modified Submap::createSubmap to check error returns from
	OVwCreateSubmap.  If the submap already exists, a valid
	submap id is assigned to it.

	agent is appending a null to end of DISPLAY STRING data.
	Code wasn't expecting null so treated data as hex.

	C++ variables declared within braces go out of scope
	after the closing brace.  The address value being sent
	was declared within braces, thus, the address value
	variable was no longer valid later in code.  Variable
	declaration was moved to beginning of function and made
	static since future retry send calls would need to
	access the variable.

	handled a case where an snmp agent reports that the
	subnet mask for an interface is 0xFFFFFFFF.  This would
	result in a network address being the same as the
	interface address.  Netmon now ignores such interfaces.

	Changed a call in demandmain.c from OVsnmpGetMyAddress()
	to a local routine which does a gethostname followed by
	a _OVinetHostAddress().

	4000122531 4000123331 4000124180 4000120741 5003302687
	4000123505 4000123109 1653159483 1653168880 4000124446
	4000124305 4000124537 4000124164 4000125047 5003314682
	4000124545 5000000000 1653158816 5003314377 5003316703
	4000125500 4000124503 4000124495 5003323337 4000125781
	4000125245 4000125203 4000123745 5003312405 5003313395
	4000125898 1653175935 5003329177 4000126524 5003325068
	4000126276 4000126318 5003321331 4000127530 4000127621
	1653188219 4000128298 1653191510 4000124115 4000128729
	4000127316 4000128660 4000126706 5003333237 4000129296
	4000127373 5003346171 1653194514 4000129684 5003350967
	5003357004 4000130567 4000130880 1653201269 4000129866
	4000130195 4000124263 4000130310 4000130948 4000131276
	4000131524 4000125435 4000125005 4000131805 1653211482
	4000132043 1653212084 1653211284 4000132563 4000131706
	4000129783 4000131730 4000132506 4000132860 4000132662
	5003351528 4000131797 4000133082 4000131870 4000133298
	4000133306 4000133496 4000131060 4000124321 4000133777
	1653227561 1653219519 4000132399 4000132712 4000134973
	4000135129 4000126292 1653220301 5003369199 1653195388
	4000135574 5003390732 5003391458 4000135525 1653242693

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9523, 961211
		PATCH PHSS_8718, 960926
		PATCH PHSS_8140, 960729
		PATCH PHSS_10518, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_12159, 970814
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		OVLicenseMgr B.01.00 8-1-95
		PATCH PHSS_12159, 970814
		iFOR/LS Library Version 2.0.1 (GR1.3.2) HP-UX
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9191, 961108
		PATCH PHSS_9617, 961217
		PATCH PHSS_9706, 961231
		PATCH PHSS_10532, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_10538, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_10856, 970423
		PATCH PHSS_11151, 970520
		PATCH PHSS_11218, 970529
		PATCH PHSS_11220, 970529
		PATCH PHSS_11379, 970616
		PATCH PHSS_11492, 970623
		PATCH PHSS_12119, 970812
		PATCH PHSS_12123, 970812
		PATCH PHSS_12546, 970912
		PATCH PHSS_12941, 971017
		PATCH PHSS_13034, 970819
		PATCH PHSS_13455, 971208
		PATCH PHSS_13821, 980115
		ovw OV DFIX4028 05/02/96
		HP OpenView Windows Release B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_8002, 960716
		ovw OV DFIX4000 9/28/95
		ovw OV DFIX4021 04/02/96
		PATCH PHSS_10642, 970402
		PATCH PHSS_11620, 970701
		PATCH PHSS_11622, 970701
		PATCH PHSS_12546, 970912
		PATCH PHSS_13821, 980115
		PATCH PHSS_7630, 960620
		libovw OV DFIX4013 03/29/96
		PATCH PHSS_8321, 960819
		PATCH PHSS_8120, 960726
		PATCH PHSS_13146, 971107
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView Core B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_7913, 960702
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_8190, 960802
		PATCH PHSS_8044, 960720
		PATCH PHSS_10940, 970501
		PATCH PHSS_13148, 971107
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9735, 970107
		PATCH PHSS_10440, 970317
		PATCH PHSS_8042, 960720
		libeventFmt.a -- DFIX4010
		PATCH PHSS_10942, 970501
		PATCH PHSS_8037, 960719
		PATCH PHSS_7822, 960620
		libovw OV DFIX4013 03/29/96
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView Core Release B.04.01  01/22/98
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		ovw.h HP OpenView Core Release B.04.00 */
		PATCH PHSS_10526, 970321
		SR 1653227561, 970903
		PATCH PHSS_12420, 970905
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_8759, 960927
		PATCH PHSS_12121, 970812
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		HP OpenView SNMP Dev Kit Release B.04.00  01/22/98
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_7414, 960501
		PATCH PHSS_9715, 970102
		HP OpenView -- libtopm.a DFIX4026
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		ovactiond -- DFIX4005
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9735, 970107
		PATCH PHSS_10440, 970317
		PATCH PHSS_8042, 960720
		libeventFmt.a -- DFIX4010
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10852, 970423
		PATCH PHSS_11389, 970616
		PATCH PHSS_9735, 970107
		PATCH PHSS_10440, 970317
		PATCH PHSS_8042, 960720
		libeventFmt.a -- DFIX4010
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_7566, 960522
		PATCH PHSS_7418, 960523
		PATCH PHSS_7628, 960531
		PATCH PHSS_7424, 960617
		PATCH PHSS_7942, 960726
		PATCH PHSS_8432, 960828
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9715, 970102
		HP OpenView -- libtopm.a DFIX4026
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView -- ipmap
		PATCH PHSS_7504, 960515
		PATCH PHSS_8174, 960801
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9715, 970102
		HP OpenView -- libtopm.a DFIX4026
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		nmdemandpoll DFIX 4027
		PATCH PHSS_9715, 970102
		HP OpenView -- libtopm.a DFIX4026
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		xnmevents DFIX4007
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_8258, 960809
		PATCH PHSS_9735, 970107
		PATCH PHSS_10440, 970317
		PATCH PHSS_8042, 960720
		libeventFmt.a -- DFIX4010
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_9453, 961205
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_7362, 960510
		DFIX4025 04/10/96
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		libov OV DFIX4011 04/02/96
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView Core Release B.04.01  01/22/98
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		libov OV DFIX4011 04/02/96
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView Core Release B.04.01  01/22/98
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		PATCH PHSS_8759, 960927
		PATCH PHSS_12121, 970812
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		HP OpenView SNMP Dev Kit Release B.04.00  01/22/98
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10942, 970501
		PATCH PHSS_8037, 960719
		PATCH PHSS_7822, 960620
		libovw OV DFIX4013 03/29/96
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView Core Release B.04.01  01/22/98
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		HP OpenView DBtools:  Release B.0X.XX (will be repla
			ced by copy_proot)
		Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Hewlett-Packard Company (upd
			ated by copy_proot)
		$Revision: /main/T10/3 $
		HP OpenView ICVT:  Release B.04.00 $
		$Revision: /main/T10/6 $
		PATCH PHSS_10528, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_11228, 970530
		$Revision: /main/T10/11 $
		$ HP OpenView ICVT: Release B.04.01 $
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		ovwperms -- HP OpenView Core Release B.0X.XX
		PATCH HP-UX 10.X PHSS_7686
		ovversion 06/05/96
		**UNSUPPORTED** $Revision: /main/T10/10 $
		PATCH PHSS_12937, 971017
		PATCH PHSS_7913, 960702
		HP OpenView Core B.04.01
		ovw OV DFIX4000 9/28/95
		ovw OV DFIX4021 04/02/96
		PATCH PHSS_8002, 960716
		PATCH PHSS_10642, 970402
		PATCH PHSS_11620, 970701
		PATCH PHSS_11622, 970701
		PATCH PHSS_12546, 970912
		PATCH PHSS_13821, 980115
		PATCH PHSS_7630, 960620
		libovw OV DFIX4013 03/29/96
		PATCH PHSS_8321, 960819
		PATCH PHSS_8120, 960726
		HP OpenView XNm Resources
		Copyright (c) 1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
		PATCH PHSS_8455, 960903
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		ovwsetupclient HP OpenView Release B.0X.XX (replaced
			 by copy_proot)
		Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Hewlett-Packard Company (rep
			laced by copy_proot)
		PATCH PHSS_10854, 970423
		PATCH PHSS_10853, 970423
		PATCH PSOV_1524, 970423
		PATCH PSOV_1523, 970423
		PATCH PHSS_10524, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_10523, 970321
		PATCH PSOV_1465, 970321
		PATCH PSOV_1464, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_9503, 961210
		PATCH PHSS_9502, 961210
		PATCH PSOV_1349, 961210
		PATCH PSOV_1348, 961210
		PATCH PHSS_9672, 961223
		HP OpenView Core B.04.01
		lic050.c bug254977 01/31/95  5 of 5
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView -- ovtopmd
		PATCH PHSS_9715, 970102
		HP OpenView -- libtopm.a DFIX4026
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		DFIX4023 04/18/96
		PATCH PHSS_8970, 961018
		PATCH PHSS_9215, 961113
		PATCH PHSS_9735, 970107
		PATCH PHSS_10440, 970317
		PATCH PHSS_8042, 960720
		libeventFmt.a -- DFIX4010
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x version built Jan 21 19
			98 18:52:18
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager B.04.01
		PATCH PHSS_10544, 970321
		PATCH PHSS_13866, 980119
		HP OpenView Network Node Manager - oid_to_type - B.0
		PATCH PHSS_10936, 970501
		PATCH PHSS_10935, 970501
		PATCH PSOV_1537, 970501
		PATCH PSOV_1536, 970501

cksum(1) Output:
	826804406 637017 /opt/OV/bin/xnmgraph
	1081139917 542348 /opt/OV/bin/OVLicenseMgr
	2226233790 2466883 /opt/OV/bin/ovw
	111270563 501436 /opt/OV/bin/ovwdb
	3735504923 468476 /opt/OV/bin/xnmloadmib
	376995805 9719 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/ovw.1
	3321495104 641913 /opt/OV/lib/libovw.1
	2643859983 63953 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovw.h
	1220458362 193130 /opt/OV/bin/rnetstat
	639632112 135753 /opt/OV/lib/libovsnmp.1
	2896683003 728185 /opt/OV/bin/snmpCollect
	757878203 341066 /opt/OV/bin/ovactiond
	1394960786 521836 /opt/OV/bin/trapd
	2588156008 682929 /opt/OV/bin/netmon
	3258613282 900509 /opt/OV/bin/ipmap
	2743902330 258889 /opt/OV/bin/mibtable
	630428847 399264 /opt/OV/bin/nmdemandpoll
	380780049 583562 /opt/OV/bin/xnmevents
	3757148760 341182 /opt/OV/bin/xnmappmon
	970394816 526198 /opt/OV/bin/xnmbuilder
	1732261271 505682 /opt/OV/bin/xnmbrowser
	3723104037 102772 /opt/OV/lib/libov.1
	3998382262 107210 /opt/OV/lib/libov.a
	2739833627 133758 /opt/OV/lib/libovsnmp.a
	2324151054 702276 /opt/OV/lib/libovw.a
	4146211689 1572 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLCheckForm.1m
	1912791829 625 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLNCSDown.1m
	13518220 628 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLNetLSDown.1m
	576798332 1253 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLNetLSUp.1m
	3658905459 1728 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLPasswordInstaller.1m
	1928830526 2467 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLTemplate.1m
	2217427477 834 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/OVLicenseMgr.1m
	3574385820 1883 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/OVwEventInt.5
	2941003532 32970 /opt/OV/man/man5.Z/OVwRegIntro.5
	4131210111 1850 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/findroute.1
	3559876545 11135 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/ipmap.1
	928073539 3730 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/loadhosts.1m
	1767156759 7477 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/lrf.4
	1683544284 2963 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/mib.coerce.4
	1480481252 2491 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/mibExpr.conf.4
	1135012174 5831 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/netmon.1m
	2542335684 1789 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/nmdemandpoll.1
	1211294314 2141 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/oid_to_sym.4
	1691210993 3653 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/oid_to_type.4
	1253804648 1895 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovactiond.1m
	409922056 4583 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovaddobj.1m
	272487501 3854 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovconfigure.1m
	82948735 2419 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovdbcheck.1m
	577108553 1864 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovdbdebug.1m
	364975225 2108 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovdbsetup.1m
	752500945 2639 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovdelobj.1m
	1758918110 3875 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/ovexec.1
	853239528 2668 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/ovhelp.1
	2575776140 4649 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovinstall.1m
	2092901760 2174 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovmapcount.1m
	2091039598 2251 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovmapdump.1m
	2075798291 2085 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovmapsnap.1m
	1662390359 2576 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovobjprint.1m
	3693270279 4492 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/ovpkg.1
	1431939390 3331 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovremove.1m
	3189378915 9476 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/ovsnmp.conf.4
	2987088650 3515 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovspmd.1m
	1519718208 3232 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovstart.1m
	1796097229 1836 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovstatus.1m
	2579717813 2064 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovstop.1m
	293560602 3403 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovtopmd.1m
	3261867423 1631 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovtopoconv.1m
	4177442848 2531 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovtopodump.1m
	727918951 4171 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovtopofix.1m
	768186609 1798 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovtoposql.1m
	299342513 2217 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovverify.1m
	2919597466 2584 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovwdb.1m
	2174868343 2480 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/ovwperms.1
	1204945965 2711 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/ovwsetupclient.1m
	791215258 1721 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/rbdf.1
	2023195701 3205 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/rnetstat.1
	3192527023 2378 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/rping.1
	1475857858 5584 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/snmpColDump.1
	1699053751 5766 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/snmpCollect.1m
	2587401811 2573 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/snmptrap.1
	2691038183 3242 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/snmpwalk.1
	4211473014 4144 /opt/OV/man/man1m.Z/trapd.1m
	1307157340 10675 /opt/OV/man/man4.Z/trapd.conf.4
	1337267189 5592 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmappmon.1
	1276742527 1602 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmcollect.1
	3772481333 2344 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmevents.1
	2721248366 12678 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmgraph.1
	539313405 2864 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmloadmib.1
	1145008329 7153 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmsnmpconf.1
	3170740185 1470 /opt/OV/man/man1.Z/xnmtrap.1
	3227567889 2750 /opt/OV/bin/ovSetDBEnv
	2783813544 3257 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVMIN/startup
	2138330480 250680 /opt/OV/bin/ovspmd
	983940850 258891 /opt/OV/bin/snmpwalk
	2819777226 8821 /opt/OV/bin/ovwperms
	1976913705 3784 /opt/OV/bin/ovversion
	415024865 49388 /opt/OV/contrib/NNM/dr_ov/dr_ov
	286713748 577 /opt/OV/contrib/NNM/dr_ov/README
	1762288822 2434187 /opt/OV/bin/ovmapcount
	3441303372 21340 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/app-defaults/C/
	1380733164 139729 /opt/OV/bin/ovhelp
	3318205249 6370 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVWIN/app-defaults/C/
	211517562 176785 /opt/OV/bin/ovgethostbyname
	2245870121 30918 /opt/OV/bin/ovwsetupclient
	4078232188 32884 /opt/OV/bin/ovobjprint
	2712548916 3215428 /opt/OV/bin/ovtopmd
	1343993515 489059 /opt/OV/bin/xnmtrap
	4118978622 9297 /opt/OV/bin/ov.envvars.csh
	765163625 72289 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVNNM-RUN/conf/oid_to_type

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies: None

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

	PHSS_7137 PHSS_7362 PHSS_7414 PHSS_7418 PHSS_7424 PHSS_7464
	PHSS_7504 PHSS_7558 PHSS_7566 PHSS_7628 PHSS_7630 PHSS_7686
	PHSS_7822 PHSS_7885 PHSS_7888 PHSS_7913 PHSS_7942 PHSS_8002
	PHSS_8037 PHSS_8042 PHSS_8044 PHSS_8120 PHSS_8140 PHSS_8258
	PHSS_8307 PHSS_8321 PHSS_8432 PHSS_8455 PHSS_8718 PHSS_8759
	PHSS_8970 PHSS_9191 PHSS_9215 PHSS_9453 PHSS_9503 PHSS_9523
	PHSS_9617 PHSS_9672 PHSS_9715 PHSS_9735 PHSS_10440 PHSS_10518
	PHSS_10524 PHSS_10526 PHSS_10528 PHSS_10530 PHSS_10532 PHSS_10538
	PHSS_10544 PHSS_10852 PHSS_10854 PHSS_10856 PHSS_10936 PHSS_10940
	PHSS_10942 PHSS_11151 PHSS_11190 PHSS_11218 PHSS_11220 PHSS_11228
	PHSS_11379 PHSS_11389 PHSS_11492 PHSS_11620 PHSS_11622 PHSS_12119
	PHSS_12121 PHSS_12123 PHSS_12159 PHSS_12420 PHSS_12546 PHSS_12941
	PHSS_13034 PHSS_13146 PHSS_13148 PHSS_13455 PHSS_13821

Equivalent Patches:
	s700: 9.01 9.03 9.05 9.07
	s800: 9.00 9.04

	sparcSOL: 2.3 2.4 2.5

	sparcSUN: 4.1

Patch Package Size: 19690 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_13866

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_13866.depot

	5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the
	    server to install the patch on the server and the clients:

		swcluster -i -b

	    This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and
	    force all clients to be shut down.

	    WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the
		     patch installation.  Installing the patch while the
		     clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to
		     serious problems.

	    The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which
	    you must specify:

		alternate root path  -  default is /export/shared_root/OS_700
		source depot path    -  /tmp/PHSS_13866.depot

	    To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing
	    "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install"
	    from the Menubar.

	5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster:

		- run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install
		  the patch on the cluster server.

		- run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install
		  the patch on the cluster clients.

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_13866.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_13866.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_13866.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:

	If there are any ovw sessions running on either the
	Management Station or on any Management Consoles, these
	sessions need to be closed.  The "ovstop" command
	should then be executed.

	WARNING : the patch will not install if any
	          Network Node Manager processes are

	pre-caution ensures that if you have problems after
	installing the patch, you will be able to restore your
	current state from tape.

	NOTE : ovstart is NOT executed after the patch is loaded
	       You will need to manually run ovstart.
	       Also, in order to keep a history of the patches
	       installed on your system the post-install script
	       will attempt to copy this <patch_name>.text file
	       to /usr/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches
	       (or /opt/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches).  Please make
	       sure this file is in /tmp before installation.

	This is a cumulative consolidated patch.  The following
	intermediate patches, which are contained in this patch,
	have special instructions.  You will need to apply any
	instructions which have not been previously applied.

	NOTE : These instructions are generic for all supported
	       platforms.  Do not apply instructions unless
	       there is a patch corresponding to your platform.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_12546 for HPUX 10.x
	   PHSS_12545 for HPUX 9.x
	   PSOV_01769 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_01768 for SunOS 4.1.x
	The customer needs to install ovw.h in their header
	directory and then re-link with the new library.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_11228 for HPUX 10.x
	   PHSS_11227 for HPUX 9.x
	   PSOV_01591 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_01590 for SunOS 4.1.x
	Do an ovstop before installing patch.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_10936 for HPUX 10.x
	   PHSS_10935 for HPUX 9.x
	   PSOV_1537 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1536 for SunOS 4.1.x
	Make backup copy of oid_to_type before installing patch.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PSOV_1535 for SunOS 4.1.x
	This patch is for SUN 4.X systems that are using distributed
	consoles.  Stop nettl ( nettl -stop ) before running patch.
	After patch is installed, add the environmental variable
	"NETTL_LOG_PATH" to /etc/netnmrc and root's profile.  The
	value of the variable is the absolute path of a non-shared
	directory ( i.e. do not use /usr/OV ).  The directory
	/usr/OV/log can be used if the path includes some unique
	identifier ( e.g. /usr/OV/log/ ).

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_10852 for HPUX 10.x
	   PHSS_10851 for HPUX 9.x
	   PSOV_1522 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1521 for SunOS 4.1.x
	Edit the trapd.lrf file to have "-D ##" where ## is the
	number of seconds they want trapd to wait before timing out
	on the DNS call (in which case it will use a string
	containing the IP address as the "hostname" instead).

	Then do "ovaddobj" of the trapd.lrf file.

	Then add the following to /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf :

	OV_DNS_Interrupted {.} 6 58851332 - \
	While processing an event from $2, a timeout occurred
	while\  trying to resolve the IP Address : $4
	This event is generated when HP OpenView detects that the
	DNS is taking too long to resolve an IP Address to a Name,
	and interrupts it.  This trap only happens if the trapd
	"-D ##" option is used.  It generally indicates there is
	something wrong with the DNS.  The DNS should be fixed so
	that these timeouts do not occur.

	The data passed with the event are
	    1) ID of application sending the event
	    2) The source of the event, if available
	    3) Not applicable
	    4) Error message string that includes current DNS \
	timeout value.

	See trapd.conf(4) man page for complete details.

	... and then do "xnmevents -event" afterwards.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_9523 for HPUX 10.x
	   PHSS_9522 for HPUX 9.x
	   PSOV_1352 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1351 for SunOS 4.1.x

	To take advantage of this fix you will need to edit the
	/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XNmgraph file and change the
	"*labelFontList" resource to "xnmgraph*labelFontList".

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_8454 for HPUX 9.x
	   PHSS_8455 for HPUX 10.x
	   PSOV_1207 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1206 for SunOS 4.1.x
	NOTE: This patch installs a new resource file for ovhelp
	      as /usr/OV/newconfig/OVWIN/app-defaults/C/OVHelp.
	      This resource file includes a resource for modifying
	      the default font in the help window. If you wish to
	      change the default font you will need to copy/merge
	      the new resource file to
	      /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/OVHelp and edit the
	      "ovhelp*fontSet" resource.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_8306 for HPUX 9.x
	   PHSS_8307 for HPUX 10.x
	   PSOV_1181 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1180 for SunOS 4.1.x

	This patch installs a new XNmgraph file.  On HP-UX 9.x and
	SunOS 4.1.x the file is installed as :
	On HP-UX 10.x and Solaris 2.x the file is installed as :

	If you have not edited the existing
	/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XNmgraph resource file you can
	copy the new version to /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults.  If you
	have made changes then you will need to manually merge the
	two files.

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_8036 for HPUX 9.x
	   PHSS_8037 for HPUX 10.x
	   PSOV_1129 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1128 for SunOS 4.1.x
	if using archive libs, re-link application with new libovw

	Instructions for patch(es) :
	   PHSS_7912 for HPUX 9.x
	   PHSS_7913 for HPUX 10.x
	   PSOV_1103 for Solaris 2.x
	   PSOV_1102 for SunOS 4.1.x
	Run ovmapcount -u first after starting ovwdb.  Then if there
	are errors run ovmapcount -rD.