Patch Name:  PHSS_10799

Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 Authorization Server A.02.00 patch bundle #2

Creation Date: 97/05/27

Post Date:  97/06/17

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
        s700: 10.20
        s800: 10.20

        Authorization Server A.02.00

        PrAS-Core.ASCORE-DEMO,A.02.00 PrAS-Core.ASCORE-RUN,A.02.00

Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Release

        No (superseded patches were critical)
                Refer to SR# 4701348847 and 4701349332.

Path Name:  /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_10799

        1.  Symptoms for SR # 4701353524
        After repeated create operations, authu sometimes crashes.
        2.  Symptoms for SR # 4701352997
        When a PPID under check has a large number of privileges
        LIII runtime performance may be poor.

        1.  Symptoms for SR # 4701342626
        The files /etc/opt/odss/puser_types.config and
        /etc/opt/odss/ecallout.config are not created during
        installation of the Authorization Server.
        2.  Symptoms for SR # 4701342634
        Command odss_aud_filter reports wrong date.  Month
        calculation is off by one.
        3.  Symptoms for SR # 4701348094
        Praesidium Authorization Server product could not restart
        during reboot time.
        4.  Symptoms for SR # 4701348102
        Praesidium Authorization Server product could not restart
        during auto reboot time.
        5.  Symptoms for SR # 4701348847
        GUI edits are too loose.  User can enter bad or negative
        ptype.  Once a principal with bad ptype has gotten into the
        db, principal oriented reports cause authu to dump.
        Check for matching passwords in create and modify principal.
        Check for password in create principal.  Give error message
        rather than code if unsuccessful principal or profile.
        Make selection windows larger for principal/profile/entry.
        Maker/checker functionality now works correctly.  Ptype must
        be entered to create principal.  Test privileges does not
        work.  Ppid must not be blank.  Wildcards not allowed on key
        privileges.  Wildcards allowed only on string privileges.
        6.  Symptoms for SR # 4701348888
        The audit filter reports the month wrong.
        7.  Symptoms for SR # 4701348896
        While running ODSS_authz_config -unconfig, the following
        message is encountered:
        Removing object /.:/hosts/hpial50/odss-authpd from group
        /.:/subsys/HP/ODSS/odss-authpd .
        Error: Group member not found .
        8.  Symptoms for SR # 4701349308
        SSL connections to GUI are not supported.
        9. Symptoms for SR # 4701349332
        ODSS_authz_config needs 'site -update' to support replicated
        DCE secd. Also, other Pr/AS modules need support for
        replicated DCE CDS and secd.
        10. Symptoms for SR # 4701349340
        ODSS_authz_config needs to start authu in bootstrap mode,
        but it continues before authu is fully started.
        11. Symptoms for SR # 4701349357
        Odssd.h API header files do not compile under C++.
        12. Symptoms for SR # 4701349373
        DCE 'basic' sample setup depends on DCE Pwd Strength checker
        configured.  The setup.ksh script adds principals via the
        ODSS_user_config script.  The ODSS_user_config script
        incorrectly adds ERAs for principals that are available only
        if the DCE cell was configured with the Pwd Strength

Defect Description:
        1.  Defect description for SR # 4701353524 authu has a long
        term memory leak.
        2.  Defect description for SR # 4701352997 Performance
        for LIII under "large sets" of privs is poor because all
        records are retrieved from the database.

        1. Defect description for SR # 4701342626
        Missing files in Authorization Server 2.0 Installation.
        2. Defect description for SR # 4701342634
        Command odss_aud_filter reports wrong date.
        3. Defect description for SR # 4701348094
        Users do not need cell_admin credential to startup ODSS.
        4. Defect description for SR # 4701348102
        P/AS does not restart during auto reboot the system.
        5. Defect description for SR # 4701348847
        Clean up the Admin GUI.
        6. Defect description for SR # 4701348888
        The month in the audit filter is off by one.
        7. Defect description for SR # 4701348896
        ODSS_authz_config -unconfig says Group member not found.
        8. Defect description for SR # 4701349308
        Want GUI to work with SSL.
        9. Defect description for SR # 4701349332
        ODSS config now supports replicated DCE secd and CDS.
        10. Defect description for SR # 4701349340
        ODSS_authz_config fails to start authu in bootstrap mode.
        11. Defect description for SR # 4701349357
        Odssd.h API header files do not compile under C++.
        12. Defect description for SR # 4701349373
        DCE 'basic' sample setup depends on DCE Pwd Strength
        checker configured.

        4701342626 4701342634 4701348094 4701348102 4701348847
        4701348888 4701348896 4701349308 4701349332 4701349340
        4701349357 4701349365 4701352997 4701353524

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                yaccpar 1.6 88/02/08 SMI
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                $Header: sec_info.c,v 0.5 93/12/29 17:00:13 dibl Exp
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                iqcursor.c 9.27 11/9/93 14:30:51
                iqdynam.c 9.33 1/17/94 13:51:50
                iqfetch.c 9.13 1/24/94 08:28:45
                iqsimple.c 9.11 3/31/93 17:25:36
                iqtrans.c 9.4 3/31/93 17:25:41
                iqutil.c 9.25 1/11/94 09:33:50
                iqcomm.c 9.14 1/25/94
                iqconnct.c 9.50 1/13/93 12:18:51
                iqdynsql.c 9.4 1/14/93 15:57:25
                iqinsert.c 9.6 10/27/93 11:05:28
                iqreturn.c 9.22 11/9/93 14:33:25
                iqsend.c 9.16 11/9/93 14:31:03
                iqinfo.c 9.5 9/16/93 10:22:14
                iqsend2.c 9.11 10/26/93 09:34:15
                        8.1  3/2/91  13:54:13
                osctype.c 9.27 10/26/93 11:48:26
                        e.c  8.4  4/18/91  13:49:42
                        8.1  3/2/91  13:55:15
                         8.1  3/2/91  13:55:08
                         8.1  3/2/91  13:55:18
                osfutil.c 9.4 1/17/94 17:54:49
                asfapi.c 9.55    10/23/93     11:59:20
                al.c 9.70    10/23/93     11:59:11
                asfutil.c 9.49 10/14/93  09:08:55
                driver.c 9.23    8/5/93     15:05:35
                cm.c 9.63  11/19/93  18:21:49
                asfns.c 9.62    9/20/93  15:42:39
                asfpfsqi.c 9.57    1/14/94     15:09:31
                asf_shm.c 9.84    1/13/94     14:30:35
                tlispx.c 9.8  12/22/93  16:00:09
                asfutil2.c 9.7 10/14/93  09:09:38
                asfpfutl.c 9.13 1/14/94 15:09:38
                asfslsqi.c 9.37 10/28/93 09:42:32
                nwsap.c 9.10    11/22/93     13:25:30
                        enm.c  8.1  3/2/91  14:46:49
                        b.c  8.1  3/2/91  14:46:54
                        tnm.c  8.1  3/2/91  14:47:00
                osdnet.c 9.12    12/20/93  13:23:29
                osauth.c 9.14  11/8/93 16:10:11
                osdshift.c 9.3 8/28/92 18:10:15
                rfnmanip.c 7.1 1/4/90
                rvaldata.c 9.15 1/14/94 17:20:11
                ghash.c 9.3 5/1/92 18:03:41
                gvalid.c 9.4 10/22/93 14:15:09
                decconv.c 9.23 1/14/94 17:19:32
                gchkname.c 9.3     11/4/93     10:40:16
                decmath.c 9.4 10/22/93 14:15:21
                rstrip.c 9.4 7/7/92 13:47:08
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                $Header: sec_info.c,v 0.5 93/12/29 17:00:13 dibl Exp
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                dm_dep.pc 1.18 LCC)
                dm_util.pc 1.10 LCC)
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                $Header: sec_info.c,v 0.5 93/12/29 17:00:13 dibl Exp
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                iqcursor.c 9.27 11/9/93 14:30:51
                iqdynam.c 9.33 1/17/94 13:51:50
                iqfetch.c 9.13 1/24/94 08:28:45
                iqsimple.c 9.11 3/31/93 17:25:36
                iqtrans.c 9.4 3/31/93 17:25:41
                iqutil.c 9.25 1/11/94 09:33:50
                iqcomm.c 9.14 1/25/94
                iqconnct.c 9.50 1/13/93 12:18:51
                iqdynsql.c 9.4 1/14/93 15:57:25
                iqinsert.c 9.6 10/27/93 11:05:28
                iqreturn.c 9.22 11/9/93 14:33:25
                iqsend.c 9.16 11/9/93 14:31:03
                iqinfo.c 9.5 9/16/93 10:22:14
                iqsend2.c 9.11 10/26/93 09:34:15
                        8.1  3/2/91  13:54:13
                osctype.c 9.27 10/26/93 11:48:26
                        e.c  8.4  4/18/91  13:49:42
                        8.1  3/2/91  13:55:15
                         8.1  3/2/91  13:55:08
                         8.1  3/2/91  13:55:18
                osfutil.c 9.4 1/17/94 17:54:49
                asfapi.c 9.55    10/23/93     11:59:20
                al.c 9.70    10/23/93     11:59:11
                asfutil.c 9.49 10/14/93  09:08:55
                driver.c 9.23    8/5/93     15:05:35
                cm.c 9.63  11/19/93  18:21:49
                asfns.c 9.62    9/20/93  15:42:39
                asfpfsqi.c 9.57    1/14/94     15:09:31
                asf_shm.c 9.84    1/13/94     14:30:35
                tlispx.c 9.8  12/22/93  16:00:09
                asfutil2.c 9.7 10/14/93  09:09:38
                asfpfutl.c 9.13 1/14/94 15:09:38
                asfslsqi.c 9.37 10/28/93 09:42:32
                nwsap.c 9.10    11/22/93     13:25:30
                        enm.c  8.1  3/2/91  14:46:49
                        b.c  8.1  3/2/91  14:46:54
                        tnm.c  8.1  3/2/91  14:47:00
                osdnet.c 9.12    12/20/93  13:23:29
                osauth.c 9.14  11/8/93 16:10:11
                osdshift.c 9.3 8/28/92 18:10:15
                rfnmanip.c 7.1 1/4/90
                rvaldata.c 9.15 1/14/94 17:20:11
                ghash.c 9.3 5/1/92 18:03:41
                gvalid.c 9.4 10/22/93 14:15:09
                decconv.c 9.23 1/14/94 17:19:32
                gchkname.c 9.3     11/4/93     10:40:16
                decmath.c 9.4 10/22/93 14:15:21
                rstrip.c 9.4 7/7/92 13:47:08
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                $Header: sec_info.c,v 0.5 93/12/29 17:00:13 dibl Exp
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                dm_dep.pc 1.18 LCC)
                dm_util.pc 1.10 LCC)
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                $Header: sec_info.c,v 0.5 93/12/29 17:00:13 dibl Exp
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R
                        evision: 74.03 $
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.01 (PHSS 9422)
                Mon Mar 10 11:32:54 PST 1997
                Version 1 odss_nsapi.slMay 22 1997
                HP PRAESIDIUM/AS version A.02.02 (PHSS 10799)
                Thu May  1 12:07:58 PDT 1997

cksum(1) Output:
        2856827038 6374 /opt/odss/README.MultiPriv
        2940994651 853972 /opt/odss/bin/authu_batch
        3293510005 852828 /opt/odss/bin/authu_maint
        1993752198 237956 /opt/odss/bin/odss_aud_filter
        4039535667 103492 /opt/odss/bin/odss_cgi_authz
        851742478 103676 /opt/odss/bin/odss_cgi_inq
        3641870061 91940 /opt/odss/bin/odss_errtext
        3774051000 582560 /opt/odss/bin/odss_rep_admin
        2509211295 15297 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE/include/odssb.h
        3975021535 2509 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE/include/odssd.h
        2838476552 136813 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE/include/odssmsg.h
        1298327244 2350 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE/win3.1/odss.ini
        1507242360 84211 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE/win3.1/odssmsg.rc
        397366727 224515 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE32/INSTLIB.EXE
        3669847533 8625 /opt/odss/client/PCDCE32/README
        3048086817 10809 /opt/odss/examples/PCdce/README
        568937285 3810 /opt/odss/examples/PCdce/ok/Server/
        3980928056 11882 /opt/odss/examples/PCdce/ok/Server/ok_mgr.c
        397366727 224515 /opt/odss/examples/PCdce32/INSTEX.EXE
        3669847533 8625 /opt/odss/examples/PCdce32/README
        3291736242 4268 /opt/odss/examples/create_puser_callout/
        3587351695 1266 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/Makefile
        1313233190 9270 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/README
        2110399514 354 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/cds_entry.ksh
        1235906022 689 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/cleanup.ksh
        1403535458 10867 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/client.c
        2796077396 2205 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/
        867653425 587 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/
        876050911 2348 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/rgy_acct.ksh
        2983114301 6773 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/server.c
        2084251344 1115 /opt/odss/examples/dce/basic/setup.ksh
        2080029267 7233 /opt/odss/examples/gss/README
        1341584729 2569 /opt/odss/examples/gss/dosetup.ksh
        1280090164 30070 /opt/odss/examples/gss/gclient.c
        1653909447 555 /opt/odss/examples/gss/ginet.h
        1485629801 21533 /opt/odss/examples/gss/gserver.c
        1189552090 8095 /opt/odss/examples/gss/gutils.c
        2784900179 2216 /opt/odss/examples/gss/gutils.h
        2712640345 1412 /opt/odss/examples/gss/run_client.ksh
        4179873548 1475 /opt/odss/examples/gss/run_server.ksh
        1663667324 1141680 /opt/odss/gui/odss/cgi-bin/
        1312909838 4192 /opt/odss/include/odss/libodsse.h
        1620849486 6911 /opt/odss/include/odss/odss_authpd.h
        271193173 15349 /opt/odss/include/odss/odssb.h
        3975021535 2509 /opt/odss/include/odss/odssd.h
        1696186715 1842 /opt/odss/include/odss/odssgss.h
        2838476552 136813 /opt/odss/include/odss/odssmsg.h
        113625035 12655 /opt/odss/lbin/ODSS_authz_cds_entry
        2805283913 1632088 /opt/odss/lbin/ODSS_authz_raima_create
        980738977 5371 /opt/odss/lbin/ODSS_authz_rgy_acct
        3535825127 1256 /opt/odss/lbin/ODSS_dce_verify_consistency
        486191628 524 /opt/odss/lbin/ODSS_user_config
        926330361 1620444 /opt/odss/lbin/authpa.informix
        3183628737 2774360 /opt/odss/lbin/
        1849311676 2454848 /opt/odss/lbin/authpd.informix
        2291309473 3603488 /opt/odss/lbin/
        3415623879 173440 /opt/odss/lbin/authpif
        2575171772 6859976 /opt/odss/lbin/authu
        2903610611 124668 /opt/odss/lbin/odss_conf_maint
        2057255541 2727236 /opt/odss/lbin/rep_create_db
        1010215787 983940 /opt/odss/lib/
        1544788215 87408 /opt/odss/lib/
        1430184303 145780 /opt/odss/lib/
        1701463189 545644 /opt/odss/lib/
        3855584281 818576 /opt/odss/lib/
        1332811367 265088 /opt/odss/lib/
        2328206103 436160 /opt/odss/lib/
        3151583052 193732 /opt/odss/lib/
        3397832255 77096 /opt/odss/lib/
        3000463808 104776 /opt/odss/lib/nls/msg/C/
        1499484082 639 /opt/odss/newconfig/puser_types.config
        1655679679 47964 /opt/odss/sbin/ODSS_DESS_config
        437740081 47653 /opt/odss/sbin/ODSS_authz_config
        620457970 7437 /opt/odss/sbin/ODSS_authz_shutdown
        3976089353 34733 /opt/odss/sbin/ODSS_authz_startup
        3566170259 2182 /opt/odss/sbin/ODSS_cgi_setup
        1480777046 2188 /opt/odss/share/man/man3.Z/odss-authorize.3
        984138855 1928 /opt/odss/share/man/man3.Z/odss-initial.3
        3657473735 6791 /opt/odss/share/man/man8.Z/odss_rep_admin.8

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies:  None

Hardware Dependencies:  None

Other Dependencies:  None


Equivalent Patches: None

Patch Package Size:  30240 Kbytes

Installation Instructions:
        Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
        SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
        and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
        restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
        before installing this patch.
        1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

        2. Login as root.

        3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

        4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

                cd /tmp
                sh PHSS_10799

        5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

                swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
                        -s /tmp/PHSS_10799.depot

        5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the
            server to install the patch on the server and the clients:

                swcluster -i -b

            This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and
            force all clients to be shut down.

            WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the
                     patch installation.  Installing the patch while the
                     clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to
                     serious problems.

            The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which
            you must specify:

                alternate root path  -  default is /export/shared_root/OS_700
                source depot path    -  /tmp/PHSS_10799.depot

            To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing
            "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install"
            from the Menubar.

        5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster:

                - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install
                  the patch on the cluster server.

                - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install
                  the patch on the cluster clients.

        By default swinstall will archive the original software in
        /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_10799.  If you do not wish to retain a
        copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
        named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

        Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
                 patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
                 when using this feature.

        It is recommended that you move the PHSS_10799.text file to
        /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

        To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
        tape drive, use the command:

                dd if=/tmp/PHSS_10799.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:
        If the Authorization Server Engine servers are running, they
        must be shut down before this patch is installed.  The
        following command will show the servers if they are running:

            ps -ef | grep auth

        If the servers are running, execute the following command
        (as root) to shut them down:


        You may now install the patch as described above.

        Note: This patch will remove the following 4 files in
        addition to modifying the files listed above:


        You should also review the following readme file that is
        installed by the patch:
