Patch Name: PHSS_10559

Patch Description: s700_800 10.01 HP DCE/9000 1.4 cumulative patch

Creation Date: 97/09/17

Post Date:  97/09/22

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.01
	s800: 10.01

	HP DCE/9000 1.4

	DCE-SEC-Server.SEC-SERVER,B.10.01 DFS-Core.DFS-BOS,B.10.01
	DFS-Core.DFS-CLIENT,B.10.01 DFS-Core.DFS-COMMON,B.10.01
	DFS-Core.DFS-FTS,B.10.01 DFS-Core.DFSC-ENG-A-MAN,B.10.01

Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Release

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_10559

	 1.  The cma_fork() function can cause a deadlock if
	     another thread has the global mutex locked. We now
	     lock the global mutex before locking any of the
	     other internal mutexes. Fixed in libcma.1 and
	 2.  The login context could become corrupt due to the
	     incorrect usage of local varable. Now we return
	     the login context rather than assigning it a
	     passed parameter. Fixed in libdce.1.
	 3.  The dtsd daemon core dumps intermittently on
	     shutdown/cleanup (ShutDownRPC) due to a variable,
	     "profileName", being rpc_string_free'd
	     incorrectly. The "rpc_string_free (&profileName,
	     &status)" has been removed from
	     dtss_service_global_set.c and checks for NULL in
	     transport_rpc.c were added. Fixed in dtsd.
	 4.  Data checking improvements were added to chsh.auth
	     and chfn.auth. Fixed in chsh.auth and chfn.auth.
	 5.  The build fails because the SAMIDL phase misses
	     some DMS components.
	 6.  The PHSS_9394-95 cdsadv core dumps dealing with
	     rpc input-only arguments upon rpc retries. Now,
	     input arguments are reconstructed on rpc failures.
	     Fixed in cdsadv.
	 7.  The cdsd daemon crashes when reading an acl that
	     is too large. Generated acls are now checked to
	     ensure that they are within the proper size range.
	     Fixed in cdsd.
	 8.  Data checking improvements were added to
	     passwd.auth. Fixed in passwd.auth.
	 9.  There is excess logging in the error.log when
	     trying to execute rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name
	     to find a global server name, but not having a
	     fully-bound binding (even when there wasn't a
	     global server configured). A routine has been
	     inserted to ensure we hav a fully-bound binding
	     before attempting the
	     rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name routine. Fixed in
	10.  A dce_login into a foreign cell fails if one of
	     the security servers in the foreign cell is down
	     since the local pe_site file does not contain RPC
	     string bindings for foreign cells and a retry does
	     not import bindings from the name space. A fix was
	     added so that the import handle is not closed
	     after the RPC bindings have been imported.  Fixed
	     in libdce.1, libdce.a, secd, sec_create_db,
	     sec_salvage_db, klist, kinit, kdestroy, dfsgw, and
	11.  The passwd_export binary has improved its handling
	     of applying group overrides. Fixed in
	12.  Improvements have been made to clean up some
	     credential stuctures. Fixed in libdce and dced.
	13.  The cdsadv binary core dumps on the Security and
	     Directory master server during intercell system
	     testing. The method of allocating idl supplied
	     memory was improved. Fixed in libdce.
	14.  The cdsd daemon was getting a bus error in the
	     security/krb code. Error handling was changed to
	     deal with cursor initialization and allocation.
	     Fixed in libdce and cdsd.
	15.  Improvements were made to the error handling in
	     the dce_db_open_file() function. Fixed in libdce.
	16.  Improvements were made to sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam()
	     and sec_rgy_unix_getgrgid() to apply overrides from
	     the group_override file. Fixed in libdce.1.
	17.  DCE/DFS uses 32 bit uids. Earlier versions of HPUX
	     used  16 bit uids.  Files created by large UID
	     accounts are masked to small UID ownership. That
	     is, 32-bit UIDs are masked to the  low 16 bits.
	     Fixed in dfs_server.ext
	18.  dcecp rename of schema entry yields error. Fixed
	     in secd.
	19.  cdsadv was spinning while running Matsushita
	     Encina tests. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	20.  program returns unknown error 28211536 from
	     rpc_binding_lookup_next. Fixed in libdce.1.
	21.  The cdsd hung when checkpoint writing. Fixed in
	22.  rgy_edit aborts with an 'unexpected file type'
	     error message and a cma_dump.log Fixed in libcma.1
	     and libcma.a.
	23.  klist does not report the correct info after the
	     year 2000. Fixed in klist.
	24.  tools core-dump on startup on WC systems. Fixed in
	     libdce.a and libdce.1.
	25.  Some invalid login attempts were not recorded when
	     they should have been. Fixed in secd.
	26.  Improvements to the error handling were added to
	     dce_error_inq_text() to handle unix error codes.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	27.  fix makefiles to avoid build churn when building
	     on 10.x
	28.  The ftpd.auth binary was updated to improve
	     functionality. Fixed in ftpd.auth.
	29.  Changes were made to cdsadv to deal with data.db
	     file problems. Fixed in libdce.1.
	30.  The client process pid was added to the libdce and
	     cdsadv protocol. The version number was bumped up
	     and the cdsadv binary was modified to handle
	     multiple protocol versions. Fixed in libdce.1,
	     libdce.a, cdsadv.
	31.  The cdsd daemon core dumps on startup with
	     playback error. Fixed in cdsd.
	32.  The cdsd daemon craches in db_btree_copy_keys().
	     Fixed in cdsd.
	33.  The cdsadv binary crashes during RPC marshalling.
	     Fixed in cdsadv and cdsd.
	34.  Error were encountered when handling timeouts in
	     CreateLink. Fixed in cdsadv.
	35.  A variable (CacheID) was uninitialized in cdsadv.
	     Fixed in /opt/dce/sbin/cdsadv.
	36.  The ascii/hex conversion was improved in the
	     function, deb_ascii_ptr_to_buf(), to deal with bad
	     output. Fixed  in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	37.  The ftpd.auth binary was synchronized with the
	     unix ftpd. The -p option was added and an error
	     message was changed. Fixed in ftpd.auth.
	38.  cdsd crashes during system test. Fixed in cdsd.
	39.  The dce_shutdown command did not properly handle
	     shutting down multiple instances of a daemon that
	     are running. Now, dce_shutdown slays every
	     instance of a daemon and if there is a problem
	     where a daemon will not stop, it is reported.
	     Fixed in dce_com_utils.
	40.  The GDS/XDS interface was not handling looking up
	     all of the default dsa's properly. Code was added
	     to force the process to lookup and store the list
	     of default dsa's and use whichever one it can bind
	     to. Fixed in libdce.a and libdce.1.
	41.  There were dts threads that were aborting due to
	     an unexpected fstat return (EINTR). Code was added
	     so that the fstat is retried if errno = EINTR.
	     Fixed in libdce.a and  libdce.1.
	42.  The cds clerk spins. A fix was added to change
	     cached handle flush. Fixed in cdsadv.
	43.  cdsadv crashes. Fixed in cdsadv.
	44.  The cdsadv binary crashes due to memory leak. Code
	     was added to properly release memory. Fixed in
	45.  The ds_read() call fails on objects that represent
	     cds directories. Fixed in libdce.a and libdce.1.
	46.  Users krb app causes secd to segv crash. Fixed in
	     libdce and secd.
	47.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	48.  If the principal that created an account (or the
	     principal that last modified an account) is
	     deleted, then that account will no longer be
	     viewable using dcecp although it is viewable with
	     rgy_edit. Fixed in libdcecp.1.
	49.  Modifications were made to and secd to
	     NULL a pointer after freeing it. Fixed in libdce.1
	     and secd.
	50.  Improvements were made to
	     rca_site_bind_from_tower_vec() and
	     dce_cf_get_cell_name() to deal with prototyping.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and secd.
	51.  Merge the 1.2.2 fix to sacto. secd dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. If a DCE
	     client attempts to use the IDL encoding services
	     prior to traversing cstub or sstub code, _and_ the
	     ES raises an exception, the exception will not be
	     handled. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	52.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	53.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	54.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	55.  Improvements were made to the acl evaluation
	     algorithms. Fixed in libdce.1 and secd.
	56.  Modifications were made to pwd_strengthd to
	     improve error handling. Fixed in pwd_strengthd.
	57.  Various creds data.db file problems associated
	     with cdsadv. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	58.  Changes were made to dced to free memory properly.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	59.  There was ineffective code in dced to free
	     memory. Fixed in dced and dcecp.
	60.  sec_login_set_context() returns 22 (EINVAL) if
	     running as root and the login is being performed
	     for a uid (out of the registry) greater than what
	     the OS can handle. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	61.  secd crashes because of bad call in
	     process_tgs_req. Fixed in secd.
	62.  Connection oriented RPC 'maybe' calls result in
	     segmentation violation. Need to properly
	     initialize iovlen.  Fixed in libdce.1 and
	63.  When the pe_site file update happens (whether by
	     the dced thread or by manually issuing a "dcecp -c
	     update secval -pesite 0" command), you get two
	     lines of " @: " in the pe_site file for each
	     replica that is "marked for deletion" on the
	     master's replist. Because of this, the pe_site
	     file could grow (slowly) without bound. Fixed in
	64.  You can use dce_rdacl_replace() to set a user_obj
	     or group_obj entry on an ACL, but after that
	     point, can never update the ACL again (because
	     evaluating an ACL with a user_obj or group_obj
	     entry requires the ACL manager providing the owner
	     and group owner UUIDs, and it looks like
	     provisions for doing so were never accounted for
	     when the DCE ACL library was implemented (can't
	     get them through the resolver and none of the ACL
	     DB code knows anything about them). The fix is not
	     to allow Apps to specify that owners or owning
	     groups are supported (dce_acl_c_has_owner and/or
	     dce_acl_c_has_groups) This was done by adding a
	     new acl_s_ error: acl_s_owners_not_implemented and
	     having dce_acl_register_object_type() return this
	     new error if either of those flags is specified.
	     This will prevent apps from running into the other
	     problems encountered because the library can't
	     support owners yet. Fixes in: libdce.1, libdce.a,, libdcedpvt.1 and libdcedpvt.a
	65.  dce_rdacl_get_access() passes in the PAC's user
	     and group as the owner and group_obj-owner to
	     dce_acl_inq_permset_for_creds(), along with the
	     cred_h. This is *wrong*, because
	     dce_acl__permset_alg() below these calls is
	     expecting those args to be the owning user_obj and
	     group_obj uuids of the object that the ACL is
	     protecting, and will be comparing them against the
	     user and group it gets from the cred_h passed in
	     (in other words, it's now comparing them against
	     themselves, which will always return true). Fixes
	     in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	66.  The ACL manager for extended registry attribute
	     types may include the policy ACL manager. However,
	     the servicability permission bit ('s') cannot be
	     correctly set on the policy manager ACL list. i.e.
	     the following call fails and returns an error even
	     though the 's' bit is supported by the policy ACL
	     manager: dcecp -c xattrschema modify
	     /.:/sec/xattrschema/test_yassir \ -aclmgr {policy
	     s s s s} Error: Invalid permission string. Fixes
	     in libdcecp.1.
	67.  1) dce acl code returns wrong error on unauthz. 2)
	     dced_hostdata_create test expects wrong status as
	     a result of fix to problem (1). Fixes in
	     libdcedpvt.1 and dced.
	68.  There's a path in the sec_login code, via
	     sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident(), where a new cred
	     database file can be created owned by root (the
	     effective uid) versus the creating principal.
	     Fixed in: libdce.a, libdce.1, libdce.a.Dom and
	69.  The ds_read() call fails on objects that represent
	     cds directories. Fixed in libdce.a and libdce.1.
	70.  Clean up some code in sec_salvage_db. Fixed in
	71.  Mem leak in sec_login_pvt, krb_info. Fixed in
	     libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	72.  1) The dced maintain_machine_context() thread
	     today sleeps until 10 minutes before expiration,
	     then tries to refresh and validate the machine
	     creds. If it is unable to do this, the thread
	     assumes the creds have been blown away and so it
	     calls resetup_machine_context(), which purges the
	     machine creds, and then tries to obtain new ones.
	     If secd is down, the thread will fail to validate
	     the machine creds, and so it will call
	     resetup_machine_context(), which will purge the
	     machine creds which were still valid for another
	     ten minutes.  2) Another problem was discovered
	     which prevented "kdestroy -e" from destroying the
	     host creds by preventing the
	     sec_login_purge_context_exp() call from ever
	     destroying them. The desired functionality for
	     kdestroy is that one should be able to destroy the
	     host creds, but only by using the command
	     "kdestroy -c hostcredname". Fixes in: dced.Dom,
	     libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	73.  1.2.2 memory fixes for secd applied to HPDCE02
	     Fixed in secd, sec_create_db, sec_salvage_db.
	74.  Users krb app causes secd to segv crash. This is a
	     check pointers aren't null before dereferencing
	     bug. Fixes in libdce and secd.
	75.  1.2.2 fix applied to HPDCE02 -- NULL passwd
	     crashes secd on account create, plus some plus
	     purify cleanups. Fixed in secd.
	76.  This problem was discovered running HP/DCE 1.4.2.
	     When the master is down and there is another
	     security server available, security clients will
	     leak memory when attempting to bind to the master.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and dced.
	77.  Cds server crashes in db_btree_copy_keys. Fixed in
	78.  Cdsd core dumps on startup with playback error.
	     Fixed in cdsd.
	79.  If the principal that created an account (or the
	     principal that last modified an account) is
	     deleted, then that account will no longer be
	     viewable using dcecp although it is viewable with
	     rgy_edit. (i.e. "dcecp account show" on that
	     account will return an error of "registry object
	     not found"). The problem is that the account show
	     code internally calls sec_id_gen_name() which
	     takes the cell uuid and the principal uuid of the
	     principal that created the account and tries to
	     generate a cell name and principal name from these
	     inputs. Since the principal no longer exists in
	     the registry, the sec_id_gen_name() call fails and
	     returns a "registry object not found" error. It
	     later does the same thing with the principal that
	     last modified the account, and if that no longer
	     exists, it yields the same error. Fixed in
	80.  If multiple instances of a daemon are running,
	     dce_shutdown will shutdown just one and report
	     that the shutdown was successful, even though
	     another is still running. This was fixed by
	     slaying every instance of the daemons. Fixed in

	1.  Threads, libcma dumps core if maxfiles bumped with
	    setlimit before going threaded.
	2.  Dce_config, KRB5CCNAME environment variable set
	    causes dtsd to timeout.
	3.  When looking up ERA's, if the caller is unauthorized
	    to lookup any of the attributes, the entire lookup
	4.  DTS Spectracom Provider fails to configure properly.
	5.  Node panics at an assert in cm_volume.c . Users
	    access to DFS files is incorrect after kdestory.
	6.  Garbage error message for audit logging from secd.
	7.  Dce_config withService Guard installed does not
	8.  An IDL cdsbrowser consumes up to 100% of the CPU.
	9.  Dced is leaking memory with each sec_login_
	10. Threaded socket call returns early from send()
	    on a blocking socket.
	11. Local root is unauthorized when accessing DFS
	    (should use machine creds).
	12. If an application refreshes it's TGT with the calls
	    sec_login_refresh_identity() & sec_login_valid_
	    _cert_ident(), the .data.db file used to hold the
	    epac obtained by valid_and_cert is not purged after
	    the refresh context is synched with the original
	    login context.
	13. Doing a registry designante can hang the replica
	    becoming the master.
	14. cdsd dies on:
	    dcecp>login /.../<remote_cell>/cell_admin -p -dce-
	    dcecp>acl sh /.:/sec/principal/<valid_princ>
	15. cdsd diesd on assert (down_p->node_next_p == NULL)
	16. dced core dumps if it runs out of file descriptors.
	17. rpc/libidl string parameters are getting overwritten.
	18. With Integrated Login, if "login" detects a
	    "password change required" condition, the "login"
	    after the condition, the "login" after the password
	    change fails to do a DCE login.
	19. Cds memory allocator performance hit.
	20. Purify balks on memory used after freed.
	21. If there are no sec servers in the cell,
	    eventually both cdsd and dced will spin in the
	    sec binding code.
	22. Customer reported secd crashing because of bad call
	    in process_tgs_req.
	23. DFS can not export logical volume aggregates if
	    they have the same logical volume number even if
	    they are in different volume groups.
	24. "kdestroy -e" should never flush host credentials.
	25. Connection oriented RPC "maybe" calls result in
	    segmentation violation.
	26. cdsadv runs for a while then begins to leak data
	    blocks identified to be tickets. cdsadv will
	    eventually die by exhausting system resources.
	27. Customer can not use SD to install software on
	    machines containing only FDDI networking.
	28. DFS/Client fails to see DFS exported filesets
	    if the flserver is contacted.
	29. The cell show command doesn't find dts servers
	    in other LANs.
	30. CN needs watchdog timeout on association opens.
	31. CN reclaims the associations too slowly.
	32. Local callback failures.
	33. Occasional loss of secure RPC out params.
	34. Swagentd fails to start with no network installed.
	35. RPC I18N code trashes memory.
	36. Proper directories permissions made 777.
	37. Invalid iconv() status return check within
	    cs_s_conv.c routine.
	38. Conditional coding errors found in cs_s_conv.c
	39. Potential double-freeing of memory.
	40. Memory leak in reading the DCE Code Set
	    Registry into memory.
	41. Memory allocation failure causes core dump.
	42. dce_langinfo() insensitive to application
	    specific locale changes.
	43. dced deadlock at fork in rpc runtime.

	1.  Secd core dumps when syslogd is re-started.
	2.  Secd can potentially core dump if auditing is used.
	    Auditing info will be garbage if secd manages to
	3.  Secd could not initialize a replica of a large
	4.  If secd is down and is not registered in the
	    endpoint map, the retry code falls back to using
	    1.0 interfaces instead of trying to find
	    another 1.1 server.
	5.  The DCE krb5 authorization data was initialized
	    garbage and subsequent authorization data matches
	6.  Sec_login_validate_identity() dumps core because
	    an rpc server call "out" parameter is freed with
	    the wrong flavor.
	7.  Dced cannot access database after a number of
	8.  Dced spins if the master secd is shut
	    down. dced may or may not recover when the master
	9.  Cdsd crash is caused by a watchdog assert() which is
	    triggered on a buffer pointer being overwritten.
	10. Cdsd creation/deletion of directories can cause
	    significant background activity every hour and during
	    this activity the clearinghouse attributes are locked,
	    which prohibits directory creation.
	11. Cdsd clearinghouse does not checkpoint
	12. Cdsd has a low-probability failure during creation of
	    a directory replica could leave a replica server in a
	    deadlock if the master is down.
	13. Libdce causes key change operation problems, if the
	    registry server is unavaliable for updates (ex. in
	    maint. mode), the keyfile will still be updated. This
	    will leave the keyfile and the registry out of synch.
	14. Libdce causes memory corruption when doing a registry
	    show (and presumably other operations) to a remote
	15. Dcm cannot discover cells with GDS format cell names
	    When parsing strings from dcm_config_file, do not
	    NULL out strings that contain "=", since this
	    character is valid in a GDS type cell name.
	16. Gdad doesn't free the cell name pointer.

	1. Session key generation problem.

	1.  dfs_core.ext causes panic.
	2.  libdce causes deadlock.
	3.  Secd deadlocks if there are filters
	    that specify alarms.
	4.  libdce caught in an Infinite loop in client
	5.  libdce causes rebind failure
	6.  Ilogin doesn't work.
	7.  dfs_server.ext causes a panic.
	8.  libdce makes gssapi cause a core dump.
	9   libdce causes newly added replicas to be
	10. secd deadlocks when specific audit events
	11. dcm core dumps when used with obam 4.0 libraries.
	12. rgy_edit, signature mismatch STDC compiler is not
	13. secd, deletion of ERAs is not propagated to
	14. passwd_export trashes file when writes fail.
	15., assertion failure in rpc runtime.
	16. secd, in locksmith mode logs incorrect info.
	17. dcecp, occasionally dumps when exiting the acctmgr
	18. dfs_client.ext, objects created in /: have wrong ID.
	19. rgy_edit, dcecp, Intercell trust doesn't work at
	20. libdce, remove debug option from Makefiles.
	21. libdce, acl evaluation algorithm is faulty.
	22. dcecp, core dumps when object is created with empty
	    data parm.
	23. libdceauth.1, vuelock unlocks when screen times out.
	24. dced deadlocks.
	25. passwd_export fails with no space to write file
	26. dcecp would core dump during the modification of a pgo
	27. cdscp, cell has problems when a new primary cdsalias is

	1.  Context_Rundown() does not work with Multi-threaded
	    client (caused deadlock or crash)
	2.  kerberos credentials aren't kdestory'd if there is no
	    dce login context.
	3.  Intercell Integrated login no longer working.
	4.  Disabling Login causes secd core dump.
	5.  Unable to add upclient entries to 10.X machines with
	6.  Special character can cause the Account Manager to
	7.  ftpd.auth coredumps for an override user.
	8.  An override user can not unlock screen.
	9.  On 10.x, can't log in if master registry replica down.
	10. Stale bindings in dced server entry cause rpc failures.
	11. Application crashes occurs in call to
	12. DFS client can hang attempting to talk to IBM DFS
	13. Users with names >=8 chars can't change passwd with
	14. The sec_login namecache file grows out of control.
	15. Resizing a window stops dce_config.
	16. cdsd memory usage grows
	17. Changing password lifetime was not recognized until the
	    previous lifetime expired.
	18. All but the most recent key get deleted.
	19. Cross-cell ilogin does not work and core dumps.
	20. Vuelock does not work.
	21. cdsd crashes during clearinghouse create/delete.
	22. dtsd memory usage grows
	23. Calling gss_acquire_cred causes a core dump.
	24. Calling gss_accept_sec_context fails if already have
	25. OODCE clients cannot bind with OODCE servers.
	26. OODCE experienced faults, cores, bad return values,
	    lost server objects.
	27. cell_admin can't change passwords by default.
	28. Install message "ln: /opt/dcelocal/bin//bin exists".
	29. Cell aliases don't work with intercell.
	30. chfn complains that the user does not exist.
	31. Use of group override interface routines to
	    roverride.idl cause exceptions/core dumps.
	32. secd change master could loop forever.
	33. auditd stops communicating with clients and dcecp.
	34. Occasionally the sec checkpointing would be
	    delayed by 1 hour.
	35. DFS seeing RPC timeouts.
	36. Who are you failures and mismatched seal errors occur.
	37. dcecp core dumps during 'cdscache show' command.
	38. DFS discovery failures when running the DCM.
	39. cdsd crashes
	40. Entries for replica missing in the pe_site file.

Defect Description:
	 1.  The cma_fork() function can cause a deadlock if
	     another thread has the global mutex locked. We now
	     lock the global mutex before locking any of the
	     other internal mutexes. Fixed in libcma.1 and
	 2.  The login context could become corrupt due to the
	     incorrect usage of local varable. Now we return
	     the login context rather than assigning it a
	     passed parameter. Fixed in libdce.1.
	 3.  The dtsd daemon core dumps intermittently on
	     shutdown/cleanup (ShutDownRPC) due to a variable,
	     "profileName", being rpc_string_free'd
	     incorrectly. The "rpc_string_free (&profileName,
	     &status)" has been removed from
	     dtss_service_global_set.c and checks for NULL in
	     transport_rpc.c were added. Fixed in dtsd.
	 4.  Data checking improvements were added to chsh.auth
	     and chfn.auth. Fixed in chsh.auth and chfn.auth.
	 5.  The build fails because the SAMIDL phase misses
	     some DMS components.
	 6.  The PHSS_9394-95 cdsadv core dumps dealing with
	     rpc input-only arguments upon rpc retries. Now,
	     input arguments are reconstructed on rpc failures.
	     Fixed in cdsadv.
	 7.  The cdsd daemon crashes when reading an acl that
	     is too large. Generated acls are now checked to
	     ensure that they are within the proper size range.
	     Fixed in cdsd.
	 8.  Data checking improvements were added to
	     passwd.auth. Fixed in passwd.auth.
	 9.  There is excess logging in the error.log when
	     trying to execute rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name
	     to find a global server name, but not having a
	     fully-bound binding (even when there wasn't a
	     global server configured). A routine has been
	     inserted to ensure we hav a fully-bound binding
	     before attempting the
	     rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name routine. Fixed in
	10.  A dce_login into a foreign cell fails if one of
	     the security servers in the foreign cell is down
	     since the local pe_site file does not contain RPC
	     string bindings for foreign cells and a retry does
	     not import bindings from the name space. A fix was
	     added so that the import handle is not closed
	     after the RPC bindings have been imported.  Fixed
	     in libdce.1, libdce.a, secd, sec_create_db,
	     sec_salvage_db, klist, kinit, kdestroy, dfsgw, and
	11.  The passwd_export binary has improved its handling
	     of applying group overrides. Fixed in
	12.  Improvements have been made to clean up some
	     credential stuctures. Fixed in libdce and dced.
	13.  The cdsadv binary core dumps on the Security and
	     Directory master server during intercell system
	     testing. The method of allocating idl supplied
	     memory was improved. Fixed in libdce.
	14.  The cdsd daemon was getting a bus error in the
	     security/krb code. Error handling was changed to
	     deal with cursor initialization and allocation.
	     Fixed in libdce and cdsd.
	15.  Improvements were made to the error handling in
	     the dce_db_open_file() function. Fixed in libdce.
	16.  Improvements were made to sec_rgy_unix_getgrnam()
	     and sec_rgy_unix_getgrgid() to apply overrides from
	     the group_override file. Fixed in libdce.1.
	17.  DCE/DFS uses 32 bit uids. Earlier versions of HPUX
	     used  16 bit uids.  Files created by large UID
	     accounts are masked to small UID ownership. That
	     is, 32-bit UIDs are masked to the  low 16 bits.
	     Fixed in dfs_server.ext
	18.  dcecp rename of schema entry yields error. Fixed
	     in secd.
	19.  cdsadv was spinning while running Matsushita
	     Encina tests. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	20.  program returns unknown error 28211536 from
	     rpc_binding_lookup_next. Fixed in libdce.1.
	21.  The cdsd hung when checkpoint writing. Fixed in
	22.  rgy_edit aborts with an 'unexpected file type'
	     error message and a cma_dump.log Fixed in libcma.1
	     and libcma.a.
	23.  klist does not report the correct info after the
	     year 2000. Fixed in klist.
	24.  tools core-dump on startup on WC systems. Fixed in
	     libdce.a and libdce.1.
	25.  Some invalid login attempts were not recorded when
	     they should have been. Fixed in secd.
	26.  Improvements to the error handling were added to
	     dce_error_inq_text() to handle unix error codes.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	27.  fix makefiles to avoid build churn when building
	     on 10.x
	28.  The ftpd.auth binary was updated to improve
	     functionality. Fixed in ftpd.auth.
	29.  Changes were made to cdsadv to deal with data.db
	     file problems. Fixed in libdce.1.
	30.  The client process pid was added to the libdce and
	     cdsadv protocol. The version number was bumped up
	     and the cdsadv binary was modified to handle
	     multiple protocol versions. Fixed in libdce.1,
	     libdce.a, cdsadv.
	31.  The cdsd daemon core dumps on startup with
	     playback error. Fixed in cdsd.
	32.  The cdsd daemon craches in db_btree_copy_keys().
	     Fixed in cdsd.
	33.  The cdsadv binary crashes during RPC marshalling.
	     Fixed in cdsadv and cdsd.
	34.  Error were encountered when handling timeouts in
	     CreateLink. Fixed in cdsadv.
	35.  A variable (CacheID) was uninitialized in cdsadv.
	     Fixed in /opt/dce/sbin/cdsadv.
	36.  The ascii/hex conversion was improved in the
	     function, deb_ascii_ptr_to_buf(), to deal with bad
	     output. Fixed  in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	37.  The ftpd.auth binary was synchronized with the
	     unix ftpd. The -p option was added and an error
	     message was changed. Fixed in ftpd.auth.
	38.  cdsd crashes during system test. Fixed in cdsd.
	39.  The dce_shutdown command did not properly handle
	     shutting down multiple instances of a daemon that
	     are running. Now, dce_shutdown slays every
	     instance of a daemon and if there is a problem
	     where a daemon will not stop, it is reported.
	     Fixed in dce_com_utils.
	40.  The GDS/XDS interface was not handling looking up
	     all of the default dsa's properly. Code was added
	     to force the process to lookup and store the list
	     of default dsa's and use whichever one it can bind
	     to. Fixed in libdce.a and libdce.1.
	41.  There were dts threads that were aborting due to
	     an unexpected fstat return (EINTR). Code was added
	     so that the fstat is retried if errno = EINTR.
	     Fixed in libdce.a and  libdce.1.
	42.  The cds clerk spins. A fix was added to change
	     cached handle flush. Fixed in cdsadv.
	43.  cdsadv crashes. Fixed in cdsadv.
	44.  The cdsadv binary crashes due to memory leak. Code
	     was added to properly release memory. Fixed in
	45.  The ds_read() call fails on objects that represent
	     cds directories. Fixed in libdce.a and libdce.1.
	46.  Users krb app causes secd to segv crash. Fixed in
	     libdce and secd.
	47.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	48.  If the principal that created an account (or the
	     principal that last modified an account) is
	     deleted, then that account will no longer be
	     viewable using dcecp although it is viewable with
	     rgy_edit. Fixed in libdcecp.1.
	49.  Modifications were made to and secd to
	     NULL a pointer after freeing it. Fixed in libdce.1
	     and secd.
	50.  Improvements were made to
	     rca_site_bind_from_tower_vec() and
	     dce_cf_get_cell_name() to deal with prototyping.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and secd.
	51.  Merge the 1.2.2 fix to sacto. secd dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. If a DCE
	     client attempts to use the IDL encoding services
	     prior to traversing cstub or sstub code, _and_ the
	     ES raises an exception, the exception will not be
	     handled. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	52.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	53.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	54.  If a DCE client attempts to use the IDL encoding
	     services prior to traversing cstub or sstub code
	     and the ES raises an exception, the exception will
	     not be handled. The secd daemon dies with
	     unhandled exception during log replay. The
	     solution is that RPS_SS_INIT_CLIENT() is called in
	     all front-line IDL ES APIs. Fixed in libdce.1 and
	55.  Improvements were made to the acl evaluation
	     algorithms. Fixed in libdce.1 and secd.
	56.  Modifications were made to pwd_strengthd to
	     improve error handling. Fixed in pwd_strengthd.
	57.  Various creds data.db file problems associated
	     with cdsadv. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	58.  Changes were made to dced to free memory properly.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	59.  There was ineffective code in dced to free
	     memory. Fixed in dced and dcecp.
	60.  sec_login_set_context() returns 22 (EINVAL) if
	     running as root and the login is being performed
	     for a uid (out of the registry) greater than what
	     the OS can handle. Fixed in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	61.  secd crashes because of bad call in
	     process_tgs_req. Fixed in secd.
	62.  Connection oriented RPC 'maybe' calls result in
	     segmentation violation. Need to properly
	     initialize iovlen.  Fixed in libdce.1 and
	63.  When the pe_site file update happens (whether by
	     the dced thread or by manually issuing a "dcecp -c
	     update secval -pesite 0" command), you get two
	     lines of " @: " in the pe_site file for each
	     replica that is "marked for deletion" on the
	     master's replist. Because of this, the pe_site
	     file could grow (slowly) without bound. Fixed in
	64.  You can use dce_rdacl_replace() to set a user_obj
	     or group_obj entry on an ACL, but after that
	     point, can never update the ACL again (because
	     evaluating an ACL with a user_obj or group_obj
	     entry requires the ACL manager providing the owner
	     and group owner UUIDs, and it looks like
	     provisions for doing so were never accounted for
	     when the DCE ACL library was implemented (can't
	     get them through the resolver and none of the ACL
	     DB code knows anything about them). The fix is not
	     to allow Apps to specify that owners or owning
	     groups are supported (dce_acl_c_has_owner and/or
	     dce_acl_c_has_groups) This was done by adding a
	     new acl_s_ error: acl_s_owners_not_implemented and
	     having dce_acl_register_object_type() return this
	     new error if either of those flags is specified.
	     This will prevent apps from running into the other
	     problems encountered because the library can't
	     support owners yet. Fixes in: libdce.1, libdce.a,, libdcedpvt.1 and libdcedpvt.a
	65.  dce_rdacl_get_access() passes in the PAC's user
	     and group as the owner and group_obj-owner to
	     dce_acl_inq_permset_for_creds(), along with the
	     cred_h. This is *wrong*, because
	     dce_acl__permset_alg() below these calls is
	     expecting those args to be the owning user_obj and
	     group_obj uuids of the object that the ACL is
	     protecting, and will be comparing them against the
	     user and group it gets from the cred_h passed in
	     (in other words, it's now comparing them against
	     themselves, which will always return true). Fixes
	     in libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	66.  The ACL manager for extended registry attribute
	     types may include the policy ACL manager. However,
	     the servicability permission bit ('s') cannot be
	     correctly set on the policy manager ACL list. i.e.
	     the following call fails and returns an error even
	     though the 's' bit is supported by the policy ACL
	     manager: dcecp -c xattrschema modify
	     /.:/sec/xattrschema/test_yassir \ -aclmgr {policy
	     s s s s} Error: Invalid permission string. Fixes
	     in libdcecp.1.
	67.  1) dce acl code returns wrong error on unauthz. 2)
	     dced_hostdata_create test expects wrong status as
	     a result of fix to problem (1). Fixes in
	     libdcedpvt.1 and dced.
	68.  There's a path in the sec_login code, via
	     sec_login_valid_and_cert_ident(), where a new cred
	     database file can be created owned by root (the
	     effective uid) versus the creating principal.
	     Fixed in: libdce.a, libdce.1, libdce.a.Dom and
	69.  The ds_read() call fails on objects that represent
	     cds directories. Fixed in libdce.a and libdce.1.
	70.  Clean up some code in sec_salvage_db. Fixed in
	71.  Mem leak in sec_login_pvt, krb_info. Fixed in
	     libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	72.  1) The dced maintain_machine_context() thread
	     today sleeps until 10 minutes before expiration,
	     then tries to refresh and validate the machine
	     creds. If it is unable to do this, the thread
	     assumes the creds have been blown away and so it
	     calls resetup_machine_context(), which purges the
	     machine creds, and then tries to obtain new ones.
	     If secd is down, the thread will fail to validate
	     the machine creds, and so it will call
	     resetup_machine_context(), which will purge the
	     machine creds which were still valid for another
	     ten minutes.  2) Another problem was discovered
	     which prevented "kdestroy -e" from destroying the
	     host creds by preventing the
	     sec_login_purge_context_exp() call from ever
	     destroying them. The desired functionality for
	     kdestroy is that one should be able to destroy the
	     host creds, but only by using the command
	     "kdestroy -c hostcredname". Fixes in: dced.Dom,
	     libdce.1 and libdce.a.
	73.  1.2.2 memory fixes for secd applied to HPDCE02
	     Fixed in secd, sec_create_db, sec_salvage_db.
	74.  Users krb app causes secd to segv crash. This is a
	     check pointers aren't null before dereferencing
	     bug. Fixes in libdce and secd.
	75.  1.2.2 fix applied to HPDCE02 -- NULL passwd
	     crashes secd on account create, plus some plus
	     purify cleanups. Fixed in secd.
	76.  This problem was discovered running HP/DCE 1.4.2.
	     When the master is down and there is another
	     security server available, security clients will
	     leak memory when attempting to bind to the master.
	     Fixed in libdce.1 and dced.
	77.  Cds server crashes in db_btree_copy_keys. Fixed in
	78.  Cdsd core dumps on startup with playback error.
	     Fixed in cdsd.
	79.  If the principal that created an account (or the
	     principal that last modified an account) is
	     deleted, then that account will no longer be
	     viewable using dcecp although it is viewable with
	     rgy_edit. (i.e. "dcecp account show" on that
	     account will return an error of "registry object
	     not found"). The problem is that the account show
	     code internally calls sec_id_gen_name() which
	     takes the cell uuid and the principal uuid of the
	     principal that created the account and tries to
	     generate a cell name and principal name from these
	     inputs. Since the principal no longer exists in
	     the registry, the sec_id_gen_name() call fails and
	     returns a "registry object not found" error. It
	     later does the same thing with the principal that
	     last modified the account, and if that no longer
	     exists, it yields the same error. Fixed in
	80.  If multiple instances of a daemon are running,
	     dce_shutdown will shutdown just one and report
	     that the shutdown was successful, even though
	     another is still running. This was fixed by
	     slaying every instance of the daemons. Fixed in

	1.  Threads, libcma dumps core if maxfiles bumped with
	    setlimit before going threaded.
	2.  Dce_config, KRB5CCNAME environment variable set
	    causes dtsd to timeout.
	3.  When looking up ERA's, if the caller is unauthorized
	    to lookup any of the attributes, the entire lookup
	4.  DTS Spectracom Provider fails to configure properly.
	5.  Node panics at an assert in cm_volume.c . Users
	    access to DFS files is incorrect after kdestory.
	6.  Garbage error message for audit logging from secd.
	7.  Dce_config withService Guard installed does not
	8.  An IDL cdsbrowser consumes up to 100% of the CPU.
	9.  Dced is leaking memory with each sec_login_
	10. Threaded socket call returns early from send()
	    on a blocking socket.
	11. Local root is unauthorized when accessing DFS
	    (should use machine creds).
	12. If an application refreshes it's TGT with the calls
	    sec_login_refresh_identity() & sec_login_valid_
	    _cert_ident(), the .data.db file used to hold the
	    epac obtained by valid_and_cert is not purged after
	    the refresh context is synched with the original
	    login context.
	13. Doing a registry designante can hang the replica
	    becoming the master.
	14. cdsd dies on:
	    dcecp>login /.../<remote_cell>/cell_admin -p -dce-
	    dcecp>acl sh /.:/sec/principal/<valid_princ>
	15. cdsd diesd on assert (down_p->node_next_p == NULL)
	16. dced core dumps if it runs out of file descriptors.
	17. rpc/libidl string parameters are getting overwritten.
	18. With Integrated Login, if "login" detects a
	    "password change required" condition, the "login"
	    after the condition, the "login" after the password
	    change fails to do a DCE login.
	19. Cds memory allocator performance hit.
	20. Purify balks on memory used after freed.
	21. If there are no sec servers in the cell,
	    eventually both cdsd and dced will spin in the
	    sec binding code.
	22. Customer reported secd crashing because of bad call
	    in process_tgs_req.
	23. DFS can not export logical volume aggregates if
	    they have the same logical volume number even if
	    they are in different volume groups.
	24. "kdestroy -e" should never flush host credentials.
	25. Connection oriented RPC "maybe" calls result in
	    segmentation violation.
	26. cdsadv runs for a while then begins to leak data
	    blocks identified to be tickets. cdsadv will
	    eventually die by exhausting system resources.
	27. Customer can not use SD to install software on
	    machines containing only FDDI networking.
	28. DFS/Client fails to see DFS exported filesets
	    if the flserver is contacted.
	29. The cell show command doesn't find dts servers
	    in other LANs.
	30. CN needs watchdog timeout on association opens.
	31. CN reclaims the associations too slowly.
	32. Local callback failures.
	33. Occasional loss of secure RPC out params.
	34. Swagentd fails to start with no network installed.
	35. RPC I18N code trashes memory.
	36. Proper directories permissions made 777.
	37. Invalid iconv() status return check within
	    cs_s_conv.c routine.
	38. Conditional coding errors found in cs_s_conv.c
	39. Potential double-freeing of memory.
	40. Memory leak in reading the DCE Code Set
	    Registry into memory.
	41. Memory allocation failure causes core dump.
	42. dce_langinfo() insensitive to application
	    specific locale changes.
	43. dced deadlock at fork in rpc runtime.

	1.  Secd core dumps when syslogd is re-started.
	2.  Secd can potentially core dump if auditing is used.
	    Auditing info will be garbage if secd manages to
	3.  Secd could not initialize a replica of a large
	4.  If secd is down and is not registered in the
	    endpoint map, the retry code falls back to using
	    1.0 interfaces instead of trying to find
	    another 1.1 server.
	5.  The DCE krb5 authorization data was initialized
	    garbage and subsequent authorization data matches
	6.  Sec_login_validate_identity() dumps core because
	    an rpc server call "out" parameter is freed with
	    the wrong flavor.
	7.  Dced cannot access database after a number of
	8.  Dced spins if the master secd is shut
	    down. dced may or may not recover when the master
	9.  Cdsd crash is caused by a watchdog assert() which is
	    triggered on a buffer pointer being overwritten.
	10. Cdsd creation/deletion of directories can cause
	    significant background activity every hour and during
	    this activity the clearinghouse attributes are locked,
	    which prohibits directory creation.
	11. Cdsd clearinghouse does not checkpoint
	12. Cdsd has a low-probability failure during creation of
	    a directory replica could leave a replica server in a
	    deadlock if the master is down.
	13. Libdce causes key change operation problems, if the
	    registry server is unavaliable for updates (ex. in
	    maint. mode), the keyfile will still be updated. This
	    will leave the keyfile and the registry out of synch.
	14. Libdce causes memory corruption when doing a registry
	    show (and presumably other operations) to a remote
	15. Dcm cannot discover cells with GDS format cell names
	    When parsing strings from dcm_config_file, do not
	    NULL out strings that contain "=", since this
	    character is valid in a GDS type cell name.
	16. Gdad doesn't free the cell name pointer.

	1. Session key generation problem.

	1.  dfs_core.ext causes panic.
	2.  libdce causes deadlock.
	3.  Secd deadlocks if there are filters
	    that specify alarms.
	4.  libdce caught in an Infinite loop in client
	5.  libdce causes rebind failure
	6.  Ilogin doesn't work.
	7.  dfs_server.ext causes a panic.
	8.  libdce makes gssapi cause a core dump.
	9   libdce causes newly added replicas to be
	10. secd deadlocks when specific audit events
	11. dcm core dumps when used with obam 4.0 libraries.
	12. rgy_edit, signature mismatch STDC compiler is not
	13. secd, deletion of ERAs is not propagated to
	14. passwd_export trashes file when writes fail.
	15., assertion failure in rpc runtime.
	16. secd, in locksmith mode logs incorrect info.
	17. dcecp, occasionally dumps when exiting the acctmgr
	18. dfs_client.ext, objects created in /: have wrong ID.
	19. rgy_edit, dcecp, Intercell trust doesn't work at
	20. libdce, remove debug option from Makefiles.
	21. libdce, acl evaluation algorithm is faulty.
	22. dcecp, core dumps when object is created with empty
	    data parm.
	23. libdceauth.1, vuelock unlocks when screen times out.
	24. dced deadlocks.
	25. passwd_export fails with no space to write file
	26. dcecp would core dump during the modification of a pgo
	27. cdscp, cell has problems when a new primary cdsalias is

	1.  Context_Rundown() does not work with Multi-threaded
	    client (caused deadlock or crash)
	2.  kerberos credentials aren't kdestory'd if there is no
	    dce login context.
	3.  Intercell Integrated login no longer working.
	4.  Disabling Login causes secd core dump.
	5.  Unable to add upclient entries to 10.X machines with
	6.  Special character can cause the Account Manager to
	7.  ftpd.auth coredumps for an override user.
	8.  An override user can not unlock screen.
	9.  On 10.x, can't log in if master registry replica down.
	10. Stale bindings in dced server entry cause rpc failures.
	11. Application crashes occurs in call to
	12. DFS client can hang attempting to talk to IBM DFS
	13. Users with names >=8 chars can't change passwd with
	14. The sec_login namecache file grows out of control.
	15. Resizing a window stops dce_config.
	16. cdsd memory usage grows
	17. Changing password lifetime was not recognized until the
	    previous lifetime expired.
	18. All but the most recent key get deleted.
	19. Cross-cell ilogin does not work and core dumps.
	20. Vuelock does not work.
	21. cdsd crashes during clearinghouse create/delete.
	22. dtsd memory usage grows
	23. Calling gss_acquire_cred causes a core dump.
	24. Calling gss_accept_sec_context fails if already have
	25. OODCE clients cannot bind with OODCE servers.
	26. OODCE experienced faults, cores, bad return values,
	    lost server objects.
	27. cell_admin can't change passwords by default.
	28. Install message "ln: /opt/dcelocal/bin//bin exists".
	29. Cell aliases don't work with intercell.
	30. chfn complains that the user does not exist.
	31. Use of group override interface routines to
	    roverride.idl cause exceptions/core dumps.
	32. secd change master could loop forever.
	33. auditd stops communicating with clients and dcecp.
	34. Occasionally the sec checkpointing would be
	    delayed by 1 hour.
	35. DFS seeing RPC timeouts.
	36. Who are you failures and mismatched seal errors occur.
	37. dcecp core dumps during 'cdscache show' command.
	38. DFS discovery failures when running the DCM.
	39. cdsd crashes
	40. Entries for replica missing in the pe_site file.

	1653141127 1653138933 1653164848 5003291229

Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l
			ibbb.a (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 19:39:09
		HP DCE/9000 1.4
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: i
			dl (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:14:11
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l
			ibcma.a (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 11:06:23
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l
			ibdce.a (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 12:56:25
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			cm (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:18:55
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			dsbrowser (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:05:3
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: A
			ccount Manager Date: Tue Sep  2 19:58:28 EDT
		HP DCE/9000 1.4.2 Module: tclobam_ar (U.S./Canada on
			ly) Date: Nov  8 1995 12:56:06
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: A
			ccount Manager (.ui) Date: Tue Sep  2 19:58:
			28 EDT 1997
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 11:06:01
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 12:55:50
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			tsd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:22:19
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ts_ntp_provider (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 1
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ts_null_provider (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ts_spectracom_provider (Export) Date: Sep  2
			 1997 16:22:55
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: a
			uditd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:29:11
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: s
			ams (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:38:39
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			cecp (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:50:43
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ced (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:38:07
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			dsadv (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:19:38
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ce_login (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:36:08
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: p
			asswd_export (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:3
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: p
			asswd_import (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:3
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			dscp (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:31:00
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: k
			destroy (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:36:41
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: k
			init (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:37:04
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: k
			list (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:36:24
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: g
			dad (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:23:02
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			dscheck (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:07:41
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:11:
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: r
			gy_edit (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:34:30
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l
			ibdcedpvt.1 (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 15:06
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			dsd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:08:11
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: s
			ecd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:29:38
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: p
			wd_strengthd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:1
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: s
			ec_salvage_db (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: s
			ec_create_db (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 16:3
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			hfn.auth (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:10:03
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			hsh.auth (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:10:11
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: p
			asswd.auth (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:09:
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: f
			tpd.auth (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:09:08
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 Module: vuge.auth Date: Oct 06 1995
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l
			ogin.auth (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:09:2
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: s
			u.auth (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:09:36
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 19:39:3
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ceexec (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:08:27
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: l (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 19:4
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fsgw (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:39:00
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fsgwd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:39:54
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: b
			osserver (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:23:51
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fsexport (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:03:18
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: f
			lserver (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:06:41
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: f
			tserver (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:17:50
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: f
			xd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:15:00
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: u
			pclient (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:27:08
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: u
			pserver (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:27:50
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fs_server.ext Kernel Component - 10.0 (Expor
			t) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:40:27
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: f
			ts (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:26:14
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fstrace (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 17:59:04
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: u
			debug (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:04:10
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fsbind (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:16:02
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			ce_krpc.ext Kernel Component - 10.0 (Export)
			 Date: Sep  2 1997 16:16:27
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fs_core.ext Kernel Component - 10.0 (Export)
			 Date: Sep  2 1997 18:40:14
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: k
			load (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 20:12:15
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 patches-PHSS_6110-6111
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: c
			m (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:25:28
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fsd (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:14:08
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: d
			fs_client.ext Kernel Component - 10.0 (Expor
			t) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:40:21
		HP DCE/9000 1.4 PHSS_10559-60-mothra10_211 Module: b
			os (Export) Date: Sep  2 1997 18:24:46

cksum(1) Output:
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	1864718423 6708 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_hostdata.1m
	1561893162 2446 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_hostvar.1m
	806100467 7838 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_keytab.1m
	545405414 6047 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_link.1m
	2295594220 5155 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_log.1m
	1599228255 3094 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_name.1m
	2467151863 5775 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_object.1m
	115639659 13012 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_organization.1m
	3457697767 9901 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_principal.1m
	1612213918 18215 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_registry.1m
	3720497800 8024 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_rpcentry.1m
	942337266 6679 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_rpcgroup.1m
	902098504 10347 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_rpcprofile.1m
	460015902 3517 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_secval.1m
	4089757029 12030 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_server.1m
	4147988173 10062 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_user.1m
	516430465 4142 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_utc.1m
	2031754097 2420 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_uuid.1m
	3984334164 10132 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dcecp_xattrschema.1m
	4039191895 2306 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dce_login.1m
	2377484090 2339 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/cdsadv.1m
	2574902270 2298 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/cdsd.1m
	895588062 2265 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/gdad.1m
	4092832729 5347 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/secd.1m
	1969253858 4588 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/dced.1m
	616424483 15118 /usr/share/man/man5.Z/sec_audit_events.5
	2173686675 3190 /usr/share/man/man5.Z/group_override.5
	3962145708 1624 /usr/share/man/man5.Z/sec_intro.5
	187362090 1501 /opt/dce/include/dcedfs/aclint.h
	1258164083 421504 /opt/dce/bin/idl
	646089155 11606 /opt/dce/include/dce/rpcbase.idl
	711068622 30288 /opt/dce/include/dce/idlddefs.h
	3906480255 2444 /opt/dce/include/dce/dcelibmsg.h
	941801483 724 /opt/dce/include/dce/dce_attr_base.h
	2455984508 4639 /opt/dce/include/dce/dce_attr_base.idl
	941579317 4066 /opt/dce/include/dce/dce_attr_sch.h
	3648741356 15976 /opt/dce/include/dce/dce_attr_sch.idl
	1961761207 1772 /opt/dce/examples/dts/
	2287519999 558972 /opt/dce/lib/libcma.a
	408070903 6156182 /opt/dce/lib/libdce.a
	3701562921 31747 /opt/dce/examples/dts/dts_rcr_provider.c
	878945996 48821 /opt/dce/examples/dts/dts_acts_provider.c
	3825083207 36090 /opt/dce/examples/dts/dts_hopf_provider.c
	4081455429 937 /opt/dce/examples/dts/dts_provider_util.h
	1147160353 36774 /opt/dce/examples/dts/
	930951959 430080 /opt/dce/bin/dfs_login
	592415556 401408 /opt/dce/bin/dfs_logout
	1801874281 667264 /opt/dce/bin/fts
	3048979649 216704 /opt/dce/bin/dfstrace
	667891871 163456 /opt/dce/bin/udebug
	3120027718 364160 /opt/dce/sbin/dfsbind
	1843766872 639068 /opt/dce/ext/dce_krpc.ext
	2747794247 481692 /opt/dce/ext/dfs_core.ext
	256106441 988 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	794620002 203 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	4081042326 12541 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3120201406 8705 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1415906966 869 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	835484262 596 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	776667312 541 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1666697584 2376 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3290304385 1461 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2936683938 1564 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3011424318 2621 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1167173138 4419 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1203509169 367 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	243207288 30437 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3644293225 7715 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1050526685 5775 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1595567679 1382 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	487207088 2256 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1866866812 2443 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3009208303 352 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3770590801 1060 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2921833574 17120 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2091592466 1807 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1202545812 622 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2310930203 1095 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	573349525 1154 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1279899809 9230 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	608064268 1457 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2599130431 5986 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1302585759 211 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1753694877 2033 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3592808059 3552 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1204299567 159 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2840792043 7895 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3485785528 2574 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3964505185 1449 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3890450664 20381 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	509443698 16873 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1732962310 16731 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	730095306 8061 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1609051083 3504 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1189874316 722 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1645952247 3026 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1227008538 793 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	2150178613 4926 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	3331714909 1056 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	4188496919 2251 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	459210970 7817 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1415791286 3699 /usr/lib/nls/msg/C/
	1052064825 48768 /opt/dce/bin/kload
	2714714680 93954 /opt/dce/bin/dfs_config
	1360253269 3241 /opt/dce/bin/dfs.clean
	2921659593 4431 /opt/dce/bin/dfs.rm
	2825936891 8373 /opt/dce/bin/dfs.unconfig
	1389340797 17796 /sbin/init.d/dfs
	22997877 85632 /opt/dce/bin/cm
	1580645950 73344 /opt/dce/sbin/dfsd
	1021376698 464948 /opt/dce/ext/dfs_client.ext
	3662496738 253568 /opt/dce/bin/bos
	2237291661 1306240 /opt/dce/bin/dfsgw
	3979487655 1322624 /opt/dce/sbin/dfsgwd
	338562937 437888 /opt/dce/sbin/bosserver
	1460783232 478848 /opt/dce/bin/dfsexport
	1817901034 614016 /opt/dce/sbin/flserver
	2296584903 413312 /opt/dce/sbin/ftserver
	1084255611 323200 /opt/dce/sbin/fxd
	4181591198 179840 /opt/dce/sbin/upclient
	145140369 220800 /opt/dce/sbin/upserver
	3971530466 232592 /opt/dce/ext/dfs_server.ext
	1818892478 40576 /usr/bin/chfn.auth
	653374206 36480 /usr/bin/chsh.auth
	2226544945 147072 /usr/bin/passwd.auth
	3925246427 114304 /usr/lbin/ftpd.auth
	2073946342 27599 /usr/sbin/auth.adm
	1827656814 5025792 /usr/vue/bin/
	471305582 102016 /usr/bin/login.auth
	117304320 44672 /usr/bin/su.auth
	2968007344 81920 /usr/lib/libauth.1
	1992510090 73344 /opt/dce/bin/dceexec
	2383006415 106496 /usr/lib/libdceauth.1
	333560608 902 /opt/dce/share/hptools/help/C/HPtools.hf
	556788165 1906636 /opt/dce/lib/liboodce.a
	638150135 2065 /opt/dce/include/oodce/SecId.H
	3432393039 2338 /opt/dce/share/man/man3.Z/DCESecId.3

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies: None

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

	PHSS_5930 PHSS_6110 PHSS_6843 PHSS_7191 PHSS_8342

Equivalent Patches: None

Patch Package Size: 54100 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHSS_10559

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHSS_10559.depot

	5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the
	    server to install the patch on the server and the clients:

		swcluster -i -b

	    This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and
	    force all clients to be shut down.

	    WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the
		     patch installation.  Installing the patch while the
		     clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to
		     serious problems.

	    The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which
	    you must specify:

		alternate root path  -  default is /export/shared_root/OS_700
		source depot path    -  /tmp/PHSS_10559.depot

	    To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing
	    "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install"
	    from the Menubar.

	5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster:

		- run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install
		  the patch on the cluster server.

		- run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install
		  the patch on the cluster clients.

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_10559.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHSS_10559.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHSS_10559.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions: None