Patch Name: PHCO_10508

Patch Description: s700 10.24 (VVOS) Bootable Backup Tape commands

Creation Date: 97/06/11

Post Date:  97/07/14

Hardware Platforms - OS Releases:
	s700: 10.24

Products: N/A


Automatic Reboot?: No

Status: General Release

Critical: No

Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700/10.X/PHCO_10508

	Unable to create a bootable backup tape of root volume group

Defect Description:
	This patch installs two new commands that allow the system
	administrator to create a bootable backup tape of the root
	volume group.


Patch Files:

what(1) Output:
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.3 etc/auth/system/
			files.fcdb/05.patches/PHCO10508.fcdb, files_
			etc, vvos_davis, davis20 $ $Date: 97/03/26 1
			5:32:16 $
			, files_etc, vvos_davis, davis20 $Date: 97/0
			6/25 17:13:34 $ $Revision: 1.3 PATCH_10.24 (
			PHSS_10508) $
		install/tools (opt) $Revision: $
		install/h $Revision: 5.13 $
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.3 bbt/scripts/bbtc
			onfigure, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $ $Date: 97/07
			/11 10:12:09 $
		bbt/scripts/bbtconfigure, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $Date:
			 97/07/11 10:12:25 $ $Revision: 1.3 PATCH_10
			.24 PHCO_10508
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.9 bbt/lib/bbtparam
			s, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $ $Date: 97/07/11 10:
			12:07 $
		bbt/lib/bbtparams, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $Date: 97/07/
			11 10:12:25 $ $Revision: 1.9 PATCH_10.24 PHC
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.7 bbt/scripts/bbtr
			estore, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $ $Date: 97/07/1
			1 10:12:10 $
		bbt/scripts/bbtrestore, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $Date: 9
			7/07/11 10:12:26 $ $Revision: 1.7 PATCH_10.2
			4 PHCO_10508
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.13 bbt/scripts/mak
			e_recovery, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $ $Date: 97/
			07/11 10:12:12 $
		bbt/scripts/make_recovery, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $Date
			: 97/07/11 10:12:26 $ $Revision: 1.13 PATCH_
			10.24 PHCO_10508
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.9 bbt/scripts/save
			_config, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $ $Date: 97/07/
			11 10:12:13 $
		bbt/scripts/save_config, cmdsbbt, vvos_davis $Date:
			97/07/11 10:12:27 $ $Revision: 1.9 PATCH_10.
			24 PHCO_10508
		A.00.38 (3250) --  OCT 26, 1994
		lif.config $Revision: 5.36 $
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.15 install/coldins
			tall/misc/lif.config, hpuxinstall, vvos_davi
			s, davis16 $ $Date: 96/12/30 09:20:16 $
		HP-UX() #1: Jun 25 1997 19:23:57
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL Level vvos_davis40 $
			 $Header: Hewlett-Packard ISSL Release vvos_
			davis $ $Date: Wed Jun 25 17:19:18 EDT 1997
		86  1.6  kern/kconf/install.700, hpuxsysconf, vvos_d
			avis, davis16 08/14/96
		kern/netinet/ip_input.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis, da
			vis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:10 $ $Revision:
			1.33 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/netinet/udp_usrreq.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis,
			davis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:12 $ $Revision
			: 1.38 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/netinet/tcp_subr.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis, da
			vis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:11 $ $Revision:
			1.27 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/netinet/tcp_input.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis, d
			avis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:11 $ $Revision:
			 1.42 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/netinet/ip_output.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis, d
			avis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:10 $ $Revision:
			 1.22 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/netinet/in_pcb.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis, davi
			s16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:09 $ $Revision: 1.
			34 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10471) $
		kern/net/raw_usrreq.c, hpuxsysnet, vvos_davis, davis
			16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:08 $ $Revision: 1.2
			0 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/net/if.c, hpuxsysnet, vvos_davis, davis16 $Date
			: 97/06/25 17:05:08 $ $Revision: 1.32 PATCH_
			10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sys/uipc_syscall.c, hpuxsysuipc, vvos_davis, da
			vis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:15 $ $Revision:
			1.37 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sys/uipc_socket2.c, hpuxsysuipc, vvos_davis, da
			vis19 $Date: 97/06/25 17:13:25 $ $Revision:
			1.4 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_11096) $
		kern/sys/uipc_socket.c, hpuxsysuipc, vvos_davis, dav
			is16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:14 $ $Revision: 1
			.49.1.1 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sys/uipc_compat.c, hpuxsysuipc, vvos_davis, dav
			is16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:09:23 $ $Revision: 1
			.4 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		scsi_c720.c   $Date: 96/05/15 18:29:19 $ $Revision: $
		scsi_ctl.c    $Date: 96/05/01 15:42:38 $ $Revision: $
		kern/sys/vfs_scalls.c, hpuxsysvfs, vvos_davis, davis
			16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:26 $ $Revision: 1.2
			8 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sys/vfs_lockf.c, hpuxsysvfs, vvos_davis, davis1
			6 $Date: 97/06/25 17:09:44 $ $Revision: 1.3
			PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sys/kern_dscrp.c, hpuxsysmisc, vvos_davis, davi
			s16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:27 $ $Revision: 1.
			24 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL 1.39 kern/conf_conv/
			param.c, hpuxsysconf, vvos_davis, davis16 $
			$Date: 96/12/11 09:43:09 $
		kern/netinet/nm_tune.c, hpuxsysinet, vvos_davis, dav
			is16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:16 $ $Revision: 1
			.13 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10161) $
		scsi_surface.c  $Date: 96/04/19 12:50:11 $ $Revision
			: $
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL Level vvos_davis40 $
			 $Header: Hewlett-Packard ISSL Release vvos_
			davis $ $Date: Wed Jun 25 17:19:18 EDT 1997
		kern/sec/sec_vvosnet.c, sysmisc, vvos_davis, davis16
			 $Date: 97/06/25 17:09:20 $ $Revision: 1.20
			PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sec/audit_dev.c, sysaudit, vvos_davis, davis16
			$Date: 97/06/25 17:05:50 $ $Revision: 1.37 P
			ATCH_10.24 (PHKL_10407) $
		kern/sec/audit_stub.c, sysaudit, vvos_davis, davis16
			 $Date: 97/06/25 17:05:58 $ $Revision: 1.22
			PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10476) $
		kern/sec/sec_audit.c, sysaudit, vvos_davis, davis16
			$Date: 97/06/25 17:07:17 $ $Revision: 1.36 P
			ATCH_10.24 (PHKL_10407) $
		STREAMS: Revision: A.10.10  $Date: 96/05/09 16:17:05
		FILESET NETINET: lib inet: Version: A.10.00
		FILESET NET: lib net: Version: A.10.00
		lan_dlpi.c: Fix for T2 data loss  $Revision: 1.7.98.
			8 $ $Date: 96/04/03 12:29:15 $
		lan2.c $Revision: $ $Date: 96/05/23 18:04:
			21 $
		lanc.c NEW DHCP BIND/UNBIND$Revision: $ $D
			ate: 96/02/28 14:26:53 $
		FILESET LAN: lib lan: Version: A.10.00
		FILESET BSDIPC-SOCKET: lib uipc: Version: A.10.00
		scsi_tape.c $Revision: $ $Date: 96/04/19 11
			:48:10 $
		B2352B HP-UX (B.10.24) #1: Wed Jun 25 18:12:10 EDT 1
		install/h $Revision: 5.17 $
		install/init (opt) $Revision: 5.30 $
		install/h $Revision: 5.13 $
		install/net_cfg_prep (opt) $Revision: 5.31 $
		$Revision: 74.1 $
		$Revision: 78.2 $
		services $Revision: $ $Date: 96/04/05 11:
			18:17 $
		$Revision: Hewlett-Packard ISSL Level vvos_davis40 $
			 $Header: Hewlett-Packard ISSL Release vvos_
			davis $ $Date: Wed Jun 25 17:19:18 EDT 1997
		lanlink/NET/commands/ifconfig/ifconfig.c, hpuxcmdnet
			, vvos_davis, davis16 $Date: 97/06/25 17:06:
			37 $ $Revision: 1.10 PATCH_10.24 (PHNE_10475
			) $
		NET: Version: B.10.10  $Date: 96/05/09 11:26:18 $
		NET: Version: B.10.10  $Date: 96/05/09 11:26:18 $
		92453-07 dld dld B.10.12 960426
		92453-07 dld dld B.10.12 960426
		ic12_r10dav_gs libc.1_ID@@/main/r10dav/libc_dav/bvd_
		May  1 1996 13:08:26
		Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of Cali
		main.c $Revision: $ $Date: 95/10/12 19:37:
			25 $
		main.c 5.8 (Berkeley) 10/11/88
		tftp.c $Revision: $ $Date: 95/10/12 19:37:
			27 $
		tftp.c 5.7 (Berkeley) 6/29/88
		tftpsubs.c $Revision: $ $Date: 95/10/12 19
			:37:29 $
		tftpsubs.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/29/88
		Prototype Version  $Revision: 72.1 $

cksum(1) Output:
	1528759541 2211 /etc/auth/system/files.fcdb/05.patches/
	3874129675 135168 /opt/VVOSbbt/bin/bbtcfgadm
	3658480081 7972 /opt/VVOSbbt/scripts/bbtconfigure
	348226163 6017 /opt/VVOSbbt/lib/bbtparams
	949100259 7554 /opt/VVOSbbt/scripts/bbtrestore
	3987565301 13047 /opt/VVOSbbt/scripts/make_recovery
	2135370758 4187 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/make_recovery.1m
	1374701883 11013 /opt/VVOSbbt/scripts/save_config
	4039511512 3331 /usr/share/man/man1m.Z/save_config.1m
	1551038539 24699904 /opt/VVOSbbt/images/

Patch Conflicts: None

Patch Dependencies:
	s700: 10.24: PHCO_10581 PHCO_11264

Hardware Dependencies: None

Other Dependencies: None

Supersedes: None

Equivalent Patches:
	s800: 10.24

Patch Package Size: 24380 KBytes

Installation Instructions:
	Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
	SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
	restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
	before installing this patch.
	1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

	2. Login as root.

	3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory.

	4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch:

		cd /tmp
		sh PHCO_10508

	5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the

		swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \
			-s /tmp/PHCO_10508.depot

	5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the
	    server to install the patch on the server and the clients:

		swcluster -i -b

	    This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and
	    force all clients to be shut down.

	    WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the
		     patch installation.  Installing the patch while the
		     clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to
		     serious problems.

	    The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which
	    you must specify:

		alternate root path  -  default is /export/shared_root/OS_700
		source depot path    -  /tmp/PHCO_10508.depot

	    To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing
	    "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install"
	    from the Menubar.

	5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster:

		- run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install
		  the patch on the cluster server.

		- run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install
		  the patch on the cluster clients.

	By default swinstall will archive the original software in
	/var/adm/sw/patch/PHCO_10508.  If you do not wish to retain a
	copy of the original software, you can create an empty file
	named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE.

	Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the
	         patch cannot be deinstalled.  Please be careful
		 when using this feature.

	It is recommended that you move the PHCO_10508.text file to
	/var/adm/sw/patch for future reference.

	To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the
	tape drive, use the command:

		dd if=/tmp/PHCO_10508.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

Special Installation Instructions:
	After installing the patch, please review the
	make_recovery(1M) manual page for more information about
	creating a bootable backup tape.

	For most installations, the command 'make_recovery -v'
	should suffice to create a bootable backup tape of
	the root volume group.

	The root volume group must fit in one single tape since
	the make_recovery command doesn't support multiple tapes.

	Remember to install PHCO_10581 and PHCO_11264.