Instructions for newbies

Loading cassette software on a Amstrad

These instructions describe how to load software on a real Amstrad system.

To load a cassette program on a emulator you will need to follow a similar procedure.

  1. Reset/restart the computer. The Amstrad will reset and the "Ready" prompt will be shown.
  2. Insert the cassette into the cassette player.

    On a CPC464 or CPC464+ system you must insert the cassette into the internal cassette player.

  3. If you are using a CPC with a disc interface you will need to type:


    and then press the large ENTER key (CPC464) or RETURN key (CPC6128, CPC464+,CPC6128+).


  4. Now type:

    and then press the large ENTER key (CPC464) or RETURN key (CPC6128, CPC464+,CPC6128+).


  5. The following message will be displayed:
    Press PLAY then any key:
  6. Now press the PLAY button on the cassette player
  7. Now press any key on the Amstrad keyboard, and the cassette will start to play.
  8. After a short time you will see the following message:
    Loading <filename> block x

    where "<filename>" is the filename of the program found and "x" is the number of the block.

    If you do not see this message:

    For each block that is successfully read, the Amstrad will report the block number.

    When all of the blocks of the file have been loaded, the program will start automatically.

    If there is a error, a message will be displayed:

    Read error a
    Read error b
    will be shown.

    If this happens, you can rewind the cassette to the start of the block with the error and try again. If you have a external cassette recorder, then you can try to adjust the volume, this may make a difference.

Loading cassette software on a emulator

The information from a cassette is stored in a file with the ".tzx" or ".cdt" extension.

These files are called "tape-image"s and describes the sound from the cassette in a compact form.

(The TZX and CDT file-formats are identical. The CDT extension is used to identify cassettes for the Amstrad. The TZX extension is used to identify cassettes for the Sinclair Spectrum. CDT is a acronym for "CPC Digital Tape". TZX is a mangled acronym for "ZX Tape".)

(NOTE: A Sinclair Spectrum program will not work on the Amstrad. These systems are different and use a different sound-wave to store data on a cassette. If you attempt to use a Spectrum cassette then the Amstrad will not be able to recognise the Spectrum sound-wave and will either report an error, or will not load anything.)

To load cassette software on a emulator follow these steps:

  1. Reset/restart the emulation. The CPC will restart and the "Ready" prompt will appear.
  2. "Insert" or select the tape-image (this is the same as inserting a real cassette into a real cassette player)
  3. Type:
    and press RETURN.
  4. Now type:

    and press RETURN key.

  5. The following message will be displayed:
    Press PLAY then any key:
  6. Now press any key on the keyboard, and the cassette will start to play.
  7. After a short time you will see the following message:
    Loading <filename> block x

    where "<filename>" is the filename of the program found and "x" is the number of the block.

    If you do not see this message:

    For each block that is successfully read, the Amstrad will report the block number.

    When all of the blocks of the file have been loaded, the program will start automatically.


Loading cassette software using CPCE emulator

Follow these instructions to load tape-image software on CPCE.

During loading you will see a progress indicator showing the % of the program that has loaded so far.