This document will list some of the different loader types and methods
to transfer them.
Standard loader
How to identify:
- program stored in blocks. Each block is composed of a header (with sync byte &2C)
and a data block (with sync byte &16, and length of up to 2K).
- loading speed can vary. The operating system uses the leader to calculate the
1 and 0 bit timings. (There are two standard loading speeds: 1000 and 2000 baud)
- Loads using standard operating system load commands: LOAD", RUN" etc
(firmware functions used: cas in open (BC77), cas in direct (BC83), cas out close (BC7A))
How to transfer:
voc2tzx /std 0 /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
Roland on the Ropes, Xanagrams
Headerless loader
How to identify:
- program stored in one block.
- block stored using standard speed (1000 baud)
- Loads using standard operating system load commands
(cas read (BCA1))
How to transfer:
voc2tzx /std 0 /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
Spindizzy, Operation Hormuz
Gremlin "." loader
How to identify:
- loader is 1 block long using standard system loader at 1000 baud.
File is often called ".", but can be "!".
- Program and screen in one part
- Screen loads from bottom to top
- blue/purple stripes for leader, green/yellow stripes for data
How to transfer:
voc2tzx /std 0 /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
Pacmania, Auf Weidersehen Monty
DJL Speedlock version 1 (1985)
How to identify:
- two binary files stored with standard speed (1000 baud) loader, each is 1 block long.
- second binary file is always called "! !"
- sometimes there is a message "LOADING: Please wait"
- there are blue/black stripes in the border for leader and data.
- Each speedlock block has quite a long leader.
- the first speedlock block is short, then there is the screen,
then one or more program blocks.
- program is loaded in seperate parts.
- when the screen is loading, it is loaded in the normal way
How to transfer:
voc2tzx /std 0 /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 /slskip 4 /slock1 2 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
Grand Prix Simulator, Pro Ski Simulator, Vampire.
DJL Speedlock version 2 (1987)
How to identify:
- two binary files stored with standard speed (1000 baud) loader, each is
1 block long.
- second binary file is always called "! !"
- sometimes there is a message "LOADING: Please wait"
- there are multi colour stripes in the leader and light-blue (cyan) and black for data.
- the screen loads from top-to-bottom line after line
- screen and main-file are in one block. There may be additional blocks.
DJL Speedlock version 3 (1987)
How to identify:
- Standard operating system loader. 1 block long. This is the only loader file.
- complete monitor screen fills with horizontal bars of colour after loader has started.
- screen and main file are in a single part, with single speedlock header block before.
- screen loads from top-to-bottom line after line.
- speedlock border flashes multi-colour, then light blue/black
- the sound can have "clicking" sounds during it.
voc2tzx /std 0 /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 /slskip 2 /slock 2 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
Freddy Hardest
DJL Speedlock version 4
Firebird counter loader
How to identify:
- A 1 block protected BASIC "pre-loader" using standard operating system
- A 1 block binary loader using standard operating system loader.
- The initial loading screen is in mode 1 and displays:
- The game title in blue on a red background.
- "Searching 00" followed by "Loading xx"
where xx is a hex number that increases as the data is loaded.
- data stored on cassette as a continuous sound. You will
be able to hear the loading noise with a tone in between.
- The data is loaded as blocks. The following messages will
be displayed:
- "Searching xx" - the loader is waiting for block xx
- "Loading xx" - the loader is loading block xx
- "Block ?" - the loader can't identify the data as correct,
or there was an error loading a block
- "Rewind to xx" - the loader failed to load a block, and
you must rewind the cassette to block xx so the loader can try to load again.
- block number increments during loading
- block number is in hex.
- if there is a failure, you can rewind and reload any block.
- in most cases there is a loading screen which is loaded first:
- The screen is not displayed until it has completely loaded
- The screen is displayed in a unique way. The screen is expanded from a single
character in size to the complete size.
- The loading progress is displayed in a small window.
Ricochet loader
How to identify:
- on a real CPC, this loading system requires exact volume
otherwise it will not load.
- red/yellow stripes in border for leader and data
How to transfer:
voc2tzx /std 0 /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
How to identify:
- The initial loader:
filename in quotes
Loading "<filename>" block x
- Sometimes a single block loader starting at block 255
Loading "<filename>" block 255
- Sometimes a multi-block loader starting at 1.
Loading "<filename>" block 1
- Loader is standard 1000 baud rate recording
- This is followed by a single continuous block.
- if loading fails, the computer resets, some loaders display an error but then reset
IK+, Joe Blade,
How to transfer:
voc2tzx /maxp 20 /pilot 1024 /std 0 <voc filename> <cdt filename>
Alkatraz (Appleby Associates)
How to identify:
- There is a 2 block standard loader.
- screen loads from top-to-bottom, line after line
- after screen has loaded, a counter is displayed:
- counter is in decimal and is normally 3 digits
- counter decrements during loading
- As counter updates, digits scroll down.
- if loading fails, a noise is made and then the computer will reset