/* ______ / ___ \ / / \_\ _ _ _ | | _____ ___| |_ ___ _ _ _ _ (_) |_ _ _ | | |___/ / -_) _|/ -_) ._| . \| | _| || | | | |___\ \___|\__|\___|_| |_|__|_|\__|\_, | | | __ |__/ \ |___/ / \______/ (c) Lada 'Ray' Lostak (c) DSPaudio inc. (c) 2000 Content: 6510 family crossassembler fast DOC History: 11/07/2000 Ray - initial version for Eternity */ 1.0. Format =================================================================================================== Every line holds intruction / special command and label. Line can be also empty. Anything after ';' is takes as comment. variable = value ldx #start_value [instruction modifier] label dex bne label table .special_cmd .... Instead of address at instruction operands and values at assigments, can be used 'expression'. Expression can be also used at special directives (like if). Every object (function, macro, label, ...) shares the same memory space. So, error becomes if you defined macro XXX and then you're going to use label called XXX. 1.1 Expressions =================================================================================================== Expression consists of operators, constants,funcions and labels. Expression can be 8 or 16 bits long. Size is determined from place where expression is used. Like "lda #expression" means 8 bit. Sometimes is not possible to determine size. For example "lda address". It can mean 8 or 16. In this case, expressions is processed as 16 bit, and instruction determine n according to result if lda will be zero page (expression < 256) or memory (expression >= 256). You can also use instruciton modifiers to set instruction size. Expression itselfs is processed as 32 or 64 bit internally (depends on host CPU). There is no way how to use expression in float (for couting). If you need to process float arithetic (for ex. for generating sinus tables) you have few ways: a. make in some external thingy & import by some special directive b. (a) and export as as text c. define function in Ant script (c) is the best way how to do it, because you have all in one file. Larger internal format bring one potential problem with zeropage addressing. Let's say we have this piece of code: zp_start =$fd ; our work place starts here pack_dst_lo zp_start+1 ; dst memory pack_dst_hi zp_start+2 pack_src_lo zp_start+3 ; src memory pack_src_hi zp_start+4 zp_end zp_start+4 ; see down... ... lda #start sta pack_src_lo ; this is ZP sta stx pack_src_hi ; this is ZP sta lda #dst sta pack_dst_lo ; this is ZP sta stx pack_dst_hi ; this __NOT__ ZP sta !!! ... lda (pack_src_lo),y ; this is mystake ! assembled as lda ($ff),y sta (pack_dst_lo),y; ; this is ok, sta ($fd) ... So, this piece of code will not work well, but no error is showed (because it is well written in syntax). You need to be aware of this ZP bugs. But as you pobably knows, we add 'zp_end' because we can test it: .if zp_end>255 .error "Hey bastard, we overflow zero page !" .endif Knowing 'zp_end' also also usefull for backuping ZP - we knows length (zp_end-zp_start+1) - we can easili swap with it around... Because of 32/64 bit internal processing, writing this code will mean: dst = $fffa lda dst+16 What happenends ? expression have value $1000a. It is > 256, lda will be long. And result value is trunacted to 16 bit, so $000a. But let's change expression to: lda (dst+16)>>1 Result of THIS expression will be $8005. NOT $0005. So, you can safely write expressions using higher value than $ffff is. It is useful for generating tables etc. But keep in mind, expression is truncaed AT THE END. Expression is internally always SIGNED. It doesn't mean anything for us because out internal format can hld highest 16 bit unsingned value without prolem. 1.1.1 Numbers - constants ------------------------- ccc - decial constant (0-9) $ccc - hexadecimal constant (0-9,a-f) %ccc - binar constant (0-1) 1.1.2 Operators --------------- Aritmetic operators --------------------------- Aritmetic operators. Work directly with number :) ( ) a*(b+c) - process expression in brackets first ~ ~a - logival not + a+b - add - a-b - substract / a/b - divide * a*b - multiply % a%b - remainder from a/b expression & a&b - bit AND | a|b - bit OR ^ a^b - bit XOR << a<> b>>n - bit rol right Boolean operators --------------------------- These operators returns 0 or 1 in dependenci of expression. Can be also used in normal expression if it have meaning. ! !a - loical not (0->1 and 1->0) && a&&b - returns 1 if a and b are non-zero || a||b - returns 1 if a or b are non-zero < a a>b - returns 1 if a>b else 0 <= a= a>b - returns 1 if a>b else 0 = a=b - returns 1 if a equal b != a!=b - returns 1 if a equal b Misc operators ---------------------- < LO BYTE - returns LO byte from word (returns 8 bit) > HI BYTE - returns HI byte from word (returns 8 bit) As you can see, < and > can be used for two different action. How Asm resolve which one you mean ? Verry symple. If > or < is used on form A > B it means BOOLEAN test. If it is used in form >A or 1 lda #irq_test .else lda #irq .endif sta $fffe sta $ffff Operator precedence --------------------------- Follows table with operator precedence. First are operators with highest precedence (processed first). If more operators is on one line, they're processed left->right. Operator group -------------- function_call,others ( ) (negative sign) ! ~ * / % + - LO/HI << >> < <= > >= = != & ^ | && || Because of precedence, these expressions are procees as they're: expression processed as -------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #1+const*8 1+(const*8) lda #=3 sta $d500+(:channel-3)*7 ; address second SID sta $d500+(:channel-3)*7 .else sta $d401+:channel*7 sta $d401+:channel*7 .endif .endmacro Macros are verry powerfull. Macro can use other macros inside, but can't define different macro or variable. 1.4.3 Geenral ------------- General group... error -------------- Aborting assembling with user error. Sometimes verry usefull. Mainly for checking constants bounds, and similar stuffs. .error "error showed by assembler" allign/allign_swap/allign_swap_end --------------------------------------- Align next line on boundary defined by expression. .allign expression .allign_swap [flags] [#expression] ; datas which can be moved in memory .allign_swap_end flags: unit - swap blocks creates unit and can't be divided (if not defined block can be divided on ever label) Expression is processed as number. If you will align on $100 next instruction will start on $xx00 boundary. You can also align on EXACT address, like $2fff. Physicall allignign is discussed later. You need to include #expression to tell assembler where block need to be supposed. Because aliging can waste memory, is recomended to setup block allign_swap & allign_swap_end. Datas in this block, can be MOVED to align block to minimize memory wasting. Assembler assume that data in block can be moved in parts sets by labels ! If you need to flow with WHOLE block add as flags 'unit' Because of many resons, assembler MOVES ALL allign_swap blocks to the END ! So, in real, everything in align_swap blocks will be at the end. If you will change memory location (using * operator) asm will flush all align_swap blocks which are in queue. You can align at any place including macros, repeats, whatevr. You can use .allign inside align_swap block. align_swap blocks can't be nested. Example: we're going to execute some raster thingy, and we can't cross $100 boundary, so, we need to be aligned at $xx00 (it consumes 1 cycle in addition) .allign_swap ; some static data which we do not care where they're colors1 .byte $00,$0b,$0c,$0f,$0e,$01 colors2 .byte $a1,$a3,$b1,$c6 .align_swap_end .... sta $01 rts ; end 'normal' routines ;* .allign $100 ; raster starts here, or some disc communication - whatever what need EXACT cycling ldx #$00 .... rts At position marked * can be wasted memory because of alligning. Up to (align-1) bytes. But because we used blocks align_swap and align_swap_end this PLACE will be filled by 'colors1' and/or 'colors2'. If there will be ENOUGH place, both will be MOVED here. If not, only one of them. As you can see, colors1 and colors2 can't be used at our align place. Assembler shedules swaping with these block well. Alignign to pysical address. If you need allign some code into pysical address, you have to setup block with address. In this case, assembler need to 'terminate' instruction stream and put requested block inside. It will terminate instruction stream and place here 'jmp after_inserted_block'. If there is curently no instrument stream, but some other emit (.byte, ....) assembler generates ERROR. Assembler can't assume where can terminate emit. So, before terminating palce need to follow at lest 3 valid instruction of CPU. This feare is used really in special, verry speial cases :) Example: ; we need to PUT $aa to address $2fff but from $2000-$3fff is code... what to do ? *=$2000 .align_swap_start #$2fff .byte $aa .align_swap_end ..... ; code, code, code ..... At $2ffc (or $2ffb or $2ffa - depends on last instruction size) will be placed 'jmp $3000'. Then follows zeroes if there is difference and on address $2fff our align block. So, we have $aa at $2fff. ***WARNING*** using any form of align with zero page will produce error message offset --------------- Sets offset between code generation address and 'output address. Sometimes is usefull to have assembled program for different location. .offset expression Normally, offset is 0. You can use '*' variable in expression - it will help you. Also you will probably need a bit arithmetic around :) See example. Example: ;some code... .... stx $01 rts; ; now follows 'packer' routines, moved to $0200, but not they're at $abcd pack_routine =* *=$0200 .offset pack_routine-* pack_go lda #$00 ldx #$03 ...... rts ; ok, routines is ending... we need to kack offset to zero and count new * pack_length =*-pack_go *=pack_routine+pack_length .offset 0 ; code continue.... finish ldx #$00 finish_loop lda pack_routine,x ; lda $abcd,x sta pack_go,x ; sta $0200,x inx bne finish_loop ; assume length $100... jmp pack_g ; jmp $0200 Verry sympe and useful. For disc loaders, whatever where you need different address for assembling and running. start -------------- Sets address, where code should be execuded. Not all output formats can hold start address. For ex. 'memory image' can't hold. But obj format which is used for tranfering can hold it. Also, some output formats REQURE use of .start. For example 'run-cruncher' need to know where to jump after de-compress... .start expression If you will not use .start $0000 is assumed. 1.4.4 Including --------------- Group of specials which is used for including text/binar files. include ---------------- Includes text file which is normally processed (before lines after include directive). File shares everything. Symbols, variales, macros, everything (except using 'local' symbols see .local directive :) .include "path_to_file" load -------------- Loads file. So, file need to have at first 2 bytes load address. .load "file_path" [at expression ] [format format_name ] [set variable ] [silent] If operator of expression includes SPACES you HAVE TO include '( )' - like "at (expression where you used spaces)" If at expression is given, load address in file is ignored and given is used. If silent is not specified, directive changes current pc. If set statement is given, loaded size is stored into given symbol (symbol is created!) If you wish to load some standartized format, you can specify it. If format is not given, or it is 'c64' standard file is assumed. Supported formats: format_name dest - what is loaded --------------------------------------------- psid PSID song format, format is readed and load address / data / size is fetched from file binar load address = 0, size = real file size c64 (or nothing !!!) load address = first 2 bytes, size = real size-2 Example: .load "music.sid" format(psid) .start * sei ; this is valid, we don't need to set * because .load did it... .... ; out code always starts at the end of song ; now start other datas table .word 1,2,3,4 music2 .load "music2.dat" at(*) ; we can move this song l8r to right location If you will produce '.load "some_file" format binarry' it will be loaded from $0000. It is probably something what you didn't want to do. insert --------------- Exactly like load but by default load address is equal to * (so, it is inserted at current pc position). 1.5. Instruction modifiers =================================================================================================== Instruction modifiers sets instruction format. In major cases it is automatical, but sometimes you need to specifi it by hand. Remember, this is REALLY REALLY for special using. You will problably never need it :) Some instruction modifiers can be combined and follows after instruction itselfs. Modifier when to use meaning --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- long addressing instruction address operand will be ignores (its size) and ins will have long address format short addressing reverse... Note: short operator doesn't produce error message if used address is > 255. It quity truncate value.... 1.5.1 Example - addressing memory --------------------------------- start = $0010 lda start Because of unknown lda instruction size, 'start' expression is prcessed as 16 bit. Then asm will test if expression is < 256. In this case yes, so, 'lda' is assemblerd as "lda $10" ($a5 $10). If you need long format ($ad ...) you have 2 ways. Sets 'start' to value > 256. It is the best way. But sometimes you can't do this, so, you can modify instruction size by adding instruction modifier. So, in this case you can use: start = $0010 lda start long