Guess what happens on May 25th, 1997 in Belgrade? YET ANOTHER LAME PARTY! Yes, this is the final, ultimate, totally absolute, unchangeable (unless it has to be changed) invitation to Yet Another twice delayed Lame Party. YALP will be held in the club called Fest in the part of the city called Zemun, in the Pinki hall (the address is Gradski park 2). You should get your ass there before 10 AM and get lost before the next morning. Attending the party is free, but that means you get no food and no place to sleep from us. Anyway, the party lasts a single day+night, so not even human beings should need food or sleep. We have some weird compo categories, but you'll get used to them: - C-64 demo - PC demo - Amiga demo - 256 bytes demo - Useless utility - ANSI gfx - ASCII gfx - Pixel gfx - C64 gfx - Rendered gfx - Animation - 4 channel music - Multichannel music - C64 music Of course, the demos, music, and pixel art are the major ones. Besides these, there will be a traffic light phreaking compo during the night. If you want to take part in it, bring your own tools. We'd really like to have an idea of who's coming, so notify us if you want to come. We don't need a definite "yes", a "maybe" will be enough. Now for your favourite part - the limitations: - The demos MAY contain pre-calculated animations. - The ANSI and ASCII contributions will simply be dumped to the screen, so don't bother to make them 20 pages long. - C64 graphics and musics should be submitted executable. The gfx must have no moving parts (scrolltexts or anything) though interlaced pictures are not considered moving. The tunes should not fill the screen with too much interesting stuff - we'll just turn the screen off if they do. - Pixel gfx are separated from rendered gfx exactly because they are not rendered. So, if your pixel contribution is so marvelous that the audience might believe it could have been raytraced, scanned or similarly generated, don't forget to bring some unfinished stages of the picture, or you can be disqualified. - The Rendered Gfx category encompasses not only raytraced pictures from 3D Studio type programs, but also fractal landscapes and plants and other program-generated pictures. - The music contributions will be played for a maximum of 5 minutes, or even less if there are too many entries. And yet another lame limitation: your contributions should not damage our equipment or you'll get damaged as well. Plus crippled, maimed, dissected and finally sued. Ok, so it's the first party of this kind in Yugoslavia, and you don't want to sit at home while the history is being made, now do you? Come and see (try to win), even if it turns out to be a total disaster, you'll have a story for your grandkids. Where ever you got this file from, you can get it again from the YALP support boards: Ecstasy +381-22-53884 Ejaculation +381-11-4440168 Fear of No Carrier +381-11-156075 Kill'em All +381-11-GETIT Pyrotechnica +381-11-424999 Toxic Waste +381-11-698751 Weird Dream Visitors +381-11-157403 X Life +381-11-554023 And you should also be able to get the party contributions from these boards soon after it's over. Spread this file everywhere. If you're a sysop, you could as well put the YALP.ANS file (it should be supplied in this archive) in your login screen. Check out occasionally, because any changes to the invitation will appear there first. Any questions? Suggestions? Would you like to present a software or hardware product at the party? A demo for an unlisted computer, like an Atari, Spectrum or a 20MHz C64? Want to announce you're coming? is the address. Thank you, and see you in Belgrade in May! the staff