TITLE: HP iPAQ Pocket PC h5500 Series ROM Update

DESCRIPTION: This SoftPaq contains the ROM Update Utility (RUU) and ROM
	     image for the iPAQ Pocket PC h5500 Series.
             The Utility performs the following:
             - Replaces the current ROM image on the device with an
	       updated version.  
IMPORTANT: This update utility is designed to replace the current 
	   ROM image and erase the partnership and all user data and programs
           on your iPAQ Pocket PC.  It is important for you to read and 
           understand the information in the Readme file included with this update.
PURPOSE: Recommended
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 6, 2004

PRODUCT TYPE(S): Handhelds

iPAQ Pocket PC h5500 Series

Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC 2003

Simplified Chinese

Microsoft ActiveSync 3.7 or later


       1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive.  The file 
          downloaded is a self-extracting executable with a filename based
          on the SoftPaq Number above. 

       2. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions
          to unpacking the ROM Update files to a directory (NOTE: this directory
          should not contain any file or folder from any previous ROM Upgrade). 

       3. Establish an Activesync connection between your iPAQ Pocket PC and host
          PC through either the USB or Serial connection. 

       4. Execute the RUU.exe file in the directory created in step 2 above to 
          begin the upgrade process and follow the instructions displayed by the
          ROM Upgrade Utility. 

       5. You may delete the self-extracting file downloaded in step 1 if you wish. 


       1. During the update, the ROM Update Utility will:
          - Query your device for current ROM image information.
          - Validate that the new ROM image is compatible with your device.
	  - Automatically place the iPAQ in flash mode.
          - Update the ROM image on your device.
	  - Require that you press Reset at the end which performs a Full reset
            to complete the process.

       2. Important: Disable the standby and hibernation modes on your
          host PC. If standby or hibernation are activated during the
          upgrade process, a critical error may occur.

       3. Important: Plan for enough time to start and complete the update process.
          The total time to perform a ROM backup and a ROM update is 
          estimated to be as follows:
          *USB - 20 minutes
          *Serial - 90 minutes
       4. Important: Do not interact with your device or remove it from AC power
          or the cradle/cable once the status bar appears on the iPAQ and the actual 
          update has started.

       5. If an error message is displayed during the process, follow any available 
          instructions to correct the condition and start the utility again.

       6. The update process can be performed while connected to a host PC as a Guest
          or with an established partnership.

Copyright (c) 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.