SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP31874 PART NUMBER:204451-002 NA High FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: T2200XR Firmware V2.02 for NA High Voltage VERSION: V2.02 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: RomPaqs DIVISION: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: T2200XR Systems Updated: -ProSignia, ProSignia VS, ProSignia 200/300/500, Prosignia Server 720/740 -Proliant800/850R/1000/1200/1500/1600/1850R/2000/2500/3000/4000/4500/5000/5500/6000/6500/7000/8000/8500/ML110/ML150/ML310 /ML330/ML350/ML370/ML530/ML570/DL140/DL145/DL320/DL360/DL380/DL385/DL560/DL580/DL585/DL740/DL760, Rack Mountable Proliant Servers or Systempro, Systempro/e, Systempro/LT, Systempro/XL Options Affected: N/A OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT4/WIN2000/XP/2003 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A EFFECTIVE DATE: May 15, 2005 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: 5.1 SUPERSEDES: SP29018 T2200XR Firmware v2.00 DESCRIPTION: T2200XR Firmware V2.02 for NA High Voltage The T2200XR firmware update is designed to upgrade the firmware of the following T2200XR models to V2.02. - 204451-002 NA High Enhancements/Fixes: The following issues have been resolved with V2.02. Note: It is not necessary to upgrade to version 2.02 if the UPS is at the original version 1.00, unless a quieter fan is desired during float mode. Note: It is necessary to upgrade to version 2.02 if the UPS is at version 2.00 and experiencing unexpected shutdown issues. Enhancements: - None Fixes: - UPS reports fan failure followed by UPS shutdown after running for several weeks. By shutting down and restarting the unit, the alarm will clear. The potential remains for the symptom to reoccur after a period of time varying from 2 days to 2 weeks. HOW TO USE: 1. Download the Softpaq to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. This executable file is downloaded as a self extracting compressed file. Run the file to extract the required flash utility and firmware. 2. From the specified drive and directory, execute the Flash utility and follow the on-screen instructions. (See Note)* *Note: Use the detailed Word document instructions located within the extracted files to perform the Firmware Flash Procedure. Copyright 2005, HP Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.