FILE NAME:  hp-pel-1.0.1-1.sles10.linux.rpm
TITLE:  HP ProLiant Essentials Licensing for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 [x86/AMD64/EM64T]
VERSION: 1.0.1
LANGUAGE:  English

CATEGORY:  Software Solutions

DIVISIONS: Enterprise and Mainstream Servers

OPERATING SYSTEM: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 [x86/AMD64/EM64T]


EFFECTIVE DATE:  March 26, 2007

SUPERSEDES:  1.0.0-9 

DESCRIPTION:  This RPM (RPM Package Manager) package contains the HP ProLiant
              Essentials Licensing package for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 [x86/AMD64/EM64T].

     Bump version to keep in sync with other distribution hp-pel packages. 

1. Download the hp-pel-1.0.1-1.sles10.linux.rpm and 
   hp-pel-1.0.1-1.sles10.linux.txt to a directory on your hard drive and change 
   to that directory.

2. Refer to the hp-pel-1.0.1-1.sles10.linux.txt file for installation

3. After the RPM is installed, you may delete the previously downloaded RPM

4. Refer to the /opt/hp/hp-pel/README text file for additional information
   after installing the RPM.

Copyright 2005-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks
of their respective companies


                            HP Linux ProLiant Essentials License Manager

Table of Contents
Known Issues
Adding INP Licenses
Verification of installed licenses

HP Linux ProLiant Essentials License Manager provides an infrastructure for
maintaining Intelligent Networking Pack - Linux Edition license key codes for 
select software features available on ProLiant servers.  It supports adding 
licenses and displaying the state of all installed licenses on the local system.

Known Issues


Run the following command to install the HP ProLiant Essentials License  
Manager package:

   rpm -Uvh hp-pel-x.x.x-x.distribution.linux.rpm

Where "x.x.x-x" is the version of HP PEL, and "distribution" is the distribution

For the latest driver, firmware, and documentation updates, go to

Adding INP Licenses
When you have a license, add the license key by running

   /opt/hp/hp-pel/nalicense -a license_string

If you have an old license and are adding a new one, you do not need to 
(and can not) delete the old one.  Just add the new license.

Verification of installed licenses
You can check the status of all currently installed licenses on the system
by running

   /opt/hp/hp-pel/nalicense -d [-l <logfile>]

If you include the -l parameter, all information that would normally be 
printed to stdout will be redirected to the file you specified with <logfile>.

The database containing your ProLiant Essentials licenses will be 
deleted if this package is removed.  You should make sure your hard-copy
license strings from the Proliant Essentials packaging are available before
removing this package.  Alternatively, you can obtain the license strings by
displaying all licenses on the system (see the Verification section).  Write
them down and keep them in a safe place.

To remove the HP PEL package, run the following command:

   rpm -e hp-pel

Copyright 2005-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.