FILE NAME: 	hpnicfwnx2-1.1.9-1.x86_64.txt

TITLE:     	HP NC-Series Multifunction Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for Linux x86_64 

VERSION:   	1.1.9

LANGUAGE:  	English

CATEGORY:  	Software Solutions

DIVISIONS: 	Enterprise and Mainstream Servers

		HP NC370T Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter
		HP NC370F Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter
		HP NC370i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter
		HP NC371i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter
		HP NC373T PCIe Multifunction Gig Server Adapter
		HP NC373F PCIe Multifunction Gig Server Adapter
		HP NC373i PCIe Multifunction Gig Server Adapter
		HP NC373m PCIe Multifunction Gig Server Adapter
		HP NC374m PCIe Multifunction Adapter
		HP NC380T PCIe DB Mulitfunc Gig Server Adapter                   

                Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS/ES for x86_64
                SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10 for x86_64
                SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86_64
PREREQUISITES:  Pentium-based computer
                128MB RAM minimum

                bnx2 Linux driver version >= 1.4.41 

EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/15/2006

SUPERSEDES:     hpnicfwnx2-1.1.5-3.x86_64.rpm 

DESCRIPTION:    This RPM contains the utilities and binaries for upgrading
	        HP ProLiant Multifunction Gigabit Ethernet NICs boot and 
                PXE code running under Linux x86_64 platform.

		1. Added new firmware images 		
		2. Added CLP firmware support

Table of Contents
  Installing the RPM Package
  Performing the Firmware Upgrade
  Uninstalling the RPM Package
This file describes the firmware upgrade of the HP Gigabit Server 
Adapters mentioned in the PRODUCTS AFFECTED section of this
document.  After installation, additional information can be 
found in the manual page for hpnicfwnx2. 

User guides and additional HP Network Adapter information can be
found at:

The firmware upgrade utility is released in RPM format. The file name for
the package is hpnicfwnx2-<version>.x86_64.rpm.

Installing the RPM Package

1. Check for the existence of a previous version of the hpnicfwnx2 package 
   using the following command:
   	# rpm -q hpnicfwnx2
   	If an older version of the package exists, it should be removed using
   	the following command:
   	# rpm -e hpnicfwnx2
2. Install the RPM package.
	# rpm -ivh hpnicfwnx2-<version>.rpm

Performing the Firmware Upgrade

1. The utility requires the adapter interface to be up.  You can bring up 
   a network adapter interface by using the following command:

        # ifup ethx 


        # ifconfig ethx up

2. The firmware can be upgraded interactively using the following command:

	# hpnicfwnx2

3. Check man hpnicfwnx2 for more information regarding command line options.

Uninstalling the RPM Package

   The hpnicfwnx2 RPM package can be uninstalled using the following command:

	# rpm -e hpnicfwnx2
Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks
of their respective companies