FILE NAME: cmafdtn-5.50.0-10.i386.rpm TITLE: Compaq Foundation Agents for Servers - Linux VERSION: 5.50.0-10 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Management Agents DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: Compaq ProLiant BL10e Compaq ProLiant BL20p Compaq ProLiant DL320 Compaq ProLiant DL360 Compaq ProLiant DL360 G2 Compaq ProLiant DL380 Compaq ProLiant DL380 G2 Compaq ProLiant DL580 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant DL580 G2 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant DL760 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant ML310 Compaq ProLiant ML330 Compaq ProLiant ML330e Compaq ProLiant ML330 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML350 Compaq ProLiant ML350 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML350 G3 Compaq ProLiant ML370 Compaq ProLiant ML370 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML370 G3 Compaq ProLiant ML530 Compaq ProLiant ML530 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML570 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant ML750 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) OPERATING SYSTEM: Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 (SLES-7) PREREQUISITES: Compaq Health & Wellness Driver ("cpqhealth" RPM) version 3.1.0 UCD SNMP RPMs must be installed before installing the Foundation Agents for Linux. EFFECTIVE DATE: August 8, 2002 SUPERSEDES: cmafdtn-5.40-14.i386.rpm DESCRIPTION: This RPM Package Manager (RPM) package contains the Compaq Foundation Agents for Linux. SUPPORTED FEATURES & DEVICES: The following Linux installations are supported by this release: 1. Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional Server default installation. 2. Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 default installation. 3. Suse Linux Enterprise Server 7 (SLES-7) installation. ENHANCEMENTS/FIXES: 1. Added support for Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional. 2. Added support for Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1. HOW TO USE: 1. Download the cmafdtn-5.50.0-10.i386.rpm and cmafdtn-5.50.0-10.i386.txt to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. 2. Refer to the README section in cmafdtn-5.50.0-10.i386.txt for installation and configuration instructions. 3. After the RPM is installed, you may delete the previously downloaded RPM file. 4. Refer to the README section in cmafdtn-5.50.0-10.i386.txt for additional information. Copyright 2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies ==================================README================================== C O M P A Q (R) C O M P U T E R C O R P O R A T I O N Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux Version 5.50.0 August 8, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Introduction 2. Documentation Updates and Corrections 3. Known Issues 4. Supported Linux Installations 5. Installing Foundation Agents for Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.1 Before Installation on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.2 Installing UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.3 Installing "UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq" on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.3.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 5.3.2 Installing from RPMs 5.4 Installing Foundation Agents on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.4.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 5.4.2 Installing from RPM 5.5 Post-Installation Configurations on Red Hat 7.3 Professional 6. Installing Foundation Agents for Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.1 Before Installation on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.2 Installing UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.3 Installing "UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq" on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.3.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 6.3.2 Installing from RPMs 6.4 Installing Foundation Agents on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.4.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 6.4.2 Installing from RPM 6.5 Post-Installation Configurations on Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 7. Installing Foundation Agents for SuSE Linux Enterprises Server 7 (SLES-7) 7.1 Before Installation on SLES-7 7.2 Installing UCD SNMP RPM and all agents RPMs on SLES-7 7.3 Installing "UCD SNMP RPM from Compaq" on SLES-7 7.3.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 7.3.2 Installing from RPMs 7.4 Installing Foundation Agents on SLES-7 7.4.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 7.4.2 Installing from RPM 7.5 Post-Installation Configurations on SLES-7 8. Removing Agents RPMs 9. New Features and Fixes 10. Supported Products ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Introduction The "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" software release contains Foundation Agents program and related files for Linux. The Compaq Foundation Agents take advantage of the systems management capabilities of Compaq servers. This release supports Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional, Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 (SLES-7). 2. Documentation Updates and Corrections None. Note: This section contains information on known errors and omissions in other documentation. The information in this section is more up-to-date than that in other documentation. 3. Known Issues a. While viewing the Web agent, AutoRefresh feature does not function properly for NetScape browsers running under Linux. AutoRefresh does work for browsers running under Windows. 4. Supported Linux Installations Following Linux installations are supported by this release: a. Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional Server default installation plus "ucd-snmp" and "ucd-snmp-utils" RPMs from Compaq. Note: If default "High" or "Medium" firewall configuration was selected during the installation of Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional, external SNMP requests and HTTP requests to Web agent will be "REJECTED" by the system and the server will become unmanageable. There are significant security implications to configuring firewall and the ipfw(4), ipchains(8), ipchains-save(8) and ipchains-restore(8) manpages should be regarded as mandatory reading before making any change to firewall configuration. The system should start "ACCEPT"ing SNMP requests (e.g. from CIM or other management consoles) and HTTP requests to Web agent with following commands: #ipchains -I input -s \ -d 161:161 \ -i eth0 -p udp -j ACCEPT #ipchains -I input -s \ -d 2301 \ -i eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT Where 1. "" is the IP Address of remote system running management console (or issuing SNMP requests) or running the Web Browser. 2. "" is the IP Address of the interface "eth0" of the server running Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional. b. Red Hat Linux Advance Server 2.1 default installation plus "ucd-snmp" and "ucd-snmp-utils" RPMs from Compaq. Note: If default "High" or "Medium" firewall configuration was selected during the installation of Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1, external SNMP requests and HTTP requests to Web agent will be "REJECTED" by the system and the server will become unmanageable. There are significant security implications to configuring firewall and the ipfw(4), ipchains(8), ipchains-save(8) and ipchains-restore(8) manpages should be regarded as mandatory reading before making any change to firewall configuration. The system should start "ACCEPT"ing SNMP requests (e.g. from CIM or other management consoles) and HTTP requests to Web agent with following commands: #ipchains -I input -s \ -d 161:161 \ -i eth0 -p udp -j ACCEPT #ipchains -I input -s \ -d 2301 \ -i eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT Where 1. "" is the IP Address of remote system running management console (or issuing SNMP requests) or running the Web Browser. 2. "" is the IP Address of the interface "eth0" of the server running Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1. c. SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 (SLES-7) installations plus "ucdsnmp" RPM from Compaq. 5. Installing Foundation Agents for Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.1 Before Installation on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional a. "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" requires following binary RPMs: Compaq Health And Wellness Driver RPM: - Version 3.1.0 (cpqhealth-3.1.0-x.Redhat7_3.i386.rpm) - Available from UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq: - Version 4.2.4-3cmaX.x of ucd-snmp and ucd-snmp-utils RPMs. - Available from Compaq Management CD version 5.50: /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rh73/snmp.rpm /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rh73/snmputil.rpm - Also available from ucd-snmp-4.2.4-3cmaX.x.i386.rpm ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.4-3cmaX.x.i386.rpm - Installation instructions are provided in next sections. Note: x is an integer which is part of the "release" number. b. The UCD snmpd Start script "/etc/init.d/snmpd" should be turned on under one or more runlevels of 2, 3, 4 and 5. /sbin/chkconfig tool can be used. E.g. "/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on". If "snmpd" is not turned on at any runlevel, the Foundation Agents RPM post installation script will automatically turn it on at default boot runlevel based on the /etc/inittab configuration (see "man inittab"). 5.2 Installing UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional With Management CD version 5.50, UCD SNMP RPMs (ucd-snmp and ucd-snmp-utils) and all four agents RPMs can be installed with one convenient command. a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /mnt/cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Install UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs using following command: #sh /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/install d. Un-mount Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom e. Remove Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 5.3 Installing "UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq" on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional 5.3.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /mnt/cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Install UCD SNMP RPMs using following command: #cd /mnt/cdrom #rpm -Uvh ./agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rh73/snmp.rpm \ ./agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rh73/snmputil.rpm d. Un-mount Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom e. Remove Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 5.3.2 Installing from RPMs Download "ucd-snmp-4.2.4-3cmaX.x.i386.rpm" and "ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.4-3cmaX.x.i386.rpm" from Log in as "root", then use following command to install downloaded RPMs: #rpm -Uvh ucd-snmp-4.2.4-3cmaX.x.i386.rpm \ ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.4-3cmaX.x.i386.rpm Note: x is an integer which is part of the "release" number. 5.4 Installing Foundation Agents on Red Hat Linux 7.3 Professional During the Foundation Agents RPM installation, the post installation script will try to complete the snmpd and agents configurations. The script will prompt user for the values of those missing configuration parameters. Some parameters are optional so they can be skipped with no (blank) input. When environment variable "CMAFDTNSILENT" is set to "yes" and is exported prior to the installation, the installation script will NOT prompt user for input. In this situation, only minimum configuration will be performed. Minimum configuration includes "Read/Write SNMP Community String for Localhost" only. No action will be taken if the system already contains minimum configuration. Otherwise, a "random" community string will be generated, based on the data collected on the server being installed, and used for minimum configuration. A message, containing snmpd.conf filename and "random" community string, will be displayed. "random" community string can be changed later. If "snmpd" is running at the time of installation, it will be restarted. 5.4.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /mnt/cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Optionally, set and export "CMAFDTNSILENT" environment variable: #export CMAFDTNSILENT=yes d. Install Compaq Foundation Agent RPM using following commands: #rpm -Uvh /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/cmafdtn/cmafdtn.rpm e. Un-mount the Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom f. Remove the Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 5.4.2 Installing from RPM Download "cmafdtn-5.50.0-x.i386.rpm" from Log in as "root", then use following command to install downloaded RPM: #rpm -Uvh cmafdtn-5.50.0-x.i386.rpm Note: x is the "release" number. 5.5 Post-Installation Configurations on Red Hat 7.3 Professional Note: There are significant security implications to configuring "snmpd.conf", and the snmp_config(5) and snmpd.conf(5) manpages should be regarded as mandatory reading before proceeding. a. SNMP configuration files ("snmpd.conf") need to be configured properly. An example snmpd.conf can be found at /opt/compaq/foundation/etc/snmpd.conf.cma. Read the comments in "snmpd.conf.cma" for more information on customization and installation. Please note that "/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf" is the first configuration file to be read by "snmpd". b. Compaq Management Agents will use "rocommunity" and "rwcommunity" entries to obtain community strings. At minimum, localhost SNMP READ privilege is required. For example, rocommunity YourReadStr Localhost SNMP WRITE(SET) privilege is required if you like to enable Web agent with SET capability or to perform SETs through Remote Insight Board. (Note: this is the Minimum configuration that is performed during RPM installation) For example, rwcommunity YourWriteStr Compaq Management Agents will refer to "trapcommunity" and "trapsink" entries for Trap destinations and community string. For examples: trapcommunity defaulttrapcomm trapsink mytrapcomm trapsink c. Start the Foundation agents # /etc/init.d/cmafdtn start If "snmpd" is not running, start it with following command before starting Foundation agents: # /etc/init.d/snmpd start d. Optionally, install other Compaq Management Agents for Servers packages Compaq Server Agents - Linux (cmasvr) Compaq Storage Agents - Linux (cmastor) Compaq NIC Agents - Linux (cmanic) 6. Installing Foundation Agents for Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.1 Before Installation on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 a. "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" requires following binary RPMs: Compaq Health And Wellness Driver RPM: - Version 3.1.0 (cpqhealth-3.1.0-x.Redhat-AS-2-1.i386.rpm) - Available from UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq: - Version 4.2.4-1cmaX.x of ucd-snmp and ucd-snmp-utils RPMs. - Available from Compaq Management CD version 5.50: /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rhas21/snmp.rpm /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rhas21/snmputil.rpm - Also available from ucd-snmp-4.2.4-1cmaX.x.i386.rpm ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.4-1cmaX.x.i386.rpm - Installation instructions are provided in next sections. Note: x is an integer which is part of the "release" number. b. The UCD snmpd Start script "/etc/init.d/snmpd" should be turned on under one or more runlevels of 2, 3, 4 and 5. /sbin/chkconfig tool can be used. E.g. "/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on". If "snmpd" is not turned on at any runlevel, the Foundation Agents RPM post installation script will automatically turn it on at default boot runlevel based on the /etc/inittab configuration (see "man inittab"). 6.2 Installing UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 With Management CD version 5.50, UCD SNMP RPMs (ucd-snmp and ucd-snmp-utils) and all four agents RPMs can be installed with one convenient command. a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /mnt/cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Install UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs using following command: #sh /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/install d. Un-mount Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom e. Remove Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 6.3 Installing "UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq" on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 6.3.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /mnt/cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Install UCD SNMP RPMs using following command: #cd /mnt/cdrom #rpm -Uvh ./agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rhas21/snmp.rpm \ ./agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/rhas21/snmputil.rpm d. Un-mount Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom e. Remove Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 6.3.2 Installing from RPMs Download "ucd-snmp-4.2.4-1cmaX.x.i386.rpm" and "ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.4-1cmaX.x.i386.rpm" from Log in as "root", then use following command to install downloaded RPMs: #rpm -Uvh ucd-snmp-4.2.4-1cmaX.x.i386.rpm \ ucd-snmp-utils-4.2.4-1cmaX.x.i386.rpm Note: x is an integer which is part of the "release" number. 6.4 Installing Foundation Agents on Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 During the Foundation Agents RPM installation, the post installation script will try to complete the snmpd and agents configurations. The script will prompt user for the values of those missing configuration parameters. Some parameters are optional so they can be skipped with no (blank) input. When environment variable "CMAFDTNSILENT" is set to "yes" and is exported prior to the installation, the installation script will NOT prompt user for input. In this situation, only minimum configuration will be performed. Minimum configuration includes "Read/Write SNMP Community String for Localhost" only. No action will be taken if the system already contains minimum configuration. Otherwise, a "random" community string will be generated, based on the data collected on the server being installed, and used for minimum configuration. A message, containing snmpd.conf filename and "random" community string, will be displayed. "random" community string can be changed later. If "snmpd" is running at the time of installation, it will be restarted. 6.4.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /mnt/cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Optionally, set and export "CMAFDTNSILENT" environment variable: #export CMAFDTNSILENT=yes d. Install Compaq Foundation Agent RPM using following commands: #rpm -Uvh /mnt/cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/cmafdtn/cmafdtn.rpm e. Un-mount the Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom f. Remove the Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 6.4.2 Installing from RPM Download "cmafdtn-5.50.0-x.i386.rpm" from Log in as "root", then use following command to install downloaded RPM: #rpm -Uvh cmafdtn-5.50.0-x.i386.rpm Note: x is the "release" number. 6.5 Post-Installation Configurations on Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 Note: There are significant security implications to configuring "snmpd.conf", and the snmp_config(5) and snmpd.conf(5) manpages should be regarded as mandatory reading before proceeding. a. SNMP configuration files ("snmpd.conf") need to be configured properly. An example snmpd.conf can be found at /opt/compaq/foundation/etc/snmpd.conf.cma. Read the comments in "snmpd.conf.cma" for more information on customization and installation. Please note that "/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf" is the first configuration file to be read by "snmpd". b. Compaq Management Agents will use "rocommunity" and "rwcommunity" entries to obtain community strings. At minimum, localhost SNMP READ privilege is required. For example, rocommunity YourReadStr Localhost SNMP WRITE(SET) privilege is required if you like to enable Web agent with SET capability or to perform SETs through Remote Insight Board. (Note: this is the Minimum configuration that is performed during RPM installation) For example, rwcommunity YourWriteStr Compaq Management Agents will refer to "trapcommunity" and "trapsink" entries for Trap destinations and community string. For examples: trapcommunity defaulttrapcomm trapsink mytrapcomm trapsink c. Start the Foundation agents # /etc/init.d/cmafdtn start If "snmpd" is not running, start it with following command before starting Foundation agents: # /etc/init.d/snmpd start d. Optionally, install other Compaq Management Agents for Servers packages Compaq Server Agents - Linux (cmasvr) Compaq Storage Agents - Linux (cmastor) Compaq NIC Agents - Linux (cmanic) 7. Installing Foundation Agents for SuSE Linux Enterprises Server 7 (SLES-7) 7.1 Before Installation on SLES-7 a. "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" requires following binary RPMs: Compaq Health And Wellness Driver RPM: - Version 3.1.0 (cpqhealth-3.1.0-x.SLES7.i386.rpm) - Available from UCD SNMP RPMs from Compaq: - Version 4.2.3-57cmaX.x of ucdsnmp RPM. - Available from Compaq Management CD version 5.50: /cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/sles7/snmp.rpm - Also available from ucdsnmp-4.2.3-57cmaX.x.i386.rpm - Installation instructions are provided in next sections. b. The UCD snmpd Start script "/etc/init.d/snmpd" should be turned on under one or more runlevels of 2, 3, 4 and 5. If "snmpd" is not turned on at any runlevel, the Foundation Agents RPM post installation script will automatically turn it on at default boot runlevel based on the /etc/inittab configuration (see "man inittab"). 7.2 Installing UCD SNMP RPM and all agents RPMs on SLES-7 With Management CD version 5.50, UCD SNMP RPM (ucdsnmp) and all four agents RPMs can be installed with one convenient command. a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Install UCD SNMP RPMs and all agents RPMs using following command: #sh /cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/install d. Un-mount Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom e. Remove Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 7.3 Installing "UCD SNMP RPM from Compaq" on SLES-7 7.3.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Install UCD SNMP RPM using following commands: #rpm -Uvh /cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/ucdsnmp/sles7/snmp.rpm d. Un-mount the Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom e. Remove the Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 7.3.2 Installing from RPMs Download "ucdsnmp-4.2.3-57cmaX.x.i386.rpm" from Log in as "root", then use following command to install downloaded RPMs: #rpm -Uvh ucdsnmp-4.2.3-57cmaX.x.i386.rpm 7.4 Installing Foundation Agents on SLES-7 During the Foundation Agents RPM installation, the post installation script will try to complete the snmpd and agents configurations. The script will prompt user for the values of those missing configuration parameters. Some parameters are optional so they can be skipped with no (blank) input. When environment variable "CMAFDTNSILENT" is set to "yes" and is exported prior to the installation, the installation script will NOT prompt user for input. In this situation, only minimum configuration will be performed. Minimum configuration includes "Read/Write SNMP Community String for Localhost" only. No action will be taken if the system already contains minimum configuration. Otherwise, a "random" community string will be generated, based on the data collected on the server being installed, and used for minimum configuration. A message, containing snmpd.conf filename and "random" community string, will be displayed. "random" community string can be changed later. If "snmpd" is running at the time of installation, it will be restarted. 7.4.1 Installing from Compaq Management CD version 5.50 a. Insert Compaq Management CD into CD-ROM drive and log in as "root" user. b. Mount Compaq Management CD at directory /cdrom using following command: #mount /dev/cdrom c. Optionally, set and export "CMAFDTNSILENT" environment variable: #export CMAFDTNSILENT=yes d. Install Compaq Foundation Agent RPM using following commands: #rpm -Uvh /cdrom/agents/linux/eng/compaq/cmafdtn/cmafdtn.rpm e. Un-mount the Compaq Management CD: #cd / #umount /dev/cdrom f. Remove the Compaq Management CD from CD-ROM drive. 7.4.2 Installing from RPM Download "cmafdtn-5.50.0-x.i386.rpm" from Log in as "root", then use following command to install downloaded RPM: #rpm -Uvh cmafdtn-5.50.0-x.i386.rpm Note: x is the "release" number. 7.5 Post-Installation Configurations on SLES-7 Note: There are significant security implications to configuring "snmpd.conf", and the snmp_config(5) and snmpd.conf(5) manpages should be regarded as mandatory reading before proceeding. a. SNMP configuration files ("snmpd.conf") need to be configured properly. An example snmpd.conf can be found at /opt/compaq/foundation/etc/snmpd.conf.cma. Read the comments in "snmpd.conf.cma" for more information on customization and installation. Please note that "/usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf" is the first configuration file to be read by "snmpd". b. Compaq Management Agents will use "rocommunity" and "rwcommunity" entries to obtain community strings. At minimum, localhost SNMP READ privilege is required. For example, rocommunity YourReadStr Localhost SNMP WRITE(SET) privilege is required if you like to enable Web agent with SET capability or to perform SETs through Remote Insight Board. (Note: this is the Minimum configuration that is performed during RPM installation) For example, rwcommunity YourWriteStr Compaq Management Agents will refer to "trapcommunity" and "trapsink" entries for Trap destinations and community string. For examples: trapcommunity defaulttrapcomm trapsink mytrapcomm trapsink c. Start the Foundation agents # /etc/init.d/cmafdtn start If "snmpd" is not running, start it with following command before starting Foundation agents: # /etc/init.d/snmpd start d. Optionally, install other Compaq Management Agents for Servers packages Compaq Server Agents - Linux (cmasvr) Compaq Storage Agents - Linux (cmastor) Compaq NIC Agents - Linux (cmanic) 8. Removing Agents RPMs All Compaq Management Agents RPMs can be removed at the same time using following command: # rpm -e cmafdtn cmasvr cmastor cmanic Note: cmasvr, cmastor and cmanic can be removed individually while cmafdtn can be removed only when all other agents were removed. 9. New Features and Fixes Added support for Red Hat 7.3 Professional and Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1. 10. Supported Products The "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" has been tested on the following Compaq Products: Compaq ProLiant BL10e Compaq ProLiant BL20p Compaq ProLiant DL320 Compaq ProLiant DL360 Compaq ProLiant DL360 G2 Compaq ProLiant DL380 Compaq ProLiant DL380 G2 Compaq ProLiant DL580 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant DL580 G2 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant DL760 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant ML310 Compaq ProLiant ML330 Compaq ProLiant ML330e Compaq ProLiant ML330 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML350 Compaq ProLiant ML350 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML350 G3 Compaq ProLiant ML370 Compaq ProLiant ML370 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML370 G3 Compaq ProLiant ML530 Compaq ProLiant ML530 G2 Compaq ProLiant ML570 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Compaq ProLiant ML750 (No Red Hat 7.3 support) Use of this software on equipment not specifically tested by Compaq may produce unreliable or undesirable results. Compaq does not warrant the fitness or compatibility of this software on untested hardware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.