SOFTPAQ NUMBER: N/A PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: cmafdtn-5.00-1.i386.rpm TITLE: Compaq Foundation Agents for Linux VERSION: 5.00-1 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Software Solutions DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: Compaq ProLiant DL 320 Compaq ProLiant DL 360 Compaq ProLiant DL 380 Compaq ProLiant DL 580 Compaq ProLiant ML 330 Compaq ProLiant ML 330e Compaq ProLiant ML 350 Compaq ProLiant ML 350 1 GHz Compaq ProLiant ML 370 Compaq ProLiant ML 530 Compaq ProLiant ML 570 OPERATING SYSTEM: Red Hat Linux 6.2 Red Hat Linux 7.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A PREREQUISITES: This requires the Compaq Health & Wellness Driver (cpqhealth) to be installed. EFFECTIVE DATE: March 26, 2001 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: N/A SUPERSEDES: SP14477 DESCRIPTION: The "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" software release contains Foundation Agents program and related files for Linux. The Compaq Foundation Agents take advantage of the systems management capabilities of Compaq servers. The following installations are supported by this release: a. Red Hat Linux 6.2 Server default installation. b. Red Hat Linux 7.0 Server default installation plus "compat-libstdc++" RPM (from Red Hat CD #1). Following error message will be displayed during installation if "compat-libstdc++" is not installed: error: failed dependencies: is needed by cmafdtn-5.00-1 ENHANCEMENTS/FIXES: Support for Unit Identification LED in Web agent. Fixed a potential security vulnerability in the web-enabled portion of the Compaq Management Agents for Linux. Compaq strongly recommends that you update your software as soon as possible. Compap Web agent that resides on port 2301 can act as generic proxy server. Internal traffic going out to the Internet can bypass a normal proxy server filtering by using TCP/IP port 2301 and external traffic may be able to infiltrate internal networks if there is no additonal firewall protection. This affects the web component of the affected products for the following versions: Compaq Foundations - Linux versions 4.90 and 4.90b HOW TO USE: 1. Before Installation a. "Compaq Foundation Agents - Linux" requires following RPMs: UCD SNMP RPM: version 4.1.1 for Red Hat 6.2 (ucd-snmp-4.1.1) version 4.1.2 for Red Hat 7.0 (ucd-snmp-4.1.2) Compaq Health Driver RPM (cpqhealth) version 2.0.0 b. The UCD snmpd Start script "snmpd" (under /etc/rc.d) should be turned on under one or more runlevels of 2, 3, 4 and 5. For Red Hat Linux, /sbin/chkconfig tool can be used. E.g. "/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 snmpd on". If "snmpd" is not turned on at any runlevel, the post installation script will automatically turn it on at default boot runlevel based on the /etc/inittab configuration(see "man inittab"). 2. Installing the Foundation Agent from RPM Log in as "root", then use following command to install Foundation Agents from RPM: %rpm -Uvh cmafdtn-5.00-1.i386.rpm 3. After Installation a. SNMP configuration files ("snmpd.conf") need to be configured properly. An example snmpd.conf can be found at /opt/compaq/foundation/etc/snmpd.conf.cma. Read the comments in "snmpd.conf.cma" for more information on customization and installation. Please note that "/usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf" is the first configuration file to be read by snmpd. b. Compaq Management Agents will use "rocommunity" and "rwcommunity" entries to obtain community strings. As a minimum, localhost SNMP READ privilege is required. For example, rocommunity YourReadStr Localhost SNMP WRITE(SET) privilege is required if you like to enable Web agent with SET capability or to perform SETs through Remote Insight Board. For example, rwcommunity YourWriteStr Compaq Management Agents will refer to "trapcommunity" and "trapsink" entries for Trap destinations and community string. For examples: trapcommunity defaulttrapcomm trapsink mytrapcomm trapsink c. "/usr/sbin/snmpd" need to be re-built to include Compaq Management Agents Extension (cmaX). UCD SNMP 4.1.1 is supported under Red Hat Linux 6.2 and UCD SNMP 4.1.2 is supported under Red Hat Linux 7.0. UCD SNMP source RPMs can be found on the Red Hat SRPM CD. Red Hat RPMs can also be downloaded from following URLs: For UCD SNMP 4.1.1: Installation commands: "rpm -i ucd-snmp-4.1.1-2.src.rpm" "cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES" "tar xvzf ucd-snmp-4.1.1.tar.gz" For UCD SNMP 4.1.2: Installation commands: "rpm -i ucd-snmp-4.1.2-8.src.rpm" "cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES" "tar xvzf ucd-snmp-4.1.2.tar.gz" "patch -p0 < ucd-snmp-4.1.2-rpm40.patch" To add cmaX to "snmpd", log in as "root" and run "/opt/compaq/foundation/etc/snmpdbld" script. If you wish to do the build manually, follow the instructions below: Note: if your snmpd also includes other extensions, you can't use "snmpdbld" script and you need to include all the extensions in the "--with-mib-modules" flag of "./configure" command below. Note: a fix for UCD SNMP's "interfaces.c" is also included in Foundation Agents RPM. This issue had been fixed in UCD SNMP Version 4.2. % SNMPVER=4.1.x (where x is "1" or "2") % cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ucd-snmp-$SNMPVER % mv ./agent/mibgroup/mibII/interfaces.c ./agent/mibgroup/mibII/interfaces.c.orig % cp /opt/compaq/foundation/src/interfaces.c.$SNMPVER ./agent/mibgroup/mibII/interfaces.c % cp /opt/compaq/foundation/src/cmaX.[ch] ./agent/mibgroup % ./configure --with-mib-modules=cmaX --with-ldflags="-lpthread" --prefix=/usr % make % /etc/rc.d/init.d/snmpd stop % mv /usr/sbin/snmpd /usr/sbin/snmpd.orig % cp ./agent/snmpd /usr/sbin/snmpd % /etc/rc.d/init.d/snmpd start d. Manually start the Foundation agents % /etc/rc.d/init.d/cmafdtn start e. Optionally, install other Compaq Management Agents for Servers packages Compaq Server Agents - Linux (cmasvr) Compaq Storage Agents - Linux (cmastor) Compaq NIC Agents - Linux (cmanic) Note: After the installations of other Compaq Management Agents for Servers, snmpd and Compaq Web agent MUST be restarted using following commands: % /etc/rc.d/init.d/snmpd restart % /etc/rc.d/init.d/cmafdtn restart cmawebd 4. Known Issues a. SNMP agent (snmpd; versions 4.1.1 and 4.1.2) leaks memory when SNMP requests fail the authentication (usually canused by incorrect Community String and/or Source of requests). Use "ps -elf |grep snmpd" command to view the size of snmpd. A workaround of this issue is provided within Host Agent (cmahostd). The workaround is disabled by default. The workaround, when enabled, will watch the size of snmpd every 30 minutes and restart snmpd when its size doubles. Before enabling the workaround, make sure that restarting snmpd will not cause any problem on your system. snmpd is restarted using "/etc/rc.d/init.d/snmpd restart" command. To enable the workaround, you need to add "-z" flag to the cmahostd command in /opt/compaq/foundation/etc/cmahostd. For example: PFLAGS="-p 15 -s OK -z" Restart the cmahostd using "/etc/rc.d/init.d/cmafdtn restart cmahostd" command. Every time snmpd is restarted, the following message will be added to Agents log file (/var/spool/compaq/cma.log): "Restarting snmpd. Current size = nnnK. size captured earlier = nnnK" Note: This memory leak had been fixed in UCD SNMP version 4.2. Compaq will support it after testing it with our management agents. b. While viewing the Web agent, AutoRefresh feature does not function properly for NetScape browser running under Linux. AutoRefresh does work for browsers running under Windows. Copyright 2000-2001, Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. 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