HP Array Configuration Utility CLI - 10/27/2004 ===================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ CUSTOMER NOTES +++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description ============ The Array Configuration Utility CLI is a commandline-based disk configuration program for Smart Array Controllers and RAID Array Controllers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features ============ This version of the software adds the following new features: * Same Features as * Corrected ACU CLI caches status messages to better correspond with ACU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problems Fixed ============== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Problems ============== * Generic error is displayed if create logical drive fails. The error says to check raid and size parameters, however it may have failed because of another reason (i.e. failed physical drive). * When using the CLI console, pressing the up arrow does not cycle through commands in Linux. * Using the * character outside the console does not work properly. * CLI commands are not editable when they wrap to the next line. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Notes ================ Please report any problems to acu@hp.com. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE ===== To enter the ACU CLI console type: hpacucli Commands can also be executed from outside from outside the ACU CLI console using the syntax: hpacucli Type "hpacucli help" or type "help" at the CLI prompt for usage details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ QA NOTES +++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features ============ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Supported Features ====================== The CLI supports everything that ACU does except the following features: * License Keys * Switch Congfiguration * You can not see all adapterids and connectionnames associated with a specific logical drive. You must specify the controller and see them all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Problems ============== * Generic error is displayed if create logical drive fails. The error says to check raid and size parameters, however it may have failed because of another reason (i.e. failed physical drive). * When using the CLI console, pressing the up arrow does not cycle through commands. * CLI commands are not editable when they wrap to the next line. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ========= Pass 1.0 - 10/27/2004 * 264832 - does not allow Ldrv expansion if array accelerator was "not configured" * Controller cache would indicate that the cache was disable when it was not, disallowing transformations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------