SOFTPAQ NUMBER: N/A PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: StorMan-4.10.i386.rpm TITLE: HP SATA RAID Controller Manager for Linux (x86) VERSION: 1.2.5545 KEY FILE: LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Software - Storage Controller DIVISION: N/A OPERATING SYSTEM: RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 for x86 RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 for x86 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for x86 PREREQUISITES: N/A EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2006 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: YES SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: N/A SUPERSEDES: N/A SUPPORT SYSTEMS/DEVICES: ProLiant DL140 G3 ProLiant ML150 G3 HP Embedded SATA RAID Controller DESCRIPTION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Storage Manager provides a Graphic User Interface based tool to configure the HP 6-Port and Embedded SATA RAID Controllers. FIXES: ~~~~~~ N/A ENHANCEMENTS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added support for the DL140 G3 and ML150 G3 INSTALLATION ------------ Installing Storage Manager on Linux Notes: Storage Manager includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If a previous version of Storage Manager is already installed and you are upgrading, you must first remove that version. Any customization files you may have created when you used the previous version are saved and used in the upgrade. To remove Storage Manager, type the rpm --erase StorMan command. To install Storage Manager: Download the HP SATA RAID Controller Manager for Linux to a temporary directory. From the temporary directory run: rpm --install ./StorMan*.rpm Customer Service --------------------------------------------------- For support, please send email to Copyright 2005, Hewlett_Packard Development Company, L.P. Product names mentioned heren may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.