Hi there ! This game 'simply cry' to be mapped, so I did it. 'Lion's share' for map creation goes to Tobias Hultman who made basis for c64's GIF maps. As I like to visit (sneak in ;) 'enemy's teritory' I found it and... ...bring & adapt it for Speccy (move/add- walls/chests/..., point out important facts i.e. put some colour on maps...). Also I have found an old ex-YU games-zine with "Druid"-maps, so my work on error/difference corrections started... As a result, you have 6 cute GIF maps and 1 JPG (from zine) squizzed in 560 kB (instead more then 2 MB, i.e. 4 JPG maps). Why not 8 GIFs ? Well, I want to show you how original (start point) looks like, and there (WorldofSpectrum site) are already many maps larger then 800 kB. Now everybody can complete this hard game ! All you need is : 1. Find optimal route (short & safe vs chest 'collecting') 2. Make optimal 'chest-item-choices' with wise use of spells (invoke Golem in right moment etc.) I could put on map both above infos, but hey, what would be left for you to do then ? Enjoy in this nice deeper-Gauntlet-like game !!! Sinclair-ly Yours, Aleksandar Lukic (alexlux@EUnet.yu)