How to Remove Lexmark Optra/Optra+ Markvision/Drivers for Windows 3.1 from Windows 95 !!!!!!!!THIS SHOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE WIN 95 UTILS/DRIVERS!!!!!!!! Removing the Markvision Icon from the Desktop. 1. Right-click on the Start button, then click on Open. 2. Double-click on the Programs folder. 3. Locate the Markvision Printer Utility Folder. 4. Now right-click on the Markvision Printer Utility folder and click delete. 5. Now locate and open the Startup Folder from the Programs folder. 6. If you see a Markvision Printer Utility Icon in that folder then delete it also. Removing the Windows 3.1 drivers from the Printers Folder. 1. Left-click on Start, Settings, Printers. 2. Right-click on the Lexmark ????? PS2 printer object. 3. Now select delete.* 4. Right-click on the Lexmark Optra ???? printer object. 5. Now select delete.* *(Respond yes to the prompt "Are you sure you want to delete...?", and if you are prompted to remove files only associated with this printer. If you have more than one copy of the same printer delete it also.) Updating the SYSTEM.INI file 1. From the DOS prompt type: EDIT C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI press 2. On the Menu bar at the top select SEARCH, FIND. 3. Type in the FIND WHAT field: LEX 4. It should locate a line that read DEVICE=LEX01.386. Delete this whole line or remark it out by placing a ; (semi-colon) in front of the D in DEVICE. 5. Now locate the line that reads DEVICE=VPD.386, and remove it as well. 6. From the Menu Bar select FILE, EXIT, and respond yes when prompted to SAVE. Updating the WIN.INI file (optional) 1. From the DOS prompt type: EDIT C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI press 2. From the Menu Bar at the top select SEARCH, FIND. 3. Type in the FIND WHAT field: Markvision 4. It should locate a section that looks like this: [Markvision] 5. Delete that heading and any lines below that belong with that heading. Do Not delete any other line that is in brackets [EXAMPLE]. 6. From the Menu Bar at the top select SEARCH, FIND. 7. Type in the FIND WHAT field: LOAD= 8. Remove the reference (if there is one) to LEXPANEL.EXE from the LOAD=. Removing files from your Hard Drive (optional) 1. Click on Start, Shutdown. 2. Now select Restart in MS-DOS mode. 3. From the command prompt: type DELTREE C:\PRT4049, or DELTREE C:\MARKVIS. (assuming that you installed Markvision in one of the above directories on drive C:) 4. Type CD\WINDOWS press 5. Type DEL LMPCL5B.INI press 6. Type DEL LEXPS.INI press 7. Type CD SYSTEM press 8. Now delete the following files: LMPCL5B.DRV LMPCLFI.HLP LMPCL5B.HLP LEXPS.DRV LEXPS.HLP LEX01.386 VPD.386 LEXNPA.DLL PTAPIW16.DLL LEXMVWIN.DLL