Please refer to *.not for release-specific information ********************************************************************** Performing FastPort FLASH Upgrades *********************************************************************** FastPort Models: Ethernet : 3000X, 3100X, 3100CX, 3200X, 3400X Token Ring : 3500X The MiLAN FastPort Ethernet Print Server hardware version 3000X, 3100X, 3100CX, and the Token-Ring 3500X Print Server contain FLASH proms and can be upgraded by downloading the flash image through the serial port. The newer members of the Fastport family, the 3200X, and 3400X support network flash upgrades instead of serial flash. This allows the user to send flash firmware code as a normal print job in order to upgrade the unit. This document describes the procedure for both methods, the LED behavior during the process and the dip switch positions required. Please note that the print servers currently support either one or the other method, but do not support both methods. PLEASE USE THE CORRECT METHOD WHEN FLASH UPGRADING UNITS. NOTE: The terms "download" and "upload" are used in this context: Downloaded data is put ONTO your referenced device. Uploaded data is sent FROM your refrenced device to another device. If you use terminal software on a PC, your PC is your referenced device. *********************************************************************** PREPARING FOR EITHER FLASH UPGRADE METHOD *********************************************************************** Download the latest FLASH image from our BBS at (408) 752-2747. Baud rate 14.4K max, n,8,1. (If you connect with 14.4, and see a rate of 9600 displayed on your screen, don't worry, you ARE connected at 14.4K - the Wildcat BBS software we're using has this bug, and we're waiting for a fix) The files will be contained in the "FLASH" section, but you can specify the file by name alone. Alternately, you can connect to our ftp or www (web) servers and retrieve the file via the Internet. Our internet address is, 206,40,59.2 (muffly,, or, and the files can be found in the /pub/flash directory. You will find a directory for each hardware version, and within the directory, you will see the name listed below. You may also see alternate files, representing older versions, or newer not-yet released versions. Please download the standard released file with one of the names listed below, unless otherwise directed by MiLAN Technical Support. The web server contains hot links to the same directory structure. 3000x and 3100x 30flash.* 3100cx 31flash.* 3200x 32flash.* 3400x 34flash.* 3500x 35flash.* The extension defines the contents of the file: .hex,.rel,.fla The actual flashable firmware code. .zip DOS or OS/2 pkzip file containing the flash image, this readme, and a release note. .exe DOS or OS/2 self extracting executable containing the flash image, this readme, and a release note. .txt or .not The latest release note for this particular version of hardware - contains list of enhancements and fixes. *********************************************************************** SERIAL FLASH UPGRADE PROCEDURE (3000X, 3100X, 3500X) FIRMWARE < 4.8 *********************************************************************** 1.a. Transfer the file image to either a PC or a workstation that has an RS-232 serial port. or 1.b. From BSD and Solaris Unix workstation with 25 pin serial port hook up a 25 pin to 9 pin PC/AT cable with a null-modem and use tip -9600 /dev/ttya (ttyb) command to establish serial connection and get AVAILABLE COMMANDS, choose F-flash, 9600, and ~> will prompt you for the filename from local to remote and when your done with the upgrade use the ~. to end session. 2. Attach the COM port of the PC or workstation to the serial port of the FastPort with a null-modem cable. 3. Run a serial communication program (such as the TERMINAL program supplied with Microsoft Windows 3.1, or DOS versions of Crosstalk, Procomm, or PC Anywhere) Set the terminal program to the proper COM port, then select 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and Xon/Xoff flow control. You also have to choose "Direct Connect Terminal" mode on your software with PC Anywhere. 4. Set the unit into serial diagnostic mode by putting both switches on the front of the FastPort (D1 and D2) in the down position. 5. Power cycle the unit by momentarily disconnecting and re-establishing power. The LED behavior will be as follows: 3000/3100 The Ethernet LED should be the only LED lit on the front of the unit, and it should blink at a constant rate of 1 per second. 3500 In the rear of the Fastport, the Power LED should ALWAYS be solid; instead of an Ethernet LED, there will be a NET LED, and it should blink once per second. At this point, you should see some information come across your terminal screen. If not, then double check your cable, COM port, and serial communication settings. The most common source of problems is the cable pinout - you may need to use a null-modem cable. 6. At the "Ready for Command:..." prompt, type "F ". (If you don't see a 'F' choice on the command prompt, either this is an older fastport that doesn't support flash, or it is a 3200, 3400 or CXPlus that doesn't support serial flash.) 7. Select the baud rate you wish use for the upload from the list which appears. If you select anything other than 9600, then you need to also change the baud rate setting that your communication program is using. (In Win Term, you need to choose "Settings->Comm." and select the new baud rate you chose.) If you stayed at 9600 baud, you should now see a line that says "Ready for flash download" - If you chose some other baud rate, you will see 15 or 20 garbled characters, meaning the fastport is ready to accept the flash file. At this time, the serial, net and system leds will blink in time - this lets you know the box is expecting a flash upgrade. 8. Upload the file as a text file (i.e., select "Transfers-> Send Text File" in Windows TERMINAL, or PageUp for upload when using ProComm Comm. Software)Within Windows Terminal, there is a settting for "strip line feeds", that should be enabled by default, but it is not necessary - It does not matter to the fastport whether or not this box is checked. The FastPort LEDs will blink from left to right while the image is being transferred. When the transfer is complete, the four LEDs will then blink in a "railroad crossing" pattern (outside leds blink then inside leds blink at about 1 second intervals) while it initializes the proms. NOTE: The 3500 Token Ring device has a solid power LED in the rear - the other 4 LEDS blink in this fashion described above. WARNING: DO NOT RESET THE FASTPORT WHILE THE LEDs BLINK IN THE "RAILROAD CROSSING" PATTERN. DOING SO MAY CORRUPT THE PROMS! After the upload and initialization is complete, the FastPort will reboot itself and display the new internal settings on the terminal screen. If you changed your terminal software baud rate, you will see garbage on the screen, and will have to change the baud back to 9600. Type 'D' to display settings, and verify that the firmware revision has been updated. Make any other necessary changes. On some Token Ring versions, the device will remain in a state where sys, parallel blink, and net is solid. You can simply unplug the device,and plug it back in, and it will come up correctly upgraded. Your serial FLASH upgrade is now complete. ********************************************************************* NETWORK FLASH PROCEDURE (3200X, 3100CXPlus, 3400) FIRMWARE => 4.8 ********************************************************************* The Fastport device should be in normal printing mode, with switch 1 up on the device. (switch 2 does not matter) Use some protocol tool to determine that the device is "up". For TCP/IP, ping the box, and send a test print job with your print utilities to one of the parallel ports. If the device prints the job, then the box is ready for flash upgrade. With Netware, you should send a print job to the FastPort's parallel port (any parallel port will do). If the job prints, the fastport is ready to receive a flash upload. For Appletalk, if you open your chooser, and either parallel port appears, the box is ready to accept the flash file. Send the flash file as a Netware, Appletalk, or TCP/IP print job using any existing queues or printers you have set up on the Parallel port. THE JOB MUST GO TO A PARALLEL PORT, NOT SERIAL!. Your print queue, whether it is from a tcp device, a Novell device, or a Mac, should not prepend any text before the data the file. If it does, the FastPort may not recognize the file as a flash image, and may print it instead. The Fastport will recognize that the job contents are a flash firmware file, load it into Flash memory, verify its checksum, reset and come up running the new firmware. To verify the load, make an ACT or telnet session, or use the Appletalk utilities to print a test page, and verify that the firmware revision has been upgraded. If there are any problems with the flash upload, you should re-flash, monitoring the box from a serial terminal session, an ACT monitor session, or a telnet monitor session. Monitor the device before and during the flash procedure. This monitor session will report that the flash download has begun, and it will give progressive messages. *********************************************************************** UNSUCCESSFUL FLASH UPGRADES *********************************************************************** Getting a serial or telnet ERROR messages like *** Warning: Burn in mode enabled! *** or Type "-" (the minus sign) to return to normal mode -->? 1.) press the - sign and 2.) use Z - Reset Novram to factory defaults command and enter. 3.) If you continue to have problems, put D1 and D2 down and power cycle the Fastport wait over 7 seconds and toggle up and down the D1 (or D2) switch about 10 times as fast as you can. More than 10 times is okay, just don't break the dip switch. Then try - and Z again. If the serial or s2 led blinks, then you are successful and the Fastports IP address has been set back to 4.) Firmware => 4.8 use F-flash option, and if in bad bank - run image in other bank, and then copy only good image into other bank. 3000x and 3100x - establish serial connection and use F-flash option and 9600 and resend a flash file (first download flash file again from BBS (408) 744-2747 or login as anonymous and download in binary mode or choose a lower firmware version). 3100cx series - take two Phillips headed screws off front and one screw in middle of back and softly push on 10BaseT port. Move boot jumper to opposite (cover both vs. on one one pin) then go to step 1.) firmware < 4.8 use 3000x procedure with 3100cx 1meg flash code firmware => 4.8 send flash print job to parallel 3200x series - put D1, D2, and D3 dip switches down and the D4 dip switch in the opposite direction from where it is. Go to step 1.) Send flash print job to parallel port again 3400 series - go to set 3.) If step 3.) does not work you can not ever again Network print from your Fastport until a new prom chip is sent to you. After your first unsuccessful flash call Technical Support at (408) 744 - 2751 or you may be charged for the PROM chips PROM chips you receive. To replace PROM chips from unsuccessful flash, write to Digi LAN Connect, Technical Support Department, 1299 Orleans Drive, Sunnyvale, CA. 94089 and include your name, shipping address, phone, fax and Fed Ex or Airborne shipping number. 3500 series - Rev A-B5 use 3000 procedure with 3500x firmware < 2.1 flash code (1meg) - Rev C use 3000 procedure with 3500x firmware < 5.1.11 flash code (1meg) - Rev => D print firmware => 5.1.11 flash code (4meg) to the parallel port Start at step 1 again or call Technical Support at (408) 744-2751 or email If you think your finished, don't forget to D1 up and D2 down and power cycle for normal operation (or D1 and D2 up). *********************************************************************** If you have any further questions or experience any problems, then contact MiLAN Technical support by any of the following means: PHN: (408) 744-2751 FAX (408) 744-2790 EMAIL: ***********************************************************************