Fireball Software
This page presents the two shareware games for IBM-compatible PCs, now
public domain, released by Fireball Software many, many years ago.
They were both heavily inspired by similar games with the same names I
owned for my BBC microcomputer.
However, everything was written from scratch (using Borland's Turbo Pascal
4.0 and assembler), and the graphics were drawn by hand.
These games do not time correctly on modern PCs, so they run awfully
fast. Use a slowdown utility to make the pace manageable. Oh,
and a CGA compatible video adapter is required... who knows, that
might actually become a problem in the near future!
These games can be downloaded and used freely. The downloads also
include full source.
Space Adventure
An alien, but deserted space ship has mysteriously appeared in Earth's
vicinity. Our hero is sent up to explore the ship and battle the
androids that have been left behind.

Download Space Adventure!
The original game can be found here.
You'll need a BBC micro or an emulator to use this. Here's what it looks

The concept behind this game should be familiar to most who grew up with
home micros. Run, jump and swing across the castle wall, dodging
cannon balls, arrows and menacing guards in your quest to rescue Esmeralda,
your love.

Download Hunchback!
The original game can be found here.
You'll need a BBC micro or an emulator to use this. Here's what it looks