From: to 15:44 Subject: XFER and *SHEET Maybe this is some overdue information, but recently I have used the XFER-program by Mark De Weger, and it helped me out really good. Thanks Mark for this perfect soft! The reason why I used the program is that someone in my family had a beeb computer which failed from time to time. The owner (my uncle) liked to secure his data, and asked me to transfer it into a DOS environment, with the possibility of modifying. Reading his 5¼"floppydisks directly in my PC failed (I used ANADISK, BEEBDOS,...if anyone can tell me what I did wrong...), I had to look for something else. Downloaded XFER, tried it out and installed it onto the beeb. The file transfer works very neat, my uncle still has the possibility to re-transfer it to the beeb (if he likes, as he isn't that familiar with the DOS environ-ment). Now if you want to edit the data which has been transferred, here is what I found out. Opening text-based files (*WORD V2.1 on the beeb) is directly possible in a word processing program (I checked different files with WORD as well as WPWIN). As for that kind of data, everything is possible, thus perfect. Now the difficult part: spreadsheets... Reading the (transferred) data from a beeb-spreadsheet (*SHEET V1.0) on a PC is unfortuna-tely not possible (as I expected, ASCII transfer...). So I had to find a way to read and store the data in such a way that a modern spreadsheet program could read the sheets, made on the beeb. Here is my solution (one of the x that works): The needs: a PC that works out the communication between itself and the beeb (I'll call it PC1) a second PC that captures the transferred data (named PC2) a beeb (of course) First of all, you have to make some additional hardware for the transfer. Modify the serial cable (as described in the SERCABLE.TXT file from Mark), solder a 2 wire screened cable on top of the cable made for the file transfer in this way: Pin Pin PC1 Pin Beeb Pin Pin PC2 (9) (25) (9) (25) 5 7 GND 1 GND 5 7 GND 2 3 RXD 2 TD data out 2 3 RXD 3 2 TXD 3 RD data in etc... Check out if your cable works. Start the XFER program on both PC1 and the beeb. Use a terminal program on PC2 (I used Telix, but any program will do...), check the communication port settings (9600,N,8,1). If everything works fine, you can go to (T)erminal mode on PC1 and execute some commands on the beeb. PC2 will "snoop" your serial link and (the interesting part of it) create the possibility to write your serial ASCII transfers to a file... Part 2. The spreadsheet in the beeb has a command called SCREEN. The annoying thing is that it only screens the data which has been selected for a printout.If you need to save only that data to a file (because it is old data that you won't be using any longer), you're ready to go to part 3. To clarify the process of transferring, I used an old account file, it's saved under the name ACCNT85.S, and occupies cell A1 to AC67. The area programmed to be printed out: P0 from A1 to A16, P1 from C1 to F16, P2 from A67 to A67and P3 from AA67 to AC67. I'm not gonna explain the whole process of how to work with the beeb or selecting areas of data to be printed out for a beeb-spreadsheet (there is a lot of info on the net, that is if you haven't the original manual of VIEWSHEET), but basically you just have to do this: Start the VIEWSHEET program (*SHEET). Load the file into the program (ACCNT85.S) by typing L ACCNT85.S The beeb loads the sheet, you can enter the program by pressing ESC. First of all check out how many colums and rows are used for the particulary sheet. Note the last cell (AC67 in our example) and select the area to be saved like this: Press F1 (EDIT WINDOW) P0. The beeb gives you a reply line like this: Wi TopL BotR Pos Cw Bw Fmt Opt P0 A1 A16 7 7 FRM TS With the CTRL button pressed, you can shift the cursor. Move it until it is positioned on A from A16 ( BotR line). Now type in AC67 and press ENTER. The print area is now set from A1 to AC67. Press ESC again to access the command mode, and save the file settings (S ACCNT85.S). Your spreadsheet is now ready to send the complete file-data towards the outer world (i.e. RS423) Part 3...saving the data. Start XFER both on the beeb and PC1. Start up the terminal program on PC2. Select (T)erminal mode on PC1, select the correct drive which contains the data to be sent, and launch the *SHEET program. Load the file. PC2 nicely snoops everything you do. Select Download a file in ASCII on PC2, give it a name (ACCNT85_S.TXT ?) and you're ready to go! Type SCREEN on PC1. The data is transferred and scrolls over the three screens...when ready, you press ESC on PC2 (to end the capture to file) and you're settled! Now you can import this "converted" spreadsheet into EXCEL or LOTUS, a menu pops up to tell you that it is a really old kind of spreadsheet (didn't we know that already?), but gives you way to import and modify it. And that is what we wanted (at least my uncle did...) I hope it can be of use for some of you ... let me know something if it does. I'll be happy if all this text wasn't written in vain. Mail me... Luc