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          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

    aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn )

      ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

                eNDzEiT wHQ (Amiga)  ·  dARkSidE wHQ (Amiga)

    aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)  ·  nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

   sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dISt. SiTe (PC)  ·  wRitAZ eXPrESs gHQ (Graffity)

               dIE kRaNkeN bOMbeR dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Graffity)

   aLieNDeSiGN wHQ (Amiga-Tools)  ·  tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
         USR V.34+/x2 I-Modem       rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311          &&          +49-(0)30-44730312

           -----  nOw X2 aVAiLaBle  ------  nO RaTiOs !!!  -----

neithernor postponed (cancelled)! 

i am very sorry. but we decided to postpone next neithernor party to a
unknown date next year (1999).

we was searching a location for a 3/4 year now and one of the first location
we found was the "freizeitwerk st. heinrich" in bamberg/germany. after i 
phoned with the manager of the freizeitwerk he sended us near information
about it. in the beginning of this year we visited the freizeitwerk (a new 
manager showed it us) and so we finally decided to held nn98 there. (i always
said that our party is planned for august.1998!). the location is not cheap,
so we first tried to organise some money. now, end of april we wanted to make
a lease for the freizeitwerk. i phoned with a new manager again (the 3rd) to
clear some questions. after i told him the party is planned for august.1998 
he was really shocked. "we make every year hollidays between end of july and
7.september, the freizeitwerk is not for rent in this period". 
yeah! i love this jokers. a 3/4 year, 3 managers and the last remembers that
the freizeitwerk is not for rent in august.
okay! after that, we was working very hard to find a new location for 
neithernor but we found none. some of the possible places was already rent by
others, some to expansive and some (like the freizeitwerk) are not for rent 
in hollidays. 

i hope you understand why there is no neithernor this year. but we never give
up! there will be a new neithernor (with a new name!) next year. please visit
our page (http://neithernor.demo.org) august-september.1998 to get more 
information about our new project. 

thanks for your interest in neithernor. 


neithernor1998 postponed (cancelled)
read more..
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 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn ) |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-44730311               +49-(0)30-44730312          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]