,....................................., : _________ ____. _______.__. : : \_._____ \\___|/ _____| |____ : : | _ /| | _.__/ .___/ : : |_ \ \ !_ | |_ | | : : \__!\___\_/ \__! dc@\___! : : : : BrInGs SoMe NiCe pHoToNs Of LiGhT : : : : title - Floof : : author - Fell of RiFT : : compo - Photography : : party - Nova 2024 : : : : Analogue Dog \o/ ISO400, 50mm : : f/1.6. Shot on self-wound roll of : : RiFTpanXX 400: Unidentified 35mm : : stock, suspected speed camera film : : from the beforetimes. Developed at : : home and scanned on the Jank-o-Scan : : 2000 (middle aisle of Lidl). : : No post beyond auto-levels. : : Want some RiFTpanXX? : : I've got some rolls with me! : : : :.RiFT:MAY.THE.DEMOLITION.BE.WITH.YOU.: