LCP98 compoentrys There were three compos. One for demos (c64, amiga500), one for graphics (c64) and one for music (c64). Since the compodisks were stolen right after they had been showed on the bigscreen we have lost some of the entrys in the democompo. We discovered that the compodisks were gone just when the time had come for the voting. Everyone was drunk and chaos emerged, so no voting occured. Hehe.. This means there are no official results to be reported from LCP98. Snort.. Here's the filez we managed to get hold of though. The c64-files is in .d64-format and the amigademos is in .dms-format. If you feel that your entry is not among these files, don't hesitate sending it to me, and I'll spread it. For example, I would like to get a working copy of "spice up your life"/TRIAD. My copy was broken. See you at LCP99! frantik/ht ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @