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STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Thu Jun 22 23:13:38 1995 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___ ________ ________________/ /___ \_ /\ \___ \_ ____/ ____/ / /_/__/ / /\_ \/ / \_ .----->/ / / / / / / / /\<----------.__ _ _ | \ /\_____/______/_______/ \ /_/\ _ _ | \___cD!/ \ \ \ IKUIC\ \ \_\/_ _ | \ \ \ \ \ \ | | \ \ | ___|___________________________________________________|__ / _ \_____ \_______ \______ \____\_ ____/\_____ \_ / /____// _ \_/ _ _/ _ _/ / __/_ / _ _/ / / / / / / \ / \ / / \/ / \ \____ / / /___/ /___/ /___/___ /___/ /\ \ /_____/\__/_____/\__/____/\ /____/\ \ /_____/\ /__cD!/ \ \\IKUIC\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ |:: > lEGo aNd sTATIc bYTEs wHq < ::| |: > aNALOg Hq - eSSENCe dISt. sIDe < :| |:.> aMIGa-dEMOz-pICTUREs-mODULEs-eUROCHARTs-rOm <.:| |:: > aEROSOl aTTACk - dA gRAFFITi cONf. < ::| |:::. >THE< bOARd fOr dA dEMo sZENe .:::| |:::::. cALl +49-2-FAST-4-U! .:::::| |:::::::. __ sEARCh fOr pWs! .:::::::| `-cD!-----/\_\--------------------------------IKUIC-' - - \/_/ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZA PARTY REPORT FROM THE ICING 95! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ This stunning text has been written by C-Lous members! Main writer: Frame. -------------------------------------- Live 1... Well, sitting here "living" in Origos sofa. Really nice actually. Well, my computer is free for the moment because Prospect (coder) is trying to do a "real" Wolfenstein routine together with Origo, I hope it will go fine! Blah.... I have seen the raytraced animation by Claw made in Lightwave, it is really cool actually. Maybe it looks too much like the anim in Psychedelic? Baahh.. It kicks anyway... I'll hope it'll get used later on... I depends on our selves. (strange)... I almost (!) painted a banner for C-Lous some hours ago. It is not finished yet. I will try to color it later this evening. (When Origos parents has desperatly fled to their chambers for a good nights rest. I really hope they'll get what they deserve! We will probably use the banner to get some attraction to our tables! This party will be our Swedish Chart PR party! Doesn't it seem promising? Origo is working with an 64kb intro! And Prospect is working on a demo (?). Ehh.. NOT! So far he has only managed to complete the loader and animation player. The credits and introducing part has been ready for months. (I must add that he do NOT own an AGA machine, he makes all his AGA productions on my computer.) The "Time Square" intro by us which we released at the Virtual Conspiracy party was mainly coded on MY computer. Except the routines! They are actually No aga (almost!). BLAH!!! The pack I mentioned before will hopefully be coded before the party ends. That depends on Origo! Sad enough, it will not contain any special graphics from me, only a backgroundpicture and a font. I am SOO lazy nowadays...... -------------------------------------------------------- Live 2... Well, it is now 02.00 and we have just finsihed the voting system for the chart. It looks quite nice, both for the voter and for the counter (me). Now we just have to spread the (fantastic?) news about the chart and prey to GOD that we will get over 100 voters. How about voting NOW? Well, Prospect is trying (!) to get a nap but I don't think he is succeding.. ehh.. Origo is (as always) coding.. He caught his first fly this year recently. (His room is 45% filled with fucking flies.) He is a FARMER! (!) Ehh... Frame left the keys. Now it's ME (Prospect) who have taken over them.. Ha!! I'm supposed to code a demo but it seems that I'm lazier than I've ever been in my life... I've got a lack of both inspiration and ideas and that is not good when it's just a couple of days left for the party... hmm. I think I'm gonna quit CED now and start H(!)ash'M-One and do some democoding before Frame kicks me out of the group.... (Between you and me I can tell you a secret. Frame can't kick me out of the group because Origo won't let him. I'm actually Origo's secret lover...(He isn't, I am! -Frm) Arrgh!! I knew it!!! Frame is having an affair with my lover!!!! Ok, cut the crap.. C ya! --------------------------------------------------------------- Live 3... Well, again I'm back to irriate your flushed mind. Pozz and I have just finished some new design for the intro. It will be called Freebased! Prospect has re- coded the demo because there were some bugs I think. Its looks really cool. We have no music yet, but Mr. Mygg (music) is comming to hug us tomorrow together with his new modules. More live from him later. He has just finisihed his military fuckup things... So, we will NOT release the demo if it won't be good looking. And we don't have any routines yet, and that is a very big problem! The demo will be on 2 disks AND it will ofcourse bee loadable from HD if you request. He has started to make a nive City. It will be gourauded or texturemapped. It could be really nice with gouraud I think. Well, Origo isn't sitting with his computer for the moment. It is unbeleavable. He is watching something on the Television together with his brother. By the way, his brother is 2 metres tall!!! ------------------------------------- Live 4... Slash has arrived and will soon leave because his stomach is sadly empty. Well, we have now decided to not release the demo at the party because it will be TOO (!) much work in a fucking time limit. And still no routines. We have just watched some demos Slash brought us. We have seen Alien by Scoopex and it was nice actually. But the code could be more powerful! The grafix was really nice. The tune was ok. SLASH here.. We also looked at Greenday by Artwork. Which got the 1:st place at Bbx-Symposium in Germany a while ago. There was some cool animations & effects. But no one understand why it won over Roots 2 by Sanity. Maybe because Sanity already released a smaller version at the Party in Denmark last christmas. I'm thinking a bit over the upcoming releases at the Icing now tomorrow. Maybe some of the cooler crews in Sweden will release something, but it's not what i know any cooler prods planned to enter the competitions. I know that Citron. will release Oepir Risti 5, at the party with a quite stunning tune by Lizardking. Have also heard that Session maybe will release something. We can hope that some cool things will be released there but that's not too sure!!! Otherwise we can have a nice chat with some other friendly dudes from atleast Gothenburg, and have a good time. Eating pizzas!.. Ok! Out of inspiration just now, too hungry!. But see you in another time somewhere! --------------------------------------------------- So, sitting here at the party and cleaning on my HD. Fuck, I have copied some warez... And I must delete moe modules because I copied 11 disks of graphics from CD-Rom. Well, I have contributed with a picture in the compo. I'll hope it goes fine! C-Lous have released 1 intro for the compo. I don't think we will win! But maybe among the 3 best. We got a new musican and a new graphican here. They have also contributed with mod/iff in the compo. C-Lous contributed with 3 pictures, 3 modules, 1 4k intro and 1 intro. We won a "weird" compo. Some members singed live on the stage. They won pizzas. Blahh.. In overall it has been a quite nice party. So, not much more to say actually..... catch ya! Well, I must mention the "Everybody Sing Along" intro by C-Lous made for Origo's/C-Lous (coder) birthday on the sunday at the party. Without his knowledge ofcourse! Everybody at the party sang "Happy Birthday to you.." and later he stage-dived from the stage infront of the audience. He also got a present from the C-Lous mebers. The present was specially to him beacause on an intern C-Lous meeting he got so drunk that he pissed on the floor in a house.... (Maybe you can understand what we gave him??) It were really cool actually! So, that was it..... Catch Ya! And support "No Sense" with you Swedish votes, adverts, news and otha scene related stuff! cu! /\____ ____ ___ __ _ _______ / /\__ _ /\____ __ _ _/ \/ _ __ ___/ / ______ __________________________ / \ __ /\ \ __ \ __ \ __ _ /\ - aMIGa, dEMOs, mUSIc / /\/¬/\/ /\/¬ /\/¬____/\/¬ /_/\/ pC, eUROCHARTs, r.O.m // /\/_// / _//\__ _//\//_//\_\/ //¯ / ///¯ / /// //\//¯//\/ - a 1200, 6 MB ,780 mEGs \______/\______/\______/\/\__/\/ - dAILy uS-IMPORTs \_____\/\_____\/\_____\/ \_\/ - gERMANYs fASTESt dEMo cONf. - aEROSOl aTTACk - gRAFFITi! _____________________________________________________ \ __ ___\ __ \ __ \ __ \ __ \ __ \ __ \ /\/¬/\__/\/¬_ /\/¬/ /\/¬/ /\/¬ /\/¬____/\/¯/ /\ // _/_/_// / _/// _\\ _\\ _/// __/_// _\\/ //¯ ///¯ ///¯ /\ //¯/\ //¯///¯ ///¯ /\ //\ \______/\__/___/\__/\/\__/_/\/\__/__/\______/\__/\/\__/\/ \_____\/\_\\__\/\_\/ \_\_\/ \_\__\/\_____\/\_\/ \_\/[tPr] pORt#1: +49-JUST-ASK! - 28.8 lEGo WHQ sUPPLEx GHQ pORt#2: +49-!!SOON?!! - ???? sTATIc bYTEs WHQ eSSENCe dISt.sIDe - sYSOp - tROOPEr/lEGo - cOSYSOp - -[dEViL&RAVEN]- & [-GHANDY-] _ ____ _ __ __ / _ __ ___ ____ _____ __ \ ___ _ \ _ ___ ____ _____/\ / \/ \/ \/ \/ ==[ Uploaded on 21-Jun-95 at 19:23:20 ]===[ Turbo Boost v1.0 by WHiZ/eQX! ]== +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ._____.._____.._____.._____.._____..__. .___.______.._____.._____. |÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷¬| |÷ ¬|\__. ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬| : :__ | | || | || | || | || | || | |___||÷ | || | || | | __:/ /\_\ | | || | || | || | || | || | .___.| | || | || | | /\_\ _\/_/ | | || | || | || | || | || | | ¬|| | || | || | | \/_/ :\ | | || | || | || | || _|__|| | | || | || | || | | : : | |__|| |__|| . || . <| \_ || |__ | || | || |__|| | | : |__. ¬|| | | | || | || | || | ¬|| || | || .>_|| . < | ¬| || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | ¬|| | | | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |^ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |W | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |¿ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |Đ ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! : | :: : : : :: : :: | :: :: :: : :: : :: : : : :: : : : :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: : : . . . . : : . . . . . . . STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Thu Jun 22 23:13:38 1995 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+