_____ _                                 _ _____
             ._) __                                       __ (_.
             |   \/               · 2fAST ·               \/   |
  _______     ________  _________   ________________________ ________ _____
_|      (_____\__    (_/         \_/          _      _      /      _//     |_
\_      .       /    _//          \_         _/      _      \      \/      _/
 |      |      /\    \_.___________/_________\_______/      |\      \      |
 |___________  /\______|-Mo!                        /_______________/______|
             \/ __                                         __  .
             ._ \/                · 2fAST ·                \/ _|
              /_____ _                                 _ _____\


     ___ _
   ._) __         · 2Fast - H2o! - Treach - Stratos ·Stylez - Rapid - Mess ·
   |   \/
      ________  _________  ________ ______          _ ___________
    _/      _/ /         \ \_      \_     |_________\\\    _    (_.
    \       \_//          \_/       /     _        /       _      |
     \       \_._________._/       /     _/      _/ _______/      |
      \________|-Mo!     |________/______\       \_.      /_______|    __  .
                                          \________|                   \/ _|
   · No Motherfuckin' Stick-Up ·                                    _ ___(


                      Bad Karma, Cream and Cyberforce

         ______  ______  _____   ______  _____   ______  ___2F/(!______
        _)    (__)    (__)  _/  _)  __/__)  _/  _)    (__) /_   _)  __/_
       /   /   /   /___/   _/__/\__    /   _/__/   /   /   _/__/\__    /
      /   ____/___/   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /__ /   /
     /____\              \___/   \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/

                   at the end of Party 5 in Denmark(1995)

_ _ _ ___ __ __ _____ __ __ ___ _ _ ____ _ _________________________________ _
     _)  |  | _Y  _ _Y  | _Y  (_____)  (_
     \_  |  | \_  \ \_  | \_  | \_  _  _/
      |        |     |     |  l  |  \  |
      l______  l_____l_____l___  l_____|
           /___|             /___|
                                    ___ __ _____
                                ____) _Y__Y_  __|
                                \_  _ \_   / _/_
                                 |  \  |  /  l  |
                                 l_____l_/l___  |
                                          ______ _____ _____
                                         _)   __Y  _ _Y     |
                                         \_  _/\_  \ \_  l__|
                                          |  |  |     |  |
                                          l__|  l_____l__|
                                                      ___ __ _____ __ ___
                                                     _)  | _Y  _ _Y  |  (_
                                                     \_  | \_  \ \_  |  _/
                                                      |--,  |     |     |
                                                      l___  l_____l_____|
_ ___________________ _ 2F/(! _ _____________________ _ /___| _ ____________ _

                     a sad 'happy new year' collection

                        (c) 2fAST/Contra! 1995/1996

         an (ontra! production (c) 1995/1996 -  All rights reseved

    __     ____  ______     ___     ____      ____   _____
  _/ /_   /   _\ \    /____/  /____/  _/    _/    \_/   _/
 /   _/__/     \\/   \   _   /   _   _/__  /   /   _   _/
/__ /   ________________/__     /__ /   /  \______/   / ------    -- -----+-.
   \___/                   \___/   \___/         /____\
              ____   _____    ____   ___      ____    ____   ___      _____/_
   2F/(!    _/    \_/     \__/    \__/ /_   _/  _/  _/    \__/ /_   _/  __/_
           /   /____   /   _   /   _   _/__/   _/__/   /   _   _/__/\__    /
 ----- --+/__ /   /\______/___/   /__ /   ___ /   ____/   /__ /   ___ /   / --
             \___/           /____\  \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/

            o1 - Preface 
            o2 - Orbituary
            o3 - Dead Souls - the party requests (ascii's)
            o4 - No commercial break
            o5 - After the flesh - the party requests (animations)
            o6 - Credits
            o7 - Providers
            o8 - Party Greets
            o9 - Ascii Respects
            1o - Mail or Nail 'em
            11 - Contra! Bulletin Board Systems
            12 - Where to bitch me

               ____    ____    ____    _______2F/(!____    ____
     _______ _/    \__/    \__/  _/  _/  _/  _\  _/    \__/  _/ _________
            /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   _/    \\/   /___/   _/__
     _____ /   ____/___/   /__ /   /   /________\_ /   /__ /   / ________
          /____\              \___/____\          \___/   \___/

                Get ready to rumble! It's time again to give you
          the  best there  is, the best there  was and  the best
          there ever will be...

                You maybe hardly checked the speed and the power
          I have... But  it's damn  true! The only one, the one-
          man machine, the almighty bastard is back again, after
          just  releasin' his  ascii/animation collection named:

                               Head over Heals

          which got published on 24th December 1995...

                The party was again quite lame! That rave-party
          sucked major ass! None could sleep while this time...
          But it was nice to meet some scene-dudes again, after
          being two years at the party! Walkin' around with an
          Id-card would maybe kill me and his collection would
          be much bigger! But 60kb are also more as just enough.

                                          Yours 2fAST a/k/a Jens

______ ____    ____  _____     _   __      ____           ____    ____ _2F/(!_
     _/    \__/    \_    /____/ \_/ /_   _/  / \______  _/    \__/  / \_
    /   /   /   /___/   \   /   /   _/__/   /   /    _\/   /___/   /   /
____\______/___/   /_______/___/__ /   /\______/      \\__/   /___    / ______
                                  \___/       /_________\        /____\

                             Madman a/k/a Stefan
             Born 7th November 1973 - Died 23rd December 1995

He died at an car-accident on a short weekend trip to Zuerich/Switzerland.
 He was just 22 and we know each other since 15 years! We both went to
 school since the beginin'! He was just more than just a friend! A good pal
 and neighbour who loved to laugh, who loved to be a part of the world... It
 was very hard for me as I heard that he and the driver of the car died! I
 just wanted to spend the weekend with these dudes together, but had other
 things to do and so I just alived and be a part of the world! It wasn't a
 scene-dude the past 6 years and only some old legends from the Commodore 64
 will maybe remember him! So Stefan, rest in peace and see you somewhere
 around that universe, that paradise above there! Rest in peace and rest well!

                                                        Yours 2fAST a/k/a Jens

__ _______    _____            _______ __ ____________ 2F/(! _______________ _
  _\___   \__/   _/   ______  _\___   \_
 /    /    /    _/___/     _\/    /    /
/___ /    /___ /    /       \\__ /    /
    \____/    \____/__________\ \____/
                              _______   ______    ______    ____      _______
                            _/   ___/__/      \__/   /  \__/   /_____/   ___/_
the party requests(ascii)  /\___     /    /    /    /    /    /    /\___     /
______________________ __ /___ /    /\________/\________/___      /___ /    /
                              \____/                        \____/    \____/

        o1 - State of Aversia no.1  req. by Jack^Danielz and Guzzman
        o2 - Virtual Theatre        req. by Ramirez
        o3 - Ramirez                req. by Ramirez
        o4 - The Orb                req. by Ramirez
        o5 - Illusion               req. by Ramirez
        o6 - Aweson                 req. by Ramirez
        o7 - Divine Stylers         req. by Ramirez
        o8 - State of Aversia no.2  req. by Jack^Danielz and Guzzman
        o9 - Electronic Confusion   req. by -Slime!
        1o - Royal                  req. by -Slime!
        11 - Webster                req. by -Slime!
        12 - Fairlight              req. by -Slime!
        13 - Number of the Beast    req. by Lord
        14 - Lumme                  req. by Lumme
        15 - Rascal                 req. by Rascal
        16 - Digital Grafitti no.1  req. by Zorro!
        17 - Digital Grafitti no.2  req. by Zorro!
        18 - Deathknight            req. by Deathknight
        19 - Arclite                req. by Mario

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o1  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : State of Aversia no.1      |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Jack^Danielz and Guzzman   |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for their bbs              |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

    _____   __             __      ____
  _/  __/__/ /_   _____  _/ /_   _/  _/
 /\__    /   _/__/    _\/   _/__/   _/__
/__ /   /__ /   /      \\_ /   /__ /   /     ____    ____
   \___/   \___/_________\\___/   \___/    _/    \__/  _/
                                          /   /   /   _/
                                          \______/   /
                     2F/(!                      /____\
                                       _    ____    ____    _____   _
                           _____  ____/ \__/  _/  _/    \__/  __/__/ \_____
                          /_    \/   /   /   _/__/   /___/\__    /   /    _\
                         //      \_ /   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /___/      \\
                        /_________\\___/   \___/           \___/   /_________\

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o2  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Virtual Theatre            |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Ramirez                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for his bbs                |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                   _    _   ____    __      ____           ___
              ____/ \__/ \_/    \__/ /_   _/  / \______  _/  /___
             /   /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   /   /    _\/   /   /
            /__ /   /___/___/   /__ /   /\______/      \\_     /
               \___/               \___/       /_________\\___/
              __      ____    ____           __      ____    ____
            _/ /_   _/  / \__/  _/  _____  _/ /_   _/    \__/  _/
           /   _/__/       /   _/__/_    \/   _/__/   /___/   _/__
          /__ /   /___/   /__ /   //      \_ /   /___/   /__ /   /
             \___/   /____\  \___/_________\\___/           \___/ 2F/(!

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o3  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Ramirez                    |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Ramirez                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/his bbs        |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

             ____           ________    _   ____    ____   _____
           _/    \______  _/        \__/ \_/    \__/  _/  _\__  \_
          /   /___/    _\/   /   /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   ____/
         /___/   /      \\__/___/   /___/___/   /__ /   /__ /   /
                /_________\   /_____\              \___/   \___/ 2F/(!

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o4  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : The Orb                    |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Ramirez                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for his bbs/releases       |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                          ___       ______    _____
                        _/  /_    _/   /  \__/   _/
                       /    _/___/         /    _/___
                      /___ /    /____/    /___ /    /
                          \____/    /_____\   \____/
                          ______    ______ ______   2F/(!
                        _/      \__/      \_    /____
                       /    /    /    /____/   \    /
                       \________/____/   /_________/

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o5  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Illusion                   |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Ramirez                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for his bbs/releases       |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

            _   ___     ___     ____    _____   _   ____    ____
          _/ \_/  /____/  /____/  / \__/  __/__/ \_/    \__/    \_
         /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /\__    /   /   /   /   /   /
        /___/__     /__     /\______/__ /   /___/\______/___/   /  2F/(!
               \___/   \___/           \___/               /____\

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o6  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Aweson                     |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Aweson                     |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself                |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                      ___/____    ____    _____   ____    ____
             _____  _/  /   / \__/  _/  _/  __/__/    \__/    \_
            /_    \/   /   /   /   _/__/\__    /   /   /   /   /
           //      \__________/__ /   /__ /   /\______/___/   /  2F/(!
          /_________\            \___/   \___/           /____\

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o7  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Divine Stylers             |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Ramirez                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for his bbs/releases       |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

   _____    _      _    _   ____    ____
  _\__  \__/ \____/ \__/ \_/    \__/  _/
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   _/__
/__ /   /___/__ /   /___/___/   /__ /   /
   \___/       \___/       /____\  \___/
                   _____   __      ____    ___     ____    ____    _____
                 _/  __/__/ /_   _/  / \__/  /____/  _/  _/    \__/  __/_
                /\__    /   _/__/   /   /   /   /   _/__/   /___/\__    /
               /__ /   /__ /   /___    /__     /__ /   /___/   /__ /   / 2F/(!
                  \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/           \___/

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o8  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : State of Aversia           |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Jack^Danielz and Guzzman   |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for their bbs              |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

    ___   ._  _|_ ___ _|_ ___   _____|_  ___     ___ ___ ._   ___    ___
._((  (__ `--.)__,)__\)__,)_/,  )__()    )__\)__\)_/,)  '`--.))__\ __)  ))_.
|         )__|                                           )__|              |
|                                                                          |
|                    ___ ____ __ _____ _|_ _______ ._                      |
|                    )__\)  ()) | ()__\)__,)__()  '`--.                    |
|                                                  )__|                    |
|                             German Headquarter                           |
|                                                                          |
|                         _|_ ___     ·_____|_ _|_                         |
|                         )  ))__\l__\|)__()__))__)                        |
|                                  .--'                                    |
|                              World Headquarter                           |
|                                                                          |
|                         ___ ___ ____ _|_ _____                           |
|                         )__))  ')__((__((\__(\__(                        |
|                         |                .--'.--'                        |
|                         Prodigy German Headquarter                       |
|                                                                          |
]- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -[
|                                                                          |
|                               The captain:                               |
|                  jACK^dANiELZ!/Animators/Haujobb/Prodigy                 |
|                                                                          |
|                      and his motherfuckin' bitches:                      |
|                         Nostromo/Prodigy/Sneakers                        |
|                              Guzzman/Prodigy                             |
|                               Nitro/Prodigy                              |
|                              Horny/Animators                             |
|                                                                          |
]- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -[
|                                                                          |
|               Node 0: +49-Ask-ats/hjb/pdy - Totally private              |
|               Node 1: +49-Ask-ats/hjb/pdy - USR dst 14k4                 |
|               Node 2: +49-Ask-ats/hjb/pdy - USR dst 33k6                 |
|               Node 3: +49-Ask-ats/hjb/pdy - USR dst 33k6                 |
|               Node 4: +49-Ask-ats/hjb/pdy - BSC --- 64ko                 |
|               Node 5: +49-Ask-ats/hjb/pdy - BSC --- 64ko                 |
|                                                                          |
!____                                                                  ____!
     )___________________________ 2F/(! ______________________________(

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o9  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Electronic Confusion       |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : dunno                      |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: bbs                        |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

    ____    ___     ____    ____    __      ____    ____    ____    _   ____
  _/  _/  _/  /____/  _/  _/    \__/ /_   _/    \__/    \__/    \__/ \_/    \_
 /   _/__/   /   /   _/__/   /___/   _/__/   /___/   /   /   /   /   /   /___/
/__ /   /__     /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /___/    \______/___/   /___/__ /   /
   \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/                   /____\      \___/
    ____    ____    ____    ________    _____   _   ____    ____
  _/    \__/    \__/    \__/  _/  / \__/  __/__/ \_/    \__/    \_
 /   /___/   /   /   /   /   _/  /   /\__    /   /   /   /   /   /  2F/(!
/__ /   /\______/___/   /   /\______/__ /   /___/\______/___/   /
   \___/           /____\___\          \___/               /____\

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 1o  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Royal                      |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : -Slime!                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: his bbs/releases           |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                     ____    ____    ____           ___
                   _/    \__/    \__/  / \______  _/  /___
                  /   /___/   /   /   /   /    _\/   /   /
                 /___/    \______/___    /      \\_     /  2F/(!

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 11  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Webster                    |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Webster                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself                |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

        ___/____    ____ ______     _____   __      ____    ____
      _/  /   / \__/  _/ \    /____/  __/__/ /_   _/  _/  _/    \_
     /   /   /   /   _/__/   \   /\__    /   _/__/   _/__/   /___/  2F/(!
     \__________/__ /   /_______/__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /___/
                   \___/           \___/   \___/   \___/

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 12  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Fairlight                  |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : -Slime!                    |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/bbs            |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

            ____       _   ____    ___     _   ____    ____    __
          _/  _/___  _/ \_/    \__/  /____/ \_/    \__/  / \__/ /_
         /   _/   _\/   /   /___/   /   /   /   /   /       /   _/__
        /   /      \\__/___/   /__     /___/__  ___/___/   /__ /   / 2F/(!
       /____\________\            \___/       \___/   /____\  \___/

                    fairlight  -  when dreams come true

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 13  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Number of the Beast        |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Lord                       |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/bbs            |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                         take care and land on here

   _______________ _________________________________     ____  __  ________
.__) ____            ________  _____     ____    ____        ____    ____ (__.
|  _/    \______   _/        \_    /____/  _/  _/    \_    _/    \__/  _/    |
! /   /   /   / \_/   /   /   /   \   /   _/__/   /___/   /   /   /   _/     |
 /___/   /   /   /___/___/   /_______/__ /   /___/        \______/   /       |
.   /____\______/     /______\          \___/       2F/(!       /____\       !
|      __      ____    ____        ______     ____           _____   __
|    _/ /_   _/  / \__/  _/        \    /____/  _/  _____  _/  __/__/ /_     .
|   /   _/__/       /   _/__       /   \   /   _/__/    _\/\__    /   _/__   |
|_ /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /      /_______/__ /   /      \\_ /   /__ /   /  _|
  )__ \___/   /____\  \___/                  \___/_________\\___/   \___/ _(

  Hosted by: Lord/Absolute!^Crimson Jihad
Bitches are: pCp/Hellfire · Wintermute/Crimson Jihad

                    Running lastest version of DayDream

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 14  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Lumme                      |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Lumme                      |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself                |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                   ___     ____    ________    ________    ____
                 _/  /____/  / \__/        \__/        \__/  _/
                /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   _/__
               /__     /\______/___/___/   /___/___/   /__ /   /
                  \___/             /______\    /______\  \___/ 2F/(!

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 15  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Rascal                     |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Rascal                     |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself                |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                 ____           _____   ____            ___
               _/    \______  _/  __/__/    \_______  _/  /___
              /   /___/_    \/\__    /   /___/     _\/   /   /
             /___/   //      \_ /   /__ /   /       \\_     / 2F/(!
                    /_________\\___/   \___/__________\\___/

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 16  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Digital Graffiti no.1      |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Zorro!                     |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/releases       |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

_  _____    _   ____    _   __  ___ _ ___  ___  ___ ___    _____________   ___
  _\__  \__/ \_/    \__/ \_/ /_   _____  _/  /___
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   _/__/     \/   /   /
/__ /   /___/__  ___/___/__ /   //      \_     / 2F/(!
   \___/       \___/       \___/_________\\___/
                              ____    ____           _________   __      _
       Zorro!               _/    \__/    \______  _/  _/  _/ \_/ /_   _/ \
 Mephisto and Bastard      /   /   /   /___/     \/   _/  _/  /   _/__/   /
___ _________________ ___ /__  ___/___/   /      \\  /   /___/__ /   /___/ ___
                             \___/       /_________\_\___\      \___/

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 17  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Digital Graffiti           |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Zorro!                     |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/releases       |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                                                _  _
              _|_ ____ _|_ ___ |  _______ ___ _|__|_ _|_
             (__(()__())__,)__\|  )__()  ')__\)  )  ))__,)   2F/(!
                  .--'         |  .--'

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 18  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Deathknight                |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Deathknight                |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/bbs            |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

   _____    ____           __      ____
  _\__  \__/  _/  _____  _/ /_   _/  / \_
 /   /   /   _/__/    _\/   _/__/       /    2F/(!
/__ /   /__ /   /      \\_ /   /___/   / 
   \___/   \___/_________\\___/   /____\
                                     ____    ____    _   ____    ____    __
                                   _/  / \__/    \__/ \_/    \__/  / \__/ /_
                                  /      -/   /   /   /   /   /       /   _/__
   I am always watchin' you      /___/   /___/   /___/__  ___/___/   /__ /   /
                                    /____\  /____\      \___/   /____\  \___/

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No 19  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Arclite                    |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Mario                      |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/bbs/releases   |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

                           ._)                  (_.
                           !                      |
                        ____    ____    ___/_   _ ! __      ____
               _____  _/    \__/    \__/  /____/ \_/ /_   _/  _/
              /    _\/   /___/   /___/   /   /   /   _/__/   _/__
             /      \\__/  ./__ /   /__     /___/__ /   /__ /   /_
            /_________\    |   \___/   \___/      .\___/   \___//
                           |                      |              2F/(!
                           |                      |
                           |    Sex-Murder-Art    |
                           |_                    _|

__  ____ __ _____________________________________________________________ _ __
  _/    \______
 /   /   /     \_
/___/   /   /   /
    ____    ____    ________    ________    ____    ____    ____    _
  _/    \__/    \__/        \__/        \__/  _/  _/    \__/    \__/ \_____
 /   /___/   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   _/__/   /___/   /___/   /    _\
/__ /   /\______/___/___/   /___/___/   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /___/   ___\\
   \___/             /______\    /______\  \___/           \___/   /___/  /__\
                                                                     /   /   /
                   ______     ____    ____           ____           /__     /
    2F/(!          \    /____/    \__/  _/  _____  _/  / \_            \___/
                   /   \   /   /___/   _/__/_    \/      -/
____________ __ _ /_______/___/   /__ /   //      \__/   / __ ______ _ _______

__ _ ______ _ __ ______      ____    ____ _ ____ _ __      ____    ____ _ ____
        _____  _/  _/ /_   _/  _/  _/    \_      _/ /_   _/  / \__/  _/
       /_    \/   _/  _/__/   _/__/   /___/     /   _/__/       /   _/__
      //      \  /__ /   /__ /   /___/         /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /
     /_________\_\  \___/   \___/                 \___/   /____\  \___/
                        _______     ____    _____   ____
                      _/  _/  /____/  _/  _/  __/__/  / \_
                     /   _/  /   /   _/__/\__    /       /
___________ ____ __ /   /__     /__ /   /__ /   /___/   / _________ 2F/(! __ _
                   /____\  \___/   \___/   \___/   /____\

               o1 - Deathknight animation  req. by Deathknight
               o2 - Arclite animation  req. by Mario

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o1  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Deathknight                |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Mario                      |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/bbs            |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

[Start of Animation]
[0 p//_/__/__\\____/__\\__/___/_____/__/__\/_/_/_\/___/_/\___/_/\____/___/_____/_/__/__/__/_//__/___/_______
___/_/\___/_/\_/___/__/__/___/_/__/_/_/Iamalwayswatchin'you2F/(![1 p
[End of Animation]

                                       ____________________________)     /_.
_    _____   | _|_ _ ___________ _____.)                            No o2  |
)_|_()__()__\|(__( _|_ ___    _       |  Name : Arclite                    |
 _   _____   |    (__(()_/, _|________·  For  : Mario                      |
 )__|)__()__\               )  )__()  '_ Usage: for himself/bbs            |
 .--' _________ 2F/(! _________________ )____________________/\          __|_
                                                               \_________)  _)

[Start of Animation]
[0 p//_//_/_/__/_/_____/____________________\\______/\_\\______\/\_\\_/___\/\__//___\_/_//_[6;
37m)__________________(|__|||)__________________(|__|)__________________(                   S                  Sp                 Spi                Spir               Spiri              Spirit             Spirit             Spirit o           Spirit of          Spirit of          Spirit of S        Spirit of So       Spirit of Sou      Spirit of Soul     Spirit of Soul     Spirit of Soul     Spirit of Soul  ·  S
[0;1mpirit of Soul  ·  Spirit of Soul  ·  Spirit of Soul  ·  Apirit of Soul  ·  Aririt of Soul  ·  Arcrit of Soul  ·  Arclit of Soul  ·  Arcli  of Soul  ·  Arclit of Soul  ·  Arcliteof Soul  ·  Arclite   Soul  ·  Arclite E Soul  ·  Arclite EuSoul  ·  Arclite Euroul  ·  Arclite Euroul  ·  Arclite Europl  ·  Arclite Europe
  ·  Arclite Europea ·  Arclite European·  Arclite European   Arclite European H Arclite European HeArclite European Hearclite European Headclite European Headqlite European Headquite European Headquate European Headquare European Headquart European HeadquarteEuropean Headquarteruropean Headquarter 
ropean Headquarter  opean Headquarter  ·pean Headquarter  · ean Headquarter  ·  an Headquarter  ·  Sn Headquarter  ·  Se Headquarter  ·  SexHeadquarter  ·  Sex-eadquarter  ·  Sex-Madquarter  ·  Sex-Mudquarter  ·  Sex-Murquarter  ·  Sex-Murduarter  ·  Sex-Murdearter  ·  Sex-Murderrter  ·  Sex-Murder-ter  ·  Sex
-Murder-Aer  ·  Sex-Murder-Arr  ·  Sex-Murder-Art  ·  Sex-Murder-Art  ·  Sex-Murder-Art ·  Sex-Murder-Art   Sex-Murder-Art   Sex-Murder-Art    2   2F  2F/ 2F/(2F/(![1 p[End of Animation]

___ ____    ____    ____   _____    _   __      _____ ________ 2F/(! _________
  _/    \__/    \__/  _/  _\__  \__/ \_/ /_   _/  __/_
 /   /___/   /___/   _/__/   /   /   /   _/__/\__    /
/__ /   /___/   /__ /   /__ /   /___/__ /   /__ /   /_ w.ould d.ie f.or y.ou _
   \___/           \___/   \___/       \___/   \___/

  produced & tacked by:  2.f.ast/(ontra!
special appeariance by:  M.o.gue!./Arclite with Contra  .diz,
                                                Contra ascii
                                           and twofast ascii

                                      recorded & mixed at: Party 5 '95 /Denmark
                                              re-mixed at: seaQuest DSV/Germany

                                                 (c) 1995/1996 2fAST a/k/a Jens

_ __ ____    ____    ____       _    _  _____    ____    ____    _____ _2F/(!_
   _/    \__/    \__/    \_____/ \__/ \_\__  \__/  _/  _/    \__/  __/_
  /   /   /   /___/   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   _/__/   /___/\__    /
 /   ____/___/    \______/__     /___/__ /   /__ /   /___/   /__ /   /______ _
/____\                      \___/       \___/   \___/           \___/

                            providers in music:

                         pantera  with  the badge
                          offspring  with  smash
                        queen  with  made in heaven
                           the cure  with  burn
                for love not lisa  with  slip slide melting
                     nine inch nails  with  dead souls
              jane siberry  with  it can't rain all the time
                       offspring  with  self esteem
                        sepultura  with  chaos a.d.

                       providers in food and drinks:

                   some tins of coke sponsored by sonic
        some cups of coffee sponsored by mogue!, -slime! and aweson
              meals at the little restaurant were as ever bad
                          some chips from bastard

                        providers in other things:

       different amiga's at the party-place and finally mine at home
               some playstations for physical reorganisation
       myself  and  many others, like: Mogue!
                                       for the cigarettes

     ____           ____    __      ____
   _/    \______  _/    \__/ /_   _/  / \_ _ _______________________________ _
  /   /   /    _\/   /___/   _/__/   /   /
 /   ____/      \\__/   /__ /   /___    /
/____\  /_________\        \___/   /____\
                                ____    ____    ____    ____    __      _____
                              _/    \__/    \__/  _/  _/  _/  _/ /_   _/  __/_
                             /   /   /   /___/   _/__/   _/__/   _/__/\__    /
_ ________ 2F/(! ________ _ /__  ___/___/   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /
                               \___/           \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/

        Ecs · Mario · Desert · Zorro · Ayatholla · The White Knight
     Deathknight · Jake · Fury · Eazy-E · Elf · Taccy · Mogue! · Jazy
   Dragon · -Slime! · Desoto · Aweson · Exorder · Irata · Sonic ·  Lord
     Relief · Zinko · Joker · Sigma Seven · Control · Mephisto · Eksec
             Jack Danielz · Guzzman · Bastard · Ferris · Sisko
                BBC · Joker · Enzo · Ramirez and none more

_ _______ _ _____   ____    _   _ _ ________________________________________ _
   _____  _/  __/__/    \__/ \_/ \
  /    _\/\__    /   /___/   /   /
 /      \\_ /   /__ /   /___/___/
/_________\\___/   \___/
                ____    ____    _____   ____    ____    ____    __      _____
              _/    \__/  _/  _/  __/__/    \__/  _/  _/    \__/ /_   _/  __/_
             /   /___/   _/__/\__    /   /   /   _/__/   /___/   _/__/\__    /
_ __2F/(!__ /___/   /__ /   /__ /   /   ____/__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /
                       \___/   \___/____\      \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/

     Arclite · Dezign · Whale · Save our Souls · Art · Twisted · Style
          Mo'Soul · Digital Grafitti and all my maties in (ontra!

__  ________           _   ___ _ ___________________ 2F/(! _________________ _
  _/        \______  _/ \_/  /___
 /   /   /   /    _\/   /   /   /
/___/___/   /      \\__/__     / or
     /______\________\    \___/                   ____           _   ___
                                                _/    \______  _/ \_/  /___
                                               /   /   /    _\/   /   /   /
_ _________________________________________ _ /___/   /      \\__/__     / 'em
                                                 /____\________\    \___/

Deathknight - Always got stoned?:) Will talk to you later
     Desert - Nice to meet you! See you somewhere around Berlin!
        Ecs - If Mario doesn't look at that collection, just tell him,
              that the would find it in here...
     Ferris - Would be cool to see again some trainers from you.
       Jake - Nice to meet you! Your german is quite good!
      Mario - And finally the animation
     Mogue! - Don't forget that internet-package!
      Rapid - Mogue! told me all, thought about the same thing at the party
              and also after it!
    Redskin - Where could I reach you?
      Zinko - Nice to meet you! Your german is quite good
     Zorro! - Will think 'bout it again! Gonna chat ya somewhere

 ______     ____    ___     ___     ____    __      _   ____ __ (ONTRA! _ __ _
 \    /____/  / \__/  /____/  /____/  _/  _/ /_   _/ \_/    \_
 /   \   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   _/__/   _/__/   /   /   /
/_______/\______/__     /__     /__ /   /__ /   /___/___/   /
                   \___/   \___/   \___/   \___/       /____\
                                      ______     ____           ____   _____
                                      \    /____/    \______  _/    \__\__  \_
           2F/(!                      /   \   /   /   /    _\/   /___/   /   /
                                     /_______/\______/      \\__/   /__ /   /
                                                    /_________\        \___/
    _____   ____    _____   __      ____    ________    _____
  _/  __/__/  / \__/  __/__/ /_   _/  _/  _/        \__/  __/_
 /\__    /   /   /\__    /   _/__/   _/__/   /   /   /\__    /
/__ /   /___    /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /___/___/   /__ /   /_ _______________
   \___/   /____\  \___/   \___/   \___/     /______\  \___/

                bbs-name        location               sysop
             -] Raveland....... (! World  Headquarter  H2o.... [-
             -] Deep Space Nine (! Euro   Headquarter  Sisko...[-
             -] Homeless....... (! German Headquarter  -Slime! [-
             -] Punishment Inc. (! German Dist. Site   Siegel. [-
             -] The Pub........ (! German Dist. Site   Flite...[-

        \     /________    ________    ______      ________    ______/_
       _/    /     /   \__/    /   \__/    _/    _/        \__/    _/
      /     /     /     /           /     _/____/     /_____/     _/____
     /_________________/_____/     /____ /     /_____/     /____ /     /
                            /______\    \_____/                 \_____/

                                  ::: ...

             ________           ____        ________    ________
             \      /_____/\  _/   /_     _/        \__/    /   \_
             /     \     /  \/     _/____/     /_____/           /
            /___________/    \___ /     /____ /     /_____/     /
                       /______\  \_____/     \_____/     /______\

                           ______________    ______
                         _/              \__/    _/
                        /     /     /     /     _/____
                       /_____/_____/     /____ /     /
                                /________\    \_____/  2F/(!

                Acid Slam      - Pyro        - +49-ask-friends
                Boondocks      - S/\L One    - +31-ask-friends
                Brain Crash    - Krypton     - +49-ask-friends
                Cosmic Circus  - Generation  - +49-ask-friends
                Dial Hard      - Fury        - +41-ask-friends
                Freekworld     - -faz!       - +49-ask-friends
                Metal Impact   - Tcb!        - +32-ask-friends
                Mitnite        - -Countzero! - +61-ask-friends
                Myst. Places   - ThC         - +31-ask-friends
                No Vegetables  - Jake        - +31-ask-friends
                Noisette       - Noisy Belch - +49-ask-friends
                On the Run     - Jazy        - +49-ask-friends
                R.o.W.         - TazDevil    - +31-ask-friends
                Serpent Hill   - Ezco        - +46-ask-friends
                Spirit of Soul - Mario       - +49-ask-friends
                Sky Tower      - Enzo        - +45-ask-friends
                System One     - Nostromo    - +49-ask-friends
                T. Obsession   - La Style    - +49-ask-friends
                World of Elite - Deathknight - +31-ask-friends

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _

                          You have been watchin'

                             would die for you
                     a sad 'happy new year' collection

                        (c) 95/96 by 2fAST/(ontra!

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _

  ________          ____          ________
_/   _   /____ ____|__  |_ _______\ _ _   \_
|    /__/     \ _    /  _/   _    /\/ _    |
|   /  /      \\/   /   |    /   /\___|    |
¯\_____\_______/   /_.__|    \_____\  |____|
 +-[Contra!]- /______|--|____| ------------+
              would die for you
 a sad 'happy new year' collection (c) 2F/(!